Yakuza Kiwami - Tumblr Posts
For the Russian-speaking part of the Yakuza community.
Once upon a time Kazuma Kiryu came back from prison. He never asked for help. He never needed it. But, well, we all have someone who gives advice even if we never asked for it.

so i started playing kiwami a few days ago...

So, um @thatnomzguy was watching me stream a while ago and did this. Everyone thank him.
Me, watching a cutscene of ichiban getting out of jail: “where’s the scruff?”
CPII: “his scruff is gone”
Me, panicking for Ichiban: “HE’S SCRUFFLESS?!”

For @lmermerl 💗
/Oh, I know very little about the Yakuza game..
My broke ass when yakuza kiwami finally releases on the only console I own so now I don’t have to 🏴☠️ it on my garbage pc at minimum graphic settings just to play it

everything that ever will be
always has been
and everything that ever has been
always will be
/!\ Spoilers for all yakuza games /!\
Song : We Are Born When We Die by Apollo Sunshine
It's my first edit ever, I'm so proud of it !! God I love these games so much 😭💖 I almost made myself cry when editing it... Hope y'all enjoy!!

Kiwami sketch dump
☆♡Drew my fav boi♡☆

A KazuMaji drawing i dont really like but im still gonna post it