heartofbusan - heartofbusan

no rhyme, no reason, just vibes

418 posts

I'm Calling It.

I'm calling it.

Bonus live clip for Muse will be a vid directed by JK.


How did I get here?

Lemme drag you into my pit.

I'm Calling It.

Streets are saying (the voices in my head ๐Ÿ˜ƒ) that the pictures from the preview all feature Summer activities.

I'm Calling It.

WHAT IF MINKOOKIE TRAVEL VLOG MUKBANG BUDDY COP SHOW is 3 or 4 episodes filmed across several seasons. Spring in Jeju. Summer in Connecticut. Fall in Busan. Winter in Tokyo. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” I'm iffy on the timeline as I am not a walking encyclopedia Parktannica, and we have no confirmation that the Jeju trip is even a part of the travel vlog, so just indulge me here.

For all we know the whole travel vlog could be a twenty minute bangtanb and the remainder of my hopes and dreams stored in a rust can hanging on to the back of a motorbike by a string, dragged along a dusty bumpy road. WHO KNOWS. NOT ME.

But! From the little we have seen, it does seem like a very 'buddy buddy' go traveling together, having fun before enlistment type of vibe. From the little that we saw.

I'm Calling It.

What really surprised me was the timing. If it's dropping on the 8th of August, it'll be the closing coda of Jiminโ€™s MUSE promo. NO BIG DEAL. NO NEED TO FREAK OR ANYTHING. Why would a travel (show, clip, video, ten episode series, saga) where two bro's travel to beautiful natural (romantic??) destinations, shown right after a second album about rising like a Phoenix after having endured a tough time while a special someone is supporting you, waiting for you, leading you to blooming and who makes you act bold. Longing to share your love for said muse, featuring lyrics like:

I'm Calling It.

why should that be a big deal AT ALL??

Nope. It's just jikook jikooking after all. They are the masters of framing their work around the other. They make sure to include the other in nuanced ways that leave one seriously questioning ones sanity.

That's why I think Muse and the travel vlog overlapping/butting up against one another (no pun intended) is VERY much in Jiminโ€™s wheelhouse. He is the master of revealing nothing while suggesting everything.

So, if it turns out the live clip is a live rendition of a song from MUSE, filmed by or with JK. Done conveniently while the two were traveling to a beautiful destination together?? Details never or rarely to be mentioned again? Classic Jikook.

If it turns out that none of the above is correct, I'm sure it'll be something equally as crazy. Something my mind is yet to conjure up.

I'm glad at least that we're finally counting down to this thing. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿคก

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More Posts from Heartofbusan

8 months ago

"...they repeatedly encountered unexpected events that made them wonder, 'Are you sure?', but by asking themselves these questions, they discovered what was "Sure" for them."

and you're telling me this is not the blurb for a m/m fan fic about two friends who went camping and came back married? ๐Ÿค”

edited to add:


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8 months ago

First comes love. Then comes camping. Then comes Jungkook with his baby tripping over his canoe! โ‰๏ธ

Itโ€™s giving ao3


it reads like a love story

Hi Anon,

I am so glad i have you to filter the toxic bullshit from ex-bird app and bring me the good stuff. Be careful in there:/ That place is too grievous to my mental safety.

But what treasures we are getting!

Its Giving Ao3

This is a gem.

This is the blurb of a summer rom-com istg.

I can HEAR the voice-over...

I can HEAR the OST!

They are indeed a love story. Seriously why even watch scripted films anymore, when you can watch these darlings being everything they are.

As we watch...

The sun sinks towards the horizon.

Offscreen, the director asks,

'Are you sure?'

They look at each other, and smile, 'Yes, we are sure.'

We all cry and throw flowers

OST plays

Screen fades to black


Oh wait, jumping the gun a bit...

that's the wedding ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

Oops... spoiler hehe

Scroll back to the start:

As we watch...

The sun sinks towards the horizon.

Offscreen, the director asks,

'Are you sure?'

Jimin serves up is best righteous indignation and then tips his kayak over/collapses the tent on himself/lights the dinner on fire

Shrieking ensues

Laughter follows

OST plays

Screen fades to black

๐Ÿ’› I ๐Ÿ’œ CANNOT ๐Ÿ’› WAIT ๐Ÿ’œ !! ๐Ÿ’›

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8 months ago

I haven't heard anyone about this, but what a missed opportunity !! ๐Ÿ˜• they could have used the smeraldo flowers in this shot, but someone said, "It has to be sunflowers! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ" very strange intentional mistake huh... ๐Ÿ˜Œ

I Haven't Heard Anyone About This, But What A Missed Opportunity !! They Could Have Used The Smeraldo

Smeraldo garden marching band - JM

Song and MV - My thoughts

Very long post ahead. Seeing that @andy-wm wrote such an amazing post already, I am sending whoever hasn't read it to go read and like it.

I have thoughts on Jimin's SGMB
It's the gayest thing I've ever seen. And by that I mean it's joyous, light-hearted, bright, and fun. We can all agree, I think, that this

I agree with @andy-wm's thoughts and am going to use it as a base to mine, jot down a few points I would like to either add or emphasize. I could have reblogged, but I felt there was just too much I wanted to convey and better I do it in a separate post.

So let's get it.

Where where where do I start?

Maybe from the end, seeing that the song does seem to open and closes with the BTS reference.

I do agree the song is not JM singing his love to Army.

I've seen Army trying to twist and turn it around once again making it all about Army, JM telling us things he couldn't tell us before, the truth he couldn't before - that he loves army? Say what? Since when did he not tell Army he loved us? Since when was that a truth that had to be hidden? Nah. It's funny how people are getting the whole connection to the Smeraldo flower, the connection to The truth untold (will talk about that a little more later on), but are not willing to take that one extra step and see or admit what that thing JM telling us is.

There is a reason this song comes after Set me free Pt. 2!!

This is a different JM. One that decided to live his life as himself, flying away free like a butterfly.

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

And he connects the dots in the MV.

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

This is about something that was obviously hidden by him until now, something he is telling us now, a secret he is letting us in on, once he told "all the opps" to fuck off.

These lines here:

All the things we couldn't say before And your hidden feelings too I'll tell you everything now (Just for you) Don't you worry anymore Since weโ€™re together now Let's be a little more honest (Let's go)

Clear as day.

This is about hidden feelings (and not necessarily hidden from the person he loves but from us, as we are the audience and it's time to tell us about it). Same btw with the honesty. Not that he hasn't been honest with that person he loves, but it's time to be honest with us, perhaps practice that same honesty that certain person has been trying to practice throughout 2023.

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM
Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

This is JM's time. JM's secret to tell.

So why, oh why the hell would it be about his love for Army and wanting to hold our flaming hands????? Please make it make sense.

Forget the fact that the lyrics are just not it. Nope. He might love army but he definitley doesn't want army, and spare me any reasoning, JM is a big boy and he KNOWS what it means when he says "I want you babe...", and it ain't him wanting Army. Nope. Nah. No way.

On top of that, by now we know that everything JM does is for a reason, and the 12 June in the lyrics is no different. This is about BTS, not Army, and the idea of the bookending, I love love love that one. This exactly:

That means the events happening in the song, happen within the context of Bangtan. Reading between the lines, the person he is singing to/about is within Bangtan.

Ah, and there is this too:

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

No special course in reading comprehension needed here.

Not a love song to army. If it wasn't clear from the lyrics then it's said here. A song JM wrote for army to help them express their feelings for a loved one when they are having issues doing so themselves (all part of the layering I will talk about later on).

I'll just say here that JM is the king of layering. One song and MV containing messages within messages.

One more thing about that ending frame from JM though.

When the curtains rise and the lights turn on Everyone is in their places Turn up the music I think weโ€™re ready now Let's begin one, two Put your hands up

These lines.

As I was watching the MV for the first time reading those lines, this is what popped straight into mind (and speaking of popping, I will get to that too, that naughty cutie, sexy, lovely man of ours and his not so innocent innuendos - yes, I do think his mind was going there):

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

When do you feel your heart connected with another member ?

"...when my eyes naturally meet Jimin's and we high five..."

*Side note: not JK telling us his heart is connected with JM basically all the time...

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

I guess JK is talking about moments like that.

When I saw/heard those lines in JM's song it felt like the one JM was talking to in that moment wasn't all of the members, but that one person standing on that stage with him, that one person that he just said all his "I love you"s to.

Oh, and a little example of nothing being coincidental and fully thought out by JM:

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

Ok then.

Just as @andy-wm mentioned, JM gives us hints galore throughout the whole MV as to who that individual is he is speaking to, confessing his love to (again, all while also clearly talking to us letting us in on that secret that he was hiding until now).

We have him hinting to what it ain't.

That the person in question is not of the female variety. The potentially romantic moments are only with the male characters. That "yes sir" add-on.

Ooh, I love you babe I'll come closer to you I love you, babe (Yes, sir) Ooh, I want you, babe I wanna hold your hand I want you, babe

This is no mistake. This is not in the live version only. This is part of the actual lyrics. As is.

We have him giving us hints in the staging, the choreo, the set connecting with Serendipity.

The you are me I am you in the MV choreo

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

And prey tell, who took ownership of that one, eh?

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

We have the bubbles.

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

And specifically JM in a bubble.

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM
Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

Wait, what am I seeing there?

JM in a bubble with sunflowers?

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM


Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

I guess we're in the business of recreating moments then.

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

Not quite enough, right?

So we have JM literally using Golden hour lighting in his MV. All while the sunflowers (you know, those that grow towards the sun, and usually don't tend to open up and flourish as the sun is going down) are blooming.

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

Oh, and who are they directed towards if not the recipient of JM's confession? You know, the sun part of the sun and moon duo. Get with it people. You should be reciting this off by heart by now.

Oh, @andy-wm you asked and I will reply. You are not crazy AT ALL. I will say it one more time and clearly:

The sunflowers, that represent the sun as in themselves, are blooming facing towards the camera, in the direction of JM's love confession, all while doing so when the sun is actually supposedly setting, it being Golden hour.

And if it's Golden hour we are talking about, how can we forget this?

Just JK telling us JM is the love of his life during Golden Hour .

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

See full clip here:

More needed to be said about JK coming back in the 4th part to hype up JM's upcoming teaser. This is exactly where the language gap comes i

And now we have JM doing just the same.

Who would have thought?

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

So, basically the flowers are blooming facing (because of) the individual that JM is confessing his love to - you know, the sun to his moon.

Same moon that was doing this:

Every night You spin me up high The moon with you in its arms Let me have a taste Give me a good ride (Oh, I'm fallin', I'm fallin', I'm fallin') It's gon' be a good night (Oh, I'm fallin') Forever you and I

And if we are already drawing the lines between SGMB and Like crazy, then how about this perhaps connecting line:

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

We know how personal Face was to JM. We know that every single song is him through and through. We know Like crazy is about him struggling during the pandemic.

We saw his breakdown during the MOTS ONE live streamed concert.

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM
Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

This was October 2020, around 6 months into the pandemic. The uncertainty. This is their first performance and from there until Muster another 9 months go by. We know from Festa 2022 that the pandemic screwed up all of their plans. the uncertainty, working on and releasing Be and then Butter and PTD everything leading up to the PTD online concert, a year after MOTS ON:E. For those that performing is their life, standing in front of an audience and giving it their all, it's a hard pill to swallow. The unknown, if they will ever get back to perform on stage in front of a live audience, when this is who they are, their essence, it can be unbearable. JM wasn't the only performer to go through this. It's just that he shared this with us.

And JK was there by his side.

And all he wanted was to make it better.

Just like he did during the concert itself.

โœ‚๏ธ Jikook MOTS ONE
51 seconds ยท Clipped by Jikookland9597 ยท Original video "Jikook Moment MOS ON:E " Still always comfort each other " (10-10-20) ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ˜ญ" by YJMin

So yeah, I do believe it's JK referenced in that song.

And Yeah, like everything JM does, this song too, and it's MV, are layered.

And SMF pt. 2 is him breaking free, flying away like a butterfly and moving on to SGMB. Now he can say what he feels out loud for EVERYONE TO HEAR. And he's telling that someone that was worried about him, that one that stood by JM's side and perhaps JM felt like he was trying to save him, that it's ok, there is nothing to worry about anymore. And unlike in Like crazy, where JM doesn't want to be woken up from that dream, and he is fighting that person that wants to save him, at this point he's eager to wake up and live each day a new with that person he loves blossoming by his side.

Same person he wrote the Letter to?

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

Yep. Same person.

I do believe that they are all one. Same person by his side in Like crazy, giving him a good ride, in his arms, trying to save JM. Same person he wrote his love letter to. And same person he's telling that he loves in SGMB.

And then there are these lines to consider:

All the things we couldn't say before And your hidden feelings too

Is JM confessing to that person, to us and for that person too? Telling us the feelings are mutual. Hidden until now, from us, and now out in the open.

And yes, although SGMB is JM confessing his love to that person (cough JK cough), he's already done that in a song, right? So what now?

Layering peeps.

JM is telling that person, but more so, I do believe, telling us.

Remember how Letter was hidden? Yes, we got to hear it, but it was hidden on JM's album. Like a secret that isn't to be shared with everyone. Like something that needs to be hidden. And here comes the layering again - it's hidden cause it's a private letter to the one he loves, but also hidden because it's something that cannot be revealed publicly, because he's an idol and 'not allowed' to have such a personal relationship and because the relationship itself is 'not allowed', being with another man.

And now we have SGMB. Not only is the song not hidden away, but it's out there in the open. Loud and proud. The first single released from Muse. How louder or more public can it get than that?

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

Ok, so feels like a good place to talk about the song's choice of name and its lyrics for a sec.

Much has been said already about the Smeraldo flower, it's meaning and The Truth Untold.

And now we have this:

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

"The longing to confess and find love on behalf of those unable to articulate their feelings..."

Let's talk about this sentence for a second.

One of the things we get from the MV is cupid or matchmaker JM. Not only is he telling his person how he feels, he is also helping those around him express their love. So, as usual we have a layered message, oh so like JM to do in his well thought out messages. JM 'confessing' to his love, but also to us about his love (first 2 layers) and another layer of JM helping us, his audience, to express our feelings to whomever we wish to and are struggling to do so. Oh and another layer to it all is the one surrounding all three, the one that connects to the Smeraldo flower and it's part in The Truth Untold - that part of allowing to show your true colours, your true feeling, and not be rejected for them, not necessarily by the person you love, but by those that surround you and will not accept your true self or your love for each other.

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

The connecting lines between the two songs.

And we know who this song meant so much to as well.

"But I still want you"...

The Truth Untold LY Seoul final concerts
Not first (by a long run) nor last time I will post about this. This will forever more be one of my favourite moments when it comes to the

So most definitley not a coincidence JM choosing the Smeraldo flower nor calling his band The Smeraldo Garden Marching Band, having them be the ones to deliver this oh so loud and proud message to us all.

One last thing before I leave you for now.

Let's talk for a sec about the new JM dance challenge?

We got cutie sexy lovely JM in this one.

And again, thanks @andy-wm for your lovely post.

Look at this man
Jimin just out-Jiminned himself "Oh you think that was cute?" He grins, "Hold my beer," Aaaarrrrgggg!!!!!! I am helplessly besotted. Hes

Once again, if it wasn't clear already, the one he's paired up with is Loco, sitting there on the sofa, not even dancing with him, just there all googly eyed at JM, struggling to keep a straight face. And the end, omg, that end.

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

No Loco. That performance was not for you. And fyi, there is only one person JM is accepting flowers from ...

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

You know...

That one and the same person he was rushing home to pack for their trip to Japan the next day.

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

Same person he chose to enlist together with less than a month later.

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band - JM

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8 months ago


Smeraldo Garden Marching Band

Less than 8 hours to go

Smeraldo Garden Marching Band

Post Date: 27/06/2024

7 months ago

How did we survive this?!!? I'm legit thinking my soul left my body and I am watching my mortal coil delusionally live on until it realises I have left. Hello????????

๐ŸŽผ Can you handle it if I go there baby, with you? ๐ŸŽถ

By Usher ๐Ÿ˜Œ