Op men when you're pregnant but don't want to keep the baby🍼🍼🍼

Pairings: Op men x f!reader
Characters: Sanji, Zoro,Law,Luffy, Usopp
Tw: angst/abortion
Summary: You find out you're pregnant but have to break it to your man that it's just not a good time to have a baby right now.
Notes: These are sad but short; My first time writing something angsty; it's not all bad tho; as always, these are proofread but there may still be mistakes 🍼🍼🍼

Distraught and immediately thinks it's because he hasn't been good enough to you
Tries to convince you that he'll take perfect care of you and make sure you're comfortable
You have to remind him that it's not about you but that you're all still active pirates that barely escape with your lives every time you dock somewhere,it's just not right to have a baby right now.
It breaks his heart that a happy family is right in his grasp but it's just not meant to be yet. He has to remind himself that you guys can always try again once things settle down. Right now he still has his crew and he has you, and that's not half bad.
Understands why immediately, without you even having to say anything.
It isn't until after you've taken the medicine that Chopper gave you, that you walk out on deck and find Zoro.
Just holds his arms out for you and presses you against his chest.
You both know all the reasons why you shouldn't have one right now, how irresponsible it'd be, how selfish it'd be, and all those important things, but it doesn't change the fact that the two of you felt excitement for a moment. That just for a second after hearing the news, before all the logical thoughts flooded in, you two were going to have a baby.
Knows the news before you do,and what bit of happiness he felt when he found out was quickly washed over by a sense of dread. Dread because he knows a submarine is no place to raise a baby, dread because he knows he's not ready and he still has trauma to heal from, dread because he knows that he'll have to be the one to tell you that you both shouldn't keep it.
You know what's up the moment Law tells you you're pregnant, but with a sad look in his eyes and no excitement in his voice. Its a lot harder for him to break the depressing idea to you than he thought it would be. You don't make it hard for him though, seeing him choke on his words, because you understand what's going through his head. So instead you give him a hug and let him press his face into your neck.
Maybe someday.
Goes along with you but still thinks the baby would've been fine, they'd have both their parents and a strong crew that would love and protect them.
You tell him that even if somehow they'd be safe from harm, it still wouldn't protect them from the sights they'd see, like their parents and family bloodied and injured. You all were still much too active right now, taking down warlords and being hunted by the world government( that wouldn't hesitate to try and hurt the future king of the pirate's child). So yeah, Luffy goes along with you without many complaints, he still has a lot of things he wants to achieve and if it's meant for you two to have a family, then you'll have a family some day. That's all it is.
Agrees with you that you both should wait until after he becomes King of the pirates to think about it again and should just focus on staying safe.
Usopp is a little deluded for a moment when you first tell him that you both shouldn't keep the baby. Doing his best to convince you( and himself) that somehow everything will be alright, and that somehow you'll stay safe during your pregnancy. That somehow your child will stay safe, despite all the danger your crew encounters on a day to day basis, all the enemies you guys have. He tries to grasp at some small hopes so he doesn't have to acknowledge that they're… lies. Similar to how he did when his father first left when he was a child himself.
His delusions only last a moment though, before he comes back to earth and accepts your arguments. Not that you had to argue very much, not when you already knew Usopp knew you were right.
After you get the medication from Chopper, the two of you might not talk for a few days, needing some time to think about what could've been and remind yourselves that this isn't forever.

A/n: *cries* I just thought of how Law might blame himself and, oof. I was gonna extend this one into a fleshed out fic, but decided not to for all are heartstring's sake. Thanks for reading!!🍼🍼🍼

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More Posts from Iamchll
you're... me?
synopsis: the monster trio meet their older selves... but with a little spice
characters: luffy, zoro, sanji
genre: fluff, a little bit of cracks
warnings: a bit suggestive in sanji's part (bc you know... he's kind of a pervert)
masterlist. part two (coming soon)

luffy :
"Huh?" the black haired pirate frowned in confusion when he opened his eyes, "Where am I?"
The Straw Hat pirates were looking down at their older captain who laid on the bed inside Chopper's office. The younger Luffy looked at his older self with a frown, inching his face closer to his older self, "You... you look familiar..."
Without a doubt, he was an older Luffy. But the real question was more... how the hell did he ended up here?
The older Luffy adverted his eyes away from his younger self, his eyes widening at the sight. It was his crew standing in front of him, but somehow they all looked younger...
"What happened- did we beat that guy?!" He straightened up suddenly, catching the pirates off guard, "Tell me, Zoro- Did I beat him?"
The older captain looked at the swordsman with big eyes, making the green haired look at his crewmates in confusion, "Well... since you're here right now... I'd say no- you didn't beat the guy"
"Wha..." Old Luffy frowned, but visibly softened when he made eye contact with a familiar pair of eyes. He straightened his arms wrapping them around your body, making you send a look to your favorite navigator, "(Y/n)!"
He threw himself on your body, almost knocking your over in the process. Older Luffy wrapped his legs around your waist clinging into you like a Koala, "(Y/n), you tell me... did I beat the guy?"
Your older captain hid his face in the crock of your neck, causing your present captain to glare at his older self, "I'm not sure, Luffy, but-"
"Luffy...?" The older captain pulled away from your neck looking at you with teary eyes, "Are you mad at me?"
The Straw Hat pirates looked at their older captain... was he really crying?
"W-What?! Of course not!" You softly replied trying to calm him down as he sat on the ground, "Why do you think that?"
"B-Because you never call me Luffy!" The older captain whined- and to think that your captain would've matured over the years...
"What do I call you normally then?" You asked, fumbling backwards when Luffy wrapped his arms around your waist once more.
"You don't remember...?" Luffy quietly spoke, "You always call me love... or darling."
You blinked repeatedly in surprise. Do you really call your captain 'love' in the future?
Sanji almost fell on the ground at the revelation, putting two and two together. Zoro smirked slightly when he finally understood, he sent a knowing look at his present time captain as he asked, "And how do you call her, Luffy?"
"Hah?" The older Luffy frowned at the swordsman, "What do you mean, Zoro? I call her "(Y/n)" obviously! That's her name after all!"
Robin slyly smirked at the two, "And... what did you say your relationship with (Y/n) was?"
"She's my girlfriend!" Older Luffy stated proudly, "But you know that... you're the one who told me to confess-"
With a quick punch, the older Luffy got thrown away from you landing on his face as he hit the ground. The present time Luffy slowly walk in front of you, tightly clenching his fists, "Who the hell do you think you are?!"
The older Luffy jumped up, titling his head to the side, "I'm Luffy! The King of the-"
"I am Luffy!" Young Luffy pointed at his older self, "Clearly you are just a weird me- So you can't just hug her like that! We don't even know you!"
"Don't know me?!" Old Luffy walked so that he was now face to face to his young self, "She's my girlfriend you idiot- so back the hell up-"
"Luffy..." Usopp spoke up, placing a hand on his young captain's shoulder, "Let me explain something to you."
After what seemed like an eternity, young Luffy finally understood the situation. Much to his older self dismay- "Let go of her!- Hey don't touch me!-
The older Luffy was being held back by Zoro and Franky as he disparately tried to get his younger self off you.
"No." Young Luffy cockily smiled at him, his body pressed unto you with his face pressed against your chest, "She's my (Y/n)- so go find yours!"

zoro :
"Hah? You two aren't dating yet? Shit my bad."
The older green haired swordsman fakely apologized to his younger self and the pretty girl beside him.
You snapped your head to look a the present Zoro, your face turning into one of disgust.
"Dating?!" The flirty cook was glaring at the older swordsman from afar, not believing that the two of them could possibly bee dating in the futur, "And you expect us to believe that Marimo?!"
It was no secret for anyone, you and Zoro hated each other's guts. So the idea of the two of them dating was kind of hard to believe.
"Eh?" The older Zoro glared at the younger cook, "I don't care if you believe me or not! You, come with me." The older swordsman then grabbed the collar of his younger self, ignoring his complains as he pulled to a more isolated place of the Sunny away from the loud crew.
"The hell you want, old man-?" The young Zoro asked as they came to a stop.
The older swordsman took a deep breath, gripping harder on his younger self collar, "I want you to listen carefully to what I'm about to say, kid."
"If you mess up what I have with (Y/n) now, I swear on her life that I will find a way to hurt you and make you regret it, are we clear?"
The two swordsman stared are each other, before the younger one broke their eye contact, "How did you... you know?"
The older one laughed loudly when his younger self looked away from him with the red on the tip of his ears, "How did I get with her you mean?"
"You know what- if you're here to laugh I can just-"
"Woah there kid- It was just a joked!" The older Zoro sighed happily, turning his gaze to look at the quiet sea, "I bought her a necklace."
"A necklace." The younger Zoro deadpan at his words, what type of cliché thing was that?!
"I asked Robin to tell me what my birthstone was... and well I bought her a necklace with a green topaz and she never took it ever since..."
The younger Zoro nodded at himself as if doing he was taking notes mentally. The older swordsman sighted once more, "Just don't be scared to show her how you feel- She's kinda oblivious so you're gonna have to tell her that you love her, though"
"Heh?! Who said that I loved her, old man?!"
"You're my mini me, idiot! Obviously I know how you feel!"

sanji :
"Is she- Is she as beautiful as we imagined?"
"Oh~ She's 10 times better then we imagined"
You stood beside Nami with a disgust expression on your face, "I think I'm gonna throw up."
"Pleaseeeee," The pretty ginger laughed, "As if you're not happy that you're dating the love of your life in the future."
"Nami. I told you that when I was drunk!" You hit her shoulder, "You can't use that against me!"
The young Sanji dropped on his knees in front of you, taking your hands in his, his usual charming smile plastering his face. "(Y/n)~ my sweet, beautiful angel please date me-" He got interrupted by his older self.
"You're doing it wrong." He pulled young Sanji off his knees, "Let me show you how to do it."
The older Sanji walked over you, taking your hand in his, while his other arm sneaked around your waist pulling you closer to him. Sanji's blue eyes flickered between your eyes and your mouth, "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, my love..." He then leaned closer to your lips so that yours and his were brushing against each other.
"You're just... so mesmerizing-"
"Alright!! I get it! Get off her!" The younger Sanji ripped you away from his older self, pulling you against his clothed chest. "You can go back to see your future (Y/n)- this one's mine."
"I was just teaching you the basics, Sanji! No need to get all protective- I get to touch my (Y/n) all the time and anywhere!" Older Sanji lit up the cigarette in his mouth, "But if you want a real tip, take her on a stargazing date, tell her how beautiful she is- because you really are, my angel- and how badly you love her- AND then touch her however you'd like!"
"Watch your mouth!" Nami yelled at the older Sanji. Her eyes then drifted to her two friends who refused to even laid an eye on each other, "huh?"
"Don't worry, love," The older cook reassured the pretty ginger, "I assure you that (Y/n) is more than happy to be with me..."
"Really...." The navigator trusted Sanji with her life- she just didn't trust him with a woman- especially not when the woman is her best friend.
"Yeah," The older man chuckled as he watch his younger self starting to talk to you with blood oozing out of his nose, "She even asked you to be her maid of honour last week- I mean... In three years or so, she'll ask you to be her maid of honour... So have some faith in me, yeah?"
"Her maid of honour...?" Nami looked over at you, your face redder than normal as the younger Sanji whispered sweet nothings in your ears.
"Angel?" the younger cook spoke in your ears as he placed a hand ion your cheek, "Would you like to go stargazing with me tonight?"
You laughed quietly at his words, "Is that a subtle way of asking the permission of touching m-"
"Of course not!" Sanji straightened himself, "You're so much more than a pretty body... Everything about you is just amazing-"
"Ah what a shame..." "Why's that, my love?"
"I would've given you the permission to touch me~"
"(Y/n)! You can't say stuff like that! He'll bleed out!" Chopper yelled as her tried to stop the bleeding from the cook's nose.
"I'll see you tonight, my sweet angel~" Sanji screamed with heart eyes, ignoring the fact that he was bleeding out.
"No you won't!"

note: i love that trio so much ♡
h e a d e d f o r a h e a r t b r e a k

gn!reader x vinsmoke sanji (op)
tw: angst
word count: 0.9k
a/n: I have returned with a peace offering — pure angst. Takes place during the start of Whole Cake Island arc. Enjoy. <3
Read part 2: here
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The letter you had read was nothing compared to the scene unfolding before your very two eyes. You staggered backwards, feeling your body becoming numb and your mind going blank. You almost couldn’t recognise the blonde, who was kicking down your Captain without a moment’s hesitation despite your best friend’s desperate pleas for him to stop.
“Sanji,” you spoke, but your shaky voice trailed off.
Keep reading
Aftercare with Zoro (Post Aphrodisiac Sex) (FLUFF/BIT OF SMUT)
This is a continuation of THIS FIC. I recommend reading that before reading this!
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Lots of fluff, Kissing, Amazing Aftercare, Zoro spills his true feelings to the reader, Smut at the end

“Fuck..” Zoro huffed out feeling groggy, lifting his head from your sweaty neck, he stared off at the open window until his sight was cleared seeing the sun was barely visible on the horizon, the sky transition to mostly dark. He mentally cursed at himself then wondered how long they were out?
“The hell happ—- oh shit Y/N!” He looked down to see you sleep under him, his hissed feeling his cock was still buried inside you and nothing but a wet mess between you both. He looked around the semi empty living room for his swords that were laid by the door, both of your clothing all over the room plus ripped off buttons. His mind was fuzzy and he slowly got up off you, gazing at your wet and limp naked body. Your chest was raising and lowering harshly and your brows were furrowed, Zoro got off the couch and threw his jacket over your body. He didn’t sense anybody around so he wondered the house to see where the bathroom was and seen it was a decent size.
He turned on the hot water for you in the tub, but after waiting for so long there was still none. Zoro groaned in annoyance rubbing the top of his nose,
“Zoro?” Your Voice rang in his ears making him nearly sprint to you, “Oh there you are.”
“H-hey, Y/N.” He hisses your forehead, patting it before sitting on the couch next to you, “You’re sore you shouldn’t move much.”
“That’s, “ You yawned rubbing your eyes letting Zoro curl you into his chest, “Okay…you feel better though?”
“Uh yeah um….Im good.” His hands traveled up and down your arm lost in thought for a moment.
“So you was just walking around the house naked while I was sleep?”
“N-no! I wanted to draw you a bath…”
“Oh? You don’t usually do that.” You teased brushing your finger on his scar.
“Well,” He began to grumble noticing he doesn’t in fact do that. He doesn’t do a lot of things for you in terms of being a boyfriend besides protect you, you’ve always been grateful for that but this little gesture made you smile. “The stupid bathroom doesn’t have hot water—“
“Of course it doesn’t this place is abandoned. But..if you really wanna bathe me that bad then..”
You stood up and threw off his jacket standing proudly with your body covered in marks, Zoro got an eye full of you in your naked glory then looked away embarrassed, “let’s go in the lake!”
“That’s even colder, woman!”
“Don’t care. Let’s go pick me up!”
Zoro side eye’d your figure, trying to resist being so blushed seeing as you have no issue being naked around him even if it’s not sexual intent behind it.
He huffs picking your up bridal style and heading to the clear lake, it was beautiful, it was beside a small waterfall and the reflection of the moon bounced off setting a pretty lighting,
“See. It’s not that cold.” You hummed feeling the Luke warm water hit your skin. You started to feel a bit more awake so you let go of Zoro and fell inside the water, “can’t get my hair wet though SO DO NOT SPLASH ME!”
“Whatever..” he hissed leaning back on a rock to stretch out. “We can’t stay too long we’re supposed to be leaving tomorrow.”
“I know…” you whined, “I like it here though…oh lookie it’s fish over there!
You played in the waterfall by the pretty fish and Zoro watched you, you looked so happy and content. Hopefully you really weren’t too mad that the date didn’t go as planned. Zoro also knew he had to apologize for how he acted, maybe he took it too far seeing how you have way more bruises on your body than the usual sex you have.
It was a heavy weight of guilt on his chest he needed to clear out.
“Oi, Y/N.” He called out to you making you swim over to him, you looked like a beautiful little mermaid, you got the back of your hair wet making your back curls shrink even more, you’re beautiful big eyes were almost sparkling to him.
Zoro will Never admit this but when you both started dating you began to look more beautiful in his eyes somehow. It nearly freaked him out how stunning you were compared to other women when it happened.
“Yessssssss” You hummed dragging your body over to his chest, he sat you on his lap and quietly splashed some water on your chest and neck. “Hey I told you no splashing !”
He ignored you and continued to lightly splash and massage your body not making eye contact, “Do you remember what happened?”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t…have—-I don’t remember us having sex that much. I have a few ideas of what I did but all I can fully remember is throwing you against the wall and then…on the couch…I didn’t…I didn’t hurt you did I?…I mean woke up and seen you I thought I almost killed your ass..scared the shit out of me..but..I don’t know I hope I didn’t. I knew I should have just listened to you and not—-“
You jumped up to grab the back of his neck and kiss him. It was so cute to hear him so concerned you couldn’t help but to give him a little smooch, “No you didn’t hurt me idiot. I liked it…a lot. But I’m not ganna give you all the juicy details of what you did to me…”
“Why not?! I need to know!”
“No you don’t..” you rubbed his lips over your thumb, “It’s too vulgar…but just know you made me feel soooo good.”
He gulped so loud you could hear it, and you wasn’t for certain but at least 90% sure his Dick twitched at your slurry voice making you giggle.
“This was a good date Zoro. ‘Was really fun, it didnt go as planned, but I enjoyed myself.” You kissed his cheek sitting back down on his lap.
Zoro looked down at you, “You don’t have to lie…I know I fucked up our date.”
“The hell i have to lie about we found this amazing little house, by a lake, you screwed my brains out I really have no complaints.”
“Yeah but…I…sometimes I feel like I’m not…what you need.”
You blinked up at him. “Not what you need?”
“I know I’m not…like that kinky love cook showering you with affection everyday. And I see how much you smile when he calls you those stupid little pet names and sometimes I think if you’d like me to do that but I just can’t. It’s just not my thing. I don’t care to go on dates, I don’t like being all lovey dovey but ..I do…I do uh….”
Zoro struggled for a while to speak how he truly felt about you, for a long time in fact he knew he wasn’t good with words, hell, he never even told you the big three words before because he felt too embarrassed to do so even though you tell him all the time, so he just showed his love for you through actions and quality time. Today he wanted to push himself to step up his game as being your boyfriend by taking you on a decent date and finally confess his love for you, but of course he ruined it again.
“Zoro I…”
He wrapped his arms around you and just sat there for a moment, shutting his eyes tightly as his heart was beating through he chest,
“I love you, Y/n.”
Zoro’s words sounded nearly unsure, but that wasn’t the case and you knew it. His face was warm against your tummy, and his grip tightened sensing your lack of response.
“I…I love you too, Zoro…so much.” He didn’t want to look back up at you an you could tell by the way he just buried his head further into you like a little baby Koala. You let out an airy giggle and patted his head. “I love you, Roronoa Zoro.”
“Tch…why’d you have to say my full name?” He mumbled squeezing your ass cheek.
“Because I love you. All of you. You can give me a headache sometimes—“
“You’re the headache—“
“Shut up I’m speaking— you can give me a headache. But that’s one of the many reasons I love you. You’re what I want. I don’t want Sanji, I don’t want Luffy, there is no man in the sea I want besides you. I know your dumbass can’t express yourself how you want sometimes but I knew that before I dated you & if I felt like I couldn’t handle it I wouldn’t be with you soooooo—-hey. Look at me.” You grabbed his warmed cheeks making him do a pouty lip, “I don’t care about what you can’t do or won’t do for me. I know what you’re capable of doing and that’s what I like. Plus I knew you were willing to make an effort to make me happy by taking me out on a date. And I really loved this date. I just love spending time with you, idiot so stop acting like I want somebody else I only want you, you ass.”
You managed to get a chuckle out of him which in turn made you laugh. You missed his stupid smile. Zoro pulled you back down and kissed you. It was so slow and sensual feeling his tongue dance around your mouth. He never kissed like this before. It wasn’t harsh or full of lust like it was earlier. It was more gentle, passionate, slow. Your head became fuzzy, you didn’t taste the alcohol on his breath anymore so he couldn’t still be effected by the aphrodisiac.
“Since I don’t remember fucking you earlier…how about you remind me….”
You swear if you wasn’t in the water you would have probably gotten wet already.
“Oh so you don’t remember me saying….’fuck me then’…? Hm?” You purred in his ear already palming his semi hard cock, making him groan in the back of his throat.
“Well… remind yourself Zoro….
Fuck me then…”
He snapped open his eyes to crash his lips back onto yours, “Comehere..” Zoro didn’t waste any time holding you up by your hips and sliding you down his shaft in the water, “Wrap your arms around me.”
You did as told and Zoro began to work his hips up into you. You still felt a sting of soreness from a few hours ago, but it was a pain your were willing to endure for just a little while longer to cum on his cock.
Zoro squeezed your ass making you arch your back so he could suck on your bouncing nipple. His hot tongue latched on swirling and nibbling on it, as you began to grind on him making you moan out pressing him further into your chest.
You couldn’t stop moaning out his name, clenching down on him having his voice groan in between your breast. He felt himself cumming by how hard you kept clamping down on him and he knew he wanted to feel you cum with him so Zoro brought his thumb down to rub on your clit.
“Zoro im Close! Ah!” Your words were broken, the water was splashing and echoing in the secluded area, your toes began to curl feeling your orgasm approach —
“Common Just Like that—fuck—cum with me baby—“
He pulled you closer having you bounce up and down on him. You both were panting heavily, eye lids heavy as you cupped his jawline to kiss him again moaning in his mouth.
After you both came down and rode off your highs, Zoro yawned noticing the sun was long gone and it was time to head back to the ship before Luffy decides to make another search party for you both.
“You Gatta carry me back…you promised.” You murmured slumped on his shoulder.
He put you on his shirt since yours was ripped apart
And walked you both back to the Sunny, he told you that you could just go to sleep and he’ll put you to bed when y’all arrive but you knew good and well he’d be walking all night with you so you help guiding him back.
When you both arrived in your room Zoro placed you on the bed, your body was absolutely spent and so was his, but before he took off his pants to cuddle you to sleep you sat up, “Hey…look it.”
You pulled out the sake bottle from the house and Zoro ‘s eye went wide, “You took it?!”
“Well yeah it’s a little memento…” You placed it on your nightstand to admire it, “Neither of us won’t drink it BUT it’s a little reminder of our first date.”
“You’re so annoying…Today does not count as a first date!” He grumbled getting into your bed to hold you.
“Do too.”
“Do not!”
“Do to.”
“Do not!”
“…do too.”
i t’ s y o u

f!reader x monkey d. luffy (op)
tw: a little angst?
word count: 1.5k
a/n: I love this precious bouncy boi so much, so here’s a fluff fic.
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Your Captain had been acting strangely for a while now, you’ve noticed. He was usually yelling or laughing, making his presence known on the Going Merry. He would even talk in his sleep, sometimes getting a response or two from Sanji and Usopp shushing him. You had never seen Luffy so quiet and distant, almost as if he was avoiding you. Every time you tried to approach him, he would quickly walk away as if he didn’t see you coming. Either that or he would approach another crewmate and disturb them, ruining their peace.
You were perplexed. You had joined the Straw Hats the same time Robin did. The only difference was that you were invited, and she was not. Yet, Luffy never acted around Robin how he did with you. You tried to convince yourself that maybe you didn’t know Luffy as well as the others did. After all, you had only been with the crew for two weeks, and you hadn’t gotten that many opportunities to spend time with your Captain. That being said, there was no denying that you had a slight crush on him. Luffy was so confident and charismatic, and you’ve always admired his selfless personality. You wanted to go on more adventures with Luffy and would do anything to help him reach his dream of becoming the Pirate King.
Keep reading
best dad ever!

Daddy Tokyo Revengers : Having an Overly Shy Daughter Ft: Ran, Rindou, Hakkai, Kokonoi, Taiju, Sanzu, Draken and Hanma WC: 2000+TW: Kids, Pure Fluff (makes you feel all giggly) A/N: I felt fluffy literally it started with an idea with Ran and then each one popped into my mind one after another. My ovaries enjoy this cuteness overload. part 2
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His 4 year old who was overly shy when meeting anyone even with him at times. She had a hard time asking her father something she would often be stuttering or second guessing herself. She was sitting on the couch from a distance and she could see the cookie jar on the kitchen counter. She would look at the cookie jar then back at her program she was watching. Ran looked at his little one and he thought she must have saw something but the more he paid attention he saw where her eyes were looking. He could see her fiddling with her fingers unsure if she should ask for a cookie. Ran knew it was hard as she tried to come out of her shell. He has been trying to help her break this small habit although he thought it was super cute. Getting up from the couch he walked to the kitchen grabbing the cookie jar. Bringing it back to the couch “These cookies sure do look good huh princess?” opening the jar holding a yummy cookie in his hand. She looked at her dad then at the cookie giving a bashful nod. “Would you like a cookie princess?”
“Y..yes please.” she was cupping her own cheeks as she asked. Ran giving her the cookie he could see the cute little smile on her face. “Th-ank you daddy.”
“You can always ask me to get you something. You don't ever need to think I wouldn't be able to be princess” Ran smiled seeing her taking a bite of the cookie.
Holding his small child in his arms, he had forgotten something in his office and he needed to grab it. His daughter hardly came into his work but this time it was just in and out situation, he didn’t want her to be exposed to anything if something was going on. But since mommy was busy today papa Rin was on daddy duty.. “Papa needs to just grab something really quick okay?”
“Kay” she softly whispered. Her eyes wandered around looking at the lobby. She noticed someone approaching and she buried her face into her dad’s shoulder. Rin rubbing his daughters head she saw the assistant approach “what is it?” he asked “Sir we need you to sign these.” They spoke with a clipboard and pen. Letting out an annoyed sigh grabbing the pen, he scribbled his signature on the front page. They noticed the little ones eyes peeking at them then buried her face once. “ Aww she is cute, is she shy?”
“No, your face just scared her so she is hiding it.” he spoke in a monotone voice, handing them the pen and walking to his office. The assistant's mouth dropped as he passed them. Getting into his office his daughter picked up her head. “You okay sweetheart?” brushing the strands of hair out of her face seeing her cute little chubby cheeks. She briefly looked into her fathers eyes then looking down, she nodded. Kissing her chubby cheek he picked up the item he needed “let's get going.”
When he would be back in town his daughter was thrilled to see him. Taking her out to have a good time was a little bit hard because of the paparazzi. Going to dinner was at times challenging. Anytime going out to eat, cameras flashed and at times she didn’t want to eat. Getting the car parked he could already see some paparazzi outside the restaurant. His daughter looked out the window to see the many people with cameras, knowing they wanted to see her father. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable because he knows what it's like, still at times he would still be awkward around women (unless it's his wife and Yuzuha). “Do you want to go honey?” Hakkai asked her. “You know we don’t have to.” “It’s- it’s okay daddy I can go in.” she gave a weary smile. She wanted to show her father she was gonna put on her bravo face to do this for him.
He leaned over the driver seat and patted her head who was in the back booster seat “why don’t we come back when mommy and Aunt Yuzuha are not working. We can order pizza tonight.” He admired how she tried to do this for him but he would have to agree he would rather eat in his own home in peace and his daughter enjoying her food.
“Really?” her head perked up.
“Yeah let’s get going.” He started the car up and began to head home. Looking through the rear view mirror he could see the relax expression of his daughter as they both were driving farther and farther away from the restaurant.
Hanma “Do you want to play with the other kids?” he asked as he crouched down at eye level to his daughter. She shook her head. “Why?” “Cause ..” she was playing with the hem of her shirt.
“Cause is not a good reason, my little doll.” Hanma said. This was completely different to him, he swore he was going to get served karma for being a bad ass kid. But it was the opposite: his daughter was quiet and overly shy. He kinda wanted her to get into trouble or just live as a kid, make mistakes, yell and scream from the top of her lungs. But then again if he had a kid that was as bad as him he would be pulling his hair out. “Look there are some kids around your age, go introduce yourself.” he pointed at a group of kids running around.
“But but.” she quietly said.
“No buts just try.”
“What if they don’t like me?” She looked at the ground.
“Then daddy will scare the shit out of those little shits if they are mean to you…. But if they aren’t you will have fun like the kid you are.” his hand on her back giving her a nudge towards the group of kids. Hanma stood as his daughter began walking towards the group of kids. Now he was waiting to see if he was going to chill out and relax or scare the shit out of some kids.
He was going to have an opening at a new restaurant in the morning. He was finishing the final preparations and his daughter was sitting next to him the entire time. He was thankful she was well behaved but noticed her shy behavior took control of her majority of the time. His daughter hardly came with him to openings for his new restaurants; she didn’t like large crowds. Over the years Taiju grew more patience and didn’t have a lot of outbursts like he did in his teens. The one time it happened in front of his daughter, she didn’t go anywhere near him for a while. He never wanted her to feel uncomfortable when he was around. When he knew a lot of the stuff was ready for tomorrow he would always let her explore the new restaurant freely when there were no people there. She walked around the tables and she was barely able to see the top of the tables.
“What do you think toots?” he asked, following her around.
“It’s pwetty.” sheepishly speaking she noticed the large tank and all the different fishes and sea creatures in it. She stood in front of the tank amazed at the large fish in front of her. Picking her up “what is the big one called?” She was still learning about sea creatures.
Blinking a few times she tried to remember the name of the large fish “shawk.” she questionably responded with her cheeks slightly red.
“Shark.” he pronounced slowly.
“Shhhawwwk,” she tried to pronounce it.
“At a girl.” kissing her temple. “What about the small orange one?” he pointed.
“Nemo!” she startled herself then covered her mouth.
Her little fingers still on her mouth looking up at her dad. “It is Nemo.” He honestly forgot that species' of fish name.
He loved taking his daughter out with him whether it was on a trip, shopping, or going out for a while. He wanted a new wardrobe for his daughter for the trip they were planning this weekend. Holding her hand as they entered the boutique shop, she could see the pretty dresses on the racks. No matter the price on the item he would get it for her. “Do you see anything you like?” he asked.
Bringing her finger to her lips she looked around until she saw a pretty yellow dress. She looked at her father, her hand pointed to the yellow dress. She didn’t walk until her father did. At times he wanted to be a little more excited and say something. She appreciated every single thing her daddy bought for her. Koko did his own research on how to make her open up a bit more. He was a confident man and he wanted to show his daughter she could do it too. Plucking the dress from the rack so she could take it to the dressing room. “Remember sweetie, ask them you want to try it on.”
She nodded and he followed close behind. She made her way to the fitting room “excuse me… may I try this on?” Her cheeks were flushed looking at the sales lady.”
The lady nodded and escorted them to the fitting room. He was proud she managed to ask herself this time. Making baby step was positive progress in his eyes.
He waited outside the door where she was at when she had the dress on. “ you look so beautiful..” he crouched down, taking both of his daughter's hands. “ I’m very proud you were able to ask to try on the dress. I knew you could do it. That’s my girl.” Koko praised the progress she did, he literally bought everything in the store.
It’s not that his daughter didn’t like anyone she loved them all but when giving her compliments on how cute she is or adorable the daughter of Draken was. She got super shy. Some of the Toman members thought it was cute how Draken was her protector. “ awww she ran to her daddy” Mikey teased the small copy and paste of Draken just as a little girl.
His daughter burying her face into his shirt “knock it off with the teasing her you know we are trying to break the shyness .” Draken said he rubbed her back and glared at Mikey.
“Okay okay we will stop.” Mikey gave a grin. He gave his niece a hard time all her uncles did.
As they continued the conversation, she removed her face from her father's shirt. She has made a lot of progress in the past few weeks. She would have had her face still covered but now she was feeling more comfortable when the groups weren’t too large. Slowly Draken would have her join in the conversation he knew she would be able to talk about. The whole conversation was about the fair coming up. “Tell them which ride you are excited to go on.” “The ferris wheel.” speaking in a soft voice. “It’s so big and you can see everything when your on top.”
“Literally the cutest response I’ve ever heard.” Kazutora spoke. They all saw her cheeks burning. Draken glaring at his direction.
“Her protector is ready to attack.” Mikey smirked.
“That’s my baby right there!” Sanzu shouts as his daughter walks onto the stage for her dance recital.. He did blame himself for how shy she was because he really never wanted his own child to be exposed to anything he was doing, as she was getting older he could see how it was affecting her. Putting her in a big activity was hard in the beginning; she held onto Sanzus hand the entire time. Sanzu had worked with her for many days on her routine. Even ways of trying to help overcome shyness. The more she went to the classes the more she began to enjoy it. Hearing her father yell for her as she was on the stage. She has her pretty pink tutu on with a little tiara on. As the music began she was trying not to look at the crowded audience, when she did try and look at her dad she missed a few steps.
Even though she was missing a few steps, a lot of other little girls were missing steps. The parents giggling through the audience. As they did their final poses the crowd cheered for them. When the recital was done he found his daughter and he had a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. When his daughter saw he she immediately ran to his clinging onto her fathers leg. “You did amazing out there baby!” kneeling down as he handed her the flowers. Her little cheeks burning seeing the pretty flower. “But I messed up.” She had a small frown. She tried her hardest and wanted to show her dad she could do it.
“Shit happens and you did great. You were the best out there.” Cupping her cheeks. “The more you practice the more you will get it down” he brought a small smile on his his precious child’s face.