Hello , I Hope You're Doing Well..
Hello 👋, I hope you're doing well..
My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging.
Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens.. 🙏
If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference, and thanks for your time. ❤🍉
https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b 🔗
hey guys, check this out!
(i did check the page out, and this is verified)
More Posts from Harukamitsuki
Here's some non-controversial Voltron takes:
Admiral Sanda is a bitch
Hunk is an angel in disguise
Shunk is a great ship that needed more screentime
Season Eight was an awful mess
Shiro should have been the one to kill Sendak
Playing the Voltron formation sequence every single time was unnecessary and just wasted time
The elemental ascept was underutilised and I wish bonding with the Lions gave the paladins the element of the Lion
Allura should not have died
I... I need it

Yeah so... I did a thing
New Blog!
Hi. This is @harukamitsuki speaking.
So... I decided to make a blog specifically for rewriting MHA.
It's been on my mind for a while now, ever since I started ranting a whole lot about My Hero's shortcomings, and since I my post about Kurogiri and Shigaraki abandoning AfO.
I will absolutely tone down any bashing of characters, such as Bakugou, Aizawa, and Shinsou. I will still be critical, but I won't declare them as unredeemable pieces of shits, and all that jazz.
First and foremost: this is not canon compliant. It will change before canon, though not by much. (Basically giving Izuku's dream of being a quirkless hero some ground.)
The timeline will be stretched out further, with the final arc being in Izuku's third year, rather than in the first. It always bothered me how fast everything was happening, to the point that we rarely ever see the characters getting any sort of down time.
There will be no bashing of characters, with the uncertain execption of Endeavour as I'm not sure if I want to redeem him or not.
As for rules for this blog...
1 - Asks regarding opinons of certain characters are not allowed. Instead, please send them to my main blog, @harukamitsuki
2 - Asks should be pertaining to this blog specifically. Any asks not related to the rewrite will be deleted and ignored.
3 - I do not want to see asks demanding that I do this or that. If I see them, they will be promptly ignored and deleted. Asking if I will be doing this or that is perfectly fine.
4 - If I decide to implement romance, it will be my decision, and mine alone. Feel free to interpret different relationships however you want, but if I include any shipping, it will be my decision alone.
5 - This will be going arc by arc, so please don't ask about arcs that come into play much later on. I will be focusing on only one arc, and maybe setting up foreshadowing for later ones.
6 - Bakugou, Aizawa, Shinsou, and Endeavour stans will not enjoy this blog, so if you are any of them, I suggest that you do not read and/or interact. Just keep scrolling man
Using 'said' is not inherently bad. It's only when it's an overabundance of it that it becomes stale.
If you can't think of another word or can't find a way to express the tone, just use 'said'. Refusing to use it isn't "top-notch writing skillz", it's just a burden.
Ignore all those posts that say 'said' is the worst thing ever. It's literally part of a huge saying, "he said, she said". Screw anyone who tells you otherwise.
"We're Not Friends Kacchan" by Winds Carry Far is a really good Bakugou-Bashing fic, where All Might is depicted as a good teacher, while Aizawa is called out for being a terrible one who enabled Bakugou's behaviour. Highly recommend.
Another fic they made is called "Reality Check", where Shinsou is the one called out. Aizawa is, again, called out for being a terrible teacher, and All Might as being supportive. Another great read.
They both have TvTrope pages, though they're not exactly reliable, considering it calls both Shinsou and Bakugou as OOC even thought they're really not.
"Please Erase Eraserhead's Biases" by Beerus is also a Shinsou-bashing fic, which Aizawa is also called out on and All Might is not. Another good read.
In the "to be better" series by bia95, the first fic, "to be bitter, to be kind", has less bashing and more of a critique on Shinsou. As it's a discussion between Nedzu and Shinsou, Aizawa and All Might are not mentioned. The third fic in the series, "to be angry, to be safe", bashes on Bakugou. It acknowledges that he was raised by a shitty school but he still needs to be punished. The series is only three works in, but it is going really well thus far.
"Abuse of Power" by ACoolUsername85 is another good Shinsou-bashing fic, where Aizawa is portrayed as a shit teacher. It's centred around Ojirou, who was absoultely done dirty by the fandom, who tries to get along with Shinsou, but he's just a raging asshole.
Those are a few fics that I find myself re-reading. Give em a read if you want to see content like this :)
Do you read fanfictions? If so, can you tell me your favourite fics where Bakugou severely faces consequences, Aizawa and Shinsou's BS being called out, and Izuku getting the love and support he deserves? Thanks❤️❤️❤️
I do read fics, but I can't really think of any fics off the top of my head right now. Bakugou faces consequences fics usually involve Aizawa glazing and All Might bashing and it's hard to find ones that don't.
There is Peace's Apprentice on AO3 that's an IzuMomo fic. I never got around to reading it in its entirety, but it does call out Bakugou, Aizawa, and Shinsou