Minkookie Vlog Travel Mukbang Drinking Buddy Cop Show Is Actually Coming Wtf People Wtf Why Did Nobody Call Me - Tumblr Posts

I'm calling it.
Bonus live clip for Muse will be a vid directed by JK.
How did I get here?
Lemme drag you into my pit.

Streets are saying (the voices in my head π) that the pictures from the preview all feature Summer activities.

WHAT IF MINKOOKIE TRAVEL VLOG MUKBANG BUDDY COP SHOW is 3 or 4 episodes filmed across several seasons. Spring in Jeju. Summer in Connecticut. Fall in Busan. Winter in Tokyo. π€π€π€ I'm iffy on the timeline as I am not a walking encyclopedia Parktannica, and we have no confirmation that the Jeju trip is even a part of the travel vlog, so just indulge me here.
For all we know the whole travel vlog could be a twenty minute bangtanb and the remainder of my hopes and dreams stored in a rust can hanging on to the back of a motorbike by a string, dragged along a dusty bumpy road. WHO KNOWS. NOT ME.
But! From the little we have seen, it does seem like a very 'buddy buddy' go traveling together, having fun before enlistment type of vibe. From the little that we saw.

What really surprised me was the timing. If it's dropping on the 8th of August, it'll be the closing coda of Jiminβs MUSE promo. NO BIG DEAL. NO NEED TO FREAK OR ANYTHING. Why would a travel (show, clip, video, ten episode series, saga) where two bro's travel to beautiful natural (romantic??) destinations, shown right after a second album about rising like a Phoenix after having endured a tough time while a special someone is supporting you, waiting for you, leading you to blooming and who makes you act bold. Longing to share your love for said muse, featuring lyrics like:

why should that be a big deal AT ALL??
Nope. It's just jikook jikooking after all. They are the masters of framing their work around the other. They make sure to include the other in nuanced ways that leave one seriously questioning ones sanity.
That's why I think Muse and the travel vlog overlapping/butting up against one another (no pun intended) is VERY much in Jiminβs wheelhouse. He is the master of revealing nothing while suggesting everything.
So, if it turns out the live clip is a live rendition of a song from MUSE, filmed by or with JK. Done conveniently while the two were traveling to a beautiful destination together?? Details never or rarely to be mentioned again? Classic Jikook.
If it turns out that none of the above is correct, I'm sure it'll be something equally as crazy. Something my mind is yet to conjure up.
I'm glad at least that we're finally counting down to this thing. πππ€‘
Is this right? As long as it's with you, it is.
This great blog post got me thinking π€...

It got me thinking about timelines.
I'll be extremely curious to see if, at any point in the show, we get to see them react to the news of their buddy enlistment. That might honestly break the internet.
I wonder if the enlistment played any part in the way the trip is framed at the start, middle and end of it. Because, that news could be like a sword of damocles hanging over their heads for 2/3's of it...
*queue dramatic music*
KM started their travel show in NY in July of 2023.
They went to Jejju, either in August or the end of September.
October is allegedly when they found out they got approved for the buddy program.
We got a happy JK TikTok around this time. I'd insert the gif, but it's hella distracting π he's naked, it's bouncing..and well, I'm only human.
They went Japan, Tokyo and Sapporo in November.
If the first two trips are possible 'last time we get to spend free time together' trips, and the Japan trip is a celebratory one, wouldn't that make the experience that much more loaded?? It would be a different vibe in Japan compared to NY, for sure! But will we see that?? Is that part of the dramatic arc of the story..or is that part of what gets censured to spare the guys their real human feelings for the sake of a friendly buddy travel cop show?
I'm fine either way, but it would feel like a lost opportunity in storytelling. The again, IS STORYTELLING EVEN PART OF THE REASON THEY WENT IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Was the 'spontaneous' nature of the trip, as per Disney really what happened? A curious turn of phrase for bangtan. When have they EVER able to be spontaneous when it comes to work? When it comes down to official content we often joke that BPD has been planning things since 1756.
What do we know, aside from the Disney press blurb? JK himself said on Suchwita that the plans for the trip were formulated rather out of the blue.
I wonder if this 'f*ck it, I guess it's now or never' kind of plan was born out of a real fear of missing out on the other for nearly 2 years. After a year in which the two had both been busy AF, and missing eo AF, they pinned one last hope on togetherness on the buddy program, but if that plan failed to materialize, then they would face a challenge unlike any Jikook have had to face before. Living apart for a year was also new, sure. But being able to beg and plead (while nakey in bed) for the other to come over for drinks, chicken or horizontal tango is quite impossible once you're enlisted.
I'd be very curious to see if this conversation, this fear is talked about during their trip. Because applying for the buddy system was a gamble. Traveling together was a wild plan. It's a type of content we've never seen any of the tannies do before. And once they knew they had it in the bag, that's when they get to breathe easy. That's when it goes from being an excuse, to becoming a statement.