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Helpwakemeup - Jazzviii - Tumblr Blog

DRA Chapter 4
"Smile... that’s what you’re best at, right?”
spoilers under the cut!

can there be a disney's dinosaur world in kingdom hearts?

fun fact: i love kairi
You are?? so talented?? aaa sorry your blog is just really amazing omg
AHHHHHHH THANK YOU! I really appreciate it!

POV: ur master odin but angery hermod is the one teaching and xehanort is done
a.k.a. hermod being the angery big bro cause eraqus convinced everyone to draw on hermod’s self-portrait
inspo was from reading hermod’s small character introduction as it says he’s soft-spoken and gentle but if angry, everything is uh oh.
under the cut is the portrait that hermod is holding! goofs and without goofs! i added the “who’s a smart boy,” while drawing the group drawing so uh it ain’t on the other portrait-

also im a simp for hermod, please i want to hug him

URD!!! In the beginning, I didn’t really like her design but it slowly grew on me. Hope ya’ll like this! I might draw the others (especially hermod, i love him so much for some reason ahhhhhhhhhhhhh)
anyways, have a good day/night!

"I’ll be the rearguard and you be the vanguard.“
Hello. My heart absolutely hurts.

5/5, it is done-
guys it’s been so fun drawing these dorks! I love the dandelions and I’m really hyped to know what comes next in KHUX (i mean we gotta wait for two more months until the next update and the update after that BUT)
Anyways, expect some art of Strelitzia and Lauriam! They are great siblings! AND THE UPDATE SOLIDIFIED THAT AND MY HEART WAS TORN OUT-

4/5, we’re almost there guys! I might not be able to post tomorrow cause i got a lot of stuff to do. sorry! BUT THE KHUX UPDATE HOLY HELP ME


Part 2/5, ITS DANDELION HAIRED BOI- and before ya’ll @ me, ik i drew the wrong Starlight keyblade, I’m sorry. But idk cause this one looks better than the one he has currently.
Anyways, thanks!

part 1/5 homeboy brain... bro i love him just as I love everyone else in the dandelions

My artstyle just went WOOSH and I have no idea what happened. But I’m really proud with how I did!
Anyways, hope ya’ll like it!
Decided I'd ask here so that anyone else who sees this gets their answer too- basically to save you having to answer it over and over lol. Are we allowed to draw fanart of your SDRA2 Talentswap characters? I discovered this AU yesterday and I really love what you've done with the characters! You'll be credited, of course.
You're absolutely allowed to draw fanart for my au! I'm happy that you like the AU and I'm really just caught off guard that people actually like the AU.
But thank you so much!

So uh, I drew this and person I followed had a really cool idea of a what-if Mikako survived and if Rei and Mikako teamed up for a Ultra Despair Girls type of situation so I drew it so here—

what if jou was the keymaster and sara was the sacrifice? I’m so sorry-
and im so sorry it says swipe on the top, i forgot this wasn’t instagram--

Happy New Years Eve! I've decided to draw this piece with my Talentswap! AU Mikado, Iroha, Setsuka and Teruya to celebrate the occasion! (Although there’s not much of a difference rather than two of them having ahoges) It’s a bit early before new years in my timezone...
Anyways, thank you and have a Happy New Years!

I have decided to make some fake screenshots for the BEAST LN because I felt it would be fun!
I'll be making more of these as I go, but I wanted to this scene first because it's just so beautifully drawn in the LN!
I'll try to draw the future screenshots in order of appearance in the LN!
Thank you! This took a decent amount of time and it was pretty fun!

Whoops lemme dump this here— BLUE LIONS AYYYY

Some stuff I drew for my SDRA2 Talentswap!AU. Hope you like it.

Yoruko Kabuya with flowers! I think I’ve improved a bit from my Sora with flowers!

Okay so I made fan art for someone’s talent swap as for SDRA2 and here. Idk if I should actually post this cause eeehhh? Here? I also messed up trying to do the Danganronpa art style uuugh.