Terrorism - Tumblr Posts

Water is wet, the sky is blue, Fatah and the PLO only care about their people when they're dead and rotting
This should not stop us or scare us.
This should not make us take down our flags, retire our symbols and paint over the patches on our jackets. That's how the fascists want us to react.
This should INSPIRE US.
They are afraid of us. And if they're afraid of us, we have to be doing something right.
Be aware, but do not be silent. Let's make sure as many of our people see this as possible, because we all have to be aware and conscious and safe.
Reblog the crap out of this post. Please, even if you're not an Anarchist yourself, but are a supporter or a punk or have friends who are Anarchists, hit reblog.
I guess I'm a terrorist now. Have an opinion they don't like? Watch them hunt you down. Make you the enemy. Take you out.
Jesus, come get us. I'm ready to go home.
I’ve only seen like one person talk about this and it’s super important that this gets out there
Multiple punk symbols and sayings have been added to the FBI’s domestic terrorism guide
Things included are
The symbol for anarchy
ACAB and 1312
The three arrows pointing down in a circle
Eat the rich
Those are a few but it also mentions anything anti-fascist and anti capitalist
So if you live in the US please be careful

Even though Hikari despises Volo and wants to kill him because she thinks he utterly failed her when she needed it most, she is literally just like him. Just. Like. Him.
Not so fun fact about Volo: He was formerly known for wiping out the ENTIRE GOVERNMENT AND LEAGUE OF A NATION if he knew its government had systemic problems, if even ONE person from his communes suffered grievous harm there, and if the legal system did not address it in a just way. He has changed the course of world history by doing this before. If someone from his communes got murdered, or raped, or became the victim of a hate crime or suffered any other similar thing, and the courts didn't do their job to get what they or their family would consider to be justice? He wanted every last person in that government DEAD. On local, provincial/state, federal and League levels. Even the "good ones," who many in that country would consider to be good government officials--because to Volo, there is no such thing as a "good" government official in a system that will allow such horrible miscarriages of justice; for him, thinking any government official in such a system could possibly be a "good one" is a failure of imagination since it doesn't hold politicians to a high enough standard. Everyone. Gone.
It's horrifying and he didn't stop until it actually got people who live in his communes banned from certain countries because no government was willing to risk him killing them all if he disagreed with a court ruling involving them. And even then, he threw a fit and didn't want to stop until his wife Amaya (the woman featured in this story) and husband Lanakila, the two voices of reason in his core polycule, fucking told him he needed to calm down and back off and promise to the nations of the world that he wasn't going to do it anymore.
Oh, Hikari hates Volo, but it's not because of things like this he's done in the past. She doesn't see anything wrong with this behavior whatsoever, and in fact, she has revenge fantasies of doing her own version of it to any nation that willingly and knowingly shelters Cyrus--and worse. She hates him so much that this mindset applies to just Cyrus, even though he's not the only one on her hit list; her main obsession, the one that approaches monomania, truly rests with killing the one who murdered so many of her friends. Given her late start in Pokémon battling compared to my other ridiculously OP muses and the fact that she hasn't been around as long as many of them, I'm not sure if she'd actually be strong enough to achieve that just yet, but if she could, she'd be willing to. She would plow through busy metropolitan areas full of innocent people until the government gave Cyrus up to her and then obliterate the government anyway just out of spite for having sheltered him in the first place. Does this make her not only like Volo, but also like Cyrus? Yes, absolutely, it does. She is aware that this possible irony exists, but frankly, she's so hell-bent on vengeance that she's past the point of caring.
Don't be fooled by Hikari's "Hero" title.
She is 100000000000000% a villain.

Spike strikes again

Never forget who the real victims are in the war on terror. It’s not just the dozens in Europe, it’s the millions in the Middle East… Say no to the restriction of your liberties in the war on terror and say no to killing our fellow brethren caught in this imperialist madhouse campaign..
I've never understood the logic behind a "hivemind" - in other words, thinking that people who share something in common all think the same. It's kind of like stereotypes, or perhaps racism. It's insulting both to the group and to the individual it's applied it to, and it's one of the biggest reasons we argue and bicker all the time.
This religion is all terrorists or all holier-than-thou stuck-ups, those console fanboys think the other consoles have no good games, and people who do this terrible thing can never be trusted again, ever. Even if you have proof that this is primarily the case, it doesn't mean anything, since any one individual can be the counterexample. It's all just generalizing - a logical fallacy. And people take it seriously!
It's especially annoying when two people who are part of the same group have different opinions, and then people say the hivemind is conflicted/never happy (two people who like the same console can't agree on the quality of a first-party game). How can you not see that it's differing opinions from different people? How do you assume that they're supposed to think the same, all the time? Or, sometimes, people insist that one of them is lying, that they actually believe what the other person said and are trying to save face (peaceful Muslims vs. terrorists, for example). Where's the logic? There is none. It's just stupidity.
In the end, it's no better than being racist. All blacks are horrible people, right? Generalization again. It's the exact same "reasoning." And everyone is guilty of it, to a certain extent - myself included, for generalizing that people who expressly think this way are all idiots (among other things).
"But doesn't that make you a hypocrite?" I'll gladly be the hypocrite if it means I help to reduce the problem as a whole. Not all hypocrites avoid changing themselves too.
We still have time, but that's running out quick. It costs no money, no time, and it's the least you could do. Please, we can't keep living with this.

Don’t forget you daily click!

A feature of terrorist’s attacks is that to express something and to exercise violence tends to be synonymous. Exercising lethal force is nearly equal to praise “God’s greatness.” In other case in 2020, white supremacy groups who planned and prepared for kidnapping the governor in Michigan were arrested. Kidnapping is their expression. Not marching on the streets, writing an articles in blog.
As a results, terrorists also attacks shared preferable ways to express things.
Timeline of the U.S. Capitol Attack on January 6, 2021
The only good thing is that terrorists failed to prevent the democratic process.
January 6th
Dear American people
I'm so sorry about what happened on January 6th. The day or the next day should be another good day for people voting blue, organizers, and volunteers.
And the capital building was attacked. (Must-See New Video Shows Capitol Riot Was Way Worse Than We Thought | All In | MSNBC) The riot, the insurrection is also categorized as domestic terrorism because they attacked the democratic process by terror. It can be called a “coup” because the president of the United States of America and his allies incited it.
The image of an attacked capital building itself was very shocking. And updated information is too. Some of them claimed what they have done was the same as BLM protesters did. The people of color, especially black and brown people, have been suffered from racism for a long time. This fact cannot be found on what they said. The capital building is “sacred”. Because the building is the place where the voice of people has been reflected on politics by politicians who represent people. Doing Democracy has been much far different from having loyalty to their king. Medieval Kings and queens are good materials for thinking about modern democracy and republic, not for destroying it.
The division is serious and deep. A poll shows 21% of registered voters, 45% of Republican voters approve of “the storming”. (Most voters say the events at the US Capitol are a threat to democracy)
They were "trained and prepared". And there were off-duty police officers across the country. (Black Police Officers Describe The Racist Attacks They Faced As They Protected The Capitol) This fact needs to be considered for oncoming police reform.
Pardoned criminals were attended at “rally” the day before January 6th. I guess some would expect their pardoning after their doing criminal activities next day. (Arrests as Trump backers protest in D.C. ahead of major rally)
And reasons why enough law enforcements weren’t there has not been not clear yet. (What Went Wrong With Security At The Capitol? | Morning Joe | MSNBC)
Although I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to make a comment about immediate possible choices, I am sure that his presence in the oval office keeps damaging the presidency, American democracy and the republic. The Chinese government would be very pleased with the insurrection. It is the president of United States, Donald J. Trump’s, favorite enemy.
He just should have conceded when all networks reported Biden’s winning in November. This insurrection wouldn’t happen if he would have done so. 5 persons dead including a police officer. A lot of casualties. I think the Republican politicians and conservative media should act responsible for the insurrection and the division. They know well the seriousness of attacking capital building more than ordinary citizens. Just like carpenters know carpentry very well more than others.
Kabul airport attack
I'm truly sorry for 13 U.S. troops and dozens of Afghan civilian's loss. Condolences to families and friends who lost loved ones.

Killing white people bad

Call it a hunch, but I think Israel was responsible for the 2020 Beirut Warehouse Explosion. It has their MO all over.

The idea behind these right wing marches calling for the ethnic cleansing of a people is rather clear at this point - Provoke the Palestinians so that they fight back, when they do beat them up and arrest them, Hamas sends in a few rockets build from scrap metal and the IDF then gets the excuse to bomb and flatten Gaza, massacring Palestinians. And then use the ‘Terrorist/Hamas’ excuse to justify their genocide to the world.
It’s appalling, it’s disgusting. It’s painful to watch.

Never forget that Joe Biden and most democrats in congress fund and support this terrorizing of children, apartheid and ethnic cleansing of a people based on religion. They don’t stand for human rights. Never have. The few who do speak out get attacked by their own colleagues, get nooses and death threats send to them and forced to retract.
IF you do care about these issues, next time there is an election, give US foreign policy equal importance to domestic policy. During primaries, look at what your candidates stand for in terms of the Global South, the Middle East, Latin America. Look at what bills they supported in congress.
Support a candidate who is more interested in healthcare, education, police reform, removing student debt etc. than continuing the military-industrial complex and selling weapons to the Saudis to bomb Yemen to the stone age or fund coups in Latin America because socialism is bad.
Remember, all lives are the same. The life of a Yemeni child has the same value to their parents, family and society as the life of an American child. The rest of the world also deserves equal human rights, also deserves a just and democratic society.
It’s not just enough to support equal human rights at home and then vote for people who fund and support ethnic cleansing and genocide in other countries.