heavywords-blog - Her thoughts transpose into heavy words
Her thoughts transpose into heavy words

"The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven." Welcome, welcome. I'm Nicole. This Tumblr will be your very own look into the thoughts that strike me from time to time.

517 posts

Learn When To Use Literally, Kids.

Learn when to use literally, kids.

*Listening to 'Grenade' on the radio.

Cousin: Would you catch a grenade for someone?

Me: Literally?

Cousin: Yeah.

Me: Are you seriously asking me if I would stretch out my fleshy appendage to catch a tossed explosive device from World War 1? Who the hell has one of those lying around anyways? Am I supposed to believe that someone is just carrying an ancient war weapon in their back pocket? "HEADS UP, BITCH!"

Cousin: -blank stare- You completely missed the point of the song.

Me: You asked if I would literally catch a grenade for someone. I gave you a literal answer.

Cousin: I'm not even surprised by your answer.

Me: If it makes you feel any better, if we found ourselves in that situation I would push you out of the way.


Me: Never mind then...ungrateful.

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More Posts from Heavywords-blog

14 years ago

"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I've ever known."

Chuck Palahniuk (Invisible Monsters)

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14 years ago

You are my silver lining

Do you remember the days we left earth? How easy it was to escape the margins of reality? We drifted from expectations and obligation. It was just us, hand in hand, soaring above all others destined to make it to the star and spend the day resting on clouds. Our imagination propelled us through experiences surpassing the existence of time.

Time then crept up, like the rising of the morning sun over the unsuspecting horizon. Each passing second became a morsel bogging down our airy lifestyle until the years bound us to reality. Our wings were clipped and no longer could we soar. Instead we drifted. You to your destination and me to mine. However, all I need is a brief glimpse at the sky to remind me of the castle we had built upon the clouds on the days we left earth.

14 years ago

Just a little side rant...

When you say something of no interest to me and I say "I don't care" you need to truly understand something - I don't hate you, I'm not mad at you, I'm not even annoyed and I'm really not too much of a bitch. Straight up? Sure. Unnecessarily rude and disrespectful i.e bitch? Never. I just lack interest in your statement. Really? Did I need to know that stupid piece of information? I don't care who you're hating on at this very moment. I don't care if she talks shit about you. Yeah, it sucks but seriously? I'm not one of those girls that need my morning cup of drama to get the day started. I just believe that stupid people are involved in the lives of others to the point where they become a topic in conversation. (subhumans discuss celebrities but I'll save that for another day)

So take no offense. Trust me, you would know when I started to dislike you.

14 years ago

When you're born you come into the world with nothing and yet you have everything. The whole world is in front of you and you are able to conquer with that (false?) sense of invincibility. Nothing stops you from jumping from that jungle gym. That's how you grow, how you learn.  In a single instant of hope and action you figure out what you're good at and what you're not.

But now that you have an education, a career and independence you also have nothing. The view that was once in front of you is no blocked by inhibitions and logic. Your imagination is replaced with your own interpreted reality. The type of reality that stops you from ever attempting anything. Now you have a false sense of inferiority terminating your growth. But what kind of growth can occur when you regain that mentality of a child? Imagine what you can achieve if you felt you were never going to fail.

14 years ago

Non, je ne regrette rien.

Edith Piaf