174 posts

I Have A Weird Obsession With Omega & Crosshair (fave Sibling Duo In TBB). I FEEL Cross & Omega Have

I have a weird obsession with Omega & Crosshair (fave sibling duo in TBB). I FEEL Cross & Omega have a VERY strong bond (First shown in S1E1). He just doesn’t know it YET lol! ALWAYS been my prayer that they will be reunited & I think he will WANT to protect her from his love for her!

I’m still TERRIFIED what will happen to her! Hunter is her FATHER, BUT Cross is also meant to be her protector!

I AM LEARNING HAWAIIAN TOO (day 466 or 467 straight on DUOLINGO lol)…. It’s number one on my bucket list BUT alas I doubt I will due to my military injuries and chronic illnesses lol. BUT THIS IS AMAZING never ever thought I would EVER FIND ANYTHING LIKE THIS!!!!!

Can anyone please please make a picture of this in ANY WAY AT ALL????? If there is ANYTHING anyone knows about that’s like this (Omega SPECIFICALLY like this please tag me :):):)!)

Sins of the Past: Ohana Means Family

Summery: A collection of drabbles set in my modern au where the Bad Batch raise Omega after rescuing her from the abusive hands of their mother. In this chapter Crosshair takes care of Omega whilst she is sick.

Notes: Happy Birthday @xoxo-40782 ! This chapter is dedicated to you! I hope that you have an amazing birthday! Everyone should check out their bad batch modern au!! It is amazing!! And I used a lot of inspiration such as Crosshair liking Ghibli movies and having issues with his similar appearance to Nala Se in this fic!! I hope that you guys enjoy!! Xxxxxxxx



They had been warned that this could happen. Obi-Wan had told them that having been trapped in that Hell of a house all her life, Omega hadn't had the chance to be exposed to all those childhood germs other kids did, leaving her more susceptible to them now. And a month after starting school, it finally happened.

Omega had woken up on Monday morning with the worst cold Crosshair had ever witnessed. Coughs had racked her shivering body that was half delirious with fever.

The boys had preciously decided on a rota to take care of Omega on sick days, and on Friday it was finally Crosshair's turn.

Thankfully her fever had broken by now but she was still bunged up with snot, so Hunter had decided to keep her off the rest of the week, hoping that she would be fighting fit by Monday.

So all Crosshair had to do was keep an eye on her.

Which was kind of the problem.

He had managed to get over most of his ill placed jealously after his talk with Hunter, but unfortunately Crosshair was well aware that trauma didn't disappear that easily.

There was no denying that any of them were Jango's offspring, with his apparent super spreader genes. But where the rest of their siblings were all blunt corners, he and Omega were sharp edges with their pointed features and lighter hair that was unmistakably the mark of Nala Se.

And Crosshair hated it. He hated it so much he once smashed the mirror in the bathroom which Ninety-Nine never replaced. He could deal with his own appearance. Shaving his hair till it went grey and getting a tattoo across his face helped.

But then Omega came into their lives. And whilst Crosshair would be eternally grateful that she never had to step foot in their sorry excuse for a mother's home again, sometimes just being around her hurt.

To see that same face that tortured him his whole life in the innocent one of a little girl felt like a cruel joke that the universe was playing to specifically spite him.

He had resorted to avoiding her which wasn't easy in a small house packed with six people. However he figured it was the better option than accidently snapping at her with something he knew that he would immediately regret. He was pretty sure Hunter at least had noticed although his older brother hadn't mentioned anything about it, yet. He knew it was something he'd have to confront eventually.

He just didn't think that day would be today.

Crosshair sat on the sofa, whilst Omega was bundled up on the other, Gonky curled up on one side of her and a stack of tissue boxes on the other, as she watched TV. Having missed out on the past decade of pop culture, Hunter was trying to rectify that, starting with the Disney classics after Omega had asked what a Disney Princess was when one of her classmates had made fun of her for not knowing. They were currently up to Lilo and Stitch. Whilst Crosshair was much more of a Ghibli fan, he didn't mind the colourful cartoon musicals, not that he would ever admit it.

He kept one eye on Omega whilst scrolling through his phone. Replying to the texts Hunter sent about every five minutes reassuring him that yes their sister was indeed still alive and ignoring the messages from his asshole of a boss Rampart who was still giving him shit about taking a day off even though Aayla had offered to cover some of his sessions for him.

The movie had barely finished playing when Omega burst into tears.

Shit, Crosshair thought, rushing over to the girl.

"Are you hurt? What's wrong?" He asked. Hunter was going to kill him if anything happened to her on his watch.

"Sh-She... she's just like me!" Omega managed choke through her sobs.

"What do you mean?" He asked, not understanding where this conversation was going.

Omega pointed at the screen where the characters were currently visiting a montage of Elvis exhibits as the credits rolled.

"Lilo! She's Polynesian! She is raised by her siblings! She's just like me!"

That was when Crosshair realised she wasn't crying because she was hurt. Happiness might not be the correct to describe word it either. It was hard to put into words the freeing ideal of being known.

And God had Crosshair realised just how badly he'd fucked up.

Growing up, if he'd seen a movie like that with someone like him in it. Maybe he would've been able to recognise himself in someone else instead of feeling isolated in a body that nobody else could understand.

He hadn't even realised he'd pulled Omega into a hug until Gonky tried to jump between them to get in on the action.

Omega's sobs subsided into giggles as Gonky's tongue locked away her tears,  tickling her face.

"Let her go you big lump." Crosshair told the husky, nudging him back to the girl's side. Since he was now over here anyway, Crosshair figured he might as well stay and settled into Omega's over side. He picked up the nearby remote.

"It might be garbage, a lot of the Disney sequels are but they made a second film if you want to watch that?"

Omega nodded eagerly, curling against his shoulder, as though it was the most natural thing in the world, even though it was the first time she had ever done it before.

To distract himself from getting teary eyed as well, Crosshair pressed play.

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this is literally the cutest thing ever and I’m crying fr. Hunter checking on her throughout the video 🥺💙
1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

ANYTHING WITH OMEGA ESPECIALLY BEING THE MAIN ISH PERSON BUT ALSO HAVING CROSS TOO IS EVERYTHING!!!! So incredibly happy to have found this!!! Although, RIGHT AFTER a seizure and now migraine SO HOPEFULLY I don’t lose this (not sure if this saves anywhere??? I’m sorry if I sound stupid at all)…. IF Fives was in this OMG YOU COULDNT GET ME TO STOP LMAO

1 year ago

If it helps, I plan on writing a Crosshair and Omega piece for my TBB series. It won't be for a while, but it is planned. I hope you'll see it when I get around to it!

OMG REALLY?!! Thank you so so much!!! I can’t wait!!! I hope I will be able to find it/see it when you so post it/finish in the future. I am excited… thank you for letting me know EVEN if it’s not currently being written this second lol!

Sorry I am “SLIGHTLY” obsessed with Grogu and Omega as my favorite characters of ALL TIME lol! And of COURSE Cross is my favorite sibling for Omega! You made my day (been struggling with my chronic illnesses so your very much appreciated!!!)!

Thank you so much again for everything and letting me know! (Have to figure out how to find this when it’s finished!!!), have an awesome night :).

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@thecoffeelorian OMG thank you so much for sharing/tagging me in this! Since you KNOW I am obsessed with Omega & Cross is my favorite sibling of hers! Omega & Grogu are my favorite characters of ALL TIME!

They help my mental health especially with all my chronic illnesses (physical & mental, also disabled veteran)! Along with Hawaii (#1on my bucket list/Learning Hawaiian, music (many types/bands lol but ESP Linkin Park & Bring Me The Horizon, LP can’t ever see :(, BMTH is #2 on my bucket list

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Escape from Mt Tantiss 🧪

Happy Star Wars day and The Bad Batch 2nd anniversary!