hades-999 - Hades 999
Hades 999

174 posts

Currently? The Most Dangerous Thing To Humans Would Be A Complex, But Very Well Adapting Virus. Or A

Currently? The most dangerous thing to humans would be a complex, but very well adapting virus. Or a scavenger, who adapted to it to be a carrier, but not to be affected by it, so it can feast on the corpses...

I was thinking about a human predator a while ago, and i though of dinnosaurs-

Tho lions would make sense too

Humans are separated by around 65 million years the mass extinction even that wiped out all the dinosaurs ,so it would make no sense for a dinosaur to be the natural predator of humans

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1 year ago
Hello! Thanks You @kari-go , Back At You!

Hello! Thanks you @kari-go , Back at you! đŸ’œđŸ„°

And thanks for these peaple, may I not know them too much, but thanks for making a great job, keep up the good work, have a nice day!đŸ«¶

@marystulips @stopaskingmetowearthatwig@talesofgabrielandnathalie @hezuart @spittyfishy @callimara @doppelgangergrl @zoe-oneesama @bigfatbreak

@pluagemask042 @rizegreymon22arts @ben10-lostandfound @ben10fanaliens @calculovo-ben-10

*hugs u*


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11 months ago

Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~)🌈🌈

Hello! I will not do the sending part, anybody who see (and willing to do) it is encouraged to do so, love yourshelf and others đŸ€—đŸ«¶

For my shelf-love;

My face. I'm am chubby, which I would like to change, but I like about my body that I have a faca I find oke looking (not for braging, I'm not extreme good looking, I'm just glad I feel comfortable with it🙂)

My strength. I like to be stronger than others, on one hand, it makes me feel safer, but more inportantly, I can help others, that feels important to me, it's something I have and I can share

My loyalty. It's important to me what others want, and I want to support them. I don't like to be used, but if somebody nice to me, I can easely gets attached (I'm seriously like a dog sometimesđŸ¶)

I like and dare to think different than others. I feel I can think of things others might not, and because of this, I can see things (connections) others might not

I'm a good lisener. Recently more and more peaple say this, and I care for others, and intrested in them. And I like I'm getting better at understanding them, and I'm glad they feel heared🙂

Thank you @kari-go for this ask, love you, hope you love yourshelf as well 😘💜

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2 years ago

Theory Time 🕘

Time 2 Evolve

Hi. I don't know too much about pokemons, but making theories about them won't hurt, right😅 (I swear it will be not a regular thing)

So, we saw the trailer for the game and it's clearly Past and Future. The legendaryes are clearly, but more interestingly, the professores are splited by this theme (which is new, if I'm right)

So, my theory is, what if the starters got a somewhat differet evolutions as well, depending on the version you play?

Sprigatito eigther could be a Sabertooth tiger or a Regular Tiger

Theory Time

Fuecoco a Dinosaur or a Crocodile

Theory Time

and Quaxley some short of an Old Fashion or a Modern sailor

Theory Time

What do you think? Tahanks for reading it😃!

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1 year ago

Well, yes, I agree. My main problem in addition is that he openly favores Zoe over Chloe, whic is, right, awfull, but somewhat I could excuse it, oke, they click better... Bad excuse, but still. What I think is simply unacceptable is the fact he "adopts" Zoé, while gives up Chloe

Why do you throw away your minior children? Yeah, awful, but you have responsibilities...

I hate he adopt Zoé.... Hello!!! Zoe LEE! She is Chloe's HALF sister (as it was highlighted on multiple occasion) on her MOTHER SIDE!!! Andre can't do that, that is NOT HIS DAUGHTER!

The fact she is Zoe LEE proves she is legaly bearing his father's name, so the fatherhood is officall

There are no indications that Mr. Lee would be dead or disowned Zoe

So a grownup disowns his child who he is responsible for and responsible to spoiling her and let she be abused, and he replaces her with a girl he has no rights to claim....

And he does all of this with a ballon Audry, so he is covard enought not to tell this in the face...

Why Andre is a horrible father and badly written character - Season 5 Spoilers ahead

You might know Andre Bourgeois as the corrupt mayor of Paris or Chloe’s spineless father who can’t stand up to her. He never bothered me too much in S1-4 but Season 5 - his character felt ruined. This post will explain why Andre is an awful father and badly written character. 

Part 1 - His relationship with Chloe

Despite not being an evil character - he is still a rubbish father. First thing he does is adopt Zoe and seemingly disown Chloe in Collusion judging by the deleted section of the leaked script.

Why Andre Is A Horrible Father And Badly Written Character - Season 5 Spoilers Ahead

He knows Audrey is a terrible mother but still lets her take Chloe nonetheless - hoping they’ll have fun. Andre also favors Zoe and wants to keep her by how he willingly adopts her and when he allows Audrey to take Chloe to NYC despite knowing she will abuse her . Hell he even says " I like her best". This disgusts me because Andre is willing to play favorites and only wants to love and take care of Zoe - who in his eyes is the easier daughter to raise.

Why Andre Is A Horrible Father And Badly Written Character - Season 5 Spoilers Ahead

This is proven in Revolution when he seemingly takes Chloe away angrily and leaves her with Audrey - judging by the plane scene. This angers me because Andre seemingly abandons his daughter and doesn’t take any responsibility for what happened. Chloe isn’t 100% to blame for how she turned out . Andre should take ownership of how Chloe acted and should’ve tried to discipline her . If he was a Good father he would’ve sent Chloe to Juvie or to live with a strict , non-wealthy relative and financially cut her off.  I’m not saying Chloe is innocent - she had a choice to become mayor and should definitely be punished - but sending her with Audrey will make the situation worse. I'm not against him adopting Zoe but the fact he didn't take any responsibility for Chloe's behaviour and tosses her aside proves that he only cares about Zoe not Chloe. Therefore he is a horrid father because he pretty much abandoned Chloe knowing her mum will mistreat her but doesn’t feel guilty because he replaced her with Zoe - the better daughter. No wonder Chloe is the way she is.

Why Andre Is A Horrible Father And Badly Written Character - Season 5 Spoilers Ahead

Part 2 - badly written

Andre - as well as being an awful dad , is also a badly written character. The writers portray him as an amazing father by how he saved Zoe from Audreys wrath by adopting her and how he put his foot down in revolution when taking Chloe away.  However - he is terribly written because the writers want to show him as a good father but write him to be a coward. He is a bad father by how he replaces Chloe with Zoe because she is the better behaved daughter. He adopts Zoe and takes responsibility for her because she is the easier daughter to raise and Andre wants to feel like he is a good person. He never took responsibility for Chloe and seemingly blames Chloe and Audrey for what  happened. The writers present him as a hero and honorable father when in reality - he is a spineless, pathetic man for not raising Chloe properly and abandoning her.

Why Andre Is A Horrible Father And Badly Written Character - Season 5 Spoilers Ahead

What makes him even more despicable is that he knew Gabriel and Tomoe used his daughter as a puppet and manipulated her - but he never called them out.

Why Andre Is A Horrible Father And Badly Written Character - Season 5 Spoilers Ahead

He let his daughter be presented as a scapegoat and received all the blame when he knew Gabriel was the real villain behind the robots. Well to play devil's advocate , lot's of the shows characters are dumb , but that still isn't an excuse. I'm not suprised he wasn't able to piece two and two together. He never was a Good father to Chloe and was too pathetic to take some of the blame for what she did. His character honestly is worse than Audrey because the writers at least write her decently. She is written to be horrible and is presented as horrible. Andre is the better person while Audrey is the better Character. However Andre is written to be a benevolent person when in reality he is a mouse and a disgusting person. 

If you love Chloe or you hate her - you cannot deny that it isn’t entirely her fault on why she turned out to be such a spoiled brat. Andre is just as to blame as Audrey on why Chloe is a bad person. He never disciplined her , seemingly replaces Chloe with Zoe because she is his favorite, didn’t take responsibility for what Chloe did , leaves her with Audrey ( who he’ll know will abuse Chloe) and lets his daughter be slandered by Paris for the fiasco when he knew Gabriel and Tomoe were behind all of that.  But what makes him the most terrible character is that he is obviously an irresponsible father but the writers present him as a loving one who is innocent and has done nothing wrong.  Chloe is no angel , but she isn’t pure evil . She wasn’t born bratty , someone raised her to be like that . I wished the fandom recognised how atrocious Andre is as a father and I find it disgusting how the writers think he is a good person . But these are just my opinions. However if you like what they did with his character , that is perfectly fine . I’m not saying you are not allowed to like Andre. Please stay respectful.