Fanfic Ask!
😜 🤡✏️ fanfic ask!
😜 Describe a current WIP without using character names. (Points if your followers guess who the fic is for.)
Just one scene - At a party where neither are drinking, CharA makes an effort to cook, but CharB takes over and CharA flirts with them and both have a nice time.
🤡 What’s the dumbest thing you’ve written?
I mean, Richard drawing on Flake's butt was pretty dumb :D
✏️ What is your fave fic from another writer?
We're going to be here all day if I have to pick just one, but a few lesser-known favorites are last of the gang to bleed out, My Girl., and Switch and Swap.
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More Posts from Hwbswd
rammstein: the discography
i am but a simple horny farm boy
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Just rewatched the Radio making-of now that I can fully appreciate with subtitles and I have to say my favorite bit (after the hilarious credits scene of course) is when Jeorn can't remember the word for Paul's neckwear and they immediately cut to Paul and one of the wardrobe people:
Wardrobe guy: "Ascot"
Paul: "Ascot. Schneider, I'm getting an ascot!"
Schneider, off screen: "Custom made for you?"
Paul: "Well, I'm not going with...I'm not going out with an ascot from the department store."
Have a few extra emoji asks!
❤️, 🖋️, ❓
(I'm not sure I used the right pen emoji but, uh, here you go.)
- Hochrot 💖
❤️ Who is your favorite character to write for and why?
Well this one is easy - eternally Flake.
🖊 What is the most recent line you’ve written?
The sky cleared, and for the first time I could see the stars. “Yes,” I answered. “Now I understand.”
(This might be the first time that I have ever written the end of a fanfic last).
❓Write an alternate summary for a published fic without using names. (Points if your followers can guess the fic.)
Character A has to forbid his best friend from tagging along when he's on a mission to get laid. (I know you'll get this, it's not like it's subtle <3)
Agreed, that sounds like Paul to me.
Rammstein and Depeche Mode 2001
On press conference in Tallinn 2001 Paul and Flake were asked following:
You’ve made a cover of Depeche Modes song “Stripped”, How do you feel about this band?
When we made this cover, we didn’t know them. We were asked to cover a song for the Depeche Mode tribute record. We’ve met them a few times, but we don’t know them very well. Their singer doesn’t drink anymore, goes to bed immediately after the concert. And with Martin Gore, we don’t know if he likes men or women.
It does not say here who answered this but to my ears it sounds a lot like Paul, because he like to bring the gay topic into interviews. But then it also kind of sounds like Flake …

This picture is taken at award show in Germany. Fanboy Richard does not even try to hide that he would like to eat Martin alive. And look how well both frontmen are side by side.

Germaine Krull, Les Amies, 1924