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141 Beach Episode // Cod x Reader
You know how in every good show there's a beach episode? Yeah this is theirs.

The 5 of you were sat in a truck with the aircon blasting. Price was dramatically fanning himself with his boonie hat. With one hand placed on the steering wheel. You had just finished a week-long mission and it left you all somewhere on the east coast with the sun beating down with no mercy. You were so uncomfortable, dressed head to toe in full gear practically sweltering in it.
“Not used to this bloody heat.”
Soap sighed placing a hand to his forehead to relieve his brow of sweat.
“I’ve got the aircon.”
Gaz smirked, of course he was fine he was sat in the front seat with cold air blasting directly onto him. You were squished between Ghost and Soap, plus he always wore a sunhat and sunglasses even in the rain.
“How ghost isn’t a puddle yet I have no clue.”
You stated, glancing over at ghost who was dressed in all black with his mask still pinned down onto his face yet he didn’t show a single sign of discomfort.
“Can you even breathe? Isn’t it like being trapped under a blanket?”
“I can breathe fine.”
He grunted not sounding amused by your questions.
“Look at tha’ ain’t it a pretty view.”
Soap said tapping on the truck window, everyone’s eyes glanced to meet where he was pointing. You were greeted with the sight of a gorgeous white sandy beach with the clearest sea water you had ever seen with families playing in the sand and surfers utilizing the waves.
“The things I would give to dive in those waves.”
You said groaning, resting your head back in the seat knowing you had a hot and uncomfortable 6+ flight ahead of you to get back to base in England not to mention the drive to even get to the airport.
“Can’t we stop for a bit? The missions all done and dusted, surely, they don’t need us back that hastily.”
Gaz asked turning to face the captain with a cheesy grin plastered across his face.
“I could use a pint. I’m sweating like a fucking pig. We only have a few hours but I think we could all use a break.”
“Make that two.”
Ghost’s gruff voice chimed in his mood perking up at the promise of a cold beer.
“I think everyone here wants a bloody pint.”
A few moments later the 5 of you were all stood on the beach boardwalk, you removed your boots and placed them by the railing before stepping onto the soft, warm sand.
“I have never ever stepped on sand so soft oh my-“
You wondered how long it had been before you stood barefoot on a beach. Probably not since you were a child on a day trip with your family.
“Shit the sands a bit hot ain’t it?”
Soap said as she stepped onto the sand beside you, shifting from foot to foot as he complained about the temperature once again.
“I’ll go grab us some drinks, find a spot I’ll come find you all.”
Price said before stepping up the stairs and walking towards the crowded beach bar on the boardwalk.
Ghost, who was still dressed fully in his gear stomped behind you scouting the beach for a place to sit like it was the toughest decision he ever had to make.
He said pointing to a peaceful square of the beach, not too far from the shore.
You all placed your backpacks down and set a towel down for yourself. Ghost was wrestling with the beach umbrella to get it stood up.
“Whose going for a swim?”
Soap said with a huge smile on his face as he stripped off his t shirt leaving him in his cargo shorts.
“You go first mate, tell us how cold it is eh?”
Gaz joked, pushing soap slightly closer the seafront.
“Don’t be a pussy.”
“I’ll go!”
You said, removing your jacket and vest leaving you in a tank top and some old cargo shorts dumping by your backpack them away from the shore so the waves didn’t steal them.
You jogged down to the water front stood beside Soap and Gaz.
“Whose going to make the first move then?”
You all stood in a line, hands on hips inspecting the water as it broke in front of you. As you spoke Soap dived headfirst into a wave like a goofy dolphin. He stuck his head up like an seal, running his hands through his mohawk and wiping the salty water off his face.
“Is it cold?”
You shouted through the crashing waves.
“Nah, its refreshing.”
He shouted back before running through the water back onto the shore to stand beside the two of you.
“I don’t know if I’m that hot anymore you know-“
You said backing off after feeling the ‘refreshing’ water splash over your feet and ankles sending little shockwaves through you.
With that statement Soap placed two hands on your waist and lifted you up into the air before placing you over his shoulder like a fireman would carrying someone out a burning building.
You screamed thumping his back in fear as he stepped into the freezing ocean once again. Gaz stood on the shore filming the entire situation laughing at your misfortune. Ghost sat watching from afar under a big shady umbrella pint in hand with Price sat beside him reading something, smoking one of his cigars as per usual.
Soap teased as he began to hoist you up even further before throwing you into the sea with a huge splash. The cold water shocked you at first but after a few seconds, soap was right. It was kind of refreshing. You popped your head up out the water with a frown.
“I hate you asshole.”
“You weren’t going to get in I had no choice-“
You pushed a big wave of water his way aiming for his face secretly hoping the salt would burn his eyes.
Gaz stepped into the water with haste joining you and soap.
“We going play mermaids or what?”
You asked with a chuckle as the 3 of you treaded water in a circle.
“I would prefer to drown Soap.”
Gaz said before dunking soaps head back under the water.
About an hour later you sat on the beach wrapped in your towel, drying off in the sun.
“Been a while since I’ve been able to relax on a beach.”
Price spoke, he was leant back on a sun lounger his hat placed over his face shielding his eyes from the setting sun.
“Thought you were asleep old man.”
Ghost chuckled.
“Can we take a photo?”
You asked bringing out your super old digital camera you dragged around on every single mission.
The 5 of you gathered in closer. Gaz throwing up a peace sign. Soaps arm slung around ghost and a beer held loosely in the other. Captain Price sat up placing his hands on your shoulders. Your smiles were all wide (you would like to believe ghost’s was too) as the light of the setting sun glowed on your faces.
That day was a good day.
The Guilty Plea
Traitors Among Us (Part 1) and Innocents Among You (Part 2)
Summary: As you're discharged from the infirmary, under watchful eye, you head to Laswell to talk on the rest of your now ruined military career. Of course, you're forced to confront your team as it happens, the last people on earth you'd like to see.
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Running your fingers along the raised, pink scar across you cheek, the feeling of it...it really looked terrible. A part of you thought it would disappear, hoped it would, but it didn't. It just became severely more noticeable. Looking at this, you knew you'd always have to think of it. You'd sport this reminder for the rest of your life.
Looking away from it, you find your own tired eyes in the mirror, you haven't been sleeping well. Or at all. You can't remember the last time you got 4 hours, let alone 8. Dark circles still surrounded them but at least the bruising and the swelling had gone down.
You couldn't recognize yourself. Not really.
This woman looked so exhausted, so frail and so goddamn angry. It was accurate, it was how you felt. All of it. So, you supposed that the mirror's reflection was the truth, this was you indeed.
"If you need another day or two, no one will ask questions."
You glance over towards your psychologist, your fucking therapist, a nice little 'gift' sent over by the bureau to check in on your mental state after your ordeal. Glaring at him through the reflection of your mirror, he sighs, putting down his pen that slaps against his notepad, "I can't help you if you don't talk to me."
"I'm going to Laswell." Ignoring his statement, you speak. "I'm ready. I'll pack up. Get back to base. Vera had me discharged from the infirmary. I can start ov--"
"My nurse. You met her," you continued, annoyance spiking at the interruption. Your wrist brace squeaking quietly under the pressure of your fist tightening beneath the table.
"Do you listen to a word I say outside of...my 'trauma'?" You wonder, bluntly.
Your psychologist blinks, surprised, before clearing his throat, appalled. "If you feel I can be more attentive to your state of well-being throughout our process, than by all means--"
"Oh, so 'no'?" you lean back into your seat, a strained laugh leaving you. His lips press together and you continue before he can find the words. "Because whenever I mention leaving this fucking team, you either adjust our schedule for another two weeks or suggest hypnotic therapy, as if I need anyone else digging around to fuck up my mental state."
"I never meant to imply--"
"Oh, you implied it," you interrupted, gritting your teeth. "I know what I want. And I want off Task Force 141."
He taps at the leather of his notebook. "Scars heal, just remember that, Ms. (L/n). The reminders of your experience shouldn't have to haunt you."
"It's not the scars, I've had my share way before this," you admitted, rising to your feet. You exhale deeply that tells to the effort of it, the steel gear hinges along your leg braces shift with your change of position. Still getting use to them. "It's the person."
"Has she changed, you think?" the psychologist begins to write, getting somewhere.
"She doesn't exist anymore."
Finally, placing the mirror down and onto the side table, you pushed off of the table, rolling your IV pole along with you. Passing the chair your psychologist sits on, he closes his notebook with a frustrated huff, looking over his shoulder. "Session over for you already, Ms. (L/n)?" he sighs. "We've still got the hour."
"I'm done," you take the knob in your hand. Turning.
In more ways than one.
"You understand that, informing your captain on your leave is required of you. Have you spoken to any of them, in the last few weeks?" he spoke up, quickly. "I'm sure giving them a space to open up, share from their view--"
"Why should I care--"
"--will give you better understanding, better clarity of the situation they were in--
Appalled. "What the fuck?" Jamming the door closed with a loud, shuttering thud, you whip around. "IT'S NOT ABOUT THEM!" you could just rip your hair out. "Who--who says that to someone?!"
Your psychologist sits there, eyes wide in confusion. "What--"
"Christ, can you hear me? Can you--can you see me? I've got metal plates in my spine, braces holding my knees in place and nerve damage that'll never heal! Who gives a fuck about them!" your skin feels red hot, your face twisted in rage. "I gave my life! My life to this! And then I'm tortured, I'm threatened, drugged and beaten by my own team, my f--my family for eight fucking years..."
You continue with a heavy chest. "And I'm supposed to invite them for dinner to talk and listen them bitch and moan about why they thought it was necessary to beat me to death for two weeks?! Fuck you!" you spat. "I don't owe them anything!"
"That's not what I was trying to say, Ms. (L/N). I apologize, I overstepped. Come sit down--"
"Of course you meant it," you interrupted, mock humor. "Don't be a pussy, own up to it. Revel in your truth. Be tter yet--" you snatch a journal from the cabinet. Tossing it his way. "Make a note of it."
Turning the knob, you leave the room with a slam of the metal door.
You were officially famous. On the base, you were now a legend.
A story that would be mentioned and told at lunch for months. Probably years.
First, you were a rat. Next, you were innocent. This was the most gossip any of those in service had ever seen in their years of service.
An interesting reminder to those in service that you weren't safe off duty either.
You learned a few days ago that there was an update put into the interrogational unit, something about how to properly go about dissecting evidence and being on the lookout for enemy spies in the militia.
You guessed you had been told about it in an effort to be appeased by the thought that the head of control paid attention to anything beyond their own noses for once. But, you had little to no faith in a system that's nearly killed you on and off the field by now, so it didn't matter.
You doubted the new rules would be followed though, there was a plethora of things they'd done to you in that cell that were both illegal and unsanctioned. Most of all, that were expected towards an enemy, a prisoner of war at best, and not a fellow marine.
You arrive at the housing quarters, swiping your key card, pulling the handle and entering the wing. Immediately, you're greeted by a dozen eyes, conversations stopping short and clothes ruffling to silence, suddenly whispers fill the space and eyes turn away.
"Oh, god, it's her..." says one man in the far corner.
"Shut the fuck up, man!" came a harsh whisper back.
"I didn't know it was that bad..."
All those eyes on you, makes you pause in your step, looking around at all of your fellow soldiers, the men and women you've served with for years. Many you recognized, ate with, fought beside that turned their backs to you now. Out of respect? Out of distaste, morale, nerves, pity, it all didn't matter. It all felt the same.
The wheels attached to your IV pole suddenly sounded much too loud on the polished flooring, as you walked down the hall as fast as you were able to.
Breathing out deeply, you get to an elevator, pushing on the button, once, twice, three times, just open goddamn it.
With a ding, the metal doors open, and suddenly you're aware that people could be in the elevator, they could be in this elevator, he could be in this elevator. Your eyes flicker down to the floor, your grip on the pole of your iv tightens, your shoulders stiffen, waiting for a blow that will never come.
You stand there as the doors open up, the small space empty, the metal walls reflect only her and a streak of lighting from the ceiling.
Looking up slowly, finally taking a breath, before sliding the iv up and onto the elevator, following it as you press your floor number along the way.
The ride up is fast, a little rumble as it stops, and then the doors open. Faster than you were prepared for.
Peeking out down the hallway, luckily no one to bump into, which you were thankful for. But, it didn't make this hall any less haunting. You'd been cornered in this same hall, you could recall being hauled out of the room after the solid handle of a knife hits your temple.
You don't go down fast enough, whipping around as you stumble to take the wrist of your attacker, mostly for balance, it's Price. In shock, you're unprepared as Johnny's arm encircle your neck, locking you into position as you both stumble backwards onto the floor. He blocks your airways, hushing you harshly as you struggle, feet kicking out and your vision blurring as your team surrounds you. Your family.
That was quite the headache to wakeup with afterwards.
You hadn't quite remembered until now. Being back served as a hell of a kickstart to your memory.
Just a few more reasons to get the fuck off of 141.
Getting off the elevators, the metal doors sliding closed behind you, you make your way down the hall. The polished flooring creates a subtle squeak through the wheels of your iv pole, your hand absently running over the fading stitches along your side.
Passing the shadows of your tortured memory, the doorway of the office was closed, locked.
You pass Kyle's room.
Finally, you rush up to the next room on the left, grabbing the handle, before beginning to twist, but then you're yanking your hand back as if the metal had burned you. Your back ramming into the back wall, catching yourself, this wasn't your room.
It was Simon's.
You'd spent hours, days, in that room. More than your own.
Why wouldn't you? You were about to get married to the man. You had more in this room than you had in yours.
Sharp breaths leave you, shivering in your effort to keep yourself together, your head goes back into the wall, swallowing down the ache in your chest.
You wait, muscles tensed and your body pressing back into the wall, hoping it'd absorb you if that door opens. Listening for every sound, any pin drop, even an exhale from beyond that doorway. Luckily, Simon seemed to be out for the day.
Hurriedly, nearly running, you steady yourself against the wall as you rush down to the corner of the hallway, finally finding your room.
Turning the handle, it's not locked, it's broken. It opens with ease.
Entering the room slowly, pushing the doorway aside, the crackle of glass beneath your boots as you step forwards, clothes and picture frames laying scattered.
The mattress flipped and ripped open, springs and cotton cut from it. Your wall of metals and certificates, from acts of bravery and mementos of valor, discarded, later you'd find them in the trash, one with a bullet lodged into the gold.
Sniffling as you leaned down, picking a specific frame off the ground, the only one that hadn't been broken. Laying along the ruined rug, with no care for the glass digging through your jeans, you stare at the still shot of your family.
The only family you had outside of Task Force 141, your father and his sister, military brats themselves, until their retirement. Your mother had passed, or just up and left, days after your 5th birthday, you weren't completely sure, the story kept changing every year. But, these two were the only family you've ever known, ever had, until you joined the military, following in their footsteps.
They'd been so proud when you arrived back after your first assignment, in truth you were heavily traumatized, but seeing them, you just had to smile. Having a family that understood the harsh toll on the line of a trooper, now a lieutenant, it was always easier to bring your troubles to them. But, they were also military nuts so "suck it up" was also a quick go to answer from your aunt, while your father was the smoother talker.
They had met Simon, loved him, his rank, his love for you, his seriousness. They trusted him completely with your heart.
So, when he called them, after the evidence leaked...
They believed him.
"What're you talking about?" You took the handle of the chair in your grip, easing you down into it as your legs do weak at what you were hearing. "I didn't...I didn't do it, Dad."
"Do you know how humiliating and disappointing--how it felt to hear him say that to me, hm?" he says, static crackles on the reciever. "My daughter...my own flesh and blood...working with terrorists--"
"I'm not working with anyone! Are you-" you huff out a breath of disbelief. "Are you even listening to me? I've never betrayed the code. How can you think that way of me?"
For a moment, he's silent. "Alright, then," he began. "Than, what'd you do? huh?"
"Oh, come on, (Y/n)!" your father yells. "What did you do?! What could they possibly have had on you that made you the most likely target? You had to have had done something, been somewhere, were with somebody you weren't supposed to be with! They didn't just get that information from anywhere."
"What the fuck--" Your expression twists with frustration and misery, running your hand through your hair, pulling at it. "I've sacrificed every part of myself for this job, for this team, what do I have to gain from throwing that all away? They send me everywhere, places you've never heard of, places you'll never hear about and people you'll never have to meet, because of me! Why would you just believe Simon? Why couldn't you just wait to talk to me?!"
Hearing your father scoff at your words was painful. "What reason do I have not to believe him? He knows you, maybe even better than any of us. Besides, he was going to be my son in law--"
"I'm your daughter! Fuck Simon, what about me? You'd believe him instead?"
He sighs. "Listen, you're upsetting Cass. We didn't expect your call. I gotta make this brief..."
"You're upset?" pulling at your hair, sucking in sharply. "I'm the one who's permanently fucking altered here. What do either of you have to be upset about?!"
"Watch your fucking mouth!" he seethes. The anger in his voice isn't new, but the way he spits it at you is. "You did this to yourself, I didn't. Maybe that's what your nightmares were about, am I right? Your guilt?"
Wiping the streaks of tears that had fallen down your face, lips quivering and chest aching with sobs you frustratedly shoved down. "Why don't you believe me?"
"I don't deserve the disgrace that will come with you as my kin, I've lived my part of this war. No daughter of mine should even be in this fucking position," your father spat, disgusted into the receiver. Suddenly, he was the cruel, bitter old man your mother had always known him to be, you wished she had stayed to at least remind you of that. Maybe it wouldn't have hurt as much. "You should be ashamed of yourself, but at least you got yourself out it. The least you could do for us."
"Well--what does that mean?" you spoke, quietly.
"Don't call again..."
"Dad, no--" you break this time, a sob escaping you.
"Me and your Aunt Cass..."
"Daddy please, don't do this--"
"..We've decided to cut ties. We're not taking any heat from this, you're on your own," he finishes, clearing his throat, waiting a moment, listening to the pleads and cries of his only daughter, his once pride. "You take care of yourself. Goodbye, kid."
"Why can't you just believe me? Why?!" you cried.
"Don't come to the house."
"No, no,--" the line goes dead. And staring down at your phone, his caller id going blank and the call disconnecting.
Your phone all of a sudden feels heavy, the device and your hand falling down to your thigh, before the phone slips out of your grip and onto the floor. You sit there silently, until your tears drop up and even after.
Staring at the photo now was haunting in its own way, it was just another painful reminder.
Using the bed frame to stand to your feet, your grip on the frame is painful as you squeeze it, the glass cracks audibly.
Whipping around at the sound of John MacTavish's voice, you back up a few steps at the sight of him, your back hitting the edge of your desk.
He reaches out as you stumble, before his fingers curl back into his palm as you find your balance, his hands receding back to his sides. He doesn't enter the room, just lingering just beyond the doorway, his eyes flickering around the room, guiltily.
"I didn't know--we didn't know you were out," he speaks quietly, as opposed prideful personality that translated into his voice usually.
You say nothing.
In the dark, your eyes are wide and your shoulders are tensed up, he can see the glint of your leg braces, the iv pole at the side, the scar beneath your eye. You looked terrified to see him.
"We were coming back to clean up today, just got back from...from a mission..." he stutters on his words, shifting his feet.
"It's been a week."
His lips press together hearing your voice. "I know..." Johnny glances around at the room he'd let those officers destroy, it hadn't been them, but they might as well had done it. "I know...we just...didn't know it was so bad."
"Really?" your voice is mockingly sweet, drawing out the word. "You didn't know? Well look..." you hold up your family photo, the light in the hallway catching on the glass. "You missed one."
Your hand dropping, the heavy frame comes down just as fast, ramming into the ground, the glass practically exploding on impact.
Johnny flinches, the photo of your family...He looks back to you, surprised. "Bonnie..."
Snatching the next closest thing from your desk, a ceramic cup. "Oh, wow, can't believe you guys missed this one," you chuck it into the wall. It breaks on impact, the remains scatter along the flipped mattress and onto the floor. "That used to be my favorite mug by the way."
The Scotsman worriedly steps forwards, 'Lass, I'm sorry--"
"FUCK YOU!" you spat, coming into the light. You're sure you look deranged, and you didn't care. You could've wrapped your hands around his throat, killed him right on the floor and you wouldn't have blinked. "It doesn't mean anything! 'I'm sorry', 'I'm sorry', 'I'm sorry', over and over and over again! As if you shouldn't be! Your apologies mean fuck all."
"I know...I know," he breathes. "But, I've gotta say it anyway, bonnie. I should've believed you, there was no reason not to. I know that now. I just--"
"Believe me!" you cut him off with a yell. "Trust me! Fucking 'HELP ME'!" you screamed with the same fever as your days in the interrogation room, that terrible cell, the cold, the burn and pain. "I cried it all to you, to all of you, and nobody came. Nobody came for me," you breathe in sharply. "It doesn't matter what you should've done. You didn't do it!"
Johnny's eyes are red, he opens his mouth, closes it and then swallows down whatever chokes him up as he looks at you. "I should've came for you. I wish I did. I wanted to, Bonnie..." he steps forwards, and you recede back away from him, your eyes narrowed with violence. "I'll never forgive myself for not listening to you. For not coming to help you. For laying a hand on you. I'm so sorry, (Y/n). I'm sorry..."
I'll never forgive myself... "That makes two of us," you assured.
Johnny's eyes widen, before they close, his guilt ever consuming. He can't help but understand, to respect your decision, to know things can never be ok again. "(Y/n)...."
Grabbing hold of the nearest thing, a pencil cup, you hurl it at Johnny. He doesn't put his hands up, flinching as it hits him, the metal clinking against his kevlar, eyes closing then opening, he stands still. "I don't forgive. I don't accept your apology. I don't fucking care about it!" with each sentence you throw something else his way, a broken frame, the trash bin, a pillow, the CD player.
His hand has to come up for the knife you unsheathe, a memento from one of your missions, it's rusted, ancient probably. But, you hadn't given it up to a museum or to pawn, you had nearly died on this mission, saving Johnny ironically. You had to keep it.
Seeing the weapon, his defensive position is instinctive but his hands drop just as fast, he understands, you need this. You deserve this. "If you need to..." he speaks. Your eyes flicker up to him, away from the knife. "If you need to, I get it..."
And you need to. You really fucking do.
Your grip on the knife is dangerously hard, it hurts.
Looking at Johnny, he'd been your brother in more than a few ways on and off the field, he had been your comfort, your friend, your family. You had bled with him, held onto him as he carried you from the battlefield, joked, laughed, screamed and cried. You've loved him for years.
He'd had a rough few nights you could see that. He was quieter, reserved. Almost as terrified to see you, as you had been of him.
And you could kill him right now and never bat an eye.
And so, throwing that knife was so fucking easy.
Johnny's eyes close as you do just that, fists clenching and teeth biting down on his tongue to prepare for the pain.
The ancient weapon whiz's through the air, the sound is sharp and he knows it will cut through him like butter.
The thud rings in the room, and Johnny's eyes blow open wide, holding his breath as he collapses to his knees, before turning to you.
You dig into the pile of clothes that had been cast aside, a pair of sneakers and a new shirt. You don't look at him a single time as you take it all, stuffing them in a bag, and leaving the room, passing him completely, a limp in your step.
Johnny releases a pained breath, tears finally leaving him as he looks up, the knife lodged into the frame of the doorway, just barely missing him. The sleeve of his uniform ripped open.
He sits there in the quiet, destroyed room. A testimony to the relationship he's destroyed between you.
Part 4 coming soon!

Poly141! | Mission Pixie Dust
Okay so... I was making up scenarios in my head as I was falling asleep last night and I made myself cry ... so I obviously had to share...
Poly141; the four men are your husbands and all deployed at the same time, leaving you home with your three kids at the beginning of the school holidays.
This turned out longer than I thought it would but I just had to write it out. I love Poly141 AND them being dads :')
Da = Johnny
Papa = John P.
Dad= Simon
Daddy = Kyle
School holidays had just started, and your three pups were buzzing as soon as they came home. Bags were thrown on the floor, school shoes unlaced and scattered around the shoe stand. They knew the rules, but first day of school holidays meant they were allowed to get a little wild.
Your oldest, Paesha, had just turned eight and her father was obvious. Thick curls, dark skin and warm brown eyes made it plain to see. But all your husbands loved her the same. In fact, she had a special bond with her Da (Johnny).
Malachai, your second, could have been any of the three other men's. Light brown hair, fair complection, and utterly/overly protective of his sisters. He had been born a year after Pae.
And your youngest, Felicity (known as Flick), had started her first year in big school. She was known for having exceptional blue eyes.
None of your husbands wanted a DNA test, they thought it useless because everyone treats the children with the same love, compassion and warmth.
Throwing your keys on the counter (Paesha picked them up and placed them on the hook). You rubbed the bridge of your nose and tried to quell the longing in your soul. You didn't know if it was worse when the kids were gone or with you. Being completely alone let the terrible thoughts attack but you didn't want your kids to miss out on having their fathers'.
Calming the oncoming tears, you turned around and asked, "who wants pizza for dinner?"
"YES!" Yelled Mal, a fist punched in the air. Paesha nodded her head enthusiastically while Flick did a little happy dance.
Paesha halted and squinted at you, "Not homemade right?"
After dinner arrived, the four of you sat on the large dark green couch. Your two ex-military dogs, Moth and Teddy, sat on either end of the lounge.
Turning onto the streaming service, you found the exact movie you were looking for. The 2003 version of Peter Pan.
With the lights off (except for the kitchen, the kids were still scared of too much darkness), you watched as one of your cats jumped into Pae's lap. Barnaby started purring instantly. His fluffy white tail settled around his body.
The seven of you settled in. Your four human babies snuggled up to their mama, smiles already on their faces.
When the movie had finished, your kids still wouldn't go to bed.
"Oh wait, I know why it isn't working - we don't have the pixie dust!" Flick pulled on your sleeve with a huge gap-toothed smile.
You had been watching as they jumped around the room. Lights flicked on, bodies flinging from one couch to another.
"I know! But ... we don't have any in the house..." You grumbled.
Paesha was staring dreamily at Peter Pan, a cheek resting against her face. "Where do we get some?" Her head turned slightly to look at you, her eyes nearly heart-shaped.
"Ugh-" god trying to keep childlike wonder alive was bloody difficult. Like a sign from the Universe, your phone started to ring.
All three kids ran over to it, knowing exactly who was calling at this time of night. Swiping the screen, four familiar faces popped up.
"Da! Papa! Dad! Daddy!" Smiling through the screen, the men had been just as eager to see their kids as their kids were to see them.
"Hello little munchkins, ya been good for mum?" Simon greeted first. His mask was off and no black could be found around his eyes. He never showed that side to the children.
"We're going to fly!" Flick chirped, her arms outstretched and running around.
"You're - what?" Price said with a slightly panicked face.
"But we need pixie dust," Malachai explained. Shaking his head like this was obvious information.
"I introduced them to the ... live action Peter Pan," you explained and a smile of regret grew on your tired face.
"Oh honey," Kyle replied, understanding the situation. He was the first of the men to.
"But we don't have any and we have to go buy more!" Pae said while leaning against you.
"Eh, pixie dust ...?" you heard Johnny mumble in the background.
"Oh! I have an idea!" You said with a faked expression, "why don't the Dada's get us the pixie dust!"
The chorus of cheers was heard throughout the house. Alerting the the tired Moth and Teddy.
Kyle shook his head. And Price's nose flared. Mum: 1 - Dads: 0.
"We'll bring back the goddamns finest," Simon said. You couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
"See! You heard Dad! Now get your butts' upstairs and in bed."
"Yes ma'am!" They said in unison (a nickname they'd heard their father's use one too many times.)
Once the kids were upstairs, your face dropped.
"I miss you guys," you whispered into the phone. The tears welling and spilling down your cheeks.
"We miss you too," John said, his words strangled with his feelings.
It was always hard to hang up.
It hurt.
But tonight's farewell felt like the hardest. You could just imagine how the scenario would've played out if their father's were there with them. With you.
'Can't always get what we want,' you thought bitterly.
"Not long now," Kyle said. You stared at his eyes and then his lips. God how much you wanted to kiss him.
"You better make sure you bring back some fucking pixie dust or there'll be a riot."
"Aye, Laswell definitely knows someone-" Johnny replied, giving you a wink. "Miss you gorgeous." He always tried to uplift the mood. And it nearly always worked.
You fought out of your misery, knowing the four soldiers couldn't bear to see you upset. And as they said their goodbyes, you said so in return.
"We love you, our precious wife. We'll all be together soon."

141 Neighbors imagine
The boys have been in a relationship for a long time. They've all taken a small break from the feiled after Johnny almost dying... they have been staying in a small and sweet place, a nice flat for them to share.
And while not out on the feiled, they still worked overtime. And weren't home often; and when they were, they always just got some takeaway and loved each other before going to work the next morning.
You had noticed this; You had lived in the flat adjacent to the four hunks. You lived alone in your cute, comfy flat with your cat "Binks,".
You didn't like that they lived off cheap takeaway and three hours of sleep at most. So you decided to be a kind neighbor and give them a good home cooked meal. You made extra for dinner that night, packaging the warm meal and leaving it at their door with a small and short note.
John slowly walks to the door after hearing the soft 'tap tap tap' outside his door. His hand rested on the gun on his hip in case things went south after opening the door.
But nobody was there, he looked down and saw a small basket and a note. "W'as tha?" Johnny asked, coming up behind his former captian; picking up the small basket and bringing it into his lovers home.
"Trying to be a friendly neighbor, I noticed all the takeaway, and I thought you'd all enjoy a nice meal," a short note and nothing more. John didn't trust it, showing it to Simon and Kyle, and Simon agreed. It was too suspicious, Kyle wanted to think maybe their was a kind soul, but knowing their line of work, he wasn't sure.
"I don' kno 'bout ye, but I t'ink this 's delicious." The three men looking to their other lover and to their shock and horror he was munching away on the mysterious meal. "JOHNNY," Simon yelled in disappointment and fear, "well, how are you feeling?" Kyle asked, unsure if this was 100% safe.
"Feel great," the Scott says before taking another spoon full. Kyle shrugs, and they all settle into a comfortable silence as they eat the dinner from their friendly neighbor.
This becomes a normal occurrence. They hear a rapping on their door, and when they open the door, there is a meal waiting, but nobody there.
They didn't know who their friendly neighbor was, but they were thankful for the warm meals. However, one day Johnny came home after a last-minute grocery run and spots you.
Placing the basket on their door quickly knocking before rushing to your door and shushing your fluffy cat as it meows at your feet. Johnny found you cute, and he knew his lovers would love to know you too.
Sorry for the poorly written and rushed little imagine, I'm very tired and I just wanted to write this down before I forgot about it. Maybe make this a real fic later, it'll be written way better I promise.

Sweet Sub boy Kyle

Warning: just pure Smut, overstimulation, sub-Kyle, Dom-reader, handcuffs, leashes, 69, dacryphilia, recording, voyeurism?, spit, nipple play, anal (giving, you eat Kyle out and peg him), just overall freaky shit 🥺😀
Character: Kyle Gaz
Summary: You and Kyle make a nice home video for him to take on his month-long mission. And it is quite the video...
A/n: I just love Kyle, and Kyle is a switch (fight me) and He is a slut for anal (argue with the wall) I don't know about anyone else here but I have a pussy and when I use a strap I call it cock so that's what it will be called in the fic, and also kinda short.
The camera slightly shakes as it focuses on Kyle's face, his face looked flush and his bottom with was caught in his teeth. Clearly excited.
He had a collar, it was a pretty leather collar with a gold tag, and it had plush velvet inside to not irritate his skin. He was so pretty. Looking up at you with his doe eyes.
The only thing the camera could see of you was your legs and the bottoms of the crimson lingerie you wore. Your hand came into view as you tugged the collar to get his attention. He leans down and presses soft wet kisses from your ankles to your thighs as he waits for your command.
You get up from the bed, "up." you tell him as you pat a spot for him. He quickly makes his way to where you patted. Near the bedpost on top of the soft blankets he loved. You lean over leaving soft kisses over his face before sloppily kissing his lips, gently pushing his shoulders to silently tell him to lie down. And like a good boy, he listens.
You take each of his hands and kiss his writs before cuffing him to the bars of the headboard. You kiss over his chest paying extra attention to his perky nipples. Soft moans leave his plump lips. You kiss down to his hips leaving your marks and love bites as you go.
You push his legs to his chest gently kneading the flesh, his legs were soft yet toned they felt nice to the touch. Kyle moans at the pleasurable burn of the stretch.
He tries his best to keep his legs up for you, you kiss and leave kitten licks from his leaking tip down his length to his balls. His whimpers only fuel you to tease him further.
It's only when he lets out a small "please" that you decide he's been good enough to get a taste.
You pull away from him and he whines, you take the camera from where it sat and pointed it at his face, cooing at his pouty lips. "don't worry baby, you'll get what you want." your sweet words holding a darker warning behind them.
You sat reverse cowgirl on his chest, "you remember our words?" you asked, "green means good, Yellow means slow down, and red means stop." he responded "And our non-verbal codes?" you asked a second time, "One tap is go, two taps means slow and breathe, three means stop." just as he finishes his response you pull the panties to the side, "Good boy, remember to tap loud so I can hear you okay baby? " you coo before sitting on his face with your body weight, the camera angle a bit shakey but still did the job of showing how he eagerly lapped at your entrance, you rolled your hips and giggled at his attempt to pull the restraints to grab your hips.
After a while, you leaned over his body. His tongue still lapping away, you placed the camera at the foot of the bed that had a small place of wood, big enough to place the camera. You angled it so it focused on you and Kyle. You make a show to the camera of sucking his tip and playing with his balls making him groan into you.
You lean down your tongue grazing against his puckered ass, he jolts unexpectedly surprised by your action. But by the gasp he made he liked it. So much so that his cock twitched. You smile towards the camera and begin to rim and tease him. It's not long before your both lapping away at each other, you make sure to stroke his girth while you rim him to add to the stimulation.
It's not long before he cums. But even after he did you kept stroking. Griping him harder and causing him to toss his head back away from you. He moans loudly as his hips buck into the air.
Making him cum a few more times before you get up from him completely, taking a moment to admire him. The sweat made his skin glisten, his pupils were dilated, his lips were covered in his spit, and your nectar. He was just so pretty. "color?"
A moment of shuffling is heard in the background, Kyle still laying down and tied. A moment later you come into view, your cock standing proud as you lather on the clear strawberry-flavored lube. The camera can pick up the detailed veins along the girth. You pick up the camera again pointing it at Kyle as you use your other hand to push the pink tip to Kyle's lips.
He looks up at you opening his mouth wide enough for you, letting you slowly thrust your hips into his mouth. He tries to control his gag reflex but it's difficult when you keep purposely pushing deeper into his mouth. "look into the camera honey." you say sweetly, he listens looking into the camera his pretty eyes lining with tears that threaten to fall with the way you but the back of his throat. After a moment you pull away, setting the camera on the bedside table making sure the angle was right. Then placing Kyle's legs over your shoulders as you push into him.
It didn't take much, this isn't the first time he's taken your cock and it certainly won't be the last. What he didn't expect though was for you to set such an unforgiving pace. You were normally so soft and gentle. Not this time.
Kyle gasps and moans, you're tempted to gag him with how loud he is. But you couldn't silence these pretty sounds. Loud whines and moans of, "yes!~ oh- oh fuck!" - "right there! Please- AH! ah~ please don't st-OP! Oh God! Don't stop!" "you fuck me so good! Fu-UCk! I love your Cock- fuck- I love you so much!" you praised him and kissed him in between his moans.
He cums again, and once more you don't stop or slow down. Instead, you reach down and stroke his cock. He let's out a loud moan and tosses his head back, "AHhah~!! Wait! WaIT! Wait! I can't! I can't cum anymore! I ca- AH! I can't please! Stop! I- sta- stop- Ahah~!" you coo at him "you don't want me to stop. If you did you'd say your color.~ you say one thing but you and I both know you're loving every second of this. You're my sweet little whore huh baby? So be a good whore and take it!" he whines, you're right. He knows you're right. He cums again, legs shaking.
You pull out of him, and a moment he groans, from relief of displeasure you don't know. But you don't have time to know, you take his slowly softening cock and with the hardness that remains you push it into your lubed entrance. He let's out another groan that turns into a loud whimper. You start bouncing on his cock, his wrists turning red as his tugs the cuffs as his body trembles.
You shakily grab the camera and zoom onto Kyle's face. When the blur clears you see his tear-stained face and cock bruised lips and the drool that ran down his chin. "aww look how pretty you are~" you tease as you lick up his chin, your pace not faltering. "please"- he gasps - "please, I c-cant- nghm~ I can't cum anymore" - more tears run down his soft face- "I don't have anything left- please-" you moan, "let's make a deal, once I cum we can stop~" he nods his head as best he can with how overstimulated he is.
When you do cum you push yourself to continue bouncing until you felt him cum what little he had left inside of you. He's breathing heavily as he looks up at you. A whimper escapes him as you remove yourself from his cock. You giggle the camera focused on both of your faces as you kiss him. The kiss is slow, soft, and loving. You rest your forehead against his for a moment before turning toward the camera with a smile, "Say goodbye to the camera Kyle~" he gives the camera a small wave with an airy laugh. "let's clean you up baby-" the audio cuts off as well as the image.
Ghost, Soap, and Price stare at the screen. Shocked. They didn't mean to see this video. They were only trying to get the movie they were gonna watch for the night Gaz sent them to his room to get his computer that was given back to him for the time being, seeing as they didn't have anything else to do but wait for a signal.
They saw a file called 'Lovie <3' and just got curious, seeing as they never knew Gaz had a lover. They expected cute couple pictures and while yes there were some they didn't expect a homemade porno.
But fuck was it hot.
The tent in all three of their pants is very noticeable. They'd be lying if they said they all hadn't thought about fucking Kyle. He was undeniably pretty and his body was very nice. But not only that, they got a taste of you and that was something they are all grateful for... Maybe they should ask you and Gaz for a... Live performance sometime...

poly!141 x reader but when they come home from a mission, you're unable to take off work the following day :(
a/n: yes, this is a repost. i accidentally deleted it instead of making it private so i could fix something.
cw: domestic fluff, gn!reader, gaz and soap are clingy but in a cute way

they often get home at night, so it's not unusual for you to take off the following day. but this time was different.
whether it be a work party or an upcoming project, you were unable to take the day off. you knew your boys would be upset, but you were sure they would understand. they were excited to spend time with their lover after they came home from the grueling mission, so they were understandably dissapointed when they found out. but you weren't going to risk losing your job or an upcoming promotion, and they knew that.
so that is how you found yourself in the bathroom at 7 in the morning, brushing your teeth while your four companions are sleeping in the alaskan king-sized bed. they have no problem staying asleep despite the sound of running water as you get ready for the day. you were lucky that your alarm didn't wake any of them, or so you thought. moments after you finish rinsing your mouth out, kyle shuffles his way into the bathroom and stands in front of the toilet, where he shucks his pants down to relieve himself.
"kyle," you groan, "there's another bathroom, y'know?"
" 'm aware," he grumbles. "this one was just closer. and you're in here," he says as he finishes up his business and makes his way over to where you're standing in front of the sink. he rests his chin on your shoulder and snakes his arms around your side to wash his hands. he takes his time scrubbing his palms together, making sure the soap is all over his hands and between his fingers, before turning the water off. he reaches over to grab the hand towel, but he doesn't leave after he hangs it back up. instead, he wraps his arms around your waist and presses soft and light kisses against your neck.
"don't want you to go," he mutters. "stay in bed and cuddle."
"kyle, i have to," you tell him as you turn around in his arms and lean against the countertop. he leans forward, pressing his body against yours, and rests his head in the crook of your neck. "now go back to bed, or you're going to be grouchy," you insist.
he inhales your scent and gives you one last squeeze before reluctantly following your orders and making his way back towards the bedroom. you finish up in the bathroom before heading to the bedroom to change out of your pajamas. you notice that john and simon are no longer in bed, and kyle and johnny are cuddled up against each other. you grab your phone to take a quick picture of your boys before changing. once you're dressed and ready to go, you place a kiss against each of their cheeks.
the scent of eggs, coffee, and tea fills your nose as you exit the bedroom. you hear quiet chatter coming from the kitchen, which is where you are headed. you walk in to find john at the stove with simon behind him, his arms wrapped around the other man's waist, much like kyle's when you were in the bathroom. you smile at the two before moving towards the island, where there's a plate of bacon, eggs, and a mug filled with tea. simon is the first one to notice your presence.
"good morning, love," he greets. john turns around in his arms and flashes you a tired smile.
"morning," he mumbles.
"morning guys, what are you both doing up?" you ask as you take a sip from the mug sitting on the island.
"simon woke up when kyle left the bed and asked if i wanted some breakfast," john answers. "i was already awake so there was no point in saying no. plus, you and the boys deserve some breakfast as well."
"well, thank you," you say. the three of you continue to make small talk until john and simon finish cooking. johnny and kyle make their way into the kitchen not long after.
"thought i told you to go back to bed," you tell kyle, to which he rolls his eyes.
"johnny was the one who wanted to get up, and that bed is lonely when there's nobody else in it," he replies. you hum and nod before being crushed by johnny in a bear hug.
"missed you this morning, didn't even get a proper kiss!" he whines. you giggle and give him a quick peck on the lips before rubbing his back.
"didn't want to wake you," you justify, and he tsks.
"that's the whole point of a good morning kiss," he states. the five of you chat while finishing your breakfast and washing dishes, and the next thing you know, it's time for you to head out.
"have a good day at work, love," simon says as he places a kiss against your forehead. you give him a sweet smile and nod.
"yeah, we'll miss you," johnny says with a pout.
"it's only 8 hours, don't worry," you assure him, and he huffs.
"you're gonna have to make it up to us later," he replies, and you chuckle.
"and you're going to have to make it up to me for being gone for almost a month," you say before giving him a peck on the lips. you make your way around the room and kiss everyone before grabbing your bag and keys and heading out. they all watch out the window like sad puppies as you get in your car and wave goodbye.
they totally didn't mope around all day until you got home.

banner creds: @cafekitsune
Goldilocks and the Four Bears
I haven’t written for the cod fandom yet so all the 141 might be terribly out of character. In fact I haven’t written for a while. I appreciate all the people that still read my work and continue to support me. I hope you’re all doing well :)

Poly!141 x reader
Masterlist -> Here (will be made later :))
Warnings: 18+, mature themes, descriptions of torture, injuries and mistreatment, etc
Summary: After escaping from your last mission that had gone terribly wrong, your stumble through the woods leads you to a log cabin.
It was snowing. Fucking snowing.
Any belief in a deity had been long since crushed after the last few months. Well you thought it had been months. Your captors (a small but deadly terrorist group) had failed to provide you with your own calendar and clock. Much like how they had failed to provide you with new clothes to replace your own, that had been ripped and torn and become tattered to the eye.
It was stolen clothes you now wore as you made your escape. Trudging slowly through the already six inch snow, your thoughts trailed to the fresh snow adding to the existing six inches. The size 12 pair of boots were rubbing at your heels with increasing vigour. Leading you to contemplate if bruised skin could blister or not. The guard you’d killed as part of your escape had been good for one thing. Or three things actually. The ill-fitting boots, a loose pair of combat trousers and long sleeved compression shirt.
As you made your way through the terrain you felt a cold chill steadily working it’s way up your trouser leg. Slowly, spreading across the flesh, affecting any skin that wasn’t in direct contact with the trouser material. It made you wish you’d waited for a guard more similar to your stature. While the compression shirt was better than nothing, it was still thin. The flimsy seeming material now doing little to ward off the cold.
Maybe the sudden awareness of the less than ideal weather conditions wasn’t down to your stolen clothes, but the sudden loss of adrenaline. How long had you been running now? Well trudging desperately through the snow, making your way further and further into the thick forrest and fauna.
It was hard to try and map where you’d been, what direction you’d walked in and where you’d come from. It was all white. Every tree looked the same. Every incline became and decline and you’d become disoriented.
Months of abuse, of torture, ofpain. All ignored for a few short hours as you willed your aching body forward. Through trees and snow and stone. Through anything that would put you at a greater distance from them, from Miasma.
They hadn’t transported you. At least you were mostly sure. When you blacked out, you woke in the same dingy cell, on the same dingy floor. Only covered in more bruises or cuts. So you hoped you were where this all started. In Slovenia.
You’d done solo missions before. It was easier that way. One man in, one man out. No one to turn on you or leak information. With Gunner in your ear, nothing ever went wrong. Until it did.
Your objective was to gather intel. To stay under the radar before formulating the next attack. While sneaking around you’d learned just how large their operation was. In turn you’d also learned just how large their base was.
The small outpost hid underground levels. That became clear after your covert operation was blown and you were dragged down to the very heart of the multi-storey building.
Each day (if that’s what you could call them) gave you no indication of the time of day or how much time had passed. They made sure of that. In fact it was the first time in months you’d seen the light of day.
The light that you noticed was now fading apparently, as you looked desperately up into the sky. Grey clouds had rolled in, covering the majority of the sky. The sun was still peaking out from the dense overcast that was rolling further forward. Soon the sky would be covered and the snow fall would quicken.
A few miles back you were struck that no one from Miasma had followed you. You’d expected armed guards to be shooting at you and angry dogs to be tearing at your ankles. Yet you’d had no chase.
Maybe they knew you would get nowhere in the climate. That you’d be weakened by the terrain and from the violence you’d endured. They were right of course. But you didn’t let it stop you.
Even now as you’d gone further, you still felt the burning desire to survive. Granted it dwindled under the ache of your body and the never ending valley of white before you. But you wanted to live. You wanted your revenge.
The final rays of the sun had been clouded and the snow started to pick up. At least your footprints would be covered under the fresh snow. Not that it mattered if all your footprints lead to was a frozen corpse.
Flexing your fingers, you found yourself wishing for gloves. Your toes were long past numb and every injury you’d endured felt like it was waking up. Old cuts that had turned to scars felt fresh, bruises that had yellowed felt like they’d returned to their starting purple colour. Your felt heavy. You felt dense. You felt tired.
Your desire to drive on had dwindled now. The once raging fire was now only a candle. A candle that was down to its wick. The wax around it long since melted and now it was to its edge. Trying to burn the glue that chained it in place. The image made you crave warmth even more.
Was this it?
All the work you’d put in over the years. From a child you had trained for a mission you didn’t fully understand. A mission that belonged to someone else, to Gunner. He’d turned you into a soldier, his perfect soldier.
Is this how his perfect soldier died?
No it wasn’t.
So despite your blue fingers, numb toes and foggy mind, you push on. Just a little further, you tell yourself. Past these trees, past this stream, past more trees.
Your doubts evaporate when you come upon a clearing. You find a decent space boarded by snow dusted trees from all sides. They stand tall, seemingly acting as natural walls to protect those inside. The grass is covered in undisturbed snow. It’s thick and white and makes you smile.
None of it matter though because sitting in the middle of it all if your salvation.
A log cabin.
You consider the sight to be a mirage. Created from and low blood sugar, dehydration and desperation. But you trudge on, almost to a stumble speed, as you reach for the door handle.
It’s unlocked.
Despite any moral compass telling you that breaking and entering or trespassing is wrong, you ignore it. You’re hurt, aching and this is a last resort.
You close the thick wooden door behind you. Taking note of the copious locks it has. When you move inside the cabin you find that no one’s home. As quietly as you can on stiff legs, you sneak around the house. Trying to wake up the instincts you’d been trained on.
Enter a room, check your surroundings, check again. Don’t assume anywhere is empty. Threats could be hiding around any corner.
So for each room of the ground floor you do just that. Open door, check the rooms, move on. From your searching you’ve found a large living room, a kitchen, a dining room, a toilet some sort of office/drawing room. The decor gives you no clue as to who’s house you’ve invaded. There are no pictures of people, no personal possessions. It feels surreal. And wrong.
To start with you go back to the living room. Using the large fireplace, stockpile of logs and matches, you start a fire.
Again, better sense would tell you to avoid such an action. To avoid alerting anyone of your presence here. But you decide to put sense aside in a bid for survival. If you didn’t get warm soon you were sure you’d be frozen soon.
Next you go to the kitchen. You rifle through the cupboard in an attempt to find something edible. To your surprise you find the place to be well stocked. Even going as far as having fresh milk in the fridge. The sight confuses you. Send alarm bells ringing in your ears.
There are products in the fridge that are in date. Fresh products. Yet no one is home. It doesn’t make sense.
As you empty a can of soup into a pan you realise, it doesn’t need to. You’re happy to play stupid and see this as all some sort of blessing, some miracle.
While the soup cooks you fill a glass with clean, cold water. Relishing in the taste of something fresh. When you’ve downed the first glass you refill it again. This time with an intention to make it last longer.
After the first spoonful you find that you like vegetable soup very much. Almost burning your mouth as you devour it in a few minutes. Immediately it feels as though you’ve been recharged. The warmth from the fire has spread throughout the ground floor, your fingers have warmed around the bowl of soup and your body no longer feels related to a glacier.
The sky only darkens as you sit by the fire. Basking in the warmth and taking a moment to rest for the first time in months. You don’t imagine ever leaving your spot on the floor. But the promise of a bed upstairs has you moving your legs in that direction.
Before your ascent to the second floor, you strip your clothes and hang them on a drying rack you found to the side of the fire. Now left in the nude.
Upstairs you find multiple bedrooms. All almost identical, except for one at the end of the hall. You assume this is the Cabin’s master bedroom as it’s slightly larger than the others. Inside there’s a wardrobe full of clothes, a full length mirror, a TV, some sort of game station, and of course the larger than most bed.
In the mirror you catch sight of yourself. The cuts of course stand out first. From the slight turn you can muster in your neck, you can see large welts and thin cuts, bruises and scrapes, all littering the previously plain skin. From the front and behind, your legs look like a Jackson Pollock original piece.
Capturing various purple and blues surrounded by smaller splodges of green and brown. With the occasional black blob or two to really contrast the overall tone of the piece.
As a child you had a strange infatuation with your bruises. Likening them to a sticker or badge of achievement. They were easy to come by during training. A strange part of you liked the way they looked on your skin. They acted as a log book of the hits you’d taken, the falls you’d taken, any sort of impacts you’d had. They made you feel strong, maybe even proud too.
Staring into the mirror at your body again, it all seems worthless. You knew you were strong before. You didn’t need months as a prisoner to prove it.
You take a few steps forward to properly look at your face. Who stares back must be a stranger. You haven’t let your eyebrows be this out of shape since you were thirteen. You didn’t have that scar above under your chin before. Your eyes were always so bright and vivid. Not lifeless or hollow or so lost.
With newfound energy you take yourself to the nearest bathroom. That just so happens to be the en-suite in the bedroom. It doesn’t surprise you. Nothing about this abandoned, well stocked cabin does anymore.
Instead you shower in one of the nicest bathrooms you’ve been to in a long time.
At first the water has you freezing. Not due to the temperature but because of the fire it lights on your back. Every scrape, every cut, every burn now being cleaned. The cleanse sets your body alight. In a way you feel the heat is helping you to heal. Granted, all you have to show for it is a mixture of blood and grime, floating slowly down the drain. But it’s more than that.
It’s the last few months being scrubbed off your skin. Your wounds and ailments being shown that this is the end. They can heal in peace. You can heal in peace.
So you take your time. Using any products you can find; shampoos, conditioners, body wash, face wash. You’ve acquired a new razor, fresh from the packet. It’s amazing what a difference shaving your legs and various other places can do to your mood. You’ve always preferred removing the body hair. Afterwards the feeling of smooth legs under a thick duvet made all the work worth it.
The final step, bar drying yourself, was brushing tour yellowing and plaque ridden teeth. The minty taste in your mouth feels unfamiliar but it welcomed nonetheless. Wiping your tongue across the now almost pearly-whites you’re happy with how smooth they feel.
Now showered, shaved and dried, you make you way into the bedroom. Finding the wardrobe and drawers to be filled wit strictly masculine clothes. You pick out a pair of boxers and one of the large white t-shirts to sleep in. The shirt dwarfs you in size, looking more like a dress. Not one that you would wear outside though. Not with the black boxers showering through the material, or your hardened nipples making an appearance.
With your towel back in the bathroom and the lights off, you crawl into bed. Letting out the loudest sigh your sore throat could muster. Then quickly falling asleep on the linen.

It was snowing. In fact it was a fucking blizzard.
A barrage of white, dagger-like snowflakes pelted against the four men. The lack of light and the dense haze of the storm made it impossible to see where they were going. They were all thankful for the less than modern compass. Hidden away at the bottom of Jonny’s bag. When he acquired it was unknown. But the four were grateful nonetheless that the Scott had the dated equipment in is kit.
After their week long training they were ready to fall asleep on the nearest surface. The blizzard they now faced was an unexpected one. Nothing on Price’s radar Gad alerted them to such a storm.
They’d just finished their survival training in the mountains when the first snowflake formed. During the rest of their descent it had only worsened.
As the snow around them thickened they trudged on. Becoming more aware of the weight of their kit, ache of their muscles and chill in their bones. These men were tired, hungry and cold.
After more miles and more words of encouragement from Price, Gaz was sure they were close to the safe house now.
Laswell had been kind enough to let them use the safe house after a particularly gruelling training exercise. It would be the closest thing to a holiday the 141 would get this year. Before the worst of the storm it had the Scotsman joking that he would build a snowman outside. An idea quickly shot down by Ghost in the interest of remaining vigilant to an enemies surrounding the house.
While snowmen were out of the question, snowballs were not. Something Ghost found out, twice, in the back of the head. Turning to see an innocent looking Gaz and Soap.
“You’ll regret that when we’re back on base and you two are on shit duty” the balaclava wearing Brit grumbles.
Soap sighs dramatically, “Oh come on Lt. Dinnae be like that, it was only a joke”.
The threat prompts Kyle to add, “It was all Soaps idea, think he should get shit duties on his own.”
Soap gasps feigning offence, “You bleeding clipe, don’t come knocking on my door when you want someone to warm your bed tonight.”
The comment causes the younger man’s face to heat up and laughs to come from the others.
“That if we get there in this blizzard” the captain quips. Trying to keep morale, but refusing to ignore the sinking feeling that they’ve missed the safe house completely.
“How far now?” Gaz asks, determined not to start pestering like an insolent child. Yet equally determined to have a proper meal and get out of his cold clothes.
“Two klicks north, then we should be there.” Soap tells him, loud enough for the others to hear in the now whipping winds.
“It was two klicks north last time someone asked Soap, are you sure you’re reading that right lad?” Price finds himself asking. Despite his rank, his military expertise and all his training agains the elements, it doesn’t make him immune to the cold. Immune to looking forward to sitting by a fire with a cup of tea in his hands.
Laswell wasn’t one to be stingy with safe house stock. From previous safe houses he’d been to that she had set up, they’d been a home away from home. Proper bedrooms, running water, stocked shelves. Price found himself ready to welcome anything that had four walls, a roof and could shelter him and his men from the storm.
“Two klicks north Captain, I’m sure”. Jonny confirms.
Sure enough, through the dense curtain of blizzard, light emerges. A gentle glow against the black nights sky. The closer they get, the clearer the house becomes.
A log cabin.
A big one at that. The sight is inviting enough to bring a smile to the men’s faces.
“Laswell’s outdone herself this time, fuckin yaldy” soap practically exclaims. Pushing forward to the front of the pack, in an effort to get in first.
“Hold it Jonny,” Simons voice is quiet through the mask, but harsh enough that the others can hear.
Ghost points to the chimney, “someone’s here”.
Sure enough as the others look up, they too see the plumes of smoke, gently rising from the brick chimney.
“Another team captain?” Gaz finds himself asking, while reaching for the know hidden in his thigh holster.
Price finds himself doing the same, “No, we’re the only ones in the country.”
The tension in the air is thick, rivals the thick snow pelting down on them. The four of them stand motionless, a short distance from the front door. Covered head to toe in winter gear, a layer of the snowstorm attached to anything it can stick to.
“Right, there’s only one door. I’ll lead. We’ll secure the ground floor first. Stay silent, we do this quietly.” Price commands. The men nod, moving to grasp their various knives. Following their captain as he moves to the front of the cabin.
With an almost inaudible creek, Price turns the handle of the door. Pushing the oak forward, grateful that it seems to glide over the wooden floors. Allowing him and his men to breach the property without alerting its inhabitants.
Price enters the living room first, signalling for the others to spread out and search the rest of the floor. He does indeed find a crackling fire, yet no one man’s it. The warmth is welcomed, but for the time being he ignores any desire to sit near it and warm himself.
His attention moves to the drying rack set up beside the fire. Upon further inspection of the items he finds combat trousers, a compression t shirt and a pair of large boots, size 12 he gathers from the label on the tongue. The clothes are still damp to the touch, leading him to infer that the intruder arrived a short time ago.
The badge on the arm of the shirt catches his eye. He rips it off the Velcro and examines it up close. An unknown insignia, contractor perhaps? Some new found terrorist group? Price doesn’t know. It’s not one he’s come across before.
Simon searches the kitchen. The space is a decent size, dark too. He blends into the shadows as he checks the space for any sign of life. He finds a empty soup can on one of the worktops. Turning to the sink he notices a single glass and pan siting there.
Once finished in his search he creeps back to the living room. Finding his captain there, along with a stoic looking soap and serious looking Gaz.
Price raises his hand to Simon, showcasing the fabric insignia to him. With cold eyes Ghost runs over the stitchwork. Mind running through the possible groups it could be associated with.
“Any ideas?” Price asks in a hushed voice.
Ghosts silence is a loud enough answer for the group. No
“Whoever they are haven’t been here long. Their clothes are still damp. Large boots, size 12.” Price goes through the details he’s uncovered.
“Men’s?” Gaz asks.
“Most likely”.
“There’s a pan in the kitchen. They’ve had soup. Only one glass.” Ghost reels off.
“We don’t know who we’re dealing with, could be anyone. Stay vigilant. Be prepared for a fight. I’ll take the lead upstairs. Shout if you find anything.” Price commands.
The team follow him single file up the stairs. Weapons at the ready as the sneak up the steps. Footsteps light on the wooden floor.
Price takes the first door, Gaz the second, Ghost the third and Soap the last door at the end of the hallway.
While three of the 141 find their rooms to be empty, Soap stops in the doorway. After almost silently twisting the door handle and letting it slide open, he stands in silence. What he didn’t expect to find was a girl sleep in the master bed, a pretty girl to be exact.
The Scotsman finds himself lost for words. He expected to have to fight someone of his stature. Maybe larger. He expected to walk away with a bruise or two. He feels lost on what to do. Should he wake her? Should he leave her?
Meanwhile the others have gathered in the hallway. Sharing a concerned glance at their teammate.
“What is it soap?” Ghost asked quietly.
“It’s a lass. A bonnie lass at that.” He tells them. Wonder in his tone as he stares at the sleeping girl. Watching as her chest rises and falls at a steady rate. Completely unaware of the four men that have entered the house.
The men collectively frown, walking further to investigate themselves. Sure enough, after they pass the threshold of the master bedroom, they too stand frozen. A girl. Not a man, or group of men. A girl, sleeping in their bed, in their log cabin.
Completely unaware.
Poly 141 Masterlist

Silver Tongues, like Bullets - Trusting four men in the forest when you were lost was possibly the stupidest thing you could have ever done. Now you find yourself scrambling to escape their clutches. (Dark)

Christmas scenario - Poly 141 are fighting for your attention, they're trying to get you to notice they want to be with you romantically not that you notice. (Fluffy but suggestive language)
Mistletoe Kisses - second part to the above drabble.
Mistletoe Kisses - third part to the above drabble.
Sleepy - Price, Ghost and Gaz find you on your way to murder Soap (not literally).
Sick - What the men are like when sick (not poly)

Vampire au idea - Centuries have passed since Price had turned into this?..this? this monstrosity..Along the way he gathered companions to lesson the weight of time. Men like him, men that were on the brink of death, men that still had so much to live for. Men he couldn't dare to leave behind on the battlefield. By the 21st century he had his little taskforce. His boys, his lovers, his family but someting was missing. What could it be?

Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2023. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.

summary: the shenanigans of female gen z driver and the formula one grid.
author’s note: I started this series, because I’d like to imagine what it would be like to be part of the group of drivers and how it would be like to interact with them on a regular basis. It’s all fun and games, and I don’t know these people in real life. everything is fiction! the stories aren’t written in chronological order, but I try to put them in the right order below!
Requests are always welcome in my inbox! Opinions, thoughts and feedback are also greatly appreciated.
Keep reading
Careful Around Feelings - Max Verstappen
Summary: After their 6 year old tells y/n something, she has to encourage them to tell Max but even she wonders how this will end and if feelings will be hurt or not.
No part 2 requests please

With Max and y/n having Matthew before the end of Max's F1 career, Matthew's first couple years of life saw him so obsessed with seeing Max on track, it was no surprise that by the time he was 3 he was begging for a kart and getting to bond with Max and even on some occasions Jos.
He loved it.
Or so everyone thought.
"Mummy..." A small voice mumbles as y/n grunts trying to change bed sheets because for some reason her second pregnancy has her changing them twice a week, she's really in a cleaning frenzy for some reason even though at 7 months pregnant it's pretty exhausting.
"Hey, baby. Everything ok?" Y/n smiles brightly since she's made it a priority to never let Matthew think he's lost priority with a younger sibling on the way.
"Mummy." Matthew sniffles, hiccuping and making her rush forward. Picking up the 6 year old despite knowing Max would have an aneurysm from such a physical activity.
"Ok, baby. We need to just calm down and then when you've done that, you can tell me what's wrong ok?" Y/n soothes sitting down on the bed and managing to keep Matthew on her lap despite the compromised space by her bump.
It takes a few minutes but Matthew does eventually calm down and catch his breath.
"Alright, baby. Tell mummy what's wrong." Y/n smiles lightly though internally seeing Matthew so worked up by something like this is honestly so horrible to see.
"I don't want to kart anymore." Matthew hiccups making y/n almost deflate in relief that it's not something more serious like...he killed an animal and she had a mini serial killer on her hands.
"Oh. Well that's ok. You don't have to kart if you don't want to baby." Y/n states since she'd support her children through any interest and loss of interest if that's how they feel.
"I'm scared to tell daddy."
And if that knowledge wouldn't break Max's heart, Matthew being too scared to tell him that he doesn't want to kart anymore. But she gets it, for Matthew this is a big way he gets to spend time with Max one to one and Max is always so happy and proud of Matthew.
"Baby, you should never be scared to tell daddy anything. He loves you for you not because you kart. You're his baby, he just wants you to be happy. We both just want you to be happy. If karting doesn't make you happy anymore then you can stop. It's ok." Y/n states making Matthew sniffle as she pulls him closer and kisses his temple with a sigh. "I hate seeing you so sad about this baby. You don't need to be sad."
"I don't want to make daddy sad." Matthew mumbles only further breaking y/n's heart. Matthew really is the perfect kid, with his only flaw that he considers others too much. Sometimes the kid just needs to learn to be selfish and not sorry for it.
"I think when daddy gets back, you and him can sit down and talk and you can tell him. I promise, I double-triple crossed my heart promise, that he won't be upset. Ok?" Y/n smiles gently while cupping his face with one hand and wiping the stray tears away. "Your daddy and I will be proud of you no matter what you do. Is there something else you think you want to do?"
"I want to tell daddy what I want to do instead."
"Oh right, not mummy?" Y/n jokes with a fake pout. "No, it's ok. You tell daddy first and then you can tell me. Now, how about you help mummy finish making the bed?"
Matthew is too small to really help with much, but he ends up doing the pillow cases and helping her carry the dirty sheets to the washing machine.
Then they decide to eat to kill time while waiting for Max to get home.
Matthew ended up wanting y/n there as a form of emotional support but she insisted he would need to tell her.
"Uh oh, am I in trouble?" Max chuckles as Matthew walks in holding y/n's hand and then being gently guided forward while y/n smiles with an expression that tells Max is going to be spoken to about something that is serious.
"Matthew has something he wants to tell you." Y/n states making Max nod before the 6 year old steps up to him, tears already welling up as he feels y/n gently rub his back before she steps back. "Go on, baby."
Max acts quickly wanting to comfort his son as quick at possible and pulls him up onto his lap since he hates seeing Matthew in tears over anything.
"I don't want to kart anymore." Matthew mumbles in such a way that even y/n frowns since it's impossible to decode his words.
"Sorry, buddy. I missed that." Max frowns in confusion while Matthew glances at y/n and she smiles reassuring him as best she can.
"I don't want to kart anymore, daddy." Matthew repeats making Max sigh then wrapping his arms around the 6 year old who starts sniffling clearly a little overwhelmed by saying it out loud for Max to hear. "I'm sorry."
"Hey, you don't have to be sorry. You don't have to kart if you don't want to. That doesn't matter. I just hate seeing you so upset." Max states trying to laugh and lighten the atmosphere. "You can do whatever you want. You don't have to do karting."
"Ok." Matthew nods with a thick swallow.
Max continues to hold Matthew tightly sighing as he looks over him to y/n who smiles at him.
"I want to do MotoGP. Not F1." Matthew states making y/n almost feel like he's just punched her gut.
Obviously F1 is dangerous enough of a sport. But there's something slightly more comfortable that the car is built with elements to protect the driver in the car. MotoGP basically replies entirely on the suits they're wearing and they can, and often do, go flying off of the bikes in races.
"MotoGP, well you're already cooler than me. We'll look into it and start seeing what we can do." Max nods not missing his wife's physical reaction that Matthew thankfully didn't see.
Max smiles walking into the bedroom finding y/n is just lying splayed out on their bed.
"Thinking about MotoGP?" Max teases as he closes the door.
"He told me he wanted to do something else. I was really hoping it was like...open a cat cafe or maybe football-padel! But how did he take the one route that is more dangerous." Y/n groans then sighing. "I blame your genetics entirely."
"That's ok, I don't think we can blame yours." Max smiles sitting on the bed next to her and leaning over to kiss her before he sighs pushing her top up to expose the bump. "How is baby girl? Any name ideas?"
"You think I've had time to think about names when my first baby has just raised my blood pressure. No wonder he didn't want to tell me first..." Y/n groans while Max rubs over the tight skin of her bump. "Our kid is annoyingly intuitive for knowing when to not break news vs when to break it when it comes to me."
"At least he trusts you to help him get the courage to say it...I hate that he was so scared to tell me." Max mumbles earning y/n's attention but he speaks up again before she can utter a word. "I'm going to get the oil for your bump."
"Max, you know he just didn't want to lose the time he gets to spend with you because he knows you did karting-it's not because he's actually scared of you." Y/n states as Max grabs the oil for her and begins to gently pour it onto her skin then closing and tossing bottle. "Max..."
"I know, but...I thought I'd done a good enough job that he would be able to just come to me."
"Well you can't blame him for being a mummy's boy, I'm a pretty amazing mum and he always asks for my help before yours." Y/n smirks trying to light the mood which thankfully seems to work. "Matthew adores you, baby. All he wants it to keep making you proud of him."
"He always makes me proud. I'd be proud of him if all he dad was follow you around like a puppy...that's what I do when I can."
Y/n grins at him as he leans over kissing her then getting back to rubbing the oil into her bump.
"How are you feeling beside his new choice of future career?"
"Oh, I'm fine. Might need to start waiting for you to be around to help with the sheets. I think I almost had an asthma attack today." Y/n sighs shaking her head.
"If you'd wait. Then I'd do it for you."
"Well I'm not sorry for being impatient. I just like to do things that I like to do them." Y/n states making Max grumble a little while she grins at him. "Anyway, enough of that. I'm exhausted so finish rubbing that oil in and we can settle down and cuddle."
"Yes, boss." Max salutes with a grin.

"my honeybee, come get this pollen"
pairings: 𝖿𝟣 𝗀𝗋𝗂𝖽 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
warnings: 𝗌𝖾𝗑𝗎𝖺𝗅 𝗂𝗇𝗇𝗎𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗈𝗌
authors note: 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗇 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖺𝗌𝗄! 𝗂 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗏𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗈 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗂 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝗌𝖺𝗐 𝗂𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗆𝖺𝖽𝖾 𝗂𝗍 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗆𝖾! 𝖽𝖾𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗒 𝖽𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖿𝗈 𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝖾𝖽𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀(𝗂𝖿 𝗂 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗂𝖾𝖽 😭) 𝖺𝗇𝗒 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝖽𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄, 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝗌, 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽!! 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒!! 🤍
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1k celebration f1 masterlist

As the festivities continue, you see Lewis glance at the envelope your best friend has just slipped him. With a curious look, he discreetly opens it under the table. When he sees the pictures, a slow, seductive smile spreads across his face. He catches your eye from across the table, his expression one of amused delight.
When he gets a chance, he leans in close to you, his warm breath tickling your ear. "You look absolutely stunning in those, you know," he murmurs, his voice low and smooth. "Maybe later you can show me more." He winks at you, his eyes sparkling with mischief and charm.
Charles is in the middle of a conversation when he receives the envelope. With a polite nod, he excuses himself to take a look. As his eyes fall on the pictures, you see his cheeks flush a delicate pink. He quickly bites his lip and looks over at you, a mix of surprise and amusement in his eyes.
He shakes his head slightly, a playful grin tugging at his lips. "Naughty girl," he mouths at you, rolling his eyes in a teasing manner. Despite his best efforts to act nonchalant, the occasional glance in your direction betrays his intrigued thoughts.
Sebastian's reaction is perhaps the most unexpected. He takes the envelope with a curious look, opening it with a slight frown of concentration. When he sees the pictures, his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. A soft chuckle escapes his lips as he looks over at you, shaking his head with a bemused smile.
He raises his glass to you in a silent toast, his eyes twinkling with humor. "Well, you've certainly spiced up the evening," he says with a laugh, his voice carrying a hint of admiration. "You always know how to make an impression."
Oscar, ever the composed and cool-headed one, opens the envelope with a calm demeanor. His reaction is subtle but telling. His eyes widen slightly, and a small, appreciative smile forms on his lips. He looks at you, his expression one of genuine admiration and curiosity.
"Well, this is certainly a surprise," he says quietly, his voice laced with amusement. "You look amazing." There's a warmth in his gaze that makes your heart skip a beat, his reaction understated but undeniably appreciative.
Lando's reaction is perhaps the most endearing. He takes the envelope with a curious look, opening it slowly. When he sees the pictures, his cheeks turn a deep shade of red, and he stutters, trying to form words. His usual confident demeanor is replaced with a shy, almost boyish charm.
He looks at you, his eyes wide with surprise. "I-I didn't expect that," he manages to say, his voice a mix of awe and nervousness. "You look... wow." He quickly looks away, his cheeks still burning as he tries to regain his composure.
Jenson takes the envelope with his characteristic suave smile, a spark of curiosity in his eyes. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyebrows lift in surprise, and he lets out a low, appreciative whistle. He quickly glances around to make sure no one else has seen and then looks back at you, his eyes now filled with a playful yet intense gaze.
He leans in close, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "You look absolutely sexy in those pictures baby." His lips brush lightly against your ear as he speaks, sending a shiver down your spine. "I hope you have more surprises like this in store for later." His smile is devilish, his eyes gleaming with a mix of admiration and desire.
Carlos's reaction is a perfect blend of amusement and arousal. He opens the envelope with a grin, but as soon as he sees the pictures, his smile fades into a look of sheer surprise. His eyes widen, and he quickly puts a fist to his mouth to stifle a reaction. His cheeks flush slightly, and he takes a deep breath, trying to regain his composure.
He looks at you, his eyes dark with desire, and leans in close, his voice a low, seductive whisper. "You really know how to get a man's blood pumping, don't you?" His breath is hot against your ear, sending waves of heat through your body. "I might need more than just a cold shower after this." He gives you a smoldering look that promises more than just words.
Max, always eager for a bit of excitement, opens the envelope with an intrigued look. As his eyes land on the pictures, his usual composure falters. A deep blush creeps up his neck and spreads across his cheeks. He quickly shuts the envelope, his heart pounding.
When he finally gathers the courage to look at you, his gaze is intense, he leans in close, whispering in your ear, his voice husky, sending shivers down your spine. "Just wait until I get you alone. I’m going to make you feel things you’ve never felt before." His grin is wicked, his eyes promising a night you won't soon forget.
.•☆.° taglist : @ham1lton @ietss @animeandf1lover @nelly187 @heartsfromtaeyong @bloodyymaryyy @nor-4 @zacian117 @mel164 @uhhvictoria @hadidsworld @zabwlky1999 @sya-skies @lillysbigwilly @yoncesgroove @tellybearryyyy @exotic-iris13 @magixpracticality @eoduuung

© 23victoria 2023-24 I all rights reserved. do not republish, steal repost, modify, translate or claim my work as your own
masterlist / rules / request & talk with me!

REQUESTED? ─⭑ Yes! (I lost the request so whoever you are, i hope you find this!)
SUMMARY ─⭑ Carlos loves to cook and bake. And with all of your recipes and help, he has achieved peak cooking and backing.He watches every video to see how your hands work their magic, how your smile wrinkles the corner of your eyes how charming you look in your new dress- but he definitely doesn’t also watch because you’re pretty. But how will things spice up once you finally gets invited to the Ferrari garage?
PAIRING ─⭑ Carlos Sainz x Cooking+Baking Influencer!Fem!Reader
WARNINGS ─⭑ google translated spanish, carlos being a fangirl, spelling mistakes
A/N ─⭑ it was requested as influencer, but what about a cook/baker influencer reader?? 😏 there won’t be a pt 2 to this fic, but i think we can tell how this would be :)

y/n_bakes ✔︎

liked by carlossainz55, sallysbakeblog, alexandrasaintmleux and others
y/n_bakes new recipe tried, and a new video up on youtube to make it with me! made soufflé pancakes and they are absolutely amazing! be sure to add some fruits if you can too! 🫐🥞
link to the video and recipe in my bio!
alexandrasaintmleux it looks so good! can’t wait to see you sometime soon ❤️ 🍓
y/n_bakes me too lovely! (catching a train from nice to monaco rn) 🩵
user1 y/n and alex being friends heals my depression
user2 i aspire to be as pinterest as she is.
user3 she IS pinterest
user4 i need those pancakes inside me rn 😩
y/n_bakes …who’s carlos sainz..? 😓
y/n_bakes …doesn’t ring a bell 😞
user11 y/n my love, sweetheart, love of my life, honey, sweetie…
user12 carlos because y/n doesn’t know who he is even though he follows her : 🥀💔😥😔⛓️🖤😈😭🔪🏴☠️
user13 i love how y/n is followed by the other wags then there is just carlos. 😭😭
user14 “oh… and he’s there too.”

y/n_bakes ✔︎

liked by carlossainz55, lailahasanovic, carmenmundt and others
y/n_bakes had a amazing time today making a classic costrada de alcalá (requested by a longtime follower from spain)! video will be up today with the recipe 🤍 🍰
user16 how much do you guys want to bet that that follower was carlos 💀
user17 there is no need to bet it’s a known fact 😭
y/n_bakes ✔︎ how did you know?? haha
user17 WAIT WHAT
user19 carlos is foaming at the mouth because of this post
user20 banging his head into the wall
user21 kicking his legs and giggling 🤭
user22 ready to sign up to be her husband for 2025 rather than a team 💀
user23 @ user22 ENOUGH. 😭😭
user24 i need her to be in a ferrari video just to see how carlos would act
landonorris ✔︎ @ carlossainz55 this her?
carlossainz55 ✔︎ lando. what do you think you are doing.
landonorris ✔︎ @ carlossainz55 uhmmm helping my best friend out??? 🤨
landonorris ✔︎ @ y/n_bakes carlos here is your biggest fan
carlossainz55 ✔︎ HIJO DE PERRA
y/n_bakes @ landonorris really? I’m so glad! tell him i say thank you for all the support and the wonderful recipe he sent in! 😊

y/n_bakes ✔︎

liked by scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and others
y/n_bakes first ever f1 race! still no much to learn but i can’t wait to be back! 🏎️ 🏁
tagged ; scuderiaferrari, charles leclerc, carlossainz55
user28 still never getting over the romantic tension between her and carlos.
user30 considering how they interacted the msot out of the baking video they definitely are friends
user31 friends? I think you mean lovers 😍😍
user33 “If I win, I will take you out for dinner.” “Will you?” “I will. Promise you. A pinky promise” “I’ll hold you to it :)”
scuderiaferrari ✔︎ so happy you got to join us this weekend! can’t wait for some more goodies when you come again 😋 🍰
y/n_bakes ✔︎ i would always bring sweets for my favorite team!
carlossainz55 ✔︎ @ y/n_bakes what about your favorite driver? 😉
charles_leclerc ✔︎ @ carlossainz55 since when were you the favorite??
y/n_bakes ✔︎ @ carlossainz55 don’t worry carlos! I would always bring something for you! 🩷
charles_leclerc ✔︎ oh…
charles_leclerc ✔︎ Oh..! 😏
user41 carlos making his millennial moves??

carlossainz55 ✔︎

liked by maxvertsappen1, landonorris, y/n_bakes and others
carlossainz55 my best view 🌅
tagged ; y/n_bakes
user35 WHAT IS THIS???
user36 bro is not holding back 😭😭
user37 bro is moving faster than the ferraris 💀
user38 he’s been waiting for this for 4 years ofc he’s wasting no time 😭
landonorris ✔︎ finally.
carlossainz55 ✔︎ don’t even talk to me about this.
user39 what did lando do bro 😭
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ exist
y/n_bakes ✔︎ not used to these kinds of dinners… but I can definitely get used to it 😊
carlossainz55 ✔︎ as long as I’m the one taking you out, yes?
y/n_bakes ✔︎ ofc! who else would i go to dinners with?
user40 i might throw up (of cutness)
y/n_bakes ✔︎ posted 1 minute ago!

liked by carlossainz55
y/n_bakes my kind of date 🍓 ❤️
tagged ; carlossainz55
3 comment
carlossainz55 ✔︎ vida mía ❤️ so happy that ferrari invited you (with my help of course) so that we were able to get to know each other. 😚
y/n_bakes ✔︎ so lucky to have gotten that invitation! i wouldn’t change anything in the world unless it meant meeting you earlier 🩷
landonorris let him bake.

Couples Therapy
Lando Norris x Reader
Summary: let’s go to couples therapy and see how long it takes the therapist to realize we don’t know each other

You fidget nervously in the waiting room chair, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. This has to be the most ridiculous first date idea ever …but then again, Lando was never one for convention.
The office door swings open and a smiling middle-aged woman in a cardigan beckons you both inside. “Y/N? Lando? I’m Dr. Ramanujan, please come in.”
Lando shoots you a mischievous grin and you can’t help but return it as you follow the therapist into her office. This is already off to a delightfully silly start.
“So,” Dr. Ramanujan settles into her chair, notepad at the ready. “What brings you two in today?”
You open your mouth but Lando beats you to it. “Well doc, it’s like this — Y/N and I have been together for five years now but things have gotten … sticky, you might say.”
You fight back a surprised laugh at his casual lie. Five years? You met this lunatic ten days ago.
Nodding solemnly, you play along. “Yes, unfortunately some issues have arisen that we haven’t been able to resolve on our own.”
“I see,” the therapist jots something down. “And what would you say is the primary issue troubling your relationship?”
Lando strokes his chin in mock contemplation. “You know, now that I think about it, we really struggle with intimacy.”
You splutter, cheeks flushing red. He did not just go there on a first date!
“We’re very passionate people,” he continues effortlessly. “But I think we both have some hang-ups that stop us from really connecting, you know?”
Clearing your throat, you decide to steer into the skid. “Yes, you could say Lando is quite … insatiable in that area.”
Dr. Ramanujan’s eyebrows shoot up but she simply nods. “I see, I see. And how does that make you feel, Y/N?”
“Honestly?” You shrug helplessly. “Exhausted. The man is completely relentless — it’s like he’s an animal sometimes!”
Lando clutches his chest in feigned offense. “An animal? That’s a bit much, don’t you think darling?”
“Don’t you ‘darling’ me,” you snap, pushing aside your amusement at the increasingly absurd situation. “I’m just calling it like I see it. We’re here for honesty, right?”
“Touché,” Lando turns back to the therapist. “Doc, maybe you could help us find … a compromise of sorts? Because my needs are evidently not being met.”
You scoff loudly. “Not being met? Lando, I let you do that thing with the-”
Mercifully, Dr. Ramanujan interjects before you can continue that train of thought. “Perhaps we could steer our discussion in a more productive direction? Intimacy issues often stem from deeper underlying problems within a relationship. Is there anything else concerning you both?”
Lando ponders this for a moment before snapping his fingers. “You know what? I think a big part of it is that Y/N doesn’t trust me.”
“I don’t trust you?” You echo incredulously. “That’s rich coming from you, Mr. I Flirt With My Teammate Constantly!“
His jaw drops perfectly. “You’re bringing Oscar into this? That’s a low blow, babe.”
“I’m not blind!” You shoot back, doing your best to ignore how silly you both must look. “I see how cozy you two get. Tell me there’s nothing there and I’m a fool!”
“Woah, woah!” Lando holds up his hands defensively. “Oscar and I are just good friends and teammates. Nothing more.”
You cross your arms stubbornly. “If you say so.”
An uncomfortable silence falls over the room. Dr. Ramanujan seems perplexed by your crazy banter.
Finally, she clears her throat. “Right. Well, it sounds like there are some potential trust issues at play here that we should unpack-”
“Oh I’ll unpack it for you, doc!” Lando interjects, real passion entering his voice now. “Y/N is massively, astronomically insecure about our relationship. She questions my faithfulness at every turn!”
You swivel to face him fully, eyes wide. “And why, pray tell, would I possibly be insecure about that?”
“I don’t know!” He throws his hands up in exasperation. “I’ve never given you a single real reason to doubt me!”
“Except for all the pet names and inappropriate touching with Oscar!”
“Those are just friendly gestures!”
“Keep telling yourself that, buddy!”
The two of you are practically shouting at each other now, completely absorbed in your make-believe argument. Somewhere in the back of your mind you feel a bit bad for putting the poor therapist through this, but you’re having far too much fun to stop.
Dr. Ramanujan finally cuts in, raising her palms. “Okay! Okay, let’s all just take a breath, shall we?”
You and Lando freeze mid-rant, remembering where you are. He shoots you a conspiratorial wink and you have to bite your lip to suppress a smile.
“Now,” the therapist continues once the tension has diffused slightly. “Clearly there are some deep-seated resentments and triggers being hit here that we need to unravel. But I think a lot of it comes back to the intimacy and trust issues we were discussing earlier. Y/N, would you say you feel emotionally fulfilled by Lando?”
You ponder this for a moment, drawing out the suspense. Lando watches you with bated breath.
Finally, you sigh deeply. “No doc, I can’t say that I do. And maybe that’s why I’ve been so tempted to stray myself ...”
Lando’s jaw drops perfectly again. “You’ve been tempted to cheat? With who?”
Holding his gaze boldly, you declare: “My yoga instructor, actually.”
“Shane?” He looks like you just slapped him. “But he’s so … so bland!”
You shrug nonchalantly. “What can I say? Opposites attract sometimes.”
Dr. Ramanujan looks like she’s watching a tennis match, unable to get a word in edgewise.
Lando points an accusatory finger at you. “This is unbelievable! You had the audacity to blame me for the intimacy issues earlier when all this time you’ve been lusting after another man?”
“I’m a woman of insatiable needs!” You cry, borrowing his phrasing from earlier. “You said it yourself!”
“I didn’t mean it like that!” He turns desperately back to the therapist. “Please doc, you have to help us!”
She blinks owlishly a few times before finding her voice. “I … I’m not sure I can be of much assistance here.”
Lando clutches at his chest dramatically. “No, don’t say that! Our relationship is hanging by a thread as it is.”
“If it’s even still a relationship,” you mumble darkly, inspecting your nails with affected nonchalance.
“You see?” Lando pleads with the doctor. “This is what I’m dealing with every day! The constant barbs and lack of trust! I’m at my wit’s end.”
Dr. Ramanujan’s eyes dart between the two of you, seeming to deflate a little more after each deranged declaration. She sets her notepad aside with a resigned sigh.
“Listen, you two ...” she begins carefully. “While I appreciate you being upfront about your ...” she pauses, clearly searching for the right word, “unique situation, I’m afraid it goes well beyond my abilities as a therapist.”
You simply blink at her innocently while Lando dissolves into feigned hysterics beside you.
“But you have to help us!” He cries, flinging himself backwards dramatically. “Our relationship is the only thing I have left!”
You can’t help but let out a small giggle at his antics, quickly disguising it as a cough when the therapist shoots you a look. Dr. Ramanujan just shakes her head slowly.
“I’m sorry, but I clearly don’t have the tools or expertise to assist with … whatever this is.” She gestures vaguely between the two of you. “My advice would be to seek a different form of counseling. Or perhaps … separate for a while until you both figure out what you want.”
Lando clutches at his chest, feigning heartbreak. “Separate? Doc, you can’t be serious!”
“I’m afraid I am,” Dr. Ramanujan states firmly, rising from her chair. “This session has become … unproductive, to put it mildly. I think we should call it a day.”
You open your mouth to protest staying in character, but the defeated look on the poor therapist’s face gives you pause. With a sidelong glance at Lando, you decide to put her out of her misery.
Rising from your own seat, you loop your arm through Lando’s and favor the bewildered doctor with your most winning smile.
“You’re probably right, doc. We’ll, uh, take some time and really think things over. Thanks for your … insight today.”
Dr. Ramanujan simply nods, seemingly too drained to even reply as she opens the door and gestures you both through.
The second you’re out in the hallway, you can’t contain your laughter anymore. You dissolve into a fit of giggles, doubling over and clutching at Lando’s arm for support. He joins in instantly, that mischievous grin stretched wide across his face.
“Oh my god,” you gasp between peals of laughter. “Did you see her face when I brought Oscar into it?”
“I thought she was going to kick us out then and there!” Lando howls, wiping away a mirthful tear. “The things we put that poor woman through ...”
You finally manage to regain your composure, still grinning madly at the ridiculousness of it all. Leave it to Lando to come up with a first date idea as wonderfully insane as fake couples therapy.
“We should do something normal for our next date,” you quip, shooting him a sly look. “Like go skydiving or swimming with sharks.”
Lando matches your playful tone, draping an arm around your shoulders as you meander away from the office. “Whatever you say, darling. Just promise me you won’t leave me for one of the skydiving instructors, yeah?”
You pull him closer with a laugh. “No promises, babe.”
Nursed By Love

lando norris x fem reader
summary: Lando got sick during the first race of the triple header and you made it your mission to take care of him. (2.7k words)
warnings: stablished relationship, fluff, sick!lando, taking a shower together (not in a sexual way), use of Y/N
a/n: not gonna lie, this turned out shorter than i expected 😭 i wanted to write more and include the entire weekend but i literally couldn't come up with more, i’m sorry if it feels a little rushed but i hope you still like it!
check out the original request here! also, this is somewhat of a prequel to my fic Sick; it has a couple of references here and there but it can be read as a standalone.
↺ back to navigation — send me a request!

Lando woke up before you, something that was normal in your relationship given the strict agenda he had to follow almost on a daily basis. He checked his phone to see how much time left he had before having to get up, sighing when he realised his alarm would go off soon.
He valued his sleep, like a lot, so he figured he wouldn't let those few minutes go to waste, so he pulled the covers again up to his neck, but he was feeling a little colder than usual, so he did what he usually does: he reached for you and pulled you into him, embracing you so lovingly.
This made you wake up, slowly opening your eyes to get used to the light. “Hey,” you whispered, not completely sure if he was awake.
"Sorry, baby,” he said with a sleepy voice as his nose nudged into the crook of your neck.
“It’s okay. What time is it?”
“Almost time to go, actually.”
“Okay, let’s get going then.” You said, pulling away from his embrace, making him whine as he quickly reached for your arm.
“No, let’s stay in bed a little longer,” he looked at you with his sweet eyes as he tried to convince you to go back to him.
“I don’t want us to be late again.”
“We won’t. We still have a few minutes, I promise.”
With that, you cuddled him again, this time facing him. After all, how could you possibly say no to him? “Okay, but as soon as the alarm goes off, we are getting up.”
"Yes, ma’am,” he replied happily as he buried his face on your neck again, enjoying the way you were scratching his scalp.
Truth is, he was feeling more tired than usual. Sure, he always hated having to wake up early, but something about the way he was feeling that day wasn’t right. You felt it too; his skin against your neck was hotter than it normally was.
“You okay?”
He shook his head, hugging you tighter. “I think I’m getting sick.”
You pulled away again, the back of your hand falling on his forehead. “Baby, you have a fever.” He just hummed in response as he tried to get you to go back to your previous position. “Lando, I’m being serious. You can’t just ignore it.”
“It’s not like I can call in sick.”
“I know, but you can’t go around all day without at least taking something. What else are you feeling?” You asked, worried eyes looking back at him.
“I’m just cold… and tired.”
“Okay, I’ll run to get you something, and you start getting ready. Sounds good?”
He immediately shook his head and, once again, tried to cuddle you. “You promised we’d stay here until the alarm went off.”
“I know, my love, but this is the first race of the triple header, and you need to be okay. You shouldn’t do it while being sick,” you said, rubbing his check softly. “I’ll meet you at the track, yeah?”
“No, please. Let’s just cuddle for a bit longer,” he insisted.
You sighed, debating in your mind what you should do. On one hand, you knew he wouldn’t give up, and it really couldn’t hurt to just cuddle him for a little while; he really needed it after all, but on the other, he really needed to take something so he wouldn’t feel that way for the rest of the weekend—not only that, but the two other weekends he had ahead of him.
“It’s only media day. I’ll be okay.”
“Okay,” you finally gave in, “but I’m serious, you have to take something.”
“I will. I will get checked later today at the track. Don’t worry,” he reassured you.
“Yeah, I’ll make sure of that.” You went back to your cuddly position as your hand caressed the back of his head.
“I know you will.”
The minutes went by too quickly to his liking, the alarm going off just moments later. To him, it felt like 5 seconds, not 5 minutes. He groaned when you started to get up, leaving the warmth and comfort of the hotel bed to start getting ready for the day.
“We had a deal, c’mon,” you said, offering him your hand. He took it, but that didn’t mean he wanted to.
“I wish we could stay here all day.” He stood in front of you and cupped your face as his thumbs caressed your cheeks.
“Aw, I know, my love, but the day will be over before you know it, and we can come back later to cuddle a little more, okay?”
He just nodded and made his way to the bathroom. You both started getting ready quickly, knowing the car that would take you to the track was probably already downstairs waiting for you.
Once you had everything you needed, he took your hand and gave it a little kiss, whispering a soft “Okay, time to go” before leaving the room.
You got to the track, and he immediately had to start doing things for the weekend that awaited him; you knew he wouldn’t get checked or take something unless you were on his hair about it, so you thought telling Jon would be a good idea.
It was hard to find a moment to go to the clinic due to their busy schedule, but you were able to finally drag him there.
You were standing close to him as he dangled his feet on the small bed, getting his throat checked by the doctor.
“It seems like you have a cough, nothing too serious,” the doctor said as she stepped away from him, writing something on the piece of paper attached to the wooden board where she was writing down his symptoms. “I will give you some medicine; take this right now, and then make sure you take it every 8 hours. Something for the fever too, in case you feel sick later, but only take one, and only if you get a fever. Also some painkillers; have you had any headaches?”
“A little bit, last night.”
“Any other thing you have been feeling?”
“I think that’s all.”
“Alright, that should be all then. Drink a lot of fluids and stay away from any alcohol or smoking. It’s not too bad, but if anything comes up, you know where to find me.”
Lando was just nodding, but you paid attention to everything she said, making a mental note of how to take care of him.
Once they were done with all the paperwork, you left the clinic, Lando holding everything the doctor had prescribed.
“I will hold on to those, thank you,” you said, taking all the medicine and putting it in your bag, safe and sound. You checked the time and set a reminder for 8 hours, so you didn’t forget about the cough medicine.
“Thank you, my love,” he said before kissing the top of your head.
You looked up at him with a smile, feeling sad that he got sick at the beginning of the triple header. You knew how demanding his job was and how demanding he was on himself, so it wouldn’t be a smooth recovery, so the least you could do was help him however you could.
“Lando, we have to get going. I think they are already waiting for us,” Jon said as he typed something on his phone.
The rest of the day was a little boring, which was expected considering Lando and Oscar had to spend all day talking to people or recording some videos and interviews, but you never left his side, just in case he needed something or started to feel sick again. Any time he was away from the people or cameras, you immediately ran up to him, your hand landing somewhere on his skin to make sure he didn’t have a fever.
“How are you feeling?”
“Still a little tired, and my throat is starting to bother me again. But other than that, all good.”
“Oh, is it too bad?”
“Not too bad; I guess all the talking isn’t really helping,” he chuckled, in hopes of not worrying you too much, but you couldn’t help it, and he knew that.
“I figured. You should drink some water,” you handed him the bottle you had been holding all day. He took it and drank the water that was left, thankful that you made sure to have it on you the whole time. “Where are we going now?”
“We are staying here. We have a couple more things to do.” You nodded, holding his hand for just a moment since someone called his name from the other side of the room. “I’ll see you in a bit, yeah?”
“Okay.” You let go of his hand, watching as he joined Oscar and some other people on a big couch. They were talking about the next video they had to film, so since he was busy with his job, you figured you could step away for a moment.
You wandered around as you looked up what the best tea was to help with a sore throat. Once you settled on ginger, you looked everywhere for it, but it wasn’t as common as you hoped. You did manage to find some, finally, and you ran back to the McLaren hospitality so you could give it to him. Thankfully, when you found him, he was just scrolling on his phone, sitting away from everyone.
“Hey, I brought you some tea. This should help your sore throat.” He looked up from his phone to take the disposable cup you were holding. “It might not be as hot as it should be, but it should still do the trick,” you said nervously.
“What is it?” He asked, sniffing it.
“Ginger? Where did you find ginger tea?”
“You don’t wanna know,” you said as you sat on his lap.
“Thanks, darling,” he whispered before taking a sip, clearing his throat afterwards.
“You should drink all of it.”
“It’s a little spicy. Do you want to try?” He said, offering you the cup.
“No, I don’t want your germs,” you joked, making him laugh. You laughed with him, enjoying the little glimpse of his dimple.
“I’m afraid you got those when we kissed.”
It wasn’t instant, but the tea definitely helped. The rest of the day went on quicker since all the major stuff got done in the morning, so before you knew it, you were already back at the hotel.
“Lando, take this.” You were taking out the bag of medicine you got from the doctor that morning, picking up the bottle that he was supposed to drink every 8 hours.
“What is it?”
“Your medicine, silly. It’s time.”
He made a disgusted face as he took it. “It tastes horrible.”
“I know, but you can’t skip it.” You stood there until he was done, an even more disgusted look adorning his face. “Are you feeling better than this morning?”
He nodded, giving you back the bottle since he knew you wanted to keep all his medicine together. “Will you take a shower with me?” He asked out of nowhere. You raised your eyebrows at his question, and he realized how it came across so immediately clarified. “Not for that reason.”
You couldn’t hold your laugh, but you quickly realised he just needed help. “Do you want me to help wash your hair?”
“Please.If you are okay with it.”
You followed him to the bathroom, turning on the water and making sure it was warm and nice while he discarded his clothes. He stepped in first, letting out a small moan when the warm water started to cover his body. He offered you his hand once you got naked, his strong arms wrapping around your body when you joined him.
You stayed like that for a moment, until you pulled away to gently massage his scalp.
“This is nice,” he cooed, his eyes closing as he relaxed at the feeling.
“Mhmm, I’m glad, baby.”
“Are we going to sleep after this?” His eyes met yours as he awaited for your answer, smiling when you nodded. “Good, you promised some cuddles this morning.”
“I know, I haven’t forgotten.” It warmed your heart that he had been looking forward to it, but it broke it at the same time because, even though he always asked for it, you knew it was different this time. “Bent down a little for me,” you instructed as you reached for the shampoo and squeezed some on your hand. He did as you asked, leaving his head in perfect reach for you.
Your fingertips went back to massage his scalp gently as you made sure you covered all of it. He was humming at your touch, his eyes closing as he enjoyed the soothing sensation.
“Does your head hurt?”
“A little,” he admitted, “not too bad, though.” You looked at him with sad eyes, wishing you could take his pain away and take it yourself.
“Okay, I will give you something for that, and then we can go to bed, okay?”
You continued helping him for the rest of the shower, and then he offered to help you the same way you did. You accepted, but it did take a little longer considering you had a lot more hair than he did, but he was happy to do it. When you were both done, you stepped back into the bathroom, handing him a towel and making him sit on the little stool in front of one of the mirrors.
With tired eyes, Lando met your gaze through the mirror, paying attention to your every move as you dried his hair. He loved the way your face scrunched when you were focused, sticking out your tongue from time to time. You were being so gentle with him that he almost felt like crying, but he held those emotions back, not wanting to worry you even more than you already were.
Once his hair was fully dried and you helped him with most of his nightly routine, you guided him to the bedroom and gave him a pill for his headache, letting him get under the covers afterwards. He dragged you with him, pulling you into a hug as soon as you got there.
“Can we do this every night?” He asked, his face burying in your neck as he usually does.
“Of course. Anything you want, my love. Are you comfortable?” You asked, a smile spreading across your face when he nodded.
“Thank you,” he whispered after a moment of silence, his mind drifting off into a peaceful sleep as you massaged his muscles.
Lando fell asleep almost instantly, allowing you to go to sleep once you made sure he was fully knocked out for the night.
A few hours went by, both of you enjoying each other’s warmth, until the sound of an alarm interrupted your sleep. You groaned as you reached for your phone to turn it off, but immediately sat up and grabbed his medicine.
Lando shuffled next to you, groaning too as he slightly opened his eyes to quickly scan the room. “It’s still dark outside, why do you have an alarm?” He asked, his voice sleepy and his eyes half closed as he looked at you.
“Sorry, love, it’s time for your medicine again.”
He sat up and took the little spoon you were offering him, his sleepy state saving him from the terrible taste it had. Once he was done, he fell on his pillow again and pulled into him, going back to your previous position.
“Thank you for taking care of me. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Even though the sleep was evident in his voice, you could still hear how truly thankful he was.
You placed your hands on each of his cheeks, causing his eyes to flutter shut in contentment. “Of course, what type of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t?” A soft kiss was pressed to his forehead before he brought you closer to him, a little ‘I love you’ scaping his lips as he went back to sleep.
🐾 Il Pawdestinato
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Bianchi!Reader (fc. Alexandra) Genre: Comfort/Fluff Summary: A disappointing fourth place as Suzuka has your boyfriend feeling down. Maybe all he needs is a teeny-tiny surprise.
So this is that imagine that I've been talking about making. Sorry, it's taken so long. I hope you all enjoy and I promise I am working on the next chapter of Reputations. I just think that since it's a smaller fic, I could do an imagine and a chapter for the week. Let me know what y'all want me to do!
You internally sighed as you watched the red car with the number 16 cross the line in fourth place. Anger started to bubble below the surface and you had to turn around for a moment, hoping that the cameras in the garage wouldn’t catch the sneer on your face.
How hard was it to get Charles on the podium that his heart needed?
The tenth anniversary and it seemed to not matter to anyone except your family and Charles’s. But of course, it’s Ferrari. Can’t give their driver a decent car or a decent strategy. When Charles is ahead it’s race on if you’re faster. But if Charles is faster but behind it’s stay in position.
When were Ferrari finally going to actually put actions into their words? Or give their chosen driver the better strategies?
Your blood had almost boiled over at the very distasteful words of Damon Hill when he called Charles depressed and emotion during the weekend. Sorry, it’s not like his godfather or your brother had a fatal crash ten years ago. Totally not that.
Charles had to hold you back from seeking out the former champion when you watched the interview.
But now, you just had to be there for Charles.
Your hands held the helmet that the Monegasque would have brought to the podium with him if he had been up there. The helmet that should have been brought to the podium years ago if everything had been according to plan.
But ten years ago, fate had a different story: one that didn’t include your brother in the narrative.
Your high-heeled feet quickly took you to Parc Ferme to meet him there. You didn’t want to be too late. Multiple people in red parted for you as you made your way to the cars. The shiny helmet seemed to blind anyone who looked at it.
Charles took his time getting out of the car in the P4 placement. His heart was heavy as his head turned to look at the wrong Ferrari parked a few meters away. God how he wanted that to have been him. His eyes watered as he started to take his gloves off. He could see the tilt of Carlos’s lip as he gave his post-race interview. He despised the driver for it.
However, as he turned, a glint of silver caught his eyes. The Monegasque almost choked on his spit when he saw that you were holding it up. He all but ran over, trying to get there quickly before Max was called up.
Charles held out his hands when he got close, however he froze when you placed Jules’s helmet in his hands. His own helmet was still on, probably him trying to hide his own tears. Except, you had let yours run free.
You gave him a little nudge.
“Go,” was all you told him.
The Ferrari driver, now with helmet in hand, jogged over to the cool down room. The security around didn’t bother him, almost knowing what he was trying to do. He poked his head around the corner and caught a bit of the conversation.
“And you were struggling with tyres,” he heard Max say as he watched the Dutchman almost give Carlos a cold shoulder. Max’s eyes widened when he caught a familiar red helmet peeking around the corner. He cocked an eyebrow but walked over when beckoned.
“Charlie?” he questioned when he saw the Monegasque crying in his helmet. Max wanted to question him further, but something was thrust in his hands. He looked down in shock.
Charles shuffled on his feet a bit.
“Can-can,” he stuttered under the Dutchman’s gaze. He inhaled deeply. “Can you take this with you? On the podium?”
He shut his eyes tight, not even wanting to see if Max rejected his plea. A hand came to rest on his shoulder and he opened his eyes just a bit. He was confused when he saw that Max was close to tears as well.
Max gulped the big lump in his throat, taken back by what Charles was asking. If Max could, he’d switch with Charles in heartbeat.
He tried to give the brunet a smile, but it came out kind of crooked. Max clutched the helmet close to his stomach, careful not to accidentally drop it. He looked down at the silver detailing. The only thing lacking on it was the Ferrari emblem. His eyes widened a bit when he realized that this wasn’t just an extra helmet from Charles.
“I-I’m sorry I c-can’t bring it up myself,” Charles tried to justify, but he couldn’t get the words out.
In the back of the cooldown room, Checo’s eyes were trained on the pair. His eyes slid to the side only to find Carlos not even looking. The Mexican wished he could hear when they were saying, but the familiar helmet told him everything he needed to know. He watched Charles back away and disappear around the corner. Once the red-clad driver was gone, Checo saw Max stiffen as though he realized what this actually meant.
The second Red Bull driver got off the seat and walked over toward the Dutchman. He peered down at the silver helmet. He could almost hear Max thinking in the silence. Now he was the one to place a comforting hand on Max’s shoulder, as the Dutchman had done for Charles.
“He trusts you Max.”
Max only breathed in and nodded. They were quickly called to line up go to the podium. When the blond got to the top step, he made sure to hold the helmet where everyone could see. It was kind of like a testament to truly show that he was the wrong driver to be holding it on the top step.
His blue eyes tried to find green in the crowd below, but he failed. Max even failed trying to find you. He deflated a bit but still held his head up high. Max’s lips quirked when he heard P screaming from below in the arms of Kelly.
While Max held the helmet, really all he could think of is if he would have friends who’d hold his helmet in reverence if he were to tragically die. He’d like to think that Charles would race with a dedication helmet all race year long. He wouldn’t want it on Carlos’s helmet or Checo’s (but he knew that the two would do it anyway).
Even though he was missing green, his eyes did catch a wide smile. He was glad that Danny was there, knowing the Australian had been close to Jules during his time in F1.
Max had been so caught up in the anthems that he didn’t even realize that they had ended. Not wanting the helmet to get ruined with champagne, he quickly ran around to hide it behind the wall. He made sure it was stable before running back out to join in the celebrations. He knew that he’d have to give it back after, but for now, he could only receive sprays of bubbly.
Charles’s head had been buried in the crook of your next since he got back to his drivers room. You could only rub small circles on his back, trying the comfort the sad man.
“Why am I just never good enough?” Charles whispered into the silence. Your breath hitched when you heard the utter despair in his voice. “Can’t even get a podium for Julio.”
“Charles, it’s not you. Please, never think it’s you.”
The Monegasque only sighed and turned more into you. Your hands blindly reached for your phone. Once your fingers hit the cool case, you immediately grabbed it and started to plan something. You knew that the two of you were headed to Milan this week for sim testing and for the grand opening of LEC. But, you knew that you could make it even more special.
You grinned as you made the plans and sent over a hefty amount of money, but it’d be worth it.
A knock on the door had Charles sitting up straight. He quickly rubbed his eyes before heading over to the door. When he opened it, he came face to face with a soaked Max, who had slightly sad eyes. In his hands was the helmet.
Max’s gray eyes swept over Charles before looking around the room. He gave you a smile when your eyes met. A quick nod of you head told Max everything he had to know. He turned his eyes back to Charles and handed the headpiece over.
There was some awkward silence before Max coughed.
“I’m guessing you’re headed back to Maranello?”
When Charles shook his head no, the Dutchman was a little confused.
“We’re headed to Milan first,” was all Charles offered.
You snorted at the short words from your boyfriend. Charles grew red but then offered a little more intel. “I have that ice cream thing.”
Max’s eyes widened when he realized that it wasn’t just a rumor or a joke. Charles made a face.
“I’m very serious about my ice cream Max.”
Oh, Max guesses he said that out loud.
The Red Bull driver snorted. “I wouldn’t doubt that Charles. Everything you do, you do it best.”
Now, Charles grew red (but not of embarrassment).
“Thank you,” he whispered, squeezing the helmet a bit tighter. You were still scrolling through your phone as they talked a bit more. You were just making sure that the place you were staying at had the correct accommodations for your surprise.
It was only when Charles got back into his spot on your chest did you realize that Max was gone. You turned your phone off and put your hands into his hair and started to scratch lightly. A content sigh escaped Charles as he finally melted into you. You leaned down to kiss his forehead.
“We have to get going or the flight is going to leave without us,” you murmured into his hairline. You had talked to Fred (more like demanded) about letting Charles skip debrief for the time being. The money in your bank account could pay for whatever expenses the Monegasque would be fined if he skipped everything.
In the plane, Charles had curled up to you once again. When you made sure that he was sound asleep, you got your computer back out. You finished typing out your email to Doni, making sure that everything was in order for when the plane would land. You just hoped that you could keep the surprise a secret for a little longer.
Knowing that Charles would be dead tired when you got to the place where you’d be staying for almost two weeks, you put him straight to bed when you arrived. He went down with little to no arguments and was sound asleep as you unpacked everything.
Pulling back the covers, you were able to slip in next to him. As you were about to fall asleep, Charles wrapped his arm around your middle and brought you closer. His lips met the crest of your shoulder before tucking his head back into your neck. You put your hand over his arm and held it tightly.
In the morning, you were woken up by the sound of a blender from the kitchen. You sleepily put your feet on the cool tile and made your way to the open room.
Charles had his bare back to you as he was slaving over frozen fruit and oat milk. He startled a bit as your cheek came to rest on his shoulder. Your lips pressed against your favorite freckle that stood out amongst the rest of the galaxy on his back.
“Good morning amore.”
You always loved his terms of endearment in the morning when his voice was still deep with sleep.
“Morning Cha.”
Charles smiled as he heard sleep still evident in your own voice. While he pressed the automatic blend button, he turned around to face you. Your eyes were still closed as you looked at him with a dopey smile. Charles couldn’t help but mirror it, even if you couldn’t see it.
He leaned down and placed feather-light kissed on your eyelids before moving down to your nose. The Monegasque always loved doing that as your nose would immediately scrunch after.
A whine left your lips, signally to him that he hadn’t kissed you where you wanted it yet. He rolled his eyes and stooped a bit lower, his lips finally finding solace in yours.
After three years, you still couldn’t get over the feeling of his lips on yours. Your hands slip up his arms until they locked behind his neck, pulling him closer to you. His own hands found themselves planted against the span of your hips.
It was just the two of you in your own little world for a bit, leaving you breathless when you finally parted, smoothie long forgotten.
Charles rested his forehead against yours.
You hummed, getting his attention.
“I have a surprise for you later today,” you told him. Feeling him tense against your chest, you knew he was immediately interested.
“Like, later today or in a few hours.”
“More like in a few hours. We have to get ready and then get going.”
You and Charles quickly drank your smoothies before you headed back to the bedroom to get dressed. Teasingly, you swung the keys around his face as you walked out to the car, claiming that you had to drive because he didn’t even know where you were going.
“You get to be passenger princess now my love,” you called as you climbed into the driver’s seat. Charles could only roll his eyes.
He would never admit it, but he secretly liked being the passenger every once in a while. It gave him the freedom to choose the music and not worry about getting one place to another.
Once the car got closer to the location, Charles had a sense of what was going on. He turned his head toward you once you pulled into the house. His eyes were sparkling (but you knew they’d get brighter once he understood why exactly the two of you were here).
Charles unbuckled with you following suit.
“Are we here to see Mimi?” he questioned as he held your hand, swinging it as you walked.
You were digging through your purse with your other. “Something like that.”
The doorbell was rang and Charles smiled at the sight of his friend.
“Hi mate,” he greeted, pulling Doni into a hug. You gave the man a greeting when you had the chance.
“Follow me,” Doni said, pulling you and Charles into the house. You could tell that the Monegasque was excited as he squeezed passed Doni and immediately went to pick Mimi up. You giggled, seeing your boyfriend turn into a literally baby for the small dog.
Seeing that he was preoccupied, you leaned over to Doni.
“Is he here?”
Doni smiled down at you. “We can go get him.”
You turned to Charles. “Love, Doni is going to show me a new painting that he’s been working on. I’ll be right back.”
The only response you got was Charles kissing Mimi on the head and waving you off. You couldn’t even find it in yourself to be mad because moments later, your hands were full of puppy. You clutched the blond dachshund into your chest.
“He’s perfect,” you whispered, kissing the puppy’s head lightly, earning a little yap in return. You and Doni returned to the bigger room, still finding Charles enamored with Mimi. You snorted at the sight.
“Charlie,” you said, gaining the Monegasque’s attention for a moment. The minutes Charles’s eyes were on you, he froze at the sight of the itty-bitty puppy in your arms. He set Mimi down immediately, but the bigger dachshund wasn’t offended.
Charles gingerly stepped over and his hands hovered over the little puppy in your arms. His eyes met yours, silently asking to hold the tiny thing. You rolled your eyes and you gently set the unnamed puppy in his hands.
The baby dachshund looked tiny in your arms, but now looked even tinier in Charles’s bigger hands. The Ferrari driver held the puppy up to his face and was met with a wet tongue against his nose. The giggles that resounded out of the grown man made you melt inside.
After the right amount of attention was given to the pup, Charles looked at Doni.
“What’s his name?” he asked his friend.
Doni smirked down at you.
“That’s for you to decide love.”
It was comical with how big Charles’s eyes got when he finally realized that the puppy in his hands was his (well, you two would share him). Tears even welled up in his green eyes, making them look incredibly glassy.
You cooed at the two while stepping closer to put your hand back on the puppy. The little thing yawned and snuggled deeper into Charles’s hand. His head whipped up so he could look at you.
“I’m never putting him down you know that right? I’ll make him a little pocket in my race suit and he’s going to go everywhere with me.”
You snorted. “I don’t think puppies are built to withstand the G’s baby, but I’ll keep him company in the garage. He’ll have Roscoe to play with next year too.”
Charles stopped listening after you had said “baby,” his brain melting. Now, he couldn’t stop thinking about a future with you and an actual baby. That made blood go to different places and he needed to stop thinking about that.
Doni had walked away for a moment and came back with a piece of paper.
“You think of a name superstar?” the man asked, pen poised to write.
Charles held the British-crème dog up to his face and looked into the boba-like brown eyes. He hummed as he put him back down at stomach level, still not wanting to put him down.
Now that you snorted. “You’re going to name our son after your rival?”
Charles paled once he realized and stuttered as he tried to make up an excuse. “Non, it’s like the LEC logo. The ‘C’ looks like an ‘O’ if you squint.”
You laughed but nodded at the excuse. “Sure amore, sure. But I think Leo Leclerc suits him. Little baby.”
Doni also laughed as he wrote down Leo’s name. “More like Leo LeHandbag because I don’t think superstar is going to put him down anytime soon.”
You turned back to Charles, but the man was already crouched down next to Mimi, showing off Leo to the older dog. You facepalmed.
“I am dating a literally child. First an ice cream line and now this.”
Doni smiled. “He looks happy.”
You sighed in content. That’s all you had wanted to do since Suzuka: make Charles happy. You couldn’t bring back your brother, but you could offer small hopes to the man you loved so dearly. Your eyes widened when you looked at your watch.
“Love, we have to go. Your launch is in an hour and a half.”
Charles pouted. “We’re bringing him right?”
You smiled softly. “Yes, let’s bring our son.”
The two of you said your goodbyes to Doni before heading out. Charles still wanted to be the passenger so that he could hold onto Leo for longer, knowing that he’d have to give him back to you once the launch started.
“I still can’t believe you named him Leo after Max.”
“He is not named after Max.”
“Sure babe. It’s definitely not like Roscoe being named after Nico Rosberg.”
“Wait. Lewis names Roscoe after Rosberg?”
“Yes Charlie. But it’s ok. I can be second best to your work-wife.”
“Max is not my work-wife.”
“Whatever you say. Il Predestinato now has Il Pawdestinato.”
“I swear Charles, I will take him back.”
“I’m dating a child.”
y/n_bianchi has posted

y/n_bianchi little Leo Leclerc ☀️
liked by charles_leclerc, lestappenlove, y/nxcharlie, and 4,204,096 others
leclerc_fam oh my gosh he's so cutieeeeeee
i_want_y/n do y'all need another one? cause I can bark 🗣
lestappenlove not them naming Leo after a certain lion rival
brocedes2.0 reminds me of lewis naming Roscoe after Nico Rosberg
lecluv ice cream, a puppy, and a gorgeous girlfriend - Charles is living the life 😭
roscoelovescoco yous is goings to haves to brings him to the paddocks so I's cans meets new friend! ♥️
y/n_bianchi of course roscoe! I can babysit so the dads can do their thing 🏎💨
lewishamilton can't wait to meet the son!
charles_leclerc he'll be at Shanghai ☺️
roscoe&leo they're going to be the IT dogs of the paddock
leolovescharlie imagine having formula 1 driver Charles Leclerc and Ceo of a multimillion dollar company Y/n Bianchi as your parents
maxverstappen1 I like the name! 🦁
y/n_bianchi i told him that you'd say something
charles_leclerc HE IS NOT NAMED AFTER YOU
y/nxcharlie it's cat dad Max Verstappen vs dog dad Charles Leclerc
iamred_iamyellow choose your fighter
y/n_leclerc I'm just waiting for when y/n is going to show up with a ring
ferrari_fan when I saw I got that dawg in me, best know I'm talking about Leo

TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @myxticmoon @cherry-piee @blueberry64857959 @glitterquadricorn @lizzypiastri @disneyprincemuke @sam-is-lost @spilled-coffee-cup @ilove-tswizzle @the-untamed-soul @allenajade-ite @starssfall @torchbearerkyle @judespoision @halfdeadsage @juniper-july19 @severewobblerlightdragon @thatgirlmj @gods-menace @ineedafictionalman @namgification @dark-night-sky-99 @samantha-chicago @2pagenumb @treehouse-mouse @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @kagatinkita @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @awekbachira @vellicora @skepvids @sunrizef1 @stan-josie @fanficweasley @hiireadstuff @barcelonaloverf1life @c-losur3 @graciewrote @bruhhhhhhhhehhhhhhh @tallrock35 @ashy-kit @kat-s2 @minkyungseokie @lozzamez3 @leslieis-crying @adventuresofrose @lighttsoutlewis

summary: the shenanigans of female gen z driver and the formula one grid.
author’s note: I started this series, because I’d like to imagine what it would be like to be part of the group of drivers and how it would be like to interact with them on a regular basis. It’s all fun and games, and I don’t know these people in real life. everything is fiction! the stories aren’t written in chronological order, but I try to put them in the right order below!
Requests are always welcome in my inbox! Opinions, thoughts and feedback are also greatly appreciated.
Keep reading
pairing: oscar piastri x indian!female!kohli!reader
summary: the indian women's cricket team is in australia the same time as the grid for their ODI tournament. and a certain rookie driver and a rookie cricketer fall for each other.
extra information: reader is kohli's younger sister and is 21, oscar wins the melbourne gp. reader went to a british boarding school so she knows like lando.


liked by BCCIWomens, ishankishan and 547,890 others me n the gang 💯renukasingh (virat's memes are top tier) view comments
viratkohli is that the only photo you could find ➥ ynkohli yeppers landonorris get into finals so i can watch 😞 ➥ ynkohli thats the plan user01 what's lando doing here ➥ ynsno1 yn went to a british boarding school and she met lando in britain when she was out. shes also a huge fan of f1 anushkasharma get the cup !! ➥ ynkohli will do 🫶 user54 why is she so famous compared to other cricketers? /genq ➥ user67 she was an influencer during her teenage years and everybody loved her cos shes rlly funny and shes also virat kohli's sister. mclaren 🏏👀 ➥ ynlover yo wtf ➥ user6 erm what ➥ user08 um renukasingh we ate those photos up ➥ ynkohli realsies!

liked by ynkohli, oscarpiastri and 245,765 others i got two tickets to melbourne gp babyy view comments
ynkohli give them to me plsss 🙏 ➥ mclaren bet ➥ user05 IS SHE DATING SOMEONE ON THE GRID ➥ user49 not necessarily shes been a fan since she was a kid danielriccardo COME WITH ME SUNDAY DONT SAY MAYBE ➥ user67 going along with the caption is so him 😭🫶 maxverstappen watch me win... again ➥ lewishamilton hes a bit overconfident? ➥ landonorris ^ ➥ fernandoalonso ^ ➥ georgerussell ^ ➥ charlesleclerc ^ ➥ carlossainz55 ^ ➥ schecoperez ^ ➥ averagef1lover not the whole grid coming after max 😭 ➥ rbrmylove ok but is he wrong ➥ user07 if oscar doesn't win im gonna kms ➥ oscarpiastri dont do that 😓 ➥ user07 HOLY SHIT IM GONNA DIE WTF user03 this is a day after the odi finals 😭 if yn loses shes going to be so sad at the gp

liked by oscarpiastri, viratkohli and 350,905 little y/n kohli appreciation post because INDIA IS IN THE FINALS !!!! view comments
user09 what is oscar doing here ➥ ynsno1fan forrealsies user98 SHE DESERVES THIS SM ➥ user05 FR BRO user48 IM SO HAPPY

liked by viratkohli, landonorris and 463,218 others little gf appreciation post 💗 view comments
user58 OSCAR SOFT LAUNCHING WAS NOT ON MY 2024 BINGO CARD ➥ user48 SAME cricketlover whats virat doing here? ➥ user52 idk bro f1lover GUYS WHAT IF ITS YN KOHLI ➥ rbrmylove who?? ➥ f1lover shes an indian cricketer ➥ lestappenshipper BRO AND THE BCCI ACCOUNT POSTED AN APPRECIATION FOR YN AND OSCAR LIKED ➥ sixerhitter AND THE CAPTION ON THIS ONE logansargeant youre not slick ➥ oscarpiastri shut up ➥ averagef1fan LOGAN TELL US (ill give u three bucks) ➥ logansargeant I CANT (make it 300 and u have a deal) ➥ averagef1fan logan im broke ➥ logansargeant well too bad then user05 they look so happy in the last photo landonorris yk what big feet mean😉 ➥ oscarpiastri LANDO ➥ danielriccardo LANDO ➥ carlossainz55 LANDO ➥ maxverstappen LANDO ➥ fernandoalonso LANDO ➥ lewishamilton LANDO mclarenfan polite cat has rizz confirmed???

liked by danielriccardo, smrithimandhana and 506,472 others your honor, i love him. view comments
rohitsharma what 😀 ➥ishankishan 😀 ➥viratkohli 😀 ➥hardikpandya 😀 ➥jaspritbumrah 😀 ➥shubmangill 😀 ➥sachintendulkar 😀 ➥rahuldravid 😀 alexanderasaintmleux you both are so cutee ➥ ynkohli nuh uh u r lilymhe ur so adorable ➥ ynkohli stop ily averagef1lover um what are the wags doing here? ➥ user05 i think shes dating oscar piastri cricketlover whos oscar piastri? ynloml NO WAY SHES TAKEN WHAT

liked by alexanderasaintmleux, lilymhe and 209,879 others new wag??? oscar piastri spotted in a park with a girl view comments
averagef1lover thats so yn cricketlover yn and oscar?? user05 CRICKET AND F1 CROSSOVER??????? ynlover my two worlds colliding user06 if it was yn tho theyd be so cute f1fan THE WAY HES LYING IN HER LAP ➥ user49 THE WAY HIS HAND WENT LIMP WHEN THEY KISSED ➥ lestappenshipper SKSKSKKSKSK

liked by ynkohli, landonorris and 738,952 others THE INDIAN WOMENS TEAM ARE NOW ODI CHAMPIONS!!! view comments
cricketlover WOOHOOOO averagef1lover IDEC IF SHES A WAG OR NOT I LOVE YN ynloml shes so fine 🤭 lestappenshipper theres no way oscar 'polite cat' piastri has the yn kohli rohitsharma 🥳 shahrukhkhan 🥳 arshdeepkaur 🥳 sachintendulkar 🥳 renukasingh 🥳 anushkasharma 🥳 ritikasajdeh 🥳 sanjenaganasen 🥳 saratendulkar 🥳 landonorris IM SO PROUD OF YOU YN

liked by oscarpiastri, suhanakhan and 834,271 others colonized the colonizer ! oscarpiastri comments are disabled

liked by ynkohli, logansargeant and 506,783 others i love being colonized 😍 comments are disabled
a/n IM SO SORRY FOR BEING MIA FOR SO LONG GUYS I HAD THE WORST WRITERS BLOCK 😭 this is written for the sole purposes of entertaining me i havent seen and oscar piastri x brown reader anywhere so hopefully you guys like this !!

The Ones to Watch from this 2004 F1 book… the world champions + Mark Webber yet again 😭😭
Any Silent Man Scream || KR7 x gf!Reader
Warnings: 18+, unprotected sex, sub!kimi, blowjob, praise kink
Wordcount: 1k
Part two of Tell Me Your Sounds

She had filled in at a race when Sebastian had been out sick, and yes, she loved that she had the chance
But god, did she fear what the interviewers wanted to ask after her and Kimi had gotten caught kissing in public
“After it was confirmed you and Kimi are dating, people have been wondering; is Kimi as silent in bed as he is out here?” She knew it would come up
She chuckled shortly before she answered “He might’ve been with other women, but trust me, I can make any silent man scream” She smiled, making the interviewer flustered
“Thank you for your honest answer” She said, scrambling over her words “I think that was it, thank you”
She had hoped to be in bed early as she was exhausted, but as fate had come, she heard a knock on the door to her room
She stood up from her bed and dragged her feet over to the door “Kimi? Wha-“ He took quick steps into the room and closed the door behind him, pressing her up against it, his lips on her neck immediately
“Kimi, what are you doing?” She held on tight to his biceps as he started lightly suck on her skin
“I’m proving I can make you scream as well” She chuckled at his response as his hands went under the shirt she was wearing
“We both know that’s not gonna happen, Kimi” She said, pulling his hands away from her body
She had them turned around, using his surprise to start attacking his neck with kisses
“Every night, you say that you’ll take control, and what happens? You end up a moaning mess under my touch” He had already become a whimpering mess
“Not every- ah” His sentence was cut short with a moan as she bit down softly on his skin “Please, rakkaus, I need you” He whimpered, pulling her hips into his own
“I know, baby” Her hands went under his shirt, pulling it over his head, throwing it on the ground somewhere
She kissed down his torso as she went down on her knees, her hand fumbling with his belt as her lips roamed his abdomen
She finally got his belt opened, pulling his pants and boxers down to his mid thighs, getting his cock out
“Fuck, baby, please” He was already a moaning mess, and she had only placed a few kitten licks on the head of his cock, getting all of his precum
She swirled her tongue around him, already making his thighs shake “Please- Don’t tease, please”
She knew he wouldn’t last long if she kept teasing him, so she gave in to his wishes and went down on him, hallowing her cheeks, gagging as he hit the back of her throat
“Fuck” His voice was covered with a moan as she started moving, tracing his vein with her tongue, sending him further into his orgasm
“Please, I need to be inside you. Please, rakkaus” She got off of him and stood up. She kissed him soft before she spoke
“Get on the bed. Naked” He hurried out of his pants and boxers and went over to the bed at laid with his back against it
She walked slowly over to the bed, pulling her clothes off at a teasingly slow speed. She pulled off her panties before she got in his lap, leaving herself in only her bra
“Please, baby” He put his hands on her waist, drawing circles with his thumbs into her sides “I wanna see you, please” He bucked his hips, but it only resulted in her standing further up on her knees, earning her a whine from him
“You’re always so needy” She smirked, ghosting her nails down his chest, drawing out whimpers from him
“Please, rakkaus. I need to be inside you, please” She gave in and put her hands on her back, unhooking her bra and slid it off her arms, throwing it on the ground as well
He sighed at the sight of her breasts on display. She took his cock into her hands, earning her a whimper, lining herself up with him
She slowly sank down on him, both of them whimpering as she did. She sat still as she adjusted to him, feeling his nails dig into her skin
She slowly start moving on him, drawing out moans from both of them. His back was arched and his eyes shut closed as she sped up, finding a rhythm that worked
“Fuck, you’re so pretty like this, baby” She praised, leaning down to kiss his cheek bone “You’ll never be on top of me, we both know that” She said close to his ear, lips going to his neck
“You’ll always be this beautiful under my touch” He whimpered at her words, thrusting his hips up to meet hers, the sounds of their skin against skin getting louder as well as their mixed moans
“You gonna come for me, love?” She asked, feeling him start to twitch inside her as she clenched down on him
He nodded, too fucked out for any words, only able to get whimpers out if he was lucky
“Yeah? You gonna be my good boy and come for me?” She asked in a teasing tone and her hand came down on her clit, circling it, making her clench down on him more
With no warning did he hold her down on him, coming inside her, filling her up with his cum
The feeling of his cum dripping out of her sent her over the edge, clenching rapidly around him with his name rolling off her tongue as she came
She slid off of him, laying down beside him “Just admit it, you love letting me take care of you” She said, pulling his body into hers after they had gotten cleaned up
“Only you, rakkaus” He sighed, leaning into her touch, letting his body go limp as he dozed off into sleep

♪ — 𝗕𝗔𝗕𝗬, 𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗞 𝗠𝗬 𝗪𝗔𝗬 kimi räikkönen x fem! photographer! reader (fluff) “. . . you try to capture kimi's smile but you capture his heart instead.”

( main masterlist ) ( requests )

joining formula one
Bustling. That's what he'd describe the track on such a day. Pushing through the people, Kimi didn't have the patience and to stop and apologize. You didn't neither, but you still repeated the same phrase trying to squeeze through the crowd with a polite smile.
You looked . . . Kimi was to busy watching to think about that. His eyes followed you as you clutched your camera, trying to frame a moment before your dead line. You had this . . . bubbly-like aura that kimi couldn't quite put a finger on. The way you smile and apologized, the way you helped give people directions or explain things even though your clock was ticking.
He's heard about you from his mechanics. The new intern who seems to be practically towing the joy and warmth sun behind wherever she goes. He had to agree with them on that, you sure were . . . something.
He was too concentrated to realize it was him you were pointing the lens at until it was too late. And he didn't like that. A bright smile made its way to your lips as you looked down at your product, proud of the moment you captured.
You looked up, ready to push yourself in the direction of where you last saw the Finnish boy, only to find him gone already. He'd walked away without sparing you a second glance.

★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Kimi!" You tried to get his attention. Well you did, but not long enough for him to make eyecontact with the camera lens. You smiled nonetheless at your product. "Still no eyecontact?"
You yelped in surprise at the new voice only to relax upon realizing your new friend. "You know, I'd look in the camera and pose for you any time." Fernando Alonso said cheekily as he leaned his shoulder on the wall next to you, watching you blush as he gently held your chin.
Kimi did not like what he was seeing. Watching you pull away from Fernando, shyly brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. But why? Was it because he knew the Spaniard's intentions were only going to take away your innocence. Or maybe because he wanted to keep the joy you radiated all to himself.
You were aiming to get his attention after all. The only thought that now ran through his head was that he also wanted to see the pictures you took.

★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"BOO!" Kimi turned to look at you unamused as you tried to get his attention ( successfully ). A squeel rang through your throat as you jumped in place from excitement. Finally!
The sun was practically in your eyes as you stared at the new addition to your camera roll, feeling mesmerized by the beauty of a singular man. Unaware of his presence, Kimi stood behind you also staring at the pictures you took, putting a hand on his waist sighing deeply.
"I like this one." He pointed, pointing at the screen. You jolted surprised, looking up at the finish man with a shy blush. He raised an eyebrow waiting for you to reply or do something but you didn't. "Are you going to keep staring at me or . . . ?" He tilted his head waiting.
You could feel your face redden even deeper as you looked up at him. "I— I was thinking . . . You'd look way better if you took those of. Cause you know— you have—" You stuttered over your words as you gently reached and pulled his glasses off gently, staring deep in his eyes. ". . . Very pretty eyes." You found yourself whispering, like it was a secret.
Kimi hummed, titling his hear the other way, staring deep into your sole which only made you shrink and tense further. "I'll think about it." You couldn't catch it, but the smallest curl of a smile made its way to his lips as he took his sun glasses from you softly, his skin brushing against yours as he tool his leave.
God you loved Finnish men. Blond Finnish men. Blond Finnish men who drive fast cars. Blond Finnish men who were Kimi Räikkönen.

★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Kimi didn't like early mornings. At all.
He grumbled as he walked down the semi-empty paddock with his hands in his pockets. The sun was blazing brightly and he didn't like the new see through sunglasses.
Well, he didn't like them until he saw you sitting on a motor home's roof ( how you got up there he didn't think he wanted to know). He stood there, watching you swing your legs and hum a song's melody as you cleaned your disassembled camera.
He didn't want to interrupt you, but he also wanted your . . . attention? It took you a few moments to look down confused at the none moving human. All it took was your wide smile and laugh to make Kimi Räikkönen feel lighter and brighter as he waved up at you hello.
"You got new glasses!" You cheered, throwing your hands up happily. Oh how you loved his eyes. This would do nicely, you thought as you dismounted. You couldn't stop the giggles as you jogged to where kimi was standing waiting for you.
"Do I look camera worthy?" He chuckled, the smallest smile curving on his lips as he leaned a hand on his hand on his hip, tilting his head down for you to get a closer look.
"Camera worthy? I can get you an a magazine." You giggled happily, holding your hands together. The sun shone brighter and Kimi smiled all the way, gently ruffling your hair as he continued his walk through the paddock.
You found that smile on his face time and time again each time he noticed your camera pointed at him. He didn't bother looking away and smiled at you, watching you work and jump in excitement with each perfect shot.

★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
He lost the glasses ( on purpose, but you didn't need to know that ) and shrugged about it when you asked about it. "It's better for you." He waved off, ruffling your hair and patting your back ( gently ).
You watched as he pushed power cameras and hid his face from them. But to your camera, he presented himself, posing even. Giving the smile that induced your own. The smile that was only for you, genuine and heart stopping. You were his designated photographer at this point. Not only in formula one but in commercials, marketing businesses, and third party events.
He was never that far from you, always by your side, watching you go through the camera roll from a top your head. You enjoyed the small smile and hearing his chuckle from behind you as you held up the screen to show a photo you personally liked. But he wasn't watching them, he was watching you.
You felt your heart flutter and face redden as he offered simple gestures. You'd often find Kimi brushing your hair out of your face or typing it in a loose ponytail, sometimes putting his team cap on your head during sunny days. The way he pulled you to walk under his umbrella when it rained or helped apply the sunscreen to your back when he invited you to out to his yacht in Monaco.
Kimi wasn't big with words or conversations, but you knew what he was asking you when asked you turn around. You felt him gently drape the expensive necklace around your neck with KR7 pendant, clipping it into place. You loved the soft smile that covered his face when he leaned down to connect your lips with his.

★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
thank you, formula racing
"Kimi, love." You held his hand, pulling him still in his tracks. He gave his immediate and all of his attention to you. This was unusual. You weren't smiling or radiating your halo of joy and warmth. You were dragging along a cloud atop your head, with an uncertain and hesitant look.
Kimi didn't hesitate to cup your cheeks, turning you right and left and around, checking for injuries or bruises. "What happened? Whats wrong?" You closed your eyes, leaning into his soft hands that you've come to love so much.
"I— Remember that magazine photo shoot about 'Schumacher's nightmare'? I . . . I Got a job offer with hypercar. My boss is forcing me to go."
That was great news! Hypercar! Endurance races, night races, 24 hours of le mans! Porsche, Ferrari, McLarwn, Mercedes and more! More money and experience! Lots of new things! Different circuits and calender as well!
. . . different circuits and calender.
You didn't dare to open your eyes and see your boyfriend's reaction. But the way he ran his thumb across your cheek, you couldn't look away from his eyes.
He was stoic. The same way you saw him for the first time. Same way he didn't give a shit about anything outside you. You furrowed your eyebrows, silently begging him to say something.
But this was kimi we were talking about. His hands slowly pulled away from you, and if you closed your eyes, you could still feel him. He hesitantly and simply nodded, holding his hand out for you to shake.
You eyes teared up as you looked down at his open palm. You tried blinking your tears away as you shook his hand gently before watching him pull away and carry on with his previous task.

★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
welcome home
"Kimi." You whispered. You missed his name on your lips. The quiet man snapped his head up at the familiar voice. Kimi found himself smiling widely upon finding your face, leaning his head on your hand. He could recognize your voice anywhere, in a crowded room after years of being apart.
The gaze in his eyes said everything as you waved a hello and he mounted back one to you. You weren't holding up your camera but Kimi still found himself looking and smiling at you.
You were still beautiful and innocent, your halo and warmth were still intact. Especially your smile, oh how he missed your smile. The way you made him feel, relaxing as he stared at you like a teenager in love. He hasn't felt this at ease in years, and he was glad you were back.
He didn't get the chance to catch you after the press conference, but he found you sitting on the balcony of his garage, legs swinging down the edge. He stood behind you, listening to you hum a melody as you looked at the pictures from today.
You must've been too into your little word to notice him crouched behind you, looking through your pictures with you. A soft smile on his face as he admired your concentrated face. "Baby," He held your chin gently turning you to face him. "Look my way."
Pink dusted your cheeks as you looked at him shyly. "Hi." You whispered barley loud enough for him to hear. "Hi." He glanced down at your lips, not giving it a second thought before leaning down upon seeing the necklace he's gifted you years ago.

It’s me
Anyway I’m thinking Kimi. I heard somewhere that Kimi had his back operated on a few years ago and so I thought I might start with that. So retired Kimi doing I don’t know motorbikes or whatever he does and falling, not a bad fall but just enough that his back aches. And I don’t any other parts just that and the person reader thing helping somehow?
I honestly don’t know I’m just winging it.
Again if you do not wish to write this, then don’t.
Anyway how are going? I hope this isn’t past the due date but I don’t know cause I’m in Australian time.
Ughhh 😩 I’m just now getting around to this 👹 also this picture makes me giggle 🤭

“You’re not invincible” — Kimi Raikkönen x reader
Ft Jenson,Mark,Fernando and Seb
Fluff,Crack and Comfort
This is mostly for laughs
It also has a bunch of banter we love banter in this house
Word count 3k
When Kimi retired from Formula One he didn’t expect his retirement to be so boring. He wasn’t gonna lie he missed the adrenaline rush he got from racing and his friends. I guess that’s who Kimi found himself at Sebastian’s with Mark,Jenson,Sebastian and Fernando standing around in the garage looking at the new motor bike Seb had bought.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Jeson says, holding his hands up and taking a step back from the bike.
“Says the man who is a WEC driver” Seb jokes.
“Hey my wife would kill me if she found out that I was on that thing” Jenson said defending himself.
“Yeah I’m out too I have to be in Montreal for the race in four days” Fernando said shaking his head.
“Okay that leaves Mark,Kimi and Myself” Seb says crossing his arms over his chest.
“Count me out! My wife's a nurse and she sees motorbike accidents all the time” Mark says, shuddering at the countless accidents he hears from his wife.
“I’ll do it,” Kimi says, shrugging , finally speaking up.
Seb’s eyes light up with excitement as he realizes Kimi’s agreed to go on the bike ride.
“Yes!” Seb exclaims, pumping his fist in the air.
Jenson, Mark, and Fernando all exchange glances, shaking their heads in disbelief at Kimi’s decision. They know just how reckless he can be on the track and they worry that he might get into trouble on the motorbike.
“Are you sure you know what you’re getting yourself into?” Fernando asks, raising an eyebrow.
Kimi smirks and shrugs, his typical laid-back demeanor on display.
“I can handle it,” he replies confidently, his eyes glinting with a hint of mischief.
Jenson and Mark share a look, clearly concerned for their friend's safety. They know how competitive and adrenaline-seeking Kimi can be, and they're worried about what he might do on the motorbike.
“Just be careful, man. Those things are dangerous,” Mark warns, placing a hand on Kimi's shoulder.
Seb rolls his eyes, clearly growing impatient with their cautionary words.
“Relax, guys. Kimi's a professional racer. He knows how to handle a bike,” he says, trying to reassure them.
Mark and Jenson exchange another worried look, but they know there's no stopping Kimi when he's set his mind on something.
Jenson sighs and throws up his hands in resignation.
“Fine, just be careful, okay? We don’t want you ending up in the hospital,” he says, giving Kimi a stern look.
Kimi just chuckles and gives Jenson a casual wave.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” he says, his tone lacking any concern.
“He’s right you we aren’t exactly 20 anymore some of us are almost 50 years old” Jenson says side eyeing Mark.
“That’s not funny” Mark says smacking Jenson on the back of his head.
Seb smiles and shakes his head in amusement at their banter.
“Come on, guys, lighten up! We’re still young at heart,” he says, grinning.
Fernando chuckles and crosses his arms over his chest, amused by their behavior.
“Young at heart, maybe. But our bodies might disagree,” he says, giving them a knowing look.
Jenson lets out a defeated sigh and nods in agreement.
“You have a point,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
Mark crosses his arms and rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed by the reminder of his age.
“Yeah, yeah, we get it. We’re old,” he mutters, leaning against the wall.
Seb grins and punches Mark on the arm playfully.
“Don’t be such a grump, old man,” he teases, enjoying how Mark’s face twists in annoyance.
Mark shoves Seb back playfully, his annoyance growing.
“Watch it, Sebby,” he warns, glaring at Seb.
Seb just laughs and holds up his hands in defense.
“Just kidding, mate. Lighten up,” he says, grinning.
“Oh, and you’re such a mature adult, Jenson?” Mark shoots back, rolling his eyes.
Seb grins and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Yeah, where’s your sense of adventure, Jense? Too old and bored in your comfy armchair?”
Jenson feigns offense and puts a hand on his chest.
“Excuse me, I’ll let you know that I have plenty of adventures. I just prefer ones that don’t involve motorcycles and broken bones,” he says, raising an eyebrow. “Now Kimi, are you really sure you want to do this?” Jenson asked.
Kimi nods, his eyes fixed on the bike.
“Yes, I’m sure. I’ve been wanting to try something different since I retired. And this seems like a good enough adventure for me,” he replies confidently.
Seb grins and slaps Kimi on the back, clearly excited to have him on the ride with him.
“That’s the spirit, Kimi! We’re gonna have so much fun!” he exclaims, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
Mark crosses his arms over his chest and frowns.
“I still don’t like this. It’s too risky,” he mutters, worry etched on his face.
Jenson nods in agreement with Mark.
“Yeah, I have to agree with Mark on this. You’re not exactly young anymore, Kimi. You could seriously hurt yourself,” he says, his concern evident in his voice.
Kimi rolls his eyes and sighs, clearly annoyed by their concern.
“I appreciate your concern, guys. But I’m not a fragile old man. I can handle a bike ride,” he says, a hint of irritation in his voice.
“Ok if you say so” Mark says.
Seb grins, clearly sensing the tension in the air.
“I’m you think that Kimi because your going first” Seb says handing Kimi the keys and one of Kimi old helmets from a helmet swaps they did years ago.
Kimi takes the keys and the helmet from Seb, a feeling of nostalgia washing over him as he holds the old helmet. He shrugs it on, adjusting the strap under his chin.
“Fine, I’ll go first. Just to prove that I can handle it,” he says, his voice determined.
Seb grins and pats Kimi on the shoulder.
“Atta boy, Kimi. This is gonna be great!” he exclaims, clearly excited at the prospect of the ride.
Jenson,Fernando and Mark exchange a worried look, their concerns still evident on their faces.
Kimi swings his leg over the bike, settling himself onto the seat. He takes a deep breath and grips the handlebars, a mixture of excitement and nerves coursing through him.
“Let’s do this,” he says, looking over at his friends with a determined look.
The ride didn’t quite go as planned. As they were riding, Kimi lost control of the bike and ended up crashing into a nearby ditch.
Thankfully, it wasn’t a major accident. Kimi was a bit banged up, and he grimaced as he tried to sit up.
“Ugh, my back,” he groaned, wincing in pain. Seb quickly dismounted the bike and rushed to Kimi’s side, concern etched on his face.
“Kimi! Are you okay?” he asked, helping Kimi sit up.
Jenson, Mark and, Fernando hurried over as well, their expressions mirroring Seb’s concern.
Kimi leaned against Seb, his face twisted in pain.
“I’m fine. Just a little sore,” he groaned, trying to play it off.
Mark rolled his eyes, not buying it.
“Yeah, right. You’re about as convincing as a three-year-old trying to lie about stealing a cookie,” he said dryly.
Seb shot Mark a glare before turning his attention back to Kimi.
“Let me see,” he said, gently lifting up the back of Kimi's shirt to inspect his injury.
As Seb lifts up Kimi's shirt, he sees a large bruise forming on the small of Kimi's back, the skin red and inflamed.
“Ah, that looks painful,” Mark says, wincing as he sees the bruise.
Jenson and Fernando nod in agreement, their faces etched with concern.
“Come on, let's get you home” Mark says.
Kimi nods weakly, his face pale from the pain.
“Yeah, let’s go,” he mutters, trying to stand up. But as he tries to stand his legs buckle under him and he stumbles forward.
Seb quickly steadies him, looping an arm around his waist.
“Easy, mate. Let’s take it slow,” he says, supporting Kimi’s weight.
As they make their way back to the car, Kimi grimaces with each step, the pain flaring up with every movement.
Jenson and Fernando follow behind, watching with concern as Seb and Mark help Kimi.
Mark shakes his head as they reach the car, clearly annoyed.
“You just had to prove something, didn’t you?” he says, opening the car door for Kimi.
Kimi just grunts in response, too focused on the pain radiating from his back to come up with a snarky retort.
Seb helps him into the car, adjusting the seat so that Kimi is comfortable.
“Don’t be too hard on him, Mark. He was just trying to have some fun,” Seb says, trying to ease the tension.
“Oh and you're telling y/n what happened” Marks adds.
Kimi groans at the mention of Y/n.
“Ugh, can we just skip that part?” he mutters.
Seb chuckles, clearly amused by Kimi’s reluctance to tell you about the accident.
“Afraid your wife is gonna give you an earful?” he teases.
Mark,Jenson,Fernando and Kimi all exchanged looks before says “yes!”
Seb laughs, thoroughly enjoying their reactions.
“Oh please, it’s just a little back injury. I’m sure Y/n will understand,” he says, clearly underestimating the situation.
Jenson shakes his head, a knowing look on his face.
“Oh buddy, you have no idea what you’re getting into.”
Mark nods in agreement.
“Y/n won’t be happy about this. I mean, come on, Kimi. You’re not a young driver anymore. You have to be careful,” he says, his voice filled with concern.
Fernando chimes in.
“You’re lucky it wasn’t worse. You could have really hurt yourself,” he says, his expression serious.
Kimi groans again, knowing they’re all right.
“I know. I know. I just didn’t think it would end up like this,” he mutters, feeling guilty for worrying you.
Seb pats him on the shoulder.
“Hey, it’s okay. It was an accident. But you’re gonna have to face the music, pal,” he says, trying to lighten the mood.
Jenson nods in agreement.
“Yeah, you’ll just have to explain what happened and hope for the best,” he says, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Kimi sighs, knowing he has no way out of this.
“I guess you’re right. Let’s just get this over with,” he says, resignation in his voice.
As they arrive at Kimi's house, Kimi's anxiety grows. He knows he's in for it with you.
Seb and Mark help him out of the car, supporting his weight as they make their way to the front door.
Fernando and Jenson follow behind, still concerned about his injury. As they enter the house, Kimi’s heart sinks as he sees you sitting on the couch, reading a book. You look up as you hear the door open and your eyes widen in surprise as you see Kimi being supported by Seb, Mark, Fernando and Jenson.
“What happened?!” you exclaim, jumping up from the couch and rushing over to them.
Kimi looks at you sheepishly, feeling like a child who got caught doing something they weren’t supposed to.
“I uh...I had a little accident,” he mutters, avoiding your gaze.
Seb, Mark, Fernando and Jenson all step back, leaving Kimi to explain the situation. They exchange knowing glances, already bracing themselves for your reaction. You look at Kimi, anger and concern etched on your face.
“A little accident? What do you mean a little accident? You’re in pain, you can barely walk, and you have a massive bruise on your back!” you exclaim, your voice becoming louder with every word.
Kimi winces under your gaze, feeling like he’s been scolded by a teacher. "I know, I know. It wasn't supposed to go like this. It was just a fun ride, that's all, " Kimi tries to explain, his voice sounding small and meek.
Seb, Mark, Fernando and Jenson all stand there awkwardly, feeling like they're witnessing a couple's fight.
You shake your head in frustration, your hands on your hips.
"Just a fun ride? Oh, and I suppose that bruise on your back is just a temporary tattoo?!" you retorted, your eyes narrowing. Kimi rubs the back of his neck, feeling more and more like a child under your disapproving glare.
"I know it looks bad, but it’s not as bad as it looks," he says, trying to downplay the situation.
Seb, Mark, Fernando, and Jenson all inwardly cringe, knowing that he's only making things worse for himself.
They all watched as you sighed before saying “the important thing is that it doesn’t look major”
Kimi's eyes flick up at your words, a glimmer of hope in his gaze. He'd been expecting a worse reaction, so he's somewhat relieved by your calmer tone.
Mark, Seb, Jenson and Fernando all exchange glances, surprised that you're not chewing Kimi out like they thought you would.
“Let’s get you upstairs some grab the ice pack from the freezer and the heating pad from the hall closet” you said to the guys
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando nod, understanding your instructions.
Seb dashes off to the kitchen to grab the ice pack, while Mark heads to the hall closet to retrieve the heating pad. Jenson follows behind Mark, feeling a sense of relief that the situation isn’t escalating.
After a few minutes, all four men return, each holding the items you requested. Seb returns with the ice pack, which he hands to you, while Mark gives you the heating pad. Jenson and Fernando stand there, waiting for further instructions.
Kimi remains there, looking sheepish and embarrassed, as if he had just been caught sneaking a cookie from the jar.
You take the items from the guys, giving them a small smile of appreciation.
You then turn your attention back to Kimi, looking at him with a stern but loving expression.
"Come on, let's get you settled upstairs," you say, gesturing towards the stairs. Kimi nods obediently, wincing slightly as he takes a step, the pain in his back flaring up again.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando all exchange looks, impressed by how well you're handling the situation. They follow behind you and Kimi as you make your way upstairs.
As you reach the bedroom, you help Kimi settle onto the bed, making sure he’s comfortable. Then, with practiced ease, you place the ice pack on his bruised back, trying to reduce the inflammation.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando all hover nearby, watching you with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. “Thank you for bringing him home guys but I can’t take it from here” you said looking at the four men who were standing in the doorway.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando nod in understanding.
"Of course, no problem," Sebastian says, giving you a small smile.
Mark pats Kimi on the shoulder, a sympathetic look on his face. "Take it easy, mate. We'll check in on you later," he says.
Jenson and Fernando nod in agreement, their expressions showing their concern. "Yeah, get some rest, Kimi," Jenson says.
Kimi gives them a weak smile, appreciating their support.
"Thanks, guys. I'll be fine. Just need some rest," he says, his voice betraying how tired he truly is.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando chuckle slightly. "We know you're a tough old man, but even tough old men need to rest sometimes," Mark teases.
Kimi glares at Mark playfully before grumbling, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Just get outta here"
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando laugh, clearly amused by his attempt at being grumpy.
"Alright, we're going. You two behave now," Jenson teases, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Kimi rolls his eyes, but a hint of a smile forms on his lips.
"Yeah, we'll be fine. Thanks for your concern, lads," he mutters.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando all say their goodbyes and make their way out of the room, closing the door gently behind them.
Once they're gone, you and Kimi are left alone in silence. You focus on applying the ice pack to his back, making sure it's placed in the right spot.
Kimi watches you for a moment, grateful for your care.
"Thanks, love," he mumbles, his voice softer than usual. You look up at him, noticing the vulnerability in his expression.
"Of course, darling," you reply, a comforting smile on your face. "But next time, maybe stick to less dangerous activities, okay?"
Kimi huffs out a chuckle, his expression sheepish.
"Yeah, I guess I got a bit carried away, didn't I?" You nod, still holding the ice pack to his back.
"Just a bit. You're not a young driver anymore, you need to be careful," you say sternly, your tone betraying how much you worry about him.
Kimi winces a bit as the ice pack touches a particularly sore spot.
"I know, I know. I was just having some fun, that's all," he grumbles.
You shake your head, a playful smile on your lips.
"Fun is great, but not if it ends up with you hurting yourself like this," you say, gently chiding him.
Kimi sighs, knowing you're right.
"I know, I know. I should have been more careful," he mutters, wincing again as you apply more pressure with the ice pack. You pause for a moment, studying his face closely.
"You're lucky it's just a bruised back and not something more serious," you say, your voice filled with concern.
Kimi nods, feeling guilty for worrying you.
"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry for scaring you like that," he says, his expression remorseful.
You soften your expression, your eyes filled with love and understanding.
"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it. Just...promise me you'll be more careful next time, okay? You're not invincible, no matter how much you like to think you are," you say, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Kimi chuckles weakly, looking up at you.
"Yeah, I know I'm not invincible. And I promise I'll be more careful from now on. No more showing off, I swear," he says, his expression sincere.
You smile at his promise, satisfied that he's taking this seriously.
"Good. I just want you to be safe," you say, gently removing the ice pack from his back.
Kimi sighs in relief as the coldness disappears, replaced by the feeling of your warm hand on his back.
"I know, and I appreciate it. I don't like worrying you like this," he mutters, his voice softer than before. You begin to gently massage his back, your fingers working to soothe the muscles under his skin.
"I know you don't. But accidents happen. Just promise me you'll be more careful in the future," you repeat, your tone still stern but filled with love.
Kimi nods, feeling the tension in his back slowly ease under your touch.
As you continue to massage his back, Kimi closes his eyes, completely relaxing under your touch.
"I promise, love. No more showing off. I'll be a good boy from now on," he mutters, a small smile on his face.
You chuckle at his words, amused by his choice of words.
"Good boy, huh? I like the sound of that."
You continue to massage his back, feeling a strong sense of affection for him.

You’re mine sunshine — Vampire!Kimi Raikkonen x human!sunshine!Reader
Warning reader does get kidnapped smuttish theme but no actual smut (there’s something else I’m forgetting but I’m not sure what) 😭😭😭
Tagged— @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @67-angelofthelordme-67 @a-casual-romantic @amatswimming @bblouifford @bbtoni @badassturtle13 @charlesf1leclerc @clowngirlsstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @entr4p3 @formulas-bitch @formulaal @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hangmandruigandmav @hollie911 @hrts4scarr @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @kimiracing07 @lightdragonrayne @laura-naruto-fan1998 @lollypop90907 @moss-on-tmblr @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @scotlynaurora @strugglingyetvibing @sweate-r-weathe-r @swifth0lic @toasttt11 @tallrock35 @the-ghost-lovwr @uluvjay @llando4norris @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics @faithsotherhouseofchaos
You were Kimi’s sunshine even if you didn’t know it but he did. Kimi swore that you were an angel sent down from the heavens just for him. The only problem was that you didn’t seem to give Kimi the time of day or night. He was just a friend. Sure you gave him a sweet smile and said hello every time you saw him but that still wasn’t enough for the vampire.
He needed to be sure that you were his and only his even if that meant scaring away anyone who threatened to take what was his. Kimi would do anything to keep you safe from anyone who wasn’t him and that meant changing you. Which was a last ditch effort if he was desperate and he wasn’t…yet.
Even though he was already so sure that you were his, Kimi had a deep fear that you would be taken away by another. It didn’t matter that he was the strongest, fastest, smartest, sexiest, or the most powerful vampire. None of that mattered because he felt so sure that you would find a better man even though that man definitely did not exist. It was irrational and a bit crazy to think about. You were Kimi’s and he was damn sure going to make sure it stayed that way.
Kimis mind raced wondering how he would make sure you couldn’t leave him even if you tried. A deep fear of abandonment from the past was resurfacing and it was frightening. He’d been burned by his first love. He promised never to fall in love again because it would only cause him to be hurt in the end. But then he saw you.
With your beautiful smile, your sunshine-like aura, your personality that shined from the inside out, you were everything that he didn’t believe was possible.
Kimi had never experienced a love like this before. It was unlike anything he’s ever felt. It was more than romantic, it was almost obsessive and he felt like he needed you in his life in order to survive. It wasn’t just that he wanted to be with you. He NEEDS to be with you. It was a feeling that he didn’t know how to describe but it was all consuming
So yes, Kimi was ready to do anything to keep you to yourself even if that meant changing you…
…even though he was actually falling in love with the human version of you. It sounds crazy, right? Because it is. All his life he’s hated his past love for how horribly that ended. And now here he was, falling in love all over again. This love felt different. You were different. He was willing to do anything to be with you, including changing you. Because in the end, if it meant that you would stay with him forever, anything was worth it.
So now Kimi’s mind was made up. It’s either he changed you or he’d lose you. If that meant being a vampire, then so be it. All the fears that he had with his first love surfaced and all the feelings that he thought he buried would soon come to the forefront again.
In the end, there was only one option. To finally put these past demons to bed once and for all. After years and years of heartbreak and abandonment, he couldn’t handle any more.
So Kimi finally made his choice and he made his way to your apartment. He didn’t go in right away, he stayed in the shadows where he could see perfectly into your apartment.
As he stood in the shadows he saw something that made him furious. He saw you laughing with some guy and giving him a kiss before he would leave for the night.
Kimi wanted to kill him for touching what was his. And that was the final straw. This was exactly the moment that he feared the most. He didn’t wanna admit it but deep down he knew that once you found someone else, he would lose you forever.
Kimi was furious and couldn’t handle the feelings that were boiling inside him anymore. The fear. The love. The hate. The anger. All of it was boiling inside him like a pot waiting to take over. And that’s exactly what happened because in a matter of seconds…
Kimi pounced on the man that you were talking to and before he knew it, he had him by the throat. All of those feelings that were boiling over inside of him had taken over and all he could think about was making sure this man never touched you again. The man was terrified, obviously, when he realized that a vampire had taken him by the throat. He tried to do what he could to fight Kimis grip off of him but it was useless. Kimi was much stronger than any human could possibly be. Especially since he was undead.
The man was gasping for air as Kimi had him by his throat and he desperately tried anything to get that grip off. His life was flashing before his eyes and he thought that this was the end. That it was over for him. Kimi’s grip was becoming more and more intense as his anger and rage got the best of him. The man was helpless in the grips of the vampire and was doing everything he could to fight for his life but he knew his fate was sealed.
The man just managed to get out a few wheezing words “p…lease l…et m…me go!” before he stopped thrashing around. Kimi tightened his grip even more and the man could see the whites of Kimis eyes before everything went black and he fell unconscious.
Kimi went up to your apartment and knocked on the door and waited for you to answer.
When you did answer he was met with the same sweet smile that he craved to keep for himself.
“Oh my god when did you get back into town?” You asked giving him a hug.
Kimi stood there, still fuming at the sight of another man with you. The anger still coursed through his veins. What if you were in love with this man instead of him? What if you decided that you wanted someone else? The thought of it made his blood boil.
“I just got back. I thought I’d stop by and see you, ” Kimi replied in a tight and stiff voice.
“You look a little mad… did something happen?” you asked in your usual, sweet and gentle tone.
“It’s nothing. I just saw something that bothered me. But it doesn’t matter, ” Kimi replied, trying to hide just how mad he actually was.
“What did you see?” you asked, tilting your head to the side a bit.
“I don’t really wanna talk about it. It’s nothing important. Really, “ Kimi said, avoiding eye contact as he looked away for a moment.
“Okay, “ you said with a curious look on your face. Kimi could tell that you were wondering what could possibly be bothering him. After all, it must have been something pretty serious for him to be in such a bad mood.
“Can I at least come in?” he asked, still avoiding eye contact.
“Of course, ” you said warmly as you opened up the door to let him in. Kimi walked inside and took a deep breath as he did so. There were so many thoughts running through his head right now. He couldn’t even think straight.
“Can I get you anything?” you asked, looking over to Kimi with that same sweet smile.
“No… I’m fine,” Kimi said shortly and still avoiding eye contact. This was not an easy conversation to have but he had to have it.
You sensed the tension building and you weren’t sure why. Usually, Kimi would be more open with you. But this time, he seemed distant and shut off. You wondered if something was really going on with him or if he was just in one of those moods.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” you asked again, genuinely worried about him.
“Yeah… it’s nothing important. Just a bad day at work, ” Kimi lied to you in a poor attempt to hide his real feelings.
“It was now or never” Kimi thought to himself.
That was it. It was now or never. Kimi wasn’t gonna let you go. Not this time. And not without a fight.
Everything hurt and you were stiff. The last thing you remember was that Kimi was at your apartment and he seemed angry about something with you.
The next thing you knew, you were in your bed and your body was filled with pain. Your back hurt, your ribs were screaming and your neck was so stiff it was hard to move your head.
You tried to open your eyes but they felt like they were being weighed down by a ton of bricks. Finally, you managed to force them open enough to see that it was daytime now.
Your mind was still cloudy but there was one thought that was clear: Kimi. You had no idea how you got here but you just knew that it had something to do with him. You tried moving but every time you did you winced in pain. It felt like your whole body was bruised.
“You’re awake” you heard Kimi say from across the room. You could see that you weren’t in your apartment anymore.
Your eyes darted over to the source of the voice but there was still so much haze and you couldn’t seem to focus clearly. For a moment, you thought you were still dreaming.
“Kimi?” you managed to croak out from your dry and sore throat.
“Yes, it’s me,” Kimi replied, moving closer to you. You winced as you tried to move your head. Suddenly, you noticed that you weren’t in your apartment anymore. You were in a different place entirely and Kimi was standing over you.
“What did you do to me?” You asked
“It’s not important,” he said in a cold and harsh tone.
You stared at him for a moment. Everything was still hazy but one thing was clear, his attitude had completely changed. He seemed cold and distant when he used to be so warm and sweet.
“Where am I?” you asked, trying to sit up but the pain was too much for you.
“You’re in my home. And trust me, it’s where you should be,” he said, looking at you with a cold look on his face.
You shivered from the way he was looking at you. He used to look at you with nothing but love and affection but now he was looking at you like you were just some object that he wanted. Your fear started to rise as you realized that maybe this wasn’t the same person that was your friend.
“What?” You asked confused.
"I promise I'll always be with you but...you gave me no choice, I had to. I had to protect you from him. I'm sorry my love."
“Protect me from who, Kimi?” you asked with a mixture of fear and confusion in your voice.
The pieces were slowly starting to come together in your mind but the fear was still overwhelming you because something didn’t feel right. You were beginning to realize that whatever he did to you didn’t feel…normal.
“From anyone who isn’t me kultaseni” Kimi says
“But, I don’t understand…I wasn’t in danger, though? The guy that I was with was just…a friend,” you protested, feeling your fear turn into rage as you realized what he had made the choice to do.
“I saw you with that guy. You were laughing together like you were in love. I couldn’t let anyone else have you, not anyone,” Kimi says and for a moment, you see a flash of anger in his eyes.
“You can’t tell me that you don’t feel something for me angel because we both know that deep down you do” Kimi says.
“Of course, I have feelings for you. But that doesn’t mean that you get to do whatever you want with me,” you say angrily.
“Don’t you get it? You’re mine. Nobody else can have you besides me. I won’t let anyone else take you away from me. Do you understand?” Kimi says. His voice is still cold and harsh but there’s something else there. A possessive edge that you’ve never heard from him before.
“That doesn’t give you the right to do this,” you snap back at him. The fear is still in your heart because you know that you are basically at his mercy.
“It does in this case, angel,” he says and you see that flash of anger again. His tone has the edge of a threat but there’s also a layer of desperate desire underneath it. It’s almost like he’s trying to convince himself of what he’s saying.
“But, I never gave you permission,” you protest back at him. The rage is starting to simmer inside you. Even if you wanted to, you can’t even move.
“And I don’t need your permission. This is for your own good,” he says and you see the desperation in his eyes. It’s like he knows that he’s done something wrong but he's justified it in his head.
A few months have passed since Kimi kidnapped you. It took a few months for your walls to break down and let Kimi in. There was a tiny voice in the back of your mind that said keep fighting but you didn’t fight back. You need him as much as he needed you.
That’s how you found yourself here now with him kissing on your neck after you had begged him to feed from you.
The moment you felt his fangs sink into your jugular you tipped your head back even further and let out a whimper.
"Oh? You like it when I bite? Why didn't you say so sooner?" Kimi cooed, pulling away from your neck with a trickle of blood running down from the corner of his mouth.
You shiver from the sensation of his fangs sinking into your skin. The heat of his breath and the sweet taste of your blood send shivers down your spine. You moan softly as his teeth pierce your throat again and again, feeding from you.
It’s painful but the pain is also pleasurable in a way. Your body reacts to his every bite and moan you let out as the pleasure builds. You can’t believe that you’re enjoying this but you are. It’s like an addiction and he’s your drug of choice.
“Mmm..that's it baby moan for me and me only” Kimi says "I want to ruin you." He added
"Yes, please, do it!" You had begged
“I’ll ruin you until there’s no one else for you but me, ” he says, his fangs sinking deeper into your neck, leaving a trail of tiny wounds as he feeds from you.
Your body shakes from the intense sensations as the pleasure built within you. You feel like you’re being torn apart to all of your senses. The blood he’s drawing makes it feel like your mind is going to explode.
“I want to make you mine, completely and utterly. Nobody else will matter because it’ll just be us”
“Yes… only you, ” you moaned as Kimi’s bites drew more blood from you.
Every time his fangs pierced your skin, it felt like a jolt shot through your body. The pain was exquisite and pleasurable at the same time. You felt like you were being pulled in a million different directions at once.
All of these sensations led to an intense desire for more. For him to ruin you in a way that no one else could. For him to make you completely his and no one else’s ever again.

Bodyguard!Kimi raikkonen x reader
Tagged— @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @a-casual-romantic @67-angelofthelordme-67 @bblouifford @badassturtle13 @bbtoni @barcelonaloverf1life @crashingwavesofeuphoria @charlesf1leclerc @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @faithsotherhouseofchaos @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hangmandruigandmav @hollie911 @hrts4scarr @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @kimiracing07 @lollypop90907 @ladymarvel27 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @ladymarvel27 @moss-on-tmblr @natailiatulls07 @norrisleclercf1 @norizznorris @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @reidsworld @scotlynaurora @toasttt11 @uluvjay @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics @yl90
I went ahead and wrote bodyguard!Kimi raikkonen
I’m still doing the other one I have a feeling max will win the poll going
The first time you met Kimi was when you were 17 years old. Your original bodyguard had been killed in an attempt on your life. Your father had stuck his own guard with you temporarily until he found a permanent replacement. Your 17th birthday your father called you down into his office and there he stood cold blue eyes that looked white piercing into your soul.
“Sweetheart meet your new bodyguard Kimi he’s here to stay indefinitely” your father says looking at you.
You held your hand out for Kimi to shake, only he didn’t shake it right away instead he turned to look at your father who just gave a short nod of approval. The moment his hand came into contact with yours you were doomed. His hand was bigger than yours, warm and calloused. You looked up into his pale icy blue eyes which pierced into yours. Which gave you butterflies and a small blush which Kimi noticed You BOTH were doomed.
Over the years Kimi lingered around like a shadow. Not that you were complaining you eventually had gotten used to his cold exterior. Which you saw right through. You are now 22 years old.
“I’m bored, can I go outside?” You asked no demanded as you yank your bedroom door open to look at Kimi”
“No” he said
“No?” Why not you asked
“Because it’s dangerous,” Kimi said softly.
You smiled. "You're not my dad." You said softly.
"What's the worst that can happen?"
"The worst?" Kimi's expression turned cold.
You could see the fear in his eyes, for you. It touched you deeply when he cared more about your well being than his own.
Over the last 5 years you've grown close to him. He's been with you through everything, yet the distance between the two of you just seemed to deepen. You both knew that there was more between the two of you, but neither of you was willing to admit it. It just seemed like there was just this invisible barrier that kept you from taking that next step. You just couldn't seem to cross it. So every time that you had this conversation, it always ended with him looking away, the same way he does now.
"Please?" You couldn't take it anymore. You could see the hesitation in his eyes. You knew it was dangerous to go outside alone, but you couldn't stand the thought of being trapped inside anymore. You were going crazy from the boredom and you needed some fresh air. It was a risk you were willing to take.
You waited in anticipation. He stared at you, his gaze piercing into you like always, as if reading your mind and all of your thoughts with just one look. You hoped he would give in but you knew that was probably too much to ask.
"Fine," he sighed, "but only for a little while. We're going to make it quick and be back inside as soon as possible."
"Thank you," you breathed a huge sigh of relief as he finally gave in and agreed.
The air outside seemed fresher than usual. You felt invigorated and alive in a way that you hadn't in a long time. The fresh air blew gently across your face as you walked down the driveway. You didn't realize how much you had needed this.
Kimi remained close beside you, his arms folded across his chest, his expression stoic. You could feel his eyes watching you, watching your every move. You felt a strange sensation of pride and confidence knowing that he was there to protect you.
You smiled to yourself when an idea came into your head and you took off running into the woods cackling like a gremlin at the short thought of freedom making Kimi shake his head and smile. He let you have this moment before he took off after you.
You hid behind a tree trying to catch your breath. You stood panting from your run, the adrenaline from your escapade still pumping through your veins. You couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration at being able to let loose for a moment.
Suddenly you heard the sound of footsteps approaching and your breathing become shallow as you waited for Kimi to catch you.
The footsteps drew closer and closer. You peeked around the tree and saw Kimi coming towards you. You watched as he approached, eyes scanning the area for you. He seemed on high alert, looking for any sign of you.
He came to a stop, eyes fixed on the tree. You could see him searching around, looking for any sign of where you had gone. You couldn't help but hold your breath as he was so close to finding you.
The silence was almost agonizing. You could hear his breath, you could feel his presence. You watched as his eyes darted, searching around, getting closer and closer to the tree. You waited for the moment when he would discover you. Your heart was in your throat, your palms sweaty.
Just when you thought he was going to find you, Kimi's eyes darted to the left, away from the tree. He stepped away, still scanning the surroundings. You were relieved but also somewhat disappointed. You had thought he was about to find you.
Kimi's pace slowed as he walked away from the tree. He seemed unsure of where to go now, like he wasn't sure which direction you had taken. You felt a little guilty for leading him on a chase, but it was also a little exhilarating to see him so disoriented.
You took this opportunity to peer out from behind the tree and watch as Kimi's back was turned to you. You couldn't help but feel a mischievous little grin spread across your face at the opportunity to play a little game.
You took a few steps back from the tree, trying to be as quiet as possible. You ducked down lower, careful not to make any noise. You could see Kimi walking further away from you, still searching for you. You waited for the right moment before silently creeping up behind him.
You tiptoed up behind Kimi, your heart pounding in your chest. He was completely unaware of your presence, his eyes focused on looking for you in the trees. Once you were close enough you tapped him on the shoulder.
Kimi jumped in surprise and whirled around. His eyes widened when he saw you standing behind him, looking as mischievous and playful as ever. You couldn't help but smile and giggle at his reaction.
Kimi scowled at you, clearly surprised by your sneakiness. "You shouldn't have done that!" he scolded.
"Why not?" You asked sarcastically, batting your eyelashes at him, "did you get scared?"
"I was not scared." Kimi said curtly.
"Oh?" You asked coyly, still smiling at him playfully. "Not scared, did you get *startled*?"
His face remained impassive as he stood stiffly, staring at you.
A hint of a smile began to form on Kimi's face as he tried to remain serious.
"You shouldn't sneak up on me like that," he chided.
"Why? I thought I'd come and give you a bit of excitement. You need to lighten up a bit."
“People think you’re scary but really, you’re just a soft marshmallow, all soft and mushy on the inside and burnt on the outside.” You said looking up into his eyes
“…Are you comparing me to a roasted marshmallow?” Kimi asked
You giggled at his reaction. "Yes, an overly done one." But you said it playfully, as if you were kidding.
Kimi glared at you, still pretending to be upset, but you could tell he was just faking it.
"You're always so serious; I don't think I've ever seen you let your guard down."
"I don't let my guard down for anyone." Kimi said in a harsh tone.
"Not even me?" You asked softly.
A hint of a smile came back to Kimi's face, though he tried to hide it by looking away from you.
"You're different," Kimi said softly, "you're the only one who's managed to make me feel this way."
He kept looking away, his face flushing as he realized what he was saying.
"So you're saying you're softer with me?" You asked playously, batting your eyelashes and pouting at him.
"That's not what I'm saying," Kimi said defensively.
"It's okay, you can admit it. You don't have to be so prickly all the time."
"You're mocking me." Kimi glared at you, his expression harsh again but there was something else deep down in his eyes.
"I'm just teasing you a bit," you retorted, "you should try it sometime."
Kimi scowled again. He didn't seem to appreciate the teasing, but you couldn't help yourself. You enjoyed seeing him squirm and get flustered, it was all part of the game.
"So, mister tough guy, have you gotten soft for me?" you asked with a sly grin.
"No!" Kimi scoffed. "I'm as tough as ever."
"Then why are you blushing?" You asked innocently, batting your eyelashes at him again.
"I am not blushing." Kimi glared.
"Then why is your face so red?" You asked playfully.
"It's...it's hot outside." He said lamely.
You snorted and covered your mouth to suppress a giggle.
"Nice try, but it's not hot out at all. It's actually pretty cool." You teased him.
Kimi glared at you and looked away again. He couldn't figure out a way to avoid the truth and that made him angrier.
"And what if I am blushing?" Kimi asked irritably, clearly no longer trying to hide it.
You couldn't help but let out a little laugh. "Then I guess I've proven my point."
"What point?" Kimi asked, still keeping his gaze away from you.
"That you let your guard down for me."
Kimi stayed silent, his face flushed and his jaw clenched tightly.
"Admit it, you're as soft as silk on the inside," you teased softly, not taking your eyes off him.
"So I guess that means you're soft for me." You beamed at him, hoping that this would be the moment when he admits to his real feelings for you.
You gasped as Kimi swept you up over his shoulder. You held onto him tightly as he carried you back to the house. You couldn't help but feel a deep satisfaction at feeling the power of his muscular arms beneath yours.
When he set you down you couldn't help but smile at him. He still didn't talk to you, and you couldn't help but laugh at his grumpy expression as he gave you the silent treatment.
You smiled softly at Kimi's grumpy demeanor. He may have been acting like he was angry with you, but you knew that deep down he was just trying to hide his feelings for you.
You looked up at him as he stood there, staring silently down at you with those bright blue eyes. Suddenly, without warning, you leaned up on your toes and pressed your lips against his.
Kimi was taken by surprise. His eyes widened briefly before he responded in kind. He leaned down to meet your lips and kissed you tenderly, his hands wrapping around your waist.
The kiss was short but heartfelt, and when you pulled away you could see his face was a mix of shock and joy. At that moment, you both knew.
You both were doomed
You had both been fighting your feelings for one another for so long. But in that one brief moment when you kissed, all of the walls you both had built up between you came crashing down.
There was no more fighting, no more running. All that remained was the love and acceptance of being together at last. You were both doomed, but in the most wonderfully perfect and beautiful way imaginable.
cat-sitter | max verstappen
max verstappen x roommate!reader
You’re Max’s cat sitter but maybe you were than that.
prompt: Fixing each other’s clothes (+ saying “you look good.”)
beachy’s masterlist🐚

Max was always on the move, his busy schedule keeping him away from home more often than not. Jimmy and Sassy, were his babies, but their care became difficult with his constant travel. After a series of unreliable pet sitters, Max decided to find a live-in cat sitter, someone who could provide consistent care and companionship for his beloved kitties.
You, an animal lover with loads pet care experience, stumbled upon Max’s ad. The idea of living in a luxurious apartment while taking care of two adorable cats was too good to pass up, especially given the high cost of living in Monaco. After a successful interview and trial period, you settled in.
Jimmy and Sassy quickly bonded with you. Your affectionate nature filling the apartment with warmth. Over time, You and Max developed a close friendship, sharing stories and experiences from different worlds. The arrangement was perfect, and you were more than just a cat-sitter —you were what Max considering a close friend and maybe he developed a crush on you, but you didn’t know that.
- ✰ -
Max was getting ready for an important gala. The apartment was a mess multiple dress shirts and shoes thrown around, you lounged comfortably in your comfy clothes, enjoying watching TV with Jimmy and Sassy. Max emerged from his room, struggling with the buttons on his dress shirt, his cheeks flushed from anger, you assumed.
“You look like you could use some help,” you teased, noticing his frustration.
He glanced at you, a sheepish smile on his face. “Yeah, these buttons are impossible.”
You walked over and began to button his shirt, your fingers moving deftly over the fabric. Max watched you, a soft smile playing on his lips.
“Thanks,” he said as you finished, adjusting his collar.
You looked up, your eyes meeting his. “You look good,” you muttered quietly, almost to yourself, as your hands smoothed out the chest of his shirt.
Max’s gaze softened, his expression warm. “You look good too,” he replied, his voice just as soft.
For a moment, you both stood there, the air between you thick with tension. Your heart raced, and you felt a flush rise to your cheeks. Both of you jumping apart hearing Sassy yowl, you smile softly.
“I should let you finish getting ready and go check on them,” you said, turning to walk away.
Max watched you, disappointment in his eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want to come to the gala? It could be fun.”
You shook your head, a shy smile on your lips. “No, thanks. You go have fun.”
As you walked away, you could feel Max’s eyes on you. He sighed, feeling a pang of disappointment. The gala was a prestigious event, but the thought of going without you felt strangely hollow.
You sat down looking at Sassy and Jimmy who know stare at you, bored looks on their faces, “cockblockers,” you mutter turing back to your show.
Max came out, clearing his throat you and the cats turn around, Sassy scans him up and down then goes back to sleeping in your lap.
“So how do I look?” he asks, messing with his watch you scan him swallowing deeply, “Uh you look good, you’re going to have women all over you.” you say giving him a smile, his eyes light up you both stand their looking at each other before his phone rings, “it’s Yazmin,” he says, your heart drops to your ass.
Yazmin was a girl Max went on a few dates with but they never made it official, “She’s going by to the gala too?” you ask trying not to sound jealous.
“Uh yeah, great PR y’know.” he chuckles awkwardly, your smiles fades, but you nod.
“You should get going Max, traffic is going to be bad.” you say monotonely facing the TV.
“Right, you sure you’re good here?” he asks you only give him a nod, he sighs giving one last glance before closing the door behind him.
Max attended the gala, but his heart wasn’t in it. He mingled with the who’s who of the racing world, smiling for the cameras and making small talk. Yazmin clung to his arm, her laughter loud and her comments superficial.
“Did you see the shoes she was wearing?” Yazmin whispered to Max, pointing discreetly at a woman across the room. “quite hideous, don’t you think?”
Max forced a smile. “Yeah, sure.”
As the night went on, Yazmin’s became more apparent. She wrinkled her nose at a charity auction for an animal shelter. “Ugh, why would anyone waste money on stray animals?”
Max winced, thinking of you and your gentle way with Jimmy and Sassy. He excused himself and checked his phone, hoping for a message from you. There was nothing. Yazmin noticed his distraction.
“Max, are you even listening to me?” she snapped.
“Sorry, Yaz. I just… I need some air,” he said, stepping outside to clear his head.
Back at the apartment, you tried to focus on the show, but your mind kept replaying the earlier moment with Max. The way he looked at you, his soft compliment, and the unexpected tension between you left you feeling confused. Jimmy and Sassy sensed your unease and cuddled closer, their purring a soothing comfort.
You wondered how Max was doing at the gala. A part of you regretted not going, but the idea of seeing him with Yazmin had been too much to bear. You sighed, deciding to make the most of the quiet evening.
The gala finally ended, and Max found himself eager to leave. He looked around for Yazmin and was met with the sight of her sucking faces with a boy way younger than her. Upon closer look, he realized the boy was an F2 driver. Max grimaced but said his goodbyes and made his way back to the apartment, feeling a sense of relief as he stepped through the door.
The quietness of the place felt like a balm to his soul. Jimmy greeted him with sleepy purrs, his warm body weaving around his legs.
Max looked around, hoping to see you. He found you in the living room, the TV still on, but you were fast asleep on the couch. He smiled softly, feeling a surge of affection. You looked peaceful, one hand resting on Sassy, who was curled up beside you.
He approached quietly, not wanting to wake you, but Jimmy beat him to it, meowing loudly. You stirred, blinking up at Max with sleepy eyes.
“Hey,” you murmured, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. “How was the gala?”
Max shrugged, his eyes never leaving yours. “It was okay. Missed you there, though.”
You felt your cheeks heat up at his words. “I didn’t think it was my kind of scene.”
Max nodded, understanding. “I get it. But it would have been more fun with you there.”
You both fell into a comfortable silence, the tension from earlier replaced by a warmth. Max took a seat beside you, his proximity sending a flutter through your stomach.
“You know,” he began, his voice soft, “I couldn’t stop thinking about what you said earlier.”
Your heart raced. “What do you mean?”
Max looked at you, his gaze intense. “When you said I looked good. It meant a lot coming from you.”
You smiled shyly. “Well, you did. You do.”
Max reached out, gently taking your hand in his. “And you look good too. You always do.”
The air between you thickened again, but this time, it felt different—more certain, more intimate. Max leaned in slightly, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation.
“Max,” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
“Yeah?” he replied, his breath warm against your skin.
You hesitated for a moment before closing the gap between you, pressing your lips to his in a soft, tentative kiss. Max responded immediately, his hand coming up to cup your cheek, deepening the kiss. The kiss quickly grew more intense, and you found yourself laying back on the couch, Max’s body hovering over yours.
His lips moved against yours with a hunger that made your head spin. You tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. The feel of his weight on you, the taste of him, it was all too much and not enough at the same time.
When you finally broke apart, both of you were breathless. You stared up at Max, your heart pounding in your chest.
“What about Yazmin?” you asked, your voice a whisper.
Max smiled, a twinkle in his eye. “She found an F2 driver.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, relief flooding through you. Max brushed a strand of hair from your face, his thumb grazing your cheek.
“You sure you don’t want to come to the next gala?” he asked, his voice hopeful.
You smiled up at him. “I’ll go with you anywhere.”
He grinned, leaning down to peck your lips, both of you smiling softly at each other.
“Good to know.” he murmured, nestling himself into your neck.