huhwhuhs - huhwhuhs?

just a silly lil person(?) who enjoys games

488 posts

No I Will Not Be Explaining

No I Will Not Be Explaining

No I will not be explaining

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More Posts from Huhwhuhs

6 months ago


Melinda is very happy to have a new friend/potential host :]

That Was Probably A Bit Blown Out Of Proportion, But You Get The Idea

That was probably a bit blown out of proportion, but you get the idea


6 months ago

So I wrote a lil bit about these two :3


It wasn't hard.

Maintaining a host, that is. Humans are painfully inefficient, but it's just tedious, not hard. Besides, I've been coming to enjoy it a bit, I can dress them up as I please, style their hair, paint their nails. Its honestly quite freeing to much this much self-expression when you've been impossible to differentiate from your brothers and sisters for your whole life.

After a while you learn how to mind your own business. People don't like the look of a jawless human with voidmass inside. It's honestly a pain, I would've kept the jaw if I could, but fitting through a humans mouth is like trying to make a tiger fit into a cubby made for a house cat.

I don't follow the screams for help. I don't listen to the PA system when it tries to guide me. I stray away from that shop that big fish set up and the lockers my siblings reside in. Go on paths less traveled to avoid the anglers.

I found out her name. My host's name, that is. I heard her burble of recognition when I had puppeted the body past her cubical.

Melinda. I like that name, our name.

We may as well be one in the same. Or as the scientists would probably call it: a symbiotic relationship.

Maybe not. I don't give her much control. I don't think I've let her move by herself since I've taken her over. I can't give her control now though, I ate away her muscle and replaced it with myself. It made moving far easier when she physically couldn't resist.

She was delicious, though could've used a but more copper. I'll see if I can find some iron supplements for her, she needs them.

Speaking of, she feels hungry, maybe a snack is in order? We had the remains of that salad yesterday. I had fun picking out the best parts to eat that weren't rotten yet. We should have some meat.

She doesn't like meat, I think. Whenever I shove the chunks of expendable into her stomach she always cries. I'm not sure what vegetarian option I can really find though, so for now, expendable it is.

I have to be gentle when I brush her hair as I move, I don't want her to look like a tangled mess in front of someone, that's just embarrassing. I should brush the leftover teeth as well. Then again, doing this many tasks at once didn't end well last time, I remember how she choked when I forgot to keep her breathing. I'm pretty sure she can do it herself, I don't know why she keeps trying not to. I can't let her die after all, rotting bodies are difficult to maintain.

Oh, someone screaming again. For help. It's one voice, so I should be able to take them down.


Melinda, can you hum for me again? Will you understand what I want if I push at your throat?

As nice as ever. You can't make much noise anymore, most of your vocal cords snapped, but it still sounds lovely to me.

Wait, what was that? Do you hear that? I don't recognize that sound. Loud and thumping. Oh, probably just another wall dweller, this one sounds pretty big though...

Whatever, we aren't their prey, and I'll eat them if they try. It's surprisingly nutritious.

That's not a wall dweller.


Our back is cut open, you're dying Melinda, but don't worry, I'll carry on your name. You were always my favorite.

I think this is what you wanted, death, that is. You were miserable with me, weren't you?

The lights are dim, I can maybe move outside for a moment. But where to go? I don't want to be stuck in one place.

That giant fish beast, he looks confused, probably because I'm not exactly normal to see inside a human.

Don't worry, you'll learn about me more soon. You look like you could be a good replacement.

You made quite the lacerations in her back, I can shoot out easily. Don't struggle so much, I'm being nice, I don't even have to break your jaw.

There, was that so hard? Stop gagging, you can't force me out.

Oh, you had three arms? It's okay, I can hold a bit of form while the lights are dark, I can make you a new one.

Your body is tough, stop squirming so much, you're muscle is tough and I need to focus.

Fine- FINE! Calm down. Struggling will get us nowhere. Besides, I don't even know how to navigate with a tail. And your body is too big to spread all the way through. I'll take a backseat, but I'm not leaving. For fucks sake STOP!

Yeah doesn't feel so good, does it? Kidneys bruise pretty easily. But don't worry, we can play nice.

Oh, you actually speak? You sound nice.


Oh you little shit- don't call me that!

Oops He Accidentally Killed A Voidmass Host But Problem Is Hes Still In Control Since Yk. Big. And Stubborn@huhwuhs
Oops He Accidentally Killed A Voidmass Host But Problem Is Hes Still In Control Since Yk. Big. And Stubborn@huhwuhs

oops he accidentally killed a voidmass host but problem is hes still in control since yk. big. and stubborn @huhwuhs

he get slap.

Tags :
6 months ago

A little thing about Dyna and Melinda to give a bit of context about what their relationship would be :]


A visitor?

I'm used the the expandables coming to your shop by now, you don't have to warn me of them. What's the point of that? Though you can't exactly answer me considering you can't even HEAR me.

I should look into fixing that soon.


Oh, are they he-


Why would you EVER invite HIM!? Are you fucking mad or just too dense to see what he is!?


And there goes my good mood.

God forbid I have a calm day down here. Of course I have to run into this fucking thing again.

"Hey, what's with the stowaway? You need some help getting rid of it?"


Oh, okay, great, lovely, just fan-fucking-tastic. The bitch of a squid is stuck with us now. Do they have any allergies I can exploit maybe? Maybe I could just shove a flash beacon down Sebastian's throat.

"Can you hear them? Communicate at all?"





You stupid little bitch! I can get rid of you! You can't even defend yourself! He'll believe me more than some fucking goo that forced its way into his body!

This was a blessing in disguise! I WIN. YOU LOSE. PFFT- HAHAHAHA!

"Good, then it hasn't gotten to you yet. Oh, what do I mean? That things a parasite, you know. I saw what it did to its previous hosts, did you know it-..."


... Fuck.

6 months ago

I'm now hit with writing gluttony so take a little drabble of Seb and Melinda hunting together :]


You're hungry.

Yeah, I can tell by now, mostly because your stomach rumbles so loud it jostles my entire form like jello, go get some food already.

Seems you got the memo, good. Besides, you need to get out of this shop more. It's musty in there, and it doesn't help when I'm trying to clean all the smoking gunk from your lungs. You're welcome, by the way.

You move fast, I like that. I was so slow before. Puppeting leg joints individually isn't exactly easy. And now I can sit back and rest while you do the moving for us. Just stop being so loud, won't you? You'll scare away any prey before we can even spot them.


Stop moving. Do you hear that? Don't swear at me! Just listen! Shut your mouth!

Yeah, you can hear that too. Some expendable is close. Oh don't whine, a tendril holding your mouth shut isn't the worst. Now go already.

Left, go LEFT- you're almost hopeless I swear. Just keep going, we're gaining on them.

Oh, they're a scrawny thing aren't they? Doesn't matter, any food is good food. Stop messing with them and just go eat.

Look what you did, they're running now. Just-... just go catch them.


Oh fuck that door can lock go FASTER-!

Fuck it.

I can squirm to your throat, and if I push out far enough I can reach- yep, their kicking and screaming doesn't do much. I'll just tear off a leg and leave the rest to you, I want a little snack as well.

Why are you surprised? I'm not afraid to step in. You would've lost them anyway. Stop complaining, I don't taste that bad. Just eat already.



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6 months ago


new eeveelution quiz! Take it and tell me who you got :3
I'm sick of eeveelution quizzes that ask "What's your favorite element." If I knew what element was my favorite, I'd know what eeveelution I