174 posts
Mayura 🐦

I like Mayuras costume both way, but where did the feather part go?
With the new look Nathaly Mayura looks like if she wears a french beret

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Volpina 🦊
I rewatched "Volpina" and just realised:

Miraculous power ✨
So we alredy saw the power of the seven main Miraculouses and some from the 12 zoodiacs:
Ladybug 🐞
Black Cat 🐈
Moth 🦋
Fox 🦊
Turtle 🐢
Bee 🐝
Peacock 🐦
Rabbit 🐇
Monkey 🐒
Horse 🐎
Snake 🐍
Dragon 🐉
Tiger 🐅 - Juleka
Ox 🐂 - Ivan
Rat 🐀 - Mylane (Marinette)
Pig 🐖 -Rose
Dog 🐕 -Sabrina
Rooster 🐓 -Marc (Lila?)
Goat 🐐 -Nathaniel

So, let's see the missing powers:
Rat 🐀
Multiplying (maybe getting smaller and smaller every thime when cloneing)
Explanation: the rat is symbolesing the sneakines, and they number can increase very fast (by giving birth to the next generation)
Weapon: Jumping rope
Tiger 🐅
Fire breath (or create a fire circle with his/her weapon -wich is a hoop, I think)
Explanation: I think, there will be some reference to the circus (because the color of the tiger kwami is more resembles to a painted show-animal than a natural one)
Weapon: Hoop
Rooster 🐓
Supersonic squawk (not a hand or weapon related power? 🤔)
Explanation: It's very obliviously, the roosters symbolise those who are loud and/or talkative
Weapon: Ribbon wand
Ox 🐂
Yoke connection (create chains between him/herself and a choosen target to hold/keep/drag it)
Explanation: The oxes are stong animals, mainly used for transpotrtation (people and non living objects)
Weapon: Gauntlets
Pig 🐖
Will power (makes a wish comes true by secrefice his/her weapon -a hand big, golden, ring/token like thing)
Explanation: the pigs are mainly generous creatures and have a great sense of responsibility. He/She give up his/her weapon to help to the others (by shapeing the reality itself) and became defenceless. (And it's a reference for the piggy bank -the shape and the use of the weapon)
Weapon: Golden ring
Dog 🐕
Tracking (they sense a location of a choosen person and can teleport after them or reverse way -like Onii chan)
Team up (makes a choosen person to a partner)
Explanation: the dogs are faithful and talented trackers, liveing in packs
Weapon: Tonfa/Bumerang (tracking) or Magnifying (team up)
* reference to Sabrinas glasses
Goat 🐐
Art drawing (using his/her weapon can draw something, after that he/she rumple the paper and it became to life)
Explanation: those who born in the year of the goat are talented and creative
Weapon: Horn like Spear/Pen
Furry Rouges
Hello everybody.
It's about The Batman vs TMNT movie, so if you didn't see it, PLEASE, DON'T READ it, 'cause it's a SPOILER! 😀
Ok. So, I was disapointed, cause the animal mutation of the Arkham's bad guys were badass in the best way, but they didn't get new names. So, I decided I fix it.
Enjoy 😁:
Scary Crow

I think, it was oblivious for everybody, next.....

I know, the "Poison ivy" would be good too, but I want come up with something new.
The word "toxicodendron" comes from latin, the race of the poison ivy's
Mr. Polar

Let's face it: he is a polar bear with ice gun.
I come up with the name "Ice bear", but I prefer this version

At first, I didn't know, what kind of animal was him, I thought it's a gepard.....
I give this name, because there's no pun or word with feline + bane, so I want something short name like Bane
It could be "Catbane", a pun, make reference to "Wolfbane"
+ fun fact: there is a cross word puzzle with the name "Cat bane" 😸
Meow face

I wasn't sure the "meow" and "two" sound at least a lil' bit similar, and I'm still not......
Howley Quinn

I just saw her and BUMM......
I mean, come on, what ever could it be ......?
* I belive she is a wolf and not a hyena.... they don't have a fur or tail like this.....
And, fur last, but not for beast... :

At first, I want call him "Sneaker", and it's still would be great name, I think
I love his designe, especially the fake-face on his back
I think he get "laughing venom" in his new "fun-gs"
+ Bonus:
Man bat

I think it was a reference for the real Man bat. But it could be just because Batman usually became a giant bat like creature, when he turn into a "manimal"
Dr. Langstorm (the Man bat) usually turn into monster when he swallow or inject himself some liquod like thing, and here comes an interisting question: Maybe the doctor use some kind of mutagen for his transformations ?
Thanks for the likes or comments, if you don't see the full movie, then I just suggest you.