gladlyhumbled - humbled 🍃
humbled 🍃

Daughter of the one true King. Here's my story.

67 posts

Soldier, Keep On Marching On.

“Soldier, Keep on Marching On.”

More Posts from Gladlyhumbled

7 years ago

Beauty in Music.

I thank God for music, and the way He designed me to receive it. I see beauty in the sound, feel the passion in the rhythm. I can truly say it's amazing to find bits and pieces of your purpose through God's beautiful creations, and importantly His path for your life.

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6 years ago

God, You are so good. All the time, I know that is true. Even when I feel hurt, lost, broken, scared, alone, I know that You are so good. I know that Your identity is not according to my feelings. Please help me become familiar with that truth more and more, and every single day. Life is a process. I will hold on to the truth that You're always working in the midst for my good (Romans 8:23), and even when I can't see it (or feel it), God, You are so good to me.

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7 years ago

Thriving in Weakness


      Did you know that God’s grace is more likely to fall upon the weak? Powerless? Defeated?

You see, though everyone has a chance to experience God’s grace (and already has), it’s those who are the most helpless and vulnerable that savor the full goodness of it. Why? Because at the lowest point of their lives is when joy is the most welcomed and appreciated.

Getting five hundred dollars is merely not enough if you’re rich and residing in the house of your dreams. Now how about if you have no source of income and are barely getting by? Whether you’re in that predicament for years or just a few hours, receiving five hundred dollars would warm your heart. Tingle your toes. Heck, you’d probably even cry. There’s a deep gratitude that emerges when you move forward from being at the bottom. There’s a humbling presence that surrounds you when you realize the grace in your life, but never forget where you once were.  Being weak doesn’t make you poor, or vice versa, however the message rings clear: the helplessness that arises from being weak can birth gratitude for God’s goodness in your life.

“He raises the poor from the dust, He lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor.”

   1 Samuel 2:8

God loves working in the hearts of the weak, for His strength shall make them strong. His work in their lives illustrate mercy and love. And even if they were to ever forget Him, there’s no doubt where their help came from.

“I lift up my eyes up to the hill. From where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

    Psalm 121: 1-2

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7 years ago

Never Stops

Song of the Day / Never Stops by Urban Rescue.

“My heart may wander; Your love will never stop chasing after me.”

That’s right, God’s love, his burning, incessant, ardent love for us will never waiver no matter where our hearts roam. As I heard this song, wandering about in my room I couldn’t help but find assurance in those words. There’s something about God’s love that defeats all perspectives of reality. It’s not earthly; it doesn’t fall into any earthly realm. A realm of destruction, pain, false intentions, deceit. No, God’s love is pure, heavenly, righteous, and, we’re totally undeserving. Yeah, that’s right. 

Prayer for Guidance and Humility


I pray that I will stay in humble under the impressions of Your great works.

I know that Your ways are greater than mine, that your plan for my life exceeds anything I could ever come up with.

I pray for guidance and for Your grace to always be with me and my family.


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5 years ago

Let Everything That Has Breath Praise the Lord

                                 With your breath, praise the Lord

      We were made to worship the Lord, to be one with Him, and to rejoice with Him. Every breath is inhaled by God’s grace and should be exhaled for His glory! 

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

                                           Psalm 150:6 (KJV)


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