gojokive - society ♡
society ♡

a pretty unorganized library of my favorite fics. there's a mixture of different things in here so view the tag page to see more.mainly BTS and Jujutsu Kaisen thoughI try to leave feedback in the form of a comment or in the tags! 💌

901 posts

Dire, M | Jjk

dire, m | jjk

pairing(s): jungkook x reader

summary: One fateful night. That was all it took for Jeon Jungkook’s world to turn upside down. One mistake, one lick to the face, and something between biology? a spell? and now he’s horny as fuck for a Dire Wolf. Who needs catgirls when you have doggirls, right? 

warnings: rated M (18+) for language, world building, mentions of death, blood; eating of raw meat; mentions of (species) discrimination and prejudice; violence; smut (fem reader, too much m-masturbation, m-receiving oral (ish?); saliva everywhere lol); non-idol!AU - werewolfAU; werewolf!reader x blond, human!Jungkook; switches between Jungkook’s POV and your POV; is JK a furry? you decide

tried to keep it fast paced during the world building, hopefully it doesn’t feel as long as it is haha and yes there’s a rap line cameo slipped in there hehe inspired by YOASOBI - 怪物 (Kaibutsu)

He shouldn’t be out so late at night. He had lost track of time, stayed out too late, and now he was paying for it, running, trying to stay swift and quiet, keeping out of the streetlights. The sky was pitch black, oppressively towering over the city. The moon was high above him, thick and full. 

A howl tore through the darkness.

The hair on the back of his neck raised. His breathing shallowed and he tried to move quicker, hiking to the tips of his sneakers, trying to avoid the fallen leaves. There was no one walking around. No one else would be crazy enough to be out this night. The wind swirled around him, as if it too was afraid, hurrying him along. Another howl followed. 

And then another. 

And another. 

Panic rose within him, breaking out into a full out run, not caring anymore about being silent because there was scraping now, claws on asphalt, insatiable huffs mixing with growls. 

This was why they had curfew on the nights of the full moon. 

He was going to die. 

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More Posts from Gojokive

4 years ago

Always, and forever

Summary: You could never figure out why you cheated on Hoseok with Jungkook. Was it the money? Was it the sex? You just couldn’t pinpoint what. Would cheating on Hoseok be worth it? Or would it be risking a perfectly good relationship?

Paring: Jungkook x reader x Hoseok

Word Count: 3.5k

Warnings: CHEATING, swearing, mentions of sex. Near death situation

A/N: So obviously I don’t condone cheating. I don’t think Jungkook or anyone for that matter would act this way. But this is a work of fiction. So I decided to make Jungkook and asshole, enjoy!

“These events tend to be incredibly ruthless, fuck.” Hoseok said, while dropping himself onto the bed. He was still in his suit, tie being laid into the bed. He gave out a loud, but tired sigh. The events that had happened earlier today, were great, excellent even. Hoseok had finally gotten the job promotion that he had wanted. His years of work was finally coming together. However he hated attending large dinner parties like those, the consistent questions that inevitably invaded his personal life was just too much for him to handle. He did have you by his side however. Which he honestly didn’t know what he’d do without you. All his success he owed to you. Which was incredibly true. The only reason why he’d got the job promotion, was because you had fucked his boss, prior hours before. You could honestly conclude most of Hoseok's success at the company because you were sleeping with his boss, Jungkook. The whole...entanglement happened after you had stormed into Jungkook's office, after Jungkook had demoted your husband for being late at work. Typically Hoseok was pretty good at defending himself, however this time around he felt like he ‘deserved it’ simply because he was late a couple of times. One minute you two were arguing, the next you knew he was fucking you sensly on the top of his desk. You didn’t feel an ounce of guilt. Yes it was wrong to say. However you saw it more as a benefit to Hoseok. He got advancements in his dream career, got to provide for his family. And you got a good fucking. It was simply balanced as everything should be. You dropped everything for him, especially your career. You loved your sons, being a stay at home mother was nice. However at times you did wish you could be out and about doing other things. However once you met Jungkook, you felt like a burst of energy had hit you. Getting you right into a much more energetic life. “I’m just glad you got your promotion baby. I knew how long you’ve been wanting it.” You told him, as you removed your heels, placing them onto the closet shelf with the rest of your long shoe collection. “I know you said it was unlikely, but I was so fucking scared I’d get demoted again. That would mean we’d lose everything, the house, probably the car. Like everything. What type of husband would I be then.” Hoseok ranted a bit. You began removing the top half of your dress, so you could pull the rest of it down. “You’d be an honourable one, you’re always trying your best. Now look at the outcome. You deserve it. Stop thinking about the ‘what if’s’ you got the promotion. This is good for you.” You attempted to cheer him up. “You know, they are right about marrying your best friend. Best thing I’ve ever done. You are god sent Y/N.” Honestly, yes growing up he was your best friend. However you still couldn’t pinpoint why you had said yes to marry him. He was kind, funny, hilarious. He checked off all the boxes. Except there must have been some sort of weird communication crisis on each end. Hoseok assumed that the two of you were dating. You assumed the two of you were friends. So when he came to propose to you. You were just utterly confused. Despite all of that, you still said yes. A mystery many men to this day wonder about. 7 years later, you both are still going strong. Or, if you deduct the cheating. Then yes, 7 years strong. “You’re so nice to me Hoseok.” You then took one of his shirts, pulling it over your body. You no longer cared about proper sleep attire. Hoseok clothing was always so soft, and relaxing. Your phone buzz, in reaction to a notification. You quickly grabbed it to check who it came from. [CEO OERO] Hey sweet thing. Yuna wants to host a playdate with our sons. She thinks it will be cute 🙄, anyways text me back if you want to accept her offer. Love ya. One thing that you learned about Jungkook, was that he wasn’t the most present father. Most CEO’s would die to have as much free time that Jungkook seemed to have. Yet during those times he never seems to be spending them with his wife or kids.

You did feel bad for Yuna, she was a perfectly good woman being swindled by Jungkook. Most men who cheat on their wives attempt to paint their wives in a bad light. Saying they were crazy, loveless marriage. But no, Jungkook was an honest man. The few times he did speak about his wife. He only said good things about her. Which confused you. Why would he cheat on someone who only ever was so kind to him?

Your ignorance blinded the fact that you were doing the exact same thing.

“Yuna just messaged me, she asked if I wanted to have a playdate with our kids.” A lie. You’ve gotten so good at lying that you might as well be awarded an Oscar. Performance of the century if you will.

“You going to bring both of the boys?” He asked.

“No, Moon has school tomorrow. Plus, he’s 5. Yuma’s kids are still small. So they wouldn’t get along together very well. I’m gonna take River instead.”

While a lot of people did give you guys flake for naming your children such odd names. There were reasons behind that.

Moon was named after the fact that Hoseok proposed to you under the moonlight, on a full moon. The same night you found out you were pregnant, there was a full moon outside.

River is named River because one of Hoseok's good friends, Jin, had passed away. He had always promised Jin that the two of them would go down to the river and get drunk again like when they were teenagers. However life happened, and unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Jin died before Hoseok and he got the chance to go again. So, you both name your two year old River, in honour of your good friend Jin.

“Just don’t tell Moon, he’s going to be incredibly jealous.” Hoseok mentioned.

“You’ll have to pick him up from school though.” You inquired.

“Oh no, yeah don’t worry. I’ll even take him out for ice cream, that way he won’t feel left out.” You hummed, Hoseok was always thoughtful.

“Okay. Well, let me go check on River, make sure he’s sleeping properly. Then I’ll go and phone Yuna.”

“I’m not going to be awake by the time you get back.” He joked.

“Don’t stress it babe. We’ll have many more nights to come.” You pointed out. About to exit the room

“Life is short Y/N. Better make the most of it. I might not always be here.” He said with a smirk on his face.

“You’ll always be with me Hope.”

“Always and forever.” He said.

You walked out of the room, heading into your youngest bedroom. You slightly opened the door. Making sure that he was still asleep.

You walked into it slowly, making sure his night light was still on. His favourite stuffed animal was on the floor. You picked it back up and placed it into his bed. Giving him one kiss on the forehead. Pulling up his blanket a little more, then you left the room.

You didn’t check on Moon, cause that boy was a light sleeper. One foot step into his room, he’d be awake for another hour.

You walked down stairs, going all the way to the basement. Making sure that Hoseok wouldn’t be able to hear any of your conversation with Jungkook.

You called, he answered immediately.

“Hey baby girl. You coming over tomorrow?” You could tell on the other end, he was eating something. Holy hell the man could eat.

“Yeah, I’ll bring River over, so he can play with Jisung.”

“Alright. The nannies will look after them, while me and you can have some alone time.” You were a bit baffled by what he had just said.

“Isn’t Yuna going to be home? Why do you need nannies if the two of you will be home tomorrow.” You asked. You also didn’t consider the fact that he wanted to fuck you while his own wife was still at the house.

“Yuna needs help taking care of two infants. Hence why we have a nanny.” He took another bite of whatever he was eating.

“Why don’t you help her then?” Hoseok was always there for you, even when he had to work several hours, he was always there for you.

“Why would I do that? I wouldn’t have time for you then.”

“I meant in general. Not just tomorrow.” You knew Jungkook wasn’t perfect, however you didn’t expect him to be like this.

But this information wouldn’t change your addiction for him. He was your drug, that you abused like hell.

“She’s the one that wanted those rugrats. I mean I love them, they are my kids. But I shouldn’t have to care for something that I don’t want.” He explained.

“You’re always asking me, when I’d leave my husband. I have kids, you do realize that?” Your voice came out a little harsher than you realized.

“Yes, but you’re different. That would be a different context.”

You couldn’t be bothered to ask for an explanation.

“What time do you want me to come over?” You glossed over the whole situation like an idiot.

“1pm should be good.”

You hanged up on him without saying goodbye. You still couldn’t figure out why you were so obsessed, to put it simply, with him.

Was it because he was hot? Was it because he was rich? Was it because just how good he could fuck you? Was it all of those things?

You couldn’t tell. A part of you didn’t want an answer.

You went back upstairs.


River slept the entire car ride to Jungkook’s house. Meaning that he wasn’t going to be able to nap at their house. Which would also mean he was going to cause havoc for the nanny. You felt bad. For his wife, and for his nanny. That wasn’t enough for you to quit being with him.

You grabbed your son out of his car seat, bringing him to the door, and ringing the door. The two of you had successfully passed security. So all you had to do was wait for the door to be opened.

Jungkook immediately opened the door. A smile plastered on his stunning face. He leaned in to hug you and your son. While hugging he whispered in your ear. “Wait for me in the car.” He leaned back and his eyes met yours, with a knowing look.

Yuna quickly followed Jungkook, aiming to grab your son. “Oh hi, River.” She spoke softly to him.

The boy giggled at her voice. “Be good for her, please River.” You couldn’t bring yourself to ever look at her in the eyes. Her eyes were so bright, and so pure. You couldn’t ever look at them.

“I gotta go, but I hope the two of them enjoy themselves.” You spoke.

“They’ll have such a fun time. Don't worry Y/N.” Jungkook said, his eyes never leaving yours.

“Well, I best be on my way. Goodbye you three.” You waved and turned and began to walk back to your car.

You waited for maybe 7 minutes before Jungkook came knocking on the car door. You unlocked the car door for him. He entered the car, seemingly out of breath.

“Yuna can be some fucking stubborn, damn.” Jungkook spoke, taking a sip from his plastic water bottle.

“Can you blame her? You’re out here trying to sneak out with someone else.” Jungkook raised a brow.

“As if you aren’t?” Before you could reply, he pulled you into a kiss. One that you accepted, without any regret.

“Let’s switch seats. I’ll drive to my guest house.”

“I don’t want to fuck today.” That was only half true, you did want to, however. You also wanted to test the water, to see if he actually cared about you. Or were you just something that he could toss around. Considering each time you were with one and other, you always ended up fucking. It was glorious, but was also Tiring each time.

“Never said that we would.”

“Yeah, but we know how these things usually go.”

“Okay, we don’t have too.” Jungkook's statement made you a little at ease.

He drove down to the guest house which wasn’t even that far away. Parking the car, the two of you got out. He uncooked the door, leading you to the living room. He collapsed on the couch. You snuggled your way in between him. It was quiet for a moment, before he spoke.

“Do you ever feel guilty about cheating on your husband with me?”

The question was simple. A yes, or a no. It should be straightforward. Yet you couldn’t even begin to give an answer. A part of you, believed that no, you didn’t. You sacrificed everything for him, you should get something in return. However you also felt guilty, Hoseok wasn’t a bad person, nor was Yuna. In fact they were almost perfect. Yet you betrayed the both of them like that. Why? It wasn’t like Jungkook was this catch from heaven. His personality, or at least the way he views the world. It wasn’t the best. He was hot, could sing. He had the entire package, except for the most important part. The personality. That was the most important part to a person. Yet he fell a bit flat on that end. It just didn’t make sense.

“I don’t know. I do, I don’t. What about you?”

“I do, but. I don’t let that control me.” His response was so simple, making you want to learn more.

“Why are you still with your wife if you feel guilty?” The question was mainly for Jungkook, but also yourself. You couldn’t figure out why you were like this, maybe he had the answers.

“It’s hard to let go of certain things. I guess you could say I want my cake and eat it too. Having to choose between you too is just. Difficult.” Your face was now confused.

“Then why do you expect me to leave my husband for you? Could you say it’s the same thing for me. Without him, I wouldn’t have anything.”

“You’ll have me.”

“Hoseok was my day 1 without him I’d be so lost.”

“So is Yuna, yet, I’m practically throwing it all away with you right now, aren’t I?”

“It’s only throwing it all away, if she finds out. You could always fix things right now. Call this quits. Nobody would ever realize.”

“Let’s not kid ourselves, you and I both know we don’t want that.” Jungkook was right. You could talk about how to do better, but you two would never end up doing it.

You’d always go back to him.

“If I were to leave Hoseok tonight, would you leave your wife?”

Jungkook thought about it for a moment, almost giving you doubt. “Yes, yes I would.”

Tonight would seem to put that to test.


After a few hours of mindlessly talking with Jungkook, you went to go pick up River. Hoseok had texted you that he and Moon were at a restaurant, and that you should bring River down so that all 4 of you could eat together.

You arrived on time to the restaurant. It was a bit busy, took you some time to find Hoseok, but once you did. You went on over and sat next to him. Putting River in a booster seat.

You both ordered your food, the kids seemed to be enjoying dinner out. Moon was explaining his entire day at school. River attempted to explain his play date with Jisung. It was cute, you enjoyed your little family. It was these heartfelt moments that made you regret everything with Jungkook. You didn’t want to ruin this, but you did. So you’ll have to deal with those consequences, for possibly the rest of your life.

Hoseok had ordered a very thick meaty meal. It took a lot of chewing for certain food to be able to swallow.

This led him to choke on his chunk of meat.

At first you thought it was just a rough cough. But next thing you knew. He dropped his body to the floor, his face was incredibly red. The choking just couldn’t stop.

Your kids could sense your feelings. They could tell you were scared. So, so were they. They both started to yell and cry.

You kick yourself in the foot for never taking CPR lessons.

You screamed for help, but it seemed everyone was moving so slow. Hoseok was choking to the point of tears. You were watching him die by the very minute.

A staff member finally arrived to you, while it felt like forever. It truly wasn’t that long. The staff member quickly did the CPR procedures. Yet another still called an ambulance.

He was breathing.


Hoseok was fine, but the doctors still wanted to check up on him. Eventually you and your kids were allowed in to see him.

Moon ran off to him. Hugging him glad that he was okay. River also hugged him. With his tiny little arms.

You couldn’t help but cry, you had truly thought you had almost lost him.

“You’ve got to be careful when chewing your food Hoseok. You had scared me.” You tried to make your voice light hearted, but it was filled with worry and concern.

Hoseok responded to you in English, which he only ever did if he didn’t want the kids to find out. “We are finished Y/N.”

“Pardon me?”

“I said we are finished. The boys can stay with me. I don’t want you around.” His voice was so passive agressive. He must have found out.

“What...why?” You knew why. You just couldn’t process that he had actually found out.

“I choked on my food, because I had received a text message from Yuna. I-“

You couldn’t hear anything else he had to say. You didn’t want to hear it from him. You didn’t want to hear the truth.

“I’m sorry Hope.”

“Don’t call me that, not anymore. You can go with Jungkook. It’s over, we are done.”


Hoseok was discharged from the hospital pretty quickly. He didn’t have any internal damage. It seemed all was good on his end.

You slept on the couch that night. You knew you had to discuss this with Jungkook.

Hoseok took the day off today, claiming it was due to the incident that had happened at the restaurant. But truly he just didn’t want to see Jungkook. He didn’t want to see the man that was fucking his wife.

When he saw you leave the house. He didn’t question it, he already knew the answer. One side of him wanted to forgive you. However he couldn’t, what you have done was purely unforgivable.

You didn’t deserve anything.

You quickly marched your way to Jungkook’s office.

What would happen from here, would Jungkook now leave his wife? She must have dumped him after the events that had taken place last night. How did she find out? Did she discover it? Did he tell her? What had happened.

You wanted answers. This was all so confusing.

You opened the door without even knocking. You were startled by the site. Jungkook's personal assistant settled in his lap, their mouths were devouring each other like they were built for each other.

None of them stopped, it seemed like they didn’t even notice you were there.

You slowly closed the door, not wanting to make your presence known.

You now knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end. You now knew what it felt like to be Yuna.

You now knew what it felt like to be Hoseok.

You have yourself to a man who never even cared about you to begin with. You lost the only man that did. All for what? Good dick.

Hoseok was supposed to be your always and forever. He was supposed to be your ride or die.

Yet you ruined it for a cheater. A man that barely had any chemistry with his own children. A man that couldn’t be bothered to help his wife with basic issues.

A man that didn’t even love you.

Now he has cheated on you. Was he always cheating on you? Once a cheater always a cheater.

Life is short, Hoseok was right. He wasn’t going to be around for long.

Sometimes the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. You had everything right where you needed it. Yet you risked it.

Now you were alone, with no one to hold you. For always, and forever.

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3 years ago

Beautiful Star


Shining during a performance had never been a problem for you. But when you catch the attention of a certain photographer, he decides you’ll only shine for him.

☆pairing: jungkook x reader

☆genre: yandere, smut

☆warnings: angst, smut, yandere themes, stalking, maturbating (m)

☆word count: 5.8k

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3 years ago

Jesus! This was a wild ride! But it was so damn good. I have so many questions! Like what did Jk do to be on the receiving end of her husband's wrath and why did he see fit to go after her instead of him. Overall though? I fucking love this story so much. 💖💕

-- I can't wait to read more 💫

j.jungkook | monsters

J.jungkook | Monsters

word count: 4.5k

pairing: jungkook x reader

synopsis: in the darkness is when the monsters rise.

genre: horror, angst, demon au

warnings: implied minor character death, implied toxic relationship, brief description of gore, death threat, brief violence

author’s note: please do not read this fic if any of the topics listed in the warnings is upsetting or triggering for you. this fic is based on the tale of the hungarian demon, the lidérc. they feed off of nightmares and fear. my beta readers (thank you so much to @voiceswithoutlips-kas, @elcie-chxn, and ryan for beta reading this fic for me) have told me that this fic might be confusing to read at first, so please read it in its entirety. i promise that every detail serves a purpose. that being said, the entire fic will be placed under the read more cut, as triggering content is mentioned right from the start. the banner was made by @voiceswithoutlips-kas​, thank you so much.

cross posted to ao3 here

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3 years ago

Thrills Found On Solid Ground (M)

A/N: I snagged a work at home job! (yay!) Less hours though, which is bittersweet. I will be a little strapped for cash, so I will link my ko-fi below and anything helps, really. I am considering opening up comisions, if anyone would like that, let me know! Less hours means way more time to write so color me a happy camper. As way to celebrate positive changes, and in honor of me putting in my two weeks at my current job, enjoy the next installment in the Soft Yandere BTS fics! Let me know how you feel about it, and I hope you enjoy. 

Thrills Found On Solid Ground (M)

Genre: Fluff, smut, angst if you squint a bit

Word Count: 9.4k

Pairing: Soft Yandere! Namjoon x Reader

Warnings: yandere tendencies, toxic traits, obsessive and posessive male, subtly unhealthy relationship, vaginal sex, cunnilingus

Summary: You had always been an idiot, you mistook this as being a risk-taker, a wild adrenaline junkie. As a result, you found yourself on some dating app, then on a bad date, then on a skywalk 1,000 ft above ground. Looking down, you felt impending doom, clutching to anything, or anyone, you could. You couldn’t have known the stanger you clutched onto, in the middle of two skyscrapers, too high above solid ground, had no plans to let you go.

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4 years ago

Sooooo I needed a couple of days before I was ready but... I think I am. lol. But, I’m going to put it under the read more because... S P O I L E R S, duh!

This story WHOOOOOOO. This was a roller coaster ride but it was so well written! When Yoongi died, I felt so bad. OMG, it hit me in the feels. It went downhill from there and I felt so bad for the reader. It’s one thing to love someone but it’s another to be completely obsessed to the point you can’t see that you’re hurting the person you’re supposedly in love with. That’s the vibe I got from Tae and the fact that he was forcing his way into the readers life AFTER he literally murdered her in front of him, he was fighting a losing battle. 

And N A M J O O N, baby... Dear god. lol. He was pissing me off during the whole story. Like would you just SHUTUP and listen. Jesus lol.

Overall though, I loved this story soooo much and I can’t wait to read the rest of your work love! <333

Poison Apple


Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Fem Reader ; Min Yoongi x Fem Reader

AU: Yandere!au, Moneylender!Taehyung 

Genre: Angst, Mature, Smut

Warnings: NON CON, Hard Yandere behavior, forced witness, kidnapping, implied forced pregnancy, emotional abuse, violence, character death, voluntary starvation, degradation and physical abuse, manipulation, profanity, smut, blood, knives, guns, and murder. 

Word count: 22.35k

I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow. And I waterd it in fears, Night & morning with my tears: And I sunned it with smiles, And with soft deceitful wiles. And it grew both day and night. Till it bore an apple bright.

                                                - William Blake

Disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction and I do not condone any of the actions of the characters in this fiction. This is to be treated as pure fantasy, and should not be misconstrued to be demeaning the idols in any way. If any of the above warnings cause you discomfort, kindly refrain from reading. 

This is a non-consensual setting, please proceed only if you are not triggered by the warnings. I repeat, please be sure to read all the warnings carefully.

 Author’s note:  This is the longest fic I’ve ever written. I’ve been mulling it over in my head for years now. Please don’t come at my throat, it is non-con yandere. Enjoy!

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