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I Never Played Dnd, But I Think If I Played It, I'd Like To Be A Necromancer. Why? "Lenin Was A Zombie

I never played dnd, but I think if I played it, I'd like to be a necromancer. Why? "Lenin was a zombie - Simple rules" plays in my head on repeat and I think it would be funny.

I would create so much zombies and run away from problems I created by making so much zombies

  • glassofsweetsalicineester
    glassofsweetsalicineester reblogged this · 8 months ago

More Posts from Glassofsweetsalicineester

Old OC art I still like

Old OC Art I Still Like
Old OC Art I Still Like
Old OC Art I Still Like
Old OC Art I Still Like

most of these characters are discarded from superhero/suppressors' story, but I like their designs a lot

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My friend that watched (and loves a lot!) cargo 200 and I vibe together with curse of knowing what happens in this movie and contrast between musical theme and events of movie

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I always find it silly to write sexual orientation and/or gender identity for OCs out of context in forms of lists. It doesn't bring much of information and looks weird

i'm not judging though, I have weakness for writing that list too hehe

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let's be honest, I didn't flesh out her much and she's more like a side character.

Tamara used to be Michael's groupmate in medical college and they were good pals. Tamara continued her medical education in uni, Michael left medicine for superpower suppression/power management.

She was about to prepare presentation about superpowered patients for uni as homework, and as friend of Michael she wanted to ask him where to gain sources. Superpowered people health turned out to be a huge rabbit hole, and her interest stuck there.

She has much more medical competence than most of suppressors (and Michael as well), so she has great authority in area of suppressive drugs.

She's very bad at fighting, therefore never goes intentionally in fight scenes. She can wait when superpowered person is exhausted by their power, she can land unexpected strike, but long classic suppressive combat (or any combat in general) is not about her. She mostly uses suppressive drugs, injection gun, rarely gases.

She operates very fast with precise actions, like a surgeon. She makes decisions very fast and stays calm in stressful situations. However, novelty scares her a lot. Besides that, after seeing Chimera Pal'na attack, she is generally afraid of mimics and makes mistakes operating with transforming powers. Sometimes that fear is borderline bigotry towards transforming people.

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You know that I don't need hands for telekinesis, right?!

And at this moment they understood, that tiying up them was not that smart idea

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