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2 years ago

cwilbur characteristics i’d like to see in fic more (a non-comprehensive list):

paranoia. cwilbur has deep rooted issues with paranoia, the ‘deep roots’ being ceret’s betrayal in the final control room that draws through the entirety of his character development, from his suspicion of outsiders during l’manberg, to his distrust of everyone but ctommy during pogtopia. after his revival cwilbur’s paranoia shifts away from possible enemies to friends and loved ones lying to him, you know the ‘I fear that everyone’s scared of me but they’re lying’. paranoia and this inherent distrust is such a juicy trait, it’s the constant double reading, checks for flinches and twitches of an eye and a glance to the side. it’s the thoughts running circles so deep into your mind it’s starting to itch at your spine. that’s cwilbur.

this is a funny one, but he’s quite mediocre at negotiating. i’m likely declaring the death of the author and scratching at the bare text here, but given the context of everything, cwilbur was such a revered leader, because people already loved him. every single member of og l’manberg but one was his family, cfundy by blood, ctubbo by adoption and ctommy by everything else. the only exception is ceret, and well, we all know what they did. cwilbur is charismatic and has the vocabulary of a poet but he isn’t the magic word smith ctommy often makes him out to be. he has lost most every single argument he ever started, mostly because the other side was willing to use Guns or simply didn’t care about him.

i reckon this appears fairly often in fic, simply because it’s a popular trope, but cwilbur does canonically struggle with abandonment issues with balls of steel the size of l'manberg. I redirect you to the custody battle that was outward an expression of his rivalry with cquackity but, after you know the screaming and arguing and manipulation was over, it very much ended with ‘you can go to cquackity and work with him, just don’t leave me on my own’ (words from the actual quote)

i know back then no one knew and nowadays there aren’t all that many people writing l'manberg era fic. but it is canon that cwilbur was largely absent during the entirety of the l'manberg era. that the guy was lying in his bed crying. I know it’s only a one line mention from ghostbur but it large scale re-contextualizes an almost two month period, and the implications for his character are Enormous.

cwilbur is always a little uncomfortable. it’s not in his nature, comfort, and he is too neurotic for that. he is stressed out, he is irresponsible and at the same time feels responsible for everything, and he knows both. Not the guy who is able to lay back into the grass. I mean he Could but he wouldn’t be able to sleep.

cwilbur’s not a prime but definitely an example of diplomacy. he’s definitely a prime example of instability. what i mean to say is that he’s an incredibly dynamic character who often compromises, and then dedicates his entire identity to that compromise. l’manberg was that compromise between usurping cdream and keep following his rules. it’s like he’s falling in love, quick and hard and often, but instead of a person it’s usually an ideal/ various parts of an ideal.

he’s a vulgar bitch. just as bad than ctommy. ‘cunt-sayer’ you need to throw in at least one word per chapter/one shot that your average reader doesn’t know though. eloquence. it’s the balance between one word the reader has never heard before and one word the reader would rather expect to hear from ctommy or cquackity.

this is one of my favourites, if a less prominent trait, cwilbur does have a tendency to project onto other people. think of ‘you’re never gonna be president, tommy’ which was a hurtful thing to say, but came seemingly out of nowhere. for ctommy. cwilbur on the other hand already struggled with his right and fittedness to presidency at the time. or think him throwing them both into the pot of ‘bad influence to the server’ during his time with ctommy in limbo. or even more recently ‘you just don’t want anyone to know that you failed to protect the one person who still cares about you.’ from ho16.

talking about ho16, I haven’t read a lot of tntduo fic to make a lot of statements about this. but cwilbur’s relationship with cquackity and las nevadas carries both the well. attraction that is there between the characters but also resentment (he took my city), jealousy (why does he get to keep a city/power at it’s most simplest) and disgust (he’s doing it wrong, that bitch has no soul). ho16 drove that point home so very precisely. the vice guillotine and his poem are sat the steering wheel.

when he’s not currently in a high stress situation or having a mental breakdown he’s quite non confrontational with most other characters. with the notable exception of cquackity, there’s also his relationship with cranboo which in the beginning is characterized by his extreme distaste for cranboo’s ideology. because god help me they are such perfect foils. cranboo believes in a People not Sides, where cwilbur, at least in his mind, puts Sides before people, and values loyalty over anything else. cwilbur wanting his family and friends on exactly the same side as him is a vital part of his character. actually one that that had been established even before the final control room (and was made worse by), most clearly in his conversation with c!tommy about ctommy’s main residence being outside of L’manberg where he goes as far as to threaten to exclude c!tommy from the project if he doesn’t dedicate his entire being to the nation. or his speech to cniki about how she shouldn’t be loyal to him but to l’manberg. or his treatment of cfundy when he decides to go against him during the elections. or him backhandedly mentioning that he doesn’t consider cphil part of his inner circle despite being blood family because of their different political opinions.

another post recently brought up that he, cwilbur likely tried to put on a ‘competent’ front for ctommy and ctubbo even during pogtopia (for them in particular, that he was putting on a front ever since l’manberg has long since been confirmed by ghostbur) because of the way he acted during the events of cniki’s birthday party (a hot mess, the most depressed man i have ever seen in my life god bless). fun fact cniki’s birthday party was actually the only time cwilbur appeared in season one that had ctommy or ctubbo (or cfundy) being absent entirely. for the notes: acts very differently around just a group of adults who are not asking anything of nor paying much attention to him, than around the kids who look up to him as their leader.

if you write cwilbur. make him lie his ass off. either because he doesn’t want to be judged. actually most often because he doesn’t want to be judged. or because he has complicated feelings about something. he does it often enough in canon.

cwilbur is a caring person, he cares but he is also not the most considerate person, often because of his own mental health issues surely, but i cannot understate how much of a dick his character often is. it’s less that he’s traditionally mean rather than unnecessarily harsh or being too caught up in his own ideas of things.

this one’s actually just as much a look at how cwilbur is written but i swear 90% of his character is making irresponsible/ poorly thought out choices and then having to deal with the unexpected terrible fallout. cwilbur’s the type guy who’s always having atleast one moral/ideological dilemma, or atleast avoiding one. or to say it in ccwilbur’s words, you can very much compartmentalize him into the guy in the back occasionally blipping ideas to the pseudo confident anxious guy in the front.

If we take cwilbur’s laments on the cycle of violence while he’s in pogtopia, where he talks about the bloodshed that comes of revolution at face value then aside from his non-existent mental health at the time, he’s more or less an extremist pacifist. when I say this I actually mean that he already was an extremist pacifist before and only got worse. you don’t understand, that guy refused to wear armour in the middle of a war. and acted as a fucking Armourless Living Meat shield for the rest of l’manberg.

Keep reading

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1 year ago

I feel like it would be cool if there was a cyberpunk setting that had a character who can't get augmentations/cybernetics because they're allergic to anesthesia.

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7 years ago

I think pms is the best cure for my writer's block. Seriously. For more than a month, I couldn't write anything, and now, I'm making progress just because my hormone-addled brain is screaming at me "Who fucking cares if it's good, just advance the plot you god damn idiot! You can go back and change it later; how can you be this fucking stupid and not be legally required to wear a helmet everywhere?!?!"

Finally, this curse of evolution has a benefit. Anger is the best inspiration, it seems 😊

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6 months ago

its so heartwrenching to see in shows where theres like a character that's really emotionally shut down and cold and honestly kind of a bitch but then theres a flashback and they used to be a sunshine character. like UGH its so sad i love it give me more.

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Hi! For the writing ask game: 👀, 🌝 ?


Okay okay okay okay, let’s see!

👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?

Ooooh, okay, hm…I actually don’t have many WIPs, I think! If I had to say…

Oh! I actually had a ‘first meeting’ fanfic I was attempting to write between Venti, when he was still newly ascended, and my OC, Aiva (I’ll explain more about her in the future! I have some doodles I wanna share soon!)

It was gonna consist of them getting to know each other, learning about each other’s nations, bonding over shared trauma, really slice of life!

I uh…didn’t really write more than two pages cause I lost motivation, and I didn’t know how else to proceed…heh.

🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?

Hm…that’s a good one. I really wanna write Zhongli one day, really! I’m more used to writing fun, more outgoing characters, so I think it’d be fun to try and write a more…calm, reserved kind of character (even though Zhongli himself is a bit of a goof, lol)

Same with Kazuha! I think he’d be really fun to write! Laidback, chill, really poetic…I think it’d be fun!

Thank you SO SO SO much for the questions!

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2 years ago

i have spent two days thinking and rethinking and rewriting this SCENE and how it can entwine with the story and i am driving myself INSANE.

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2 years ago

"my favourite thing about my wip is, like, it feels like a wip"

– me, when people ask me about what i'm currently writing

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2 years ago

It’s finally here!

Its Finally Here!

My favorite time of year… time for spreadsheets and statistics! This is my second year sending out this spreadsheet for people to use, and it’s got just about everything I could think of (until I think of something new). You can use this sheet to keep track of:

Annual stats

Monthly stats

Project stats

Project stats

(New!) Publications submissions

And most of it is automated to make everything as easy as possible! It’s free to use but my Ko-Fi is linked in case anyone wants to contribute to my little writing fund. You can copy the template to use for yourself, and let me know if you have any questions!

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2 years ago

okay, lowkey need advice because i’m not too sure on what to do. so recently I created an extensive outline for my fantasy wip that touches on the joseon dynasty of Korea. it already has some fantastic elements, and i added some imoogi (basically vengeful dragons) into the plot entwined with mystery, but im not sure if i want to extend it another book further or not.

so I guess the question is: should i ponder about this? or should i just write the goddamn thing and figure it out? im mainly a pantser, but i just don’t have the time in my life to “see how things work out” so not too sure 🥹

[honestly if you read all this youre such a life saver]

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1 year ago

How to write smut ?

(@urfriendlywriter | req by @rbsstuff @yourlocalmerchgirl anyone under the appropriate age, please proceed with caution :') hope this helps guys! )

writing smut depends on each person's writing style but i think there's something so gut-wrenchingly beautiful about smut when it's not very graphic and vivid. like., would this turn on a reader more?

"he kissed her, pulling her body closer to him."

or this?

"His lips felt so familiar it hurt her heart. His breathing had become more strained; his muscles tensed. She let herself sink into his embrace as his hands flattened against her spine. He drew her closer."

One may like either the top or the bottom one better, but it totally depends on your writing to make it work. Neither is bad, but the second example is more flattering, talking literally.

express one's sensory feelings, and the readers will automatically know what's happening.

writing, "her walls clenched against him, her breath hitching with his every thrust" is better than writing, "she was about to cum".

here are some vocabulary you can introduce in your writing:

whimpered, whispered, breathed lightly, stuttered, groaned, grunted, yearned, whined, ached, clenched, coaxed, cried out, heaved, hissed

shivering, shuddering, curling up against one's body, squirming, squirting, touching, teasing, taunting, guiding, kneeling, begging, pining, pinching, grinding,

swallowing, panting, sucking in a sharp breath, thrusting, moving gently, gripped, biting, quivering,

nibbling, tugging, pressing, licking, flicking, sucking, panting, gritting, exhaling in short breaths,

wet kisses, brushing soft kisses across their body (yk where), licking, sucking, teasing, tracing, tickling, bucking hips, forcing one on their knees

holding hips, guiding the one on top, moving aimlessly, mindlessly, sounds they make turn insanely beautiful, sinful to listen to

some adjectives to use: desperately, hurriedly, knowingly, teasingly, tauntingly, aimlessly, shamelessly, breathlessly, passionately, delicately, hungrily

he sighed with pleasure

her skin flushed

he shuddered when her body moved against his

he planted kisses along her jawline

her lips turned red, messy, kissed and flushed.

his hands were on his hair, pulling him.

light touches traveled down his back

words were coiled at his throat, coming out as broken sobs, wanting more

he arched his back, his breath quivering

her legs parted, sinking into the other's body, encircling around their waist.

+ mention the position, how they're being moved around---are they face down, kneeling, or standing, or on top or on bottom--it's really helpful to give a clear picture.

+ use lustful talk, slow seduction, teasing touches, erratic breathing, give the readers all while also giving them nothing. make them yearn but DO NOT PROLONG IT.

sources to refer to for more: (will be updated soon!)

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1 year ago

✨️phrases that turn me to jello✨️

"that's it, that's my girl"

"eyes on me"

"just like that"

"use your words"

"good girl"

"shh...." (condescending)


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5 months ago

Don't mind me... being an evil writer... writing emotional devastation into literally every single extreme fluff scene because


Don't Mind Me... Being An Evil Writer... Writing Emotional Devastation Into Literally Every Single Extreme

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2 years ago

If you ever feel like you keep starting all your sentences with the same few words over and over again, try making sure you start each sentence with a letter of the alphabet in sequence. You may need to crack a dictionary for some of the trickier letters, but that’s part of the fun.

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1 year ago

Saving this…

Korean Name Generator

I created a (superior) Korean name generator for the writers out there.

I defeated my long, long problem of not being able to call anything from a database. (clap, damn you. lol)

http://www.polyglit.com/koreannamegenerator/ It generates a complete given name, surname, clan, and gives you information about them if there is any info.

Unfortunately it’s 4100 clans and I haven’t gotten to given names yet. (I’m on 172nd clan)

And translating from Korean to English is difficult since often the bon’gwan info has hanja which don’t translate well (So then I have to take rough stabs).

The upside is that you get more info than your average Korean name generator.

I used it a few times when I got stuck for minor character names.

Yeah… and once the 4100 clans are in order I’ll change the Family Name database over to the new database and then it’ll be even better.

It’ll have dates, etc. And then figure out how to do given names. (or just use the erumy (not my website, but I hijacked the url with some code) links at the bottom for now).

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11 months ago

I agree mostly. But I'm saying, if I see someone publish a chapter and insists that the readers never comment anything negative about any elements in that chapter, it's unfair to expect any positive comments either.

it’s like this, right

If you see a street musician, you have three options:

Walk past without saying anything

Stop and listen to the music, but don’t give them any money

Stop and listen to the music and if you have the money and liked what they played, you give them money

Nowhere in any of that is the option, “Stop and criticize them to ‘help them improve their performance.’”

If you do that, you are considered an asshole. That’s just how life works.

In the same manner, when you read a fanfiction, you have three options:

Read it, like and/or love it, leave without a word

Read it, dislike and/or hate it, leave without a word

Read it, like and/or loveit, leave a comment

If you don’t like it? You don’t have to comment!

If you did like it but there was an element that wasn’t to your specific taste? Focus on the part you did like when you comment.

If you can’t do that, then walk away. Don’t say anything.

You’re right, you don’t have to leave a positive comment, but I’m not telling you that you have to leave a positive comment. I’m telling you that if you can’t leave one, then don’t leave a comment at all.

If the only way you’re willing to tell someone about the parts of their story that you liked is to also tell them the parts that you did not like and/or actively hate? Then don’t comment. Do. Not. Comment.

Because no matter how long each of those lists are–no matter if the good outweighs the bad or not–the only thing you’ve done is left a sour taste in someone’s mouth.

People do this for fun. It’s not fun if we give you something and the only thing we get back is that sour taste.

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10 months ago

[Hanfu · 漢服]Chinese Ming Dynasty(1368-1644 AD) Emperor Hanfu Based On Ming Dynasty Emperor Portrait

[Hanfu ]Chinese Ming Dynasty(1368-1644 AD)EmperorHanfu Based OnMingDynastyEmperorPortrait
[Hanfu ]Chinese Ming Dynasty(1368-1644 AD)EmperorHanfu Based OnMingDynastyEmperorPortrait
[Hanfu ]Chinese Ming Dynasty(1368-1644 AD)EmperorHanfu Based OnMingDynastyEmperorPortrait
[Hanfu ]Chinese Ming Dynasty(1368-1644 AD)EmperorHanfu Based OnMingDynastyEmperorPortrait
[Hanfu ]Chinese Ming Dynasty(1368-1644 AD)EmperorHanfu Based OnMingDynastyEmperorPortrait

【China Ming Dynasty Emperor Portrait Reference】

Palace Portrait of Hongzhi Emperor (30 July 1470 – 9 June 1505)

[Hanfu ]Chinese Ming Dynasty(1368-1644 AD)EmperorHanfu Based OnMingDynastyEmperorPortrait

Posthumous Portrait of Ruizong Emperor (22 July 1476 – 13 July 1519)

[Hanfu ]Chinese Ming Dynasty(1368-1644 AD)EmperorHanfu Based OnMingDynastyEmperorPortrait

Palace Portrait of Jiajing Emperor (16 September 1507 – 23 January 1567)

[Hanfu ]Chinese Ming Dynasty(1368-1644 AD)EmperorHanfu Based OnMingDynastyEmperorPortrait

十二章纹衮服圆领袍 (The Twelve Ornaments Round collar robe):

The Twelve Ornaments (Chinese: 十二章; pinyin: Shí'èr zhāng) are a group of ancient Chinese symbols and designs that are considered highly auspicious. They were employed in the decoration of textile fabrics in ancient China, which signified authority and power, and were embroidered on china emperor’s robe.

[Hanfu ]Chinese Ming Dynasty(1368-1644 AD)EmperorHanfu Based OnMingDynastyEmperorPortrait

【On the upper Robe】

The sun (日, rì) with the three-legged crow

The moon (月, yuè) with the moon rabbit in it, who is constantly pounding the elixir of life

The Three Stars (星辰, xīngchén), which could also be the Fu Lu Shou stars, which symbolise happiness, prosperity, and longevity

The Sacred Mountains (山, shān), which symbolize stability and tranquility

The Dragon (龍, lóng), symbol of adaptability and strength

The Pheasant (華蟲), which is however the phoenix (鳳凰, fenghuang), symbol of peace and refinement

The dragon and phoenix represent the natural world. In yin and yang terminology, a dragon is male yang and the phoenix a female yin.Therefore, the emperor was often identified as the dragon, while the empress was the phoenix. This was also reflected in the robes they wore.


[Hanfu ]Chinese Ming Dynasty(1368-1644 AD)EmperorHanfu Based OnMingDynastyEmperorPortrait

【On the lower robe】

Two Cups (宗彝, zōng yí), which are a sacrificial utensil, sometimes feature patterns containing each a tiger and a monkey, and symbolize faithfulness and respect

A Spray Of Pondweed Or Algae (藻, zǎo), a symbol of brightness and purity

Fire (火, huǒ), which symbolises brightness.

Grains Of Rice (粉米, fěn mǐ), which symbolises nourishment and the country’s agriculture, but also wealth

An Axe (黼, fǔ), symbol of courage and resolution, but also executive justice.

The figure 亞 (黻, fú) underneath the axe represents two animals with their backside together. This symbolises the capability to make a clear distinction between right and wrong. —————————–

📝Recreation Work:@穿汉服的万师傅


🔗Weibo:http://xhslink.com/x0DxJu —————————–

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6 months ago

Eh, unless you are the author, staring at your own writing, editing it for the nth time. And then mostly what you’re doing is wanting to die and publish this. Once it is out of your hands. Well, it’s out of your hands then, isn’t it?


Here's the thing about projecting your personal experiences onto a story. It's extremely normal. People do it all the time. It's part of being alive and human. If that's the primary way you wish to interact with fiction then you can and I cannot promise no one will physically stop you but I certainly won't. We've all decided that a pop song is about our lives (or about our blorbo's lives) and I am no exception.

However, your projection is not textual. It is your personal experience. Your personal experiences inform your understanding and taste, but they are not the canon of a fictional work.

It's sort of the generalized version of this post. You can ship whatever the fuck you want - follow your heart or your dick or whatever you ship with - but some things have explicit textual support within the narrative, and some things do not. This is also true of other interpretations. Many intrerpretations can be valid. Multiple conflicting interpretations can be valid. But some are not. Some have zero textual evidence.

When, for example, I say that people are projecting their trauma on a narrative, that doesn't mean their trauma isn't valid, nor does it mean I think they're morally wrong for doing that (nor, if I did think they were wrong for doing that, should that matter, as I am not The Arbiter Of How To Experience Fiction). It does however mean that I do not think they are reading the text with an eye towards what is actually happening, but rather what appeals to them based on personal experiences that are not necessarily pulled from the text, and therefore their feelings are valid but their analysis, decoupled from that, is more likely than not absolute dogshit. And people are similarly allowed to have dogshit analysis; no one is physically stopping you. People are just saying "wow your analysis was bad," because they think it was. There is no identity or personal history that permits you to cut the line and have The Only Correct Opinion On A Work That Is Above Reproach.

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2 years ago

Yandere prompts flower language

TW: mentions of violence, allusions to NSFW, religious language, mentions of grief and death, MINORS DNI

Reblogs are welcome. Do not copy without crediting me. 

I do not condone any yandere behaviour in real life. 

Yandere Prompts Flower Language

A - Azalea (prudence, temperance): “Another cut? It seems I need to take better care of you, darling.”

B - Bluebell (humility, gratitude): “I’ll be your humble servant, if only you’d let me.”

C - Camellia (devotion, perfection): “You know I’d do anything for you, right? My love knows no limits.”

D - Daffodil (unrequited love): “What do you mean? But I love you!”

E - Evening primrose (fickleness): “Now, you know it’s cruel to play with other people’s feelings, don’t you?”

F - Forget-me-not (true love): “It’s like you were meant for me.”

G - Gardenia (secret love): “It’s been so hard to love you from the shadows.”

H - Hydrangea (heartfeltness, gratitude): “I thank every divine being that exists for having guided me to you.”

I - Ivy (fidelity): “There is no one who’s more loyal than me! I’m tied to you, just like you are to me.”

J - Jasmine (sensuality): “Oh sweetheart, if you keep struggling like that, I might just lose control.”

K - Kunzea (power): “C'mon, love, we both know who’s in charge here.”

L - Lily (purity): “I shouldn’t taint you like this. Not when you’re so pure.”

M - Marigold (grief): “How could it go this far? I thought you’d stay forever.”

N - Nightshade (danger, death): “Careful there. You don’t know what I’m capable of.”

O - Orchid (love, beauty): “My, you’re breathtaking. Your beauty needs to be cherished.”

P - Petunia (resentment, anger): “I’ll snap your neck if you utter those words again.”

Q - Queen of the meadow (uselessness): “Be grateful you’ve got me. Who else would take care of such a useless thing like you?”

R - Rose (love at first sight): “The first time my eyes grazed your form, I knew what it meant to be utterly and ardently in love.”

S - Spider lily (final goodbye): “I’ll pray to meet you again in another life. For now, I have to settle with a farewell, though.”

T - Tulip (perfect or deep love): “You’re engrained into my being. Like a tree’s roots, you take hold of my heart.”

U - Ulex (protection): “It‘s for your own safety. You’re too delicate, you need my protection.”

V - Venus flytrap (deceit): “Afraid of what you’re seeing now, sweetheart?”

W - Wisteria (long life, immortality): “Tell me I’m your god/goddess and I’ll grant you a slice of heaven.”

X - Xeranthemum (everlasting love): “Our love will surpass life itself.”

Y - Yarrow (healing): “Let me heal your wounds, darling.”

Z - Zinnia (endurance): “Aren’t you a strong one? Let’s see how long you’ll persist.”

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10 months ago
Horse People Are Weird

horse people are weird

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