Opposite-cc-challenge - Tumblr Posts

Opposite Cc Challenge By @simjuliator

opposite cc challenge by @simjuliator

I was tagged by @dettea! Thank you so much❤

rules: create a sim opposite of the cc style you usually use so if maxis match > alpha, if alpha > maxis match if maxis mix pick aside and go for it! (so fully maxis match or fully alpha) tag with #opposite-cc-challenge

I think my style is closer to maxis match. So I changed my Merman to alpha style! ummm, Sure it's fun to use it, but I'm a coward, I have a hesitation to always keep a hairstyle with more than 20,000 KB in my MOD folder. hahaha😅

I’ll be tagging,  @owlfog @cillaben @ladykendalsims @thedancingleaf @floraia @berta-simensoka @qrqr19 @pebble-sims (You can ignore it. There is no pressure!) And tag those who want to experience a opposite mood.😊

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