helpyourselfwithcherrywine - down bad, don't judge
down bad, don't judge

Cherry is here. 22 NSFW 18+ blog!!! Chicana. Brown Pride🇲🇽🇺🇸 What's a girl to do?

266 posts

My WIPs When I Start Writing New Fic And Don't Finish The Others

My WIPs when I start writing new fic and don't finish the others

My WIPs When I Start Writing New Fic And Don't Finish The Others

Also me investing my time in a new fandom content

My WIPs When I Start Writing New Fic And Don't Finish The Others

Guess who this time?

My WIPs When I Start Writing New Fic And Don't Finish The Others

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Tojo Clan Zoom Meeting

tojo clan zoom meeting

Ok, but like I had a couple of ideas for fics. If anyone wants to write them since I have like 6+ WIP, go for it. Just tag me so I can read the fic.

1. Ratonhaketon/Connor is found after his mother's death by an reader Assassin woman, in a few years she becomes Haytham's lover, and loves Connor like her own. In the end, she dies by Haytham's hand defending Connor.

2. Shay finds out two years after his incident that his former lover was pregnant when he "died" that night. He goes searching for her and finds out she left the brotherhood to raise her child/children. He tries to make amends with her as well as be a father to his children.

3. A Pirates of the Caribbean and Black Flag crossover.

My Masterlist

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I think ryuji and saejima both got massive cocks but the big difference between the two is that after hooking up with saejima you’d be in a pleasantly exhausted fucked out daze and then get the best nights sleep you’ve ever had, and after hooking up with ryuji you’d feel like you just got mauled to near-death by some kind of primordial megafauna superbear and wake up feeling like your legs were crushed by a semi truck

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