Artist and writer who is dying cause holy shit I am almost an adult, help me- Anyway, I wish to encounter people that are obsessed with certain fandoms as much as I am!
696 posts
Here Is Some Information About Daniel Aka Leviathan!
Here is some information about Daniel aka Leviathan!
As I have stated before, he is based off of a lion fish, which is 'a marine fish of the Indo-Pacific region that has bright contrasting stripes and venomous spiky fin rays.' He has spines on his back that are usually down but are very sharp and if started, they stand up and may stab and inject venom on those who were to close.
He is 16 feet tall in his normal form, him being slightly bigger then a cruise ship when full on demon form.
He is the most isolated of the Sins, doesn't go out much but people still know he exists obviously. However, not much is known about him, he likes his privacy.
Every few centuries he gets to tired of life and goes to nap at the bottom of Envy. For 5 years. A college student's dream I bet!
He has a grimoire of his own but he usually uses the caverns in Envy to travel to the different oceans of the human world. I headcanon that those underwater caves in Envy are portals to the human oceans but very few people know of so.
He loves to collect shiny and expensive things that he finds in the human oceans. (He was the fish who found Kim Kardashian's diamond earring lol)
Despite being King of Envy, he doesn't get jealous over petty stuff. Sure, he gets envious when someone has something he wants but that is rarely the case since he has a lot of great stuff in his palace.
The frills on his head are sensitive and only lets a few people caress them. If you are not those people, he will bite your arm off.
His love language in gift giving
He got a long ass tongue
(And that is about it!)
Fish Man!
I have yet again redesigned a version of one of my OCs, this time not Gen surprisingly but one that I love just as much! His name is Daniel and in this AU he is King of Envy so he a fish!
First we have the very first design:

Alright but the colors didn’t really fit and he didn’t look demon enough so it was discarded.
Next we have the second concept:

I hadn’t really put much thought into making him look more demon like, I was just more focused on making the lil scene with the babies and stuff.
And now the most recent and final design:

I think I made him more demon like. His design is based off of a lion fish and he is very venomous! I took a bit of inspiration from @intistone sirens designs (the two baby sirens from the second drawing be actually their Sun and Moon from the fic Scars and Scales, recommend reading, it’s in Ao3 and it’s chef’s kiss!) when making the frills and stuff. Now he looking more intimidating and actually looking more fishy!
Hehe, fishy.
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My DCAs!
I have made my own versions of Daycare Attendants!

Aurora is the equivalent of Sundrop, the Daytime DCA. She is angelic (hence the halo), joyful, kind and very playful! She does become easily panicked when her more devilish ‘friend’ comes out once the lights go out.

Genesis is the equivalent of Moondrop, the Nighttime DCA! She is a bit of a devil, mischievous, a bit cocky yet quite nice and playful. However, that is before the events of SB, if she was in the game and had Moon’s role, she would have been more aggressive and sadistic. She hates the light but she deeply cares for her more angelic ‘friend’.
I went with a Angel/Devil duo kinda dynamic when designing them and I think they look pretty good!
S&S&F: Invisible Shenanigans
(In Cameron and Alanis' home...)
(The Kids' POV)
Sun and Moon poked their heads out of their blanket fort and looked at the weird lady with the drawing on her back pacing around. Seemingly waiting for something. She looked outside very often to see if anything arrived. She did mention she was waiting for a package.
'You sure you can handle the kids?' The kelpie asked, rather worried. 'Didn't you say you had a package coming in today?'
'Well, yes, but the client isn't in any rush so I can deliver it when you come back.' The lady explained. 'I promise everything will be fine, trust me! I have taken care of countless kids in the past!'
'If you say so. Just don't forget to be gentle with them.' The kelpie said.
'You have my word. Besides, being gentle is part of my being.' The lady said before pausing for a second. 'Well, was ORIGINALLY part of my being.'
The adults talked as the kids listened from the blanket fort. The kelpie was leaving? They would be left alone with the weird lady??
I mean, she wasn't bad, she didn't hurt them but she was still weird.
'They'll be just fine, trust me. I will never let anything happen to them.' The lady, Alanis was it, said.
'Alright. If anything happens, just call me.' The kelpie, Cameron, said.
-End of flashback-
It has been a few hours since the kelpie left and about an hour since the lady started pacing around the place, often checking her phone for something. It was kind of nerve wrecking.
'B-Brother, what do y-you think s-she is doing?' Sun asked, slightly curious.
'I don't know, but I don't trust her...' Moon growled softly as he glared at the lady.
Suddenly, the lady stopped pacing and pretty much darted out to the porch. The kids seemed a little confused until the lady came back with two weird shaped wooden things. They seemed like they had nothing and the lady seemed confused as well until she put her hand in the 'empty' space and went 'Unholy shiiiii-n digs, they invisible!'
The lady touched whatever was there and looked quite giddy as she did, a goofy grin on her face before a loud sound interrupted her. She took out her phone and hissed and grimaced slightly before leaving whatever she was holding on the couch and went out to answer the phone. Moon looked suspicious at whatever the lady had put on the couch. Sun, however, was curious.
Before Moon could say anything, Sun crawled out of the blanket and crawled up into the couch, struggling a bit as he did but was able to get up. Moon hissed in shock and indignation before crawling after his brother and getting up on the couch with much more ease.
'What are you doing?! You can't just run off like that! What if she saw you?!' Moon scolded, sclera black while irises were a red color.
'S-Sorry, I g-got curious! Y-You saw her f-face when she got the t-thing!' Sun said as he looked at the 'empty' wooden thing and touched the 'empty space, his talon sinking into something soft. 'I-It's like nothing is there but i-it is t-there! S-soft too!'
'What?' Moon was confused. How could seemingly nothing feel soft?
'Y-Yeah! Come o-on, touch it!' Sun encouraged.
Moon hesitated. While the kelpie and the lady were nice so far, he still didn't trust them. But Sun had touched it and it didn't hurt him...
The darker siren huffed before placing his talon on the 'empty' space, eyes widening when he felt something soft and fuzzy. It wasn't the couch, while it was soft, it was not this soft or fuzz.
'Weird...' Moon mumbled, taking his talon away while his brother kept touching the... whatever they were.
Kids being kids and with their curiosity, they decided to try and guess what the things were. They were soft and fuzzy, and were in those weird wooden things which they recalled the kelpie called them 'hangers'. They took the things off the hangers and messed with them a bit. They put the things on and noticed they were shirts, similar to the ones they usually wore but long enough to cover their bodies and have some weird hood things in the back. And it made them look as if they weren't there when they put them on!
'C-Can you s-see me brother??' Sun asked as he looked around for the other siren before bumping into him. 'S-Sorry!'
'Is fine! These are weird...' Moon mumbled as he and his brother played around wearing the things, constantly bumping into each other but still having fun.
Well, up until the lady came back. The kids froze up, being behind the couch and not in their usual place that was the blanket fort.
If the lady found out they touched the things, she would surely be mad...
'Invisibility cloaks for kids?? Who makes that stuff??' The lady talked to herself as she went to the couch where the 'cloaks' were supposed to be. 'I'll understand if it's cause of the texture, it's soft as hell- What the fudge?'
The lady touched the now real empty space and looked around and saw the blanket fort was empty.
'Fiddlesticks...' The lady mumbled. 'Uhh, kiddos? Where you at?'
The kids kept silent, nervous of her reaction if she found them after taking the stuff without permission.
'It's fine. They are still in the house I bet. I'll find them in no time.' The lady said to herself. 'How hard can it be to find two baby sirens wearing invisibility cloaks?'
-3 hours later-
Very hard apparently.
The lady was now laying on the floor having a crisis since she couldn't find the kids anywhere and she searched the entire house. Even the roof! Meanwhile, the kids watched everything ensue in amusement, Moon being the one who enjoyed seeing the older woman freaking out.
'Gods, Cameron is so gonna kill me if I can't find them...' The lady mumbled.
The kids did not see the face of terror in her face. The gaze of having passed through this exact same scenario with a much different reason and outcome.
Moon snickered while Sun smiled a bit, a tad nervous but still finding it funny.
'S-Should we s-stop hiding n-now?' Sun asked his brother.
'Sure.' Moon simply said.
Moon and Sun took off the cloaks and tried to crawl back to their blanket fort without alerting the lady. Unfortunately, the lady heard their movements and snapped her head towards their direction, making eye contact with the kids.
She didn't blink. Neither did they.
Sun became terrified while Moon hissed at the lady.
They were in so much trouble. She was probably so mad!
They didn't have time to run, let alone think when the lady got up from the ground and took the kids into her arms. Sun panicked and Moon growled and hissed when the lady hoisted them up in her arms. They knew it, she was mad! She was going to punish them!
Nothing is happening. Nothing hurts.
There is just... sobbing.
Moon looked at Sun but saw that he wasn't the one crying. Sure, he seemed frazzled but he didn't have any tears in his eyes or anything.
That is when they realized
It was the lady.
She was the one crying.
'Gods, you scared me half to death...' The lady chuckled as she kept sobbing. 'I thought you were just... gone for a moment there...'
Sun and Moon looked at each other as the lady embraced them a bit longer before letting them go. She looked away for a second, drying her tears before looking at the sirens again.
'Sorry for doing that, it was out of impulse... I was just, so worried, I couldn't find you at all for so long, I thought ya ran off or something!' The lady said as she laughed as if she hadn't cried literally a second ago. 'Gods, I freaked out so bad...'
The lady covered her face before just pushing her hair back. Moon could have sworn he saw a scar on her face for a second there...
'I am just glad you are all okay. You two seriously scared me! Please, don't do it again alright? Not unless you ask me first so this does not happen again okay?' The lady said.
Sun and Moon looked at each other before nodding, the darker siren a bit more hesitant.
'Alright, good good. You two go to your blanket fort. I gotta get the cloaks and then I'll make ya two dinner.' The lady said, Sun and Moon perking up at the idea of dinner, their reactions making the lady smile a bit.
The sirens went straight to their blanket fort after that. The lady taking the invisibility cloaks and putting them on the hangers again before going to make dinner.
The lady was weird, like the kelpie, but it was something else. The kids didn't know what.
But she was nice. They'll just appreciate she didn't get mad.
A little weird... but pretty nice.
((Magic shenanigans, enjoy-))
(Moon and Sun belong to @intistone’s fic Scars and Scales)
Cameron (kelpie boi) belongs to @ikari-shinsei
Alanis (aka the lady) belongs to me :)
Hello Superstars! <3

I've called your attention to a super bad group/bill called, KOSA.

That's a great question, Moon!
KOSA is an organization that claims, 'to speak for GEN Z'; in reality, it is trying to pass a bill that will expose minors to their parents, completely make the internet be under all government control, and ban all lgbtqia+ /queer things, etc. off the internet to 'protect minors'.
Kosa was passed for mark up today (NOT PASSED AS A LAW.)
I know things seem dreary and hopeless, but DO NOT GIVE UP, contact your governers, sign petetions, to stop KOSA.
> What can you do?

rb to also cast destruction of the entire us governement xoxox
I have brought her back!

This would be Genesis Gray in the Actor AU made by @frillsand
In this AU, Genesis would be part of the main cast, more chill in real life and not be a big fan of having to be a killjoy to almost every episode to everyone’s fun. She was also kind of a party girl in her youth so she wants to experience that again soon. Aside from that, she enjoys acting and being with her friends.
She wishes kids would like her as they like Wally but her character in the show is not as beloved as she wishes it was. Most kids don’t like killjoys so that’s a bummer. She is in fact really nice but quite a sad woman. She doesn’t really like physical contact, only really lets her friends hug her but no one else, neither puppet and especially not human. She would want to ask the staff if they could change her character a bit to be more likable but she is to scared to talk to them and she knows they’ll probably brush her aside and she doesn’t want to bother Wally with this either.

Genesis’ right eye is covered by her hair to hide her lack of eye. She lost her eye due to an incident at her old job and it was, in fact, due to a human. So she has a bit of a fear of them and will only be calm around them if there is a fellow puppet in the room. She would be mostly calm around Wally though, knowing the staff respect him greatly and wouldn’t dare do anything while he is around.
(Sorry if hand looks wonky, Idk how to draw hands 😢)