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118 posts
The 4th Of July... Congratulations. :)

The 4th of July... Congratulations. :)
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More Posts from Guytransformedforever
Reblog this if it's okay to talk to you and be your friend and ask you various questions about your Tumblr pictures/ and fetishes
290 followers!!! Amazing!!!
Almost 300 people are reading my blog, and I hope they like it. I created it in the first place to realize my fantasies and to communicate with many bloggers who I read anonymously (I have to hide my orientation). And now I myself become a kind of blogger. It's funny. On such a occasion want do a small game (I love role-game). Recently I was in one of the cities of outland and found there a small suitcase of things. He had a lot of clothes. Very different. I suggest anyone who wants to choose one of the things (be careful, your choice depends on your transformation).

If you wish, I can publish your request or make it in private chat. Just tell me. And here's a list of things ;)
1. Khaki shorts.
2. Black shorts with flowers.
3. White cap.
4.Yellow sport breeches.
5. Blue singlet.
6. White hoodie.
7. Black leather jacket.
8. Grey sweatpants.
9. Orange beach shorts.
10. Denim shirt.
11. Black tank top.
12. Red shirt.
13. Dark purple tank top.
14. Black boxers.
15. Red pants.
16. Black jeans.
17. White Polo.
18. Sweater color of the American flag.
19 black sports shorts.
20 Boxers with a pattern of skulls.
21. Breeches with suspenders.
22.White boxers.
This is another request made from causalpatrolperfection an he also does muscle growth blogs to and so please go follow him.
As you won a trip to Mexico you get sad because of the plane ride from Russia all the way to Mexico. Once you go to the plane to and land you go to your hotel and leave all your things in hotel room. You see this old run down shop and you these boxers that are still perfectly sad in the package and it says on the package “this brief can make you become a man from where your at.
You go back to you hotel room after you were done taking the boxers home. You soon take a shower and go to the beach and take the boxers to put them on at the beach. You get to the changing room and take off all your clothes and put on the boxers leaving and don’t put on your shoe and pants because you want a tan, but that leaves you showing off you skinny body and arms and legs. You soon see people leaving and going home, until it is just you and you soon see that there was a necklace with the package and put it on.
You were about to go home till you felt the boxers sending out heat to your body. You soon see your chest staring to hared and see your your upper chest gain pecs and as your belly get abs 6 pack and you soon start getting taller and you soon felel your arms inflating really big and you soon feel your arms rock hard and then the heat goes to your legs as they get muscular more muscular and you see veins popping around your body.. then the heat goes to your face, as you feel your face getting chiseled and you face getting cheek bones and your eyebrows get thicker.
The all the heat go to your dick and balls. you see the balls go to the size of tennis balls and your dick gets bigger then it was before even though it was big before. You soon feel your cock get thicker and longe. Then your all the heat goes to your butt, as it gets big and soon you stretch out the boxers to look like a speedo. You soon forget your old Russia life and gain a New Mexican life where you don’t know Russia, but Latin. You soon fell horny and you cum in the boxers that now look like speedo. You go in to the water to wash off the cum and see that once you come out your hairs is longer and you are more tanned then usually. You soon see that you are now interested in men instead off women and you wait by the room now and wait for a gay muscular guy, so you horny dick can get some big ass. You still keep the necklace and now speedo, so you can show off your body.

Request for help :)
Hi everyone.
First of all, thanks to everyone who appreciated and who will appreciate my new story. I will continue to produce the history for this series by far.
Secondly, there is a small problem. I find it difficult to find photos for racial TF. So if you have a few photos where handsome foreign guys are a bit upset or a bit lost, please send it to me. You can also send pictures of the guys before turning if you have interesting pictures.
And you can also send a photo of Mr. Turns, as you imagine. Maybe your photo will appear in history. Send photos, I will be very grateful. And thanks again for your support ;)
Seanday Extra: Jarhead Reunion
You stab at the elevator button, imagining it’s your friends chest. “You fucker!” They’ve left you at the wedding reception in the hotel, gone off with someone else.
“Fucker!” you growl, and cup a hand over your mouth. “Shit!” You look around sheepishly.
You press the button again, and suddenly you’re pushed into the elevator door.
“S-sorry,” a deep voice, slurring comes from behind you.
You frown as you look over your shoulder, it’s a thick heavy jock dressed in a cadets uniform. His eyes blink a few times, they’re glassy and the way he’s swaying you guess he can’t handle his drink.
The door opens, and you walk in. He follows and stumbles falling inside, cracking his shoulder on the door. He turns, and subconsciously pulls at his jacket.
*Jarhead*, you think to yourself.
You press your button, seven and wait. The door slides close. “You on seven as well?” You ask.
He works his eyebrows and tries to focus on you, “Fourth.” You sigh and press four.
-Ding-, “Second floor”, the synthetic voice announces.
You’re watching the cadet, he’s head is back and he’s slowly slipping down the wall as his knees buckle under him.
You’re *good samaritan* nature kicks in and reach out to support him.
-Ding-, “Third floor.”
He’s heavy and you use all your strength to hold him up. He looks at you and gives you a wide grin.
“Thanks,” he mumbles. “My squad said I needed to sobered up, wanted to take me back to my room. Told ‘em I was man enough to do it myself, I’m fine!” He practically spits the last word.
-Ding-, “Fourth floor.” The doors open and you know he’s not doing to make it anywhere near his room, so you hook his thick arm over your shoulder and lead him out.
“What room are you in?”
“416,” he mutters and retches.
“Hold it,” you growl. “Where’s your keycard?”
You roll your eyes, and fumble through his pockets and find the key. Thankfully he’s not far from the elevator. It takes a while as he’s heavy, and you both stagger from left to right colliding into walls and fixtures.
He retches again, and for a moment you shy away, but you still get a waft of his breath–you screw up your face.
Using the keycard you open the door and help him inside. He immediately heads for the bathroom, and attempts to remove his uniform jacket as he bounces off the door.
You help him, and are left with the jacket as he just makes it to the toilet and throws up. You’re impressed with his aim, there’s no mess.
You’re confident he’s going to be OK, so you leave him in the bathroom as your attention turns to the jacket. The grey fabric, although coarse has complicated embroidery adorning it. Many gold buttons pepper its surface, you frown, one is missing at the bottom. The size of the jacket fascinates you, much bigger than your normal clothes. Respecting the uniform, you put in across the back of the chair.
There’s a sound of the toilet flushing, and you wait for a moment expecting the cadet to reappear. And wait. Cautiously you peer around the door, and discover him laying on the floor.
“Hey! Buddy wake up,” you say shaking him. He groans and jerks his shoulder from your grasp.
“Com’on, you can’t sleep there,” you tell him. You struggle and finally coax him to his feet, slowly you guide him to the bed where he collapses, and again falls into a deep sleep.
You stare at the sleeping cadet, it was obvious of the comradery with the rest of the cadets, looking after him like a brother. The thought made you more than a little envious since your own friend had abandoned you just minutes before.
He belches, and thankfully that’s all. You try to wake him again, this time more vigorously. There’s no response apart from a grunt and some cuss words.
You have no plans for the evening, at least not now! Your mind starts to wander, and the good samaritan inside you Begins to evaporate.
With a wry grin, you begin to strip the cadet of his uniform; undershirt, boots, socks, pants and underwear—it all comes off. The cadet himself only mutters and groans as you manhandle him.
As you’ve worked your way down to his muscular nudity, it quickly became evident that his size was down to plain hard work at the gym.
His handsome face, thick bull neck and heavy set torso suggested a football scholarship. His abs, waist, and legs where strong, and you imagined him thundering down the field to the touch line. You chew on your lip as the last of your good nature snuffs out.
Walking to the door, you check outside—nobody. With a grin you slip the “Do not disturb” sign on the outside handle.
Returning to the cadet, you begin to strip your own clothes and bundle them into a laundry bag.
Rolling the cadet onto his front, you climb on the bed and begin to trace your hands over his body. Your fingers touch, probe and caress his torso. Satisfied, you roll him over and repeat the task from his feet upwards.
You take his head in your hands and roll it from left to right, carefully studying his features. You slowly nod.
Sitting on the edge of the bed you close your eyes, and focus on the cadet’s physique, his torso, the muscle, his face. You begin to feel as if you’re falling–backwards into a thick mire. It’s pink and park, there’s a familiar waft of sweat, and alcohol.
The substance begins to thicken, to the extent that any perceived movement is pointless. The taffy forms around you, taking the accents from your memory. It quickens, and you begin to feel that you can move again. You feel heavy, stronger. The odour, no stench, seems alien, yet familiar.
You’re body tenses. It feels bigger–a lot bigger. You ball your hands into fists and your arms stiffen, a bicep stretches your skin.
Gasping, you open your eyes with a start! Your arms are now thick with muscle, dark hairs coat you arms and chest–oh wow, your chest. Heavy plates of meat hang from chest; swelling and contracting with every breath.
Pushing down, you raise yourself from the bed. Below you still asleep is the cadet, you know you’re his double now, down to the last detail.
“I should get back to the party,” you say in the same deep voice you’d heard before, and grin.
Picking through his clothes, you redress in his uniform. It’s large size fits your stolen body perfectly now. From his pant’s pocket you check his ID.
“Cadet Cody Wilson,” you mutter.
Slipping on the jacket you grab the laundry bag with your clothes and dump them in the corridor as you leave knowing they’ll be cleaned and returned to your own room later.
With Wilson’s own confidence, you swagger back to elevator, and back to the party.

Although you don’t have his memories, you’re confident enough that the rest of the cadets aren’t 100%, and besides, Wilson’s a Jarhead… should be simple to play him–right?