bangtan trash. jungkook trash. you name it. just another teenage girl who loves to read & spazz. theme credits to: Photoset code by pixel union, tutorial by shythemes. Base code by sorrism. Masonry script by desandro.
36 posts
Save Me Plays In The Bg While I Cry Like A Pathetic Piece Of Shit Bc Of How Amazing They Look

save me plays in the bg while i cry like a pathetic piece of shit bc of how amazing they look
epiphanicwiring liked this · 8 years ago
minyoonjihasagun reblogged this · 8 years ago
More Posts from Greyskies97
Masterlist - Smut
The Discovery /noona-la-la-la
Linger / jiminnings
Sugar and Spice / noir0neko
Vanilla Roses / letsimaginebangtan
Patience / modestlydreaming
Corrupting Oppa / zeurin
Starry Eyes / jeonghsk
Warm Me Up / exobtssmutimagination
Morning Delight / yoongguksx
Happiest Time / pjiminnie
Dessert / pjiminnie
Exhibit A / hanipdnim
Spring Forward / noonatrash
The Way You Lick Your Lips / noonatrash
As Your Are / infireation
Missing You / infireation
I Like It / onlylovekpop
In An Instant / hobibliophile
Alarm Clock / modestlydreaming
Punishment / dom-joonie
Afflatus / kainks
Drive In / bangtanboysboo
Christmas Eve / bangtanboysboo
That’s what you get /exobtssmutimagination
Morning Baby / ohbabyitsbts
Listen to Oppa / ohbabyitsbts
Break Time / taehxyung
One-Time Thing / monstaccato
Relaxing Shower / smuttyfairy
Relief / yoongguksx
Hands On Me / yoongguksx
Kitten / xiuminsm
Morning / sugascenes
Want / sugarcanes
Tongue Technology / minjinbiased
‘Till You Can’t Walk / kinkybangtan
Fuck / bxngtxnfluffandotherstuff
Office Visits / optosomnio
Patience is a Virtue / boyfriendkook
Under Fire feat. Jimin / noir0neko
Car Sex / naughtykpopimagines
Mine / zeurin
Apologies / bangtanboysboo
Needy / btsmutimagines
How Many / btsmutimagines
Demure / jeonghsk
Don’t tease / exobtssmutimagination
Wicked Games / taehxyung
By The Fire / taehxyung
Yes, Oppa / monstaccato
Later / cuzimsickwithhope
Ambiguous / hobibliophile
Take Care / yoongguksx
Mirrors / yoongguksx
In Stereo / btsmuts
Punishment / cyphertrip
To Cure Longing / baeseoul
Take A Break feat. Jimin / hobibliophile
Good Daddy / yoondell
Dick-stractions / hobibliophile
Quiet / modestlydreaming
Focus / modestlydreaming
Bath Time / dom-joonie
Vanilla or Dark Chocolate? / bangtanboysboo
Release / bangtanboysboo
You’re Not A Mistake / bangtanboysboo
Wake Up Call with a Side of Revenge, Please / bangtanboysboo
Nothing / more-than-fluff
Give Me A Hand / schmudt
Wake Me Slowly / ohbabyitsbts
Trouble / ohbabyitsbts
Rest and Recreation / monstaccato
Princess / xiuminsm
Beg For It / xiuminsm
Sweet Goodnight / noonatrash
Ladies Say Hey, Hey, Hey / btsmuts
Fever / onlylovekpop
Bad Girl / onlylovekpop
The Great Outdoors / yoondell
Adore You / jiminnings
Linen Mornings / jiminnings
Laundry Mishaps / hobibliophile
Let them know / ninanevip
Hello / modestlydreaming
Good Morning, Jagi / dom-joonie
First / bangtanboysboo
Sister / schmudt
Needing You / schmudt
Altitude / siranghae
Caught / taehxyung
Claimed / ellieljade
In Shreds / jeontrack
Heteronomous / xiuminsm
Please You / xiuminsm
Tight feat. Jungkook / cuzimsickwithhope
Ego / seokline
Hush / baeseoul
Take a Break feat. Hoseok / hobibliophile
Faded / infireation
Morning Time / naughtykpopimagines
Keep Your Chin Up / jiminniemouse
Stress Relief / zeurin
Euphoria / btsmutimagines
All For You / more-than-fluff
You Started It! / more-than-fluff
Just One More / schmudt
Dinner Games / exobtssmutimagination
Guilty Pleasure / taehxyung
Pour Up feat. Jungkook / taehxyung
For Good Luck / taehxyung
Apologies / ellieljade
Let Me Admire You / cuzimsickwithhope
Apologetic / yoongguksx
Sleeping Lotus / pjiminnie
Outlines / seokline
Plane Ride / btsmuts
Sweet Dreams / parkjiminsprincess
Give Me Love / noir0neko
Tease / jungblue
Touch Your Toes / dom-joonie
Mirrors / btsmutimagines
Tease / btsmutimagines
Sunday Mornings and a White Shirt / jeonghsk
Punished / exobtssmutimagination
Needy / exobtssmutimagination
Straight Face / exobtssmutimagination
Pour Up feat. V / taehxyung
Lock the Door / monstaccato
Ribbing / ellieljade
Syrup / cuzimsickwithhope
Lay Back / xiuminsm
Baby Girl / xiuminsm
Make Daddy Proud / sseudanym
Tight feat. Jimin / cuzimsickwithhope
Baby, You’re The One / noonatrash
Six Days Without Fucking You Are Too Long / parkjiminsprincess
Blogs Mentioned:
noona-la-la-la jiminnings noir0neko letsimaginebangtan modestlydreaming zeurin jeonghsk exobtssmutimagination hobibliophile dom-joonie kainks bangtanboysboo ohbabyitsbts btsmutimagines yoondell more-than-fluff schmudt ninanevip siranghae jiminniemouse jungblue taehxyung monstaccato ellieljade cuzimsickwithhope jeontrack smuttyfairy yoongguksx xiuminsm pjiminnie sseudanym sugascenes seokline hanipdnim noonatrash btsmuts minjinbiased kinkybangtan bxngtxnfluffandotherstuff cyphertrip optosomnio boyfriendkook baeseoul infireation onlylovekpop parkjiminsprincess naughtykpopimagines

would you believe if i said these angels sculptured by god actually exist???? like in this world??? breathing????
“why do you always give up halfway?”
because nobody ever lets me finish my dreams.
can i cling onto jungkook like a koala too
why do u have to constantly look so good? why do u have to always put a smile on my face regardless of how shitty my day went? why?