hades-999 - Hades 999
Hades 999

174 posts

Alien X-tinction | Ben 10 | Cartoon Network

Alien X-tinction | Ben 10 | Cartoon Network










I would point out only a single thing from this movie: Alien X is moveing and speaking seemingly without hesitation......😶

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More Posts from Hades-999

4 years ago

Common mistake, Never mind

So, since the Season 3 finale of Ladybug, I heard a million times about of problems our heroes will have to face..... Let me break it down for everybody, what is true, and what is not;

As you guessed it, SPOILERS!

Fixed Peacock Miraculous/Nathalie heals - As we saw, Gabriel fixed the Miraculous of the peacock. First: it could be good, however, nothing implyes that it's really good. I don't think Gabriel is a talented Miraculous fixer. Secound: But even if it's working properly, I don't think Nathalie would instantly healed. She may get better by time

Hawk Moth knows heroes identities - A common mistake the whatchers think Hawk Moth and Mayura (possibly Chloe as well) knows the identity of: Rena Ruge, Carapace, Ryuuko, Viperion, Pegasus and Monky King. That's not true! Ladybug used her Lucky charm, which already proved it can make peaple forget secret identities (most notably in Oblivio) there's no reason it would change this time

Cat Noir has to releval himself - Why would he? The main reason Marinett is brave enought to be Ladybug is the fact she knows Cat Noir gots his back. She needs him and she wouldn't take his ring away. Also, nobody said the Guardian has to know each holder's identity. Practical, yes, but it's not a rule. Also, Cat knows Ladybug is the Guardian, they can keep contact as their superhero identities

Fu is out of the seria - Half truth. His memories dissepeard, however he is still alive, so he can come back at any time, which is unlikely, but still possible

Adrigami / Lukanette is cannon - puting aside my personal preferences, I have to say, non of the main love square's members are together. It's implyed they have feelings for each other, but personally, I think the producers won't make the step to make other offical cuple than Adrinette, but we will see

Ladybug is the Guardian! - so, strangely nobody speaks about it, but at some point Ladybug has to pass the box to somebody else..... Which means she has to forget everything, like Fu..... However (and it's just my theory) Fu gave the box to Ladybug. So, Marinette can keep her memories by anounce or pass her Miraculous....

Common Mistake, Never Mind

I hope I could made a few things clear, if you have any thoughts/questions/theories contact me or comment, both are appriciated 😉

Have a nice day.🙂

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4 years ago

Fun Time 🕘😸


Hi. I brought you something today. Maybe a fun fact, maybe a theory time, I don't know, because it's just in my head. Enjoy 😁

 Fun Time

Two of the newest villain of the Ben 10 Reboot are the twins; Plus and Minus. They not bad, but neigter exciting, the tipical bad siblings with magnetic power. But if you look them closer...

If you are familiar the Ben 10 commericals alien, you know these three;


Bob the Blob


 Fun Time

So, mine point is;

There's a two headed one, how's heads independent and arguing what should they do

An adult with electromagnetic power, capable of flight

And a creature with the want of word wilde domination and cause a planetery desaster

All of these are true for the Polar twins too. Maybe these ideas are worked in these characters. Maybe not. However, it's funny, at least for me. Have a good time 😁

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4 years ago

🕙 How to put together;

Starter playlist

Hi. Maybe it will be a longer seria, or no, depends on you. So, le't see wha kind of aliens should be in the pack😁

 How To Put Together;


Be sure all character has alien like aspect. Something new, something what makes them alien

Referre to alien stories or mythology (not copy them, just something similar)

It's practical to have different colours, makes the team more versatile. Same with body shape and size

Make some animal like. Easyer to designe and animals are already cool

However, don't make them absolutly animalistic. It can be offical (since the Nemetrix) and humans are more atracted by humanoid figures

It's makes more sence if the transformatios has similar coloured outfits. It makes them "A Team"

 How To Put Together;


Fire - Since Ben ever first alien was Heatblast, it's a kind of tradition to use a fire user as a transformation

Strong - Ben always choosed the though guy in battle, even if the Omnitrix were created for intergalactik peace makeing

Shapeshifting - The ability to morphe always interesting, but if it limitles it will make the character overpowered or borring. Maybe unidentifieable. Use a theme

Water - It's practical to include one alien who can operate underwater, it gives the oppurtunit to have adventure in water

Fly - They usuallly put one or two flying aliens in the team. Beside it's fun it's useful too

Regenerate - Haveing a regenerating alien is always a win. They practically indestructables, usually good for offense and defense

Small - Ben mainly has human size or bigger aliens, but a small one (because of their less-commonnes) coming handy

Goo - Beside being serious sometimes, Ben also likes to have fun. Give the team sometbody who is more gross in an useful way

Fast - Beside it's fun, it's a handy traveling opportunity and useful one

Smart - Being clever is one thing, but being super inteligent is an other. Ben already has a great memory, but if you give him some brain power, he will be superior

Equality - Try to balance the power level of each one. Can be one Strong and on weak, but don't make any useles one or one which is technicly nullifie the other's usefulnes

Own power - It's simply not practical to include alien who's power is depending on something. They can be cool, but the fact they not independent makes them less apriciated

 How To Put Together;


The sarter aliens are the one most used group. Make them memorable and enjoyable

Don't do overpowered aliens. Even the strongest ones have weakneses, and it makes them interesting

Think about a theme (costume, Whatever-trix place, eyes colour....etc.)

You can give them equipments, but keep it in mind, the Omnitrix only gives them supplies nesecary to the species

Do not base them on already existing designes. Be original

Also, don't try to break records, like makeing bigger and stronger alien than Way Big

Make a special one. You can build a story arch around him

When you name them, not nesessary use puns. But use cool names from two separet parts. Surpriseingly, the are no really starter with simple name

I hope you like, next maybe about the extra aliens designe 😀

If you got inspiration, I would be pleased if you send me your starter aliens in message 😁 Thanks you and have a nice day! 👽

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4 years ago



So, I just found a trailer about a movie, titled Wolfwalkers.


The story will be basic, a wofhunter, who is a daughter of a wolf hunter becomes a kind of spirit werewolf while She is sleeping and realised she actually wants to save the wolf from her father. We saw already storyes like this. But the more important things:

The drawing and animations are stunning.

The trailer's music is awesome, so, possibly the movie's will be as well.

The characters already lovable for me.

And one of the most interesting fact; possibly one of the first movie where the main characters are openly lesbians. And the creators seemingly got just the perfect kind of love beetwen the characters.😻


So, even if the story is basic I would recomand anybody.

If you saw and like it, please, write me, I will try to watch as soon as it's possible 😁

Have a nice day 💜

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4 years ago

Fun Facts 😸


I have this mod for days....😂😅;

Fun Facts

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