hotmentransformed - Hot Men Transformed
Hot Men Transformed

Tired of waiting around for other people to write stories that I want to read, so I decided to write them myself.

37 posts

A Dip In The Pool

A Dip In The Pool

This new gym was awesome! Moving to a new city can be hard, but at least it allowed you to start fresh. Going to the gym was something you always wanted to learn how to like, so you signed up for this cool new gym near your house. Everyone was super chill with the fact that you had no idea what you were doing. These huge muscular men would teach you how to use a machine before saying, "Soon enough, you'll look like me!" They were so encouraging! You were starting to like going to the gym. But you were still so skinny. With your curly hair and thin frame, you looked like a literal mop. All of these musclemen were super nice, but there was no way you were ever going to look like them.

As you went to the front desk to check in before you started your workout, the attendant mentioned the fact that the gym had a pool. Since when? You were still new to this place, so you're not surprised that there was something you didn't know about, but still... you don't remember hearing about it. The attendant assured you that it was free admission for gym members, so you hesitantly asked to see where it was and were led through the gym floor to the back of the locker room, and sure enough, there was metal lettering on the face of a large mahogany door: Pool.

As the attendant returned to the front desk, you decided that you might as well go for a swim and get some cardio in while you're thinking about it. Although you hadn't come prepared with a swimsuit, you decided that your gym shorts were similar enough and would suffice, so you went back to your locker to get ready. After placing your gym bag in the locker, you peeled your t-shirt off of your torso, exposing your thin, hairless frame. Reaching downwards, you slipped your slim feet out of your shoes, and peeled off your socks, placing everything in your locker. After closing the locker and securing the padlock, you turned and headed back to the mahogany door.

Pushing inward and stepping into the room, your nostrils were immediately bombarded with the unmistakable smell of chlorine. Your eyes watered: it burned! The room was dark, merely illuminated by the lights in the small pool. There were no windows, no benches, nothing. Not even another person! The pool itself was short and rather shallow. It wasn't big enough to do laps or anything, so why was it here?

Seeing steam rising from the surface, you figured that the pool must be set at a high temperature for recovery or something like that. To you, that made enough sense to justify its existence. You began to lower yourself to the edge of the pool before sliding in, but you stopped yourself. Looking around, you decided that since no one was here to tell you not to, you were going to have some fun with this pool. Taking a small step back, you launched yourself forward, tucking inwards to a cannonball position. Your body cut through the warm steam as it descended toward the pool. As you hit the water, your body was wrapped in its warmth. It was almost like a hot tub. It felt amazing. Your body submerged beneath the surface, leaving an impressive splash, especially considering your small frame.

Rising from beneath the ripples you created, you reached your hands upward to wipe your face with your hands and to push your hair from your eyes. Only there was no hair there to be pushed. Your hands went over your head, but the hair that was usually there was gone. Something was wrong.

A Dip In The Pool

You opened your eyes and saw your now-massive hands in front of your face. They were connected to your thick forearms which met your mountainous biceps. Your torso was huge. Looking down past your swollen pecs, you saw your washboard abs, large thighs, and defined calves. Running your hand along your abs that were not there a moment ago, you allowed your hand to explore further down, pushing its way into your shorts. You grabbed your throbbing cock and began stroking it aggressively. Moaning in your deep voice, your massive body buckled in the water, sending ripples as you continued jerking off. Your bicep bulged with strength, veins becoming more and more prominent as your pace accelerated. Your breaths became short and intense. God, it felt so good. Pure ecstasy overtook you. With a grunt, you shot out ropes and ropes of cum into the pool.

Wading through the milky substance around you, you climbed your way out of the pool. You had never gone in the pool after your daily workouts, but with all that testosterone you have flowing in your veins, an outlet is good. Flexing the massive muscles that you had spent so much time growing in the gym, you decided that you were going to take a dip in the pool after every workout from now on.

A Dip In The Pool
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More Posts from Hotmentransformed

2 years ago

Live from New York

Standing in line to board your flight, you basked in the feeling of possibility. From here on out, anything could happen. After years of working minimum wage at Dairy Queen, you had finally saved enough money to move to New York City. You loved your small town in Iowa, but there was something magical about the Big Apple. There, you could start over and be somebody new. After high school, you wanted to go to college. Some prestigious university would've been your dream, like Harvard, Yale, or Fordham. You had the grades, but you couldn't afford to pay tuition. So you stayed. Luckily, the DQ was hiring, and you got decent pay. By no means were you living large, but you got by. Now, with enough money saved up, you bought a one-way ticket from Des Moines to JFK. You had reached out to a friend living in the city, and they agreed to let you stay with them for a little bit until you found a job and your own place. Armed with just your backpack filled with a couple hundred bucks, some clothes, and a dream, you boarded the flight.

Once you landed in Queens, you desperately navigated the terminal, trying to find your way to the E train into Manhattan. Finding the station, you waited patiently for the subway to arrive. Turning your backpack onto your stomach, you pulled it tightly into your torso. Everything you owned was in that bag, you couldn't bear to lose it. The roar of the approaching train filled your ears, and it skidded to a stop in front of you. The doors opened, and you found the car absolutely packed. You had never seen so many people in one place all at once. Forcing your way into the car, and finding a place to stand near the opposite door, you kept a close eye on the screen, waiting until the 5th Avenue and 53rd Street stop appeared. Then, as the subway stopped and the doors opened, you clutched your backpack and stepped onto the platform.

Exiting the station, you were engulfed by the sounds and sights of Midtown. Your friend lived in a small one-bedroom near 50th and 6th, right in the center of everything. Walking around, you found yourself enamored with the tall buildings and the busy people walking extremely fast. The route you were taking to your friend's apartment took you right past Rockefeller Plaza. Being the tourist you were, as soon as you passed the sign for NBC studios, you decided to pull your phone out of your backpack. Reaching in and then throwing your backpack over your shoulder, you looked up at the words. Growing up, you had seen this marquis on television, and now it was really here. Lifting up your camera, you snapped a photo.

Live From New York

Just as the shutter clicked, a man ran up from behind you and snatched your bag. "Hey!" you screamed. Without stopping, they continued to sprint and turned the corner before you even thought to run after them. Shit. Now what? Looking at the doors of the studio, you figured that they must have security cameras. They could help you. I mean, after all, everything you owned was in that bag. Stepping through the glass doors, you were astounded by the vast ceilings and smooth architecture. You were definitely in the big city.

Approaching the desk, before you could even open your mouth, the attendant looked up at you and gasped. "Sir, you're late, we need to get you upstairs now!" Before you even had the chance to respond, you were whisked away, being led towards an elevator. Shoving you into an elevator, the attendant mashed the button that said "8H." Looking dumbfounded, you opened your mouth to speak, but just as you did the doors shut and you began to ascend into the building.

This was weird, but hey, you had nothing else to lose. It's not like you were breaking in, you were put here. Once you got off the elevator, you would explain exactly what happened, and they would help you find security to figure out how to get your backpack back. As the elevator doors opened and you opened your mouth to speak, two female stylists rushed in and began ushering you through the hallways. The taller one began chastising you for running late as usual, without letting you get a word in. Giving up, you let them guide you into a dressing room. There, you were shoved into a seat. Finally, with the hustle and bustle finished, you finally had a chance to speak. "What's happening?" You managed to finally ask. The stylists looked at each other amused. Without saying a word, they reached towards your body and ripped off your clothes, leaving you nude apart from your underwear.

"Hey! What was that for?" You screamed at the pair. The shorter one explained. "We don't have time to take them off, Sir. Now hold still." The tall one pulled a white jar out of her bag, and the two began applying some sort of cream all over your chest. As the cream made contact with your skin, it began to heat up. As it did, firm muscles began pushing their way from your torso. Thick pecs formed a shelf and dark hair spread its way across them. The stylists massaged the cream into your arms, which flexed with new strength and were covered in that same hair. Your hands cracked as they grew large and manly. You were left with a thick beefy upper body.

Live From New York

The stylists massaged the cream into your feet, which grew and expanded, dark hairs emerging from the tops. After applying the cream to your calves, they stretched and ballooned as well. Your thighs were next, the short one was intensely working her hands around your thighs and shoved her hands under where you were seated. The cream made your legs thick and hairy, and your ass lifted you upwards on the chair. The short one continued to massage your thighs as the tall one applied the cream to your face. Your teeth whitened and your jawline sharpened. Your eyes lightened to a piercing blue. The tall one massaged your scalp, as your hair thickened and became immaculately styled, your head felt fuzzy. You remembered attending Harvard? No, you could never afford that. You were from rural Iowa. The shorter stylist lifted her hands from your thighs and pulled down your underwear, revealing your cock. Reapplying more cream to her palms, she began to massage your cock. Your head felt even fuzzier as the pleasure built up. You weren't from Iowa, you were from Staten Island. Your dick grew longer with each tug. You were married, and your wife loved your amazing body. The pleasure built up even more. Shit, everyone loved your amazing body. With one final tug, your thick cock shot out ropes of cum, and with it, every memory you had of your previous life. You lived in New York now.

The shorter stylist pulled out a towel and began to wipe your thick and muscled body clean, as the taller one grabbed your tailored suit off of the hanger. Standing up, you lifted your thick legs as the stylists pulled your pants on. You lifted your thick arms outward, exposing your forested armpits, as your dress shirt was brought onto your body. The two stylists buttoned you up. Lifting your arms again, you felt the fancy jacket pulled over you. Sitting down again, you were handed your tie. As you tied, the shorter stylist lifted your large feet into dress socks and placed them in your shoes. Once you finished tying your tie, you stood up, and without acknowledging the two women, you turned towards the door and began walking through the halls. You knew exactly where you were headed. As you reached the backstage area, a man placed your mic on your jacket. Finding your seat, you heard the intro music play. This was your job. The audience was applauding for you. You read your cue card.

"Welcome to Weekend Update, I'm Colin Jost."

Live From New York

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2 years ago

Wow! I’m so incredibly grateful for my early Christmas present. I woke up this morning to see that I had passed 1,000 followers!

I started this blog 3 months ago to write some transformation stories that I wanted to read, involving men and photos that I was attracted to. I’m so humbled that over 1,000 people read my little page of writing and decided that they wanted to see more. I plan on writing semi-consistently as I continue to find inspiration in anything I see!

Thank you all again for supporting me as I explore this creative outlet.

Wow! Im So Incredibly Grateful For My Early Christmas Present. I Woke Up This Morning To See That I Had
2 years ago

Alone on Valentine's Day

Sean and Tommy were roommates who had become close friends over the years. They shared everything from their favorite Netflix shows to their deepest fears, including the fact that they both hated being single on Valentine's Day. Although they were both gay, they were mutual friends, with no attraction to each other.

On this particular February 14th, Tommy decided to have a night in with Sean to commiserate about their single status. Rather than go to the bars and cruise for some curious straight man, Tommy thought it would be better to just hang out at home and watch a stupid rom-com. In the kitchen, he poured them both a glass of red wine. In Sean's drink, however, Tommy poured a vial of special white powder that he had bought online. After the powder had completely dissolved in the burgundy liquid, Tommy returned to the living room and handed Sean his glass. They settled in on the couch to watch a rom-com.

Alone On Valentine's Day

As Sean took his first big gulp of the wine, he felt a strange sensation in his body, almost like an electrical current running through his veins. At first, he thought it was just the wine making him feel a little lightheaded, but as the sensation grew stronger, he began to worry that something was seriously wrong.

He felt a sudden and intense heat spreading throughout his body. He broke out into a sweat as his muscles began to tingle and twitch. He felt an unusual energy coursing through his veins, like a current of electricity flowing through his entire body.

Sean looked down at his body to see that he was painfully erect. He shifted his gaze to his arms and gasped as he watched them bulge and expand in size. His biceps swelled, and he could see thick veins snaking across his newly defined forearms. His chest heaved with each breath, growing broader and thicker as his pectoral muscles expanded. He could feel the fabric of his shirt stretching tautly across his shoulders and chest. With one final heave, his shirt gave way, exposing his massive chest, which was now adorned with intricate tattoos.

He felt an intense pressure building in his legs. He could feel his muscles contracting and expanding, growing thicker and more defined with every passing moment. His thigh muscles swelled, pushing his dick together and sending waves of pleasure throughout his body. He could feel his calf muscles bulging outwards, growing more prominent with each passing second. He unconsciously flexed his legs, and his quad bulged out from his skin, ripping his pants and leaving him exposed in his underwear. His cock had grown considerably and was still throbbing and swelling.

As the transformation continued, Sean's skin began to bristle with hair. He could feel it prickling up all over his arms, chest, and face. His once baby-smooth skin was now covered in thick, dark hair, giving him a more rugged, masculine appearance. His cock had grown massive, straining against the front of his pants. He began thrusting into it, moaning in delight. With a deep shudder, he shot out ropes of cum which shot through his underwear, leaving a dark, wet spot. In a post-orgasmic bliss, Sean panted, trying to catch his breath.

Alone On Valentine's Day

Looking back at his massive body, he felt stronger and more powerful than he ever had before. He flexed his arm, and a huge bicep bulged out from his skin. He was amazed at the sight of it, never having seen anything like it before. Tommy couldn't take his eyes off Sean. The transformation was incredible to watch. Sean's once lanky frame was now bulging with muscles, giving him a more rugged and masculine appearance. He had never found himself attracted to Sean before, but now Sean had somehow transformed into the perfect man for him.

As Sean sat there, basking in the incredible feeling of his newfound strength and masculinity, he looked toward Tommy, whose jaw was agape. Sean smirked at his boyfriend, and his massive dick twitched in his pants. He leaned over and began to make out with Tommy. Sean guided Tommy’s hand to stroke his massive cock, as he moaned in pure ecstasy. Tommy’s hand was wet with the sticky substance, but he didn’t care; he had the man of his dreams on his couch, and he couldn’t be happier. Neither of them would be alone on Valentine’s Day ever again.

Alone On Valentine's Day

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2 years ago

Replacement Barista

It’s another chilly morning in Jericho. You were exploring your hometown in Vermont, feeling a sense of nostalgia as you walk down the familiar streets. You had recently moved back to Vermont after a few years of living in the city, in search of a simpler life and to be closer to family. You've been looking for a job, and you're determined to find one near your home.

Suddenly, your eyes spot something that you don't remember being here. A coffee shop, called the Weathervane, with a bright NOW HIRING sign displayed in the window on the door. Curiosity got the better of you, and you decided to inquire about a job.

Replacement Barista

As you approach the counter, the barista greets you with a warm smile. They ask if you wanted to buy a coffee. You smile at the thought of you being so polite and amicable this early in the morning. You politely refuse their offer of a coffee and explain that you were interested in working there. You elaborate that you're specifically looking for a job that allows you to be a part of your community, and you were excited about the possibility of working in this coffee shop. With a smile, the barista hands you an apron, no questions asked. A little surprised that the barista didn't even ask you any questions about your experience or background or anything, you look back at them dumbfounded. They explain that they had recently lost their best barista and were looking for an immediate replacement. Holding the red fabric in your hand, you turn it over to see a name tag still on it: Tyler. Assuming that that was the previous owner of the apron who recently left, you dismiss your concerns, and bring it over your head and tie the strings around your back. 

As soon as you tighten the strings, you feel the breath shoot out from your lungs. You feel a strange, tingling sensation that takes over your body. Your vision blurs, and you feel lightheaded, as if you've suddenly lost your balance. It's a disorienting feeling, and you can't help but feel tense. Your heart races, and you're having trouble catching your breath. It's a feeling like you've never experienced before, and you can't quite put your finger on what's happening to you.

You excuse yourself to the bathroom, and begin stumbling towards the back wall as the barista looks on at your disorientation, smiling. You use the wall to support your body as you find your way to the restroom and fumble with the handle. Pushing the door open, you fall forward and brace yourself on the edges of the sink. Your vision has started to clear and you look up at the mirror to reorient yourself, but you're shocked by what you see: the man in the mirror was not you.

Replacement Barista

Your face looks different, more handsome, and chiseled. You run your hands through your hair which was now adorned with thick curls. Your eyes had lightened into an intense green, with a heavy brow giving them a fierce look. Bringing your larger hands across your new face, you felt your smooth contours and your plump lips. You were hot. Your arms bulged against your shirt as they continued to explore your new body, which was taut with lean muscle. You were strong from lifting bags of coffee beans for the past few months. You had been working here since last summer. You loved the way this job allowed you to connect with the community and meet new people every day.

Feeling better from your sudden lightheadedness, you readjusted your apron, making sure that the “Tyler” on your name tag was clearly visible for everyone to see. You leave the bathroom, ready to continue with your shift.

Replacement Barista

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2 years ago

It's All In The Hair

<<Thanks @transformation-fan for the suggestion. This was a fun one!>>

After a long day at work, you had finally begun the long drive home in your beat-up sedan. Working a fifteen-hour shift at the gas station was hard, but it was the only job you could find willing to hire you. The forty-five-minute drive home was usually pretty relaxing. Standing at the counter all day meant your legs were aching by the end of the day. The fatigue set in as you continued your drive through the suburbs and back into the city.

Arriving at your apartment, you found the nearest curb and parked your car. This wasn't a great neighborhood, but you never really worried about someone breaking into your car, because it was so beat up that it almost looked abandoned. It was your ride to work though, so you nonetheless locked it tight and hid anything in the seats in the glove compartment and center console. Satisfied, you turned and keyed into your building. Walking up the three flights of stairs, you fumbled around in the dark trying to find the other key to your apartment. The bulb in the hallway had long since burned out, and the landlord refuses to pay for another bulb. Finally feeling the teeth of the key, you poked it around blindly until it found its home in your doorknob. Twisting the key and pushing, the door flung open into your pigsty of an apartment. Pizza boxes and dirty clothes littered the floor. You worked so many hours a day that you never had time to clean up after yourself.

Throwing your keys onto the counter, you checked in the fridge to see if you had any leftovers. There were some Chinese take-out boxes that were probably still good. As you reached your arm into the fridge, you got a whiff of your body odor. Your face squinched in disgust. Although your apartment was a mess, you hated to be dirty yourself. Working at the gas station, you often came home reeking of gasoline, but today was especially hot outside, and you must've sweat through your deodorant and then some. It was time for a shower.

Stepping over the piles of clothes, you headed towards the bathroom. Peeling off your sweat-filled shirt, you twisted the handle of your shower bath. It would take a few minutes for the water to heat up. Pulling down your jeans, you stared in the mirror at yourself. God, there was so little of you. Your diet of pizza gave you a round paunch, but absolutely nothing else. You were a hairless cat with a gut. Rubbing your smooth chest, you began to wonder what it would be like to have luscious hair. The kind that people would want to run their fingers through. Maybe some muscles? Anything would be better. Sighing to yourself, and deciding that maybe next year you would start working out, you stepped over and into the shower.

The water was lukewarm, you hadn't given it quite enough time to become scalding hot. Underneath the stream of water, you began rubbing your hair. It was short enough that you didn't need to worry too much about styling or combing it, just wash it every now and again. With your face turned upwards towards the waterfall washing down over you, you reached your arm out to grab your shampoo. Fumbling about, you felt the bottle with the top of your hand, and it slipped, crashing towards your feet with a loud thud. The sound startled you, and you flinched causing you to tumble backward. The curvature of the bath allowed you to slide for part of the fall, but you still landed on your back.

Startled more than injured, you sat for a moment, astounded at what an idiot you were. Cursing to yourself, you pulled yourself into a sitting position. Finally finding the shampoo bottle, you pulled it toward you to open it, but it looked different. The generic logo on the front was gone. In fact, the bottle had no logo, no words, no anything. Assuming you had just ripped off the label some other night, you opened the cap to pour it into your hand. Immediately, you knew this was not your shampoo. The smell was divine. It was indescribable. You were going to enjoy this shampoo.

Pulling the drain closed and flipping the faucet, you started filling the bath. Luxury. You poured more shampoo into your hand before lathering it around your hair. Keeping your eyes closed to prevent the suds from getting in your eyes, you felt a strange, but pleasurable sensation. Your head was warm and fuzzy. God this shampoo was incredible. With each rub of your hands, your hair grew longer and longer and thicker and thicker. The suds dripped down over your face as you continued to massage your head and growing hair. Your eyebrows thickened, becoming sharp and defined. Dense stubble pushed its way out of your upper lip and around your jawline. The shampoo dripped down your arms, still raised towards your head. Dark hairs sprouted from your thickening forearms and bulging biceps, and your exposed armpits grew forests of thick brown hair. Dripping down your chest, the shampoo caused a forest of curled chest hair to shoot from your growing chest. Two lean pecs pushed from your chest, with a new pelt of hair adorning them. Your navel sprouted a thick treasure trail as the shampoo pushed your gut inward and traced the lines of your new abs. Finally, the shampoo reached the water line, mixing into the water and causing the surface to become sudsy and foamy. Dark hairs grew on top of your feet as they stretch along the floor of the bath. Your calves and thighs bulged with muscle as the dark curly hair swirled around. You felt your stomach get colder as your ass swelled, pushing you ever-so-slightly further out of the water. The hair curled up your thighs and into your ass, tracing underneath you towards your balls. A mass of hair grew above your crotch and around, as your dick stretched further and further away from your body. Still rubbing your shampooed head with one hand, your other hand lowered down into the water and began stroking your new, large dick. Your hand was still slippery with the shampoo, and the pleasure was intense. With each rub of each head, everything felt more and more amazing. With a final rub, you shot your load into the bath water, mixing with the suds.

It's All In The Hair

Rinsing your hands of the shampoo and rubbing your eyes, you opened them. Right in front of you were large hairy legs. Looking down, you were greeted with a still semi-erect throbbing dick covered in hair. The chest below you was thick and had swirls of hairs. What the hell was happening? Trying to stand up, you underestimated the sleekness of the bottom of the tub, and you fell once again, hitting your head, knocking you unconscious, and sinking into the water.

It was dark. Oh my god, were you dead? You couldn't speak. You tried to scream for help but no sound came out. It was strangely warm, were you in hell? Oh my god, you were in hell. What had you done wrong? With one final desperate scream, you jolted upward and found yourself in a hotel room. Scared and confused you turned about, finding that your pillow was wet, and smelled amazing. Of course! You had just taken a bath with your favorite shampoo before the convention. Turning your body off the side of the bed, you saw your large manly legs and chuckled. Throwing on a yellow shirt and some pants, you stared in the mirror at your hair. God, even after taking a nap your iconic hair still looked immaculate. Smirking, you unbuttoned the top of your shirt, displaying a moderate amount of your thick chest hair. That'll surely drive the girls (and the gays) wild for you. You could have anything you want with the wave of your hand. They adored you. You were Joe fucking Keery. The chartered car came and picked you up, dropping you at the convention. On the red carpet, you heard their screams. They loved you. You knew why: it's all in the hair.

It's All In The Hair

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