honestscribe - HonestScribe

Fanfic writer and all around nerd. I post writing prompts, screenshots, and fandom thoughts. You can read my fics on AO3, DeviantArt & FFN.

347 posts

A No Mans Sky Ambience Set On A Rainy Blue Planet.

A No Man’s Sky ambience set on a rainy blue planet.

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More Posts from Honestscribe

3 years ago

Having a lot of fun with Animal Crossing’s camera update!

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3 years ago

Literature Prompt #4, The Most Dangerous Game

“The world is made up of two classes - the hunters and the huntees.” ― Richard Connell, The Most Dangerous Game

Write about a character who is being pursued by something, whether its another person, a creature, an organization, or an otherworldly force. How do they manage to survive? Do they find a way to turn the tables?

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3 years ago

Scenario Prompt #6

Your protagonist has to spend an entire day with someone they despise (outside of normal parameters, if it’s someone they’re forced to work with regularly). How do they handle it, and does their opinion change?

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