idk-ju - An art blog I guess
An art blog I guess

54 posts

I've Just Gotta Say I Find It Hilarious That Hoyo Can Not Keep Welts Eye Colour Straight Llike In The

I've just gotta say I find it hilarious that hoyo can not keep welts eye colour straight llike in the manga and in the ga

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More Posts from Idk-ju

6 months ago

You are think about a fanfic in the morning, hoping it will update soon

Later you open up ao3 and check bookmarks, it's updated hooray yes, you click on it click to chapter it doesn't load, waits for it load waits, waits, waits, waits....

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6 months ago

How did old Mondsadt Survive

Like it was surrounded by a constant wind wall blocking out the constant snow storm. How did they get food, a balanced diet, wood, cloth to replace stuff. How did they get basic goods

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6 months ago

Venti is more likely to be Phanes son than istaroths


It is said in venti's drip marketing that he is the prodigal son, the one in christantay that and I quote Kaeya has taken over my life, man — Friendly reminder that Venti is called the... (, this post here.

"The FUCKING prodigal son. Aka the christian parable in which a drunk son runs away from his family, spends all their money and eventually goes back and apologizes and IS TAKEN BACK IN BY THE PARENT."

Now while this isn't enough to disprove istaorth from being venti's parent I would like to point out venti's connection with death. Venti doesn't have connections to only time.

So we know venti has connection to shade as wind and time is both worshiped together. but doesn't have connection to time as he is associated with death as well. So I would like to propose that venti is Pahnes heir. As that would explain death and time connections.

To help build up this theory I would like to look towards the types of artifacts that we get. A feather of death, A flower of life, a goblet of space, a time measuring device and a crown. Which people have theorized to represent Phanes and the shades. With Phanes having authority over these aspects of Teyvat. If venti was the heir it would support him having connections with time and death

Thing to note. Barbatos the Goetia demon is said to when summon appear with Four kings and legions. Interesting. Looks to venti also having Four winds.

Anyways my biggest support to the theory that phanes is ventis parent is the elements that Anemo has reactions with and what is associated with them.

Hydro as we know has a strong association with life, with the primordial see, plus the healers.

Pyro seems to have a decent amount of death connected with them.

And elctro has had Istaroth visiting the nation of Inazuma twice, plus with a general theme of eternity, and time passing, not passing.

cant say much for cryo right now but what do all these elements have in common is that they can be swirled by ameno. I belive a simalar idea can be applied with venti using death and time. he is simply swirling the elements.

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7 months ago

Hoyo has molded alpacas, goats, the sumeru life form plus others and yet they are still afraid to model cows and horses

forget about all the lore mysteries in genshin, riddle me this: where are the horses. where are the fucking horses.

in mondstadt you can say 'oh Varka took all the horses'– all the horses available in mondstadt? every last horse? okay fine where are the liyue horses, hm? sumeru horses. inazuma horses. fontaine horses. did Varka take every damn horse in teyvat with himself? What army is he marching, my little pony?

Where the fuck are the horses. And if there have never been horses (hypothetically, since Diluc literally rides a horse carriage in manga), then why is there a position for cavalry captain at all?

And on that note, why the fuck is kaeya captain to a nonexistent cavalry? What's his actual job description and why does no one question it?

6 months ago