Tokyo Rev Fluff - Tumblr Posts
best dad ever!

Daddy Tokyo Revengers : Having an Overly Shy Daughter Ft: Ran, Rindou, Hakkai, Kokonoi, Taiju, Sanzu, Draken and Hanma WC: 2000+TW: Kids, Pure Fluff (makes you feel all giggly) A/N: I felt fluffy literally it started with an idea with Ran and then each one popped into my mind one after another. My ovaries enjoy this cuteness overload. part 2
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His 4 year old who was overly shy when meeting anyone even with him at times. She had a hard time asking her father something she would often be stuttering or second guessing herself. She was sitting on the couch from a distance and she could see the cookie jar on the kitchen counter. She would look at the cookie jar then back at her program she was watching. Ran looked at his little one and he thought she must have saw something but the more he paid attention he saw where her eyes were looking. He could see her fiddling with her fingers unsure if she should ask for a cookie. Ran knew it was hard as she tried to come out of her shell. He has been trying to help her break this small habit although he thought it was super cute. Getting up from the couch he walked to the kitchen grabbing the cookie jar. Bringing it back to the couch “These cookies sure do look good huh princess?” opening the jar holding a yummy cookie in his hand. She looked at her dad then at the cookie giving a bashful nod. “Would you like a cookie princess?”
“Y..yes please.” she was cupping her own cheeks as she asked. Ran giving her the cookie he could see the cute little smile on her face. “Th-ank you daddy.”
“You can always ask me to get you something. You don't ever need to think I wouldn't be able to be princess” Ran smiled seeing her taking a bite of the cookie.
Holding his small child in his arms, he had forgotten something in his office and he needed to grab it. His daughter hardly came into his work but this time it was just in and out situation, he didn’t want her to be exposed to anything if something was going on. But since mommy was busy today papa Rin was on daddy duty.. “Papa needs to just grab something really quick okay?”
“Kay” she softly whispered. Her eyes wandered around looking at the lobby. She noticed someone approaching and she buried her face into her dad’s shoulder. Rin rubbing his daughters head she saw the assistant approach “what is it?” he asked “Sir we need you to sign these.” They spoke with a clipboard and pen. Letting out an annoyed sigh grabbing the pen, he scribbled his signature on the front page. They noticed the little ones eyes peeking at them then buried her face once. “ Aww she is cute, is she shy?”
“No, your face just scared her so she is hiding it.” he spoke in a monotone voice, handing them the pen and walking to his office. The assistant's mouth dropped as he passed them. Getting into his office his daughter picked up her head. “You okay sweetheart?” brushing the strands of hair out of her face seeing her cute little chubby cheeks. She briefly looked into her fathers eyes then looking down, she nodded. Kissing her chubby cheek he picked up the item he needed “let's get going.”
When he would be back in town his daughter was thrilled to see him. Taking her out to have a good time was a little bit hard because of the paparazzi. Going to dinner was at times challenging. Anytime going out to eat, cameras flashed and at times she didn’t want to eat. Getting the car parked he could already see some paparazzi outside the restaurant. His daughter looked out the window to see the many people with cameras, knowing they wanted to see her father. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable because he knows what it's like, still at times he would still be awkward around women (unless it's his wife and Yuzuha). “Do you want to go honey?” Hakkai asked her. “You know we don’t have to.” “It’s- it’s okay daddy I can go in.” she gave a weary smile. She wanted to show her father she was gonna put on her bravo face to do this for him.
He leaned over the driver seat and patted her head who was in the back booster seat “why don’t we come back when mommy and Aunt Yuzuha are not working. We can order pizza tonight.” He admired how she tried to do this for him but he would have to agree he would rather eat in his own home in peace and his daughter enjoying her food.
“Really?” her head perked up.
“Yeah let’s get going.” He started the car up and began to head home. Looking through the rear view mirror he could see the relax expression of his daughter as they both were driving farther and farther away from the restaurant.
Hanma “Do you want to play with the other kids?” he asked as he crouched down at eye level to his daughter. She shook her head. “Why?” “Cause ..” she was playing with the hem of her shirt.
“Cause is not a good reason, my little doll.” Hanma said. This was completely different to him, he swore he was going to get served karma for being a bad ass kid. But it was the opposite: his daughter was quiet and overly shy. He kinda wanted her to get into trouble or just live as a kid, make mistakes, yell and scream from the top of her lungs. But then again if he had a kid that was as bad as him he would be pulling his hair out. “Look there are some kids around your age, go introduce yourself.” he pointed at a group of kids running around.
“But but.” she quietly said.
“No buts just try.”
“What if they don’t like me?” She looked at the ground.
“Then daddy will scare the shit out of those little shits if they are mean to you…. But if they aren’t you will have fun like the kid you are.” his hand on her back giving her a nudge towards the group of kids. Hanma stood as his daughter began walking towards the group of kids. Now he was waiting to see if he was going to chill out and relax or scare the shit out of some kids.
He was going to have an opening at a new restaurant in the morning. He was finishing the final preparations and his daughter was sitting next to him the entire time. He was thankful she was well behaved but noticed her shy behavior took control of her majority of the time. His daughter hardly came with him to openings for his new restaurants; she didn’t like large crowds. Over the years Taiju grew more patience and didn’t have a lot of outbursts like he did in his teens. The one time it happened in front of his daughter, she didn’t go anywhere near him for a while. He never wanted her to feel uncomfortable when he was around. When he knew a lot of the stuff was ready for tomorrow he would always let her explore the new restaurant freely when there were no people there. She walked around the tables and she was barely able to see the top of the tables.
“What do you think toots?” he asked, following her around.
“It’s pwetty.” sheepishly speaking she noticed the large tank and all the different fishes and sea creatures in it. She stood in front of the tank amazed at the large fish in front of her. Picking her up “what is the big one called?” She was still learning about sea creatures.
Blinking a few times she tried to remember the name of the large fish “shawk.” she questionably responded with her cheeks slightly red.
“Shark.” he pronounced slowly.
“Shhhawwwk,” she tried to pronounce it.
“At a girl.” kissing her temple. “What about the small orange one?” he pointed.
“Nemo!” she startled herself then covered her mouth.
Her little fingers still on her mouth looking up at her dad. “It is Nemo.” He honestly forgot that species' of fish name.
He loved taking his daughter out with him whether it was on a trip, shopping, or going out for a while. He wanted a new wardrobe for his daughter for the trip they were planning this weekend. Holding her hand as they entered the boutique shop, she could see the pretty dresses on the racks. No matter the price on the item he would get it for her. “Do you see anything you like?” he asked.
Bringing her finger to her lips she looked around until she saw a pretty yellow dress. She looked at her father, her hand pointed to the yellow dress. She didn’t walk until her father did. At times he wanted to be a little more excited and say something. She appreciated every single thing her daddy bought for her. Koko did his own research on how to make her open up a bit more. He was a confident man and he wanted to show his daughter she could do it too. Plucking the dress from the rack so she could take it to the dressing room. “Remember sweetie, ask them you want to try it on.”
She nodded and he followed close behind. She made her way to the fitting room “excuse me… may I try this on?” Her cheeks were flushed looking at the sales lady.”
The lady nodded and escorted them to the fitting room. He was proud she managed to ask herself this time. Making baby step was positive progress in his eyes.
He waited outside the door where she was at when she had the dress on. “ you look so beautiful..” he crouched down, taking both of his daughter's hands. “ I’m very proud you were able to ask to try on the dress. I knew you could do it. That’s my girl.” Koko praised the progress she did, he literally bought everything in the store.
It’s not that his daughter didn’t like anyone she loved them all but when giving her compliments on how cute she is or adorable the daughter of Draken was. She got super shy. Some of the Toman members thought it was cute how Draken was her protector. “ awww she ran to her daddy” Mikey teased the small copy and paste of Draken just as a little girl.
His daughter burying her face into his shirt “knock it off with the teasing her you know we are trying to break the shyness .” Draken said he rubbed her back and glared at Mikey.
“Okay okay we will stop.” Mikey gave a grin. He gave his niece a hard time all her uncles did.
As they continued the conversation, she removed her face from her father's shirt. She has made a lot of progress in the past few weeks. She would have had her face still covered but now she was feeling more comfortable when the groups weren’t too large. Slowly Draken would have her join in the conversation he knew she would be able to talk about. The whole conversation was about the fair coming up. “Tell them which ride you are excited to go on.” “The ferris wheel.” speaking in a soft voice. “It’s so big and you can see everything when your on top.”
“Literally the cutest response I’ve ever heard.” Kazutora spoke. They all saw her cheeks burning. Draken glaring at his direction.
“Her protector is ready to attack.” Mikey smirked.
“That’s my baby right there!” Sanzu shouts as his daughter walks onto the stage for her dance recital.. He did blame himself for how shy she was because he really never wanted his own child to be exposed to anything he was doing, as she was getting older he could see how it was affecting her. Putting her in a big activity was hard in the beginning; she held onto Sanzus hand the entire time. Sanzu had worked with her for many days on her routine. Even ways of trying to help overcome shyness. The more she went to the classes the more she began to enjoy it. Hearing her father yell for her as she was on the stage. She has her pretty pink tutu on with a little tiara on. As the music began she was trying not to look at the crowded audience, when she did try and look at her dad she missed a few steps.
Even though she was missing a few steps, a lot of other little girls were missing steps. The parents giggling through the audience. As they did their final poses the crowd cheered for them. When the recital was done he found his daughter and he had a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. When his daughter saw he she immediately ran to his clinging onto her fathers leg. “You did amazing out there baby!” kneeling down as he handed her the flowers. Her little cheeks burning seeing the pretty flower. “But I messed up.” She had a small frown. She tried her hardest and wanted to show her dad she could do it.
“Shit happens and you did great. You were the best out there.” Cupping her cheeks. “The more you practice the more you will get it down” he brought a small smile on his his precious child’s face.

Crowded Subway - TR Men

Summary: Headcannons of Tokyo Revengers Men being with you in a crowded subway.
Warnings: Fem!Reader, crowded subways, some creeps, fluff but still little bit flirty, small kisses, Rin being my no. 1 mean bf trope, Kakucho being a lovey boy. Me having a thing for calling Kokonoi “Mr Money Maker” and “Mr Koko”. Some violence, cursing, I finished this not too long ago (made this in like 2hrs?), no proofread and also I put this out before the big ass angst shit I have. If I missed something pls let me know!
Mess Notes: Here I come with a new headcannon! I hope you like it, this came into my head due some experiences I’ve seen on the subway. Also things I want to happen to me in the nasty crowded subway hours.

Rin Haitani
It was a Wednesday in the evening, Rindou decided to pick you up from your painting classes because both of you have a date and the subway it was a good choice to get both of you to your destination.
For him it was very uncomfortable because anybody could make him some space like he’s used to in the streets of Roppongi.
As the mean bf he is, always will use his attitude. He’s so shy to ask you to hold onto him, kiss him or to pay attention to him without using degrading words.
Rin would stand behind you, wearing his murderer-like expression while holding your waist. If somebody tries to get closer to his baby is over for them.
Only soften ups a little bit when you turn around to kiss his cheek.
If somebody tries to touch you is their death end. He’ll push them and destroy their whole being on that “small” push or smack of their hands/head.
“Get the fuck out of our sight before I break all your joints”
“Hold onto me, I don’t want anybody to think I’m dating a walking chaos”.
“Are you blind? Aren’t you seeing that my girl is trying to get out?” Rindou spats furiously to the male that pushed you, making you trip and almost fall if Rin wasn’t there to hold you “You better keep an eye open, Motherfucker” the male shivers in fear while Rindou gets closer to him and grabs him by the collar “Apologize to her, NOW and after that I’ll beat you for every wrinkle you made on her pretty dress. Got it?” The male nods while he cries for help but as always, anybody will interfere.
Kokonoi Hajime
Mr. Money Maker rarely uses the subway but he went with you because you wanted to go to Shibuya to buy some stuffs with him and have a shopping therapy together.
His eyes glow whenever you get closer to him just to joke about some idiot trying to get your attention.
Kisses you on the forehead just to mark his territory and definitely will talk to you about just getting a damn car/motorcycle so both of you can stop using the subway.
Always has a hand placed on your waist, holding you. Mr. Koko loves to hold you in place whenever there’s people admiring his pretty baby.
He’s chill with you because you have his heart, Pretty boy is
Keeps observing the area, never lets anybody get close to you unless they’re part of your friends or is Inupi. Koko would never let somebody touch you, even if that means he’ll have to walk behind you at every stances.
“They do be enchanted by you, I don’t judge them. You’re a walking treasure”
“This dude is insane, I’d never lay a finger on the walls of the subway if I was wearing that Dior jacket”.
“Just kiss me on the lips, I’d would help me to survive this mess”.
“Just wear my jacket, the day is colder” Kokonoi says after he places his jacket on your shoulders. “Yes, I will. Thanks Koko” You nod lovingly at him before placing a kiss on his cheek and decide take the lead and start walking out of the subway. His jacket proudly showed on your shoulders, making a group of youngsters look at you stunned while Kokonoi just glares at them, walking right beside you. “Don’t worry. We won’t be disturbed today” He lets you know and you only can giggle because everybody better know not to mess with one of the Kanto Manji’s executives or his girl, the road being easier for you to walk as Kokonoi walks by your side, holding your hand.
Kakucho Hitto
Kakucho is more comfortable when it comes to be in the subway. Still, he’s very alert of his surroundings because you decided to wear an skirt today.
Kakucho will put you into the nearest corner and stand in front of you. Not letting anybody have a glance of your legs or skirt, he doesn’t want anybody to try to record you without your consent.
This Babyboy will soft once you place your hand on his scar, he’ll melt on the place. He’s lovedrunk for you.
Looks at you with gleam in his eyes, has a hand above you on the wall and the other is holding your hand.
Places some kisses in your knuckles whenever you get uncomfortable from the creepy man. He’ll deal with them later on.
“I’m looking at you now… Yes, it’s really crowded for a Saturday”
“You look so pretty today” He says after he places some small kisses on your knuckles.
“Nobody will approach you, I’m here for a reason”
“Walk in front of me, I don’t want any of these creeps touching you” Kakucho states before walking out of the subway, both of you arriving at your destination. People make the way for you, everybody staring at him in fear because is not a secret that a Heavenly King is there, every male that tried to approach you was shivering in fear as your boyfriend walked behind you “Look Kaku! Close of here there’s a mochi store, let’s go!” you exclaim while turning around just to see his face, he just lets an small smile creep on his face while you take his hand, happily moving forward to the exit of the station. Never realizing that people were letting both of you pass without any problems.

Crowded Subway - TR Men

Summary: Headcannons of Tokyo Revengers Men being with you in a crowded subway.
Warnings: Fem!Reader, crowded subways, some creeps, fluff but still little bit flirty, small kisses, Rin being my no. 1 mean bf trope, Kakucho being a lovey boy. Me having a thing for calling Kokonoi “Mr Money Maker” and “Mr Koko”. Some violence, cursing, I finished this not too long ago (made this in like 2hrs?), no proofread and also I put this out before the big ass angst shit I have. If I missed something pls let me know!
Mess Notes: Here I come with a new headcannon! I hope you like it, this came into my head due some experiences I’ve seen on the subway. Also things I want to happen to me in the nasty crowded subway hours.

Rin Haitani
It was a Wednesday in the evening, Rindou decided to pick you up from your painting classes because both of you have a date and the subway it was a good choice to get both of you to your destination.
For him it was very uncomfortable because anybody could make him some space like he’s used to in the streets of Roppongi.
As the mean bf he is, always will use his attitude. He’s so shy to ask you to hold onto him, kiss him or to pay attention to him without using degrading words.
Rin would stand behind you, wearing his murderer-like expression while holding your waist. If somebody tries to get closer to his baby is over for them.
Only soften ups a little bit when you turn around to kiss his cheek.
If somebody tries to touch you is their death end. He’ll push them and destroy their whole being on that “small” push or smack of their hands/head.
“Get the fuck out of our sight before I break all your joints”
“Hold onto me, I don’t want anybody to think I’m dating a walking chaos”.
“Are you blind? Aren’t you seeing that my girl is trying to get out?” Rindou spats furiously to the male that pushed you, making you trip and almost fall if Rin wasn’t there to hold you “You better keep an eye open, Motherfucker” the male shivers in fear while Rindou gets closer to him and grabs him by the collar “Apologize to her, NOW and after that I’ll beat you for every wrinkle you made on her pretty dress. Got it?” The male nods while he cries for help but as always, anybody will interfere.
Kokonoi Hajime
Mr. Money Maker rarely uses the subway but he went with you because you wanted to go to Shibuya to buy some stuffs with him and have a shopping therapy together.
His eyes glow whenever you get closer to him just to joke about some idiot trying to get your attention.
Kisses you on the forehead just to mark his territory and definitely will talk to you about just getting a damn car/motorcycle so both of you can stop using the subway.
Always has a hand placed on your waist, holding you. Mr. Koko loves to hold you in place whenever there’s people admiring his pretty baby.
He’s chill with you because you have his heart, Pretty boy is
Keeps observing the area, never lets anybody get close to you unless they’re part of your friends or is Inupi. Koko would never let somebody touch you, even if that means he’ll have to walk behind you at every stances.
“They do be enchanted by you, I don’t judge them. You’re a walking treasure”
“This dude is insane, I’d never lay a finger on the walls of the subway if I was wearing that Dior jacket”.
“Just kiss me on the lips, I’d would help me to survive this mess”.
“Just wear my jacket, the day is colder” Kokonoi says after he places his jacket on your shoulders. “Yes, I will. Thanks Koko” You nod lovingly at him before placing a kiss on his cheek and decide take the lead and start walking out of the subway. His jacket proudly showed on your shoulders, making a group of youngsters look at you stunned while Kokonoi just glares at them, walking right beside you. “Don’t worry. We won’t be disturbed today” He lets you know and you only can giggle because everybody better know not to mess with one of the Kanto Manji’s executives or his girl, the road being easier for you to walk as Kokonoi walks by your side, holding your hand.
Kakucho Hitto
Kakucho is more comfortable when it comes to be in the subway. Still, he’s very alert of his surroundings because you decided to wear an skirt today.
Kakucho will put you into the nearest corner and stand in front of you. Not letting anybody have a glance of your legs or skirt, he doesn’t want anybody to try to record you without your consent.
This Babyboy will soft once you place your hand on his scar, he’ll melt on the place. He’s lovedrunk for you.
Looks at you with gleam in his eyes, has a hand above you on the wall and the other is holding your hand.
Places some kisses in your knuckles whenever you get uncomfortable from the creepy man. He’ll deal with them later on.
“I’m looking at you now… Yes, it’s really crowded for a Saturday”
“You look so pretty today” He says after he places some small kisses on your knuckles.
“Nobody will approach you, I’m here for a reason”
“Walk in front of me, I don’t want any of these creeps touching you” Kakucho states before walking out of the subway, both of you arriving at your destination. People make the way for you, everybody staring at him in fear because is not a secret that a Heavenly King is there, every male that tried to approach you was shivering in fear as your boyfriend walked behind you “Look Kaku! Close of here there’s a mochi store, let’s go!” you exclaim while turning around just to see his face, he just lets an small smile creep on his face while you take his hand, happily moving forward to the exit of the station. Never realizing that people were letting both of you pass without any problems.

Crowded Subway - TR Men

Summary: Headcannons of Tokyo Revengers Men being with you in a crowded subway.
Warnings: Fem!Reader, crowded subways, some creeps, fluff but still little bit flirty, small kisses, Rin being my no. 1 mean bf trope, Kakucho being a lovey boy. Me having a thing for calling Kokonoi “Mr Money Maker” and “Mr Koko”. Some violence, cursing, I finished this not too long ago (made this in like 2hrs?), no proofread and also I put this out before the big ass angst shit I have. If I missed something pls let me know!
Mess Notes: Here I come with a new headcannon! I hope you like it, this came into my head due some experiences I’ve seen on the subway. Also things I want to happen to me in the nasty crowded subway hours.

Rin Haitani
It was a Wednesday in the evening, Rindou decided to pick you up from your painting classes because both of you have a date and the subway it was a good choice to get both of you to your destination.
For him it was very uncomfortable because anybody could make him some space like he’s used to in the streets of Roppongi.
As the mean bf he is, always will use his attitude. He’s so shy to ask you to hold onto him, kiss him or to pay attention to him without using degrading words.
Rin would stand behind you, wearing his murderer-like expression while holding your waist. If somebody tries to get closer to his baby is over for them.
Only soften ups a little bit when you turn around to kiss his cheek.
If somebody tries to touch you is their death end. He’ll push them and destroy their whole being on that “small” push or smack of their hands/head.
“Get the fuck out of our sight before I break all your joints”
“Hold onto me, I don’t want anybody to think I’m dating a walking chaos”.
“Are you blind? Aren’t you seeing that my girl is trying to get out?” Rindou spats furiously to the male that pushed you, making you trip and almost fall if Rin wasn’t there to hold you “You better keep an eye open, Motherfucker” the male shivers in fear while Rindou gets closer to him and grabs him by the collar “Apologize to her, NOW and after that I’ll beat you for every wrinkle you made on her pretty dress. Got it?” The male nods while he cries for help but as always, anybody will interfere.
Kokonoi Hajime
Mr. Money Maker rarely uses the subway but he went with you because you wanted to go to Shibuya to buy some stuffs with him and have a shopping therapy together.
His eyes glow whenever you get closer to him just to joke about some idiot trying to get your attention.
Kisses you on the forehead just to mark his territory and definitely will talk to you about just getting a damn car/motorcycle so both of you can stop using the subway.
Always has a hand placed on your waist, holding you. Mr. Koko loves to hold you in place whenever there’s people admiring his pretty baby.
He’s chill with you because you have his heart, Pretty boy is
Keeps observing the area, never lets anybody get close to you unless they’re part of your friends or is Inupi. Koko would never let somebody touch you, even if that means he’ll have to walk behind you at every stances.
“They do be enchanted by you, I don’t judge them. You’re a walking treasure”
“This dude is insane, I’d never lay a finger on the walls of the subway if I was wearing that Dior jacket”.
“Just kiss me on the lips, I’d would help me to survive this mess”.
“Just wear my jacket, the day is colder” Kokonoi says after he places his jacket on your shoulders. “Yes, I will. Thanks Koko” You nod lovingly at him before placing a kiss on his cheek and decide take the lead and start walking out of the subway. His jacket proudly showed on your shoulders, making a group of youngsters look at you stunned while Kokonoi just glares at them, walking right beside you. “Don’t worry. We won’t be disturbed today” He lets you know and you only can giggle because everybody better know not to mess with one of the Kanto Manji’s executives or his girl, the road being easier for you to walk as Kokonoi walks by your side, holding your hand.
Kakucho Hitto
Kakucho is more comfortable when it comes to be in the subway. Still, he’s very alert of his surroundings because you decided to wear an skirt today.
Kakucho will put you into the nearest corner and stand in front of you. Not letting anybody have a glance of your legs or skirt, he doesn’t want anybody to try to record you without your consent.
This Babyboy will soft once you place your hand on his scar, he’ll melt on the place. He’s lovedrunk for you.
Looks at you with gleam in his eyes, has a hand above you on the wall and the other is holding your hand.
Places some kisses in your knuckles whenever you get uncomfortable from the creepy man. He’ll deal with them later on.
“I’m looking at you now… Yes, it’s really crowded for a Saturday”
“You look so pretty today” He says after he places some small kisses on your knuckles.
“Nobody will approach you, I’m here for a reason”
“Walk in front of me, I don’t want any of these creeps touching you” Kakucho states before walking out of the subway, both of you arriving at your destination. People make the way for you, everybody staring at him in fear because is not a secret that a Heavenly King is there, every male that tried to approach you was shivering in fear as your boyfriend walked behind you “Look Kaku! Close of here there’s a mochi store, let’s go!” you exclaim while turning around just to see his face, he just lets an small smile creep on his face while you take his hand, happily moving forward to the exit of the station. Never realizing that people were letting both of you pass without any problems.

hiii this is my first post on here & i was thinking of writing a baji fic but i'm wondering what do people prefer, one super long fic (like 10k words+) or a series with multiple shorter chapters? or do you guys just not like longer fics😭😭

GUYS ITS ANGRY!! The amount that I love this man, I might have to make a one shot now.
Sleepy Rindou is the Best Rindou

Content Warnings: mention of lingerie, Rindou is only slightly a perv but in the silly goose way, brief mentions of Bonten, Rindou calls you princess, neck kisses, cuddling

You had been lying on the luxurious couch of you and Rindou’s shared apartment for what felt like days awaiting his return. He had warned you about his less than peaceful job when you two became official. Rindou didn't give you details but it didn't take a genius to figure out what he did for a living to support the both of you. Almost a year into your relationship he asked you to move in and quit your job, his reasoning for this was ‘his princess deserves only the very best treatment’, you had laughed at this, declining to quit your job but agreeing to live with him. He was overjoyed at the thought and less than a week later your lease had ended and you began moving your things into his expensive flat. He had taken a few days off work to help you move in. Unpacking seemed tedious but Rindou made sure to make it fun due to the fact he finally had the time and attention that you usually didn't get because of his occupation. Rindou made sure that he was the one to unpack all your lingerie which made you less than amused. Unpacking everything you owned took almost a full week and Rindou knew as soon as he got back to Bonten’s Headquarters he would be swamped with work. Which meant overtime for him.
You felt guilt over this but he assured you that, ‘he would take an infinite amount of overtime if it meant he could hang out with you for a few days’. Here you are now, endlessly checking the clock which now reads 2:04 A.M. laying on the couch awaiting his arrival as the dinner you cooked sitting on the table gets cooler by the minute. You groaned getting up from your comfortable position on the couch to package up the food you and him were meant to eat tonight. As you were tin foiling the food you heard the jingle of keys and the click of the door opening. You smiled to yourself in relief knowing your lover got home safely another night, always on edge and anxiously awaiting his return due to his dangerous job. You heard tired footsteps slowly approaching. You turned your head till your eyes met a very tired Rindou, you tried to hide your giggle when you noticed his hair sticking up in different directions, his collared shirt unbuttoned, the dark circles under his eyes and his slouched posture. You turn your head back around to bring your focus back to packaging up the cold food but as you were about to greet him you felt warm hands snake their way around your waist and your back being pressed against his chest. You feel short kisses going up and down your neck and the ticklish feeling of his lips on your skin makes you let out a small laugh. While you're giggling you feel him smile against your neck which makes you turn around to face him, smiling. You look him in the eyes and take in just how tired he looks. You're both enjoying this silent peaceful moment of holding each other chest to chest when you take one of your hands that was wrapped around his torso and bring it up to his face where you trace your thumb over his cheekbone. He groans and leans into your touch and you use your other hand to lead him to the bed and set him there. He's now half asleep laying on the bed still fully dressed in his work clothes and the sight makes you hold in a laugh. Just as you're about to turn off the lights and go back to the kitchen to finish up your work he grabs your wrist and you let out a squeak when he pulls you down into bed and holds you tightly against his chest. You hear his tired deep voice rasp out a quiet “sleep well princess”. His deep voice makes your cheeks warm up as you do your best to hide it. You think he didn't notice this but he felt the way your face warmed up against his chest but fortunately for you, he's too tired to tease you about it so for now he will just pull you closer to his heart. He tucks your head under his chin while one of his hands is tracing lines up and down your back and the other arm is under your waist holding you close. Soothing nights like these with you, he will cherish till the end of time. His last thought before he dozes off is of you and how much overflowing love you both have for each other.
a/n: IM FOAMING AT THE MOUTH I WANT BONTEN RINDOU SO BAD, also thank you for the support on my hanma and ran fics i really appreciate it and im glad yall enjoyed <3333
Content Warnings: MDNI! Dom!Rindou x SubFem!Reader, drinking and driving Fingering and driving ✓, small amount of degrading and praise, overstimulation, and unsafe driving ig

currently only thinking about rindou fingering you while hes driving <3
one hand would be gripping your thigh, digging his nails into your skin hard enough to leave crescent marks and the other would be latched onto the wheel tightly as he slowly works his fingers toward your soaked panties, briefly brushing them against the growing sticky circle in the middle.
He’d stare at you, eyes hazy and clouded with lust, letting out a breathy raspy laugh when you spread your legs wider for him.
“Fuckin’ slut” he laughs at you, causing your face to flush as you hold back a whimper.
his pace would go from really slow and tender to deep and fast, hitting all the right places. your little whines and moans would turn him on so bad. he would contemplate pulling over and fucking you in the drivers seat, but he would somehow keep his cool. he doesn’t stop until your pussy is a soaked mess, making the leather seats and his fingers covered in cum
“such a good girl, I bet this pussy was callin’ for me all day.” he sighs contently, continuing to rub circles against your clit, causing you to tremble and jolt through overstimulation. Hot and bothered you pleaded, “p-please rin”. He turned his focus to your eyes and after a moment, he pulled his hand away and sighed. “We’ll just have to wait to get home so you can satisfy me” he held your gaze before sending you a wink and stepping on the gas.
a/n: please take this as an apology for dissapearing for a few months :(( im sorry, genuinley, i was struggling with a lot and now i got school but ill still try and write, and ill try to upload a few times a week! and for "perfect storm" Chapter 2 is coming soon! this time i mean it!! luv u all <3- honey
do i have permission to write a fic about playboy baji!! absolutely inspired + in love with your idea (☆□☆) !!
Tokyo Revengers Men + Romance Tropes
Pairing: Mikey, Draken, Shinichiro, Kazutora, Baji x Fem!Reader
Tags: fluff, reunion, kissing, fake/pretend relationship, catching feelings, flirting, confession, protectiveness
A/N: Once again applying some of my favorite tropes to these characters.

Avoids you so much at first. He likes you a lot, and knows you don't belong in the world of fighting, blood and violence that he's involved him. The last thing he wants is to see you get hurt because he was selfish in his need to be with you. But you can't stay away, the two of you feel a magnetic pull towards each other. Unable to stop you from following him around he vows to be the most supportive and caring man you'll ever meet.
Only with you to get his friends off his back cause they're trying to set him up with so many people. You're one of the few he can stand. It's nice when he kisses you, it's nice when he waits for you to walk together, even if it's complete silence, it's nice when you eat lunch together because he feels like there's some kind of quality time quota he needs to fill. He never thought he would look forward to seeing you as much as he did, every day after class.
The two of you haven't seen each other for years after high school. He knows you still remember him as the tough, scary delinquent but he's not that person anymore, he has people to protect, lead and inspire now. You can be one of those people too if you give him a second chance. Regardless he's always happy to see your face when you walk by, he always blushes when you start smalltalk with him, and practically jumps in joy when you ask him on a date.
Has so much overprotective and possessive energy when you're together that no one dares to approach you. His hand is always on your lower back or your hip, not holding your hand, he feels much more in control of the situation that way. Any man who gets flirty with you will have to be ready to throw down with him, especially if they get into your personal space a bit too much for comfort. He is the only one who can do that.
Heads turn towards him where ever he goes, he has that effect on people but the only eyes he wants on him are yours, just like he only sees you. Didn't start out as a serious relationship, merely a way to relieve stress for the both of you. Over the course of it you noticed he started to spend a lot more time with you as opposed to the other women he would be with. Wanting to make you feel special he started staying over, no sex needed, just your company.
tw: multiple characters x reader, reader pov, exhausted, (if you guys find more please tell).
┊⠀⠀┊⠀❀⠀⠀┊⠀┊⠀ ⠀⠀ ┊⠀⠀┊⠀┊⠀✿
Exhaustion filled my body from head to toe. My eyelids felt heavy 'Maybe I'll just close my eyes for a few moments, that wouldn't mind, I can get back to studying after some minutes.' My head bobbed waking me up. Placing the scattered pens and highlighters, assignments which i worked my butt off, aside. I tried shifting my posture to lay down on the desk and rest when I felt fingertips massage my scalp.
"you know you can sleep on my shoulder right?"
I looked up from the desk to give him a side glance. He had his eyes glued on the laptop screen.
"don't want to disturb" I replied shortly in a muffled voice while laying my head back on the desk.
The voice of my chair screeching against the floor filled my ears. Hands slid between my forehead and the cold metal of the desk and placed my head towards his shoulders. I readjusted to the new position.
"wake me up after 15 minutes." I said while nuzzling my head further onto his shoulders. And dozed off.
"I'll wake you up when I know you've rested well".
"rest well". I felt a chaste kiss on my forehead.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Haikyuu: Shinsuke Kita, Keiji Akaashi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Daichi Sawamura, Asahi Azumane, Hajime Iwaizumi, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Chikara Ennoshita, Suna Rintarou.
JJK: Kento Nanami, Suguru Geto, Toge Inumaki, Yuta Okkotsu, Megumi Fushiguro, Noritoshi Kamo, Mechamaru.
Tokyo Rev: Takashi Mitsuya, Chifuyu Matsuno, Seishu Inui, Hajime Kokonoi, Hanemiya Kazutora, Izana Kurokawa, Atsushi Sendo, Angry, Haitani Rindou, Kakucho, Shinichiro Sano.
(and any of your favourite characters)
a/n : please ignore the grammatical errors :)

Every mikey hairstyle shown in anime😍😍 HE LOOKS SO GOOD!
"Can I dance with your wife?"
Characters: Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani and Sanzu Haruchiyo.
Description: Your in a club, you're dancing on the floor, while your man watches you from afar.
MASTERLIST | Open Requests!
Ran Haitani

"Can I dance with your wife, Ran?"
The man asks approaching Ran, apparently the man is thirsty for death.
"Yeah, dancing with my wife is a good last thing to do." Ran says calmly and Rindou smiles next to him.
"I didn't understand." The man says, stopping smiling, and Ran stands up, taking his gun, and pressing it to the man's chin, who remains motionless.
"Do that, and it's the last thing you ever fucking do, get it now?" Ran says pressing the gun closer to the man's chin.
"Of course I understand." the man says, and Ran smiles.
"No, I don't think you understand, take he it back there!" Ran says and the man screams as he is pulled away.
Ran keeps smiling and turns to one of the men.
"If my wife looks for me, tell her I'll be right back, let's go brother?" Ran tells one of his men and pulls Rindou.
"Another day, another motherfucker." Rindou says sighing and following Ran.
Rindou Haitani

"Can I dance with your wife?
"If that bullet doesn't kill you, you might." Rindou says pointing the gun at the man's head.
"It was just a joke, come on Rindou." The man says raising his hands.
"So talking about my wife is a joke to you?"
"No "
"Her name better never be in your mouth again, you piece of shit, or I'll kill you." Rindou says pushing the man who runs away.
"Damn brother that was badass." Ran says laughing.
"Do not bother me" Rindou says looking back at his dancing wife."
Sanzu Haruchiyo

"I guess I misunderstood what you said." Sanzu says scratching his head with the gun.
Yep, this guy picked the wrong guy to play with.
"I said-" Before the man could repeat himself, Sanzu fired a shot near the man's feet.
"Finish the fucking sentence, I dare you."
"What the hell Sanzu, he was just kidding." One of the man's friends says laughing at Sanzu, who smiles devilishly.
"My turn to play then." Sanzu says pointing the gun at the man's head and pulling the trigger
"I think I won." He says laughing, seeing people running and the man on the floor.
"Fuck Sanzu." Y/n is far away but is sure the reason for the confusion is her husband.
The Haitani brothers observe the scene from afar.
"What is that manic son of a bitch doing?" Ran says sighing.
"Doing things a Sanzu would do." Rindou says.
Something different | Manjiro Sano
Sumarry: Mikey from the future returns the last night he saw his beloved Y/n, but ends up encountering his past self.
A/n: Before y'all say something like "Oh, there's no way your past and future selves can talk to each other" In my head, yes, and that made perfect sense to me lol.
I found this beautiful art on Pinterest

"Fuck!" Mikey says as soon as Y/n slams the door in his face.
"You know what, I don't give a shit." He says turning around going to his motorcycle.
"Wow, I've always been a good liar." A voice says, making Mikey startle when he sees a figure leaning against the tree.
"Who are you? Why were you spying on us you weirdo?" He says approaching.
"I am you." The figure says getting a little closer, and Mikey looks at it doubtfully.
The figure really looked like him, but damn, what a horrible and sad look is that?
"Haha no way." Mikey says laughing a little, but the figure remains serious.
"That's the last time we'll see her." Mikey's eyes widen upon hearing this.
"Are you fucking threatening her? I'm going to kill you!" Mikey says ready to start a fight.
"Don't worry, I love her as much as you, at least…I did."
"Fuck, that's not even possible, stop lying and say who you are!"
"I said I'm you, I just wanted to come back here, to see her one last time, again." Mikey says looking at Y/n's house with a smile.
"If that's really true what do you mean by loved? I'm not dead am I? You look a lot older than me."
"You don't." He says and looks at Y/n's house making Mikey's heart stop.
"But... She's so young and... she's trying so hard to go to college, what do you mean?" Mikey says feeling a lump in his throat.
"It turns out that we don't have control of everything." He says smiling a little, and Mikey feels his eyes sting.
Mikey didn't know what to think, if that was really true... his dear Y/n... dead?
"We messed up, right? That's why she's so mad, I remember" Future Mikey lets out a humorless laugh.
"If I could do it all over again, I would go back there right now and hug her with all my might, tell her I love her more than anything, and that I would give up everything for her, you should do this, will be the last time." Future Mikey keeps talking with teary eyes.
"No, i'm not you, I'm going to do it differently... I..." Mikey says and goes back to Y/n's door slamming it hard.
"Open the Y/n door, come on!"
Mikey had no idea if that was true, but he couldn't risk it, couldn't risk losing the light of his life.
"You're lucky my parents aren't-" Before she can finish, Mikey hugs her tightly, crying into her neck.
"Please forgive me, damn I love you so much, I can not lose you, I can't."
"Because now?" Y/n says running a hand through Mikey's hair.
"Because if it's later it might be too late." he says with his eyes closed.
And he hopes that this attitude has changed the tragic future, he hopes from the bottom of his heart that it will keep his Y/n safe.
I have a great idea in my mind.
"You better die after me"
Characters: Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani and Sanzu Haruchiyo.
MASTERLIST | Open Requests!
Ran Haitani

"You better die after me" Ran says suddenly, watching Y/n make their lunch.
"What are you talking about silly?" Y/n says laughing.
"I know I'm kind of stupid sometimes-"
"Sometimes?" Y/n interrupts Ran, causing him to snort, and pull her onto her lap.
"I need you to know I mean it when I say I'm not going to live a life without you in it." Ran says kissing Y/n's cheek.
"Rindou wouldn't like to hear that."
"Oh come on, you know he likes you more than me." Ran says making Y/n laugh.
He watches her smile with hearts in her eyes.
"Please let me die first."
"Alright, stop saying those things Ran!
Rindou Haitani

"Woman!" Rindou says entering their shared room.
"What was Haitani Two?" Y/n responds without looking at her husband, still making the bed.
"You better-" He stopped as soon as he understood what she had said. "What did you call me?"
"Haitani two" Y/n says smiling innocently at husband.
"For the sake of our marriage, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."
"Right, and why did you look so angry?"
"Oh right...You better die after me!"
"Than you -" Rindou interrupts his wife holding her face and kissing her nose.
"I couldn't bear to see you go, so obey my order, and don't die before me!" Before his wife can answer, Rindou kisses her mouth.
Sanzu Haruchiyo

"Where is your lady, Sanzu?" Ran asks teasing Sanzu.
Yes, he knows that the best way to tease this maniac is by talking about his lady.
"She's home, safe at home." Sanzu responds without looking at Ran.
"How are you so sure she's safe?" Rindou says, making Sanzu look at him.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Sanzu gets up, facing Rindou.
"Calm down Sanzu, they're just being idiots." Kakucho says rolling his eyes.
The Haitani brothers laugh and go back to talking normally, but Sanzu can't stop thinking about what Rindou said.
He steps away from the group and, with trembling hands, dials his number, which he has memorized.
"Come on, fuck, pick up, please." he says as he hears it call three times.
"Hi love"
Sanzu closes his eyes relieved to hear his girlfriend's voice.
"Damn it, for the good of society You better die after me."
Thank you to everyone who participated, just wait for it...
I have a great idea in my mind.
I wanna see this as a story, yandere styled or not.
Here’s an idea:
A person (the reader/y/n) an artsy person, having drawn/painted her boys (the bonten members) and hung it up on their wall.
It’s a split type art (with one side it’s their younger self and the other their older/bonten self)
One day they wake up to just discover that their living room (or bedroom since that’s where the paintings/drawings are at) is holding the Bonten crew.
And the reader is like: ‘omg omg oh my gosh, what the heck my guy?!’
While the gang is wondering: what is going on, what happened, why they’re here, and how they got there.
After a VERY confusing and borderline dangerous clear up on what’s happened (the reader explaining that they’re a story/show they watched and that they are no longer in their “world” but the readers) they try to get hooked/synced into their new life they’ve been stuck in.
Later to find out that reader is a little artsy freak who’s got them hanging on their wall, next thing you know Ran is being a tease on the matter, and the cast is just like: wth O.o.
How the story would end I have no idea lol maybe they settle Into their new life and reader ends up with one of them 🤔 maybe a little bit of lemon/smut/NSFW content to add to the mix 🧐
Seems like a good story/oneshot to meeeeee😂😍

Draken is the ‘mother’ who has to come over everytime he loses the child. He’ll pop into your place to find Mikey laying on you asleep, he’d pick the little rug rat up apologizing for him before walking away. Not before asking about your day and the next time you wanna hang out lol 😂
I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them!
I’m just here, chilling on the treadmill and it hit me.
Baji definitely is the type to go out to the gym with you, heck, the man probably drops in and drags you out to go work out. 😂