Hi, welcome to my blog! My name is Hayley, I’m 22. I like to write fanfic and draw. I’m into a bunch of different fandoms u can find below, but my main interests @ the moment are MCU Spider-Man, Grey’s Anatomy, and Ginny and Georgia.
1382 posts
Decided To Post A Picture Of My Grandpa And Me From When I Was Younger, And One Of Him Being The Goofball

Decided to post a picture of my grandpa and me from when I was younger, and one of him being the goofball he was lol. Just because. ❤️
More Posts from Hay-389
Maddie can feel the joy radiate off of each and every person her eyes glaze over as she looks at the photographs on the walls, one guy she even recognizes as the person who first greeted her when she unexpectedly showed up at the firehouse in search of her brother. She is so happy it seems Buck has found his place in the world and also found the people he wants to share his life with. If anyone deserved it, it was her little brother.
So maybe, maybe she should just leave and not come back. Maddie should just take her son and run somewhere else. It isn’t fair for her to drag her brother into a mess she made, not when he finally has a job he loves and people he considers family. Not only would she be messing his life up but theirs as well. They look like they love Evan just as much as she does, so automatically it feels like she’s making her mess all of their messes as well and that is not fair to drag down Buck and everyone around him. It would be all too familiar and all too hurtful she knows, but maybe she should just write a letter to her brother and get out while she still can.
There isn’t really much time to process that thought any longer though as the door handle jiggles to the front door and Buck is stepping into his apartment.
Of course last lines. Most of the time I’ll go to post my story and be like oh shit I still need a title, and then conjure one up in 2 seconds. Last lines could take days of editing man.
Okay writers, which are more difficult:
Last lines
Haha, I never question how I say things, and then I see posts like this and they aren’t wrong lol. That’s exactly how I pronounce my words. Like, water bottle, you better believe I pronounce it as wadder boddle. (Why, idk.)
My best friend also thinks it’s funny on how I say Milk. She says Milk, but I pronounce it like melk. Please tell me other people pronounce it the same way my family does.
I think American accents are cute I love hearing American cuties talking yes bitch show me how rhotic your rs are

I just got some free time between classes so I was able to finish this one. Hope you like it