My Face - Tumblr Posts

Hello! I changed my username from @high-class-scribbles to @ahnascribbles! I've been wanting to change it for a while and decided to make a new name for the new year!

Sleepy villager eyes. Extreme dark circles haha!
I was on a video chat and I usually only do my eyes.

Low key really hate how well I think I look here lol.
It me lol.

Just wanted to share this amazing hair day with the internet

Today for HalloWEEK I'm wearing a cosplay roughly based off Uta from Tokyo Ghoul

Party Poison inspired makeup

Val Velocity / reverse revenge-era Frank Iero makeup

I attempted to recreate Remington Leith's makeup, my version came out looking a bit like drag.

I did another makeup recreation, this time of Ash Costello in the "New Years Day - Episode 2" video (aka an old ass video).

Unintentionally Lovecraftian mask makeup

Another mask, this time with fire colors