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Into Another World - MHA x Reader
Chapter 1 - Fresh Start
A/N - Here is chp.1 for you all. Hope you guys enjoy :)
POV: Y/n
Location: Saitama (Kanto Region), Japan
Earth - 2376
L/n - Last Name
s/t - Skin Tone
e/c - Eye Color
h/c - Hair color
f/h - Favorite Hobbie
t/n - Teacher name
It’s been almost five years since I've been reincarnated and brought into this world. So far, everything seems to be going smoothly. I was gifted with loving parents, Emica (mother) and Haru (father). My mom seems to have some sort of bee-like quirk that gives her some physical traits of a bee such as antennas and wings. My father on the other hand has a quirk that lets him shrink things and enlarge them as well. Both parents have jobs, my mom owns her own fashion line called ‘Honeycomb’ while my dad works in an office. Dad’s job requires him to go to Tokyo while my mom can just work from home due to having her business around the country. And so, for that reason, my parents decided it would be a good idea to move out of Tokyo and into Saitama so that we can have more space to live and so it’s also not that far from my dad’s job.
As of now, I still have the same appearance as I did when I was 4 in my original world. I still have long black hair, tan-ish skin, and bright brown eyes. I’m still waiting for my next birthday to turn 5 so that I can hopefully get my quirk. I’m not so sure what type of quirk I’ll get, now knowing about my parents' quirks.
“Y/n sweetie! Go grab your bag and come downstairs and eat some breakfast!” called my mother from downstairs.
“Alright mom!” I called out to her as I grabbed my forest green backpack and went downstairs. Today was my first day of elementary school since my parents homeschooled me for a bit but figured that I’d do better learning in a different environment.
I finally make it downstairs and waltz into the kitchen. Setting down my backpack on the ground, I finally sat down at the table where my father was organizing his messenger bag and mother was finishing up her plate of eggs and bacon.
“So, are you excited for your first day?” mom asked as she got up and went to wash her dish as I replied back.
“Kinda, not really.”.
“Don’t worry, the first days are always a little scary but after a while, it’ll all be okay. Okay?” she reassured me as my father agreed to her response. Looking at her watch she realized that it was time to head on out.
“Alright Y/n, we need to get going. Let's go. Haru you're going to be late if you don’t stop snooping around your bag!” she exclaimed as she got her car keys and walked me towards the door as I put on my backpack and got into the back seat of a c/t. My mom entered into the driver's seat as my dad sat in the passenger's seat right next to it. She pulled out of the driveway and finally went on our way towards my first day of hell.
Before I knew it, we pulled up to the school and my mom unlocked the door and I got out. Before I could slam the door shut, she said, “Have a good first day sweetie!" I smiled back at her and said ‘okay’ and proceeded to slam the door and watch as the car sped out and away. “Good first day my ass.” I thought as I made my way towards the entrance and entered.
As I entered, I saw a tall female teacher that looked to be in her early 20’s makes her way towards me and greeted me.
“Hi Y/n! I’m here to make sure you get to your homeroom and help you if you need anything. Does that sound good?”. Nodding, she smiled and led me to my homeroom.
We finally made it to a classroom door numbered 532 and the teachers name tag was on the side. T/n. Never heard of them.
“I have to go now Y/n, but this is your homeroom. You're a little late but it’s okay! Have fun!” the lady said as she walked away before I could even say anything. Great, not only did I not want to be here, but I was also late. Standing there, I debated on opening the door or just straight out leaving this place. But I also don’t feel in the mood to get in trouble with my parents so I turn the doorknob and enter the classroom, I mean, how bad can it really be?
As I opened up the door I entered and closed it right behind me and just froze when I turned back around to face the classroom. Everyone was silent and looking at me.
“Talk about making an entrance.” I thought I finally found the courage to move at least my eyes and look around. Hearing a cheery voice ahead of me I look towards a 20-year-old looking male teacher.
“Oh, hi their kid, what’s your name?” he asked as I just stared at him, until I quietly replied back.
“L/n Y/n. Nice to meet you.” ending that with a slight bow. He then smiled and led me towards a hanger where other backpacks were being hanged.
“You can put your bag here and you can follow me to your seat then, okay?" I nodded in response and hung my bag and followed him towards a table with two chairs seated next to each other with a long table in front of them.
POV: 3rd person
In one of the chairs sat a boy with indigo colored hair with bright beautiful purple eyes. He was writing his name on a piece of paper for his name tag, but as he looked up from his paper, he saw a girl. She was s/t with e/c and h/c. She wore the usual school uniform with a singular braid and wore metallic red glasses (if you have or want glasses). She seemed to be staring at him as well but looked towards the ground instead, finding that her shoes were more entertaining to look at.
“Alright Y/n, this is who you're going to be sitting next to from now on. His name is Shinsou Hitoshi, and this is Y/n.” the teacher explained to the both of them as Y/n just nodded while Shinsou just stayed quiet. Y/n finally decided to sit down in the chair next to him and the teacher smiled and went on his way back to his desk, taking attendance. By this time, everyone was talking normally towards each other while Y/n and Shinsou said nothing to each other. While Shinsou was just sitting there, Y/n's mind was going haywire.
POV: Y/n
“Holy crap I just met one of the cannon characters! And it’s Shinsou of all people thank the gods!”
To say the least, this was way too awkward but exciting at the same time, I just met a canon character! (And it was one of the attractive ones too) but that’s all beside the point. So that's when I decided to befriend him. He seems like a nice guy overall and has a dream he wants to follow so I can help him get to it, if he wants to be friends with me though. Not like he’ll have a choice in me not being his friend to begin with. Mustering up the courage, I look at him and smile while saying, “Hi Shinsou-chan. My name is L/n Y/n, but you can call me Y/n.”. He just looked at you and replied back.
“Well, that was blunt.” you thought as he just continued to do what he was doing before he even saw you.
“Alright class, gather around!” the teacher said as we all moved towards the carpet and sat down. He continued talking when everyone went silent.
“We are going to be doing an introduction activity, so everyone will have a chance to talk about themselves to the class.”
Well, this was going to be fun. Why do schools even do this to people? There's a little thing that some people have, social anxiety.
A good bunch of kids went up front and introduced themselves one by one, most of these kids don’t have their quirks yet so I’m not the only one. One of the kids up front introduced themselves and then it was Shinsous' turn.
“Hi. My name is Shinsou Hitoshi, and I like cats.” he said plainly and sat back down.
“What an introduction.” I thought as I was then called up to introduce my part.
When I stood up in front of the others, everything just went up and disappeared in my brain. Talk about social anxiety. Taking a deep breath, I began to speak, but they could probably sense my voice shaking from being nervous.
“Hi. My name is L/n Y/n and um, I like to f/h.”. The class stayed silent, and I could almost hear all their judgmental comments in their heads. I must've looked like I’ve seen a ghost because t/n came up to me and patted me on the back while telling me to go sit back down. He began to speak after I sat down in my spot.
“Well! Since we got through everyone much faster than I had anticipated, we can all head out for extra recess!”.
The class started saying ‘yays’ and all that while I finally calmed myself down a bit.
“Recess, I haven't played outside on a playground for years.” I thought as I went outside with the rest of the class.
Once everyone was outside t/n gave us the basic rules like not telling each other and waiting turns for the slide and swings and all. As everyone seemed to spread out with their newfound friends, I just stood there thinking what I should do. I finally decided to just walk amazingly around the playground until I spotted Shinsou. He was a few yards away from everyone else and was looking up towards a tree. And so, I began to walk towards him.
“What are you doing?” I asked as I just stood next to him looking up at the tree as he just looked at me, then proceeded to look back up and reply.
“Nothing, just trying to get something down.”
“Really? Like what?” I asked out of curiosity. He sighed and looked at me as he spoke once again.
“There's a cat up there, and I think it’s stuck.”
Oh, so that’s why he was looking up at the tree. A cat was stuck up there. As I took this into consideration, I decided to help him out by offering it.
“I can help you, if you want.”, he just shrugged his shoulders and said, “Alright, but we need to find a stick or something to get them down from there...”
Before I thought of leaving him and going to find a stick, I went up to the tree and started to climb it. Back in my world, I had a habit of climbing trees whenever I needed to put up Christmas lights on this giant pine tree that used to be in the front lawn.
I finally got up onto a branch and sat on it, catching my breath for a second. I looked in front of me and saw the cat, it had an orange coat with a white colored undercoat on their belly and neck.
“Here kitty, kitty, kitty! I can give you some of my lunch if you come closer!” I say, trying to bribe it so that I can grab a hold of it and take it back on the ground.
“What does it look like?”. I looked down to find Shinsou there, and almost forgot that he was here in the first place.
“It has orange and white fur, but the white fur is under its belly. I think I can reach it if I can get a bit closer though!” I said back down to him as he nodded.
I started to scoot my way forward while trying my best to balance myself. As I now sat about a foot away from the cat, I stopped crawling and started to reach for it.
“Almost there, just a few more-”
The tree branch I was on suddenly snapped in half. I lunged for the cat and hugged it close to me as I closed my eyes and prepared for impact. But nothing came. I opened my eyes to see Shinous wide eyes and see myself in the air.
“Wait, am I floating?” I think to myself as I start hearing a slight but very quiet buzzing sound from behind me.
I look behind me and see hornet-like wings fluttering and all.
“I think I got my quirk.” I say as Shinsou gave a nod while the teacher came over to see what the fuss was all about. He saw me in the air, and he grabbed a hold of me and set me down while congratulating me on my new-found quirk. Surprisingly, the other kids were too busy playing around to even notice me but the less staring, the better it was for me.
As the teacher left, I looked back behind me and saw that my wings disappeared, wait. So, I can just summon them? Now that's what I call cool. I look down in my arms to still see the cat there, all collected and calm. I look back up to Shinsou and smile.
“I got the cat down!” I say with a smile. He looks back at me with confusion.
“That’s cool and all but aren’t you happy you finally got your quirk?”
I stared at him as I replied back.
“I mean, ya I’m happy and all but I was more worried about the cat.” Looking down at the cat as it purred and cuddled closer. I then looked back at Shinsou.
“Do you want to hold it?” you say as he nods and takes the cat from your arms.
“It’s a boy.” He replied back as he petted the cat and he continued to purr.
“What should we name him?”
He looked at me, and asked, “Give him a name?”.
I smiled as my eyes sparkled.
“Yay! A name, like you know, to call him by and everything. Hey, are your goanna keep him? I would but my parents don’t like cats much. But I like them.”
Shinsou seemed to consider this and nodded.
“I think I’ll keep him with me. My parents said that I would be getting one soon either way.”.
I smiled, “I’m glad you're going to keep Cornflake safe!”.
He paused, looking at me. “Cornflake?”
Nodding I continued, “Ya, Cornflake! He kind of looks like one too! But if you don’t like the name, you can always change it to whatever you want!”.
Shinsou stayed quiet for about a minute. Thinking that he was mad at me for whatever reason, he nodded and gave me a response back.
“I like Cornflake. It suits him.” he finally said as we continued to pet the Cornflake once more. After about a few more minutes, I decided that now was the time to shoot my shot.
“Shinsou-chan, do you want to be friends?”.
He stopped petting Cornflake as he looked up at me.
“Y-Ya, we can be friends, you know? But if you don’t want to, it's oka-”.
I froze and blacked. Was I dreaming? Did Shinsou say he wanted to be friends? I thought he was really closed off, but I guess I did it.
I smiled, “I’m glad we're friends, Shinsou-Chan! You can call me Y/n! Or L/n if you are still not comfortable yet.”.
“Okay, you can call me Shinsou or Hitoshi. And you don’t need the chan part if you don’t want to…Y/n.” he said as we just stared at each other.
Smiling, I hugged him. “Thanks for being my friend Toshi!”.
He gave me a confused face after our hug. “Toshi?”
“Yup! Toshi! It’s short for Hitoshi, is that okay?”. He seemed to think about it before muttering out okay.
For the rest of the time outside, Shinsou and I played with Cornflake and when it was time to head in, we ended up hiding him in my backpack since it had more room for him. After classes ended, we both walked up towards the front of the school where parents pick up their children.
Once at our destination, I unzipped my bag and gave Shinsou Cornflake as he held him close to his chest, nice and secure. His parents came before mine did, so we said our farewells.
“See you tomorrow Toshi!” I smiled as he opened the car door.
“Ya, see you tomorrow, Y/n.” he said as he got in the car and closed the door, the car then drove out and away.
As Shinsou was leaving, my parents came to pick me up. I got in the car, and we headed off towards home while my mom asked me some questions about school. How the lunch was, classes, etc.
“Oh, I almost forgot! Did you make any friends, Y/n?” she asked as we pulled in through the driveway of our home.
“Yup, I did make a friend today, mom. His name is Shinsou Hitoshi.” I say as I take off my shoes, once inside the house. My mom seemed happy with the news that I gave her, and we had dinner when my dad came back from work. Soon after dinner, I told my parents that I have gotten my quirk. They both seemed surprised to say the least because I shouldn’t have gotten my quirk until the age of 5 but they told me that they’ll make a doctor's appointment in the next week to see what type of quirk I’ve gotten.
Now that the day is over, I now lay in bed facing the ceiling.
My last thoughts were that I was glad that Shinsou and I became friends.
As my eyes closed, I didn't realize it yet but my days here in Saitama wouldn’t last as long as I thought it would.
Just came back from my driving leassons and I'm not as tired as I was yesterday (my sleep schedule is f-ed up).
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, ill post the rest of them soon, possibly tomorrow, have a good rest of your day!
Into Another World - Mha x Reader
Chapter 2: Quirk & News
Back from school, here is the next post from this fic.
F/h - favorite hobby
H/c - house color
F/f - favorite food
B/d - birth date
F/o - favorite object/thing (whatever you want your gift to be)
\\-I also will not have y/n have glasses because they don't seem to be a big part of the story at all, but feel free to add them or just change and picture y/n however you'd like to!-//
My parents scheduled an appointment to check out my quirk that manifested a few days ago at school. After school that day, i said 'good bye' to Shinsou and when we finally arrived home, I got one of my notebooks and began to make my training schedule. I was never really athletic in my old world. Mostly because I was in f/h and found it more enjoyable. But now, since I actually do have a chance to become what I always fantasize about being a hero, I'm not going to be stupid and let that chance go. Even thought I might not be a great hero with these wings, but ill try.
And so with that thought in mind, I made the schedule and made it all work out. In the mornings, I'd go to school up until I have to go home at 2:30 pm.after getting picked up and dropped off at home as my parents did their own thing, I go outside in the backyard of our h/c home and start doing the basics like push ups, curl ups, running around the yard and some other stuff. I also began to practice summoning my bee-like wings, but I see them more of a hornets than a bees. This happened for about two days after my training, I successfully was able to summon my wings at will. After finally succeeding, I took a short break and finished off my training.
"Y/n! Come in and eat dinner!" called out my mom from the open backdoor. 'Talk about good timing' I think as I make my way indoors, wash my hands, and sit down at the dinner table. My dad just walked into the kitchen as he greets my mom with a kiss on the lips and me with one on the forhead. He sat down as mom began to serve both of us and then herself dinner, which was f/f as she looked at me and asked a question.
"Y/n, what would you like for your birthday? You know b/d is coming up. Any theme you want?" "Its coming up faster than I realized....but I'm not so sure about a theme yet. But, could I invite Shinsou over for it?", taking a bite out of my food as I asked my mom that question as she just nodded in agreement.
" I think that's a great idea for you to invite him y/n! Don't you think?" My father nodded as he agreed to the idea of it. "I think its a good idea so that y/n can interact and have connections with other children her age other than us." I smiled at their response, my old parents would never let a boy come over at all for anything. So naturally, I was excited and so I clenched my fists together and threw them up in the air as I slightly cheered. The second I did, there was a sudden sound of something like knifes running against each other and that's when I felt warmth on knuckles.
The silence is so loud that you can hear a pin drop.
I bring down my hand to observe the damage.
Where my knuckles used to be, there seemed to be long black spikes tearing through my skin. As I stared at it, my mom was screaming at my dad to get the car keys while my dad was scrambling to find them.
Looking at my clenched up hand, I unclenched it and the spikes seemed to go back into my hand. I repeatiningly clenching and unclenching my hand as I stared at the spikes going in and out, that's when I felt myself being carried into the car and finally seemed to understand where we were going to.
One hospital trip later
"So that is part of her quirk?" asked my worried mom aswe sat in front of a quirk specialist as he explaine the situation tomy parents and I. "Completely positive ma'am, as you can see here in her genes, she carrie your quirk genes.. So whenher first quirk appeared to be hornet wings, it came from your genetics and your relatives before you. As for the spikes, it also may come from your side of the family because bees have stingers and such. For the fathers side, I suspect there to be some sort of shrinking and or enlarging quirk to appear sometime now and towards your 5th birthday but if it doesn't than you won't inherent it at all. Did I cover all your questions ma'am?"
Looking over at my parents, I notice that their still trying to process all the information that the doctor had just told them. After finally being able to comprehend everying, my mom nodded as my dad thanked the doctor for everything and said their good byes as we left the hospital.
Once in the parking lot, we got into the ca and close the doors behind us. As my mom drove us back home the silence was too loud. I don't think they like my quirk very much at this point. And so to break the ice, I began to talk.
"Hey mom, dad, are you guys okay?"
"Yes y/n,we're fine, just a little shocked about tour quirk is all." replied back my dad as my mom nodded along with his response.
Feeling that they didn't want to be asked anything else, I kept quite as I stare out the window asthe sky began to get gloomy with gray clouds covering up the sky.
Finally arriving back home, I went up to my room to get ready for bed since it was already 9:54 pm, and I had school the next morning as well. As I close my door, lay on my bed, and close my eyes, I don't realize the conversation that my parents have downstairs, for the better or worse, I don't think I want to know.
The following day I go to school on a regular school bus because both my parents had to leave to Tokyo for business. And now here I am by a stop sign, waiting for the bus to come by and pick me up until I heard someone walking towards where I was. As I turn around to see the person, I see Shinsou. I smile and wave as he stands next to me.
"Toshi hey! How's it going?" "It's too early for school. I wanna go home"
'Mood' I think as he just says that statement plainly.
"Why are you here anyways? I don't see you come onto the bus at this stop.", he questioned me as I replied back.
"My parents are both in Tokyo so I couldn't get a ride to school. So I'm taking the bus. Do you always take the bus Toshi?"
"Ya I do, my parents both have jobs too so I get it.", he said as we both heard a loud vehicle come up towards us, the bus.
In my old world, the school bus was a war zone. You either survived or you didn't, thankfully I survived but left with scars. I shiver at the thought and get on the bus as Shinsou gets on behind me.
" So, your telling me that you just not only got your quirk the first day, but two days later you find out you have more?" "I don't have more than one quirk Toshi, it's all just one quirk and plus, having more than one quirk is impossible.", of course I told Shinsou about my quirk mishap, I mean, he was my only friend so it made sense to tell him. But of I lied to him in my response, it is possible to have more than one quirk, but I'm not about to tell Shinsou about All For One and One For All.
" Well, I guess your lucky then, you can be a great hero with the quirk you have. What's it even called?" He asks a he looks back at me from staring at the clouds. "Oh, my quirk is called Hornet, since my wings and stingers resembles more to a hornets than it does with a bee or wasp. But hey! Your quirk is awesome too! We can both become heroes together, okay?", the day I got my quirk, Shinsou told me that he got his after that day and has a Brainwashing quirk. After he got it he seemed to be happy about it but a bit discouraged because it wasn't as flashy a most of the heroes quirks out there like Endeavor and All Might.
" Whatever you say y/n" is all Shinsou said as we got up from the ground to head back into the classroom.
Days passed and so did weeks, then months, and then years. Now i am 13 years old and in my second year of middle school with Shinsou. As time passed on, I kept up my schedule for school, training, and other things like hanging out with Shinsou and doing my own thin, like homework.
Since I was in high school before I died, I now a lot of these stuff and a lot more advanced things. But I didn't want to seem to smart from early on in this world because my parents would probably wonder how I learned things like the quadratic formula at the age of 3. So I kept my intelligence to a minimum, I got perfect scores while also getting a few things wrong at times. I still hang out with Shinsou durng and after school, but during school he gets bullied at times for his quirk by others. The other kids my age say that its a villain quirk and other nasty things while Shinsou just ignore them while I comfort him that it isn't a quirk fitted for a villain.
As for training, I've gained a lot more muscle than in my old world, although I did keep it to a certain minimum because I don't want to look too buff but not to weak-ish eaither, I'm somewhat in the middle while being able to lift a lot of heavy thing, run far, and punch things with a great amount of my strength. I've also trained my quirk till I almost drop dead, but I stop before I do actually feel like I'm about to die. I really don't feel like dying a second time around. I'm able to fly somequirk fast with my wings but not as fast as Hawks. My spikes, which I found out where stingers, can produce venom that can make someone pass out to eventually killing someone, but I have yet to try and produce enough of it to actually do anything remotely horrible. Lastly, I strengthed my shrinking and enlargeing part of my quirk. Honeatly though, i still have to improve on that part of my quirk a lot because it takes up al lot of my energy whenever i try to shrink or enlarge myself. So I'll slowly start working on that. I then chuckled for a second as I remember the way I discovered it.
Flashback - age 5
It was finally my 5th birthday. For other kids my age, they'd be bubbling with excitement as it was time to finally figure out what quirk they would recive, assuming that they aren't going to be quirkless. But I didn't worry to much because I already have mine. Hearing someone knock on the door, I run downstairs and open it to find Shinsou with a gift in his handI tell
"Toshi! You can just leave the gift on the table and I'll take you to my room so we can play!" I say, not letting him even talk as I take the gift from his hands, set it on the coffee table in our living room, and lead him up stairs and towards my room. We both finally get yo the door to my room and I open it. My room wasn't too crowded and messy like some kids my age would be.
The walls were painted f/c while my bedsheets where in a bee hive design, which is from my moms company as she made it for me. I then had a table and chair by the window to do my homework, some lego sets here and there, books, sketch books, and on my bed were stuffed animals. A lot of them. I went up onto my bed as Imotioned Shinsou to sit beside me on it and he did.
I then picked 2 cat squish-mellos from the pile and gave one to Shinsou as he stared at it with stars in his eyes. "Why don't we play with these for a while?"
We ended up playing for 2 hours straight until my parents called us down to open gifts and eat cake. Shinsou and I got down and entered the kitchen, as we both sat down, Shinsou handed me my present.
"Happy birthday y/n. I hope you like it.", he says as I already ripping off the wrapping paper. Asi took the remaining of the paper odd, I saw that it was a box and so I opened it to reveal f/o. My eyes sparkled and widen as I looked at it, I once asked my parents for this when we were at a mall near by buy they said that it cost way to much, and when they say its a lot of money. Trust me, its a lot of money to get a hold of one, so when Shinsou gave me what I wanted, I was exploding with happiness.
" Thank you so much Toshi!"I exclaimed as I put the gift down to give him a hug. After Shinsou and I hugged eachother, my parents say that it's time to cut the cake and so we did. They sang 'Happy Birthday' and we ate some cake. By now, Shinsou and I decides to play a game of hide and seek as his parents and mine are talking to each other at the kitchen table. Shinsou counted first while I hid.
I decided to go upstairs and hide behind this enormous teddy bear on my bed and as I finish getting in place, I hear the door open. I shut my eyes tight as I hear footsteps approach my bed and suddenly, I feel the stuffed bear being thrown out the way.
"I thought she'd be here.." Shinsou said to himself.
What? Is he playing around with me? You know, since my eyes were closed there's a thing that's called 'if I can't see you, you can't see me' type of thing so maybe that's what he's doing?
"Toshi, stop making fun of me. I know you can see me right now." I say as I open my eyes to find that Shinsou had become a giant, literally a giant. I hear the familiar buzzing notice of my wings and noticed that I was flying and, tiny.
"Holy shit I'm tiny!" I scream as I look at Shinsou to see if he heard me. He didn't hear me, he was checking my closet now and so I flew towards him and "landed" on his shoulder. I then cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted as loud as I could. "Toshi!! Im right here!! Can you hear me?!!"
Shinsou than turns around, seeming to hear the noise but dismissed it as he continued his search. I screamed for the next three times untill I finally got his attention. He looked towards his shoulder and saw me standing on it. His eyes were wide open as he backed away from me but failed because I was on his shoulder.
"Y/n? Is that really you? Why are you small?" "Im not really sure how I got small!!! Maybe it's part of my quirk?!!", I shout at him as he brings his hand up to me and I hop onto it as he goes downstairs, Probably to show his and my parents.
As we reached the kitchen table, my mom began to question him. "Shinsou hey! Where is y/n at? Can't find her? " Um no that's not the problem Mrs. L/n. I did find her but...", he doesn't finish as he just shows my mom his Hans which is where I was, waving at her as she got up from her chair and neared it and shouted.
"Hi mom!!"
Lets just say, my mom fainted on the spot as Shinsou parents came to her side before shefell to the ground as my dad went to grab a cup of water.
My mom ended up waking up after 5 minutes while I finally managed to get myself to my normal size. Shinsou's parents asked if she was alright and such before she said that she was. Shinsou and his parents dismissed themselves and said their 'good byes' as I told Shinsou that I would see him next week for school. After they left, my mom sighed.
"I guess this is the other thing your doctor warned us about. You can turn small." "Ya, I can.", Itell her as she and my dad just sigh once more and bring A small smile to their faces.
" Just, promise you'll be carefull, okay?" I nod. "Okay, promise mom."
End of flashback
I smile to myself at the memory. It really was pretty weird the first time, but after some practice over the years, I got a good grip on doing it on command. As I finish up my trauning , since it was a Saturday, I went back inside to find that I have gotten a text from Shinsou, so I answer back.
[•Toshi•] Hey, wyd rn?
[Hornet] Hey Toshi! Nothing much, just finised up training for today and I'm taking a break. Wyd?
[•Toshi•] That's cool, and I'm not doing much either
Just taking care of Cornflake here.
I'm about to respond when my parents open the door. "Hey Jasmin, sweetie! Can you go get changed right now? Where going out to eat dinner tonight. We'll just change and leave okay?"
"Okay mom, sounds good. Let me just shower real quick and chanfe, ill be out in 10." I say as my mom just nods and I head up staris. Before I enter the shower, I grab my phone nd text back to Shinsou.
[Hornet] That's nice, tell him I said hi! I gtg rn, ttyl :]
I turn off my phone and put it on the counter as I enter the shower. As I'm taking a shower, I summon my wings and gently clean them with a soft sponge so that they aren't so dirty. Something I need to do at least twice a week from what my doctor told me.
I finally get out of the shower and decide to wear my chosen clothes. I grab my phone and ear buds and put on my shoes before I head out the door, lock it, and enter the car while closing the door behind me.
The car ride is a peaceful type of silence until my dad decides to break it. "So, y/n, what did you do today while we were in Tokyo?" "Nothing much, just training and some other stuff." I respond back as we pull up to the restaurant.
Inside the restaurant
We get a table and finally order our food. When we got our food we began to eat. We talked about random things like my moms work and dads office job. That's when they started asking me about my future plans.
"Y/n, what do you want to be when your all grown up?", my mom asked as she took another bite of her food.
" Like I said before, I want to become a hero. You know, to save peoples lives and make it easier for them.", I responded back.
"Have you given any thought on which high school you want to attened? You only have a year left for Jr high, so you'll need to look into it. Especially if you want to apply for a hero one."
"I have given it some thought on it dad, don't worry.", sometimes my dad can be a bit picky at times.
" oh well that's good, what school are you thinking?" "Oh, I was thinking UA, you know? Since all the top heroes like Miriko, All Might, and Endeavor went there."
"That's perfect honey! UA is a great choice to make since we'll be moving in a town close to the school! Musutafu is what ita called i belive, but its perfect for your next year of middle school and onto high school!", my mom excitedly said as I just sat there in shock.
"..... What?!"
Into Another World - Mha x Reader
Chapter 3: Until We Meet Again
Sorry I haven't posted in a while; I've been stressed over a collage class that I'm taking but everything will be okay, hope you guys enjoy! :D
f/a - Favorite animal
My brain wasn't really comprehending what was going on.
“Wait, you guys are joking, right?” trying to convince myself it was all a big joke, my parents thought otherwise.
“Y/n, we really are moving, even if you like it or not.” my mom seriously said. My father nodded, joining in on the conversation.
“Your mother is right y/n, we are moving. And that’s that.”
“Can’t I just stay here? I can’t just abandon Shinsou!”, in all honesty, I really didn’t want to leave Shinsou. He was my friend and I can't just leave him.
“Shinsou will be fine without you, he can still talk to you over your phone.”
“But it won’t be the same, he’s literally my only friend I have.”
“Y/n. We need this change and without it, we won’t progress economically in life. We’re moving. Final.” feeling a bit guilty about the ‘argument’ that happened, I looked down back at my unfinished food and began to eat little bits and bites as my mom said these words to me.
“Y/n, we need you to start packing once we get home. We’ll be leaving in a few days.” father said as he finished his food and called over a waiter to pay the bill.
“Yes father.”, I said automatically as the three of us got up and went out the doors and into the car.
We were finally on our way back home when I decided to just scroll through my phone.
As we finally arrived home, my mom parked the car in the driveway, and we all got out and entered our house for the time being. After taking off my shoes at the front door and placing them neatly near the shoe rack, I went upstairs as my parents went elsewhere.
Finally arriving at my room, I entered and closed the door behind me. Walking towards my closet, I open it and begin to dig for some suitcases. I finally find an old crusty-looking brown suitcase with some worn out stickers on it that was buried in there for who knows how long. My mom told me that it used to belong to my grandfather; her dad’s, back when he was in America and that once I was born, he wanted it to be passed down to me. Come to think of it, I have a lot of my grandfather's things.
When I was younger, my grandfather visited us one time and gave me some brass knuckles with blades on each side of it and spikes that resemble my stingers. He told me that he traded it at some pawn shop he found when he traveled for some time in Brazil. Once my parents found out that he gave that to me, my mom gave him a lecture while he just waved the situation as if there was a fly buzzing and annoying him. I ended up getting it taken from me and my dad said that he’d give it back when the time was right.
Smiling, I place the suitcase aside and pull out some cardboard boxes that were also hiding towards the back of my closet.
For the next hour, I stuff the cardboard boxes with my clothing and other junk, while in my suitcase, I place more important and reasonable things in there. After securing the final box full of clothing with duct tape, I put it aside and look around.
My room is completely bare, except for my desk area.
Walking towards my desk, I place the brown suitcase on top of it and open it up, only to find a black journal with a 3-digit number lock on the cover. Curiosity gets the best of me, and I try to unlock it but fail. I try for about 10 more minutes trying to open it but eventually I give up. In the end, I place it on my desk so that I can fit my laptop and other things in the suitcase first before finally putting the journal back on top of everything and closing it.
“Seems like I’m just receiving surprises today.” mumbling to myself as I place my suitcase near all the other boxed up things. I then hear my door open, turning around, I find my mom standing there.
“Can I come in?”
She comes in and sits on the edge of my bed. I sat down next to her, and we just stayed silent for a bit until she broke it.
“This must be hard for you, moving away from your childhood and Shinsou but, we need this Y/n. Not only for me but for you too. For your future, don’t think that we're only doing this for my shop. Your father and I put some thought into this for you as well. So, please give it a shot?" I listened to her as she explained it.
“I feel guilty and shitty all of a sudden.”, she softly smacked the back of my head as I smiled.
“Mom, I get where you're going. I know all this is for my future and for you guys as well. I’m sorry for arguing with you.”, mom smiles and ends up saying that it’s alright and we just sit there peacefully.
Eventually, she gets up and says that we’ll start getting the things in my dad’s truck tomorrow.
“Your father and I will be taking the day off tomorrow, so we’ll have time to take the desk down and the bedframe. For now, go to sleep alright?” I nod as I get in bed, which was really the only thing that was left normal. Minus the stuffed animals, they were all in boxes.
As my mom walks towards the door, she turns around and smiles.
“Good night y/n.”
“Good night mom.”
As those words left my mouth, she got out of my room and closed the door behind her.
The next day: 2 days before the move
I asked my parents if I could ride the bus to school today, they said it was alright and I left towards the bus stop. As I wait, I begin to text Shinsou.
[Hornet] Toshi, I’m riding the bus today. Are you?
[•Toshi•] Ya I’m riding today, u there already?
[Hornet] Ya I’m here, I’ll wait for u
I close the messaging app and open up Reddit to look at some memes while I wait for him to show up.
After a while, I feel someone's stare and I look up to see Shinsou just standing there. It finally took my brain about five seconds to comprehend what was happening and I let out a ‘yelp’ and pointed at him accusingly.
“Toshi! Why did you scare me huh?! I could’ve had a heart attack!”
“But you didn't, that’s good.”, Shinsou replied as he moved to stand next to me.
“How's it been?”
“It’s been good, but I do have some news though.”
“Okay, what is it?”
Looking down at the floor, I find the ground more intreading than looking at Shinsou.
“Why am I stalling? Just say that you're moving already, y/n damn it!”
Shinsou must have found my silence strange and looked towards me with an eyebrow raised.
“Hey y/n, are you okay?”
Looking back up and turning my attention towards Shinsou. I spoke without another thought.
“I’m moving.” As those words flew out of my mouth, they seemed to have smacked him because he was expressionless. Silence took over as we just stared at each other, neither one of us wanting to speak first. I looked away from him as the bus pulled up to the stop. I walked towards its open doors and sat down where we usually sit. Shinosu seemed to finally snap out of it and came in after a second or two and sat down next to me.
The bus closed its doors and drove off towards our destination.
Neither one of us speaks, even as we walk next to each other on school grounds and towards our homeroom.
When the bell rang to finally indicate that school was in section, neither one of us spoke as the teacher began the roll call.
I swallow the bit of food I have in my mouth. It was already lunch and before this time, Shinsou still hadn't talked to me at all. So, when he just did at this moment, I didn’t know how to respond.
“When, where, and why are you moving?” he spoke with an unnerving amount of seriousness in his tone.
“This man did not just talk to me like that.”
“Hey, watch the tone Toshi. I don’t like it when you talk to me like that.”
Shinsou looked slightly taken back but remained with his natural expression.
“Sorry y/n, I’m just wondering where you're going.”
“It’s alright Toshi, I get it.”
Again, neither one of us speaks for a few minutes until Shinsou decides to talk again.
“So, where are you moving to?”
“Musutafu is the area where I’ll be moving to. And to answer the ‘when and why’ factor of it, I’m moving in like 3 days, then at the end of the 3rd day I’ll have to leave. And it’s for my mom’s company so that I don’t have to take the train every day to UA. Assuming that I’ll get into that school in the first place.” Shinsou stayed quiet for a bit more, and I was about to go dump my food when Shinsou asked me yet another question.
“So, you're going to finish your 3rd year of Jr. high over there?”
“Ya, I am.”
The bell rings, meaning that it’s time for our afternoon classes to take place. And just how it happened in the morning at the bus stop, Shinsou didn’t say anything as we made our way to our next class.
Everyone’s out the door once the final bell rings, not waiting for the teacher to finish what he was explaining. Taking my time, I packed my bag and walked towards Shinsou’s desk. He was packing the last few things and slipped it on his back.
“We should hang out.”
“Toshi, we always hang out.”
“I know that but we should just go someplace, right now.”
Dumbfounded, I stopped walking. Also stopping in his tracks, he turns towards me, waiting for a response.
“I’ll have to ask my parents first.”, pulling out my phone, I text my mom.
Hey mom, can I hang out with Shinsou right now?
That’s alright sweetie! Just be safe!
Putting my phone back into my pocket, I looked at Shinsou who was patiently waiting for me. I then grab onto his forearm, and we begin to walk towards the exit of the school. Unnoticed by you, Shinsou’s cheeks start to form a light hue of red as you pull him along.
“Okay Toshi, Lead the way!”
“Imagine losing to me, count'd ever be me.”
“Shut up y/n, that was luck.”
“You mean skill. There's a difference Toshi.”
Shinsou ended up taking me to the arcade we always used to hang out at while we were younger since we still had time back then. We played a lot of games that we used to play and some other new ones that weren’t there when we first came here.
Walking away from the racing game that we just played, we went on our way to find another game to beat until that’s when I saw the cutest, most adorable stuffed animal in one of those claw machine games. It was a f/a. My eyes practically became stars as I stared at it.
Shinsou seemed to have noticed my sudden stop and looked at where I was looking. He seemed to have finally had a lightbulb light up his brain as he left y/n’s side.
“Y/n, can you get us some drinks?”
“Ya sure, I’ll be right back!”, leaving to get the drinks, Shinsou grabbed a hold of my wrist. I look back to see Shinsou’s face, silently asking what he wanted.
“Just grab them and stay at the bench near the entrance.”
Confused, I nodded and walked off.
“Bitch.”, cursing at the device in my hands, I lost yet another game of f/g. I exited out of the game and checked the time.
“One hour.” It’s been an hour since Shinsou told me to wait outside, promising that he’d be out soon. The drinks in my hands weren’t as cold as they were when I got them, so I decided to open up the messaging app and text Shinsou.
[Hornet] Toshi, where are u?
It’s been an hour, Toshi.
“I swear if he ditched me," shutting off my phone and putting it away, I decide to wait a few more minutes.
“Okay y/n, if he doesn't come or respond in 5 more minutes, leave.” is what I had in thought.
Waiting a few more minutes and finally looking at the time again, it showed that 20 minutes had passed. Sighing, I got up from the bench and threw away my finished drink as I still had Shinsou’s drink in my hand. I begin to walk about a meter or two from the arcade, thinking to myself if I’ve done something along the way to make Shinsou mad at me.
“Y/n wait!”
I turned around to find Shinsou jogging towards me. He finally stopped when he was about two feet from me. I then walk up to him, closing in the distance and slightly shove him.
“What the hell Toshi?! I waited over an hour for you outside! I thought you ditched me!” I yelled at his face, but he didn’t seem to mind that I was yelling at him.
While you began to lecture Shinsou, he didn’t seem to really mind. In fact, he liked the angry look you had on your face, dare he say, cute even. Of course, he didn’t admit this to you, so he just kept quiet until you finally finished yelling at him.
“I didn’t mean to take that long. I just needed time to do something.”
“Fine, sorry for yelling at you. But what the hell was so important that you took over an hour to do?” you asked as Shinsou spoke again.
“Getting something for you was what took me forever, I hope you like it.” he said with a softer tone than when he usually speaks. Before being able to respond or question him any further, he showed you what he had behind his back all along. It was the f/a you saw in the claw machine game.
Taking it into your hands, a small blush forms on your face. Looking at Shinsou, you smile warmly and thank him.
“Thanks, Toshi, this-this is really nice of you. But I feel bad for shouting at you and for you to waste your money for me.”
“Well, you can repay me by hanging out after school for as long as possible, until you have to move.” he says while scratching the back of his head while looking away, not wanting you to see the blush that began to form on his face. Finally, you're able to respond as you nod.
“I’d love to hang out with you until I move. Plus Toshi, it’ll be so much fun!”
“Alright, um, we can go to that ice cream shop down a few blocks. You know, the one that we always used to go to when we were younger.”
“Sure, let's go!” you say as Shinsou takes his drink from your hands.
“Thanks, Toshi, I really did have a good time today.”
“Ya no problem.”
After getting our ice cream, Shinsou and I just walked around for a while until it neared my curfew. He offered to walk me home and I agreed to it. Now, here we are in front of my house as he gives me my f/a stuffed animal and waves goodbye. Before I could close the door, he called out.
“Same thing tomorrow? Or are you busy with something?”
“Nope, I’m free tomorrow so ya, same deal! I’ll see you tomorrow Toshi!”
“See ya y/n.” he says as he begins to walk away, and I close the door while locking it behind me.
I walk upstairs and begin to set my f/a plushie next to my suitcase, so that I won’t forget it on the day of the move. I go downstairs and eat dinner with my parents and finally, I go back upstairs and get ready for bed.
Pulling the covers over my body, I think about what had happened today. Smiling, I close my eyes, thinking of what Shinsou had in plan for tomorrow.
The next day came and went, the same deal as yesterday.
Shinsou and I hung out after school, and we went to a small local mall that was nearby and just looked around while also trying on some silly outfits and taking selfies.
Afterwards, we both left the mall and just window shopped while walking on the streets. And yet again, we ended the day with Shinsou walking me home and parting our ways.
Today was it.
Today was the last day you’d be able to hang out with Shinsou and then you’ll have to leave. As the days before, you both walked out the school one last time and around town. Today, Shinsou seems to be more quiet than usual and so were you.
As the two of you walk down the sidewalk, you see one of those photo booths and you practically drag Shinsou towards it.
“Y/n, what are you doing?”
“Toshi, we have to take some pictures!” you say as you arrive at the photo booth and shove Shinsou it while you follow behind him. As the two of you sit down on the seat in there, you start swiping and clicking on the screen to set the settings and filters.
“Okay Toshi, you ready?”
“Well too damn bad.”, you click the start button on the screen and nudge Shinou to look at the camera with you. He does and you decide to make funny faces while Shinsou just sits there.
“Common Toshi! Just make one funny face for once!” asking him, well, at this point you're begging for him to make one, eventually he sighs.
“Fine, I’ll do it.”
Smiling, you look at the camera as it has already begun its countdown. You both strike a pose, while Shinsous was more poorly made but you didn’t care. The camera takes the picture and you both get out of the photo booth.
You snatch the photos when they get released by the machine and smile at them. Most of them were only one of you doing the funny poses and Shinsou just staring blankly at the camera, but the last one was when you both made a pose, and it had a filter that drew cat ears on both of you. You give one copy to Shinsou as he looks at it and slightly smiles at it.
“Okay Toshi, where to now?”
“Just follow me.”
The two of you begin to walk for a while and end up walking to a park that you know all too well.
It was the playground near the old elementary school the two of you used to go to for recess. And it was the same place where you two officially became friends.
You make your way to the old swing set and sit down on one of them, swinging forwards and backwards slightly as Shinsou sits in the one right next to you. The two of you just swing in silence for a while, you then stop swinging and get off. Shinsou follows you and you finally reach the same spot where you’d always lay down with Shinsou, and so you do just that. You lay down and look up towards the evening sky as Shinsou lays down beside you.
Both of you just lay there in silence, peaceful, enjoying the moment. That's until Shinsou sits up. Sitting up straight as well, you look at him in question.
“I have one last thing for you y/n.”, Shinsou pulls out a nice, small, black box with a golden design to it. Before you could question him, he opens the box, and I let out a gasp.
The box is revealed to have two matching rings inside of it. The rings were both part of a Ying-Yang. It’s just that one had the ying and the other had the yang. (Feel free to use any matching rings you want! I’m just using these as a reference.)
Shinsou takes the Yang ring and holds out his hand, I give him my right hand and he slips the ring onto my ring finger and he slips it onto my ring finger. Once done, he takes the Ying ring and slips it on his right ring finger and looks at me, waiting for my response.
“Toshi, it’s beautiful.” I say in aw, but then a thought accrued to me.
“Toshi, how’d you get this?”
“I paid it off with my own money, don’t worry about it.”
“Your own money? Toshi probably cost too much, take it back!” As you begin to slip the ring off your finger, Shinsou grabs a hold of your wrist, stopping you. Looking up, you meet Shinsou’s eyes and notice how close your face is to his, so you move away a few inches.
“Y/n, keep it. I’m giving it to you as a gift. So, keep it.”
Both of you stare at each other as you finally find your voice again to respond to him.
“Toshi, thank you. This is really nice of you.” you say while smiling, you then hug him. Shinsou froze at first, but then hugged you back.
The two of you stayed like that for a while.
You finally make it towards your mom’s car. Your father has already gotten in his truck, both ready to go to your new house elsewhere. You turn around to see Shinsou standing there, he accompanied you to your house one last time, for now at least.
Walking towards him, you hug him one last time and he returns the hug.
“I’ll see you at UA, okay?”
“Assuming that I’ll even get in.”
“Toshi, I have a feeling that you’ll make it.”, you say, not wanting to tell him that he will get in, just not in the hero department. You both let go of each other and you smile at him.
“I hope so, it would be a bummer that this really would be our last time we see each other.”
“Ha ha, very funny Toshi.”
“Y/n! It's time to go!” mother exclaimed as beeped her car horn to gain my attention. Looking back at your mother, you look back at Shinsou and smile.
“I’ll text you and everything. See you in UA Toshi.”, and with that, you walk away and towards your mom’s car. You enter the passenger seat and close the door. First, your father pulls out of the driveway and soon, your mother does as well. You wave at Shinsou as he waves back.
Once he’s out of view, you turn back around.
“Ready?” mother asks, as you just nod.
“Yes mom. I’m ready.”
A/n - Originally, this chapter was going to be longer, but I decided to cut it in half. The ring part was inspired by this other fanfic that I read, I just can't remember the author or the name of it. -=- But credit to the author who inspired it to me!
Into Another World - Mha x Reader
Chapter 4: Musutafu
Another one
f/s - favorite snack
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It was the middle of the night, and we finally made it to our new home. The house was a nice one, it was similar to the one back in Saitama with the color theme, but it was much bigger on the inside.
Entering the house, I began to help out my mom and dad with the bags and loading them inside the empty living room.
//A few moments later\\
“Doesn't this just feel nice? A fresh home with a fresh start!” exclaimed the adult woman as she looked around and finally looked back at me.
“Y/n, how about you take a look around and find a room to have as your own, your father and I will start planning out what will go where.”
Nodding, I head up stairs to a fairly long hallway with five doors on each side. Opening the first one on my right, I find it to be a small area of space and think it’ll become a bathroom later on.
As I move towards the other doors and look inside of the rooms, none of them seem to interest me.
Sighing, and looking at the fifth and final door in front of her, she placed her hand on the doorknob while talking to herself.
“Please have a decent room for me to sleep in.”
Turning the doorknob and opening the door, it reveals a pretty big room with the bed frame intact near a window and some cabinets underneath it. There were also a lot of places for storing your personal belongings on the wall.
“Yea I’m definitely keeping this room.”
//The next morning\\
After finding your room last night, you unpacked your blanket and pillow and slept on the floor for the night. Today, you started to unpack everything and place it around the room.
Noticing that everything was in place, you grabbed the old-brown suitcase and looked around for about five minutes to finally end up placing it near the big window.
As you're descending downstairs, you see that a couch, coffee table, and a few other items have been placed in the living room. There was a fireplace and beside it was a still boxed up TV.
Making your way towards the kitchen, there was a table and four chairs surrounding it.
Looking through the cabinets, you only manage to find five bowls, three spoons, and a box of high-quality cereal. Looking at the items in front of you (specifically the cereal) you remember how your old siblings and you would always try to convince your mom to buy the cereal like Froot Loops and Apple Jacks. She would always say no and go off to buy the off-brand stuff, but on occasions she would get us Frosted Flakes or Lucky Charms.
Quietly chuckling at the memory, I pour my cereal in the bowl and some milk and begin to eat.
“I really shouldn’t have taken that for granted….”
After washing, drying, and putting the dishes away, I go up to my room and get changed and go back down to the living room. My dad had to attend a monthly in-person meeting with some people in Tokyo while my mom was off at her still in construction store in the city here, so I was left alone, again. I grab my phone from the coffee table and put on my shoes and head out for a walk in the city to get to know it.
As I walk down the sidewalk of Musutafu, I look and observe the many people around me. They all seem to be unique in their own way if it be their quirk, personality, or looks.
Seeing a local comic store, curiosity seemed to take over as I walked across the street and entered the doors, a chime signaling my presence. An old man who looks like he’s in his early 60’s with glasses is at the counter looks up to me and smiles.
“Hello there young lady! I hope your day is going splendid, may I help you with anything?”
“Oh, hi! I also hope your day is going well, and I’m fine for now. Thank you!” returning the smile, he nods and looks back down and does whatever he was doing before your entrance.
Walking down the aisles, you find many different genres of comics and manga here, action to romance and to, well, other genres that make your face grow red as you continue your way down the aisle.
Nothing really grabbed your attention, so making your way back to the front doors, you're about to leave until you see something. Retreating your steps, you stand in front of the comic and grab it and bring it closer to your face.
The old man from earlier was restocking some comics nearby you and glanced at your frozen state and the comic in your hands and smiled.
“Ah! So, you're interested in Dimension Mishap, uh?”
Looking at him, your face in confusion.
“I’ve never read it before; it just caught my eye. What’s it about?”
The old man sets down the box of comics and goes up to you.
“Never read it. Most kids your age or younger love this stuff! Well, Dimension Mishap is a slice-of-life, action, and a hint of romance about this girl about your age. The title though isn’t just for show, she doesn't know it but she made a deal with death itself and gets trapped into another world that isn’t her own and tries her way to get back but it’s a lost cause in the end.”
As the old man finishes explaining this to y/n, she thanks him as he smiles and goes back to stocking up the comics.
“Well, that was oddly specific….”
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//5 minutes later\\
Dropping all the Dimension Mishap and some other comics onto the counter, the old man looks up at y/n.
“Seems like you're interested in a lot of different genres now kid.”
“Yup, sure am! Here’s the money and you can keep the change.”
Handing the money to him, he puts it all in the register and puts your new collection of comics into a plastic bag and hands it to you.
“Have a good day kid!”
“Oh, you too!” you say as you walk your way towards the front doors but turn back to look at him.
“Um, if you mind, I want to thank you. What’s your name sir?”
The old man smiles and responds back.
“Stan Lee.”
“Well, thank you Mr. Lee!” you say as you walk out the front doors.
As you're walking down the streets to find a place to get some snacks (it was already midday and you have just enough money to get some snacks) it dawned to you why the old man’s name, Stan Lee, was so familiar and you went full–on fan-girl mode for a second as you shouted and people around you looked at you weirdly.
“I just met and talked to the Stan Lee!”
//Local Grocery Store\\
Entering the grocery store, you look around for the snack aisle. As you make it to said aisle, you start to look for the spicy f/s.
“I swear if it doesn't even exist here….” mumbling to yourself as your eyes go wide when you find it at the top shelf. You tried to reach for it but sadly right as you're about to grab it, someone else beat you to it.
“Hey, I was going to get that man!”, turning around, you find yourself looking slightly up (your 5 '6) with red eyes burning into yours.
“Eh? Who the hell do you think you're talking to you damn extra! I got to these first!”
Bakugo Katsuki, how could you be so stupid?! Obviously, you seemed to have forgotten that moving to Musutafu meant that it would be meeting him and Midoriya at some point, but this was unexpected because he’s trying to steal your food.
“Excuse me but you? Sorry to burst your bubble here man but I was here first!”
“Like hell you were here first! I saw them first!”
“Um, no, I saw them first!”
“No, you didn’t extra!”
“Did too, extra!”
“Ah?! Who do you think you're calling extra you damn extra!”
“Oh, the wall right over there-who do you think I was talking to?! Just give me the f/s!”, reaching for the snack, he grabs a hold of your arm, and you start to feel heat creeping underneath his hand and onto your skin.
“Hey! Let's go, damn it!”
“Sure, but the f/s are mine!”
“Like hell I let you eat my food!”
Both of you started to bicker at each other, but only after a few minutes, you both ended up tackling for the snack and ended up on the floor like two cats out on the street fighting. The snack layed a few feet away from you so you reached for it until Bakugo got up and literally stepped on you.
“Oh, no you don’t!” you say as you got up and lunged yourself onto his back, making him stumble and fall while spitting out curses.
“God damn it! Get off of me!”
“Not until I get my snack and you admit defeat you dam chihuahua!”
“I’m not letting you get that snack and who the hell are you calling a chihuahua?! You dam prick!”
As you pin him down with his back facing towards you, (thank god you trained over the years) you reach for the snack and grab a hold of it, smiling with success you stand up and you yell out at him.
“Look who got the snack hah?! Me! I did-aa!”
While you were distracted with your five seconds of victory, Bakugo tackled you onto the ground and pinned your arms above your head while also straddling. He reaches for the snack and smirks as he waves it in front of you.
“Look who has the snack now you damn extra!”
“Shut up you-”
“Hey! You two!”
The both of you stop bickering and look up to see a man in a uniform, (probably the cashier or something) in front of both of you guys with his arms crossed and an irritated face.
“I was on security duty and saw that you too were horsing around! Look at the mess you made!”
Looking around, you see that indeed you both did make a huge mess of knocking some snacks and stuff onto the floor without even knowing.
“Both of you, clean all this up before I call the cops on you!”
As the worker leaves, Bakugo and you stay still and quiet for a second until you look back at him, still finding that he’s on top of you.
“Hey, are you going to get off of me or?”
“Shut up!” he says as he gets up and you do as well. The both of you start to clean up the aisle and put things back to their places.
As you finish cleaning up, you both see the f/s and look at each other before racing to get the snack once more.
//A few hours later\\
“So, you're telling me that you're all scratched up because you were fighting for some snack?!”
“It wasn't just any snack! It was a bag of f/s…” you tell your dad while munching on the f/s you rightfully won.
After fighting once again for the snack, you ended up having the snack and ran to the cashier and threw him the money you had for it and enough to buy another if you wanted to as Bakugo was chasing you out the store and throughout the city like a madman. You eventually lost him when you used your quirk to turn small. (It took you an hour to get back to your normal self)
“Did you at least win?” your mom asked with a grin on her face while your dad was shocked at her question as you grin back.
“Oh, course I did! I wasn't going to let some guys take what was rightfully mine!”
“W-why are you asking her that? Don’t encourage her!”
“Oh hush! And besides, I’m not encouraging her.” she then looks back at me with a more serious face.
“Y/n, take me seriously when I say this. Don’t go around causing trouble and getting into fights, except if they throw their hands at you first, then you can throw yours back. But only when it’s necessary, understood? I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Right, sorry mom, dad.”
Hanging in the air was silence and slight disappointment. Not liking the feeling of it, you stand up and throw away your now empty bag of f/s and run up to your room and grab something before coming back downstairs to see your parents looking at you worriedly. Thinking that they have gone too far but they relax as they see a smile that soon turns into a smirk as you wave a box of cards in your hands.
“Who wants to play Uno?”
Into Another World - Mha x Reader
Chapter 5: Welcoming Package & Shopping
A/n - Hello, and here is another chapter for you guys, hope you enjoy ^U^
f/c - Favorite color
s/f/c - Second Favorite color
f/g - Favorite game
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I’m sitting on my bed and playing with the ring on my finger that Shinsou has given me. A few weeks have passed and its now March 31st and it’s been a while since the run-in with Bakugo and (to my pleasure) I haven’t seen him whenever I go out. I also still talk to Shinsou whenever I’m not busy and we talk about the most random things, but we usually just send each other cat memes. He tells me that Corn Flake is doing just fine, even though he’s on the verge of life and death.
Hearing the doorbell ring, I go downstairs to see who it is as always, my parents are out of the house. (dad and mom are at the construction site where my mom's store will be)
Opening up the door, no one is seen but a fairly big rectangular package is on the ground in front of the door. Grabbing the package, I close the door and lock it up again as I look over the package, seeing if it was mailed for my mom or dad. As I found the package label, it wasn't mailed to either of my parents, but it was to me.
Going back upstairs and sitting cross-legged on the rug on the floor, I begin to open the box.
Opening the package, I found two things, a bag of clothing and a letter.
Reaching for the bag and ripping it open, I lay out the clothing seeing that it’s similar to my old junior high uniform but different colors, it being black and my old one being a cream white and a bright blue.
Taking out the letter next, I also rip it open.
Dear Y/n L/n,
Aldera Junior High is pleased to have you joining our school!
This is your ‘Welcoming’ kit, inside you will find your school uniform, schedule, the school rule packet, and ect., whatever you will need for this year at Aldera Junior High.
This school year will begin on April 5th of ####.
As principal of Aldera Junior High, I am honored to have you be a part of not just a school system, but our family.
We hope to see you soon!
Mr. Camburn
“Family my ass...” I mumbled to myself as I placed the letter aside and took out another few sheets of paper. The first one was my schedule while the second one was the things I needed for this year. Setting those papers aside with the letter, I practically pull out a textbook of just paper.
Wanting to know what it was, I read the cover as my eyes pop-out.
Aldera Junior High Rule Book
“There's no way in hell these are all the rules...” I thought as I skimmed through the textbook of rules and ended up throwing it aside with the rest of the things. Gathering everything up, I set all the papers on my shelf above my bed and my school uniform right next to it.
And that when I finally realize something, and my eyes grow wide as I double check if I’m right by looking over the welcoming letter twice.
“I start school in five days?!”
| | | | // The next day, April 1st\\
| | | |
In the kitchen, mom, dad, and I sit around the table eating breakfast.
“Hey mom?”
She turns to look at me, “Yes Y/n, what is it?”.
“I got a package from the school I’m supposed to go to, Albera Junior High or something like that.”
“Oh, it arrived! I thought that it was going to arrive earlier, and I got worried! Did your uniform come in?”
Nodding and swallowing the remaining food I had left in my mouth I take my plate to the sink and begin to wash it.
“I also got the welcoming letter and the supply list.”
“That's great! So, when do you start?” she asked as she also picked up her plate and dad’s plate as they both finished and set them aside for me to wash them.
“The 5th, like, in four days.” I say as I hear a gasp behind me. After washing, drying, and putting the dishes away, I turn to see my mom grabbing the keys from the counter and her phone.
“Um, mom. Where are you going?” Without answering my question, she begins to talk to my dad.
“Haru dear, I’m going out with Y/n for her supplies for the day.”
“That’s fine by me dear, I’ve already had plans to get on an online meeting with my coworkers from Tokyo.”
“Perfect, Y/n, go get your supply list! We are going shopping!” she says with her eyes practically sparkling with joy of getting to have time to spend with her daughter for the day.
Nodding, I go upstairs and graph the list and my phone. I turn on my phone to see that Shinsou has texted me and so I text him back.
I’m about to go out shopping, when do you start school?
I’m starting tomorrow, u?
Could never be me.
April 5th
Ikr, like imagine starting tomorrow.
Shut up
No, u
Shut up or I’ll make u
Ay yo? 🤨
That’s kind of…. 🤔
You have such a dirty mind.
That’s not my fault.
Anyways, ttyl, gtg
Exiting the messaging app and turning my phone off, I headed downstairs as I heard my mom yell out to hurry up.
Finally downstairs, I walk out the door and get into the front passenger seat with my mom in the driver's seat as she exits out of the driveway and towards the city once again.
| | | |
//Out on the streets of Musutafu\\
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After parking the car, mom and I both get out of the car and walk down the streets to find where to get my supplies.
“Alright, let's go to that store over there, we can get most of your things there and then we can get the remaining things somewhere else, alright?” she says as you nod and you both head into the store.
As you two enter the store, a phone begins to ring and it was my moms, she answers the phone with an annoyed ‘what?’ and her face then becomes serious. Hanging up, she looks back at me apologetically.
“Listen, it's a business up from Tokyo and they want to talk to your father and I up there in person right now in about an hour or so. I’m sorry, here.”, taking out a black card and handing it to y/n. As y/n takes it, her eyes are practically popping out of her sockets, and she looks back up at her.
“Where and how did you even get this?! Aren’t like black cards cost a lot of money?!”
“Y/n, you always have to be prepared for any occasion, now, just use that card and type in the code on the back of it on the number pad once you pay for your stuff, I have to go, be good, okay? Bye!” She briefly hugs you as she turns back and out the door she goes.
Looking back at the card in your hand, you quickly set it in your pocket that your leggings had so you won’t lose it and begin to look around for the supplies you need.
| | | //30 minutes later\\
| | |
Leaving the store, you had most of the things in the bags that you now carry. Laughing to yourself, you remember the face that the cashier gave to you as you paid with the black card and the faces from the people behind you. They were all shocked as their jaws dropped to the floor.
As you're walking, you see another store and go in, seeing that this store might actually have notebooks and a calculator as the previous one didn’t. Entering the store, you're greeted, and you greet back to the cashier and begin walking down the aisle.
Having thought that you won’t be finding either of the supplies, you find some notebooks and grab them, and after heading off to another two lanes down, you find the calculator you were looking for and head towards the cashier and pay for your things. After paying for your supplies, you head to the mall.
//At the mall\\
The mall was crowded, for it was a very popular mall here in the city but you still went in anyways. Looking at all the different stores, you find shoe stores, food courts, food venders, bookstores, and a ton of other stores.
Looking to find one specific store in mind, you find it in the middle of a sports store and Hot Topic, the electronics store. There you enter and find a lot of phones out for display, tablets, headphones, and much more. Heading off to the computer section, you look around to find a computer since you don’t have one and the last one you had was long gone.
Finally, you found the perfect one. It was a nice laptop with a f/c on the outside and a s/f/c once you open the laptop. Calling over a worker, they take it out for you, and you head over to the headphone section to select some f/c headphones.
After finally selecting your computer and headphones, you head towards the cashier and wait in line as a lady is attending a customer. Pulling out your phone, you start to play a game of f/g as you wait your turn.
“Sorry ma’am, but your card declined.”
Looking up from your phone, you see the cashier lady talking with a woman. The woman looked around her mom’s age, but she was shorter and had her green hair in a half-bun with the rest of her hair down her back and bright green eyes.
“O-oh, it has? Um, let me see if I have cash really quick...”
The said lady looked through her bag, and as a few minutes passed by, some of the customers behind me started to mumble out ‘what's taking so long’ and ‘can’t she go any faster?’. The cashier seemed to hear and see this as she looked at the women in front of her and gave her card back.
“Ma’am, if you can’t pay, just leave the things here.”
The green-haired women looked back up and returned the computer and phone she has in her cart and sighs.
“Alright, I’m sorry. Here-”
“I’d like to pay for your things!”
The women and cashier both looked at me as I said those words, stepping up towards them, I started to reach for my pocket until the green-haired woman stopped me, waving frantically.
“Oh no, no, no! Please don’t waste your money on me! I’m fine, really!” ignoring her plea, I took out the black card from my pocket and handed it to the cashier.
“This should be enough to cover both her things and mine.”
The cashier's face went white as her eye popped out and the green-haired woman's jaw seemed to drop to the floor as the cashier took the black card, swiped it, and gave it back to me with the receipt. The rest of the people behind me were silent.
“H-Have a good day you two!” she says as I help the green-haired woman with her bags and we both walk out the door.
As you both leave the store and place the bags on a nearby bench, you smile and say ‘goodbye’ at the woman until she stops you by grabbing ahold of your arm.
“You really shouldn’t have done that for me!”
“No worries, ma’am! I don’t mind at all.”
“Please, at least let me repay you, what’s your preferred way to get money back, through the bank system? Don’t worry, I’ll write a check!” she says frantically as she begins to talk a lot.
“Really, it’s okay! And please don’t pay me back! It’s really fine, don’t worry about it!” you say while waving your hands at her and she relaxes and smiles.
“Thank you, um...?”
“Y/n L/n and you are?”
“Inko Midoriya. Well, thank you L/n. You really shouldn’t have done that though,”
“No problem Midoriya-san! Really no biggy, well I have to get going. So, it was nice meeting you!”, turning away, you begin to walk only to be stopped again.
“How about you come and have dinner tonight? As a thank you.”
Taking a moment to think about it, you don’t see why not.
“Alright! I don’t see any harm in that offer, let me just call my mom to see if it’s okay with her.” Inko nods as you take out your f/c phone and call your mom. After a few rings your mom answers, but she sounds like you disturbed something important. (because you did)
“Y/n, I’m busy at the moment, what is it?”
“Is it alright if I have dinner over at a friend's house?”
“A friend? You made a friend? Who is it? You know what, tell me later once your father and I come back home, and yes you can have dinner at their place. I have to go, bye.”
The sound of you being hung up by your mom rings in the air for a moment and then silence. Looking over in front of you where Inko stood with the bags at her sides, you smile.
“My mom said that it was okay of me to come over for dinner! What time would be fine for you to have me over?”
“Oh, um, around 5:30 if that’s alright.”
“Yup sure it is! I’ll be sure to make it there!” you say as you begin to finally walk away but it dawned to you that you have no idea where they live. Sure, you’ve seen the anime and where the Midoriya’s lived but not the exact location, plus if you did know without her telling you, that would be a bit creepy.
Turning back to face her, you scratch the back of your neck and awkwardly smile at her.
“I don’t really know where you live so could you write down the address for me, please? Haha…”
| | | | | | | | ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Made up the principles name.
Into Another World - Mha x Reader
Chapter 6: Fever Dreams & Dinner
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After getting the address from Inko, I head home for the rest of the day until the time comes to show up at their apartment for dinner at 5:30.
Once I arrived at the house, I unlocked the door and closed it back up right behind me, took off my shoes, and headed straight towards my room. Only halfway up the stairs do I start to suddenly feel lightheaded and in pain, ignoring it, I continue up the stairs until the pain starts to increase.
“Yea no, I’m not doing this” I thought as I went back downstairs and into the kitchen.
As I arrived at the kitchen, my head started to pound and the pain increased tenfold, so I searched the kitchen, finding a plastic cup snatching it and filling it up with ice cold water from the sink.
Drinking the cup of water, I was still not satisfied, so I drank more water.
And more.
And more.
And more.
“Stupid head, stop it...”, setting down the cup in the sink after drinking some water, the pounding wouldn’t stop.
Having the feeling that she would collapse any second, she decided against going to her room and to lay on her bed and agreed to just lay on the couch in the semi-finished living room. Upon seeing the couch, she practically dragged herself towards it and threw half of herself onto the couch with her hands on her head like a mad man.
“Damn it, why won’t it just stop?!”
Vision now blurry, she closed her eyes and sighed.
“I guess it won’t hurt to sleep just a little……”, as those words left her mouth, she fell into a deep slumber that could rival Sleeping Beauty, but the pounding and pain in her head continued.
And continued
And continued………. Thump…………until it stopped…and voices were heard…….
Doctors were frantic as they pulled the h/c girl up from the floor where she fell from the rocking chair and onto the hospital bed where its sheets were turning a dark bloody red from her head injury, her breaths uneven and frantic as if having a panic attack.
She needed oxygen and badly, she felt as if she’s suffocating.
| | |
“-where going to need another scan on her just in case somethings up with her….”
“No, it can be that it might be that when she fell, she hit her occipital lobe……”
“I think it’s best to give her this medication for now, even though it’s not as strong as the last few we gave her but enough to still keep her conscious…”
“-upgrade her health report then, so we can infor-”
| | |
Feeling the need to wake up, she opens her eyes, but all she can see are blurred up colors in front of her, having seen enough, she closes her eyes.
| | | |
“......I think she’s starting to wake up! Connect the I-”
“-damit man! You almost lost the poor thing god dammit!”
“-y/n be, okay?”
“She’ll be okay, she’s just hurt is all….”
“Ma’am, we’ll need your family to level the room to undergo-”
“-right, come on kids….”
| | | | “Ma?” | | | |
Opening her eyes, she sits up, gasping for air.
“What the hell…...”
The pain stopped and she was relieved. But, when she was asleep, everything felt as if she was in one of those fever dreams where it felt so real…...but yet, fake?
Not wanting to think about it in case she gets another headache of some sorts, looking for the time on the clock on the wall it reads 5:00. Deciding to finally get up from the couch, she went to get ready to head over to Midoriya's home.
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Placing the plate of freshly baked cookies in one hand, I use the other to knock on the door of the Midoriya apartment.
After Inko Midoriya gave me her address, I went back home to do other things such as watching netflix and just tidy myself up before I came over, on the way, I also stopped by the bakery in town tow grab a hold of some cookies for them as a ‘Thanks for inviting me!’ thing. And besides, it felt wrong not to get them anything for some odd reason but whatever.
I also had time to think about what I’m going to get myself into. From this point and on, I’ll start getting myself involved in some certain canon events like it or not. With that said, I need to be careful on what I’m going to be doing and saying. I can’t just go up to Midoriya and be like Oh hey Midoriya, by the way, you're going to get a quirk in like 2 years or less from your favorite hero!’.
As I started to think of more ways to avoid any of this, the door opened up to reveal Inko.
“O-oh, L/n! It’s nice to see you again, come in, please!”,
“It’s nice to see you as well Ms. Midoriya!” smiling, she opened the door wide enough for me to finally come in. As I am going in, she closes the door behind her, and I take off my shoes and follow after her.
“I wasn't quite ready with dinner yet, so you can just sit tight right here, okay?”, as she makes her way towards the kitchen, I stand up and follow her.
“Wait, I can help you with dinner Ms. Midoriya!”
“Oh no! You're our guest and you should sit down!”
“Don’t worry ma’am, I'm fine with helping out with dinner, I insist.”
After a bit of hesitation, she seemed to have finally got an answer to me.
“Alright, if you insist. Why don’t you grab me a spoon, it’s in the first cabinet to your right.”
Nodding, I open the cabinet and give her the spoon. Time went by and we both were just talking and laughing while making dinner. All in all, it was really fun, it felt as if I were with my original mother back home.
Over the years, I’ve realized that as time passed by, my memory was slowly starting to fail me, and I started to forget things from the world I used to live in. It started with little things that one would normally forget such as what my classes were at that school, favorite books, etc... It quickly escalated to the point where I forgot how my friends looked. That's when it hit me that I was losing my memories of my past life. I don’t want the day to come and not remember anything of my past, I want to keep remembering, not forget, so that's when I started writing things down in a notebook I got from my trip to the mall a few months back in Tokyo, drawing things also seemed to help me out as well, not to mention that fever dream also helped my memory of my family and life back then become much clearer. Maybe that dream was a sign of something? Something I'm not getting at here?
Inko seemed to have noticed my quiet demeanor and looked at me with a concerned look in her eyes.
“L/n, are you alright?”
Shaken out of my thoughts, I throw a smile towards the adult women while mentally scolding myself.
“Stop it, you don't need to think about that right now.”
“Yup! I’m perfectly fine Ms. Midoriya, don’t worry!”
| | |
Feeling the sudden need to use the facilities, you turn to Inko and smile awkwardly.
“Ms. Midoriya, may I use the bathroom?”
“Of course! It’s down the hall on the first door to your left.”
“Thank you!”
After having used the bathroom, you leave and go back to the kitchen where dinner was almost ready and set. Humming a tune to yourself, you didn’t realize until you bumped into something, or someone.
With the cause of the impacts, you didn’t fall straight to the floor but rather just stumbled a few feet backwards as you say an apology.
“Oh! Sorry Ms. Midoriya, I didn’t see you there!”
“U-uh? My mom is in the kitchen...”
Having heard a new and familiar voice, you perk up and see that the person you bumped into wasn't Inko, but it was her son.
“Izuku Midoriya”
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Midoriya was seen picking at his food as he stared down at his plate and looked back up to see his mother happily chatting with the guest at the table, who he learned that her name is Y/n L/n upon bumping into her.
And after repeatedly apologizing to her for 5 minutes straight for bumping into her.
“Izuku, this is the nice girl I told you about earlier, she bought the computer and phone I picked out for you.”
“R-really? Oh! Thank y-you!”, standing up, he bowed her head down as Y/n tried to stop him from doing that, not fully accustomed to it yet despise being and living in Japan for about 13 years.
“Wait, don’t do that! It wasn't a big deal anyways! Please don’t do that…. Oh! I also brought over some cookies for the two of you! Just as a thank you for inviting me over to have dinner!”, you say as you take the cookie tray out from who knows where and set it on the table.
“Oh L/n, you shouldn’t have…”
“It’s no problem Ms. Midoriya! Really!”
“Alright then, how about you two go play a game while I clean up, huh?”
“I can help you clean up!” Midoriya and yourself both look at each other and you're both standing from your seats as you said those words at the same time. If you were both being honest, neither one of you two were really ready to interact with each other yet.
One reason being that one person doesn't know how to start the conversation off, and the other person does not know how to talk to a girl.
Inko just smiled and waved us off as she began to pick up the dishes at the table.
“It’s alright, you two go have fun! I insist!”
With that, she left to do the chore and left the two pre-teens alone in an awkward silence, not knowing who would break the ice first. Surprisingly, Midoriya was the first to break.
“W-we can hang out in m-my room…If you want t-to of course! I don’t want to make you uncomfortable and you're our guestsoyoushouldhavethesayinwhereweshouldhangoutandallthat-”
“Yeah sure, let's hang out in your room, I don’t mind.”
He looks at you and nods his head as he leads you towards his room. Once at the door, you see the classic All Might themed sign on his door with his name written on it. You weren’t going to lie, but you were mentally preparing your mental health and eyes for what's about to come next, you know he’s a big fan of All Might and if you were being honest, you were too. In other words, you're not a super fangirl that covers her room in All Might merch head-to-toe, sure you may have a few posters or an action figure here and there but not a whole entire shrine dedicated to the man!
Midoriya finally opens the door and you both walk in, and he closes the door behind him while a million thoughts go through his mind.
“There's a girl in my room, there's a girl in my room, there's a girl in my room, there's a gir-wait… room… room!”
As you take a side glance at Midoriya, you see the panic on his face, so you do the first thing that comes to your mind to calm him down from exploding.
“Oh my gosh, you like All Might too?”
Midoriya freezes for a second and looks at your smiling form with a small sparkle in your e/c eyes.
"You like All Might?"
"Um, yea? Who doesn't? He's like a super cool hero you know?"
"U-um, yea! Totally! He's super cool, and his strength is unbelievable!"
From there on, both yourself and the green-haired boy talked about All Might for a good while, and you both started to talk about other heroes as well. One question led to another and the two of got to know each other more about each other.
| | | "-ok I'll be there in like 20 minutes, right, bye mom see ya in a bit!", ending the phone call, Midoriya stares at me. We both ended up siting on the floor with his Hero Analyses notes lying around as he showed me a few.
"I guess I gotta go, my parents want me back home before it gets to dark outside."
"O-oh! okay."
The two of you leave his room and see that his mom isn't anywhere to be seen, due to being called in at work and having to leave the two of you alone.
Once at the front door with your shoes on and everything, you open the door and step outside as Midoriya follows suite and leaves the door open.
"Well, I guess I'll see you at school?" (Yes, you told him what school you were going to, and he was going to the same.)
"Yea! I'll see you then!"
Smiling, you start to walk about three meters away from him until he called out to you.
Turning around, you look at him, "Yea, what's up?"
"I-I was wondering...."
Taking a deep breath, he says in a high and fast voice; "L/nDoyouwanttobemyfriend? It'stotallyokayifyousaynoIunderstandbecauseI'mquirklessandallbutIjustthought-"
Midoriya stopped talking and looked at the girl in confusion and surprised at the same time.
"W-wait, really?"
"Um, yea? Who wouldn't want to be friends with you! Besides, it doesn't matter to me that your quirkless, your still nice to hang out with. Oh, and you can call me Y/n."
"Then you can call me Izuku!"
Y/n smiled at him and walked closer to him until they were only a few feet apart now, his face all red and his heart pounding.
"Alright Izuku, can I have your number? If we're going to be friends, I need a way to talk to you!"
| | | | | |
Finally, ya'll got to meet Shinsou, Bakugo, and now Midoriya, who should I have you guys meet next? I'm kind of thinking about a certain villain. 😏
Into Another World - Mha x Reader
Chapter 7: First Impressions
A/n - Here's another chapter for you all!
| | | | Key:
h/s = hair style
h/c = hair color
f/s = favorite snack
t/n = teacher's name
e/c = eye color
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4 Days later - April 5th
Time: 7:00 am
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Putting my hair in a h/s, I check myself over in the full-length mirror in my room. I’m wearing the middle school uniform that they’ve provided me with, the black skirt, blazer, white shirt underneath, and a nice tie. Honestly, I don’t look too bad.
“Y/n! It’s almost time to go!”
“Coming mom!”
Grabbing my backpack on the way out of my room, I close my door and head downstairs where the fresh scent of pancakes fully awakens me. Upon reaching the main floor, I go into the kitchen and sit down, putting my backpack down beside my seat as I dig into the pancakes and drink my glass of milk.
After the dinner at the Midoriya’s and heading home, the next few days were spent organizing and putting things in its place here at home. My parents would mostly move in all the big stuff and head off to work while I would be in charge of just placing it where mom told me where it would look best. We pretty much finished placing everything yesterday, so it was nice to finally have a ‘complete’ house now.
The last few days were also pretty fun, Izuku and I would text or call over the phone for a few hours and we hung out for a while as well. Of course, I never forgot about Shinsou, we talked over the phone as well and I eventually told him about Izuku and he seemed chill about it because I was finally “spreading my wings' ', he isn't wrong about that though. Joking or not, I was actually practicing more in the aspect of trying to fly with my hornet wings, but I guess I’m not used to them yet, mostly, I end up in bushes when trying them out.
“It’s 7: 30, we should get going before you're late on your first day Y/n.” my mother said as she started to put her shoes on at the door, grabbing her car keys, she adds.
“I’ll wait for you in the car.”
Getting up, I put my dirty dishes into the dishwasher and wash my hands. I then go and grab my bag and start to put on my shoes. Hearing a honk from a car outside, I grab my phone and headphones and shove them in my bag as I rush out the door and enter my mom’s car.
“What took you so long? I have a meeting in a few minutes, and I can’t be late y/n, you know this.”
“I know, sorry mom. I’ll be faster next time.”
The car ride was silent the whole way to the school, neither of us saying anything.
As we got to the front of the building, Emica unlocked the door, and I opened the door and hopped out of the passenger seat.
“Love you mom!”
“Love you too, now, neither your father nor I will be here to pick you up at the end of the day, we’ll most likely be in Tokyo. I placed some money in your back account if you want to take the train or for food, okay?”
“Okay, thanks mom.”
Right after closing the door, the car went speeding off away from the young teen. She turned around and whispered to herself as she started to walk towards the front door of the building.
“Well, back to hell it is then….”
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Time - 7:40 am
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“-and this is where we usually eat lunch! O-or anywhere really.”
Izuku and I were standing at the entrance of the lunchroom which is also called the common room during the mornings before classes start (they start at 8). We’ve spent the last few minutes with him showing me around the school and where all my classes will be, and he also has the same classes as me so that’s a plus.
“S-so yea! Those are all your classes, and we can walk together if y-you want! Idon’twantyoutofeelpressuredintothinkingyouhavetowalkwithmeeverydayand-”
“H-hey, Izuku! It’s totally fine, we can walk to class together. Hey, do you want to walk with me after school as well? My parents are going to be at a meeting, and they won’t be able to pick me up.”
“U-uh? Oh! Yea, we can walk together!”
“Okay cool, hey, how about after school you can ask your mom we can hang out and go to the mall or something? We can go and-”
Before finishing my sentence, something just shoves me out of the way and I stumble and trip on my own feet, resulting in falling onto the ground.
“At least I wore leggings, thank go..”
“Oi, move out the way you damn extra! Can’t you see I’m walking here?!”
“Well, who do you think you are huh?” Looking up, I see the one and only Bakugo. Why am I not surprised? Obviously, we’d be in the same school. He seemed to finally recognize who I was based on the pissed off expression on his face.
Midoriya, not wanting his new friend (and his only one at the moment) to get hurt, tried to speak up but as usual, he was shut down.
“Y-y/n, I don’t think-”
“Shut it you damn nerd! And you!”, pointing at the h/c girl,
“You're the damn extra that took my food! Don’t think that you beat me!”
The girl, as per usual, didn’t keep quiet as she talked back at the loud-mouth boy.
“Me? Beat you? No, I didn’t beat you, I practically demolished you in that store. Anything for that bag of f/s I guess.”, while looking proud of herself, the boy in front of her was practically fuming with rage and embarrassment as his ‘friends’ were ‘oohing’.
“Na man, you let a girl beat you?”
“Damn, Bakugo my man, what happened?”
“Shut up! She didn’t beat me damn it!” the blond boy yelled out as the girl stood up. Shortly after standing up, the bell rang indicating the first bell to head to your homeroom.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you around! Let's head to homeroom Izuku, we won’t want to be late now, would we?” grabbing hold of Izuku’s forearm, the two of you book it before Bakugo could lose his cool.
As the two of you speed-walk at first and then walk normally, knowing that Bakugo was long behind, you pay no attention to the two of you, you don’t realize the look on Izuku’s face as you're still holding onto his forearm.
To say that the boy was embarrassed was an understatement, he was about to explode at this point, his mind was spiraling through a rabbit hole of emotions and thoughts.
“She’s holding onto my arm, she’s holding onto my arm, she’sholdingontomyarm-”
“Hey Izuku, you cool?”
His mind stopped as he got pulled away from his thoughts and faced the girl who gave him a questioning look on her face.
“Why, am I-?”
“Y-yea, I’m okay, haha. Just worried that Kachan might have gotten too aggressive with you though...”
“Well, Kachan can go to hell for all I care.”
“Y-y/n! Don’t say that! What if he heard you! A-and Kachan is just a nickname I gave him, you know, since we were friends when we were younger.” the boy exclaimed as he looked in all directions to see if the hot-head was anywhere nearby.
Like the actress you are, you put on a dumbfounded expression and look at Izuku. Even though you know who ‘Kachan’ is, he doesn't know that and would probably seem weirded out if you already knew his name.
“Well, if Kachan is his nickname, what’s his real name?”
“Oh, his name is Bakugo Katsuki.”
Both of you finally enter a classroom full of students already in their seats as the teacher looks over at the two of you in the doorway.
“Midoriya! You're already late on the first day, do you want to get detention already? Get in your seat.”
The said boy nods and quickly sits himself at one of the desks on the far side of the classroom as some of the students look at him with disgust and others whisper as he passes by. The teacher, otherwise known as Mr. t/n looks over at you and smiles.
“Ah! You must be the new student! Come up to the front and introduce yourself!”
Shuffling and moving yourself to face the front of the class, you stare at them as they stare back and all of a sudden, your anxiety spikes up.
“Why are they looking at me like that? Is my hair weird? Wait, I’m wearing the wrong uniform?! Oh, no I’m not, the other girls are wearing the same one as me…”
Blinking out of your thoughts, you take a small deep breath to calm yourself down and speak with the non-existent confidence you had.
“Hi, my name is L/n Y/n, um, yea that’s my name.”
T/n smiled and looked at the rest of the class.
“Alright thank you L/n! Now does anyone have any questions?”
One of the students from the front row raised her hand and was called upon.
“Why do you sound weird? When you like speaking and all.”
“Great, new achievement unlocked; being afraid to speak because of the accent.”
Smiling, I respond, “Well, I kind of was exposed to English speakers more when at a young age so I have that so called ‘weird’ American accent.”
Well, it wasn't entirely a lie, I did end up watching more SpongeBob in English than in Japanese when I was younger.
A few more students asked some other questions and now about 5 minutes have passed, and I want to sit down already. The teacher must have seemed to notice because he stood up and put his hands together.
“Alright students, just one more question and we’ll have to get started with homeroom! Um, yes you!”
The student that was picked was one of Bakugo’s friends on the way back.
“Yea, so like, what’s your quirk?”
“My quirk? Well, my quirk is called Hornet. It’s pretty much what a regular hornet has, I have wings that I can store in my back and pull them out if I need to, I can also make stingers come out of my knuckles.”
To demonstrate, I hold up my right hand up to them and close my hand into a fist, causing jet black spikes to appear from where my knuckles were, after a few seconds, I unclench my fist and they disappear. I chose to hold onto the information on being able to create some poison within each stinger, I chose not to, the reason, I wasn't really sure why yet.
“I can also shrink myself and grow in height, but I’m still trying to get the hang of it.”
The class begins to talk amongst themselves while some of the students praise my quirk and tell me how ‘cool’ I am while others, not liking the idea that I was so called ‘better’ then them.
“Wow! That must be an awesome quirk to have!”
“Totally would love to have that power!”
“Huh, imagine being an insect...”
“I know right? Like, I could never!”
T/n then cleared his throat, and the class went silent after a few seconds.
“Alright! Let's get started with homeroom alright. Oh! Y/n, where should I place you? Uhhhhh, there! Right next to Bakugo. Bakugo, could you raise your hand?”
With an irritated expression, he raises his hand, and you see that there’s in fact, an empty seat to his left.
Forcing to move your legs, you walk towards the seat as you pass Izuku who gives you an apologetic smile. Arriving at the desk, you sit in it and cross your arms over your chest. You're about to say something until you hear the teacher say some words that killed you from the inside out.
“Now, these seats will be your assigned seats for the rest of the year!”
Glancing over at Bakugo who was now to the right of you, looked back at you with a smirk.
“I’m goanna make your life a living hell.”
Putting on a fake smile, you say back sarcastically.
“Well, isn't this going to be bloody lovely?”
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The last bell had just rung, and everyone was leaving the building as you stood in the now empty classroom, waiting for Midoriya to gather his things so you both could leave.
“So did you mom say yes?”
“Yea she did, I just have to be home before it gets too dark.”
“Oh okay, I’ll text my mom that I’ll be home later as well.”
Pulling out your phone, you text your mom that you’ll be hanging out with Midoriya for a while, after having sent the message she read it and well, just left you to read.
“Ain't no way she left me on read.”
Deciding to deal with it later, you put the phone back into your skirt pocket (thank God they have pockets) and grab your bag from the floor as Midoriya already has his on his back.
The two friends make their way down the hall and out of the building, lucky enough, didn’t cross paths with a certain blond boy with anger issues.
“Okay Y/n, where are we going?”
“We can go to the mall if you want, or anywhere you want to go, I don’t mind.”
“O-Okay, we can head over to the mall.”
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Time skip - at the mall (because the author is lazy -_-)
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Looking around, the green haired boy and the h/c girl see multiple stores and people all around them. The girl looked at the boy with her e/c and begins to question him.
“So, do you want to go to a specific store or just walk around and let it roll from there?”
“We can just walk around if you want, or do you have a specific store you want to go to?” Midoriya asked as they just stood at the entrance of the mall, waiting for the girl to respond.
“Well, I think I might get some weights from that one workout store, do you mind?”
“N-no of course not! Anywhere is fine y/n!”
“As long as we’re together.”
The girl nods and they both begin to walk into the mall.
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Time skip - 30 minutes later
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After buying some weights from the workout store, they both just began to just talk and walk through different stores that caught their interest, one of the stores being an all-superhero themed store where there’s a bunch of merch of different types of heroes from not only Japan but other countries as well.
We entered the store and Midoriya’s inner fanboy came out as he started to look at everything and anything about heroes as if he was a child in a candy store.
“I can’t believe they have this much stuff! Oh look! It’s an Edgeshot figure, oh and a documentary on Mirko!”
He held the book and action figure in his hands as he started to talk about the different heroes and all. Setting down the book and figure in their places on the shelf, Midoriya practically drags Y/n throughout the entire store until they enter an entire aisle dedicated to All Might themed stuff.
We spent the next 30 minutes in that store as Midoriya kept looking at one specific product, an All Might themed hoodie next to other hero hoodies. Finally, we left the store after a while and headed towards the food court near it.
As I sat down back at our table, waiting for our order of food, I looked towards Izuku in front of me and I got a bright idea. Standing right back up, he looks at me from his phone.
“Y/n, where are you going?”
“Don’t worry Izuku, I’ll be right back in a flash!", running off and leaving the confused green-haired boy at the table, I head towards the Hero-themed store and go towards that one aisle were the All Might hoodie was.
I snatched the hoodie right off the rack, checking to make sure it’s about his size, I made my way back to the front of the store to pay for it until another hoodie from a hero I liked was my all-time favorite hero next to All Might. Ginning, I also snatched the hoodie off its rack, finding it was just my size and finally began to make my way back to the cashier to pay the hoodies off.
“Thank you young lady and have a good day!”
“Thank you! Have a good day too!”
Leaving the store and making your way back to where Midoriya was probably waiting, you look down at the shopping bags with a smile, hoping that he would like the gift you got him.
Turning the corner and walking into the food court, you look around to find Izuku grabbing the food and sit back down at the table looking around until he catches your eyes, and you smile and walk over towards him.
“Hey Y/n, where were you?”
Sitting down and giving him one of the shopping bags and smiling as he takes it in his hands with a confused face.
“I got something for you!”
“Y-y/n, you shouldn’t have gotten me anything-”
“Nonsense Izuku, just open it, you’ll love it for sure! Well, hopefully you will…”
The boy gulps and smiles at you with his face turning slightly red as he grips onto the shopping bag.
“I’ll like anything you g-get me y-y/n.”
“Aww, thanks Izuku! Know, open it!" smiling, you see him go through the bag and his small smile turns into a bigger one when he pulls out the All Might themed hoodie from the bag with stars in his eyes.
“Oh my god it’s the All Might hoodie I saw at that one store!”
He starts to go on (again) about All Might until he abruptly stops and looks at me. Confusion swept onto my face as I looked back at him.
“Izuku, are you okay? If you don’t like it, I can return it for a different one or-”
“N-no it’s not that y/n, it’s just, you didn’t have to get it for me you know…wait, let me pay you back!”
“No, you're not going to pay me back Izuku, it was a gift.”
“Hey, I said keep it, okay? It was my own choice to get it for you so keep it.”, smiling, your smile practically blinded him as he stared at the girl for a few seconds and smiled back, in his mind, he mentally noted how he could repay you back for your kindness one day.
“I’ll repay you back y/n, one day I will.”
“Thanks Y/n,”
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Time - 6:45 pm
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Walking next to each other, Izuku and Y/n walk down the streets, and the leaves on the trees move with a gentle breeze. As the two walked, the sun had already begun to set despite it being around 7 in the evening, the sky was filled with hues of orange, purple, and pink. The sun was like an orb set on fire and as you both walked past the beach filled with trash, that would soon be one without, so as long Izuku stays on this path of becoming a hero and nothing interferes, including yourself.
“We should really do this again Izuku.”
“Y-yea! We should do this again.”
The boy doesn't know it yet but, the feelings he’s been feeling for the girl ever since he saw her e/c eyes, it wasn't admiration now at this point, but something more. But alas, he was still young and new to the feelings, so he pushed them away for the time being. But sooner or later, he’ll come to realize these feelings for the girl.
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Arriving at his apartment complex a few minutes ago, you both now stand in front of his apartment door as you were the one to walk him home.
“Well, I guess I’ll leave you then, need your beauty sleep for school tomorrow, right?”
“Yea, you do to Y/n…”, Midoriya said as he opened his apartment door and stepped inside. About to close the door, he looks at the girl who is now walking away from him, without thinking, he speaks his mind.
“Thank you, Y/n.,”
The girl stopped in her tracks and turned around and looked back at him, confusion on her face this time.
“Thank you? Oh! For the hoodie, right? I told you Izuku, it’s totally-”
“N-no, not for the hoodie…”
“Uh? For what then?”
Midoriya shuffled in place and looked down at his feet, then he looked back up, eyes bright, he stared back at those beautiful e/c eyes full of life.
“Thank you for being with me, for being my friend Y/n. That’s why I’m thanking you.”
Y/n stares right back at him, she then smiles back at him, possibly brighter than the sunset right now.
“It’s no problem Izuku, I’m glad you're my friend as well.”
They stayed like that for a while, staring at each other until Midoriya shook out of his thoughts and focused on you once more.
“T-Text me when you get home, I want to make sure you got home safe.”
“Sure will Izuku, I’ll see you at school tomorrow!”
“Right, bye Y/n!”
“See ya Izuku!”
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Closing the door behind him, he takes a deep breath, face red as he takes his shoes off and places them on the shoe mat next to the door. He looks at the shopping bag and smiles as he takes the bag and goes into the living room, taking out the hoodie from his shopping bag, he looks at it and continues to smile.
“Where did you get that Izuku?”
Jumping slightly, he turns around to find his mom looking over his shoulder and at the hoodie. He clutches the hoodie close to him and stutters.
“Y-Y/n got it for me when we were out at the mall…. she also got one too….”
He started to hear sniffling and turned back at his mom, seeing that her eyes were filled with tears.
“M-mom? Are you okay?”
She ripped the ‘tears’ away from her face as she closed her eyes.
“My baby boy is already growing up!”
After that was said, he looks at the poor boy and smiles brightly like she wasn't just crying earlier.
“So, when were you going to tell me you have a girlfriend already?”
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Walking home, you threw away the shopping bag as you slipped on the Eraserhead themed hoodie over your head and onto your body. It wasn't that you didn’t like All Might, but you liked both All Might and Eraserhead, but you already have an All Might themed hoodie back in your closet but not an Eraserhead one.
“All left to get is a Mirko Action figure, Hawks Hoodie and plushie, and an Edgeshot action figure…”
Thinking to yourself and not paying attention to your surroundings, you didn’t notice the fight going on a few alleyways in front of you until you were in front of the alleyway.
Finally, being pulled away from your thoughts, you hear a loud groan from the alleyway.
“Well, curiosity never killed the cat, right?” you whisper to yourself as you enter the alleyway, curiosity getting the best of you.
As you walk into the dark alleyway, you don’t see anything. Deciding to turn back around you do, but soon you hear a loud groan of pain coming from inside a large trash bin.
Stopping in your tracks, you think of your options. To investigate or to not investigate, you chose the latter and walked up to the large trash bin that was closed.
Taking a deep breath, you lift up the lid, but it is a bit too heavy, so you summon your hornet wings to let you float as you open the lid.
Once the lid was open, you sigh, mentally noting to upgrade your workout routine. Before you can go deeper into your own head, a deep, husky voice pulls you out from your thoughts.
“Well, well.... who's this angel I see? A gift from the gods to me?”
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Into Another World - Mha x Reader
Chapter 8: Dumpster Dive & Helping Hand
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“Well, well.... who's this angel I see? A gift from the gods to me?”
Looking down inside of the trash bin, there laid the one and only Dabi. He wore a black leather jacket, black jeans, a white bloody shirt, and his classic black shoes. He looked as if he wasn't part of the League with Shigaraki and everyone else, which is a good sign so far, so maybe he won’t kill you. He seemed to have just gotten in a fight right before you arrived because he looked as if he committed a murder, which wouldn’t be surprising considering it’s Dabi that we were talking about.
“Eh, like what you see?”
Snapping out of your thoughts, you look into his ocean blue eyes and jet-black hair to go along with it, seeming to be captured in some sort of trance, you shake your head and focus on the situation at hand.
“With all that blood on you? No not really...”
He was covered in an unhealthy amount of blood all over his white shirt and some on his stapled-up skin. If you were to focus on his jacket, you could see the blood stains on it as well.
“Oh, what a shame, and here I thought it looked good on me...”
Rolling your eyes, you set yourself down back onto the ground and put your wings away as rustling is heard from inside of the bin and Dabi sits up and pulls himself out. Brushing off his clothing, it was quiet between the two until one of them broke the silence.
“Why were you in a dumpster?”
“Well, if you really want to know Angel, I was just relaxing after a discussion I had with a client.”
“Oh, so that explains the blood. Alright, got it.”
Finishing up tidying up himself, he looked at the girl in front of him as his eyes slightly narrowed. As she stared at him with a sort of calming expression.
“Why aren’t you leaving?”
“Are you not comfortable talking to me or do you not want me here?”
“That’s not it, it’s just that most people would run away or call the police if they saw a random 16-year-old in a dumpster who happens to be all banged up and bloody. So, can I get an answer from you Angel?”
Dabi, slightly smirking, stared at the girl as she ‘coughed’ as to not show her now reddening face due to the nickname she has now been given.
“You know how the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, but this cat has nine lives.”
She points to herself as she then thinks to herself mentally.
“Hopefully I’ll leave with all nine of those lives.”
They stay in silence as they both just stare at each other once again. Both not sure what to do in a situation like this, one could end the other's life right here right now while the other could just shrink and hide from the other. Sighing, Dabi seemed to have reached an agreement inside of his own mind as he spoke up towards the girl.
“Listen, let's make a deal. I won’t kill you if you help me out for a second here and you get to go free, alright? I can’t really just let you go and hope you won’t report my ass to the police now can we Angel?”
“Again, with the nickname.”
Y/n looks at him and nods.
“Fine, it’s not that I don’t really have a choice in this either way.”
She mumbled the last part as Dabi beckoned her to follow him as he walked further into the alleyway.
As he leads the way with Y/n behind him, he stops in front of another dumpster and waits for the girl to stand next to him, which she does. Pointing at the lid that covered the huge dumpster, he speaks up to the h/c girl.
“You got wings right? Bring them out again like last time and lift the lid up until I get what we need.”
Nodding, Y/n summons her wings and flies up a few feet, grabbing onto the lid, she lifts it enough for Dabi to then reach for something inside of it.
Dabi then reaches for something inside and starts to drag it out, before fully revealing what it was underneath all the trash, he looks at the girl with a sudden seriousness.
“Don’t scream or I’ll rip your vocal cords out.”, smirking, he adds more to his command.
“I’d hate to have to do that to you, Angel.”
Before you could even react to his statement, he drags out the thing and throws it onto the ground. Mouth wide open but no sound coming from it, you look at the thing he threw across the ground. There lays a human body that was all swollen up in different shades of purple and black. It smelled horrible and it looks, fresh? As if the person had just been alive and breathing a few minutes ago. Scars laid across the body and you could barely even recognize it was a man at first, he was all beat up and his body was still coated with a layer of bright red blood in the now dark alleyway.
Dabi, having finally let go of a breath he seemed to be holding since he saw that the girl didn’t scream bloody mary, went up to the body and kicked it slightly. Y/n, seeming to finally come out of shock, put the lid back down and tucked her wings back up into her back as she landed next to Dabi as they stood there. Watching the body.
“Good, he’s finally fully dead.”
“What do you mean by ‘fully dead’?”
Looking at the girl, he rolls his eyes as if it was that obvious.
“I left him to burn in that bin for a few minutes. Just to make sure that he learns from his mistakes.”
“So, you pretty much tortured him by making him slowly burn to death so he learns from his mistakes?”
Deciding to not answer her question, he looks back down at the still body.
“Okay here's the plan, you're going to lift his legs and I’m going to lift his upper body and we’ll book it out of here. It probably won’t be too long until some of his friends realize that he hasn't come back from our little ‘meeting’. We’ll bring him to a place I know where I can really finish him off. Got it?”
Taking a deep breath, you nod. I mean, there's no backing up now, right?
Grabbing onto his legs, you summon your wings until Dabi shakes his head at you.
“Hey, what’s the issue? It’ll be easier and faster, won't it?”
“Yes, but the slight buzzing noise might get us caught. It's better to move slower and be successful than to be fast and get both of us caught.”, he said towards the girl as she put her wings back and landed back onto the ground. He then grabs a hold of the dead man’s arms and they both carry the body away and into the night.
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Time - 7:30 pm
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After dragging the body for about an hour away from the alleyway they were originally at, they arrived at what seemed to be an abandoned building near the outskirts of Musutafu. There, they finally laid the man down onto the ground of a room with nothing but a broken bed frame and a shattered mirror in the wall.
The black-haired male stretched out his hand towards the body, looking over his shoulder, he looked at the girl that had helped him with disposing of the body.
“You might want to stand back, wouldn’t want my Angel to get hurt now, would I?”
Looking back at the body, he summoned his quirk, and the dimmed room was flooded with bright blue light from his flames that he led out.
Y/n stood in awe as the blue flames seemed to have danced around the room while seeming to be swallowing the body with it, burning it within the flames.
After a good five minutes, Dabi stopped his flames, and the room went once more. He stepped towards the body and kneeled down to see the damage he’s caused. What was once a body was now a pile of ashes in front of the two teens.
Seeming satisfied, he stood back up and turned around, leaving the room with the girl a few feet behind him. They finally step out of the building to only see that it had begun to rain at some point when they were burning the body inside. Once they were a good few meters from the building, Y/n turned to see Dabi look around, making sure that no one was around.
“I guess, I should get going. My parents are probably wondering where I’m at, you know?”
Walking away from the black headed teen, you rub your dirty hands onto your leggings so as to not get your new hoodie dirty as it was already covered in a bit of blood.
It seemed that Dabi had other plans because he caught up to her quickly and grabbed her forearm with force. Making the girl wince, she turned to face him as she tried to shake his hand off of her.
“Hey, I-I won’t tell the police anything, promise!”
Before she could add more to her sentence, Dabi threw something heavy on top of her head. She then took it off to see that it was his black leather jacket that he had thrown.
“It’ll keep you dry, until you get home, that is. Don’t want my Angel getting sick.”, with a sly smirk, I place the jacket back on top of my head for more protection while thanking him.
“Thanks, but wouldn’t you want it back-”
Looking in front of me, I see that he’s disappeared.
“Uh, I guess he had places to be.”, I thought as I finally began to walk home.
Pulling out my phone, I see that it’s about to hit near 8 pm, so I begin to run in the rain towards the nearest bus stop to get home the fastest way possible.
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Into Another World - Mha x Reader
Chapter 9: A Slimy Start
It's been a while since I've updated, so here's another chapter! Oh, and I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to post more chapters because I really only have Monday and Tuesday of school and I'm out for the rest of the week. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
- h/c - hair color
- Y/n - your name
-L/n - last name
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Time skip - Last few months of 3rd year (Last year) of J.r High
| | | | | | “Now, the quadratic formula was first used in 1594 by a man named Simon Stevin. The purpose for this formula is to give us the roots of the parabola. Now the parabola is a mechanism that……”
The teacher at the front of the classroom went on with the lesson as the rest of the student's paid attention, well, some of them.
Most of the students were either scribbling on a piece of notebook paper or on their phone while the teacher wasn't looking.
A certain h/c girl sat in the back row near the window. She looked out of it as her thoughts consumed her.
It’s been a few months since the interaction between herself and Dabi. After he gave her his jacket and returned home, she noticed her parents were still out and about, so she took the chance to deep clean his jacket because it was covered in blood here and there.
She ended up hiding that thing in her jacket, but fate had other plans because later that night her parents came home, and her mom went through her closet to find something of hers but stumbled upon the jacket and asked her where it was from.
Y/n, like any other teenager would do, lied and said that she bought it on one of her outings with Shinsou a month before they moved here. Absolutely, her mom believed her, why wouldn’t she? Her daughter never really has a reason to lie so why start now. Right?
After that meeting though, I haven't interacted with any other characters from the series except for the ones I've already met. I’ve also been training more as the year went by, increasing my exercise routine and pushing myself to the limit.
So far, I’ve gotten good control over my wings but nothing fantastic yet, but it’ll be good enough for the upcoming entrance exam at UA. My knuckle-stingers, as I like to call them, have become stronger, I’m able to now produce at least 2 different poisons through them. The poisons being a lead and Hornet poisoning.
“Alright students, you guys are all third years now and it’s time to start taking your future seriously!”
Once those words flew out of your homeroom teacher's mouth, your eyes widened slightly as you whip your head towards the teacher as he continues talking as he reaches for some stacks of paper on his desk.
“Finally, the plot really begins…”
“Now, I would hand these out .... but I know you guys are going to want to aim to become heroes!”
As those words left his mouth and those papers flew onto the floor, the students in your class all began to cheer and use their quirks.
Looking around, you see the students using their quirks, a small frown on your face.
Okay, you couldn’t lie that having a quirk and using it was awesome and pretty cool, mainly because you’ve never had one or they never existed in your world, but they still shouldn’t use it so recklessly.
Finally, your eyes begin to move towards Midoriya as he sits at his desk with his head low and slightly slumped in his seat.
From the time you first met him, you’ve never breathed a word about him receiving a quirk from All Might. You’ve made a promise to not involve yourself too much unless absolutely necessary, or things wouldn’t go the way they are supposed to go. I mean, you being here already made a big enough impact, but you want to avoid anything important if possible.
“Hey, teach! Don’t lump me in with the rest of these extras! Like they’d ever compare to my level!”
Moving your head, you stare at a certain person who’s just said those words out front to the class as the rest of the students all start to slightly ‘boo’ him.
Ever since meeting him once again at the start of the year, the two of you have been verbally fighting, surprising enough, nothing physical. It was odd to you that he wouldn’t physically fight you, but he would threaten you with some explosions here and there, but nothing else, it’s mostly just him making fun of Midoriya, you are standing up for him, and Bakugo having an irritated face and mumbling out stupid things.
“Ah yes Bakugo, you're aiming for UA High.”
The students froze at those words in front of the teacher as they began to talk amongst themselves.
“UA high?! They barely accept anyone!”
“I heard their entrance exam is super hard!”
“Didn’t they only accept like 70 students last year?”
“Ha! Might be hard for you useless lot but I passed that mock test, I’m getting into that school! And besides, I’m the only one who has the ability to get into that building!”
Bakugo stands up from his desk as he just boosts his own ego.
“Hell, I’ll even surpass All Might! I’ll become the strongest and not to mention, the richest hero out there!”
The teacher then hums to his explanation and looks down at another sheet of paper in his hands.
“It looks like you're going to try out for UA also, L/n and Midoriya, right?”
As those words left his mouth, Bakugo seemed to have frozen while Midoriya was literally shaking like a leaf on a branch on a windy day. You looked perfectly calm on the inside while deep inside, you were slightly scared because you knew what was to come next, well, to Midoriya at least. Not so sure about yourself though.
“Well shit”
The students in the class have begun to laugh while Midoriya kept his head low, that is until Bakugo goes up to him and blasts him out of his seat and onto the ground.
“Damn Deku! Do you have memory loss or something? Because last time I checked, you're quirkless! Ha, forget these stupid quirks, you have nothing! Do you seriously think you can get into UA?”
As Bakugo moves closer to Midoriya, small explosions coming out of his hand, Midoriya scoots his way towards the wall until he hits it, hands waving frantically as Bakugo stands about 5 feet in front of him.
“K-Kacchan! Y-You got it wrong! I-I wouldn’t want to g-go up against you! I-It’s just, I’ve always wanted to be a hero, and you don’t need a quirk to get in, they took that rule away. S-So, there’s no harm in trying, right?”
He looks towards the ground as he said those words and Bakugo just tsk’s at him and raises his hand up to throw him an explosion once more.
“You're an idiot if you think that, Deku.”
With those words out, Bakugo releases his explosion towards the green-haired boy on the ground.
Closing his eyes shut, he waits for the explosion to hit him, for the heat to yet again, leave another incident to clean up and lie about to his mom once he gets home.
It feels like hours and the explosion still hasn't hit him. And the classroom is dead silent. He slightly opens his eyes to see what had happened, and once he opens his eyes, a small gasp leaves his mouth.
Right in front of him was Y/n, his best friend and technically, first friend, clutching her left side as the students and the teacher all stare at her.
His eyes seemed to have been stuck on her forever as his mind went a million miles per hour.
“Is she alright? Did it hurt? That was so kind of her, but she shouldn’t have! Damn it Izuku, you really are useless if you have to get her involved in your fights with Kacchan…. wait, Kacchan…...”
He moves his eyes slightly to see how Bakugo reacted, only to see, well, he doesn't know what Bakugo’s reaction is.
It’s a mixture between surprised, confused, angry, and…...
“Wait, no, he can’t be worried right? I mean, It’s Kacchan I’m talking about here, there’s no way he’s worried, maybe he’s mad?”
This is what Midoriya thought, no, wanted to think as he looked at Bakugo, but his eyes shifted back to something more important than his rival.
The h/c girl standing in front of him. It feels as if someone stopped time forever until she finally breaks the silence.
“Idiot, that could’ve actually caused some permanent damage to him, think before you act.”
Gripping her left side with your right hand, you start to tremble slightly as your breath only slightly begins to become uneven, you could feel the warm liquid of blood underneath your school uniform as you clutch your side tighter.
Bakugo seems to have been knocked out of his trance as he stares at you with an irritated face.
“Well, maybe it wouldn’t have hurt so bad if you didn’t get in the damn way you pest!”
Looking at him dead in the eye, you sigh and turn back towards the boy on the ground behind you.
Taking a couple of steps, you reach out your free arm towards him and smile.
Midoriya’s face begins to burn as he looks at your extended hand and he grabs it, pulling himself up slightly but mostly pushing himself up from the ground so as to not cause you pain.
“Bakugo, I’m too tired to give you a fight right now, and I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of beating up Izuku. If you plan on becoming a hero, learn to not be a bitch first.”
With those words said and out for him and the rest of your classmates and the teacher to hear, you head make your way out the classroom door with Midoriya behind you, still red in the face as he is still holding hands with you, and the teacher calling out that he’ll call the nurse that you’d be arriving.
Walking down the hallway, Midoriya looks over at your form. You're still clutching your left side of your stomach as your school uniform is already soaking in the blood from the injury.
He still couldn’t believe what had happened just a few minutes ago. One moment he was about to get blasted to the sky by Bakugo but the next moment, you took the hit for him. You stood up for him, against the someone that everyone at school feared, Bakugo. You had taken the hit and now there was blood on your uniform.
She glanced at the boy as he looked away as she looked at him, his face becoming beat red once again.
“That feeling again, it feels warm. And nice? It’s hard to explain…. maybe I have a fever? Yea, that’s it! A fever, I need to make sure that I take some medicine once we get to the nurse.”
“Hey um, Y/n?”
Midoriya takes a deep breath as he says the following words with his face bright red from embarrassment on what he’s about to suggest.
“D-Do you want my jacket? Since yours is all covered in blood and stuff. B-But if you aren't comfortable, I understand! Youdon’thavetotakeitorfeeltheneedtotakeit-”
“Yea sure, that’ll be a great idea actually! But maybe once were done getting some bandages fist though!”
Midoriya stops speaking and nods while they continue to walk.
| | | | Later that day - Back at homeroom
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“Y/n, I think you should still go to the nurse's office, the injury that Kacchan gave to you seems pretty serious.”
The bell had just rung, and the last few people were gone from the classroom, it was now only Y/n and Midoriya in the classroom. Midoriya was packing up his stuff as the girl leaned against a desk nearby and scrolled through her phone, she had decided to not go to the nurse's office but instead sent Midoriya in their office to ask for some bangles and medical tape and once he received them, he gave them to her, and she bandaged herself up instead. And afterwards like he agreed, he gave Y/n his jacket so that she doesn't have to keep wearing her own with blood on it.
To Y/n, it was a friendly gesture, you know, friends. To Midoriya, it felt like something more, but he kept to himself on that part and tried convincing his brain that it’s just what friends do, but he can help but like the way you had his jacket on, it felt right.
“Don’t worry about it Izuku, I’m fine really. And besides, if I did go to the nurse's office, my parents would’ve been called down to pick me up and ground me.”
“Yea but still, what if you hurt it again? Then it could be really dangerous because it’s near where your stomach is and if you hurt your stomach, you’ll-”
“Izuku, I’m fine! Just chill, okay?”
The boy shut his mouth and looked back down at his bag, silence coming over the two of you.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have been pushing you to do something you don’t want to do Y/n.”
Looking over at him, you smile softly as he looks back up and slightly blushes.
“No, it’s fine Izuku, besides, I think I was being a tad bit harsh.”
“Y-You weren’t being harsh! You were just standing your ground on a decision you made!”
“Ha, thanks Izuku, but it’s really not your fault so don’t feel like it is, alright?”
Midoriya stays quiet and so a minute passes by between them until he speaks up again.
“Thank you.”
Looking over at him, you tilt your head to the side slightly.
“Thank you, for what exactly? Oh! Was it for that sandwich I gave to you last Wednesday? Izuku, I already told you; I didn’t really like it-”
“No, I mean yes for that, but not for that. I meant about what you did today, standing up for me to Bakugo.”
“Oh, that…Izuku, you don’t have to thank me, really, I did it because I care about you, you're my best friend.”
Best friend, that didn’t seem to sound nice in his mind. Honestly, it felt off, correct but not correct at the same time? He really didn’t know.
But before he could think further on the subject, Y/n starts to talk.
“Oh hey! You know that incident that you saw this morning? It’s all over the news!”
Pulling out his hero analysis notebook, he opened it up and grabbed a pen in the process, mumbling to himself as you read him the article and he wrote the information down on the heroes involved and the villain. Before he could finish though, someone snatched that notebook away, and that someone was Bakugo.
“Oi Deku, we were not done with our little chat from earlier.”
That’s the moment something in your brain clicked that it was that part when it happens.
You put on a tight smile, and look at Bakugo, but he refuses to look at you.
“K-Kacchan…. give it back.”
Of course, behind Bakugo were his “friends' ', mocking Midoriya.
“Kacchan, give it back! Ha! You sound helpless!”
“But hey! Maybe your knight in shining armor will come to your rescue!”
Both yourself and Midoriya's faces begin to heat up, while Midoriya is looking for words to say, you look at them unamused.
“Oh, shut up, will you? And you, hand over the notebook, we have places to be and don’t have time for this.”
Bakugo hasn't said a word or even looked at you throughout this whole interaction, not until you extend your hand for the notebook as he looks down at the notebook.
He seems calm on the outside, but on the inside, he’s fuming, and absolutely, that anger starts to show on his face as he clutches the notebook harder in his hand.
The other two kids stopped teasing Midoriya as they all looked at him, you are the first to talk.
“Why did you choose Deku, of all people? You couldn’t have chosen someone else to hang around with, it just had to be him.”
Looking at him, your eyes are clouded with confusion on to where this is going, as you look past him and at the clock, you notice it’s beginning to get late. This isn't a good sign because if your memory is correct, Midoriya meets All Might in about an hour, and he’s been here for 45 minutes and that only leaves him only a few minutes to make it to the spot where the slug villain tries to take over his body and for All Might to save him and that’s where it rolls out from there.
Irritated, you look back at Bakugo.
“We don’t have time for this bull shit Bakugo.”
With that, you snatch the notebook out of his hands, grab Midoriya so that he walks in front of you, and the two of you make your way out of the classroom.
Right about to walk out the door, Bakugo yells out to the two of you and points to Midoriya all while smirking.
“Deku! I have some advice for you. If you really want to become a hero, pray that you’ll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive from the rooftop!”
There it was, the final nail in the coffin that Bakugo is rotten to the core. Sensing that Midoriya is about to cry, you drag him out of the classroom and leave the school, not looking back once. If you had, you would have seen how mad Bakugo was when you didn’t do anything about it, how you wouldn’t turn back at him and not Midoriya.
| | | | | Underneath that bridge thing
| | | | | As the two of you walked slowly underneath the bridge, and when I say slowly, I mean snail speed, you had to make sure that Midoriya met All Might so everything went according to plan. But it was silent for two reasons.
One, you were listening for any sound of the sludge villain coming and two, Midoriya was thinking about what Bakugo had said to him earlier.
Looking over at Midoriya, you pat his back as he looks at you and you smile.
“Hey, ignore what he said, he doesn't know shit okay? I personally think that you can be a good hero, no, scratch that, the best hero there will ever be out there! So, I don't like to give up on it, okay?”
Midoriya continues to look at you and slowly, tears start to form, tears of happiness and he smiles.
“Y-Y/n, thank you, thank you so much for being with me and supporting me every step of the way! I promise I won’t let you down!”
Smiling, you stop to give him a hug, and so he stops and hugs you, all of a sudden, you both hear something behind you.
“Oh? Am I interrupting something?”
Letting go of each other, you both turn around to see the sludge villain.
“Bigger than I expected…”
“Well, the girl will probably scream out if I take her, so I’ll take you kid!”
All in one second, the sludge thing wraps itself to Midoriya, suffocating him as he tries to free himself.
“Thanks kid! You're a real hero for helping me out here!”
That’s what you did, panic. I mean, who wouldn’t? One thing was watching this scene through a screen, another was actually being in it and watching it in front of you.
“What do I do, do I just let it happen? Wait, no, even if it’s supposed to happen, I can’t let him suffer through any longer!”
With that thought in mind, your eyes scanned the creature, looking for an angle to attack it from, or even to just distract it for just one second.
As you searched for a chance to attack, Midoriya’s eyes met yours with panic as he pulled off some slime from his mouth.
“Y/n! Don’t do anything! You’ll hurt yourself even more-ugh!”
The slime covered his mouth back up, choking him even more, and the sludge villain finally glanced at you and turned back to his victim as if you had just gotten an idea.
Closing your right hand into a fist, the stingers came out from your knuckles and pulled back your arm, ready to swing it back at the villain.
“Stinger Throw : Hornet Poisoning!”
As you mentally said those words, the stingers became a slightly yellow at the tip and you finally swung your arm towards the villain while the four stingers left your knuckles and bolted towards the sludge villain, specifically aiming for its eye.
The stingers flew right through the sludge villain, it looked back at the h/c girl with a smirk.
“You have guts, but did you really think that you could-aaaa!”
The sludge villain lets go of Midoriya and said boy stubbled for a bit until he sprinted towards Y/n. Now that they are reunited, they stand beside each other as they look at the villain.
Since the stingers she fist threw from her right knuckles didn’t hit it at all, she used the time that it was talking to her to create some more stingers in her left knuckles and threw them once more, finally ending in one of the stingers piercing threw it’s right eye.
“Damn it you little-!”
Before it could finish its sentence, the sewer lid on the floor was thrown open as a deep, loud voice was heard.
“It’s okay now! Why? Because I am here!”
In the flesh stood All Might, he reeled back his arm and aimed for the sludge villain, all while smiling.
“Texas, Smash!”
And with that, he blew the sludge villain to pieces, literally, little groups of slime flew everywhere and so did Midoriya and Y/n.
Midoriya flew somewhere on the ground while you flew straight into a wall, and not wanting to injure even more your injury that you already have, you curl yourself into a tight ball to protect your left side as you head hit the wall and you fell onto the ground face first, that when everything blacked out.
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I'm not the best at writing fighting sense so forgive me if it was pretty bad, but I tried my best.
Anyways, I just feel the need to explain that the reason Y/n had the injury on her left side near her stomach was basically because she just barely managed to cover Bakugo's explosion that aimed towards Midoriya, and it ended up hitting her side. I'm planning on having her injury become impacted during and possibly during and after USJ at some point, and plus, I needed something to work with if I wanted her to have a platonic relationship with a few heroes here and there.
If you guys want, comment which platonic relationships and/or romantic ones you want the reader to have, I'm trying to age down a few characters (such as Dabi for example) so that they can have a romantic relationship of some sort with the reader.
Anyways, have a good rest of your day!
Made a new fanfic!
Made a new fanfic, it's called The Hunger Games: Rise of the Phoenix and I'll post the prologue and chapter one right now! And it's a cross over with MHA.
The Hunger Games: Rise of the Phoenix
Prologue - The Sweat Sound of Freedom
Sorry that this is short, but I hope you all enjoy!
B/n - brother's names
H/c - hair color
E/c - eye color
Y/n - your name
L/n - last name
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There was not much to see in district 12.
District 12 is the main industry for coal mining, so it wasn't much of a sight to see.
It’s divided into two sections, the Seam and the Merchant section, the Seam is where my family lives along with the Everdeen’s a couple of doors down.
It’s also where most of the people with miners in the family live, due to not making enough money to sustain themselves to live in the Merchant section. The Merchant section is basically where the wealthier people live and have their small business.
I have two older twin brothers, B/n and B/n, they weren’t that bad of siblings, and they were the ones that usually helped out my parents by helping out in the mines and stealing some food and necessities here and there.
During my younger years (around 5 or so), I was left with the Everdeen’s family to be looked after, and during those times I spent most of my time with Katniss. She was the eldest daughter in their family, Prim being younger than both of us, but she wasn't born into this world yet.
We spent a lot of time together and over time, people just started calling us sisters.
I mean, they weren’t wrong, we did always spend time with each other, so it made sense.
While hanging out with each other, she would usually take me out on walks around the district, mostly going near the fence to get away from all the guards that seemed to always be scattered around the place.
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One day, we went on a walk just like any other day, but today was off.
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I was dropped off at their house as usually as my parents went off to work and my brothers to school. Soon after they left, Katniss opened the door and smiled.
“Hey N/n! How’s it been?”
“Good! And you?”
“I’ve been good as well, come in for a second, we’ll be out in a minute, just need to grab a few things.”
Upon entering her home, she closed the door behind her and walked to her room for a few minutes and came right back. In her hands was a homemade bag that she had made once, she put it on the small table near the fireplace and opened it up.
Curious, Y/n moved closer to the older girl to peek over her shoulder to see what she had in the bag, but before she could see what was there, Katniss closed the bag and plunged it onto her back, looking down at the h/c girl.
“Nope! You don’t get to look N/n, it’s a surprise! Now, want to go on a walk?”
Nodding, you follow her out of the house and begin to walk down the streets of District 12 side by side.
After a few minutes of walking, you begin to notice that you both have been walking further and further away from the houses and such, when you see the fence and begin to tug on Katniss’s shirt.
“Hey Katniss, why are we going near the fence?”
Katniss glanced down at the younger girl and looked back up, not saying a word and just grabbing a hold of her hand instead and walked faster towards the fence.
They finally make it to the fence and Katniss pulls Y/n to kneel onto the ground beside her.
She looks at the e/c girl with a serious expression, using her actual name to get her attention so that she knows this is serious.
“Y/n, I need you to look out for anyone who is coming near us, it doesn't matter how far away they are from us, but you need to tell me if you see someone, okay?”
“Yea okay Katniss, I can do that.”
With those words, Katniss takes off her bag and opens it to reveal a sort of hunter’s knife, a small bow with arrows, and a few smaller knives. She takes the hunter’s knife and starts to cut through the wires of the fence while beads of sweat rolled down her forehead.
On the other hand, you were looking around to look for anyone who would come into your line of sight.
A few minutes have passed until you saw the fence begin to move, and so you look around and gasp slightly to see that Katniss was now on the other side of the fence. Holding open the fence, Katniss motions Y/n to cross over.
“N/n, come on!”
Hesitating, you look at her and back to District 12, a nervous expression on your face.
“W-Wait, are we leaving? What if we get caught? What if a guard sees us? What if-”
“Y/n! We aren’t going to leave, we're just going to hunt for some food for our family, now come on before someone actually sees us!”
Sighing, you cross through the fence and onto the other side with Katniss and as you finally crossed over, Katniss grabbed her bag and slipped it back on and let go of the fence.
She made it look as if no one had ever been there.
Katniss then picked you up from the ground and started to run away.
You two were running away into the forest, away from District 12.
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You both were now deep into the forest now, the trees shielding the two of you.
Katniss finally put you back down onto the ground as she then sat down on a nearby rock, catching her breath while you sat next to her on the ground.
After a few minutes had passed, Katniss got up and looked around until something shiny caught her eye, she walked towards it and you filled right behind her until you both stared with shock from what was in front of you.
In front of the two girls was a stream.
A stream with fresh water.
The two girls looked at each other and smiled while they both rushed towards the water, not caring that their clothing got wet, they entered the stream.
In District 12, the water that they were provided with was often dirty and mucky from the water that they showed into the water that they drank. It wasn't clean, but now that they saw how clean and fresh the stream looked, they couldn’t help themselves from shouting with glee and jumping right into the water.
They giggled as they began to splash each other with the water, smiles so bright that it could rival the sun.
After a few minutes of playing around in the stream, Katniss decided that it was best if they both washed up with actual clean water, so they took their clothes off and hung them on a nearby branch as they both began to clean themselves with a rag that Katniss had in her bag.
After washing themselves, they put back on their now dry clothes and began to walk deeper into the forest.
It was a quiet walk until the youngest decided to break the silence.
“Hey, Katniss?”
“Yea N/n?”
“Is this what being free feels like?”
After a few seconds of silence, Katniss looks over at the younger girl.
“I guess so, why?”
“....I like the way it feels, being free, I mean.”
“I like the feeling too.”
The two girls walked for another good hour. Once the sun had begun to set, they headed back to where they’ve entered through the fence, made their way back to District 12, and pretended like nothing had ever happened, only keeping this to themselves.
As you laid down on your bed, you thought to yourself, there was a feeling that you felt (and still feel) that you really liked when you were on the other side of the fence.
What was the sense of feeling and sound that Y/n had and wants to forever have?
Well, that was the sweet sound of freedom.
| | | | | A/n:
I hope you guys enjoyed the Prologue! Again, sorry that it's short. Btw, Katniss has and will have platonic relationship with Y/n. But there will be some romantic ones here and there, but that's for later in the story.
Have a good rest of your day!
The Hunger Games: Rise of the Phoenix
Chapter 1 - Fenghuang
Here's the first chapter for you guys! Hope you all enjoy!
h/c - hair color
Y/n - Your name
L/n - Last name
s/c - skin color
Fenghuang - A female phoenix goddess in Chinese mythology. It's said that it is an immortal bird whose rare appearance is said to be a foretelling of harmony, hope, and peace to come. And an ascent to the throne of a new emperor.
(The Statement above was altered a little bit by me to fit the story, if you want to know the actual definition, you can see right here --> Fenghuang | Phoenix, Bird-Woman & Immortality | Britannica.)
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10 years later
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Y/n woke up startled as she felt sweat on her forehead. She looked around the room she shared with her mother; her mother though wasn't in bed like she usually would. The h/c girl was sleeping peacefully, until she awoke, unaware that the yearly nightmare was waiting for her today, for everyone.
It was the day of the reaping, the day where two people from the ages 12 through 18, a boy and a girl from each of the twelfth districts, would get chosen to compete in the Hunger Games.
To make a long story short, the Hunger Games was a fight to the death, televised everywhere for the entertainment of the people from the Capital.
Knowing that she wouldn’t be able to sleep anymore, Y/n got up from her bed and looked out the small window that the room had. It was still early in the morning, so she could still meet up with Katniss and her friend Gale in the forest.
With that thought in mind, she grabbed her small bag that Katniss had made for her a few years back, which contained a variety of different knives and one small ax. She slipped on her shoes and left her house, coming to the conclusion that her parents and brother were in the mines working. Making it to the fence, she slipped through it and onto the other side as she quickly but quietly made her way to their meeting place.
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“Hey Katniss.”
Looking back, the taller and older girl with jet black hair turned around and smiled as she saw the girl she grew to see as her sister, other than Prim of course.
“N/n! I thought you wouldn’t be able to come here.”
“Well, no one was home so I just left, oh, he Gale.”
Gale was standing next to Katniss, you’ve fist met him when you and Katniss were going through some of the shops in the Seam. At first, you did feel comfortable around him, as if there was something about him that just didn’t seem right.
It wasn't until that by the age of 10, your older brother, B/n, died while working in the mines. Gale had said that he was near his area when the explosion had happened and that he tried to look for him, but he didn’t get the chance. I guess that was the time you started to feel a brotherly connection through Gale, due to him being such close friends (as he put it) with your brothers that he then felt the need to take his place, but Gale never mentioned those words to the girl.
“Hey N/n, how’s it been?”
“Eh, I’ve been okay.”
“Alright guys, let's go hunt something while we can, alright?”
Nodding, you followed the two older teens as you all made your way through the forest and towards the usually hunting spot.
Finally arriving at the spot, you set down your bag and open it to take out one of the larger knives, which also was your favorite one. You kneeled down in between both Gale and Katniss as Katniss had her Bow ready and Gale with a small sword like weapon.
A few minutes had passed and nothing had come across us yet, so we decided to just take a break for now and just chill for a little bit. It was quiet, and you enjoyed it, until Gale opened his mouth and ruined the silence.
“Hey Catnip, you look like you’ve had a nightmare or something.”
“I did, about the reaping.”
Silence took over once more, but it wasn't the comfortable one like before, it was more of an awkward and tense silence.
Gale nodded, agreeing with her statement.
“Me too, It’s hard not to think about it, especially today.”
It was silent once more, and then I felt the side glance that both Katniss and Gale gave to me.
“You shouldn’t worry though N/n, your name is only in four times right?”
You were only 15, so of course your name would only be in the bowl four times.
One time, you thought about putting in your name more than once to get some of the food that they offered for a family member, but of course, Katniss got a whiff of that and shut your plan down immediately.
She ended up giving you a lecture with Gale for about an hour on why it was a stupid idea to do that and besides, why would you do that if Gale and herself were already helping out your family.
Katniss had entered her name multiple times so that she could provide for her family, Prim and her mother, along with my family with the help from Gale, who has his name in the bowl like 50 times.
“Yea, only four times. But still, there's the possibility that it might happen.”
“Come on N/n, don’t think like that, nothing will happen to you if I have anything to say about it.”
Katniss, rubbed your back and smiled down at you softly.
“I won’t let anything happen to either you or Prim.”
You put on a tiny smile, Gale was about to say something until you both heard something loud in the sky.
Katniss snatched you up and hid with you and Gale underneath one of the bigger trees in the forest as a huge flying ship-like thing flew over the three of you.
As the ship finally flew over and away, probably near the entrance of district 12. (where ever it is)
Katniss sighed, as she hid her bow and arrows away in the usual hiding place as you put your knife away in your bag.
“I think we should head back, before the reaping starts.”
Nodding, Gale leads the way as you follow close behind the two of them, not knowing what was to come next.
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You went up to the table and one of the guards took your right s/t hand and poked it with a needle, blood coming out of your pointer finger as they then pushed it down onto a piece of paper.
The paper showed three other fingerprints, the fourth meaning that you were present and not hiding away from the reaping. You were then escorted towards a small group of kids around your age gap.
“Do they really think that grouping us together near our age will calm our nerves? Pathetic, really.”
Turning around, you smile to see one of your other long-live childhood friends from the age of four.
Hitoshi Shinso.
His family lived in the Seam as well, but they were one of the wealthier of the people in the Seam, not enough to move them where the wealthiest people of the district live, but wealthy enough to be able to live alright.
The two of you met out in the streets one day, he was helping out a cat on the ground while you offered him a carton of milk that you had gotten from Katniss for the cat. Ever since then, you two have become best friends.
“Shinso! Thank god, I thought I would have to suffer watching the history of Panem by myself again!”
He shrugged, giving me a smug smirk.
“Well, I could always leave you and find someone else to hang out with during this thing. Uh, maybe I could hang with Mineta-”
“Ew! You would never want to leave me for that thing! Right?”
“Of course I won’t leave you for him, do you think I’m some sort of creep?”
The two of you laughed, Mineta was the lowest of the low in the district. Although he was the son of one of the wealthy families in the district who owned a small shop of vegetables and fruits, he was a creep. Always looking underneath girls skirts and making disgusting comments on them and their bodies. Maybe in another universe he wasn't so bad.
Actually, you doubted that, he probably was bad or worse in all the other worlds out there.
Shinsou and Y/n talked a few minutes more until everyone was silenced, a woman with ridiculously pink outfits with a huge pink bow on her white/gray hair. (or was it a wig?) Shinsou leaned towards you so you could only hear what he had to say.
“She’s probably from the Capitol. Only people like her wear such weird clothing and have perfect skin.”
He wasn't wrong, she was probably, most likely, to have come from the Capital or even lived there to be able to look like that, but it wasn't the time to judge right now for she was about to speak as she taped the microphone a few times.
“Is this thing on? Oh! Okay, ahem. Hello everyone! Welcome! Welcome, and happy Hunger Games.”
Nobody said a word, only a cough could be heard from the crowd as Effie stared out to the bland crowd.
“Anyways! We have a special film that’s been brought all the way from the Capitol!”
With that, Effie pointed towards the huge screen displayed for all to watch.
“Special film my ass, it’s the same as every year.”
The film went on saying how the war was terrible and how thirteen districts rebelled against the country that had taken care of them and protected them until the peace came and that the new people swore that they wouldn’t let it happen again. And so they signed a paper declaring that each year from then on, each of the districts will select one girl and one boy to compete with each other to the death to remind the people of the generosity that our country has given us.
The film ended and Effie smiled as she spoke into the microphone.
“Well, I just love that! Well, the time has now come to select one brave young man and young woman to bring honor and represent District 12 for the 74th annual Hunger Games. And as usual, ladies first.”
The woman made her way a couple of feet away from the microphone and towards the two giant bowls, filled with folded papers with the names of the kids.
Heart beating fast against my chest, I look at Effie as she reaches into the bowl, spending a second, which felt like an hour, selecting a name until she decided on one and pulled it out.
Unfolding the paper, Effie read out the name through the microphone.
“Primrose Everdeen!”
Everyone turned towards the said girl, and she stood frozen in place.
This was her first year, she only had her name in the bowl once and she had already been chosen to compete in the games.
“This isn't fair, it’s only her first year…”
I thought to myself, then, a thought accrued to me, Katniss.
Looking around, you find Katniss in the same situation.
Her face also said it all, she couldn’t believe that her only other sister was chosen for the games, and it was her first year too.
“Well, come on up dear! Come on up!”
Prim starts to walk forwards, but takes a step back, but then walks forwards once more.
She’s then about to be grabbed onto and escorted to the stage until you’ve decided to have enough of what was happening. Not being able to see Katniss’s only sister be taken away, you rush forward and tear Prim away from the guards while throwing her towards Katniss, who was already a couple of feet behind you, hugging her sister.
The guards beside you grab onto your arms as you struggle and like usually, you act before you think.
“I volunteer as a tribute!”
Everyone was silent.
Shinsou was shocked and couldn’t believe what he had just heard.
Your mother screamed bloody mary.
Your father held her in his arms.
Your brother, who was already past the age to get chosen for the games, stood there with an expressionless face on.
Gale’s face was also expressionless, seeming to control himself from attacking the guards that grabbed onto you.
Katniss held Prim in her arms as Prim gasped at the announcement you had just said.
And Katniss, she felt the same devastation she felt for when Prim had gotten her name called out. Only this time, she chose to do something.
Gale seemed to have understood and took Prim in his arms as he watched Katniss go up towards you, but gets pushed away by the guards.
“H-Hey! I volunteer! I volunteer as a tribute!”
Everyone looked at the situation that had just unfolded, and then stared at Effie as she was the one to decide what was to happen, she cleared her throat and smiled.
“Well, I’m sorry young lady but there can only be one volunteer! Now, come up darling! Don’t be shy now!”
Shaking off the guards that had held onto you, you made your way up stage and next to Effie. Looking out in the crowd, you see your parents and brother, your mother wasn't screaming, just crying now as your father held onto her with a few tears on his face and your brother with a face of steel. But you knew that face of steel would soon break when no one was around. Effie then put a hand on your shoulder and looked at you with a bright smile.
“District 12 first volunteer! Now darling, what’s your name?”
“Y/n L/n”
“Now, I bet that those girls were your older and younger sister, right?”
“No, they aren’t, but they're something like family to me.”
“Oh how kind of you! Okay everyone, let's have a round of applause for our beautiful volunteer!”
Effie began to clap, but no one seemed to have bothered because they didn’t clap. Looking around the crowd, your eyes meet Shinsou, and by the looks of it, he seemed to have been holding back tears as well.
Shinsou was then the first to perform a gesture of respect and admiration, he held up three of his fingers from his right hand and put it onto his lips briefly before lifting his hand up in the air to show them, Katniss did the same, Prim, Gale, your parents, your brother, and soon enough the rest of the people followed. Effie stopped clapping as the rest of the people just hung their hands in the air, displaying the three fingers towards Y/n.
Clearing her throat, Effie smiled once more and went towards the boy’s bowl.
“Now for the boys!”
Looking back at Shinsou, your eyes meet each other once more, you mouth out the following words, praying that he would listen to you.
“Don’t volunteer.”
He sighed and mouthed back an ‘okay’ and nodded.
You both knew that if he gets chosen, then you would eventually need to kill one another or deal with one or the other's death. Neither of you guys wanted that.
Effie took out a slip of paper and unfolded and read out the name written on it.
“Minoru Mineta!”
All of a sudden, the boy started to barrel his eyes out with tears and shouts.
“W-What? I can’t be chosen! Why?!”
He was dragged onto stage as we were then placed next to each other, but I stepped back, not wanting that creep to be close to me at all.
Effie seemed to have seen my disgusted face and understood what was happening, so she didn’t make us shake hands like how the other year's tributes did.
“Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!”
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“Are you stupid?! Why would you do that?”
After Effie announced the tributes and such, we were then placed in separate rooms to get some final goodbye from our loved ones. And right now, you were just getting a lecture from your mother who was shouting at you while crying, your father and brother were behind her.
Not letting you respond to her question, she sighed and looked at you with tears in her eyes and her voice cracking under pressure.
“Please stay alive Y/n. Please, I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost another one of my children.”
You hug your mother as she hugs you back, then your brother and father give you a hug and now you're all hugging each other.
“I’ll be fine, just, have faith and hope in me, okay?”
| | | | |
After a few more moments with them, they leave, and Katniss comes in with her sister, her mother, and Gale.
Katniss’s hands are shaky as she pulls you into a hug, and you can see the dried up tears on her face.
She lets go of her and reaches for something in her pocket. Once she pulls out a round pin with a type of bird on it with what looks like rays of sun coming from behind it and the bird (which what you finally recognized) was a phoenix, spreading its wings wide open, colors red, black, orange, and slight yellow.
“It’s yours N/n.”
She then places it into my hands and smiles at me.
“I was going to give it to you for your 16th birthday but, you know….”
Nodding, you take the pin in your hands and put it into your pocket for safe keeping.
Gale takes a turn to hug you and also give you some advice.
“Stay alice Y/n, we’ll be waiting for you here.”
They all bid their goodbyes and leave the building.
Sighing, you're about to think to yourself until the doors open again and something smashes against your body, having their arms around you. You look to see that the one hugging you was Shinsou.
“You better fucking win Y/n. Beat all their asses and win, you got that? I can’t be here alone without you.”
Staring at him in shock, you smile and hug him back.
“I’ll try to win, no, I will win. Ha, for my parents and for you Shinsou. I’ll win, okay? You just have to promise me that you’ll cheer for me.”
The two of you separate from the hug but he keeps his arms on your shoulder, and slowly moves onto your cheek as he looks down on you, because he was taller than you.
“I’d always cheer for you Y/n.”
As if time stopped and it was only the two of you, he begins to move his face closer to yours as you do the same.
The two of you were so close that your nose touched and as the two of you were about to get even closer, the doors opened and you both separated from each other while looking at who was at the doors.
At the door was the Mayor and two guards behind him.
“It’s time to go Y/n.”
Looking back at Shinsou, you smile and go up to him and quickly kiss him on the cheek and leave the room as the guards escorted you out.
If you would have looked back, you would have seen Shinsou place a hand on his cheek and smile with a love-struck look in his eyes and wildly blushing as he looked at your form disappearing out the door.
“I’ll see you soon Y/n.”
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“You two are in for an absolute treat! Oh the Capital is such a beautiful place, and you’ll both be there in just two days!”
Effie kept talking your ears off as she talked on and on about the Capital. Mineta was only paying attention to her because, well, she was a female and he was eyeing more and more at her chest.
“How disgusting.”
The car stops and the three of you step out as the guards escort you onto the silver train. Some of the people around you were grabbing onto your arms, one managed to grab a hold of your arm, it was an old man with a long white beard and started talking and shouting.
“Fenghuang! Fenghuang, please oh please help us! Free us Fenghuang, free us!”
“What? I’m not-”
One of the guards shook the elder off of you and pushed you away from him before you could say anymore.
Effie then gestured to you to enter the train as Mineta was already on.
You went up to the train and got on, not without hearing the same old man and a few other people start to shout.
“Fenghuang! Fenghuang!”
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I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! And yes, Shinsou will be having a romantic relationship with Y/n. I'm sort of have an idea on who will be the other tributes, but you'll have to wait and see. I hope you have a good rest of your day!
Chapter 10: Reality Check
I'm back! I hope you like this chapter! (I kind of rushed it so beware of any mistakes in this chapter)
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Opening her eyes, she sees that she’s in the same room from a couple months ago. The only difference was that she could turn her head ever so slightly to the left and the right.
Staring at the white walls around her, she decided to turn her head to the left, as she did, she saw a blur of f/f, or what happened to resemble them.
She really didn’t know.
Her eyes then moved towards the all too familiar balcony farther away from where she layed, she stared at the rocking chair that was there, rocking by itself.
Probably the wind.
A gasp was heard, so she turned towards the noise on her right and saw a blurry figure. It seemed to have been a woman, based on the white shirt that matched with her blouse and hat with a singular red shape on it.
The lady seemed to have lost all feeling in her hands because the tray that once was in her hands seemed to have dropped to the floor causing a loud thud.
As the two females looked at each other, one eye wide while the other had her eyes half open, the girl that played in the hospital bed could only feel a sense of relief on not being abandoned once more.
The older lady seemed to have had a different reaction though, as she spun on her heel, turned around and ran out the door as she shut it right behind her.
The room was silent once more until the sound of sheets ruffling was heard and the bed squeaking as the younger girl stood up from the bed. She pulled out the remaining IV’s that were attached to her and shuffled herself towards the door that the lady had walked out just moments before.
Hand on the doorknob, she looked back to see the balcony and the rocking chair, that now laid still.
Sighing, she opened the door and walked out into the blinding light.
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It took her some time for her eyes to become adjusted to the light in the hallway.
About five minutes have passed or so (an hour in the mindset for Y/n) after she had walked out of that suffocating room and into the never ending white and bright hallway.
Passing through the hallway, she looked at the doors on either side of her. Each had some blurry words written on them, names to be specific.
Walking for what seemed like forever, a pang of pain hit her, specifically her head. It started out small, but the pain soon increased from a faint poke to a loud thud-like noise.
Now leaning against a wall for support, she brought her hands to both sides of her head to try and stop the pain.
Spoiler: It didn’t work.
Kneeling on the floor while resting her body on the wall, she started to breath rapidly as the pain went on in her head.
“Make it stop damn it!”
She yelled out as the pain only increased.
Tears gathering in her eyes, her body started to shake uncontrollably as she called out for help.
“H-Hey?! Someone, help! Please! I-I…...”
Vision begins to blur, tears streaming down her s/c, and the pain still increases.
Only barely being able to hear anything other than the loud thud, the sound of multiple footsteps could be heard from behind her and soon enough, three nurses came into her blurry line of vision as one of them crouched down to her level, hands on her shoulders.
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay, it’s going to be okay, okay? Can you nod for me?”
Nodding, you look at the women, your vision finally becoming slightly clearer.
The nurse in front of you has a slightly darker skin tone with bright brown eyes and beautiful curly hair the color of obsidian.
“Okay, that’s good. Stay with us yea? Mark, go get Dr. Pepper, tell her that patient…...”
She takes your hand and looks at the wrist band with a bunch of numbers on it.
“Patient 864, tell her it’s urgent.”
Whoever Mark was heard running in the opposite direction from where you were heading towards. As they left, you began to see different black shapes in your line of vision as your eyes started too slightly close.
The nurse noticed and made you lean against the wall while slowly tapping your cheek, trying to keep you conscious.
“Hey now, don’t you sleep on me kid, wake up.”
Nodding, you tried to keep your eyes open and head up but failed to do so.
As the nurse kept tapping your face, a bit harder this time to try and keep you awake, your eyes finally closed as you had only one thought in mind.
“I don’t want to be alone again….”
| | “Hey girl, wake up, don’t leave me hanging here!” | |
| “-id wake up, will ya?”
| | | “-Pepper, she just keeps going in and out of-”
| | | “-think I’ll take the young lady to the hospital, you did mention she had an injury young man, correct?”
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“-need you awake, please, your family needs you, hold on-”
“-young lady, wake up, your friend here needs you-”
W̴̨̨̢̢̢̡̡̢̢̡̧̡̧̡̧̧̡̡̡̡̛̛̛̛̛̛͉̼͙̘̟̘̬̥̹̜͇̹̦̣̦͚̯̞̜̹̻̙͔̠͉̳͓͙̳̤̬̗̳̞͖͖̰̼̜̲̥͕̭̦̤̜̠̜̻̦͔̟̭̗̰̗͍͓̯̞̬̤͖͙͙̙̫̭̗̮̣̹͍͓̬̙̻̣̮̪͉͓͓͓̮̠̩͙̻͚̝͉̯̗͎͓̠̫͕̯͕̫̣̺̻̭̘̲̭̝͚̥͖̜̱̼̤̬̺̩̙̮̱̲͙̩͕̠͓̹̮͎̼͖͙͙̜̰͍̪̣̲̝̫̼̯̦̫̟̹̹͓̦̟͖̺̟̫͈̠̝̫͓̘͚̱̜̝̣̬͚̥͖̯̜͍͈͍̗̣̠̰͈̠̞̙̝̳̮̙̦̪̥͎̯̰͈̤̍͋̏̾̄̔̍̒̆͒͊͂͐̓̑̎͌̔̍͐̈͗̊̀͗́͒̅͑̈́͌͑̈́̇͂̂̾̍̂͂̄̄͒̾̿͒̒͛͌̓̓̐̈́̿͑̂͋̋̑̾͆̽̿̊̎̏̏̏̔́̀̑̈́̾̀̿͐͗͂͂͂̋̐̅͋̓̃̽̍̈́̍͊̈̊̈̄͊̐͛̑̄̽́̋͑́̓̅̽̇̈̿͆̂͒̽̐̍̏̒͐̃̋̐͑̊̀́̽̊̈́̌̓̽͗́͂̾́͒́̀́͛̉͗͛͂̓́̈͗͂͛̅̾̓̏̇̈́̄͛̍̿̈̓̏̀̉͛́͊̀̀̍̐͒̂̒̓̓̌̈̓̈́̌̎̽̈̔̿̒̅̍̍̈̊̀̃̎̾̀͊̍̏͒̎̚͘̕̕̚̚͘̚͘̚̕͘̚̚̚͘͘͘͘͘͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅa̷̢̨̡̢̨̢̨̨̧̤̥̮̘̥̘͍͚̞͍̻̼̦͖̩̠̙̩̮̼̯͉͉͙͔̝͓̲̰͚̗̙͖̬̖͍̙̲̺̾̐̾͛͛̏̄̓̀̊̇̂̓̒́̋̓͊̔̉̔̀̎̉̿̈̔̐̑́̀̀͑͐͐̾̍͂̃͆̔͐̆̆̑́̃̔͋́̊̌̏̒͋̐̃̒̀̚͘̕̕̚͜͝͝͝͝͠͠͝ͅķ̴̨̢̨̢̧̢̛̛̛̛̛̛̯͖̝̗̞̼̥̬̪̭̩͈̘̩͈̭̥̫̼̣͇͖̫͚̥͎͍̱̗̪̙̲̥͈̦̥̗͔̥̥̟̥̹̮̝̼̰̦͈̫̹̞̝̟̪͓̯̼̗̺̩͕̬͔͓͖̟͓̤͎̘̺̻͚̰̭̫͍̗̠͈̥̟̥͔͕͚͎͍̱͓̱̖̼̠͓̖̞̙͓̦̩̻̜̤̬͖̳̗͖̹̩͈̪̬̦̮͔̜̼̖̪͕̼͉̯̤͓͙͉̰̜̼͔͎̜̫̟̤͐̊̍̂̀̇̒͊̋̂̈́͒̾̓̐̾͊͑̓̊͊̐͛͌̀͒̂̓̂̈͊̇͒̃̊͑͋̔̄͗̎̂͐̐͌̒̉̈́̾́̿͋͒͋͐̂̒̊̾̅̉̓̀̄̑̔͊̈́̒̓͗̊́̈́͛̐͗́̿̉͒͐͋̌̇͋͌̓̈̉̂̀̊̈́̐̅̈́̑̀͌̍̋̊͆͊̃̽̀̂͛̈̓͂͌̂̊̌̄̈́̀̍̉͛̽̈͊͗̃͋̉̿̾̃̋͌̆̃̓̒̀͂͆͛͊̐͗̐̈́̈́͗̓̀̔̈̕̕̚͘̕̕̕͘̚͜͝͠͠͠͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͠è̶̢̢̡̢̧͍̘̝͖̪͚͍͉̺̱͇̗̠̯̬̩͔̫̘̼̼̱̮̻̣̦͔̼̯̫̯̪̭͇̳̯̟̱̙̬̜̜̰͖̯͔̖͙͚͇̮̲̠͉̭̮̺͎̣̥̦͇̤̻͓̘̙̙̖̪̝̥̦̹̪͎̩̖͕̻̣̯͈̼̘͖̩̥̳͇̺̲̝̠̲̫̀̐̀̽̑̈́̅̂͑̿̊̔̒́̂̔̀̿͋̋̄͒̀͐̑͊̃́̈͂͆̈̈́̅̈́͗͊̂̃͂̅̈́̚͜͠͝ͅͅͅ ̶̧̢̧̧̡̨̢̧̡̨̡̢̢̡̧̧̨̧̡̨̨̢̨̨̡̧̧̧̛̛̛̥̮̳͉̖̰͇̪̠͇͚͉̞̟̞̘͚̫̥͖̖͙̝̱͉̦͇̥̝͕̹̲̝̭̲͖̗̺̱̦̰̪͚͖̩͙͙̩̹̲͇̳̮̗̮͓̲̥̺̣̰̜͓̯͎̠̠͍͍͕̘͔͇̗̭̠̟̺͙̣͇̝̟̮͕͙̭͕̟̹̠̱̱̗̯̩͈̪͎̥̲̦̪͍̹͓̝̪̬̥̜͈̘̯̹̫̜̣̹̙̫̗̦̫̭̟̥̩͓̞̯̬͇̯̘̪̤̻̖͉͖̗̜̜̖̩̙̺̪͉͕̭̩̭͍̱̠͉͖̥̜̖͇̞̺͉̘̰̺͎̩̫͇͚̰͍̟̞̟̱̮̜̫͕͈̥̝͈͔̺̹̻͔̮̥̲̼̟̻̫̩̫̬̺̞͍̲̮̰͔̗̜̗̱͕̎͑̏̔̂̅̂͑̈́͋́̎͆̀̀͑̌̑̋̈́͛̈̈́̀̃̃̐̏̈̎͌͛̈́̈́͑͂͐̎̾̈́̂͐̓̋̈́̉̋̌̒̌̿͌́̅̇̐̂͐̒͌̈́̈́̑̿̄̆͂̇̾̇͛͂͆̈́͛͋͛͆͛̋͑̀̌̐̔͑̾̐̑̌͂̿̉̉͂͋͂͆͂͐̉̄͂̾͌̂̾̽͐̋̔͐̌̎̀̍̈́̐̂̏̀̎̔̂͗̾͊͆̊͛̈̃̄̋̌̓̾̃̓̈́̊̏̃̆͆̌̽̄̽̒́̀̀͗͋͌͋͑̀̍́̒̂̉̀̈́̀̋͛̊͆͆́̓̇̏̅̋͂̌̈́͛̃̋̈̆́̏̆̎͂̏̂͗̃͊̄̄́̂͆͊̀̋̚̕̚̚̕̕̚̚͘͘̚͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͠͝͠͠͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅų̴̡̧̢̢̨̢̢̡̢̢̛̛̛̛̛̯̗̼̞̖̙͎͚͉͉̬̺̟̭̫̖̩͖̩̘͚̥̠͖̖̖̫̦͙̩̺̞͙̭̖̘͕̲̦͖͎̯̲̠̪̱̬̗̝͔͖̳̥̮̪̠͓̟̱̭̼̲͙̹̤̼̑͗̇̔͒̇̈̉̉̀̋̈́̔̒͗̈́͛̀̀̑͑̋͒̈̆̋̈̈́̿́͒̌̊͊̎̈́̄͌̌̍̌̈́́̃́̈̃̑͋̒̽͌̏̆͗̋̅̀̿̈́̍̅͊͆̿̿̓̍̐̃̇̓̏̀̃̈͐̃͐̓̒̀̀̉͗̑̓͛͒̀͆̽̾̀̾́̌̇̃̿̉̂̾͊̄̽̇̒͒̿̌͛̂̏͆̈́̔͊͋̐̈́͊̋͗̆͌̓̔̈́̋̑̑͘̚͘͘͘̕͘̚̕͘̕̕̕͘̚͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅp̴̢̢̡̢͈̤̪̦̟͕̠̫͚̺̥̯̭̠̥̱̜̯̮̜͓̖̬̞̹̠̼̝̤̲̘̱̲̤̙̪͍̪̝̰̝͇̻͇͉̱͇̮̦̫̯̝͉͓̱̩̬̭̠̖̹̭̤̫̳͕͚̩̞͗͑̍͆̍͊̉̏̆̑̎́͂͛̓̌̆̈͒̐̓͋̇́̄́͋̿̀̿͊̓͌͌̒̀̏̐͑̿̃̽̄͗͌̓̒̆́̑͆̚̚͜͜͜͝͝͝ͅͅͅ.̵̡̡̢̢̡̧̨̡̧̧̨̨̡̛̛͚̣̬͙̯̼̰͔͙̳͈͇͍̟̪͍͕̮͈̝̟̬̥̬̩̪̜͓̝̭̟̖̰̳̭̠̻͓̥̭̗͖͙̲͇͇̮͙͙͍̫͓̮̙̤̤̟̳̩̭͍̣̣͉̼̼̠̙̦͍̖̥̬̫̝̻̮͙̩͔̹̝̹̹̣̺̞̜̣̜͔̺͍̭̹̱͙̼̻͔̬̻̞̱̥̦̠͔͍̫̮̦̠͓̠̫̥̺̬̻͖̦̺̝͕̣̘͕̯̺͓̭͕̜͍̹͉̗̠̲̼̭̻̬̟̩̱̞̲͚̲͓̣̻̫̯̱̮͍̼͚͔̗̣̰̰̖̣̞̟̙͉̬̻͖̪̹̤̗͇̥͋̓̾̊̎̾̋̀̊̈́̋̎̈́̋̍͛̃̐̂͛̑̐̔̎̔̆̐̑̑̀͊̏͛̎͊͋̈́̊̓̐̔͌̎͐̈́̉̄̈͒̇͑͛̃̂̒̈͛̀̐̈́̅͗̂̽̎̆͛͊́̾́̍̒̓̓͆͋̉͗̅̽̓͆͐̈́̈̀͊͑̊͛̈́͊́̄̆̾̇̊́͆̐̎̊̇̋̎͛̿͛̿̈́͒̈́̌̀͆̋̊̐̉͂̐̍̔̏̀̀̈́̌̊̓̌̽͆̅̍̌͆̀̆̃͋̈́̆͋͐͗̋̌̈́͂̾̀̀̓̌̽̋̿̃̑̆͋̎͋̂͛́̌̆͂̐̓̈́͐̋̈́̔͌̓̄́̈́͆̍͒͌̀͛̌̎̍̆̆͒̃̓͑̈́̿͘̚̚̕̕̕̚̚̕͘͘̕͜͜͜͜͝͠͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅ
RETURN BACK Ḩ̴̣̱̫͇̭͔͇̦͚̩̪̘̮̳̪͇̘̣̻̀͆̋͗͌̊͋̽̄͐̎̿Ơ̶̢̨̛̠̦͇͍͙͉̭̟̥̳̹̳̱͕̎̿̈́͗͛̈̈́͆͂͋̄͛̆͂̒̎̑̒̊̑͊͛͋̑̒̈́͘̚̚̕͘̕͝͝ͅM̴̧̧̡͕̖̹̱̫̥̯͉͎͙͖̯̣̩̞̬͖͚͓͇͚̹̯̜̼͔̝͍̞̃̇̏̐̓͌̉̀͐̌̃̔͐͗̈́̽͌̐̂̑͑̓̓̓̐͋̓̆̈́́̽̍̊͜͜͜͜͠͠͝͝ͅĘ̴̣̮̝͈͔̙̩̫̠͕̦̱̼̪̝̫̤̠͙̝̤̹̙͕̺̝͔̜̲̜̾̐̓̒͒̌̐̋͋̓̈́͐͊̃̈́͊̔̀̋͗͌͑̒̍̋͝͠
REMAIN IN THE M̴̳̗̭͓͙̼̲̠̣̙̎̆͆̚H̴̢̨̢̨̛͚͓̳͔͈̗̹̳̮̟̗̘͎͓͕̥̯̬̞͈͔͈̋̑̃͌̉̄͗̍̉̾͑̈́͒̆̿̒̆͛̇̐̐͆̈̑̀͒͒̆̑̍̕̕̕͝͠ͅȂ̸̢̢̧̛̬͈̺̥̬͓̣͕̯̻̼̬̱͙̩̓͛̑̑̓́̾̉̑̒̓̿̅͌̿̽͆̈̉́͝͝-̴̧̨̨̨̧̡̧̩̙̖̣̙͉̹̼̩̪̤̩͎̫͕̭̖̰̫̲̫̌̋̾͂̊̉͊͐̏̈́́͛́͛̒̒̊̂̇͐̆̄͌̄͆̀͆̚̕̕͠V̴̢̛̛͎͇͉̜̆̅̉̔́͛̀̿̎́͛̉͂͋͆̎̾̍̓̓̔̋̑̐͛͌̄̈́͆͌̐̕̚̚͠͝E̴̡̧̢̡͙̥͈̝̺͖͔̹͚̱̳̮̭̺͓̹̝̫̲̹̺̮̋̆̏́̄̒̌̊̾̈́̚͝ͅR̶̢͇̞͕̹͙̼̻̖̟̖̭̠̬̯͐̒̀̇̊̔̈̈́̎͋̒͛͒͊̚̚͝͝Ŝ̶͚̯̰̝̹͙̿̿͂͂̌̍́̀͊̓̌̉͌̍̓̐̎͌̚Ȩ̶̧̨̱̰̯̖͕̼̝̬̼̥̟͕̬̞̯̟͎̗͔̦͚̪̲̝̩̱͙̳̯̜͑͗͌̔̅̏̈́͆̿̓̇̾̓̔̾̈́̾͆̾̍̃̄͗̿̓̏͗̇̔̏̄͂̅̂̕̕̚͝
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Waking up with a jolt, you open your eyes and the first thing you see a white ceiling.
Sitting up right from the semi-comfortable bed, you look around to see the same white room from your fever dream. Looking down at your arms, you find no IV’s stuck onto you or anything really, just that when you pushed back some hair, your fingers brushed onto a cloth on your forehead.
Tracing your fingers onto the bandage, you decide to look at the injury that Bakugo had left you with underneath the plain white shirt you wore. (You eventually came to the conclusion that you were in a hospital)
Shirt pulled, your fingers trace along the bandages that also seemed to be covering up your injury, some of them being a faint red color that couldn't be noticed if you started from afar.
Finally pulled from your thoughts, someone knocks on the door and waits a few seconds until they finally open the door.
A man with an odd shade of orange hair came, wearing a white coat over himself with a name tag on the right chest.
He smiled towards the h/c girl and walked towards her, with a clipboard in hand.
“Good to finally see that you're doing better Ms. L/n, I’m Dr. Rovaka. But I suppose you want to get straight to the point?”
Not really feeling up to taking and already having enough of seeing white walls, you just nod as he looked down at his clipboard in one hand as he had a pen in the other.
“Alright, so basically you had a concussion but don’t worry! Nothing was permanently damaged, we made sure of that. Only a few bruises and cuts here and there by nothing major for the most part. But that wasn't what concerned me, it was the injury you have on your left side. Do you mind telling me what happened?”
Dr. Rovaka looked at you, worried clearly written all over his face.
Clenching your jaw, you debate on the options at hand; if you told him the truth, there’s a chance that the doctor will tell your parents and they’ll find out sooner or later who it was and report them for illegal use of quirk while in public. On the other hand, if you didn’t say anything, what was going to happen?
Sighing, you come to the conclusion that it’s better to lie in this situation, right? Looking at the doctor, who still had a worried expression, you began to spew out whatever came to your mind first.
“So, you see, I was just on my way home from school like any other day, until a little kid bumped into me on my left and accidentally activated their fire-like quirk. And that’s what caused the injury.”
He looked at me, not believing me, but he didn’t seem to comment on it.
“Well, if you say so, but the kids' quirk must’ve been a pretty uncontrollable one if it did that much damage. Anyways, about the type of medication you would need to take. Now, this medication……”
Tuning out his voice, you look straight ahead of him and towards the bland wall.
What seemed to have been a million years of non-stop talking, Dr. Ravaka took a deep breath and let it out.
“Alright kid, here's the prescription, make sure to take it one every night for the next few weeks alright? Now, I just need to call your parents to pick you up and you're good to go!”
Tearing your stare from the wall, you look at the doctor as he says those words. A tense smile made its way up to your face.
“I can call them myself, don’t worry about it!”
“No, it’s alright, it’ll only take a few minutes to-”
“I insist Dr. Ravaka, I can call my parents! Besides, you said you needed to be somewhere right now, right?”
“Yes but-”
“What if someone's dying right now and you're not there?”
The room became silent, and he looked at you in a weird way, probably both offended and worried if you hit your head a bit too hard. Although after a few minutes, he must’ve given up as he sighed and handed me the plastic bag of medication.
“Alright you win, have a good day young lady. And don’t forget to take the medication as I told you.”
“Hey, wait. I want to ask you something.”
Looking back, Dr. Ravaka was standing near the door and looked at the girl with a smile.
“What may that question be Ms. L/n? I may have an answer!”
Smiling at him (sort of?) joke, your face became one of confusion as you tilted your head slightly to the side.
“I don’t remember coming here by myself, do you mind telling me who brought me here, or how I got to the hospital in the first place?”
The doctor’s small smile seemed to have tensed up as he shuffled from one foot to another, not sure if he should disclose the information that he was asked to keep by the person that had brought you to the hospital.
As you were about to say something else, his phone had started to ring. Taking out his phone, Dr. Ravaka mentally sighed out a breath of relief as he put the phone away back into his pocket.
“I’m sorry Ms. L/n, but I need to head out to see another patient. I hope you have a good rest of your day!”
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It’s been a little while since you left the hospital and now you are heading home, taking a walk through the alleyways in between some of the houses to make it home faster since the sun had already begun to set.
Taking out your phone, you go into your contacts and press the call button on one of them.
Putting the phone up to your ear, you let the phone ring until they answered.
“Hey mom, I-”
“What do you need Y/n? I’m busy right now with your father trying to fix something messed up with my business.”
While you were walking from the hospital a while back, you thought it would've been better if you told your parents what had happened to you while on your way home from school, you never liked lying to begin with. It always made your stomach feel weird. But as usual, it seemed that she wasn't in the mood, again.
“Nothing, I just wanted to say-”
“Nothing? Y/n, you know better than this!”
“Mom, I know but I just wanted to-”
“Okay Y/n, I need to go and fix this, I trust you to make dinner or just buy some food and have it delivered. Bye!”
“-say I love you.”
You now stood there in the middle of the alleyway between the houses that surrounded you from unwanted eyes as you felt stinging in your eyes.
Wiping the non-existing tears away, you put away your phone and sigh.
Lately, your mom has been stressed about her business and work while your father was also stressing on it and his own job, and they’ve been away for more and more time throughout these days now.
The last few rays of light disappeared as night took over. Continuing your walk home, you kick some pebbles out of your way, anger starts to seep into your mind as you talk by yourself, at least, that’s what you thought.
“Huh, the fuck did I do wrong to be chewed out like that, just because they're having a shitty time doesn't mean they should take it out on me.”
“That’s some strong language for someone like you kid.”
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Sorry I didn't post sooner; school has been a pain in the ass. :<) I've also been a bit stressed because I need to study for my upcoming test on Friday for a collage class that I'm taking. I was supposed to finish this chapter on Dec. 9th, but I got sidetracked due to my birthday that day soooo ya, being 16 is kind of weird. Anyways, sorry again for not posting sooner, I'll try my best next time. Also, I wonder who Y/n just met, another new character? A character she already met not so long before? Comment if you know who it might be if you want, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day! :>
The Hunger Games: The Rise of the Phoenix
Sorry I haven't posed on either story; I'll start writing for the other story soon enough. But I hope you enjoy the new chapter for this one!
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Y/n sat quietly in her compartment, the clatter of the train blending with the distant hum of conversations that Effie was having with Mineta.
Gazing out the window, she watched the landscape as they left District 12. The trees merged into a continuous green blur, and her eyes caught sight of a figure, shrouded within the trees.
Sitting up straighter on her bed, she focused on the figure standing behind the tree.
They wore vibrant dresses. The skirt was a cascade of ruffles, boasting hues of raspberry pink, royal blue, and sunflower yellow. The bodice resembled a corset, adorned with a blouse underneath. Their dark curls danced in the breeze as they seemed to lock eyes with her, beautiful brown eyes meeting Y/n’s own.
Noticing movement behind the mysterious woman, Y/n saw other faces—some younger, some older. As she leaned towards the window for a clearer view, a knock interrupted her, prompting her to pivot towards the door and invite the visitor inside.
Effie entered, striding towards Y/n’s closet and flinging open the doors as she spoke.
“Oh, why haven’t you changed?! You need to be ready for the Capitol, darling. You can’t present yourself in…um, that.”
Looking down at her attire, Y/n saw nothing amiss with the faded colors and the slightly frayed edges of her clothes.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“What’s wrong?!”
Effie stared at her as if she had seen an apparition. Composing herself, Effie smiled at Y/n and gestured towards her outfit.
“What you’ve got on, young lady, is—no offense—horrendous! The Capitol won’t approve, and I certainly don’t! Come here; I’ll fix you right up!”
She grasped Y/n’s arms and guided her to sit on the edge of the bed. Effie then rummaged through the closet, muttering her thoughts on each garment she examined. “Too dark, ew, too mucky, mmmmm…. that’s not bad, but it isn’t you…”
“Effie, it’s fine. I can keep wearing this—”
“Ha! I found the perfect one!”
Effie produced the ideal shade of f/c dress from the closet, presenting it to Y/n with a beaming smile. The f/c silk flowed through Y/n’s fingers like water, devoid of any wrinkles or creases.
“Well? Try it on!”
Effie encouraged as she headed for the door. Opening it, she stepped through and offered a few parting words before closing it behind her.
“I’ll be waiting in the main area.”
As the door shut, Y/n proceeded to the bathroom to shower. It took her a moment to figure out the shower’s mechanics, but once she did, she never wanted to leave.
Immersed in the shower, Y/n’s thoughts drifted away from the figures in the forest. But unbeknownst to her, they hadn’t forgotten about her—and they never would.
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“Oh, darling, I told you you’d look beautiful!”
“And hot! Oh, I would give anything to have a peek underneath that—”
“I will kill you right here, right now if you don’t shut the hell up, Mineta. I don’t care if the games haven’t started yet.”
You sat in an empty royal blue armchair with gold lining, crossed your leg over another, and glared daggers at the boy as his face had gone white and he had started to shake uncontrollably. You guessed it was a good thing that you wore black leggings underneath the dress after all.
“Oh, honey, those shoes? Out of all the other ones, you chose those?”
“Yeah, I like them, and I’ll die in them too.”
The shoes you wore were f/c Converse. Like hell you would change into those uncomfortable high heels. And besides, you always dreamed of these shoes since you first saw them on some random tribute who had gone into the Hunger Games a couple of years back.
“Well, at least they match.”
Effie smiled at you, and you returned it, now turning to stare out the window. You noticed a tunnel coming up ahead, and once the train entered, everything turned pitch black.
In the dark, you could hear a door open and close as someone seemed to have entered. Mineta gave a small squeak, and Effie gasped as you all heard something shatter on the floor.
Suddenly standing, you grabbed the nearest thing within your reach, which happened to be a lamp, and gripped it in your dominant hand, pulled back and ready to throw it at the mysterious person in the dark room.
You walked silently towards the person’s silhouette, wondering who it could be—a guard? Another tribute you had yet to meet. You didn’t know, nor did you want to wait around and find out. These were the Hunger Games, after all, and like hell you’d die before they even got to the Capitol.
Now walking right behind the person, you raised the lamp and bashed it on the person’s head. Their hands flew up to their head, and you prepared to bash it once more, but they whipped around and grabbed hold of the lamp and threw it across the room, causing a few dishes or something to crash on the floor and shatter.
Mineta was now fully crying, while Effie was shouting.
“What is going on?!”
“I don’t wanna die! I promise not to say those words again, Y/n! Don’t kill me!”
The mystery person was now walking towards you as you started to back up. Desperate, you grabbed something (a wine bottle, if you had to guess) and swung it at their face, the sound of glass shattering was heard.
What seemed to have been hours, the train finally came out of the tunnel, and the light flooded back into the room.
As you looked around the room, you saw that Effie was slightly shaken up, while Mineta was still crying and hugging Effie’s leg. You looked in your hands and saw the remains of a wine bottle, blood slowly dripping from the glass edges and onto your hand.
Looking up, you saw that the mysterious person you had hit was a middle-aged man. His hair was a dark blond color, with streaks of gray. His gray eyes bore into yours, and the room became quiet. Effie, seeming to recognize the man, gasped slightly, but cleared her throat.
“Mineta, Y/n, he’s your mentor—”
The man, Haymitch, said as he finished Effie’s sentence. He brought his hand up to his cheek and touched the wound that you had just given him. Blood trickled down his face, staining his stubble.
“Great, you just gave me a new scar, kid.” He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He glared at you, as if daring you to attack him again.
A surge of anger and fear flooded into your mind as you glared back at Haymitch. You knew who he was, everyone knew him. He was the victor of the 50th annual Hunger games, and a drunk man who wasted his life away in the victors village, drinking his life away with every bottle of alcohol he could get his hands on. You felt anger because he’s glaring at you, but you also felt fear. Fear because this sad excuse of a man is supposed to mentor you and teach you how to survive. Somehow, you don’t think that’s going to be happening anytime soon.
“Sorry, I didn’t know it was you,” you said trying to sound calm and collected. “I thought you were someone else, an intruder.”
“Intruder? On a train full of guards and cameras? Don’t be ridiculous kid, you're lucky that I didn’t kill you right there on the spot.” Haymitch said as he grabbed a nearby napkin and wiped off the blood from his face.
“You must have been really brave, or really stupid to have attacked your own mentor.”
He was getting on your nerves, so you decided that staying quiet had lasted long enough.
“Well at least I’m not some drunk guy wasting my days when people are dying out there.”
“Excuse me?” The older man said as he took a couple more steps toward you, but before anything else could happen Effie interfered, placing herself in the middle while holding a hand out at Haymitch and taking the broken bloody bottle out of your hand and placed it onto the table.
“Now Haymitch, she didn’t know any better, she’s only a child.”
Haythich snorted, as if he found what Effie had said amusing.
“A child? She’s a tribute, Effie, and a good one that is. She’s a fighter, she’s no child. And she’s a weapon, a damn good one too.”
He looked at you once more, a hint of admiration in his eyes. You felt a curiosity and confusion rise, why did he switch up his attitude and opinion on you so fast? You didn’t have time to ask as Haymitch continued.
“But she’s reckless, impulsive, and naive. Why? Because she didn’t think twice or about the consequences on what would’ve happened after she attacked me. I’d be lying if I said she wasn't something I needed to see one day.”
“Haythich, I don’t know if that’s you really saying those words, or just the liquor talking.” Effie said as she now stood beside you so you and Haymitch now faced each other and he answered back to her.
“It’s not the liquor or I’d be saying all sorts of shit right now.”
He then gestured towards Mineta, who was still sobbing on the floor. Y/n felt a pang of disgust and pity for him. Haymitch looked at the younger male, he was there when they picked the tributes. He knew right away -and the events that had just occurred confirmed it- that he was nothing like you. He was weak, cowardly, and not to mention perverted.
“That boy, he has no chance of surviving my training. And if he can’t handle me, then he has absolutely no chance of surviving the Hunger games.”
Effie slightly tried to stutter out a response while Mineta stopped crying and was now sniffling as he talked.
“I’m not gonna d-die, right? I-I want to go home!”
Haymitch raised his hand and Mineta stopped talking, he then pointed at the purple headed boy with slight disgust in his eyes.
“Why would I train and waste my energy on someone weak like you, when I have this,” He grabbed onto your shoulders and pushed you in front of him, shaking you slightly as if showing off a new toy he received for his birthday.
“A monster in the making?”
Mineta looked heartbroken, but it was true, all of what Haymitch had said. He was weak and useless. He had no muscle whatsoever, no skill, always relying on others, and just plain out useless. There wasn't even a slimmer chance that he was going to get at least one sponsor to help him out in the games.
Effie hadn't said anything more as she looked at Haymitch, a questioning expression on her face.
“Then what are you going to do with him?”
Haymitch laughed.
He really just plain out laughed and it unnerved you, you tried to move away from him but his grip on your shoulders increased and held you in place.
After a few minutes, he finally settled down and stopped laughing. Sighing, he looked at Effie.
“Oh Effie, Effie, Effie, I’m not going to do anything about him. He’s all yours, train him how you like. But this one,”
He gestured at you as he patted your shoulders.
“I’m turning this one into a killing machine.”
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I actually felt bad for Mineta for a second 💀.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I had to run this thing through AI so it could detect any words or phrases that didn't make sense so I could fix it and suggest some tips on how to improve my writing, since I'm a newbie at writing. But I also started journaling in a notebook I had laying around so that should help me a little. I also just got off for winter break at school, thank god for that 🙏🏽.
I hope you enjoy your winter break and have a good rest of your day!
Chapter 11: Complicated Emotions of In Another World
How about we all pretend that I wasn't gone for 5 weeks, yea? Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter! :D
Warning!!!: I'm just going to put it out there, this chapter will contain the topic child neglection, if you are uncomfortable with that, please just skip over it and read the Summary for that part at the beginning before the story actually starts.
If you are ever experiencing any neglection or know of someone who is being neglected by their parents, please talk to someone! You're not alone and you don't have to be alone! You are loved, and if you don't believe that, just know that I care about each and all your being!
Now that you have been warned, I hope you enjoy the chapter!
f/d/b - favorite dog breed
fur/c - fur color
d/n - dog name
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The person who interrupted Y/n thoughts was Aizawa and he talks with her as she vents out on how her parents aren't spending enough time and she has a sense of felling that she's starting to lose everyone again. Aizawa comforts her and offers his cell phone number so that she can talk to him if needed and walks her home.
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“That’s some strong language for someone like you, kid.”
Hearing that mocking and cold voice, I spun around, ready to face whoever seemed to have been taunting me, but there was no one there. Turning around and scanning the area around me, it was deserted. Where was that voice coming from?
“Up here, kid.”
Looking up, I saw a man hanging from a lamppost. His long black hair covered his face as he wore a black outfit and a scarf that was wrapped around his neck. A pair of yellow goggles rested on his forehead and his eyes glowed red as he stared at me.
Aizawa Shota, otherwise known as Eraser Head.
As I met his red eyes with my e/c ones, I shivered as a cold wave of fear washed over me. He gave me a piercing gaze that made me feel like he could see right through me. I never thought that meeting Aizawa would be this intimidating, not only was he a teacher at U.A. but he was also a pro hero, and not to mention his quirk. His quirk seemed to be even more scary in person.
“Oh, um, hey. What’s up?” I asked, trying to sound calm so as not to let my inner fangirl out.
He jumped down from the lamppost, landing on the ground like a cat; gracefully in a way that made sense but didn’t at the same time.
He then got up and started to walk towards me with his hand on his scarf, ready to use it and his quirk if necessary.
“Shouldn’t you be home by now? It’s late and your parents might be worried.” He said in a low voice, his eyes scanning me for any signs of a potential threat.
I tried to act casual, but I couldn’t help but feel small under his gaze.
“I’m pretty sure my parents won’t care.” I said, feeling a surge of guilt and anger towards my parents. Well, mostly my mom.
The older man seemed to have noticed the tone in my voice, or the hurt in my eyes, because he then let his guard down slightly. He now stood in front of me, about three and a half feet away from me, waiting for me to continue.
Sighing, I continued with my little rant on the situation.
“Well, lately my parents have been away longer for work and stuff and so I guess they're just stressed and stuff. But I usually just give them space and stuff, you know? Although today I just wanted to say something and when my mom answered she seemed pretty bothered that I had called her, especially during one of her meetings. After she said she was in a meeting and all, I just kind of told her it wasn't important, and she got even more annoyed than she already was and just hung up on me. But like, it’s not my fault that they have their own shitty issues, right? Like, how was I supposed to know if she was busy with dad doing some stupid meeting?”
My voice rose as I clenched my fists, my eyes burning with rage. I ranted on and on about my mom and how she was starting to ignore me as well as my dad, even as I felt the sting in my eyes, warning me that tears were on the verge of spilling over and onto my face.
“I swear to god they don’t even care about me, they’re too busy with their own goddamn lives, careers, and problems to even spend a few minutes with their own and only daughter. Like, they don’t even come home as often anymore! It’s like they’re trying to just shut me out and tune in on their own shit….”
Tears ran down my face as I looked away from his gaze, feeling ashamed of myself.
I didn’t want him to see me cry, it made me feel weak.
The moon cast a pale light over the empty street, the only sound was the distant hum of traffic.
All of a sudden, arms wrapped around me, and a hand patted my back. Apparently, when I was lost in my thoughts, Aizawa had moved to give me a hug.
“I know it might be hard on you, but it’s also hard on your parents. I’m pretty sure they're trying their best to be there for you, just give them some time, kid. It’ll work out.” He said softly.
“And if it doesn't?”
He stayed quiet for a moment or two until he sighed and separated from the hug, pulling out his phone once he stood straight again, and held out towards you. Confused, you looked at him, the phone in his hand, him, the phone, and back at him, head tilting as it always did for whenever you were confused. He sighed (for what felt like the millionth time) and explained.
“If it doesn’t work out or if your parents aren’t home or anything, then I guess you can just vent it out on me about it.”
A small smile came onto your face, now that you have stopped crying. You pull out your phone and you both exchange numbers. Giving his phone back and vice versa, a silence fell upon the two of you, until you broke it with just two words.
“Thank you”
A faint smile was present on the man’s face as he stared at the younger female, placing a hand on top of her head and patting it.
“No problem kid.”
| | | | The next day | | | |
The young h/c girl was walking on her way towards school, headphones in at a volume that drowned out the world around her.
She was still thinking about the moment with Aizawa last night. He had decided to walk her home after he comforted her. (I mean, who would just let a kid in that mental state walk home at night alone?) During that time, they had a nice conversation. Well, she was the one asking the questions and talking, while he just walked alongside her and answered the questions she had and listened to her talk.
She turned around, pulling out her headphones and putting them away as she saw Midoriya jogging up to her from behind. She hadn’t told him about the encounter with Aizawa yet, although she was thinking of not telling him just yet. But Midoriya had talked to her over the phone about the sludge villain attack, mainly because she had called him and started to ask him if he was alright and stuff. (And she was hoping that he would tell her about meeting All Might afterwards, but sadly, those details were kept away and unsaid by him).
He had told her that apparently, after the sludge villain tried to attack the two of them underneath the bridge and she lost consciousness, All Might had taken her to a nearby hospital to get her checked out. But Midoriya had clung onto his leg, which caused that landing moment on that one building, and how he had asked All Might if he could become a hero and bla, bla, bla.
The said boy was panting slightly as he caught up with her and started to walk by her side. They continued their way towards school.
“A-Are you doing better, Y/n? I was really worried that you wouldn’t wake up….” He said, his voice full of concern.
“I’m fine, Izuku! I think it would take a lot more to knock me out of commission for good!” She said, trying to sound cheerful.
“That's good! W-wait! I didn’t mean that it was good for you to get knocked out again, but I just meant that it was good that you woke up and-” He stammered, realizing how his words could be misunderstood.
She grabbed onto his hand, cutting him off and smiled at him. He looked at her with a knowing blush on his face.
“Izuku, it’s fine, don’t worry about it! Now come on, we don’t wanna be late, do we?” She said, changing the subject.
The two teenagers ran along the sidewalk towards school, hand in hand.
Y/n smiled as she kept talking about what she was going to do to train for the upcoming UA exams, while Midoriya listened in, occasionally giving his own input.
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A few months later - 3 months left until UA Entrance Exams
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Walking down the sidewalk of Musutafu, you wore a f/c beanie, along with some parachute pants and your Eraserhead hoodie on top of your plain white shirt. You felt the rhythm of the music in your ears, blocking out the noise of the city. The sound of panting from a certain four-legged animal could also be heard as you held onto its leash.
It had been a few months since everything had happened, and as you expected, Midoriya hung out with you less due to training with All Might. But of course he never said that, he had just said that he was either busy with homework, chores at home, or some other random reason.
And of course, he also apologized a million times, but you always told him it was alright. Besides, you had your own problems to deal with alongside training; your parents.
As expected, your parents for the past few months have been busy with work and such. So your daily schedule ended up being that you would wake up home alone or with your parents just about to leave, go to school, come back home without anyone there, do your thing, and go to sleep. And it had just repeated itself over the course of the last few months. Your parents must have felt guilty or something because a few weeks later, they got you a dog.
The dog was a male f/d/b with a fur/c coat with a lighter shade underneath and on its stomach and part of his legs. You decided his name would be d/n.
Feeling the wind in your hair, you looked down at d/n and smiled, d/n seeming to notice your stare and turning his head slightly to face you.
“You know, you're probably the best thing that’s happened to me so far. Well, other than meeting Aizawa.” You said, remembering the night he had walked you home and comforted you.
D/n seemed to have barked in agreement, his tongue hanging out of his mouth.
As they both faced forward once more, your furry friend wagged his tail as you kept a small faint smile on your face, enjoying the peaceful moment and feeling grateful for your loyal companion.
That peaceful moment was ruined when all of a sudden, d/n ran and managed to pull the leash out of your hand, barking as he was on the run towards whatever had caught his attention.
At first you just stood there, frozen in shock, and then the realization hit you.
“H-hey! D/n, get back here, boy!” You shouted, chasing after him, hoping he wouldn't get into trouble.
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"I'll adjust your schedule so that it will work out perfectly for where you're at right now, young Midoriya. Don't worry, this old man will get the job done in no time!"
"You're not old, All Might!"
All Might was seen on his motorized scooter (I really don't know what it's called, lol) as Midoriya was now jogging beside him, carrying a tire on his shoulder.
"I still can't believe that the exam is only three months away though...."
"Time flies, and so you gotta make the most of it."
There was a comfortable silence that fell between the mentor and student until a distant yell was heard from a certain h/c girl. All Might seemed to notice it but thought nothing of it.
"I'm getting too old for this."
The younger boy, wanting to ask All Might for his opinion on something involving the h/c female, said:
"Hey, All Might, I wanted to ask you about-"
Before the boy could finish asking his question, a dog came in front of the two males - who had stopped - and went straight towards Midoriya and jumped on top of him. The poor boy shrieked in terror and fell onto the ground, letting go of the tire in the process.
Turning the corner, the e/c girl came into view and went up to d/n and grabbed a hold of his leash and pulled him off of Midoriya, who was now slightly shaking. Looking down at her dog, she hadn't noticed who she had bumped into, due to being occupied as she bent down to check the dog's leash and if it was connected properly to the collar.
"I'm so sorry, I was so sure that his leash was connected properly to his collar. Are you alright?"
Standing back up and looking up, she noticed that one; it was Midoriya who had been "attacked" by her fluffy friend, and two; All Might was standing right next to him, of course in his weak form but still.
Midoriya stood back up as he stared at the girl in front of him. The girl returned his stare as her eyes widened slightly.
"Izuku! I'm so sorry that d/n did that, he doesn't usually do that."
"I-it's alright, Y/n!"
Turning your head from the boy - who had a slight blush on his face - you faced the older man slightly beside him and behind him at the same time.
Smiling, you greeted him.
"It's nice to meet you, sir! My name is L/n Y/n, it's a pleasure meeting you."
"It's nice to meet you as well, young L/n. I've heard quite a bit about you from young Midoriya over there."
"A-All Mi-"
Midoriya slapped his hand over his mouth before he could continue, noticing his mistake. All Might became slightly tense as they both looked at you, wondering if you had noticed his mistake.
Of course you knew their mistake, but you pretended that you didn't know and looked at All Might once more.
"That does sound like Izuku! Always one to talk, huh?"
The two males mentally let out a breath of relief, glad that the female "hadn't" noticed Midoriya's mistake. The said boy laughed slightly at the Y/n statement.
"Y-yeah, ha ha. W-Wait, Y/n! How's your injury, is it getting any better?"
"Oh, yes, actually. I kinda opened it up again by accident and so I had to get a few more stitches a few weeks ago, but I should be good by the time the exams for UA start."
"Young Midoriya did also mention you had gotten injured, an accident?"
Y/n looked at All Might's eyes as she nodded.
"Yeah, it was an accident from a villain a couple of months ago, but I'll be fine."
They had talked a few more minutes until Y/n said her goodbyes.
"Sorry to cut this short, but I have to start heading home now. It was great meeting you, sir! And I'll see you around, Izuku!"
All Might nodded as Midoriya stuttered out a 'yeah', and with that, the young girl walked away with her four-legged friend towards home.
Once she was out of sight and hearing range, All Might looked down at Midoriya who had picked up the tire once again.
"Are you sure she's doing alright? You did say that her injury was on her left side, correct?"
"Yeah, it was on her left side, and yeah! I'm pretty sure she's holding up fine. Like I said, she has some medication to help her with the pain and stuff." Midoriya said, trying to sound confident, even though you haven’t been telling him much about the injury over the course of months. Was he being too distant?
"Alright then, if you say so. Now, let's get going! We still need to finish up this part of training!" All Might said he gestured for Midoriya to follow him, carrying the tire on his shoulder.
With that, the mentor and student were off again, speeding through the streets of Musutafu. It was a peaceful silence, although All Might had some things on his mind. But one thought kept coming back to his mind.
"Why do I feel like I've seen her somewhere else before? She seems a lot like her."
He thought, remembering the e/c girl who had bumped into them earlier. She had a familiar spark in her eyes, a similar determination in her voice, and a striking resemblance to someone he had once loved and looked up to.
A faint but noticeable smile came across the yellow-haired man's face, both sad and happy at the same time. He felt a pang of nostalgia, but also a glimmer of hope.
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We met Aizawa, and y'all got to have a father daughter like moment, :D. We also got to meet All Might; I'm pretty sure you guys know why he recognizes us. Next chapter is the chapter that I'm hoping will be the entrance exam. Again, I'm sorry for not posting sooner, but this week is finals week and I have a test tomorrow, did I study? Yes. Am I still scared regardless? Also, yes. Will I pass? I have no idea! At this point, it's just a mindset of "as long as I pass" (I have a B in that class).
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, until next time! Have a good rest of your day!
Chapter 12: Exam Day of Into Another World a MHAxReader fanfic
I go back to school tomorrow :( (Send help).
Anyways, here's the next chapter and I hope you enjoy!
Warning: some language here and there (Don't really proofread any of the chapters that I write so if anything is off or something, I'm sorry. I'm just too lazy to check sometimes but I'll work on it, lol.)
d/n - dogs name
h/s - hair style
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"I'll see you later, d/n. Wish me luck!"
You locked the door to your home and walked down the pathway and onto the sidewalk. As you walked on, you enjoyed the calmness and quietness of the streets before they got busy and noisy. The display of warm colors had taken over the sky, creating a contrast with the blue and white clouds. The sun seemed to resemble a golden coin, or a dazzling gem in the sky.
And where were you heading so early in the morning? Well, you were going to take the entrance exam at no other than the most prestigious high school for future heroes.
UA High.
It was currently early in the morning, about 7:30, but the entrance exam started at 8:30 and you wanted to make sure you got there early. The day before, you had asked Midoriya if he wanted to walk with you so that you both could go together, but he had other plans. Well, the plans being that he had to go to the beach and inherit All Might's quirk, but you didn't need to know that. You wore your black sweatpants with a f/c shirt and put your hair in a h/s, along with your favorite shoes that always seemed to travel with you wherever you went. Although it was still peaceful outside, someone decided to ruin it.
"Oi, Insect! Wait a goddamn minute!"
Turning around, you spotted Bakugo a few meters behind you, walking towards you with an angry expression. Sighing, you turned around to fully face him as you also stopped walking in the process, hands shoved into the pockets of your pants.
Ever since he tried to blow up Midoriya and you took the hit for him and after class the same day, he kept his distance from you. Even when you sat at your desk and Bakugo beside you, he kept his mouth shut most of the time, only really calling you 'pest' or 'insect'.
"Huh, wonder what he wants...."
He finally came up to you and you both began to silently walk together towards UA. Neither one of you said anything to the other person.
A few minutes passed and still, the two of you were too stubborn to talk to each other first, so as per usual, you broke the ice first as you kept your head forward but talked.
"So, how's it been?"
It was quiet again until Bakugo spoke up.
"What's it to you? And besides, why are you even talking to me, huh?"
"Well, you were the one to say 'Wait up, you pest!', weren't you?"
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes at him.
"Come on, be for real right now, Bakugo."
"I am being for real, you damn pest!"
"Uh huh, sure you are."
It turned into a (yet again) silent walk once more for about ten minutes until it was broken, but by the young male beside you.
"I’m talking about your left side."
Looking forward, you hum in thought. Was he being an ass to you, or was he actually genuinely worried?
“It’ll be fine. I’ll just have to be on some medication for a month or two, maybe only a week if my body works it out faster or whatever.”
Although you didn’t see it, Bakugo exhaled a breath he was seemingly holding in, now releasing how tense he was as he was awaiting your answer. He didn’t want to accept the truth, but he was pretty worried for your condition after the incident had happened.
You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, noticing how his brows were furrowed and his lips were pressed into a thin line. You felt a pang in your chest, knowing that he blamed himself for what happened to you. You wanted to say something to reassure him, but you didn't know how to break the ice.
You decided to change the topic and lighten the mood.
"So, are you ready for the entrance exam?" you asked casually, hoping to spark some conversation.
He snorted and looked at you with a smug grin.
"Of course I am. I'm going to ace it and become the number one hero. You should be glad that you're walking with me. Maybe some of my greatness will rub off on you."
You rolled your eyes again, but this time you smiled.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Bakugo. Just don't get too cocky and blow yourself up, okay?"
He scoffed and glared at you.
"As if that would ever happen. I'm not like that useless Deku who doesn't have a quirk. I'm a natural genius, him."
You shook your head and chuckled dryly.
"Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that, Bakugo. Maybe one day you'll actually believe it."
He growled and clenched his fists.
"Shut up, you pest! You're so annoying!"
You laughed and nudged him playfully.
"Aw, come on, Bakugo. Don't be like that. You know I'm just teasing you. You're my friend, after all."
He blinked and looked at you with a surprised expression.
"Friend? Since when are we friends?"
You smiled and shrugged.
"Since now, I guess. Unless you have a problem with that."
He looked away and muttered something under his breath.
"No, I don't have a problem with that. It's fine."
You grinned and wrapped your arm around his shoulder.
"Great! Then it's settled. We're friends. And friends stick together, right?"
He sighed and rolled his eyes, but he didn't push you away.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just don't get in my way, okay?"
You winked and gave him a thumbs up.
"Got it. I won't get in your way. I'll just be right behind you, cheering you on."
He smirked and nudged you back.
"That's more like it. Now let's go and show them what I’m made of."
You rolled your eyes and followed him as he quickened his pace and walked slightly ahead of you so that you couldn’t see the red that crept onto his face.
| | | | | | | |
The two of you conversed with each other as you entered the gates of UA, slightly getting to know each other better as they both thought the same thing in their heads.
"I guess being friends with her/him isn't so bad after all...."
As the two of you walked on, students around started to whisper among themselves and their friends/classmates.
"Isn't he from the sludge villain incident?"
"Who's that walking next to him, his girlfriend?"
"Nah, I heard from a friend of mine that goes to their middle school, they're apparent rivals of some sorts...."
The whispers went on and on as the two teens walked on, that is until Y/n got a rough nudge from Bakugo as he looked over to someone else in the crowd.
Bakugo guided the two of you towards his direction as he "accidentally" bumped into the poor boy as he stopped his muttering and looked at Bakugo.
"K-Kacchan! I-"
Before he could finish his sentence, he looked at you with confusion and slight betrayal in his eyes.
Smiling tensely, you looked between the boy standing in front of you and beside you.
"How's it going Izuku? It's good to see you-"
"Why are you with him?"
Confusion came across your face as you looked at the green haired boy, was he mad?
In his mind, he was slightly hurt that you had walked with Bakugo instead of him, even though he couldn’t walk with you to begin with, but he couldn’t help feeling those emotions.
“Why do feelings have to be so complicated?”
"I was just walking with him over here for the exams, you know, since you were busy with something."
"R-right, sorry."
"No, it's alright Izuku, don't worry about it!"
Bakugo tsked as he looked at the two of you, slight disgust written on his face.
"Eh, you guys are weak, I'm going to go and ace this test. Unlike you two."
Bakugo walked off, leaving the two of you alone.
Looking at Midoriya, you smile as he smiles back and you both continue on your walk.
You felt a wave of relief wash over you as Bakugo left. You didn't like how he treated Midoriya. You hoped that he wouldn't bother you again during the exam.
You turned your attention to Midoriya, who was still looking at you with a mix of curiosity and admiration. You wondered what he was thinking, and if he still felt the same way about you as he did before.
You decided to break the silence and start a conversation.
"So, Izuku, are you excited for the exam?"
He nodded and smiled.
"Yeah, I am. I've been studying and training hard for this. I want to prove myself and become a hero. Just like All Might."
You smiled back and nodded.
"I know, Izuku. You’ll do amazing, I'm sure. Even without a quirk"
He blushed and looked away while laughing awkwardly.
“Y-yea, right. Without a quirk….”
| | | | | | | | |
Everyone in the huge room was silent.
“Damn, I feel bad for the man.”
Is all you thought as Present Mic silently said a low ‘okay’.
“Anyways! I’m here to present to you the guidelines of your Entrance Exam!”
Besides you on your left sat Midoriya as he fanboyed over the pro hero (Present Mic) talking about the Entrance Exam as Bakugo sat to your right and rolled his eyes.
“Will you tell Deku to shut the fuck up? If you don’t, I’ll do it myself!”
Bakugo silently whispered (yelled) in your ear as you turned to face Midoriya.
“Izuku! Please be quiet or you’ll ask questions on what he had been saying later!”
“R-Right, sorry Y/n!”
Midoirya was now quiet as you all began to pay attention to the loud hero once more.
“After the presentation concludes, you’ll all head straight towards the location you have on the card that was given to you all earlier!”
Looking down at your card, you noticed that it had the letter ‘G’ while Midoriya had his location the same as it was in the Anime, along with Bakugo.
“They're separating us so that none of us from the same middle school can work together, uh. I was hoping to beat Deku’s ass.”
“Each site contains three types of faux villains, you will have to use your quirks to defeat them and earn the points that they may have! Obsoully based on the type of villain you defeat!”
“Excuse me! May I ask a question!”
Turning towards the direction of the voice, you see a dark blue haired boy with glasses standing up from his seat while holding the piece of paper on the information you would have to know about the practical exam.
Tenya Iida.
“Come to think of it, Midoriya didn’t run into Uraraka like he originally did….”
You got lost in your thoughts as Iida continued on with his little rant on the fourth faux villain, until he pointed towards the green haired boy behind you.
“And you! The one with curly hair next to the h/c girl! You’ve been muttering this whole time, it’s distracting! If you can’t take this exam seriously then leave!”
Midoirya muttered a small ‘sorry’ and shrank down into his seat as you patted his shoulder, telling him it was okay as Present Mic answered Iida’s question.
“Um, Nice catch, examine 7111! Although, unlike the rest of the faux villains that are worth one, two, or three points, that fourth one is worth zero points!”
The blue haired boy pushed his glasses backup and sat back down.
“Thank you for clearing up that information! I apologize for not reading the handout thoroughly enough!”
Present Mic was seen having a few sweat drops from his forehead until he cleared his throat and began to talk once more.
“It’s alright! That villain is kinda like a security guard of sorts! But instead of giving you points to defeat it, it’s just a barrier trying to waste your time, so I would just ignore it and continue on my way if I were you!”
He clapped his hands together as he was concluding the presentation.
“Now, go break a leg out there everyone!”
| | | | | | | |
Standing outside of a fake city labeled G, you felt a surge of adrenaline and anxiety.
You could see the tall buildings, the narrow streets, and the hidden traps that awaited you.
“Breathe in, breathe out…” you whispered to yourself, trying to calm your racing heart.
You scanned the crowd of other participants, hoping to spot a friendly face, but you recognized no one.
You were alone in this challenge.
Sighing, you headed closer to the massive gates of the city and continued to control your breathing.
“Alright, Y/n, you got this. The minute he says to start, run as fast as you can.” You repeat your mantra in your mind, psyching yourself up for the task ahead.
“Breathe in, breathe out, in, out, in, out…” You heard a loud voice booming from the speakers.
You didn’t hesitate.
You sprinted towards the now open gates as the rest of the crowd stood there, stunned and confused. You ignored what Present Mic was saying, something about following your example or whatever.
Upon entering the city, you closed your eyes as you focused on using your quirk to turn small and the all too familiar hornet wings sprouted from your back. You soared into the air, searching for the robots.
You were determined to prove yourself in this exam.
| | | |
Same time, different location….
| | | | | |
In a spacious room, several UA teachers were watching the students on multiple screens, each showing a different part of the entrance exam.
They were commenting on the performance of the applicants, especially the ones who stood out from the crowd.
“Well, that was unexpected.” A man with long, black hair said as he saw the all too familiar girl with wings fly over the city, dodging the robots that tried to shoot her down as she was the one to take them down.
“Ooh, how daring. She must have a lot of confidence in her abilities. I wonder what else she can do with those wings.” A woman with a revealing costume said, admiring the girl’s boldness.
“Indeed, she seemed to have shown great initiative and courage. She also wasted no time in entering the city and activating her Quirk, what’s her name anyways?”
A man in a cowboy getup asked as he leaned over to a white mouse in a suit, who was operating a computer.
“L/n Y/n is the name and her quirk seems to be called Hornet! I suspect it’s a mutation type of quirk.” The mouse said, pulling up a separate screen with Y/n’s information.
“She can transform into a human-sized hornet or shrink to the size of a regular insect.”
“She’s smart, too. She knows that flying gives her an advantage over the ground-based robots. She can scout the area and avoid detection, especially because of how small she was able to turn herself.”
A man who was literally concret said a serious expression on his face as he analyzed the girl’s strategy.
“Hmm, yes, very impressive. But she should also be careful. It says that she has had a recent injury a couple months back, could ruin any plan she has in mind if she injures it again.”
A man with wild, blond hair and a gentle smile said, expressing his concern.
“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t be so negative! Let’s cheer for our students! Go, Y/n, go! You’re the best! You’re the coolest! You’re the-”
A man with tall, blond hair and sunglasses shouted, waving his arms.
“Enough, Present Mic. You’re giving me a headache. And you’re supposed to be impartial. You’re the announcer, not a fanboy.”
The man with messy, black hair and a tired look said, rubbing his temples.
“Aw, come on, Eraser Head. Don’t be such a killjoy. Let me have some fun! Besides, didn’t you tell me you knew her or something? You should be cheering for her as well! I bet that Y/n girl is gonna be in the top 5!” Present Mic said, challenging his colleague.
“Oh? I bet she’ll get a place between 10 and 20.” The R-rated hero said, accepting the bet.
“Look, there’s one of the robots. It’s about to fire at her.”
The skinny looking man said, otherwise known as All Might (in his weak form) said, pointing at the screen.
“Let’s see if she has a plan in mind or is just as reckless as one of us in this room.”
| | | | | |
Welp, Y/n is friends with Bakugo......Right?
And of course, Yn is totally not interfering with the cannon events and changing them without knowing herself......Right?
Anyways, you got the chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Have a good rest of your day! :)



Argenti rentry frame ✧
F2u but with credit please !

hallo!! could you make neuvillette rentry frames ? thank you !





Of course ! Here you go
Neuvillette rentry graphics ! : req by anon
F2u but with credit please ! ✧
hey. is ur requests open? If so. Could you make peppino spaghetti from pizza tower rentry graphics? Thank yuo!

Sorry, my requests are closed. I’ll open the request soon!