koda/kody ✧ she/he/it ✧ 20 usa ✧ artist, writer, simmer
716 posts
The USPS Is Now REMOVING MAIL SORTING MACHINES. The Shit Is Hitting The Fan. I Need To Reiterate That
the USPS is now REMOVING MAIL SORTING MACHINES. the shit is hitting the fan. i need to reiterate that signing petitions or texting a number that sends an email isn’t going to cut it. dont send complaints to louis dejoy’s office or any bullshit like that. don’t waste your time. people who live in the US need to CALL their Senators and House reps. you need to post about this constantly. you need to make a big deal about this with friends and family. get them do it too.
if you want to save the USPS i am BEGGING you call your representatives directly to DEMAND they co-sponsor and vote for:
1. the Delivering for America Act (call HOUSE reps). This attempts to reverse the bullshit Trump is doing.

2. USPS Fairness Act (call SENATORS). This is a MAJOR repeal of the bullshit the Bush admin and the Republicans did in 2006 that fucked over the USPS in the first place.

3. HEROES Act (call SENATORS). This is the coronavirus omnibus that includes IMMEDIATE USPS relief. Make it clear you want the USPS portion to be included.
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More Posts from H3avenly-hyst3ria
Just casually thinking about 2016 where the day before the election, my professor for the Race sociology class I was taking made mention of the fact that he was nervous, but hopeful. He wished us all a happy election day, told us to go vote, and he’d see us on Wednesday for our quiz and a recap of marginalization and voter suppression.
Then on Wednesday, we walked into that 9:30am class and found him sitting on the table up front with puffy red eyes, wrinkled T-shirt, shoes untied, and no quiz on the board. He just sat there and watched us come in and we all sat in silence and he spent the whole class leaking tears and talking it out with us.
He was a white man, a self-professed privilege magnet: male, heterosexual, Christian, college educated, middle class, etc and so forth, and he was in absolute shambles. He told us that he stayed up all night watching everything he built his career around get ground into the dirt in one evening. He spent all night and all morning fielding terrified phone calls from the undocumented kids he helped get into the university he worked at, who were wondering when they were going to get deported now, from his Black and Latino coworkers just sobbing in utter rage and agony and fear, from his students of color and his LGBT friends and students. And, he said, all he could do was listen, because we, as the majorities, had failed them. We let the worst happen.
Several folks in the class tried to be optimistic and say that it wouldn’t be that bad, but the professor, who up to this point had always been a ray of sunshine and hope, shut every one of them down because, he said, it absolutely would be that bad.
One girl in the corner started sobbing and told us that just a week before her uncle in Arizona, who had a green card, got deported illegally, and they were fighting to get him home, but now she was wondering when it was going to happen to her. She was too scared to go home and visit her parents for Thanksgiving because she was afraid of going through security at an Arizona airport and getting snatched and shipped out of the country illegally just because she was latina.
And our professor passed her a tissue out of his own pocket, looked at all of us and said, “Remember this in 2020. Don’t you dare let it happen again.”
So I’m sending his plea on to all of you. Don’t let it happen again. Don’t let it happen again. Please, don’t let it happen again.
holy fucking shit what the fuck????
dude’s a total dick and absolutely needs to get fucked!
@one-time-i-dreamt i don’t know if you’ve seen this yet but im gonna tag you in case you haven’t!! hopefully you see this and can do your awesome thing of spreading awareness!!!

A Surrey family is horrified their 13-year-old son, who is on the autism spectrum, was punched in the face by a middle-aged man and police are not pursuing the case further.
It happened last Monday morning at the food court at Central City Shopping Centre in Surrey, B.C.
The boy’s mother is outraged.
“A 200-pound adult punched my kid, who is barely 70 pounds,” said Yanyan Yao.
Submitted by shantaia

hello everyone
i am a proud mixed Indigenous lesbian. i struggle to announce this. i know my issues are not that big compared to what is going on globally. it’s hard to see your life as worthwhile when, in the grand scheme of things, it is insignificant. but i fear for my life.
yesterday (9/7) i found out i have cervical cancer. after months of waiting for an appointment, despite having known since something was wrong, due to the injustice that is the American healthcare system. it has completely turned my world upside down + shaken me to my core. with every breath i fear the cancer is spreading. i don’t know how long my own body has been killing itself, all i know is that i need to hurry to get the injured parts of it removed.
my family has built itself from the ground up and is barely managing. especially with the pandemic.. which has taken a tremendous toll on the alaskan economy.. and as farmers, we lack the means to afford the medical care i’m in dire need of. i struggle with my mental health during a normal day, and this news has virtually killed any light i had left. my waking moments have felt like a nightmare. a nightmare with no foreseeable end in sight.
if there is anyone out there who reads this, by offering your help you are saving me. whether it be by thoughtful sentiments or contributions or spreading this post wherever you can. my life is not in my hands anymore.
thank you for taking the time to read this. i appreciate all of you
paypal: banhmibaby037@gmail.com
venmo: mercurialgirl
one of breonna taylor's murderers was charged with wanton endangerment for firing into her neighbors' apartments. not for murderering a young woman in her home. but for property damage. no other charges were filed.
if you can, now would be a good time to donate to the Louisville bail fund. hundreds of protesters are currently marching with a long day ahead.
black lives matter.