gingeredmink - ✖✖

Rayn ✘↑18 aro/ace non binary [any pronouns]Chronicically sleep deprived + headache + BPD

782 posts

-puts Sou In A Shirt He Would Not Wear Then Makes Him Self Aware And Unhappy About It-

-puts Sou In A Shirt He Would Not Wear Then Makes Him Self Aware And Unhappy About It-

-puts Sou in a shirt he would not wear then makes him self aware and unhappy about it-

Sorry Sou.

Tats probs has a matching one for Seroquel or somethin

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More Posts from Gingeredmink

9 months ago
Soutarou In Suspenders And A Tie Because Reasons [bioshock Has An Iron Grip On Me Right Now Oof]

Soutarou in suspenders and a tie because reasons [bioshock has an iron grip on me right now oof]

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9 months ago

got a neurologist appointment but it's not until mid October. until then i'll try to not destroy myself on advil and sumatriptan.

wishing you all the best and hope you have better luck with health than me. thank you again for the support and patience.

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9 months ago
Had A Dream/nightmare That Tats And Sou Appeared In Which Kinda Kicked Off A Mikan Muzou/Horror Game

Had a dream/nightmare that Tats and Sou appeared in which kinda kicked off a Mikan Muzou/Horror game AU concept

sorta cleaned up my rambling on discord so here's a messy synopsis

One of the chasers and Sou's old gangmate [Nate] becomes a crime investigator to try to redeem himself of his past. Sou ends up joining him instead of locking himself up in his room for the same reason. Due to physique he gets put on a lot of tougher or more violent cases, which he is fine with as he sees this as paying for his past sins and it helps keep his mind busy. Eventually Sou gets a sort of good reputation for how hard working and focused on the job he is, albeit he is a bit of a hard ass [Nate is the only one that really gets why he's like that and outside of saying he's done more than enough to pay off everything and should lighten up here and there, he leaves him alone]

Sou had taken up writing short stories and poetry on the side to help clear his mind a bit after work when the stress started to weight him down. Somehow Tatsuki and Lefia came across it and ended up contacting him after finding out he was local because it really resonated with them. At first he was a bit cold because he had been so emotionally shut out to the world after everything that had happened in the past [Nate was used to him just being like that so he didn't have to try to ease up or come off as softer around him.], but they were never pushy or judgemental and always seemed to respect his space so he eventually grew to enjoy their presence. Doesn't help that Sou noted there always seemed to be a sense of sadness/tiredness behind their eyes which made him relate to them. Every now and then they'd send him little gifts like coffee or photos of something that reminded them of his writing along with a note asking him to not work too hard and take care of himself. He has a few of these on his desk alongside a photo of the three of them [Nate saw it and joked like, "Aw, you got a family now?"]

There's a nearby town that has a reputation for being cursed or something, it's known that people live there and occasionally vendors travel through but for the most part its inhabitants stick to themselves, no one enters or leaves. His workplace refuses to send anyone because those sent there either came back mentally ruined or didn't come back at all. Sou had been somewhat keeping tabs on reports coming from there between his own work, but instantly became obsessed after it was reported that Tatsuki and Lefia were missing and someone said they saw them near the town. [He was still emotionally closed off from people but had started to really care about those two so of course losing them messed him up]

bonus: sou had noticed in the past that tats and lefia always looked somewhat unwell, though they seemed to be trying to hide that and always acted happy, and he suspected they were being neglected or something. he feels guilty for not looking into them more as it might have prevented everything ["Sure I only have a 1 bedroom apartment, but they're so small I could have made room for them, they clearly needed a better home why didn't I ever do anything?"]

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8 months ago

sabitsuki would take paroxetine thanks for coming to my ted talk

Sabitsuki Would Take Paroxetine Thanks For Coming To My Ted Talk

huh, that's different. usually see Lexapro, Zoloft, or citalopram for SSRIs.

feel like she'd be on a whole cocktail of meds but sure, don't see why that can't be one of em.

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9 months ago
Finished The SouTats Piece From Earlier. Is It Gay To Eat Your Buddies Intestines?

Finished the SouTats piece from earlier. Is it gay to eat your buddies intestines?

WARNING: Gore/Cannibalism

Finished The SouTats Piece From Earlier. Is It Gay To Eat Your Buddies Intestines?

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