Fanfic Ask!
😜 🤡✏️ fanfic ask!
😜 Describe a current WIP without using character names. (Points if your followers guess who the fic is for.)
Just one scene - At a party where neither are drinking, CharA makes an effort to cook, but CharB takes over and CharA flirts with them and both have a nice time.
🤡 What’s the dumbest thing you’ve written?
I mean, Richard drawing on Flake's butt was pretty dumb :D
✏️ What is your fave fic from another writer?
We're going to be here all day if I have to pick just one, but a few lesser-known favorites are last of the gang to bleed out, My Girl., and Switch and Swap.
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Thank you for showing me Wolgas, that does indeed sound like a kingly trip.
Flake's podcast - König und Königin (King and Queen)
Published 2020-12-09, i can't find if i did a post on it at the time, but it's possible i didn't (I'm giving tumblr the benefit of the doubt here), so here it is, before it dissappears from the Radio Eins webpage.
I think the podcasts are regularly reposted though, every 2nd tuesday there is a new Flake podcast, but every 4th tuesday they re-publish an older one, so with a bit of luck we'll get another listen somewhere in the future 🌹

Not that many anecdotes in this one, mainly Flake playing music an musing on bandnames and songs etc (which, now we know that Richard listens to Flake's podcasts, i'm pretty sure he'll give Flake a call afterwards to correct some facts 😁 like on the band King, named after singer Paul King, which Flake it seems thinks is a bit pretentious to call yourself 'king', but in this case it's actually the guy's name 🍀).
But there is a little gem starting about 1h31, when Flake announces the next song is one that is only known to 4 people in the world, and he is one of them, it is called 'Der König' (The king)
Flake basically spend his entire time playing music, in official bands, but also getting together with other friends and just playing for the fun of it. When there weren't concerts to play, they would just take their instruments, drive somewhere and play. This time there were 4 of them: André Greiner-Pol (singer and guitarist of Freygang, he was forbidden to play by the state at the time, so he was bored), Alexander Kriening (by that time former drummer of Feeling B, because he didn't want to commit to one particular band), Flake, and a technician (who by the way is still sound technician for Rammstein).
The 4 of them drove to a house in the village Oderbruch (very near the polish border), without any plan, just taking along their gear. The first day they spent putting together all their equipment, second day they played a bunch of songs, and the third day they played everything on cassette-tape, so they could have their friends listen to it. And between playing they went on walks to the village (to buy milk and cheese), Flake got to drive the car, he didn't have a license yet, but André let him drive his 'Wolga' car. It made Flake feel like a king, he just did what was fun to do, the weather was nice, they were great friends and had loads to talk about.
Life was really okay for Flake 😍
Some photos for illustration
André Greiner-Pol

Alexander Kriening and Flake

André and his car, not sure if this is the same as in the story, but these are the kind of cars they used.

More 'takes' on Flake's podcasts
This video has a lot of legs in it! Not least the lead singer's!
No Big Silence - Rammstein warmup in Tallinn 2001
On press conference in Tallinn Paul and Flake were asked following:
How did you like warm-up band No Big Silence?
Flake: They’re really nice, I generally like this type of music.
Paul: I think their guitarist looks better than our guitarist (Flake measures the guitarist Paul with gaze and nods).
(that last comments cracked me up, I can imagine them both with serious faces there agreeing how Kristo Kotkas was hot :D LOL!)
Well i could not find a good picture of No Big Silence guitarist back in 2001, but he was a little devil with two ponytails and long coat sharing himself on stage between synths, guitar and backup vocals.

Last Friday I danced myself to pieces with this song of theirs:
attention @hoch-rot and @hwbswd in opening seconds of this video (and also later) we can take a closer look to the legs that were on PaulandFlake lap on this previously discussed afterparty-picture.

deleted scene from the mein land making of
Let me see if I can not mess this up... I have an important addition...