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Hades 999

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Glasses πŸ‘“

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More Posts from Hades-999

5 years ago

Mayura 🐦


I like Mayuras costume both way, but where did the feather part go?





With the new look Nathaly Mayura looks like if she wears a french beret

5 years ago

Theory Time πŸ•˜

Mr. Rat! πŸ€

Guys I have an amazing theory:

Bunnix (Alix from the future, holder of the Rabbit Miraculous🐰) mentioned the fact:

Lb🐞 and Cn🐈 will defet a super villian whose name is "Mr. Rat".

Theory Time

And, at the end of the episode, Mr. Ramier (Mr. Pigeon🐦) got an advice from Cn🐈 to look after another "pet".

And he found a rat 🐭......

Theory Time
Theory Time

So, after all, we have a strong insight who will be "Mr. Rat"😁


I just realised the fact:

There is a Rat Miraculous! 🐭

Theory Time
Theory Time
























It will be activated by Marinette

Theory Time

(as Multimouse, but it's still a rat)

Theory Time
Theory Time

(and maybe by Mylene........?)

And we know Hawk Moth will get a new sidekick........ What if "Mr. Rat" isn't an akuma but a super villian........?

What if Mr. Ramier gets the Rat Miraculous and becames Mr Rat?!🐭

Theory Time


Mr. Rat! πŸ€

Theory Time

(sorry, I know it's hideous) πŸ˜…

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5 years ago

Ladybug 🐞

Ok, I admit, it was the most strange episode so far........


Ok, our Love-to-hate Li-liar is back (actualy, she is one of the best written character) and let's say she can fool everybody. But there is some mistakes:

There is no camera in that school?

Why for the worker on the schoolyard? He don't see anything?

And there isn't a doctor in the school either? (Even a fireman could tell Lilas leg is not broken....)

And, after a few second, she could walk........

And also, nobody asked Lilla, how did she know where is her necklace/ if she knows why didn't report it?


(fake, fake, but she can walk, never mind....)


Scarlett Moth is back. Strange..... Just as his victims...... Ok, Juleka+Rose, they are friends of Marinette. But Ms. Boustie? Mr. Damocles? Why? (However, it was good to see Scarl' Owl)

Verity Queen? Justice Princes? (Thees must to be cannons)

Marinette almost gives up her earings !!!


3. Mayura

So, to understand Mayura's power:

She can loads a feather with dark energy. That's the Amok.

She can Amokatize any object and create a mental connection.

Than she can create a Senti Monster which is an embodied emotion.

Who possess the object can control the Senti Monster.

Mayura can't control the Senti Monster (without the Amokatized object) or the SM's owner, but she can remove the feather at any time she wants.

(Remember this in the continuation)


Funny but Mayura could create Sentibug because Ladybug is the power of Creation. It was enought to concentrate to creat, and than she could create the creation of create.

Also, thet's why the Senti Charm worked.


(Creating the creature of Creation)


Poor Cat Noir..... He really loves Ladybug, and always hopeing.... Why have to breake him again and again?

Also, (I think) he kissed Sentibug.....

But actualy, why can't he realise the real Ladybug?

She said her heart is somebodie's

She asked Cat Noir uses his head insted of his heart

She throw back Cat Noir's staff

Mayura doesn't speak with her Senti Monsters through the light mask

Hmmmm..... So, Senti Monsters has own will too...... But I still don't know if they organic beings or a mass of energy with specific form

Poor Sentibug..... (So, you could see, Mayura can't control her, but she could get rid of her.)




Hawk Moth fighteing style is more impressive in hand-to-hand combat than in dueling (why

Anybody ever wonder why Hawk Moth doesn't use his sword insted of his cane?


πŸ¦‹Quality family time🐈

Throw each other's sidekick a good Way to make friends 😹


And, for the end, again: poor Cat Noir😿

+ Where did Cat Noir's Cataclysm disepear?


Adrien saved Marinette. It was very kind and cute move 😻

Also: WOW, Adrien when did you become sneaky cat 😸?

Also 2.0: Why didn't get Lil-liar punished? Or if she has this so called "disease" why she doesn't have to change school?

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5 years ago

Furry Rouges


















Hello everybody.

It's about The Batman vs TMNT movie, so if you didn't see it, PLEASE, DON'T READ it, 'cause it's a SPOILER! πŸ˜€

Ok. So, I was disapointed, cause the animal mutation of the Arkham's bad guys were badass in the best way, but they didn't get new names. So, I decided I fix it.

Enjoy 😁:

Scary Crow

Furry Rouges
Furry Rouges

I think, it was oblivious for everybody, next.....


Furry Rouges

I know, the "Poison ivy" would be good too, but I want come up with something new.

The word "toxicodendron" comes from latin, the race of the poison ivy's

Mr. Polar

Furry Rouges

Let's face it: he is a polar bear with ice gun.

I come up with the name "Ice bear", but I prefer this version


Furry Rouges

At first, I didn't know, what kind of animal was him, I thought it's a gepard.....

I give this name, because there's no pun or word with feline + bane, so I want something short name like Bane

It could be "Catbane", a pun, make reference to "Wolfbane"

+ fun fact: there is a cross word puzzle with the name "Cat bane" 😸

Meow face

Furry Rouges

I wasn't sure the "meow" and "two" sound at least a lil' bit similar, and I'm still not......

Howley Quinn

Furry Rouges
Furry Rouges

I just saw her and BUMM......

I mean, come on, what ever could it be ......?

* I belive she is a wolf and not a hyena.... they don't have a fur or tail like this.....

And, fur last, but not for beast... :


Furry Rouges

At first, I want call him "Sneaker", and it's still would be great name, I think

I love his designe, especially the fake-face on his back

I think he get "laughing venom" in his new "fun-gs"

+ Bonus:

Man bat

Furry Rouges

I think it was a reference for the real Man bat. But it could be just because Batman usually became a giant bat like creature, when he turn into a "manimal"

Dr. Langstorm (the Man bat) usually turn into monster when he swallow or inject himself some liquod like thing, and here comes an interisting question: Maybe the doctor use some kind of mutagen for his transformations ?

Thanks for the likes or comments, if you don't see the full movie, then I just suggest you.

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5 years ago

Miraculous power ✨

So we alredy saw the power of the seven main Miraculouses and some from the 12 zoodiacs:

Ladybug 🐞

Black Cat 🐈

Moth πŸ¦‹

Fox 🦊

Turtle 🐒

Bee 🐝

Peacock 🐦


Rabbit πŸ‡

Monkey πŸ’

Horse 🐎

Snake 🐍

Dragon πŸ‰

Tiger πŸ… - Juleka

Ox πŸ‚ - Ivan

Rat πŸ€ - Mylane (Marinette)

Pig πŸ– -Rose

Dog πŸ• -Sabrina

Rooster πŸ“ -Marc (Lila?)

Goat 🐐 -Nathaniel

Miraculous Power

So, let's see the missing powers:

Rat πŸ€

Multiplying (maybe getting smaller and smaller every thime when cloneing)

Explanation: the rat is symbolesing the sneakines, and they number can increase very fast (by giving birth to the next generation)

Weapon: Jumping rope

Tiger πŸ…

Fire breath (or create a fire circle with his/her weapon -wich is a hoop, I think)

Explanation: I think, there will be some reference to the circus (because the color of the tiger kwami is more resembles to a painted show-animal than a natural one)

Weapon: Hoop

Rooster πŸ“

Supersonic squawk (not a hand or weapon related power? πŸ€”)

Explanation: It's very obliviously, the roosters symbolise those who are loud and/or talkative

Weapon: Ribbon wand

Ox πŸ‚

Yoke connection (create chains between him/herself and a choosen target to hold/keep/drag it)

Explanation: The oxes are stong animals, mainly used for transpotrtation (people and non living objects)

Weapon: Gauntlets

Pig πŸ–

Will power (makes a wish comes true by secrefice his/her weapon -a hand big, golden, ring/token like thing)

Explanation: the pigs are mainly generous creatures and have a great sense of responsibility. He/She give up his/her weapon to help to the others (by shapeing the reality itself) and became defenceless. (And it's a reference for the piggy bank -the shape and the use of the weapon)

Weapon: Golden ring

Dog πŸ•

Tracking (they sense a location of a choosen person and can teleport after them or reverse way -like Onii chan)


Team up (makes a choosen person to a partner)

Explanation: the dogs are faithful and talented trackers, liveing in packs

Weapon: Tonfa/Bumerang (tracking) or Magnifying (team up)

* reference to Sabrinas glasses

Goat 🐐

Art drawing (using his/her weapon can draw something, after that he/she rumple the paper and it became to life)

Explanation: those who born in the year of the goat are talented and creative

Weapon: Horn like Spear/Pen

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