Badass Illustrator & Comic Artist! Check Pinned for Links /// They/Them /25/ Fr User:Hypergryph///
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What Do You Use To Edit Your Animations?
What do you use to edit your animations?
Clipstudio Paint EX ^^ I highly recommend it
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I know you’ve mostly been focused on the egg eaters for now (which have very cool lore for sure), but I was wondering if you have any words to say on lord talos? very interested in his whole god-king thing he has going on

He's not really a god, just very powerful and long-lived. I don't have too much to say that hasn't been said in other posts, but I can offer up some Talos Trivia!
Lord Talos gained his four extra wings as a gift from one of the original Talosian Knights, Archanis. They were crafted using 'the bones of a star' that Archanis had discovered during one of their hunts.
He is married to Queen Allorema, who presides over all lawmaking decisions. Changes in law must be approved by her, even those Talos himself wishes to implement.
He is technically a King. The 'lord' title was originally a VERY embarrassing nickname his friends had given him back when he was still a Knight. It stuck.
He has three children. In order of age, they are Sunleif, Chirin, and Eccho. Sunleif(24) is buried in her studies and experiments(she has no interest in royal life, and is pursuing her passions). Chirin(19) is...well...the comic will go into that...And Echho? He's only five, so still a baby.
Jokes and puns floor him, and he'll even pause council meetings to hear them(and then relay said jokes back to his family).
He staunchly refuses to speak of his parents, even to Orcan healers. Not even the queen knows much about them.
He views all the Subclan princesses and princes as his nieces and nephews, and is very proud of each one.
Ever the diplomat, Talos has a hidden talent for putting together gift baskets. Few who receive them ever realize they were crafted by Lord Talos himself.

Mc’fucking losing it right now
That bruno song has been playing in my mind nonstop for days now X) Had to animate a bit of it
Matthias when the cops show up: don't think I can mansplain manipulate my way out of this one lads
What would happen if a BeastClan ate an egg, perhaps as an act of revenge or as a strategy to make sure there are less dragons in the future to fight against them? Or if a Shade-created monster ate one, since the Shade likes to eat and absorb magic and eggs contain lots of magic?

Beastclan? If they survive the absorption of elemental magic, they gain powers that align with said element.
I believe their power's specific effects wouldn't hinge on their emotional state as heavily as dragons, and would instead be more element based. So, eating a water dragon egg would always beget water-based powers, and fire eggs will beget fire powers and so on.
However, the willpower of an individual beastclan will effect the intensity of their powers. Individuals with weaker wills almost always gain powers on the level of parlor tricks, while powerful wills can end up with incredibly fierce and formidable abilities.
I don't know too much about shade lore at the moment