hokkaidocreamcheese - 🎗 *Instant regret* 🎗
🎗 *Instant regret* 🎗

Just a little blog with rants and the occasional artpiece\\Agender | Asexual | Greyromantic |They/Them| Minor | [12-17] | Pro-hamas, proshippers, bigots, terfs, etc DNI//

14 posts

Hokkaidocreamcheese - *Instant Regret* - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

This is disgusting. Pure filth. And I'm not just talking about the entire post, I'm talking about the first image. What. The. Fuck. @stevethrope01-blog be talking about how great Israel is n stuff and calling Muslims and Islam as a religion A TERRORIST GROUP. Fuck you, man. A side note as well, not all Zionists are Islamophobic. These two posts are probably the most biased things I have ever seen.

I stand with Israel AND Palestine. Change my mind.

I have a free block for yall

@stevethorpe01-blog we don’t like ugly zionists.

I Have A Free Block For Yall

A reminder that this blog is pro-Palestine in every sense. Zionists, I’d say I respect you but I’d be lying through my teeth. Zionists are ugly, annoying, Islamophobic, and don’t deserve a place on the internet.

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

I Have A Free Block For Yall

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1 year ago

I don't believe ive done this yet lmao

Hello Tumblr. My name is Raine, an agender asexual greyromantic idiot that draws occasionally and gargles up rants from the depths of my mind. (pronouns are they/them) I'm a multifandom artist who hopes to animate at some point in my life.

At the moment some fandoms I'm currently in are Eddsworld, Mega Man, and Pokemon.


No nsfw on my blog either, I've had bad experiences with it in the past, and I'd rather not have that kind of content here. (sexual innuendo and jokes are ok tho they're genuinely funny sometimes.)

Thanks for listening and enjoy your time here

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1 year ago

As somebody who is asexual greyromantic and agender, it hurts when I hear hamas murdering people just bc they're being themselves.

LGBTQIA+ (A does not mean ally, fuckers) has persevered and will always do so.

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1 year ago

Let me make it short since all you antizionsits clearly don’t read past the headline:

October 7th

On October 7th Hamas and Palestinian citizens invaded Israel: They massacred 1300~ , kidnapped 250+, and gang raped women and children.

It doesn’t depend on the context

Hamas and why it’s ridiculous to support it

You can condemn Hamas while wanting to free Palestine.

Hamas isn’t a cool and woke liberation movement - it’s an extremist terror organisation.

“Israel controls Gaza”🤦‍♀️

in fact, dismantling Hamas is what will free them.

Israel doesn’t govern Gaza since 2006 when Israel completely withdrew from it.

Ever since, Hamas are responsible for their living conditions.

Solving the conflict

Israel isn’t going anywhere

Jews have always been in the Middle East and will continue to be there

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1 year ago

Fuck everybody who wishes ill upon Mia Schem. I wish her a restful recovery.

They always drag Black Americans into this. I don't want my people to. Be associated with fucking Hamas. https://t.co/VflQ89m687

— ℕ𝕖𝕠𝕜𝕠🇺🇸 (@NeokoAKtion) January 3, 2024

If you’re for Palestine or Israel that is your choice But there is a certain level of fucked up you have to be in order to deny sexual assault when dozens of women are coming out. I don’t care if they’re Israelites or Palestinians, they’re human beings who suffered unspeakable violence at the hands of evil demons and complete waste of human skin and spirit, and you are comparing these terrorists, these barbarians, these subhuman creatures to a innocent black child who was brutally murdered by a group of white demons? Do you hear yourself? Are you freaking serious?

If Youre For Palestine Or Israel That Is Your Choice But There Is A Certain Level Of Fucked Up You Have

And the to compare literal terrorists to Emmitt Till is another level of fucked up.

These terrorists are not Emmett Till, they are no different than till murderers.

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1 year ago

Just so you know...

Anybody who is pro-hamas or defends hamas by saying they are "freedom fighters" or other shit can get the fuck off of my blog. Feel free to block me if you're scared I'll bomb your hospitals.

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1 year ago
If You Actually Care About Palestinians You Wouldnt Be Protesting Just Israel, You Would Be Protesting

If you actually care about Palestinians you wouldn’t be protesting just Israel, you would be protesting Egypt, Jorden and Lebanon and stop supporting Hamas.

What’s happening now is just the newest form of Jew hating.

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1 year ago

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1 year ago
hokkaidocreamcheese - 🎗 *Instant regret* 🎗
1 year ago

Hey. I'm sorry. For what I said. I guess that day was just terrible for me and I was tired of shit so I decided to take my anger out on this situation. I was wrong. very wrong. Again, I am a minor who apparently doesn't know better for themselves and decided it's a good idea to be silent in this. I'm sorry for all the people who saw what I wrote that day. I truly am and I've felt nothing but guilt since that stupid stupid reblog I (shamefully) deleted. Call me a shithead. Call me a bitch, a whore, an ignorant goddamn Amercian-government-loving pissface. Say what you want. They're true anyway. Just hear me out.

Please don't discriminate. The Jews aren't evil. Palestinians aren't terrorists. Now, who is our enemy then? I'll tell you who. America (I live here btw so feel free to dox me). The Israeli government. Hamas.

Hamas was the organization that started all this shit and decided to terrify and piss Israel off. So they retaliated. I haven't done tons and tons of research on this, but I do know that the government doesn't speak for its people. The people didn't fucking vote to bomb Palestine. The government just thought it would soo cool to bomb innocent people when they could've just gone after Hamas alone. Now people are suffering for the crimes of Hamas. And what has AMERICA done about it? NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING AT ALL. I still don't know if I'm pro-Palestine yet (still researching), but I do know that I am tired of people treating me and other Americans like they have all the blood of this genocide on their hands. The only people who have blood on their hands are Hamas.

Jews aren't our enemies. Neither are the Palestinians. The terrorist group that scares and turns people against each other known as Hamas is.

Remember though, Palestinians ≠ terrorists

Once again, I am extremely sorry for everything I said. You probably won't forgive me, but just know that you've gained an ally.

Reblog If Youre Now A Terrorist In Russia For Being LGBorT Or A Terrorist In The US For Opposing Genocide
Reblog If Youre Now A Terrorist In Russia For Being LGBorT Or A Terrorist In The US For Opposing Genocide
Reblog If Youre Now A Terrorist In Russia For Being LGBorT Or A Terrorist In The US For Opposing Genocide
Reblog If Youre Now A Terrorist In Russia For Being LGBorT Or A Terrorist In The US For Opposing Genocide

Reblog if you’re now a terrorist in Russia 🇷🇺 for being LGBorT 🏳️‍🌈 or a terrorist in the US 🇺🇸 for opposing genocide 🇵🇸.

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1 year ago

Yall have found your agender and pansexual ally here

edit: oh shit am i asexual now???

Reblog if you're not homophobic

Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 

1 year ago


Tumblr is new to me, so yeah, sorry if I accidentally screw something up (like tags like how tf do ppl do those)

I'm just an aspiring artist who is still trying to find the right art style for themselves I guess. I work with paper and pencil, bc I'm broke and can't afford those fancy ass drawing tablets

I'll post my art soon if I can figure out how my computer works, but that's all in good time. For now, just wait for the next update. Thanks!

current hyperfixations: (is that what people call it? 2023 is weird)


ok yeah maybe just eddsworld for now.