Virgo ♍️/Comedian as a hobby/Bi and genderfluid/Neurodivergent/Indian
67 posts
Grim-robin-rk - What The Hell Is Going On At All Times - Tumblr Blog
If marvel had balls they'd let loki shape shift into somebody with boobs, i want the press to know this
why are lesbians everywhere except where i am... come and date me idk
Happy lesbian day to all my queers out there.
- sincerely,
A dyke
I never really understood the lesbian/himbo bond. Until I got one of my own now I see how sacred it is.
genderfluid, indian, ND, lesbian
I love it when people try to claim representation in fiction is being taken “too far” to the point where it’s no believable. They’re like:
“What’s next, a mixed-race immigrant on the autism spectrum?” Hi, my name is Rachel, also known as Rachna, and I’m a mixed-race immigrant on the autism spectrum.
“What’s next, a transgender Latino man with chronic pain?” What, you mean my former colleague, Marco?
“What’s next, a Black Jewish lesbian?” Bitch, I know I three Black Jewish lesbians, WHAT’S YOUR FUCKING POINT?
So Arizona launched an “education hotline” that allows “concerned parents” to report “””critical race theory””” and other things like ~gender identity~ being taught in the classroom
It would be a shame if the number and email were spread to bad actors looking to prank call the AZ Department of Education
602-771-3500 or empower @ azed .gov 🤡
Hahaha Hii! I’m actually a Kannadiga Sapphic! But look at us sharing borders
Reblog with where you’re from in India!
People the feeling you get when you see someone has liked and reblogged a really old post of your that shits real. My depression and anxiety have been cured by that one person.
Ok I know I’m kind of late to the party but I have seen so many people on Tumblr saying that 2 season of good omens broke them. I didn’t want any spoilers so I didn’t read why it broke them so now I’m sitting down ready to binge the whole thing but I for some reason I haven’t turned it on cause of my existential fear of this season.
Reblog if reading someone else’s fanfiction has helped you get through a hard day
Do you ever just think that it’s ok to leave your fanfic open on your couch while going to grab a snack but then in that exact moment your mom decides to come visit so as you hear her key turning you basically tackle the couch to hid the fic and you end up greeting your mum with your face in the pillows and your body straight (the only time I can be straight… I’m sorry I had to) like a stick to cover the phone
Holy shit I just watched Nimona and I am shooket
I loved it. This is my new obsession. It was amazing and was so relatable. The ending was so sad, I was in tears for some reason. But they did give us reason to believe there will be another movie. Please for the love of Titan make another one.
Also this is literally my new screensaver.

like if u agree, reblog to kiss them with tongue
A tip for Reddit Refugees (and anyone else who might need to hear it) from someone who has been on this hellsite for 10+ years. Don’t worry about cringe!
I know overall the internet has become increasingly hostile to genuine expressions of emotion, but we don’t do that here. This website was built on the backs of weird teenagers who could not be chill about their favorite fandom. And while most of us have matured a bit, we’re all still here. We’re all still incapable of being chill about our recent obsessions.
So reblog at will! Seriously, if you like it reblog it. If you wanna write, draw, or post about the most niche ship in the most niche fandom, do it! Don’t worry about whether your followers will think you’re corny. Don’t worry about being too genuine. We’re all corny, cringey, weirdos here.
And if someone tries to tell you you’re being cringe, ask them what they’re doing at the devil’s sacrament.
Do you ever just want to be a dark brooding prince and save a princess even thought you know she can fight for herself.
No just me… ok
Reblog to have something lgbt happen to you this summer
Don't ever hesitate. Reblog this. This should be in the tumblr laws. When you see it, REBLOG IT.
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
If you ever want to talk: My tumblr ask is always open.

It’s a traffic cone
Therapist: And what do we say when something goes wrong in June
Me: that’s homophobic
Therapist: no 😑
Roses are red
Violets are blue
June is gay
And so are you

I made a meme (or at least I tried)

I made a meme (or at least I tried)
Lesbian culture is listening to the song that your crush sent you on repeat for hours. Or until you can sing it word for word from memory.
Hey guys happy tdov it’s been hard this year with all of the different anti-trans legislations but today we celebrate and forget about the assholes