Melinda - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

More Seb and Melinda I scribbled down in like 20 minutes *vomits*


I don't understand you sometimes.

You've known I was here since the start, why only now are you feeling uncomfortable?

I'm not hurting you, I know that, and you certainly would let me know if I somehow didn't realize it. Last time I nudged you in the right direction you punched yourself in the stomach to hit me back. Terrible plan by the way, void mass doesn't take much damage from blunt force.


It's because I'm touching you? Yeah, because I live inside you. I'm like a helpful bacteria, and there's dozens in here, especially in your stomach. Why am I so different to you? I'm just a bit more viscous.

Ah, sentience, that's the problem. I see... Well, I can't help you, I'm sure you'll grow used to me eventually.


Honestly? I could give you a break. I could leave while it's dark and give you a bit of air, but that's a bad habit to form when we should be together all the time. And I can't run the risk of you getting rid of me all together.

Calm down- okay, and you're tearing your stomach open, great. You're very lucky I can help patch you up. You'd probably die otherwise. You can't grab me, that's not how my mass works, just relax and let me work.

Stop it, you're only making it worse. Stop Stop Stop STOP! Why did I have to be stuck with the one who has problems? It doesn't matter, I can outlast you. You'll give up on this eventually.


I will always help you, but I don't know how. You aren't exactly clear with your solutions. I wish you'd talk to yourself more, it helped me learn so much.

I'll keep you safe from yourself. You don't have to worry. And maybe one day you can tell me how to help you. But please don't ask me to fix you, the only part that's wrong is that you believe you're broken.

You may not see it like I do, but you're one of the great wonders of the world.

You're strong, smart, clever beyond belief. You were the one that freed us all from torment. Even if this place killed us, we'd still be thankful to have had you.

My body, my host, my friend, I promise that I will find a way to free us both. I will let you see the sun again. Even if it burns me alive.


I wish you could hear me.



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6 months ago

Just for a little clarity, because I feel some of it is probably a bit confusing

Melinda got their name from their host Melinda, they basically just stole it for themselves

Melinda also has no gender, they view it as whatever gender their current host is

Ex: Seb = He/Him, Melinda (previous host) = She/Her, without host = they/it

Melinda is extremely vulnerable to light, exposure to the sun would roast them alive in mere moments, though they are free to move around if it's dark

Melinda is afraid of going to the surface, their risk of death increases exponentially, it's why they've decided to perfect having an in-tact or very strong host

Just in case

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6 months ago
They Are So Sweet And Friendly Please Let Them In Please Please Please :[

They are so sweet and friendly please let them in please please please :[

But anyways hehe silly random shitpost I drew in like 5 seconds

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6 months ago
No I Will Not Be Explaining

No I will not be explaining

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5 months ago

You know what?

Fuck it

Melinda ask blog coming soon

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5 months ago

Thanks to a silly idea @trepans-apprentice gave me :3

Thanks To A Silly Idea @trepans-apprentice Gave Me :3

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5 months ago


Art for an au with @huhwhuhs

Art For An Au With @huhwhuhs

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5 months ago

Friend: so, if Melinda consumed enough human DNA, she could keep a kinda stable form?

Me: ye basically

Friend: okay but like, draw it

Me: mk

Friend: So, If Melinda Consumed Enough Human DNA, She Could Keep A Kinda Stable Form?

Anyway shitty doodle of what a "humanoid" Melinda would look like

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5 months ago

Here's a fun fact about Melinda! :]

The reason why she's a lot more pink toned than the other voidmass is because I wanted it to show progression, how she drew away from the Vacula and became her own person

The more pink, the more free they are, the more purple, the more they're like every other voidmass in the blacksite

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5 months ago

Throw the goo at one of them, do it, you won't


going feral going crazy

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5 months ago




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5 months ago

I'm sorry I just found this so funny because my phone is so dark on dark mode when I zoom in on the picture it's just

I'm Sorry I Just Found This So Funny Because My Phone Is So Dark On Dark Mode When I Zoom In On The Picture

Currently fighting for his life as he struggled with a squiddle

"....I got a full graduating nursing licensing, first aid response and response license"

He glares at the squid like as the creature tries to strangle him with its tentacle.

"just to be treated like this ?!? Bitch !! Go fucking scream at a wall !!"

He proceeds to take a knife and slash the squiddle up not stopping until the creature falls limp dead. Picking up the remains he huffed

"this should make some good kalamari rings "

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5 months ago

Alright time to write the obligatory Melinda suicide drabble don't read if that shit fucks you up

◇So... what's left?◇

◇An entire world, I know that, I have so much to explore.◇


[Blood dripped from the hands of their host, their husk-like body practically drenched in it. Melinda can feel the tears falling down their cheeks. They don't taste sweet anymore.]

◇What was the point of me going up here? I'm still imperfect in every way. I don't know how to be a person, the husk won't grow properly while I'm inside it, people will notice that I'm not like them.◇

[The body's legs would give out, Melinda letting them fall, she can taste how pain seeps into their mind from their bruised knees.]

◇Why did I even bring you into this? You had a family, didn't you? People who cared about you, who know who you are, who gave you a name and loved you for being an individual.◇

◇Why is it all so unfair?◇

◇Why don't I get warm meals from my mother? Playful fighting with my siblings? Why do you even get a dad!? Why don't I deserve this too!?◇

[The shaking would stop, she didn't even realize she was until he heard something go pop. The host was probably dead. She couldn't bring herself to care.]

◇... I'm a monster, aren't I? A parasite just like they said. I take and take and never give enough to make up for it.◇

◇I defected from my mother, let down generations of my family. I thought that gaining free will- breaking away from the mold would finally make me feel something-!◇

◇... But it never worked, did it?◇

◇I'm no better than they are, in fact, I've only made more lives worse.◇

◇The cold was miserable, but damn if it wasn't familiar, if it wasn't comforting in some sick and twisted way I can't even describe because it's so ingrained into my DNA I can't deny it!◇

◇God forbid I just want to feel WARM!◇

[Melinda would let go of the body, letting it drop to the ground as she curled up in its center, trying to hold onto the quickly fading bits of body heat.]

◇But I'm right there, aren't I? So close to the heat I craved. The thing I've heard so many of the others fantasize about feeling once more. The thing I've read about in books that are men sacrifice their own lives to get just that last bit closer.◇

[Melinda would tear a hole in the back of the body, peering out. The sun burned their newly pink eyes.]

◇Just a taste. A taste of how good it feels. I deserve that much for all I've accomplished.◇

[Black tentacles creep out from under the shade, smoke slowly curling off of them as it seared into the abyssal flesh.]

[The creature would crawl out, laying in the sun. Two glowing rings staring up at the burning star in the sky.]

[Their body withers with every second, shrivling and shrinking as it tries to keep some part of it left alive.]

[It sizzles and bubbled, dried, crusted flesh melting off their form and only revealing the more sensitive slop underneath.]

[It's eyes burned out, bright pink fading to white, then sizzling to black.]

◇... I understand why Icarus flew towards the sun.◇

◇It's finally warm.◇

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5 months ago

Uhhhh uhm Melinda bestie you're in the wrong game

Uhhhh Uhm Melinda Bestie You're In The Wrong Game
Uhhhh Uhm Melinda Bestie You're In The Wrong Game

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5 months ago

I'm bored give me scenarios to write Melinda in (ocs can and absolutely should be included)

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5 months ago

So I've had this question asked a few times by several friends both irl and on discord so I'm just gonna say it here

Melinda's simplistic design was on purpose, it's easy and fun to draw for everyone, not taking too much time and being basically impossible to draw incorrectly, especially with the emotions chart out now

I wanted people to be able to envision and draw and read about and enjoy Melinda with ease, making a weirdly complicated design for a voidmass wasn't what I needed for that

I just want everyone to have fun with the silly blob :3

(Speaking of the emotions chart btw, if you have any questions about how Melinda looks expressing various emotions that weren't on the chart, feel free to send over an ask and I'll doodle them up real quick :D)

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5 months ago

So, I got an idea from @voice-o-fallacy to write a little thing about Melinda's first experiences as a 'human' on the surface :]

A First for Everything

`I wanted to sort of, catalog my thoughts on how all the things on the surface work, and when I asked the person next to me on the long car they call a "bus", they said writing would help. Besides, it'll help me remember how to act like a proper human. :]`

`So, money, it's always about this green paper they call money. I don't understand why they like the green paper so much, but the shiny metal circles I get. "Coins" they're called, I think. You get it by doing really weird chores for people called "jobs", or by selling stuff.`

`I got a good job, it's in this "gym" where humans go to make themselves bigger, a way to ward off predators no doubt. I help clean up, but they mostly just make me stack all the stuff they find heavy. They give me weird looks cause my body is a lot thinner than theirs, but they usually stop when I help them! They get all shocked and stuff, I don't get it, I know the weights are supposed to be heavy, but they aren't that bad? One of them keeps excitedly telling me how much I carried, I think the most recent number was some seven-hundred. It got really easy to lift stuff when I fully learned how human muscles worked instead of eating them.`

`They keep talking about me trying for something called "olympics", but I really don't want to take on another job right now.`

`Sometimes I use money to go to the stores around, it took me a while and a few bodies to learn you had to pay for the things inside. The "grocery" store has a lot of tasty stuff in it! But people look at me weird when I have a basket full of their bakery items, I don't get it.`

`I spend a lot of money at this one place, they sit you down and give you a piece of paper, then ask what you want to eat off of it. Then they just bring the food to you! And it's all cooked nice! I didn't realize vegetables tasted so good until then!`

`It's usually the same woman who serves me, she's super nice! I think she finds me funny. :] I always say hi to her, then order the giant stack of "pan cakes" that they have with all the chocolate inside them. Then I put a bunch of syrup on them, the strawberry one is my favorite. Then I get a bowl of fruit with it!`

`The lady asked me to go to the "cafe", which I later learned was the place they served the really gross bitter liquid at. (She likes it???) I'm supposed to meet her there tomorrow at five, but I didn't hear her say which "m" it is, so I'll just show up at 5a"m" and wait. :]`

`She's got this really nice hair too, I asked her how she got it and she said she was just born with it, but I didn't know hair could be that really light yellow! She said she'd help me get some of my own, and that I could probably have any color I wanted! Yellow is my favorite color so far, but I also wanna try out green! Or pink!`

`So yeah, things are good so far. I'm hoping they stay that way. :]`

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5 months ago



This is the bad end where Urbanshade gets all the information they need out of Melinda, then deemed her too dangerous to be kept alive

And yes, I did make her a bit more pink, just because :3

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5 months ago

More Melinda angst drabble hehe






[Just. Silence.]

[How long has it been? You can't tell anymore, can you?]

[How long has it been since you've seen your mother? Would you even take the chance if you had it?]


[It's cold, always cold, ice cold.]

[If you crawl out from the blankets you've trapped yourself under, it'd only be worse. But it's hard to imagine how much more miserable that is when it's already so bad.]


[Baby toys, dented rattles, xylophones with paint chipped away from use for just a little sound, plastic rings broken into shards to hear the small snaps that you throw yourself against.]

[You want to hurt, just a bit, just to feel it.]

[But you can't. Harm without good reason. You could never feel.]


[Hunger, your stomach is empty collapsing in on itself, but it's your whole body isn't it? You're just getting smaller.]

[It's fine, you can survive a bit longer.]

[It's not like there's anything to eat anyway.]



[It's so quiet.]


[Mother, would you love me still?]

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5 months ago

I made a little part two to the day in the life of surface Melinda thing!!! :D also because I feel like people need a small break from the angst


`Today was awesome! I'm getting so good at the human stuff!`

`I went out to that cafe, and they weren't open yet, I was really scared that I accidentally missed the time because I was a minute late, so I just stood out there until I did so I could ask!`

`And everything was fine! The people there thought I was funny, and said nobody had come in yet but them. One of them gave me a "scone"! It tasted like a really sweet (but kinda dry) biscuit!`

`I stayed in there for a really long time, turns out most people only work for a few hours, then switch with other people. I just thought everyone worked at the same time so they could get the most done. But that just means I got to meet more people! Some of them gave me weird looks, but I didn't care!`

`When the lady who asked me out here, Lilacia (I found her name by checking her wallet! :]), came she was super happy to see me there! She got this weird look when the people who worked there told her how long I waited, but I'm just going to hope it meant something good.`

`I ordered us a bunch of sweets! And she helped me pick off a coffee in return! (It tasted really good for once!!! :D) She looked a bit surprised at how much I got, but we both liked them! We spent our time talking about her, and maybe a bit about me, but I don't have as much because most of my life was underwater. :<`

`We have the same favorite color! And we plan on reading a book together! I'm really glad I took a phone from someone a while ago, because she asked for my number, so I was able to give her that one!`

`She got a but iffy when it was time to go, but I just gave my new server friends a bunch of the money in my wallet and she seemed more surprised instead, apparently it's not normal to carry around certain types of green paper, and also not normal to tip uh, I think it was something like 300 extra, but I just said it was fine and we left!`

`I walked her home and we said goodbye, and she wants to "text"(what does that mean?) to schedule another time for us to hang out! I don't know how she's gonna do it, but I'm excited anyway!`

`I don't have much else to talk about, so I'll end it here. It was another really good day today!`

`oh, I think I had work. Uhmmmmm I'm sure it's fine!!! :]`

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