This Right Here - Tumblr Posts
I love Devil May Cry men cause there's something hypermasculine and simultaneously wildly gay about them
ok but hear me out: m!byleth and dimitri
FE: Should they kiss?
Byleth x Dimitri

Theseus and the Minotaur You know, based on that one fancy statue.
Shout out to my Quirky black girls Tall black girls Short black girls Fair skinned black girls Light skinned black girls Dark skinned black girls Fun sized black girls Ivy League black girls Community college black girls Hippie black girls Trans black girls Queer black girls Nerd black girls Alternative black girls Black girls with disabilities Blck girls with mental health issues Indie black girls Afrocentric black girls Curly haired black girls Short haired black girls Long haired black girls Straight haired black girls Black girls with piercings Black girls with colored hair Black girls who love to read Black girls who play instruments Black girls who are scholars Black girls who like ballet Black girls who like to twerk Black girls who like rap Black girls who like art Black girls who like classical music
To all black girls who refuse to be subjected to prejudices and forced into a mold. I love you.
Absolutely well said!! POC readers and writers, including myself, have had to either imagine the reader or Y/N through a Eurocentric lens. As wonderful as some fics are and how talented the writer is, seeing ourselves represented in some way makes us acknowledged in a space that may otherwise leave us behind.
Write us with our fros and our braids. Write us speaking our first languages. Write us with cellulite and stretch marks.
Write. Us.
While we’re on the subject on inclusivity:
Inclusivity in your mood boards is just as important as inclusivity in the fic itself. Please try to include poc and curvy images in your mood boards as well! Please!
Your moodboard is the introduction to your story and sets the mood and the vibe. When you only have skinny white girls in your moodboards, you’re communicating a message that’s all who you thought of while writing and that’s the only type who is attractive and desirable to the characters. Poc deserve to feel seen too and feel like they were thought of while writing. Especially so when you’re writing for characters of color!
You don’t even have to use *only* poc or curvy pictures for your mood boards. Including different skin tones to show that you made the effort is much appreciated. You could also use shadow images or fully blacked out silhouettes to hide the skin tone altogether. There are plenty of resources and images out there that you should be able to find more than just skinny white girls. I know is it takes a little extra digging but it’s very much worth it to show inclusivity!
I know Pinterest is the bane of image finding, but it can be a good resource to find poc images. Just search (whatever aesthetic you’re looking for) + dark skin or person of color or something similar and you’ll find plenty of images. And the more you save the more images will show up in your feed. I constantly collect images to have references later when I need them.
Unsplash is another good resource to find poc models and images. And there’s also models of color pages right here on tumblr! There are resources out there it just takes a little effort to find the right images!
And as an ending note: using only skinny white girls in your mood board and then putting a disclaimer like “images do not represent reader they’re just fitting the aesthetic” isn’t the work around you think it is. I understand it’s not done in purpose and you most likely don’t realize it, but saying that says poc don’t fit your aesthetic and it’s still alienating and hurtful. Just something to keep in mind.
"I miss you" is not enough. Send a video of you fucking a fleshlight moaning my name so I know it's real 😞
transphobic family members are one thing but it's so hard to deal with family that are convinced they're supportive but are bumbling, misinformed, or forgetful and will still misgender/deadname you nearly as frequently, but when you call them out or ask them to try harder all of a sudden you're the bad guy. i have heard some of the most fucked up shit from 'liberal' parents using the 'correct' terminology about trans people, where what they're actually saying is deeply fucked up. like my step mom excitedly telling me she saw 'an afab man' at the market and explaining how she could tell.
'i don't want to be in a room where i will be misgendered/deadnamed/deal with transphobia' applies even if it happens 'on accident' every single time you see someone. and it's a healthy boundary to set. but good g-d some people would rather kick and scream and cry than acknowledge that they're hurting you, even unintentionally.
Me: *openly likes kpop*
Family & friends:
oH lOoK iT’s A kOrEaN gUy!
I bOuGhT tHeSe FrUitS FrOm A kOreAn StOre!
Oof they’re gay
iS tHaT MaKEUp!
EW tHaTs ShIt MuSiC!
she was always wandering and looking for forgiveness for things that don't need to be forgiven; her existence.

Julian, Asra, Lucio, and Portia getting Rickrolled I wanted to do all 6 but I couldn’t find CGs that would work with Muriel and Nadia

“if women want equality then they should be drafted” what if — just hear me out — what if nobody should be drafted. not even *looks behind my shoulder* not even men.

-Elizabeth Berg
45 seconds of Jimin yelling to make you smile... Because damn, it's the cutest thing you'll ever see! 🐥❤🐥
Cr twt- jimintical
“credit goes to the artist! :)”
well unfortunately it really fucking didn’t, is the thing
"i respect trans people" do you?
do you respect trans people who look like their agab, whether they want to or not?
do you respect transfems with body/facial hair? transfems who don't wear makeup or dresses or skirts? transfems with low voices? transfems with short hair?
and do you respect transmascs who don't bind? transmascs who wear makeup or dresses or skirts? transmascs with high voices? transmascs with long hair?
do you respect trans people who don't "pass"?
Tales of the Jedi, leading to Tales of the Empire which will ultimately lead to Tales of the Resistance and we will get a three episode arc of Jedi Finn training with a lightsaber, General Poe leading the Resistance and finally end with their wedding