285 posts
Housemates || P.JM || 1
Housemates || P.JM || 1
Pairing : Park Jimin X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : As BTS gets older, they all start longing for more personal space. All, apart from Jimin. As he decides to not want to live alone, he puts an advertisement online about him looking for a housemate. What happens when you come across it?
A/N : sorey for the late update I just had test week so I had to study.
Housemates Masterlist | Next

Jimin ruffled his hair as he looked over the livingroom of his new apartment. He knew one thing for sure. His new housemate didn't know him from his career, and he planned to keep it that way. The doorbell rung just as he wanted to sit down. He smiled as he opened the front door to his apartment.
" Hey, I know that you sent me the keys and stuff it's just that it's somewhere in my bag and I can't reach it right now." You said from behind a huge box, which blocked Jimin's vision of seeing your face.
" It's alright, let me help you take you take those boxes to your room." Jimin said as ue took the boxes from you, not waiting for your reply before taking off.
" Thanks!" You yelled before he heard your footsteps fading, probably walking off to grab the rest of your stuff.
By the time that you and Jimin are done unpacking, it's around dinner time.
" So, do you have anything you prefer to eat? I myself was thinking about pizza." He tells you as you both plopped down on the couch in the livingroom.
" I was thinking the same thing. Cost's on me considering you helped me unpacking and stuff." You said as you opened the site of Domino's on your phone.
" Ah, why not let me pay? My mom and dad taught me that when a man and woman eat together, the man has to pay." He smiled, proud of his answer.
" That's when they go on a date Jimin, we're not on a date. So it's on me. Anyway what pizza do you want?" You asked him.
He shook his head and smiled, you were really something else. You ordered the pizza .
" So I just want you to know that I'm out a lot for work. I also travel for a long period of time at times." Jimin told you as you nodded.
" That's okay, I don't really mind." You smiled.
" So what made you put the advertisement online?" You aked him.
" I don't want to live alone and my friends all want their own space." He shrugged.
" Ah, I see. I do need to ask tough, why the K Pop question?" You questioned.
" Oh, my work is kind of K Pop related so I really want my roommate to have an addiction to it as fans sometimes can get crazy." He answered as the doorbell rung.
" I'll get it." You smiled.
A moment later you arrived back in the livingroom.
" Let's eat!" You cheered as Jimin smiled at you, you were really something.
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Bts are either here to provide you with infinite knowledge regarding the solar system, psychology, literature, Greek gods, philosophy or this shit.

Bts incorrect qoute #2
Jungkook : Did you hear that?
Jin : Hear what?
Jungkook : Don't worry, you'll smell it soon.
Dis some good shAt
Save Me

Pairing: BTS x Female!Reader
Word Count: 5k
Summary: An unexpected meeting throws you into the lives of BTS, Korea’s deadliest gang. You slowly learn they are not who the world thinks they are. And for some reason, they all seem to have a soft spot for you. Gang AU
Warning: Violence, Swearing, Mentions of torture, Kidnapping, Panic attacks
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Housemates || Masterlist
Pairing : Park Jimin X Reader
Genre : Fluff, maybe angst at some point
Summary : As BTS gets older, they all start longing for more personal space. All, apart from Jimin. As he decides to not want to live alone, he puts an advertisement online about him looking for a housemate. What happens when you come across it?

Prologue |•| 1 |•| 2 |•| 3 |•| 4 |•| 5 |•| 6 |•| 7 |•| 8 |•| 9 |•| 10 |•| 11 |•| 12 |•| Completed
Housemates : Trashy Halloween special
IDOL - drabble
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x reader x Kim Taehyung
A/N : Something I came up with a while ago and never really finished.
November, 17, 2012
You huffed out in the cold as you waited for your boyfriend in front of the trainee company building. He wanted to become an idol, and was close to debuting with his band, you remembered. Your phone went off in your pocket, signaling that you've got a call. You looked at the screen and saw your boyfriend's name, making you sigh. " Hey." You smiled as you picked up.
" Hey, Y/N. I'm sorry but I can't come and meet you, I have to keep practicing to stay in shape and stuff." He told you as your smile fell. " Oh, okay. It's fine. Bye, I geuss. Don't overwork yourself." You said as you started walking back to the train station. You were from Daegu, and had come all the way here to meet him. But like always, his idol training was more important. " Don't worry, I won't. Bye!" He yelled before he hung up, leaving you all alone in the cold once again.
December 25, 2012
" Happy birthday kiddo." Your best friend for thirteen years told you as he ruffled your hair. " Yeah, happy birthday, you're a year closer to death now love." Your other best friend Riccardo smiled cheekily. " Seriously? We're two years older than her." Ivan huffed as Riccardo shrugged. You've known Ivan since you were born ( Literally, he was there the day you were born due that your parents are childhood friends.) And met Riccardo when you were four. " Is the rest here yet?" Ivan asked you as you shook your head.
" They're coming tonight." You smiled. " Has your boyfriend felicitated you yet?" Riccardo asked as he shook his head. " I'm gonna call him, he's supposed to have a break now anyway." You said as the two boys nodded. You walked off to the hallway and called said boy. " Hello?" He picked up. " Hey, it's me." You smiled. " Hey, what's up?" He asked. " Nothing much, how's your training going?" You asked. " We're doing really well! We're probably debuting next year." He said. You could feel how passionate he felt about his music.
" Aren't you forgetting something?" You asked excited. " Ehh, is it valentines day?" He asked as your smile fell. " Just joking, merry chrismas babe." He said as you frowned. He forgot. " Merry christmas." You wishpered back. " Hey, something wrong?" He asked as you sniffed. " No, but I, ehh, I've gotta go. You know, celebrate christmas." You said. " Okay, bye babe. Have fun!" He said before you hung up and couldn't contain your tears anymore. He forgot about you, again.
March, 04, 2013
You were in Hunter's parents' cafe with your best friends Soojun, Hunter, Daeshim, Ivan and Riccardo. Soojun and you are classmates and Daeshim is Hunter's cousin, you met both off them on a playground in your neighborhood. " Okay, enough about Riccardo abd his one night stands. How are things going in Y/N's relationship." Hunter said as everyone turned their attention to you.
" I don't know, really." You sighed. " What, why? Is something wrong?" Daeshim asked. " I don't know. We just don't talk as much as before, and everytime I try to meet him, he calls off." You pouted. " Maybe you should break up with him, the last time you saw him was what, three months ago? And didn't he forget your birthday?" Soojun asked, you trust his opinion the most because he's had a few boyfriends before, yes he's gay. " Wait up, he forgot your birthday?! I know that I only have one night stands these days and don't even know their names, but I did remember my girlfriend's birthday! Back when I still dated that is. " Riccardo yelled upset.
He did not take it well on how your boyfriend was treating you. " He's just busy I geuss and-" You were cut off by your phone, which went off. " Who's calling?" Ivan asks. " Geuss what, it's the devil himself." Daeshim said as he looked at your phone screen. " Put it on the speaker." Ivan told you as you nodded. " Hey, how are you?" You asked once you picked up. " Yeah, err, I'm good. What about you?" He asks. " So am I." You smiled.
" Nice, err Y/N. I ehh- Damn, there's really no simple way to say this. I want to break up." Your boyfriend's voice cut trough as your smile fell. Ivan moved to grab your phone but Riccardo stopped him. " What, why?" You asked as tears build up in your eyes. " It's just that long distance relationships don't work." He told you as you choked on a fake laugh, Daeshim throwing an arm around you. " What? You're from Busan, I'm from Daegu, we've always had a- You know what, whatever. Goodbye." You said.
" No, wait, can't we at least be frie-" He got cut off when you hung up. " What an asshole!" Riccardo yelled. " You know what, he can go bury hjmself in his idol shit, let's go to that karaoke bar and show people hiw toxic you can be on the beat." Ivan smiled as you smiled a bit. He wasn't wrong, you were toxic on a beat. You were a very fast and good rapper. You had no problem with rapping to songs of Eminem or something alike.
" Let's show them who's the boss."
" Is everybody ready?" Your band's manager, Jaehyun asks as everyone in the room nods. " Awesome, alright Phoenix, you are going on stage and you'll own the place, got it?" Jaehyun smiled. " Oh, we will." Riccardo smirked. " C'mon guys." Your band's leader Jaewon said as he stuck his hand out everybody else's joining. " Never giving in,-" Jaewon started. "Never back down, The Phoenix." You all yelled together before standing in your positions to start dancing.
You and the guys have been scouted for Bighit Ent the day you did karaoke in that bar. Jaehyun saw how good of a team you were and now you were on the same lines as your ex's band once was. Dubuting in Melon Music Awards.
Jungkook couldn't believe it. That girl on stage, she looked so much like you. The way she walked, the way she danced, even the way she blinked. " Hey, Jk, doesn't she look like your ex?" Jimin asked as he nudged him. Jimin had met you when you came all the way from Deagu to wave him goodbye and wish him luck. " She does. But Y/N was never into music from what I remember." Jungkook said, his eyes not leaving your dancing form on stage. His eyes widened as you started rapping.
You had such a demanding stage presence that it almost made him rap allong with you, if he knew the lyrics that is.
" Damn, she's hot." Taehyung said to Jungkook as Jungkook gave him a weird look. " She's my ex." Jungkook told him as he shrugged. " Well, that means that she's single right? " Taehyung smiled.