Werewolf Reader - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

[00:23] you heart pounded in your ears, feet slapping against the floor so hard that it hurt, they were behind you waiting for the perfect time.

the sounds of cars and people got louder, they might not do it in public but you’d never take the chance. the moon is shining brightly, your eyes glow a golden yellow.

without noticing you ran in to people, your bruised and hurt form surprised them, you look at them for help, pleading but they walk away.

although they weren’t to far away when an arrow lodged into your throat, they seen your last breath and life, the regret building up in them.

you just died, hurt because they didn’t want to help you.

Tags :
1 year ago

Too Sharp to Touch pt. 1

Word Count: 1.8k

Warnings: slight language

Summary: After getting into another fight, Wednesday has no choice but to come and get you.

Pairing: Wednesday x Reader

Too Sharp To Touch Pt. 1

It was the second time this month, and you had somehow gotten into another fight?

At this point, Wednesday was beginning to think that you wanted another detention.

She had been on her way to drop off her botany assignment, finished early as usual, stopped by a familiar tap on the shoulder from Thing. 

Her eyes flicked to her shoulder, voice hinting at irritation

“What is it now?”

Thing signed a couple times, and Wednesday’s eyes narrowed, a frustrated sigh escaping her.

“Y/N is fighting…again?”

Thing responded with a couple more taps, and she closed her eyes, summoning what patience she’d be able to have for you right now.

“She isn’t my problem, Thing. I have more important matters than deterring yet another trivial dogfight.”

Thing tapped again, growing impatient, almost tumbling from her shoulder when she halted abruptly.

“I do not care for Y/N, Thing, I merely keep Enid from going hysterical over her well-deserved wounds due to her lack of fighting skills.” -she fixed the hand with a cold glare - “Suggest something like that again and I will be locking you out of the dorm again.”

The hand stubbornly continued to sign, causing the raven’s eyes to narrow.

“I agree that Y/N lacks self-control but that does not mean I shall be taking responsibility for it.”

Wednesday began walking again, trying to ignore the ever-frequent tapping on her shoulder, that of which was becoming harder and more insistent.

You couldn’t be that hurt yet. You were tough (though she’d never admit it to you or anyone else). Despite this…she couldn’t ignore the fact that your abysmal fighting skills would indefinitely cause yet another concussion. She knew that you’d never let her or anyone else hear the end of it if you were walking around for the next couple of weeks with a head injury, complaining and whining annoyingly as you always did, and she did not have the patience to go through that again. 

Wednesday also knew, irritatingly, that you would not listen to Enid, no matter what her roommate attempted to persuade you with; as close as you two were you tended to be infuriatingly stubborn at times, and now seemed to be one of them.

She turned and glared darkly at Thing, who was still tapping away insistently.

“This is the last time, and I will be doing it solely keep our sanity intact. Say otherwise and I will not hesitate to follow through on my threats.”

She was most certainly not doing this because she was concerned for your safety, which you obviously had no personal regard for. 

If she was lucky she’d at least get to see some bloodshed.

As expected, upon entering the quad, there you were, beside the fountain, locked in a fight with a boy almost twice your size; obviously another werewolf by the size of him, and the untamed hair that nearly every male werewolf possessed.

Enid was among the couple of students watching, glaring at you as she looked for an opportunity to step in and pull you away; not that Wednesday thought you’d listen to her.

Wednesday noted disapprovingly that your hits were clumsy; surely this wasn’t the best you could do? She continued to watch as you swung left when you should’ve swung right, and caught a blow to the side of your stomach, rolling her eyes in disgust.

other students looked on with concern, worry, or perhaps exasperation, whereas Wednesday watched as her roommate tried desperately to pull you away from her opponent, the blonde’s eyebrows furrowing with frustration as her attempts were repeatedly proved useless, the faintest of smirks hinting at Wednesday’s lips as she watched her try and persuade you away from the fight, even though your eyes were alive with adrenaline, and what she thought to be a hint of sadism, blood dripping from your nose, and a wonderfully nasty bruise beginning to form on your cheek. Blood could look good on anyone, she observed, somehow even on you.

After about five minutes of what was clearly a pathetic attempt at fighting on your end, she let out a sigh of frustration and swiftly began moving through the quad toward you, muttering under her breath. With one hand she neatly grabbed your wrist and with enough force neatly yanked you backward, placing her heel firmly behind yours, which caused you to trip backward and onto the ground.

Ignoring your look of indignance and surprise, she stepped forward and dodged a swipe from your opponent, kicking out into his stomach and sending him reeling backward, glaring at him so fiercely that he didn’t dare try and fight back.

Turning to you, she fixed you with an equally cold glare, grabbing your wrist once more and pulling you up to your feet. Her eyes darted to the blood dripping from your nose, and the growing bruise on your face, and an irritated sigh escaped her. “What was it this time?”

“He wolf-whistled me,” your response was breathless through your pants, as the faint animalistic glow began to leave your eyes, signaling you were beginning to calm down.

“So you decided to fight him?” the raven raised an eyebrow, annoyed - “The least you could do is fight decently.”

You frowned slightly and began to respond before you were interrupted by Enid approaching, a visible frown of exasperation, annoyance, and concern on her face. Wednesday released your wrist, fixing you with that same cold glare before leaving you with Enid and exiting the quad, returning to her original task.

It was about ten or fifteen minutes later when Wednesday returned from the greenhouse, and when she opened the door to her dorm found you on Enid’s bed, with Enid tending to your wounds..

Ignoring both of you, she sat down at her desk, placing a sheet of paper in her typewriter. As she began typing, her eyes remained locked on the words being type, although unfortunately she couldn’t drown out your occasional grumbles or huffs. 


“Ow! Enid, what the hell?!”

“Stop squirming!”

Wednesday continued typing, but the sound of your well-deserved little smack from Enid did bring a slightly sadistic hint of a smirk to her lips as she worked, though your already irritating little complaints were becoming more and more annoying.

“Silence would be appreciated,” she remarked coldly, still typing. 

“You’re not going to pay any attention to me?” your voice came out slightly congested; clearly the bloody nose was catching up to you.


“I said hold still!”

Wednesday couldn’t help rolling her eyes, continuing to type. The steady hum of her typewriter became more of her focus as she honed in on the sound of it rather than your grumbles; although she couldn’t deny that she enjoyed hearing your soft winces of pain every now and then.

As she tore one of the finished pages carefully from the typewriter and aligning it in the box containing her novel, you complained.

“You’re taking too long on purpose.”

Enid responded with a hint of impatience.

“Then stop wriggling so much! It’s like I’m bandaging a child instead of a damn werewolf.”

“I can do it myself, you know.”

“No, you can’t. If you were in charge here you’d just “let it heal on it’s own” and do nothing. Now shut up and let me work, I’m almost done.”

Wednesday exhaled through her nose; she most definitely did not want to help, but she needed you out of the room so she could focus, and Enid was taking a ridiculously long amount of time to finish what could’ve been done in five minutes.

Standing stiffly and pushing away from her desk, she walked over to Enid’s side, approaching you on the bed; upon closer examination, the bruise on your cheek was beginning to swell, though luckily the bleeding in your nose had stopped. Rolling her eyes, she glanced at Enid, raising an eyebrow.

“You didn’t consider getting an icepack?”

The blonde looked back up at her with a small, indignant frown - “it took me this long just to get Y/N’s nose to stop bleeding.”

Wednesday gazed over at you, eyes narrowing slightly as she sighed

“Thing, go retrieve an icepack from the cafeteria.”

The faint scuttling of the hand obeying her command gave her the confirmation to move on, and she reached out, touching your bruise firmly but carefully, causing you to wince and pull away.

“Stop moving, you’re acting like a child. Even Enid is tougher than you,” she remarked, causing a huff of annoyance from the blonde. “If you hadn’t been fighting in the first place this wouldn’t even be happening.”

Her eyes briefly flicked up from your bruise to your eyes as you responded

“It’s not my fault. He started it.”

“Do I even have to ask?” She muttered, eyes returning to examining the bruise, which, although it was swollen didn’t look too serious. “He was nearly three sizes bigger than you; the least you could do is choose an appropriate opponent.”

“I’d call it brave, taking on a guy that size and leaving him with the marks that I did.”

“Foolish, more like.”

You rolled your eyes, and her lip curled into the faintest of smirks. Thing returned promptly, balancing an icepack on top of him as he hopped atop the bed. Nodding once in thanks, she took it and wrapped it in a handtowel that Enid had prepared, handing it to you and watching with another sigh as you pressed it your cheek.

“Y/N, you gotta stop getting into these fights. Learn to control yourself,” Enid said with a disapproving frown, causing you to scrunch up your eyes with indignance,

“I do control myself.”

“Wrong.” Wednesday glared at you. “You’re impulsive.”

You glared right back up at her. Bold of you. “So are you.”

Wednesday’s eyes narrowed slightly, “I’m starting to believe you want to become a rug.”

“I would make a lovely rug,” you muttered, eyes darting away. Good. 

You got to your feet, still holding the icepack in your hand, and looked down at Enid. 

“Look, if it makes you feel better, I’ll try and ‘control myself’, better in the future, okay?”

Enid looked back up at you and her expression softened, as usual. She couldn’t stay mad at you for long. “Good. I don’t want you dying on me. Wolves gotta stick together, y’know?”

Wednesday could feel herself getting nauseous at the horrible cliche, and she frowned, eyes narrowing. “Just leave; I have work to do.”

You turned, a small smirk on your face as you mock-saluted, turning on your heel. “See you later, Dr. Addams.”

Rolling her eyes, Wednesday stared at the door for a moment, arms folded, before she noticed Enid with a huge smirk on her face, similar to yours. Raising an eyebrow, she frowned slightly, “what?”

“Nothing,” she said in her dreadfully sing-song tone, which the raven chose to ignore as she sat back down at her desk, returning to her novel, eyebrows furled in annoyance as it took her a moment to wipe the image of you covered in both your and your opponent’s blood from her mind. Odd. Blood really did look good on anyone.


pt.2 here!

Tags :
1 year ago

Too Sharp to Touch pt.2

Word Count: 2.2k

Warnings: Language

Summary: After your fight last week you've been sentenced to community service in Jericho, and you take a break at the Weathervane for some peace and quiet

Pairing: Wednesday x Reader

Too Sharp To Touch Pt.2

“This stinks,” you muttered to yourself as you pulled a discarded paper cup from the sidewalk and placed it into your bag. 

After your so called ‘dogfight’ a week before, you’d been sentenced by Weems to go out and do some community service in Jericho. On a Saturday. So unfair. So while you could’ve been drawing with Xavier and Eugene in the shed, instead you were stuck outside in the unusually hot September sun, picking up bits of trash, surrounded by normies, a few of those who’d give you dirty looks as they passed.

It wasn’t the act of simply cleaning up discarded trash and whatnot that bothered you; it was the fact that it was boring, hot, and unfair. Since when did a little fight deserve this cruel of a punishment? And on a Saturday? That was just cruel. 

Grunting slightly, you moved your trash bag over to your right shoulder, kneeling slightly to grab a broken plastic spoon from a crack in the sidewalk. This punishment was stupid; there was barely any trash anyway. You’d been out here for nearly an hour and a half and yet your bag was barely half-full; was Weems just trying to make you suffer? Deep down you knew of course she wasn’t, but still. It felt good to complain about something while you were forced to endure this.

Your muscles still felt uncomfortably tight from your fight. Sure, you had given the other guy a pretty good whooping but even you couldn’t deny that he had beat the shit out of you; your bruise lingered on your cheekbone and jaw, and every time you moved too sharply your side ached. You could definitely go for a nice cool shower right now, but no. Today was not a good day. 

Maybe Wednesday was right though. You weren’t the best at fighting, especially for a werewolf, which was pretty odd even to you. Sure, you could throw a decent punch, but couldn’t anyone? You wouldn’t admit it to her but you wished you were as good at fighting as Wednesday was.

Every time you thought of that fight you remembered the feeling of her eyes on you, examining you, thoughts and focus only on you.

It made that little bit of fur on the back of your neck rise and tingle, embarrassingly enough. 

You were walking by Uriah’s Heap when you heard the bell at the door signaling someone exiting the shop, and you briefly glanced over your shoulder to see a young-aged man in a plaid button up with a gun slung over his shoulder exit the store. Eyebrows furling in slight disgust, you started to move on, trying to hustle away from him, but you weren’t fast enough and felt a hand clamp on your shoulder, followed by his voice

“Hey, you’re that Lyall kid, right?”

Eyes rolling with a little bit of disgust, without even looking behind you, you muttered, “you’ve got the wrong person,” stepping forward and away, but the man hurried to catch up beside you.

“No, no, I’ve seen you before, I swear.” The man’s eyes narrowed in concentration. “Aren’t you some kinda wolf freak?”

You started walking faster, getting irritated; you needed to control yourself or you were going to get into another fight and get punished even worse.

“I’m not supposed to be talking to people right now, okay?”

Completely ignoring what you had just said, the man walked alongside you, tone prodding you for information.

“You know, I’ve heard some pretty wild shit about you,” he grinned, showing a single gold tooth replacing one of his canines. “Aren’t you rolled up in that weird-ass school, Nevermore?”

Not wanting to seem rude, you just stared straight ahead as you walked, muttering, “yes.”

The man smiled, seeming pleased to get some sort of information out of you. “So what are you doing all the way in Vermont instead of in New Hampshire? With your daddy?”

“This school fits me better,” you responded stiffly, rolling your eyes again.

“What, because you’re a freak?”

Clearly this man was just trying to provoke you. And, annoyingly, it was working. You could feel that familiar bubble in your chest that made you want to get mad. Punch someone. Especially him. Yet, you knew that if Weems heard about you beating up a normie in town, your punishment would surely be so much worse.The man continued to pester you as you passed the antique shop, your eyes flickering to the gun strapped over his neck as you muttered, ready to be out of this conversation, “look, I gotta go.”

Without waiting for his response, you turned sharply and crossed the street, garbage bag thumping repeatedly against your back. Skirting around a parked car, you paused on the sidewalk, looking over at the man on the other side of the road, wondering if he was planning on following you. Relief flooded you and your stiff posture disappeared as you watched the man turn the corner and disappear.

Still a little on edge, you noticed that now you were right in front of the Weathervane. Hesitating, you debated your options. It was hot, you’d already been out there for a while, and you had to admit that what little trash there had been around town was now safely tucked in your bag. Surely you deserved a break at least? 

You let out a long exhale of relief as you entered the shop, the air conditioning soothing your sore muscles from bending over all morning. The smell of coffee grounds was particularly strong and you felt yourself untense further as your fear started to melt. You headed for the counter, and then stopped short, immediately recognizing a familiar goth seated in one of the booths in the corner, eyes focused on a book in her hand as her mug sat beside her, seemingly untouched.

It took you a moment to pull your eyes away from Wednesday before you walked over to the counter, ordering yourself a hot chocolate as you let your bag drop to the floor. Pulling off your tight latex gloves, those of which you shoved in your pocket, you paid for your hot chocolate, thanking the kid working there, and headed straight for the table in the back.

When you approached her, you watched as Wednesday’s eyes didn’t move from what she was working on as she spoke. “Done already?”

“I should be,” you huffed, taking a sip of the hot chocolate. “It’s too damn hot.”

The raven raised an eyebrow, narrowing her eyes. “So you’re not done.”

Rolling your eyes, you shook your head, “I’ve been working for like three hours; it’s a cruel punishment.”

“Lucky you,” she muttered, turning back to her work as she spoke, writing a little bit more. Without asking, you slid into the booth opposite her, not noticing her turn on the page faltering slightly as you did so, adjusting yourself comfortably as you placed your hot chocolate down.

Not feeling much of a need to say anything, you just stayed silent, laying against the cool cushioned padding of the booth and taking a well deserved break, the sound of customers murmuring, coffee cups clinking, and the turning of pages doing well to add to the comfortable atmosphere.

You two both sat there in silence; Wednesday never once speaking as she worked, you relaxing with your eyes half closed, not noticing the raven’s eyes flicking up to observe you every now and then. 

It was the most peace you had gotten the whole week and it felt good.

And you couldn’t deny that you were maybe watching Wednesday too. You weren’t being creepy at all, but you were just always drawn to those dark brown eyes, always filled with focus and concentration, and the sea of freckles dotting her cheeks. The way she read every single line as if she truly wanted to understand it; how she took notes every now and then, muttering under her breath as she did so. Hadn’t you ever called her pretty before? Because she definitely was.

The silence lulled on until it was broken by the ringing of the bell to the entrance of the shop, you turning your head to see Enid followed by Yoko enter; as the blonde spotted you and Wednesday, immediately that stupid grin came over her face; the one that you knew too well; she was up to something.

You rolled your eyes and turned away, returning to drinking peacefully and reluctantly realizing that this peace wasn’t going to last as long as you hoped.

You heard the sound of Enid skipping over to where you and Wednesday were sitting as Yoko approached the counter, with a cheerful “hiya, Willa! Didn’t know that when you left this morning you were going out for coffee with Y/N?” The blonde waggled her eyebrows suggestively, a smirk on her face as she looked between you two. Oh, she was so dead.

You had to bite down a smirk of your own as you saw Wednesday stiffen even more than she usually was, slowly looking up from her book to glare at Enid. Oh, if looks could kill the blonde would be six feet under right now, although both you and Enid knew that she’d never follow through on any threats she might make. 

“I’m merely reading. I had no intention on Y/N being here, nor is this any form of…” - the raven paused, her eyes scrunching up slightly in disdain as she refused to say the word - “affectionate interaction. Y/N was fulfilling her assigned punishment and happened to interrupt me.”

This time you actually smirked when you saw Enid’s smug smile disappear and you stuck your tongue out at her, though that promptly resulted in you catching an elbow thrown into your side, you letting out an ‘oof’, and doubling over as Wednesday smirked slightly.

“You’re skimping out on your service?” Enid asked, tilting her head slightly in exasperation. “If Weems catches you…”

You cut her off, “even if she does find out, she’s got a soft spot for me. At the least I’ll get a detention. Simple.”

You heard Wednesday scoff softly, though she stayed silent otherwise.

Yoko shortly returned, with two drinks in hand, giving one to Enid. You watched as through her shades the vampire’s eyes studied both you and Wednesday, a tiny smirk appearing on her face, eyebrow raising slightly as she glanced between you two. Nodding once at the raven, who didn’t respond, as well as you, she gave Enid a little nudge on the shoulder. “Come on, E, let’s give ‘em some space.”

You watched as Enid gave you and Wednesday a wave goodbye, the latter of which met both Yoko and Enid with a glare that could’ve easily frightened any grown man. Both Enid and Yoko exited, leaving you and Wednesday alone.

“Idiots”, she muttered under her breath, eyebrows furrowed in slight annoyance. You chuckled softly and leaned back in the booth, resuming your own little trance of being comfortably aware of everything around you, your sensitive hearing picking up every single noise. The clinking of coffee cups. The sound of the machine whirring and hissing every now and then. The turning of pages. Soft murmurs of conversation. 

It almost made you forget about the conversation you’d had earlier with that man.

It was after another good thirty minutes that you glanced down at your phone as it pinged, receiving a text from Weems notifying you that she would be picking you up in estimately thirty minutes.

Which meant that you had to leave. 


Sliding out of the booth, you glanced at your phone and then at the door, sighing with disappointment as you grabbed your hot chocolate and downed the rest of it easily. You noticed how Wednesday’s eyes briefly flicked up to you as you started pulling your gloves on. “Going to complete your procrastinated duties?”

You nodded grimly with a small sigh, “I’m sure as hell not getting another detention this week.”

She hummed ever so softly, eyes falling back to her paper as she deadpanned, “if your behavior isn’t corrected than you surely will be.”

You didn’t even hesitate to give her a small kick to the shin, which was met with a harder one to yours in response, you groaning “don’t be a dick.”

Finishing with pulling your gloves on, you rubbed your sore shin with a grimace, shooting her a dirty look, though you had to look away to stop yourself from laughing, rolling your eyes at her smirk. You walked backwards with your bag, sticking your tongue out at her, causing her to roll her own eyes in response and return to her book as you exited the cafe, a grin on your face and the heat of the sun on your back not as prominent in your mind as it was before.

In your mind, you could still hear her turning the pages


pt.3 here!

Tags :
1 year ago


Just a lil Halloween drabble! Double points if you actually dressed up as Bluey this year 😤✊


“You’re dressing up as… what?”

Wednesday’s tone was filled with disbelief and confusion at your statement; you had to hold back a giggle as you repeated.

“I’m dressing up as Bluey.”

“…Bluey…” Wednesday repeated slowly; you could see the gears turning around in her head as she tried to process. “And that is the show that I’ve seen you watching with Enid on various occasions, correct?” At a nod from you she continued - “the one with cartoon dogs?”

“Seeing as I’m a werewolf and it’s a pretty popular show I figured it was a good costume,” you nodded with a small smile, tugging on said costume as you spoke. “Don’t diss Bluey, that show is good as hell.”

The Addams watched you change into your costume in silence, seemingly still processing as her dark eyes flitted over your outfit, taking it in before glancing up at you. “I will say that it is childish enough to fit your demeanor.”

You rolled your eyes playfully as you clipped your blue tail in, fastening the belt as you pulled the said tail from the hole in the back of the costume, bending down to pull on the cheap footpaws. It was a good costume but the execution was probably a little low quality. Oh well. At least you had a costume. Straightening, you grabbed your pillowcase before glancing at Wednesday, eyebrows furrowed as you saw her dressed in her normal clothing, her black heavy jacket thrown over her sweater. “I thought you said you were dressing up?”

Wednesday glanced at you before responding “I am.”

“As what?”

“A serial killer, clearly. They look similar to anyone else. It’s the mindset that’s needed to master the craft.”

“Ah.” You nodded, offering your pinky to hers. “Ready to go?” The raven didn’t look at you or your hand as she without hesitation linked her pinky in yours, allowing you to tug her toward the door.

Tags :
1 year ago

Too Sharp to Touch pt.10

Word Count: 3.1k

Summary: At a hangout with the gang at the lake, you receive an unexpected visitor after an extremely uncomfortable encounter.

Warnings: Language, brief descriptions of stripping? Creepy dude, mentions of alcohol, drugs, needles.

Pairings: Wednesday x Reader

Too Sharp to Touch Masterlist

A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS, wishing everyone the best holidays, I'll see all of you next year! <3

Too Sharp To Touch Pt.10

Enid Sinclair was almost positive that she was losing her mind. 

Watching you and Wednesday converse was just a slow torture at this point; could you two not see the obvious connection right in front of you? It made the blonde want to shake some sense into one of you.

After the carving event from last week, Enid had returned to the dorm early to see Wednesday seated with her cello on the balcony, fingers poised over the strings, a breath of anticipation in the air as if about to start… but she didn’t. It was as if the Addams were frozen in thought, caught in her own mind. When the werewolf had called out to her roommate, questioning if she was alright, she received some half-assed response about preparing her sheet music.

But she knew otherwise.

You, of course, were trying to be subtle and failing. Miserably. You usually weren’t such a bad actor when it came to these things. And Enid had seen you with crushes before; she knew the signs, and you definitely had your eyes on the Addams.

So screw the whole “partners investigation”, she would not be able to physically or mentally handle it if she watched her roommate go over her file of evidence with you in the dining hall one more time. If you moved your hand just a tiny bit to the left you could have touched Wednesday's hand. Or if you scooted just slightly to the side you could have touched your thighs. And Enid had a sneaking suspicion that her roommate would allow your touch, not to mention the fact that she’d literally seen her do so before.

It was after you had your fighting lesson with Wednesday that Enid approached her roommate, already very much prepared to play her well-practiced role of matchmaker. The Addams was storing her gear in her locker neatly, placing her helmet on the top shelf as Enid approached, her neat bangs slightly pressed against her forehead with sweat. 

“Howdy Wednesday, how was fighting practice?” Enid hummed as she skipped over, grinning. 

“Average,” came the unsatisfying response. Enid had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. As the goth started down the hall she quickly followed suit; how could such a short girl move so fast?

“That’s it? Just average?” She pressed gently, following her movements. “Come on, you gotta give me the details.” The blonde was met with Wednesday’s dark eyes flitting over to meet hers, eyebrows slightly furrowed as she responded easily, “What more is there to say? It was merely lessons. Nothing more, nothing less. Just an associate returning a favor.”

Associate. Enid knew her roommate to know that that wasn’t the only word she’d use to describe you. Huffing, she swerved around a passing student as she spoke, being as subtle as possible. “Did you have fun?”

Wednesday paused, eyes widening slightly in disbelief as she glanced at the blonde, nose scrunching in slight disgust. “Enid, I assure you I do not “have fun”. I merely fulfilled a responsibility. What pleasure would one find in that?” She picked up the pace slightly.

“I dunno Willa, you just aren’t complaining as much as you usually do about…anything.” Enid grinned softly, daring to give the raven a soft nudge to the shoulder with her own. Wednesday tensed but didn’t push her away, merely turning the corner towards their shared dorm, and heading for the stairs. “If in the case I have found satisfaction in my lessons with Y/N it’d be simply for the reason that it’s refreshing to teach someone who possesses actual skill at the sport rather than dumb luck.” Wednesday paused slightly, eyes narrowing as she shot Enid a look. “And if you tell her that I ever said such a thing then the both of you will end up with a silver bullet in the leg.” Unfazed, Enid gave a slight shrug, nodding in agreement to her roommate’s statement. At least now she was getting somewhere. “Are you planning on working with Y/N today?”

“If we progress further in our case then I’d assume so, but nothing has been planned for today. It’s rather convenient, seeing as my writing hour is approaching.” As Enid made the climb after her up the narrow staircase, she had to think fast. She couldn’t give up now, not after getting this far. Looking around quickly she gave a soft curse, wishing silently that Thing could be here when she actually needed him. Pulling out her phone she shot you quick text before stuffing her phone back into her pocket, casually leaning against the doorframe of the dorm as Wednesday entered her closet to change. 

“Well, I hope you enjoy yourself, I’ll be out of your hair soon anyways, I’m off with Y/N and the gang to go to the lake.” There was a silence that followed from the closet, the only sound present being the faint ruffling of clothing as Enid’s eyes wandered over the wooden doorframe, making sure not to accidentally peek. She had the Addams now, she knew it. It was a success to herself knowing that if she managed to get Wednesday to abandon her writing hour for you she’d be sure of her suspicions. After a moment the raven reappeared, dressed comfortably in her white and black striped shirt with her black fleece hoodie pulled over, adjusting her sleeves as she spoke, eyebrows furrowed just slightly.

“I wasn’t aware Y/N’s schedule had changed.”

“Yeah, it was like a recent thing, Bianca shot the group chat a text and apparently everyone was free so it was pretty lucky. Even Kent is coming.”

“And Marcelo?” “What does Marcelo have to do with anything?” Enid paused, interest piqued as she glanced at the raven, who was now seated at her desk, fingers poised at her typewriter as if ready to type, though she hadn’t moved yet, eyes focused on the keys as she muttered,

“No particular reason; morbid curiosity spurs me to refer to the fact that Marcelo has certain interests in Y/N.”

“Yeah, but -” Enid moved further into the room, raising an eyebrow. If anything, you hated Marcelo, and she knew it well. God, could she go on about the nights that you’d spent ranting about the dumbass. Yeah, Marcelo. “- he’s mostly just tagging along because Kent’s gonna be there. He’s kind of hard to exclude.” She paused, frowning softly before glancing at the Addams, who was now typing away, precisioned fingers flying across the keyboard. “Do you expect us to just kick him out?”

“Out of pure sadism, I might go so far as to say yes,” Wednesday muttered under her breath, easily detectable to Enid’s ears as her fingers pounded harder against the keyboard. 

“Well, we’re not, unfortunately.” Enid paused, biting her lip slightly as her eyes darted around the room, mind racing to find a solution. Maybe this was going to be harder than she thought. Taking a quick inhale, she rapidly decided that she’d just have to hope for the best. “Well, I hope you enjoy your night, I’m gonna head out.” The blonde shouldered her bag that was already ready on her bed, walked out of the dorm, and closed the door behind her.

God, she hoped this would work.


The lake was calm. Silent. You liked it.

The group was typically rowdy, breaking through the calm quiet of the water, but you didn’t mind that either. The sky was already darkening, the sound of a few crickets filling the air as everyone set up. A calm breeze sent the trees gently ruffling, the waters of the lake rippling. It was almost hard to imagine the exact same body of water being filled with students and boats, bustling with energy.

“Finish daydreaming and help me blow up the float, furball.” You caught an elbow in the side from Bianca, and you let out a soft wince, rolling your eyes as you held out your hand for said float, sitting on the dock beside the siren to begin filling the large float, preparing the pump, and connecting the attachments. “We’re lucky if Kent doesn’t pop one like last time.” “For your information, it was a bet, which I totally won,” Kent spoke up from the hill, scowling slightly as he worked at unbuttoning his shirt, and throwing it at Bianca. “At least I follow through on bets, unlike someone-”

You let out a scoff, rolling your eyes as you groaned, starting to pump air into the float. “You guys really expected me to actually hunt down a squirrel?” “You’re the one that suggested it in the first place,” Kent shrugged, at the exact same time that Yoko shouted from the pathway - “You’re a werewolf, dumbass! Wolves hunt things!”

“Well it wasn’t even relatively close to a full moon so it was automatically discredited,” you grumbled to yourself, huffing as you put more pressure on the pump handle. Yoko stepped to drop her bag on the dock, and the clinking of bottles immediately made you perk up, instantly recognizing the sound. “You brought booze?”

“Don’t tell me you expected less,” Yoko scoffed, a small grin playing on her face that perfectly showed off her fangs that glinted slightly in the evening light. “Isn’t that my role here?”

"Hell yes, Tanaka," Bianca grinned from her position, working at the other float as she spoke.

"The good stuff?" You perked slightly, curious, as you pulled at the bag, trying to get a peek before Enid slapped your hands away.

“You don't get any,” Enid huffed, folding her arms as she shot you a look, raising an eyebrow whilst dumping her towel onto the dock. “We’re not supposed to have it in the first place and I’m sure you all remember from the last time that she can’t handle it.”

"And yes, it's the good stuff," Yoko grinned slightly, emphasizing her words. "Don't expect anything less."

“Fuck you,” you stuck out your tongue at the blonde, who shot one right back. “You were tipsy as hell, don’t get me started.” Enid rolled her eyes, sitting on the wood as she huffed in response, “Still not as bad as you. You’re lucky Weems didn’t catch you or you’d’ve had even more community service.” After a moment she cocked her head, in an almost dog-like fashion. “Aren’t you gonna get changed though?”

“Miss I’m-In-Charge told me to blow up this shit,” you roll your eyes, ignoring the look Bianca shoots you. “If you don't mind taking over then I can get it done.”

Enid sighed and moved you out of the way, taking the pump in her own hands as she gestured you to go. “Just don’t get run over.”

You paused, scanning the undergrowth around the lake for a good spot, eyes narrowing as you silently thanked the stars that you had a decent vision in the dark. “give me like two minutes.” You scooped up your change of clothing, kicking off your shoes as you stepped onto the path, dodging a chunk of mud hurled from Ajax at Kent. 

It took you a bit to get deep enough into the undergrowth that you were sure you were out of view, not that you thought anyone would go looking in the dark for you. Stepping behind a clump of bushes you pulled at your top, placing it on a branch to hang as you tugged at the straps of your tank top. It was almost eerily quiet now that you were far off from the group; the sounds of laughter and talking were audible, yes, but only faintly, one that could be easily tuned out if you didn’t focus on it. 

A faint stick cracking brought you out of your thoughts as you paused, eyebrows furrowing as you straightened, eyes whipping around the foliage in search of the source. Nothing. Odd. You shrugged it off; it must be a rabbit or something like that.

“Y/N?” Jumping clear out of your skin, you let out a hiss of surprise as you raced to cover yourself, pulling a towel around your upper half as you turned on your heel, eyes wide and senses up, to see Marcelo standing a couple feet away, partially hidden by low hanging branches.

“Marcelo, what the actual fuck?” You hissed, heart pounding as you took a small step back, feeling uncomfortably vulnerable with just the towel between you and him. He was giving you that stupid grin, the one you wished to God you could smack off of his face.

“Wow, did not think I’d walk in on some Y/L/N ass tonight-” he took a step forwards, almost matching your step back as he spoke as his grin grew slightly. “You look good.”

“What the hell are you doing here? The group is all the way over there -” You pointed with your arm, a frown on your face as you spoke. “No offense but it’s making you look like a creep right now that you were hiding in the bushes of all places watching me strip.” “Oh come off it, don’t be sensitive,” the werewolf rolled his eyes with a scoff, gesturing to the towel over his shoulder as he took another step forward. “I just got here, I heard movement on the bank and thought it was the group.”

“In the bushes?” You frown scornfully, adjusting the towel tighter around your chest as you bump against the trunk behind you, eyebrows narrowing as you feel your heart pick up the pace. “Don’t be an idiot, just go.”

“What a warm welcome,” he muttered, eyes lingering slightly on your towel. “You don’t need to rush me away like that. Don’t tell me you don’t wanna see me?” “I never said that.” You pause, lying right through your teeth as you cast a glance through the undergrowth, almost praying that Enid, Yoko, or someone would show up. “If you’d ever heard of privacy maybe you’d understand.” “Come on, Y/N -” Marcelo took a step forward, warm hand landing on your wrist. You frowned, eyes narrowing as you tried to shake it off, your grip on the towel loosening as you did so. Quickly reacting, you tried to move away to fix it but instead, the werewolf reached for it, "I can help with that-” Just as you were about to smack the shit out of him, he froze in place, eyes glazing over slightly as he took a small step back. 

“Marcelo, what the fuck-” you stepped forward, eyes widening as right before you he crumpled, body collapsing onto the dirt as he passed out cold. You quickly scrambled to throw on your top, before kneeling and checking his pulse. Alive, yes. Conscious, obviously not, but you couldn’t figure out what the hell was happening until you spotted Thing, beside his left ankle, which now had a needle jammed into it. 

“Thing?” Your eyes widened in shock, taking a moment to process before you stuttered. “W-what the hell did you do? He’s not gonna die, is he?”

“Unfortunately not.” A voice to your left scared the shit out of you for the second time that night as you jumped, bumping into the branch beside you. “Shit! What the- the-”

Your words fell away as you narrowed your eyes, recognizing Wednesday’s dark form among the trees, arms folded over her chest with a barely concealed look of disgust at the unconscious Marcelo, eyes dark. It took you a couple seconds to catch your breath again as you immediately felt your heartbeat pick right back up again, at a loss for words. 

“It was a simple dose of thiopental. He’ll most likely experience a few side effects once it wears off, but fortunately, you won’t have to suffer through that again.” The Addams stepped forward, nudging his ankle as she leaned down, removing the needle and placing it neatly in her bag. “It was pathetic to watch, being honest.”

“B-but why- how-” you fought to understand, placing a finger on your temple as you glanced at her, somehow surprised by her nonchalance. “You knew I was here?”

“I was sending Thing to drop off the towel Enid had left in the dorm when he informed me of your situation. I accompanied him back with the sedatives.” Wednesday’s dark eyes met yours evenly, tone now laced with faint disdain. “Believe me when I say I’d be more than glad to do it again. You weren’t the only one bothered by him.”

“Yeah, he’s an ass.” You mumbled breathlessly, eyes dropping to Marcelo once more as you softly inhaled, fighting down a shudder. As if sensing your discomfort, Wednesday took a step backward, glancing out over the lake as she muttered, “This will stay between us three, understood? If he asks questions, let me know.” You gave a little nod, recovering your breath as you found the words you needed, meeting her gaze once more as you felt your pulse quicken once more. “Thank you.” “Don’t mention it.” Wednesday turned her head slightly, breaking eye contact as she gazed across the lake through the branches. “I’ll have to remind you in the future to carry around the correct poisons.” She bent down, grabbing Marcelo’s wrists as Thing moved to support his waist, the two of them positioned to haul him away.

“Do you need help?” You took a step forward, already reaching for one of the werewolf’s ankles to be of assistance, but Wednesday shook her head, the faintest sadistic gleam in her eye that honestly, at this point you were used to. “That won’t be necessary. Me and Thing have performed this task several times before; I’m looking forward to this.” Nodding, you watched as the two of them easily slid the unconscious boy up the hill, quickly disappearing into the dark as you took a moment to process, slowly sliding down to a squat as the welcoming and comforting scent of dirt and undergrowth filled your senses, your adrenaline slowly dying as you let out a long sigh, processing as you grounded yourself, the only sound present in your senses now the faint chatter in the distance and the trees swaying gently.

“Y/N? Where the hell are you?” Broken out of your thoughts, you glanced out over the shore, spotting Enid, hand shielding her eyes as she approached. “Are you good? It’s been a lot longer than two minutes-” “I’m fine, E,” you stood, brushing off your arms as you threw your towel and clothes over your shoulder, stepping out of your hiding spot as you approached, moving her hand out of her face. “Took longer than I thought. I’m all good.” 


Marcelo woke up that night tied to a chair.



@idkjustliving2 @alexkolax @tekanparadiae

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1 year ago

This is to beautiful 😍

Can I request a alucard/vladcard x reader where she is his wife and mate , they've been together for centuries ,and she's so used to seeing him as alucard she's basically bewildered and surprised when she witnesses his vladcard form

The Reveal to his Wife of Centuries

Can I Request A Alucard/vladcard X Reader Where She Is His Wife And Mate , They've Been Together For

📍•(total 1977 words) This is good one with just enough details to use but also original to me. I am struggling with this a little though as vampires are inhuman monsters and rarely feel anything positive about its human food and chew toys. In the surge of unholy power and immortality, they also shed their humanity. Though many humans lack empathy and care of others hence war crimes and serial killers too.

Perhaps it is these former human monsters who make the worst inhuman monsters given the chance to be immortal? Anderson views Alucard as this combination.

As for Alucard?

He has shown compassion and care to a special select of a few humans. Walter, Integra and in a twisted way Paladin Anderson. So I am telling my logical brain that is the angle to work from. He's only a monster 99% of the time with humans.

Also due note: Anonymous wrote "she" but this would also apply to gay, bisexual and queer readers too.

✔️•Wife=Husband=Spouse=Life Mate

🌹• Romanian terms of endearment to be used:

•scumpa mea= honey, sweetheart, my baby

•draga mea= my dear •dragă =dear, honey, darling

•dragostea mea= my love

•Draguta mea=my lovely, my pretty, my little girl

•l meu Înger=my angel •înger iubit= Beloved angel

✒️•Now I am going to give example of each :

1) human to vampire wife

2) already a vampire to wife

3) two examples of were beings

4) fae folk

Most of the scenarios have the outcome that Alucard doesn't go to England and get captured by Hellsing. You changed the course of his clashing with Hellsing in 1897.

Well…that's a written mouthful.

📍•Remember Alternate Hellsing Universe and "virginity" is a loosey goosey kinda thing in my world. Some define virgin as never having been married or never sexually active with a man.

•Maybe Alucard just told the pushy sexually experienced women you had to be a virgin to send them packing. Perhaps he just got frustrated and munched on them lethally but didn't complete the ritual and exchange of his blood.

•Remember Kouta Hirano is from a different culture, with contrasting depictions of women as seen in anime girls…so there could be a factor on the virgin to vampire theme.

It's a disadvantage to Alucard that he can only create female vampires? Or curse from God personally to him and only him?


🎭 Scenario 1: human to vampire and wife

•You could be an orphaned nobility girl, in Paris, fleeing the Sans-culottes. They had your whole family executed and not all by the guillotine. In my Hellsing universe, Alucard lived in Paris during the French Revolution.

•A foreigner trapped due to residual religious battles between French Catholics and the Hugenotes (protestant).

•You could have been an American woman that traveled to France and was abandoned by your guardian or escaped from being sold into the sex trade.

•You definitely could be an African slave (example Haiti), Indigenous native of the Americas (mmiw-2s Pocahontas first documented), from Asia, India and the middle east. Being a woman of color is often taken as an excuse to kidnap and do terrible and inhuman acts on these women instead of white women,as we all know.

•The worst would be Alucard was attending one of the Marquis de Sade just before the French Revolution(convicted pedophile that escaped during taking of the Bastille prison) and you were going to be the sexually tortured prize of the evening.

Note: Marquis de Sade, byname of Donatien-Alphonse-François, Comte de Sade, (born June 2, 1740, Paris, France—died December 2, 1814, Charenton, near Paris), French nobleman whose perverse sexual preferences and erotic writings gave rise to the term sadism. His best-known work is the novel Justine (1791).

•Now Alucard can be a ruthless inhuman killer but he has moments of empathy and chooses to save a human. Maybe you remind him of a woman he knew alive and she died horribly and he does feel regret for not protecting her so you are the substitute.

An example might be that if Integra had been a boy and not a girl, he would have killed Integra and escaped. He does have a strong sense of honor that leads to undying loyalty.

•Hence when Alucard did change to his original form, he could be extremely frightening as his dark rolling aura surrounds the area he merely stands in. I could see it, if someone was aggressively sexual in behavior and speech towards you and hinting at harming you sexually.

That is the ultimate form of harm to his beloved..

•Yes you are a centuries old Vampire but he was taught to be a powerful male protector. He was a Voivode and it's ingrained in his mind to the subconscious level. As Vlad he was a powerhouse of intimation and swift retribution.

Vladcard is not being a misogynist man but an honorable one..

"Nimeni nu-i face rău îngerului meu întunecat.."

(No one harms my dark angel..)


🍷•Scenario 2: Vampire before Vampire wife

•In this case, you are an indirectly created vampire from All Father (yes my nickname I gave him). We know Alucard was more tolerant of his children before Hellsing captured him. The weird sisters(think Shakespeare's three witches also called weird sisters)are not his brides and one is possibly a female family member as she has an aquiline nose too. (Bram Stoker’s Dracula source.)3

•In some of his travels out of Wallachia (now undead) he would have created more 'children'. (I don't believe he sat in his castle for centuries and Stoker leaves Vlad's past a mystery) His Alucard form is to go more unnoticed than Vlad the Impaler and we know there were paintings in the original form.

And this is when he finds you…

•It was most likely your intoxicating scent that caught his attention. You were a special Vampiress and so Alucard courted you before he let his sexual hunger take over. You were more than a rough fuck and go on to another.

•In this situation Alucard would choose to travel more and eventually not return to his ancestral castle. It would be a late night with the moon full and he stands on the battlement. The Unholy King becomes completely silent, as a blood tear runs down his cheek. So many memories flood back. In response his ebony hair lengths more as a tattered cloak flows from black armor and waves on the night breeze. So you approach him..

"My Prince of old, dream now not of old pain but in the making of new memories with me.."


🐾•Scenario 3: Were beings

Note here: Alucard lies about some properties of his blood. He said renfields are not real and that his blood doesn't "boost" humans. Hellsing might have used his blood to create super soldiers for Britain during WWII.

Boosts humans? Hmm…he just grins slightly.

📍 So he may have neglected to say it extends life in some other beings. His blood creates strong mystical bonds as he was an alchemist before death too. (Some old tales but no real proof with Vlad Draculea)


•It is well known that Alucard had a wolf pack back in Romania (became in 1867). So it proves that wolves are his main animal to call. In return, Werewolves share an uneasy truce. The pack is supposed to introduce themselves and usually Alucard doesn't ask much of them. Werewolves lose the control of reason due to the usual trauma associated with werewolves. They also lack the ability to work well like wolves in packs.

But you were a born Sigma werewolf..

•A sigma is an Alpha (he/she/they) that chooses to be alone. Sigmas can't stand stupid alphas, mostly male ones. And your duty when traveling is to kill abusive Alpha pack leaders and if need be to take over the pack temporarily.

•This is most likely how you met Alucard. A pack of werewolves moved in his ancestral lands and broke several rules that could have exposed his long existence. So you violently stepped in and removed the troublemakers before Alucard needed to make a presence.

He probably watched you deal out justice as a Sigma..

•Alucard would have invited you to stay at his castle and romance you as an equal and perfect mate.Blood being the life essence and currency of the soul, eventually both of you will exchange blood freely.

•You know Alucard is more than he seems yet he doesn’t share. So one day you confronted him, as he seems lost in old memories.

"Alucard.." You touch his forearm. "What were you like before we met?"

"I was known as Kazikli Voyvoda, the Impaler Prince when I still needed breath…"as his youth features and current clothing morph to reveal he is indeed Vlad the Impaler.


•This type of were took him by surprise. You were a cute Romanian girl that lived on the edge of Hoia Baciu forest. You were an odd girl and people left you alone because nothing happened to you living in this haunted forest.

So Alucard, with nothing better to do currently…

•He's dressed for hunting in the forest granted it's in the middle of the night. Suddenly he meets a large brown bear foraging and more suddenly finds himself bouncing off an old growth tree. The large bear stands on two legs now and charges with an axe. He nearly lost his head that night though only temporarily.

•Once more the exchange of blood and long life free of aging. You and he actually visit Canada first. You are more safe in the wilds of Canada as America is going through eradication of all predators including bears.

"Alu…" You lay next to him on a blanket by a small lake. "Our people spoke of a great Viovode that was betrayed and fell from grace. Are you directly one of his vampiric children?"

"Dragostea mea," he shifts his body slightly to take his form of old, minus the black armor. "I am the first Nosferatu to walk the earth..I am All Father."


🧚‍♀️Scenario 4: Fae (yandere beginnings)

•Alucard has come to London and while wandering Hyde Park, his keen inhuman eyes catch the most graceful woman he has ever seen. He knows that you are not human at all but a member of the light court.

He is by far not an expert on fairies..

•So he plans a way to capture you, having forgotten all about Lucy and Mina. Alucard is staying at Chateau Sanguine, a lavish London hotel and secret sanctuary for all 'other' beings. And Alucard knows this too. So he lures you there l, knowing you will feel safe at the Chateau.

And the snare is set..

•Against your better judgment, you agree to meet him for dinner. You hadn't detected he was an elder vampire and certainly not the First Vampire. Then before you know it, snare has caught you. Alucard is enamored with your combination of wit, charm and just enough feistiness. So through the other fae that stay at the Chateau to set a formal meeting up with the Queen of the Fae of the Light Court. To keep the peace between the King of Vampires and the Queen of the Fae, you become his beloved companion.

And when Hellsing begins the hunt..

"O you take the high road, and I'll take the low road. And I'll be in Scotland afore ye.."-Loch Lomond

•Hellsing takes the high road of the mortals and Shadow King takes the low road that is the road the Fae travel on the British Isles. He simply waits until old age comes to claim his enemies.

"Mierea mea este timpul să dezvălui în sfârșit, cu adevărat cine sunt.." (My honey it is time I finally reveal, truly who I am..)

@alastorhazbin @amikartest @artsy-jandi @three-of-crows @stygianoir

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4 years ago

dire, m | jjk

pairing(s): jungkook x reader

summary: One fateful night. That was all it took for Jeon Jungkook’s world to turn upside down. One mistake, one lick to the face, and something between biology? a spell? and now he’s horny as fuck for a Dire Wolf. Who needs catgirls when you have doggirls, right? 

warnings: rated M (18+) for language, world building, mentions of death, blood; eating of raw meat; mentions of (species) discrimination and prejudice; violence; smut (fem reader, too much m-masturbation, m-receiving oral (ish?); saliva everywhere lol); non-idol!AU - werewolfAU; werewolf!reader x blond, human!Jungkook; switches between Jungkook’s POV and your POV; is JK a furry? you decide

tried to keep it fast paced during the world building, hopefully it doesn’t feel as long as it is haha and yes there’s a rap line cameo slipped in there hehe inspired by YOASOBI - 怪物 (Kaibutsu)

He shouldn’t be out so late at night. He had lost track of time, stayed out too late, and now he was paying for it, running, trying to stay swift and quiet, keeping out of the streetlights. The sky was pitch black, oppressively towering over the city. The moon was high above him, thick and full. 

A howl tore through the darkness.

The hair on the back of his neck raised. His breathing shallowed and he tried to move quicker, hiking to the tips of his sneakers, trying to avoid the fallen leaves. There was no one walking around. No one else would be crazy enough to be out this night. The wind swirled around him, as if it too was afraid, hurrying him along. Another howl followed. 

And then another. 

And another. 

Panic rose within him, breaking out into a full out run, not caring anymore about being silent because there was scraping now, claws on asphalt, insatiable huffs mixing with growls. 

This was why they had curfew on the nights of the full moon. 

He was going to die. 

Keep reading

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2 years ago

hey! love your work its super cool. i was wondering if you could do a werewolf gn reader with toby, ej, or jane as how they would react to figureing out MC is a werewolf and how it would affect how they care for you???

(if not this is completely okay i just cant find anything like this) 🐺

This is certainly an interesting prompt!

I went ahead and did headcanons so I could add each character, instead of a scenario for a single one. Hope that’s okay :D



Toby was mostly just kinda...”eh?” Like he knew there had to be an explanation for why you acted the way you did, and your behavior, and your strange habits. Why you’d disappear seemingly without a rhyme or reason every time there was a full moon.

He certainly didn’t expect you being a werewolf was the sole cause, but the more he contemplated it, the more it made sense.

He has been very desensitized to the supernatural and otherworldly creatures, thanks to his duty as a ‘proxy’ of Slenderman, so he wasn’t all that shocked - not by normal human standards, anyway.

He was quick to accept you and your ways and made an effort to learn as much about your kind as he could, and each time he had a question, he would ask you to make sure his facts lined up. Not so surprisingly, what society called a ‘werewolf’ was vastly different from what they actually were, and he was learning this more and more every day.

Overall, he still treats you the same, with the exception of ensuring he isn’t around the nights that you transform. He still views you as the same person he fell in love with, no fear or hesitation whatsoever.


Immediate gasp. “I knew it!!”

Jane is a very smart girl, so she had taken your actions and personality traits and started wondering if there was something more to you than she initially thought. When she did some research regarding cursed and legendary creatures, she was quick to figure it out, and outright questioned you about it one day.

You were straightforward with your answer and she got the proudest grin on her face.

Very curious about your diet, your abilities, etc, but doesn’t go overboard with her inquiries. She doesn’t brag about you being a werewolf to other people, either; it’s simply a detail that’s brought up on occasion in casual conversation.

She wishes there was a way to cuddle with you when you’re in your other form, because she thinks you’d be super comfortable and fluffy.


If there’s one person that would absolutely not judge you for something you can’t even control, it’s this guy.

Being an unwilling, organ-eating demon himself, he certainly understands the internal struggle you can go through, being half human and half a monster, and will be right by your side when you may feel a trace of guilt or otherwise about it.

 In fact, if anything, it further increases your bond, as the two of you can connect on a more personal level than anybody else could.

He doesn’t assume anything about your species, nor does he pry needlessly into your life. He doesn’t like talking about what he does, why would he expect you to be any different?

The two of you together make a supernatural power couple and whenever someone hits a nerve, the other is there to defend them.

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1 year ago

What if the tokyo revengers characters meet a werewolf who has very long (like past the booty long) white hair and ocean blue eyes with a heart of gold. She's also bisexual. She passes by the junk yard place where bloody halloween happens, smells blood, and runs in. Maybe saving baji and helping anyone who's injured. Maybe she invites them all to where she and her pack live (aka where she spent most of her life).

She could also be VERY innocent + doesn't know anything about humans, like imagine her hearing the word "brothel," and out of everyone, she goes up to draken. What do you think he'll do. 🤔

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1 year ago

Info on werewolf reader and her pack

She's not related to anyone in her pack. They found her as a baby and took her in. Only when they got home did they see her physical appearance. There's a legend with in them that a child with white hair and ocean blue eyes are a child of the great goddess of the moon whom they call Loona. The pack helps each other with everything (like a wolf pack does). The children of the pack would at least try to climb draken as if he's a tree, bully takemichi a little, find scars cool and fascinating, and (if they ever meet them) would always love playing with Mana and Luna. 😍

And finally, the alpha, he's overprotective of the reader and sees her as his daughter. Plus, since he never had children of his own, he plans on passing the leadership to her.

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10 months ago

Imagine the werewolf laws being

1. Obey your alpha

2. When the alpha is challenged, the loser must die.

3. You have to be a werewolf to challenge an alpha.

How would yn's simps react to them growing up in that society? 🤔

If we're talking yandere, some might plan to get themselves turned into a werewolf, wait a bit, train themselves, challenge yn's alpha and win, and use the first rule to their advantage.

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10 months ago

Reason why the characters of haikyuu and kuroko's basketball can't have werewolfyn in the same room while playing for practice or at a ternament.

They'd chase the ball around

Character of your choice: YN, STOP, WE NEED THAT FOR PRACTICE 😱*chasing yn*

Yn chasing after a volleyball/basketball in wolf form

RIP volleyball/basketball

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10 months ago

Werewolfyn looking at kuroko #2

Kuroko #2 looking back at them

Yn: This is my child now. *picks up kuroko #2 and leaves*

Knb human characters: what the fuck 🤯👀

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10 months ago

Imagine that in the yarichin bitch club universe, yn isn't just the only girl at the school, but also a werewolf from a pack that lives nearby on the mountain. The pack is very open-minded, but don't want to tell yn anything about sex since they want to keep her as their precious little pup. (When they find out about the club, it's after she joined, so there's nothing to be done about it).

I see shikatani helping her out when it comes to human girl clothes.

With how Tamura is (appearance wise), yn might think he's a werewolf too.

It's more of how they react to when she's in heat that I'm stuck on. What I do know is that many guys would want to 'help' her with that. Tamura and Yuri might succeed. Toono would be a flustered mess.

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