Elmer Levi - Tumblr Posts

Random Sim Generator Challenge
Random Sim Generator Challenge

Random sim generator challenge 

by  @lavenderm00nlight 

Sul-sul! My initials are EL. My skin is medium/dark, my hair is blonde and my eyes are hazel. People would say that my most defining feature is my unusual ears. My favourite colours are yellow and blue. My most defining traits are Self-Assured and Loves Outdoors. Will you make me in Create-A-Sim?

I was tagged by @ladykendalsims💕 Thank you for inviting me to a interesting challenge!😊 Hmm, sorry. This post does not completed as a challenge because I could not have a pair. However, it was fun to make a sim using this sim generator. While taking the pictures, I thought abandon the cowplant farm as it was and I want run around the field with Elmer...

Goblin ear @tekri. And etc, to all the CCs creators. Thank you so much for wonderful CC!💖

I tag everyone who wants to use this wonderful sim generator!

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giraffesvoice-whalesear - Nowhereland


A party for all the little beings shunned and frowned upon.

🍯CC Credit: Dance animation @roundog / Bugsim @pixelsinmyveins / Miscellaneous goods @zx-ta @soloriya / Hat @mlyssimblr / Goblin ear @tekri /  Sol Suspenders & Top @cowplant-pizza & @cowconuts (sorry couldn’t find!) / Tail @kiellessa /  And etc. Thank you so much for amazing CC!💖

 ⛺Elmer’s Adventure → Let's begin!

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giraffesvoice-whalesear - Nowhereland
giraffesvoice-whalesear - Nowhereland
giraffesvoice-whalesear - Nowhereland
giraffesvoice-whalesear - Nowhereland


The party is in full swing, but It's almost of time for close... I hope to see you again. Thank you!

Have a party again? →🎶

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 Elmers Adventure 1/?
 Elmers Adventure 1/?

 🏕 Elmer’s Adventure 1/? 

One morning, Elmer found the just right boat in the pond. "How lucky me! Alright, I'll river rafting all day long with this." He enjoy a balmy spring day.

🎶Beginning / Previous / Next🦋

※This wonderful animation pose was created by @wtsproductions Thank you so much!!💖

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🏕 Elmer’s Adventure 2/? 

 One day, Elmer was enjoying a stroll and found a butterfly fluttering in the calm spring sunshine. “Hey! Sorry to disturb you! May I dance with you?“ But the butterfly was shy and stopped dancing. Well, What should Elmer do to dance with that cute girl?

🎶Beginning / Previous / Next🦋

※This wonderful animation pose was created by @roundog​ Thank you so much! Besides this, I borrowed many CCs and made this story. I'd like to thank all the creators!!💖 

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 Elmers Adventure 3/?
 Elmers Adventure 3/?
 Elmers Adventure 3/?
 Elmers Adventure 3/?

🏕 Elmer’s Adventure 3/? 

“Hey bro! Whats up? uh, Rackety, Do me a favor... ”  Rackety grinned when he heard a request from an unusually stammering Elmer. He said with a clatter voice. “Got it. hehe, You don't need a singing, right?"  Now, as the shy butterfly Bellis fluttering breeze, she heard a soothing lute tone from somewhere. “Ahh, This music gives me a sense of comfort... But from where?“  Right! Elmer suddenly appeared in front of Bellis, he offered a flower to Bellis with a serious face as much as he can. “Hi! Sorry for the last time. My friend is playing the lute there, So if you like..., Would you like to dance with me?"  Bellis couldn't help smiling at Elmer had a nervous face than the usual shy butterflies. And she nodded slowly.  Well well, after that, Elmer and Bellis danced together until the sunset.

 Everyone, please give Rackety who was playing the lute to the end a round of applause!

🎶Beginning / Previous / Next?🦗

※These beautiful poses was created by @cassandragrusel86 (Dance) And @a-luckyday (Lute pose) @Studio K Creation (Lute)  I borrowed many CCs and made this story. I'd like to thank all the creators!!💖 

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 Elmers Adventure 4/?

🏕 Elmer’s Adventure 4/? 

“Well done! bro!” “Thanks! You're my best buddy!”

🎶Beginning / Previous / Next?🐝

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Childrens Day!
Childrens Day!
Childrens Day!

Children’s Day! 🎏

Koinobori Water Scooter Mount by @lunar-nelfean

Thank you so much for a amazing CC!💖

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Wow! Thank you my dear!! ❤❤❤ I've had a experience drawing fanart, but it's my first experience having someone draw fanart for my character! I'm so, so happy and walking on air now. Hehe, For me, Elmer is still a cheeky child, but your drawing Elmer is so adorable.💖 Like me, Elmer will surely show off your fanart to Clutter brothers.😁

I wanted to see Elmer as a child, so I painted him! @giraffesvoice-whalesear​  (=^-ω-^=) Hope you see this! (can be seen as his fanart) hehe XD

I Wanted To See Elmer As A Child, So I Painted Him! @giraffesvoice-whalesear (=^--^=)Hope You See This!

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About Me Tag

Thank you for tagging me, @alerionjkeee🥰

I've already answered some questions, so I'll ask Elmer to answer them.

favorite color: yellow and blue!🎨

last song I listened to: "Alien Sunset" I just heard this song on radio! It was cool.📻

favorite musician(s): Ah- For now, The Clatter brothers.🦗hehe.

last tv show i watched: TV is dangerous. In many ways.👀

sweet, savory, or spicy? Uh-huh, savory!🧀

bubbly water, tea, or coffee? Well, does “bubbly water” mean beer?🍻

pets: pet? Pepper Eat Trouble?  That sucks.🧯

About Me Tag

Thank you for listening to my meaningless chat❤

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