Housemates - Tumblr Posts
Housemates || P.JM || 0
Paring : Park Jimin X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : As BTS gets older, they all start longing for more personal space. All, apart from Jimin. As he decides to not want to live alone, he puts an advertisement online about him looking for a housemate. What happens when you come across it?
Housemates Masterlist | Next

You smiled as you found what you were looking for, a nice apartment with a roommate. The person was apparently a boy, but that didn't really matter to you. You smiled and wrote him an email saying that you would like to come live with him.
Jimin sighed as he checked his email. He had just come back from practise half an hour ago and hoped that someone had reacted to his advertisement. Now that all the boys grew older, they all wanted to have their own space. Jimin however, wasn't very keen on living in an apartment all alone. He didn't really know why, but he just did. He smiled as there was a reaction to his advertisement. A girl, around Jungkook's age had reacted, saying that she would love to be his roommate as long as he was okay with it.
He smiled and typed in a reaction, asking about if she was a K pop fan. As much as he loved his fans, he couldn't handle living with one as they would surely know and might tell others.
He quickly got a response from you and he raised his brows as he read it. Apparently, you didn't even know K pop and was more of a rock music fan. You also asked if that was a problem, and he simply responded saying that he tough that K pop fans were a bit too fanatic at times. You responded saying that they were actually very fun and that your bestfriend was fan of this band called NCT. Jimin smiled at your response, you couldn't have been more perfect.
Housemates || P.JM || 1
Pairing : Park Jimin X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : As BTS gets older, they all start longing for more personal space. All, apart from Jimin. As he decides to not want to live alone, he puts an advertisement online about him looking for a housemate. What happens when you come across it?
A/N : sorey for the late update I just had test week so I had to study.
Housemates Masterlist | Next

Jimin ruffled his hair as he looked over the livingroom of his new apartment. He knew one thing for sure. His new housemate didn't know him from his career, and he planned to keep it that way. The doorbell rung just as he wanted to sit down. He smiled as he opened the front door to his apartment.
" Hey, I know that you sent me the keys and stuff it's just that it's somewhere in my bag and I can't reach it right now." You said from behind a huge box, which blocked Jimin's vision of seeing your face.
" It's alright, let me help you take you take those boxes to your room." Jimin said as ue took the boxes from you, not waiting for your reply before taking off.
" Thanks!" You yelled before he heard your footsteps fading, probably walking off to grab the rest of your stuff.
By the time that you and Jimin are done unpacking, it's around dinner time.
" So, do you have anything you prefer to eat? I myself was thinking about pizza." He tells you as you both plopped down on the couch in the livingroom.
" I was thinking the same thing. Cost's on me considering you helped me unpacking and stuff." You said as you opened the site of Domino's on your phone.
" Ah, why not let me pay? My mom and dad taught me that when a man and woman eat together, the man has to pay." He smiled, proud of his answer.
" That's when they go on a date Jimin, we're not on a date. So it's on me. Anyway what pizza do you want?" You asked him.
He shook his head and smiled, you were really something else. You ordered the pizza .
" So I just want you to know that I'm out a lot for work. I also travel for a long period of time at times." Jimin told you as you nodded.
" That's okay, I don't really mind." You smiled.
" So what made you put the advertisement online?" You aked him.
" I don't want to live alone and my friends all want their own space." He shrugged.
" Ah, I see. I do need to ask tough, why the K Pop question?" You questioned.
" Oh, my work is kind of K Pop related so I really want my roommate to have an addiction to it as fans sometimes can get crazy." He answered as the doorbell rung.
" I'll get it." You smiled.
A moment later you arrived back in the livingroom.
" Let's eat!" You cheered as Jimin smiled at you, you were really something.
Housemates || P.JM || 7
Pairing : Park Jimin X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : As BTS gets older, they all start longing for more personal space. All, apart from Jimin. As he decides to not want to live alone, he puts an advertisement online about him looking for a housemate. What happens when you come across it?
Housemates Masterlist | Next

" I've had enough of doing nothing and lying in the sun, let's go swimmimg!" You cheered as you started to take your sundress off to reveal your bikini.
Jimin's eyes widen, you weren't one to show your body off, so this was the first time that he really saw this much of your skin. Tough he did have to admit, he liked it. A lot
" Last in the water has to do the dishes tonight!" You yelled before you run off towards the sea.
Jimin snapped his attention back to your face, knowing that he probably had a lot more time to appreciate your beauty.
" Hey! That's unfair, you have a head start!" He yelled before shrugging his shirt off and chasing after you.
He splashed water at you as soon as he joined you in the sea.
" Wahh, it's cold." Jimin whined as he was now almost waist deep in the water.
" No it's not, you're just being a baby!" You laughed.
" Wanna see what this baby can do?" He smirked.
Before you knew it he had lifted you up bridal style and walked further into the sea.
" Jimin, no- don't go this far, I can't stand here." You huffed.
" Geuss you'll just have to hold onto me." He winked at you.
You raised your brow while looking at him before you became lost in his eyes. Both of your faces started closing in before-
" Yah! Jiminie is that you?!" A voice pulled you and Jimin out of your trance.
Jimin turned the both of you to see Taehyung waving at you. You smiled at Jimin.
" Let's go to your friends. I can walk there." You grinned at him.
Jimin smiled at you, tough he wanted to at least hit Tae for ruining the moment between you two. He did move back.
" Chim, you can put me down now, I know I'm heavy." You told him once both of you were up shore again.
" Actually, you really aren't." Jimin smiled as he set you down anyway.
You smiled before grabbing his hand and running off towards where Taehyung was, unconsciously making his heart skip a beat.
" Wahh, Jiminie are you here too?" Jin asked as he spotted the two of you.
" Yep, we coincidentally are." He smiled.
" Hi Y/N." Jungkook smiled at you, a light blush on his cheeks.
"Hi." You smiled back.
" We're planning on having a barbecue tonight, are you coming too?" Jin asked you as you shrugged and looked at Jimin.
" Sure, we'll come." Jimin answered.
Jin nodded and smiled.
" Then we finally can get to know each other better Y/N." Jungkook smiled at you.
" Right well, we better get going now tough. I want to take a shower before we leave to- wait who's house?"Jimin asked.
" We'll go to mine. By the way, have you been working out?" Hoseok asked Jimin as he wiggled his brows.
" We'll leave now." Jimin glared at Hoseok, who laughed, before walking over to you and tapping your shoulder, telling you that it was time that you two got ready for tonight.
" Bye Kook." You smiled at Jungkook before walking over to Jimin and walking allongside him.
" So, you call him Kook now?" Jimin said after a moment of walking together in silence.
" Um, yes. Why?" You asked.
" Just wondering. Now let's head home and freashen up for tonight." Jimin smiled at you.
Housemates || P.JM || 8
Pairing : Park Jimin X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : As BTS gets older, they all start longing for more personal space. All, apart from Jimin. As he decides to not want to live alone, he puts an advertisement online about him looking for a housemate. What happens when you come across it?
Housemates Masterlist | Next

You looked trough your walk in closet while you stood in your pijamas, what to wear? You didn't know Jimin's friends very good but you did want to make a good impression at them. Your fingers stopped at a black dress. It reached the floor and had a tigh split, lace sleeves and a glimmering top. You shook your head, deciding that that would be a little too fancy for a simple barbecue.
" If you're having a problem with clothes, can I pick something out for you?" You snapped out of your trance and looked in the door opening to see Jimin standing there, he seemed to have just come out of the shower, because his hair was still wet from it and he was only wearing jeans. You blushed a little and nodded. You didn't want to admit it, but you tough that Jimin was very handsome, with and without shirt.
He rummaged trough your closet before stopping at the black dress you were looking at earlier.
" Woah, have you worn this before?" He asked looking at you with wide eyes.
" Yes, in my brother's wedding." You smiled.
" Wow, I bet you looked amazing in it." He told you.
You shrugged.
" I don't know, but I did feel like I looked good." You told him.
" If I were to invite you to a fancy party, would you wear it?" He asked you.
" Depends in what type of party it is and who would be there." You told him.
" Noted." Jimin nodded before rummaging trough your closet again.
" This will also look nice on you." Jimin said as he pulled a simple F/C dress out, it was void of any detail and was tight fitting, yet it was very comfortable.
" I'll wait for you in your room." He smiled as he made his way out of the mostly empty closet and closed the door.
You combined the dress with leggings, not wanting to feel cold in the night air. You walked out and saw Jimin sitting on your bed, still with no shirt, scrolling trough his phone.
" Are you going shirtless?" You teased him as he looked up.
He looked you up and down and smiled, shaking his head.
" Of course not, unless you want me to?" He winked as you snorted.
" Fine, I'll go put a shirt on. By the way, you indeed do look very nice in that dress." He winked before making his way out of your room.
After a moment Jimin came back downstairs in the same jeans and a shirt.
" Let's go." Je smiled at you as you both put your shoes on and left the house.
" After you." Jimin smiled as he held the door open for you.
" Why thank you." You smiled back at him, he winked in return before jogging to the other side of the car.
" You don't have much clothes." Jimin started as he drove out of the parking garage.
" I know. But I have more than enough." You smiled at him.
" Are you sure? Your closet is barely half full. I could take you out shopping sometime you know." Jimin said while focussing on the road.
" It's okay really. But if you want to go shopping sometime then I'm in. Tough I will pay for myself." You told him.
No you're not. Jimin tough.
" Sure." He shrugged.
You both jammed out to music in the car for another ten minutes before you made it to Hoseok's house.
" Jiminnie, Y/N! Come on, everyone's in the backyard already." Tae smiled as he took both you and Jimin by hand, trough the spacious house and into the backyard.
" Y/N." Jungkook smiled as he spotted you, heading your way to greet you with a hug.
" Hey Kook." You smiled as you returned his hug, oblivious to Jimin rolling his eyes.
" Jiminnie, Y/N! I hope you're both hungry cause' Yoongi hyung is grilling spicy chicken wings." Taehyung smiled as he greeted you two.
" Sounds great!" You cheered.
" So, have you heard already?" Jin asked Jimin as everyone was sitting in the backyard, eating.
" Heard what?" Jimin asked, not minding that his mouth was full.
" We're going on tour again." Seokjin said as Jimin choked on his food.
" What?"
Shit my housemate says
Housemate: I wake up with handprints on my thighs
Me: how is that possible
Housemate: I touch myself in my sleep I guess
Me: are you sure those are your handprints?
Housemate: I really do hope so, as I don't like thinking that somebody else is touching me or my vagina..
Me: well that is certainly something
I hate living with people. I found my saucepan in the washing machine this morning...I do not want to know how it got there.