Rayn ✘↑18 aro/ace non binary [any pronouns]Chronicically sleep deprived + headache + BPD
782 posts
Just Finished Debris N Now I'm Curious What Your Thoughts On Lefia And/or The True End Are
just finished debris n now I'm curious what your thoughts on lefia and/or the true end are
NICE! Hope ya enjoyed it!
As for thoughts HOOOOH BOY

Have way too many of them that are all over the place. Gonna warn you this is a really scattered wall of text heh
First of all Lefia and her relationship to Tatsuki
Personally don't think Lefia's a real person [have seen some theories that she's Tatsuki's sister] and is more of an imaginary friend of sorts. The image shown when you find her in the apartments looks more sketch like the other drawings as opposed to an actual photo. Think Tatsuki might have been the one to draw it. As the contents are never actually shown thinks possible to have been either a more picture heavy child's book or journal.
Lefia could have been a character from or based on said book that they really liked/would've wanted to be friends with if she was real so they imagined they were friends. As Tats seems to feel lonely and unable to connect to people they sought comfort from Lefia constantly.
Another possibility is she's a sort of idealized alter-ego they made as a form of escapism. They have serious self-hatred problems and wish they were someone else so they pretend to be Lefia in their head to get away from themself. In this case the red book could've been a journal Tats made to document their stories as Lefia, and maybe helping them further distance self.

Bit of a note on that; in the underground looking are this npc sitting next to door gives you a look when enter. The figure inside the room looks like they're sitting in a way reminiscent to someone in an interview or discipline lecture. Pressing the button plays a series of weird drawing, and personally think they give off the same sort of feelings as those drawings
Given that you have to use the stop effect and door becomes translucent Tatsuki might have kept her a secret from others, sometimes even going off and hiding to spend time with/as her.
The True Ending
God thoughts on this are all over the place and honestly still not sure what to make of Tat's mouth getting messed up before going off. Best idea is its showing how they snapped and turned into a monster, but even that doesn't seem to click right.
During her part, Lefia puts away several childs toy then enters a glitched/messed up version of Tatsuki's room with Tats asleep in their bed. She walks slower and gets a shadow over her face. After this there's the path scene where Lefia blocks Tats. Am convinced this is a metaphor for Tatsuki giving up their innocence [putting away childs toys and 'killing' their imaginary friend]. Lefia block path to area with the two corpses could be that part deep down trying to save them. Walking away means they chose not to give in, but the scenes with them looking at the book on the ground then sitting on bed looking down imply they lost the comfort it provided and ultimately just gave up and became an empty shell [they're trapped somewhere they're miserable, entirely alone, and failed to escape so what's the point of trying anymore? whatever hope they had the future could be better is gone.]
Choosing to stab Lefia of course means they 'threw away their innocence' or stopped trying to stay a good person. [theorize they had trouble controlling emotions, especially anger, and either got berated/punished and called a monster when they lost control or viewed themselves as such and was scared that's who they could become.] After this am not really sure what to make of everything, tho think Tat's corpse being in the field heavily implies they died.
As Tats and the chaser meet up at the park think its safe to say the two had some sort of relationship, either as genuine friends or a 'friend' that bullied Tats. Personally lean more towards genuine friends. Feel like the area underwater with the chaser looking down and sitting in an isolated n closed off could show that Tatsuki saw her as someone that was also lonely and the two became close friends due to being able to relate to one another so well. In this case you can play with possibility the red book was either a gift or something the two enjoyed together which is why they have it with them when meeting. yknow, if you want the ending to sting more heh

An interesting detail is the area the ending happens in seems to resemble this area. Not sure if the npc that turns into a child when using upside-down effect [which can be taken as either 'seeing things as they are' or Tatsuki's distorted view, which can really shape view of the chaser as she's usually tame and using effect shows her in chaser form.] or house with two active and fast chasers really means anything but think its something worth noting.
Sooo yeah, there's thoughts. Hope it was a fun and/or interesting [and intelligible] read!

also there’s a doll that resembles lefia in Mikan Muzou

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while we are on the topic, what's your interpretation of what happened during the endings of Mikan Muzou? 👀
Soutarou was taking life stuff pretty hard, it really got to his head [am so sorry, am a horrible person for this 。◠⸜⸝◠。]
obv spoiler warnings
Brief general theory about Soutarou: He was in some way involved in the death of the girl seen on in the slums [refuses to use more violent/gross effects in her area + the two knew each other based on there being childlike chalk drawings. Theorize she was the child of the woman that appears in the ending; one possibility is the two were a couple and thus the little girl was Sou's daughter.]. This haunts him and he has a guilty conscious [jail area, 'binding effects' such as the chains and case] which is why he refuses to go outside, or is afraid of facing the consequences of his actions.
Ending 1: He finally gets courage to go outside. Not a whole lot going on with this one.
Ending 2: Same as 1 except when doing so is confronted by someone that makes him break down.
Ending 3: Gonna be honest here, have absolutely no idea what to make of this. He is confronted while attempting to leave, panics, and tries to escape punishment by jumping [either by suicide or maybe hoping to make fall and get away as he seems hesitant, leaning more towards first one tho]. The woman had tracked him down seeking revenge for the little girl and ???? am thoroughly perplexed by this one. Since the woman doesn't have a weapon maybe she tried to help him but he snapped, 'swallowed his guilt', and went on a rampage hence tentacle things. Dunno, watched it several times and it's just, "Um, what just happened??????" every time.
True Ending: Same for 3 except this time the woman is truly coming to make sure he's dead and pays for crimes.
Interesting thing to note is while the bgm in Debris have more creative names Mikan Muzou's is mostly just "oto". Except the song that plays for the ending is titled Salvation which really makes it stand out. Believe it is named this as Soutarou is absolved of guilt and can rest as is crimes are paid for, granted it did cost his life. It could also be the woman finally feels relief for same reason.
irrelevant but in Debris's bgm folder there's a 4 minute long song called kaiteiremix thats a remix/mix of the underwater songs and it is really good. Salvation is 2:24 and also a good song, it really fits Soutarou's character and the overall mood of the game.
sleep paralysis sucks fr
Had a weird dream a few days where i was stuck in the warehouse again and then being chased by a person/thing before i manage to forced myself awake at 4 am or something
So I hope you do get a good night sleep
gonna be honest am genuinely scared of getting it at some point, it sounds horrifying and heart goes out to those that get it frequently.
Wow, that sounds not fun at all. Though guess in a sense you got away via waking up since it can't really chase you out of the dream. But still having to wake self up like that sounds awful.
Thank you, actually felt 'woken up' as opposed to the usual 'brought back from dead' so would say it was pretty good. Hope you're able to get some rest as well!

Small game rec: A Vacation In Nebula by Frogge on Itch.io
An atmospheric walking simulator with gorgeous art that’s a lighthearted feel good game. It’s really small [1.3 MB] as it was made for a challenge to make a game that could fit on a floppy disk. For reference Yume Nikki is around 70 MB.
Best way to describe it is it’s a game embodiment of taking a short break, short but sweet and the type that’s nice to play from time to time when you really need to play something for a few minutes to relax.
wouldve sent this sooner but I fell asleep, but what are your roommate's cats names? what are they like?
gonna be honest reason for answer being so late is same, was tired.
The longer one is Oreo and kinda never learned or got down a name for the one curled up so call her either Mocha or Squeakers [she'll meow so fast she cuts herself off]. Oh man theyre both really talkative and affectionate, the kind you could wink at from across the room and they'd run over meowing. It can be a bit much at times when you need to get out of bed but someone's laying on your arm and hes very vocal about not wanting that to change heh

please do yourself a favor and play Silver Thread by puchidesign on itch.io