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526 posts
Wow! Thank You My Dear!! I've Had A Experience Drawing Fanart, But It's My First Experience Having Someone
Wow! Thank you my dear!! ❤❤❤ I've had a experience drawing fanart, but it's my first experience having someone draw fanart for my character! I'm so, so happy and walking on air now. Hehe, For me, Elmer is still a cheeky child, but your drawing Elmer is so adorable.💖 Like me, Elmer will surely show off your fanart to Clutter brothers.😁
I wanted to see Elmer as a child, so I painted him! @giraffesvoice-whalesear (=^-ω-^=) Hope you see this! (can be seen as his fanart) hehe XD

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More Posts from Giraffesvoice-whalesear

Children’s Day! 🎏
Koinobori Water Scooter Mount by @lunar-nelfean
Thank you so much for a amazing CC!💖

💎 Volucite Cabin 💎
They were miners flying around the world in search of Volucite. Ahh, They digged underground in Glimmerbrook for more Volucites and never returned.
Here's the cabin left by that miners, the flying cabin powered by Volucite. "Really fly?" You would say. Yes, of course, It depends on your feelings.
Lot Size: 30×20
Lot Type: Tiny Home Residential (Tier 3) 1 bed 1 bath: Bets on top of a two-tiered bet cannot be used. Well, the voyage requires a lookout at night, so why not take turns sleeping?
Price: $67.538
It was built in Glimmerbrook.
No CC (CC free)
Please turn the cheats “bb.moveobjects” on before you place this Lot. If the crystal etc, disappears and you are worried about buoyancy, please enable "bb.showhiddenobjects" and "bb.showliveeditobjects" and try again. :)
Download via Origin: ID flyingman6th Or, Tray Files DOWNLOAD (SFS, no ads)
⛏The actual Volucite becomes just a stone when it touches the air. Special technology is required for crystallization. Volucite is a ore that appears in the Studio Ghibli movie "Laputa: Castle in the Sky". Also called 飛行石 or Levitation Stone.📚

“If a Sim Were a Song” Challenge by @therealmortimergoth
Rules: Pick a song and make a sim based on it. They can be based on the lyrics, song title or just the general vibe you get from the song.
Thank you so much my dear!🌈 I was tagged by @ladykendalsims @lunanelfeah @harinezumi-sims @thedancingleaf ❤❤❤
異次元ヲ回遊 青ク深イヨル セカイヲカエヨウ ソコカラナニガミエル?
I tag @yusims @floraia @fujikomau @berta-simensoka @tzuhu @moo-re @dettea @titosims @alerionjkeee @miaon @shambalasims (If you have time❤)
An excursion into another dimension A blue and deep night Let's change the world What do you see over there?
by A Town In Blue
This song was written as the theme song of the anime film "Tekkonkinkreet". That's why I have a strong image of "Tekkonkinkreet" in this song. I love the unique worldview of this movie so much.🥰

🏕 Elmer’s Adventure 6/?
The surface of the water is shining brightly in the refreshing sunlight of spring. Today is also a peaceful day. ”Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, ...” “Hmmm. Interesting things are flowing.“ Ahh, Elmer. Things don't turn out the way you expected.
🎶Beginning / Previous / Next?🐝
The song that Elmer is singing 🎵
hello there! i love your builds!

Wow! Thank you sooo much!! I make things in the first place for what I fun and love, But thanks to your message, I was happy to feel connected to someone. 🕊Have a nice and safe day!🍀