icesteelabyss - Hell's doormat
Hell's doormat

Welcome to Hell, where the icecream machine is only broken on Tuesdays(currently 17)It/Its, Bun/Bunny, Rat and Fox pronouns, NB + Jaspian

376 posts

NGL Funniest Convo I've Ever Had

NGL funniest convo I've ever had

NGL Funniest Convo I've Ever Had

More Posts from Icesteelabyss

11 months ago
Based On That One Meme That Was On Tumblr. Iykyk, And You Deserve A Medal Or Something.

Based on that one meme that was on tumblr. iykyk, and you deserve a medal or something.

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11 months ago
IT IS DONE. THE DIALSONA IS FINISHED. The Dialup Has Gotten To Me.......I Am Now An Object Head Irl.............

IT IS DONE. THE DIALSONA IS FINISHED. The Dialup has gotten to me.......I am now an object head irl.............

I made the object head an AAC device (Augmentative and Alternative Communication device) since I have selective mutism and go through verbal shutdowns, as well as having a completely non-verbal alter. It used to have a type-writer head but once it moved out it finally replaced its head with the head it has now. Its favorite color is pink and there are pink Kandi bracelets it hides under its jacket sleeves. :)

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11 months ago
Some Very Silly Doodles Of My Sona, C

Some very silly doodles of my sona, C

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1 year ago

Saw a thread on Twitter of "gifts to give a person with ADHD and autism" that was full of stereotypical and quite frankly patronizing items, so here's a list of I (autistic individual) want instead as a gift


Fourteen billion dollars

Free coupon to kill somebody with my teeth

Suitcase full of money

Cool looking rock

Scratching post for me to sink my claws into

An albino elephant

The head of Jeff Bezos mounted on my wall

Uncooked rice

A cup full of blood

100k in cash

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