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"We're Not Friends Kacchan" By Winds Carry Far Is A Really Good Bakugou-Bashing Fic, Where All Might

"We're Not Friends Kacchan" by Winds Carry Far is a really good Bakugou-Bashing fic, where All Might is depicted as a good teacher, while Aizawa is called out for being a terrible one who enabled Bakugou's behaviour. Highly recommend.

Another fic they made is called "Reality Check", where Shinsou is the one called out. Aizawa is, again, called out for being a terrible teacher, and All Might as being supportive. Another great read.

They both have TvTrope pages, though they're not exactly reliable, considering it calls both Shinsou and Bakugou as OOC even thought they're really not.

"Please Erase Eraserhead's Biases" by Beerus is also a Shinsou-bashing fic, which Aizawa is also called out on and All Might is not. Another good read.

In the "to be better" series by bia95, the first fic, "to be bitter, to be kind", has less bashing and more of a critique on Shinsou. As it's a discussion between Nedzu and Shinsou, Aizawa and All Might are not mentioned. The third fic in the series, "to be angry, to be safe", bashes on Bakugou. It acknowledges that he was raised by a shitty school but he still needs to be punished. The series is only three works in, but it is going really well thus far.

"Abuse of Power" by ACoolUsername85 is another good Shinsou-bashing fic, where Aizawa is portrayed as a shit teacher. It's centred around Ojirou, who was absoultely done dirty by the fandom, who tries to get along with Shinsou, but he's just a raging asshole.

Those are a few fics that I find myself re-reading. Give em a read if you want to see content like this :)

Do you read fanfictions? If so, can you tell me your favourite fics where Bakugou severely faces consequences, Aizawa and Shinsou's BS being called out, and Izuku getting the love and support he deserves? Thanks❤️❤️❤️

I do read fics, but I can't really think of any fics off the top of my head right now. Bakugou faces consequences fics usually involve Aizawa glazing and All Might bashing and it's hard to find ones that don't.

There is Peace's Apprentice on AO3 that's an IzuMomo fic. I never got around to reading it in its entirety, but it does call out Bakugou, Aizawa, and Shinsou

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More Posts from Harukamitsuki

7 months ago

Yeah so... I did a thing

New Blog!

Hi. This is @harukamitsuki speaking.

So... I decided to make a blog specifically for rewriting MHA.

It's been on my mind for a while now, ever since I started ranting a whole lot about My Hero's shortcomings, and since I my post about Kurogiri and Shigaraki abandoning AfO.

I will absolutely tone down any bashing of characters, such as Bakugou, Aizawa, and Shinsou. I will still be critical, but I won't declare them as unredeemable pieces of shits, and all that jazz.

First and foremost: this is not canon compliant. It will change before canon, though not by much. (Basically giving Izuku's dream of being a quirkless hero some ground.)

The timeline will be stretched out further, with the final arc being in Izuku's third year, rather than in the first. It always bothered me how fast everything was happening, to the point that we rarely ever see the characters getting any sort of down time.

There will be no bashing of characters, with the uncertain execption of Endeavour as I'm not sure if I want to redeem him or not.

As for rules for this blog...

1 - Asks regarding opinons of certain characters are not allowed. Instead, please send them to my main blog, @harukamitsuki

2 - Asks should be pertaining to this blog specifically. Any asks not related to the rewrite will be deleted and ignored.

3 - I do not want to see asks demanding that I do this or that. If I see them, they will be promptly ignored and deleted. Asking if I will be doing this or that is perfectly fine.

4 - If I decide to implement romance, it will be my decision, and mine alone. Feel free to interpret different relationships however you want, but if I include any shipping, it will be my decision alone.

5 - This will be going arc by arc, so please don't ask about arcs that come into play much later on. I will be focusing on only one arc, and maybe setting up foreshadowing for later ones.

6 - Bakugou, Aizawa, Shinsou, and Endeavour stans will not enjoy this blog, so if you are any of them, I suggest that you do not read and/or interact. Just keep scrolling man

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6 months ago

And that is the end of Season 1, folks! Ahh, it's been such a good time! I loved writing this season, setting things up for later seasons. I want to thank everyone who has been reading my rewrite, and for all your support!

Special thanks to CatGirlBeast09 and Username1232 for commenting so frequently! It really helped me find my motivation to continue it!

As of now, this is the first long fic that I've ever completed, and the longest! So I really am grateful that people have been reading and staying tuned for so long.

Now, I am planning to rewrite the rest of it, so fear not. This is not goodbye - I have a lot planned out. Season two is where we'll really see the canon divergances, where more new things are introduced, further character development, and things I just felt were missing from VLD.

I am planning to go back and edit the past chapter, specifically the ones written two years ago, so if you see that I've updated anything past chapter 20, that is why.

That's all. Thanks for tuning in and I'll see you in the next installment!

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9 months ago

Hello, I’m the anon that apologized for implying that Keith was “spoiled”

I wanted to come back and talk to you because I wanted to discuss some points!

I made my Keith statements without really explaining what I meant and I wanted to try again.

I don’t want Lance to be the black paladin and I just need to state that now. However, I also didn’t want Keith to reside as the permanent black paladin.

I know that his color palate and clothing have black in them but shiro is also all black. In my opinion I would’ve preferred Keith to be the substitute black paladin.

Ryou (the clone) should’ve never been able to pilot the black lion because he’s just a copy of shiros face not him. Making Keith stay within the team and allura going to red (because I really don’t know how they thought allura in blue was a good idea, love her but what?)

(I want Keith to stay with the team and not go to the blades as I would prefer the paladins sticking together)

(Also because the plot line for the altean colony is ridiculous)

I would’ve loved to see ryou find out he’s a clone along with the paladins and not just kill him off. I think it would’ve also brought some realization into Keith about shiro and such.

The way I think of the paladins and their relationship to the lions is that the lions physically created the paladins.

The reason why it took 10,000 years is because earth doesn’t have quintestance, so the lions had to basically build their paladins from the ground up by creating generations of humans with it.

Because earth doesn’t have it, it takes a long time until there’s finally enough for the paladins now!

Which is why I don’t think Keith should continue to be the black paladin. Because he belongs with red just as Lance in blue, pidge in green, hunk in yellow, and shiro in black.

and because Shiro never gets to go back to being the black paladin his character gets reduced to cardboard.

which is the reasoning for my initial comments that I couldn’t describe clearly.

I didn’t mean to come off as a black paladin Lance supporter or that Lance was the best option. Because he isn’t.

There are things with lances character that I feel as though could’ve been worked so much better. (I saw a previous post of yours discuss lances having altean markings and your so correct, honestly they feel like fan service since the fandom goes nuts with altean Lance and honestly I can’t understand why)

I’m far more a shiro fan. In all honesty he has done a lot for me. I don’t like that he was just meant to be thrown away.

I mean the writers created an entirely new character for crying out loud!! Shiro didn’t exist in the other versions. Technically he is sven but sven was always the blue paladin.

Shiro has obvious PTSD and has a genetic disease that needs his arm forcefully removed from him. He fights so hard for his lion and his teammates.

My feelings on Keith are in fact very biased but it feels like a lot of Keith’s character completely erases all of shiros.

With ryou and the paladins finding out that shiro is in the black lion i would’ve loved to see them search desperately to find where the clones were made to see if they could bring Shiro back.

My thoughts are a little all over the place I apologize for that.

Hello again!

This is a bit awkward because I basically agree with almost everything here so there's not much for me to dissect haha.

If anyone's been reading my past, PAST, posts, you'll have probably seen my post as to why Lance never should have went to Red, and why it should have been Allura. I can understand why Allura is Blue and Lance is Red in the ORIGINAL series, but this is a rewrite where the characters are basically completely different.

Which also means that, no, I will not be using the original series to back-up my belief that Keith is a great Black Paladin.

Like I said, I basically agree with everything you wrote, except that I didn't personally care for Ryou. I felt sorry for him and was kinda shocked when they just used his body for Shiro's soul, but I didn't care about him.

I do think it would have been interesting to see Ryou be a little stinker and try to manipulate everyone, due to him being a sleeper agent. Like, in canon, when Ryou apologised to Keith, he says "I'm sorry I had to step in there" instead of "for stepping in there". He's still putting the blame on Keith. He says sorry without truly saying it, if you get what I mean.

Then, one day, he goes a little too far. Like, I dunno, he calls Lance useless or Hunk cowardly or something, and Keith immediately goes: wait. That's not right. Suddenly, Keith's a lot less willing to take Ryou's 'advice' to heart and things pile up until he realises Ryou is a clone.

I think that kind of story line is much more interesting that what we got. Of course, if you care about Ryou and are horrified at his death, there are others ways. Ryou slowly learning he's a clone and hating himself until the paladins make him realise that it's not his fault and he can choose to be his own person. Heck, he kind of already is.

Of course, another option is just to not kill Shiro off? Like, put him in a coma or reveal that Haggar yoinked him from Black with quintessence magic and he's been captive this whole time. Keith would still have to pilot Black but, because Shiro isn't a clone, when he gets back Black opens up immediately.

The thing is, Shiro and Keith's style of leadership is different. Very different, meaning that they're suited to lead different kinds of things, with varying efficiency. What I think would have been cool to see is them changing the roster (Shiro leads, Keith in Red/Keith leads, Allura in red) depending on the mission. Which can mean that, if you decide to keep season eight for some reason, Shiro or Keith can lead them into the final battle. Shiro leading them might make more sense.

I've heard a lot of people say that Shiro is boring and it's like– why do you think that? I kind of wanted to see more of his character arc, wanted to see Keith, Coran and Allura take care of him when he's too high strung. I wanted to see him be there, actually there, when Pidge saves Matt. I wanted to see him accept that he may have been hurt, but he is not broken.

I think that those people who think Shiro is boring just weren't watching the same show, or only remeber him from season 7-8 where he does basically nothing. Season 1-2 Shiro are great. He feels so human, scared of the world but pushing himself through for the sake of others and to not seem weak. He makes bad gun noises, immediately denies Coran trying to feed him like a baby with "no. Just– no.", displays some dark humour when he's alone with Keith and bleeding out. He's terrified of being seen as broken, because that's exactly what he thinks of himself.

So. Yeah.

Either make Ryou more interesting or don't kill Shiro off. It would still let Keith become his own Black Paladin, and it would let the group change members depending on the situation, which would make it less jarring if Allura was the one to pilot the Atlus, as was originally planned.

I can understand why you believe Keith's character erases Shiro's. Because, in all honesty, it kind of does. Of course, that is mostly DreamWorks' fault because they just can't give Shiro any sort of happiness? Like, Keith has also been hurt over and over again, but at least Keith has his mother.

Shiro was supposed to gain the ability to teleport. HE WAS REPLACED BY KOSMO - HE WAS REPLACED BY A DOG. Shiro didn't even get to end Sendak! Even if I adore Keith, I was so baffled when Keith made the finish blow, because that was Shiro's fight! Shiro has nobody to go home to, only returning to find that his ex-fiancé is dead, and it's just– I know that gay characters tend to suffer the most, but come on DreamWorks! Give him SOMETHING!

From my perspective, I've always noticed the difference between Keith and Shiro's leadership styles, and just in general. But DreamWorks is so allergic to giving any of them anything, so they wrote in the Broganes bond, tore it apart, then played a darts game to decide their traits after Shiro's death. It makes it especially worse when they decide to make Keith go through development off-screen, so he comes back when he's become more mature like Shiro, but it gets no explanation so it feels like he was just given more of Shiro's traits.

Alas, we get no explanation, so it is jarring. Which is another reason why making Ryou unable to pilot Black, or Shiro still being alive, would have been much better. Keith had a point about leaving, but Shiro, the real Shiro, never would have let him leave, and Keith wouldn't leave if Ryou couldn't pilot Black.

I would still make it so that Keith stayed with BoM just for the sake of meeting Krolia, but nothing else much.

So. Yeah.

I do agree with basically all of this, only I wouldn't have Keith be just a sub for Black. I think he and Shiro should have used it interchangeably, or at least provide an explanation for why the real Shiro, the one who bonded with Black the most, couldn't pilot her.


(Sorry if there's any mistakes, I just woke up haha)

(Also, Keith's colour scheme fits Black more than Shiro's did, mostly because of the accent colours that Keith had. Other than that, yeah. I agree.)

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6 months ago

Hello 👋, I hope you're doing well..

My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging.

Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens.. 🙏

If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference, and thanks for your time. ❤🍉

https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b 🔗

hey guys, check this out!

(i did check the page out, and this is verified)

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