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Opposite Cc Challenge By @simjuliator

opposite cc challenge by @simjuliator
I was tagged by @dettea! Thank you so much❤
rules: create a sim opposite of the cc style you usually use so if maxis match > alpha, if alpha > maxis match if maxis mix pick aside and go for it! (so fully maxis match or fully alpha) tag with #opposite-cc-challenge
I think my style is closer to maxis match. So I changed my Merman to alpha style! ummm, Sure it's fun to use it, but I'm a coward, I have a hesitation to always keep a hairstyle with more than 20,000 KB in my MOD folder. hahaha😅
I’ll be tagging, @owlfog @cillaben @ladykendalsims @thedancingleaf @floraia @berta-simensoka @qrqr19 @pebble-sims (You can ignore it. There is no pressure!) And tag those who want to experience a opposite mood.😊
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More Posts from Giraffesvoice-whalesear

Random sim generator challenge
by @lavenderm00nlight
Sul-sul! My initials are EL. My skin is medium/dark, my hair is blonde and my eyes are hazel. People would say that my most defining feature is my unusual ears. My favourite colours are yellow and blue. My most defining traits are Self-Assured and Loves Outdoors. Will you make me in Create-A-Sim?
I was tagged by @ladykendalsims💕 Thank you for inviting me to a interesting challenge!😊 Hmm, sorry. This post does not completed as a challenge because I could not have a pair. However, it was fun to make a sim using this sim generator. While taking the pictures, I thought abandon the cowplant farm as it was and I want run around the field with Elmer...
Goblin ear @tekri. And etc, to all the CCs creators. Thank you so much for wonderful CC!💖
I tag everyone who wants to use this wonderful sim generator!

🐄Cowplant Farm Story 16/?
Whoa! That was close... I was a little tired because of the uncertainty about my farm future.
Beginning / Previous / Next?🍰

icons challenge by @hushthots and @oliveandoak
I was tagd by @dettea Thank you❤ I was confused by the interpretation of "icons", so I was late!
Pick an Icon from any era, Movies/Music/ fashion etc it can be one sim or two - All kinds of Icon’s are welcome (including dog icons ya kno), Show em off in their best style, make sure to tag it #Iconchallenge so that Rej and I can follow a long, most importantly have fun - we can’t wait to see what you guys come up with <3
I chose Laura Ingalls Wilder(1867 – 1957). In her later years, she left her memories of the harsh settler and pioneer life as an autobiographical story, “the Little House on the Prairie” series. This family story, has taught me that the fundamental things of human life become deepest happiness.
Pose by @retro-pixels. And etc, to all the CCs creators. Thanks to your wonderful artwork!
Well, my tagging is for everyone who wants to this challenge. Enjoy!
List 5 facts about your most favorite Sim of yours and send this to 10 Simblrs whose Sims you adore. ❤❤❤

Hi! Thanks for the message❤ Well..., regardless of most favorite my Sim, I would to answer about him who is recently drawing attention in my simblr.🐄
1. He once majored in biology at the Foxbury Institute. Serena Bhamra is a college classmate, and he break out in hives when if sees her.
2. He worked as a botanist, but was sick of it to write a grant application and dreamed about living on a cowplant dairy farm on a remote island. (As you know, he failed to make a living on cowplant dairy alone.)
3. So how does he make a living? He sell wild grass. In addition to that, He has succeeded in cultivate dragon fruits. (He secretly brought it from the laboratory. It is a very expensive plant. Shhhh!)
4. He is a insanely paranoid and loves loneliness other than cowplant. So..., This "Cowplant Farm Story" may be just his delusion.
5. By the way, His name is? hmmm... I'm just gonna be honest. I don't know much about him either...🙄

🐄Cowplant Farm Story 9/?
My morning starts with a cowplant cry for feed. In addition to live feed (It’s me), they also liked the special feed I prepared. However, their favorite is “me”, and I can’t feel safe yet.
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