Genshin Lore - Tumblr Posts
A question for all the Genshin lore nerds:
What is the significance of Alain Guillotin's last name?
Apparently people say that he was named after Joseph Ignace Guillotin, who wanted humane ways to administer the death penalty. But like... That has nothing to do with in-game him??
It's like... Geppetto was right there. If you don't know, Geppetto was the fictional creator of Pinocchio, which would have made a nice parallel with Sandrone, especially if you go the modern renditions of how Geppetto made Pinocchio out of grief for his dead son, just like how Alain did the same thing for Mary-Ann.
So I'm wondering if there was a reason for Alain's surname that outweighed the literary reference
The 4.2 livestream was fucking insane and I'm going to talk about it. SPOILERS FOR GENSHIN IMPACT 4.2 LIVESTREAM FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET!
Okay, so as I already speculated, Focalors is playing pretend. The livestream tells us that when an NPC(?) asks why Furina deceived them.
WHICH IS A GOOD FUCKING QUESTION- what reason does furina have to be a liar? And from what it seems, Neuvillette isn't involved in this "play"
We know Furina will go on trial- Neuvillette seems very upset and recalls something. Could he be recalling more of the prophecy? Could he be recalling something from 500 years ago?? I NEED ANSWERS I AM FUCKINH IMPATIENT.
"You are a devious one, Focalors" - Neuvillette, which is why I stated that it's safe to assume he had no part in Furina's lies- maybe he just played a role in Focalors' drama, but clearly he was not aware.
"Everyone's dead" "...papa what should I do"
WHO THE FUCK IS PAPA? Neuvi are you a dad? However- I don't recognize the voice of the character saying "Papa". Is it Furina? Navia?.....does Neuvi have a dad ?? The more I think about it the more I think Navia is saying it (Taylor's version) /j for all
AND THEN WE GET TO MEETING CHILDE'S MASTER? BRO SHE'S FINE AS FUCK. From her words it smells like she planned out this prophecy or she has a major part in it- especially since we're hopefully meeting her. I hope to fuck she's playable...she is hot. I have so many questions with this live stream, so much lore to get into. I never focused on genshin lore this seriously but because Fontaine is based off of France and I speak french I have an obligated strong interest in this nation's lore.
So what exactly are my thoughts? My theories are that there are three hydro archons, Furina...the oratrice, and Furina. In her gameplay you can see her outfits swap from white to black and vice versa. I think her white clothing is her archon abilities and her archon self present, and her black clothing is her original self- just a girl who has to act as the nation's all knowing God. It sounds weird for the oratrice to be an "Archon", but hear me out.
The oratrice probably holds some of the archon's power or consciousness, which is why trials need to happen in order for it to gain power. It has a mind of it's own, how? Is the gnosis there? In my mind, 1/3 of the hydro archon is there.
Another reason to why I think there are 3 archons is because at Lynette's lvl up material's boss, the robots dancing: There are 3 thrones that the archon would sit on. Why 3 specifically? RAHH I HOPE WE GET ANSWERS DURING THESE ARCHON QUESTS I NEED TO KNOW THIS SHIT!! ALSO! I will be pulling for c6 Furina on NA servers :) So I will def. post for that! And when I play the archon quest, hopefully that'll get me to write and draw. I need given the LORE!
i might be crazy but listen, what if venti is at least slightly aware of rukkhadevatas existence? like yea she was erased but venti, a wind sprite who had taken human form, literal embodiment of anemo (this connection has seemingly given him some sort of close relationships with that of time (from the bunch of lore surrounding him and a forgotten god of time), memories (his character quest), and music (not to mention his music as a bard is to detail epics and stories of adventurers and their accomplishments)) could v likely at least acknowledge that something is missing.
in conclusion, im sure venti is aware that smth happened because of his affinity to anemo/wind. he prob doesnt know her exact name but can tell that there has been some kind of altercation.
or hey au where venti ACTUALLY remembers and gets sad because once he sees no one remembers her, he is now forced to remember another lost forgotten friend.
Does Baizhu own the Pearl Galley?
It's just a little theory someone dropped somwhere and I swam by and got hooked on it. Here are my clues that speak for it. Take it with a grain of salt, alright?
The boss of the pearl Galley is called 'Rouran' wich in old mongolian language ( and the only translation I found for this word) means "slithering worm" -> he isn't a worm but everything about him screams a slithering reptile.
extra: the snake looking closest to his character design is a tree python wich are known to have a tail that looks like a worm to trick their prey into coming closer.
The lady on the pearlboat tells us that the boss is frail as a flower and talks about. Not beautiful or good smelling like one but frail. The only person in Liyue we know so far who is known for their contituition is Baizhu. She also talks about a him instead of them.
He's has something shady about him and something in me just wants to believe that he's that kind, gentle doctor at day and a pimp at night. It just sounds too scandalous!
Extra: Changsheng owns the Bubu Pharmacy (diurnal eyes) and Baizhu owns the Pearl Galley (nocturnal eyes) wich drains even more energy from him.
Mona, Albedo, and Wanderer: Truth-Seekers & Defiers of Fate
Cross-posting from HoYoLAB.
What do an alchemist, an astrologist, and a wanderer have in common?

A lot, as it turns out, in terms of design, literary themes, and lore implications.
Allow me to connect seemingly unrelated dots between these three characters. Perhaps by the end of this you too will be eagerly anticipating an event or quest that features all three some day.
Albedo is a genius alchemist, working for the Knights of Favonius as Mondstadt's Chief Alchemist. His knowledge in alchemy goes beyond what even the Sumeru Akademiya possesses, the Art of Khemia from Khaenri'ah.
Mona is a genius astrologist and one of the few practitioners of Hydromancy. Her reputation as an astrologer led to her being asked to take on the All Things Astrological column in Fontaine's newsletter, The Steambird. Her work is revered in the Rtawahist Darshan at the Sumeru Akademiya.
Wanderer, known as ‘Hat Guy’ among the students of the Vahumana Darshan, has become an ad-hoc student of theirs after his papers refuting the popular academic theories surrounding the Tartarsuna incident became popular. He later wrote pieces about Inazuman politics that garnered acclaim. Apparently having a knack for academia, he’s been invited to Vahumana lectures and was able to serve as its representative in the Akademiya Showdown.
Appreciators of the Arts
Albedo is an artist, who has illustrated A Legend of Sword books under the pseudonym Calx and was invited to Inazuma during the Irodori Festival held after the nation opened its borders to illustrate the Five Kasen paintings.
Mona enjoys singing and does so while stargazing. During the 2.8 Summertime Odyssey event, she accepts Xinyan's offer to give her voice lessons.
During his time as Kabukimono living at the Mikage Furnace, he learned how to sword dance and would perform alongside the other blacksmiths. His talents and their excerpts, constellation, and namecard reference theater and poetry, which may indicate his interest in those arts.
The Sun, Moon, and Stars
The Geo construct Albedo creates is called the Solar Isotoma, and his 3rd Constellation is titled "Grace of Helios".
Albedo's namecard is titled "Sun Blossom".
Albedo's splash art and Solar Isotoma design features flower and sun-like imagery.

The name, Mona, means "Moon" in Old English.
Her redesigned outfit is titled "Pact of Stars and Moon" and features crescent moon pendants on her hat and leg.
The eight-pointed star on the pendants has likely influence from the Star of Ishtar, the inspiration for Teyvat's Istaroth, who may have some connection to the three moon sisters.
Her 2nd constellation is titled "Lunar Chain".
Mona's namecard is titled "Starry Sky".
Naturally, as an astrologist, she also has countless star-related symbolism which are fairly obvious.

Two of Wanderer's constellations have moon-related names. His 2nd constellation is "Niban: Moonlit Isle Amidst White Waves" and his 3rd constellation is "Sanban: Moonflower Kusemai".
Interestingly, Wanderer's splash art is different from most other Anemo characters in that the elements surrounding him are more black and navy than turquoise, and features a galaxy and star design.

What defines a human?
Albedo and Scaramouche are both artificial beings, homunculus and puppet respectively.
Albedo was created by his mother, Rhinedottir, using an ancient technique from Khaenri'ah called Khemia. He was part of her Primordial Human project and was the last of her (known) creations, considered her magnum opus. The only evidence of his being a creation is the pontil mark she left on the front of his throat, his one "imperfection" that makes him human. Rhinedottir considers him her son and only child left.
Wanderer was created by his mother, Ei, using an ancient technique now lost. It's implied Irminsul was used in his creation. He was the prototype puppet made for the purpose of storing the Electro Gnosis, but was deemed too weak when he cried while storing it and was thus left to sleep in Shakkei Pavilion with only a plume to signify his connection to the Shogun. He bears the Electro symbol on the back of his neck, the complement to Ei's.
It's unknown whether Albedo is immortal or ages differently than humans, while Wanderer has lived for nearly 500 years, created just after Makoto's death during the Cataclysm. He has always appeared as a beautiful young man, never aging.
In Mona's voicelines about other characters, she almost always references their constellations and interprets parts of their fate from them. The only exception is her voiceline about Albedo. It's speculated that the reason Mona doesn't comment on it is that she's aware of him being a homunculus and purposefully does not reveal his secret.
In the same vein, when Mona first meets Scaramouche during Unreconciled Stars, she is immediately able to see through his facade and tell that he is both a Fatui Harbinger and that he had killing intent towards the Traveler. After Mona teleports the group away, Scaramouche himself wonders if she was able to figure out his true identity—which, during 1.1, players take to mean him being a Harbinger. Looking back, it's likely he meant him being a puppet with powers close to Archon level.
Albedo and Wanderer both represent questions about what makes one human, on both a physical and spiritual level.
"The difference between synthetic and natural life lies in the directional flow of the life force. The energy of a natural life form flows out from within. That's why flower buds bloom and curled leaves unfold. It is the very reason we watch in wonder at blossoming flowers. Creating life artificially, on the other hand, involves — to a certain extent — the introduction of an external source of energy into the embryonic life form. When the hole where the life force was infused is sealed at the end, it leaves a mark not dissimilar to the pontil mark in blown glass wares. The alchemical substance drips and spreads out in all directions, resulting in this rather ingenious diamond shape. This mark is a sign of my artificial origins, and proof of my imperfection as a human."
Albedo, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Act II: The Shadow Deepens
"But Subject Two wanted to become a perfected human. So, he erased the mark on both his and Subject Three's necks, for these marks were a symbol of imperfection... He so desperately craved to become a perfect human being that he forgot something: Human beings are defined by their flaws."
Albedo, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Act III: A Secret Born From Ashes
"As beings who set foot in this world, how arrogant are we in desiring to control our destiny, and in desiring to create?"
Albedo, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Act III: A Secret Born From Ashes
Wanderer: In your eyes, are there any differences between humans and puppets? Nahida: Do you think there are any differences between your present self and your previous and future incarnations? If not, then what are the differences between humans and puppets? Whoever has tasted the joys and sorrows of life in the human realm is human. Whoever has loved and lost, cried with grief, howled with rage at the tragedy of death that eclipses the miracle of life... they are human, too. Wanderer: I've always believed that human lives follow a set of rules, with each person being a collection of past experiences. As a puppet living in the human world, my life is subject to the same rules. I've lived with a void in my chest my whole life. My creator didn't need me, and ever since I awoke, I've just drifted from one place to the next. But then I met you, and I finally realized that reclaiming my missing sins might be my one opportunity to become my true self. I've always felt I have an innate tendency to yearn for something more, in a way that goes deeper than for most people... But for all my soul-searching as a shugenja, I've never fully understood it. Looking at it now, it seems that I brought this curse upon myself. So I beg you... grant me this opportunity to gain a purpose. To change my destiny and end my wandering.
Wanderer and Nahida, Interlude Chapter: Act III: Inversion of Genesis - The Kabukimono's Finale
Nahida: To be human is to live with imperfections. You can choose whether or not you want to be human. Wanderer: ...But humans can't live without a heart, can they? Anyway, I gave up trying to become a human a long time ago. Nahida: You understand what pain is perfectly well, even without a heart. You're just burying your feelings. The past is set in stone, but you can keep moving on. And the longer your future lasts, the shorter your past will become, until one day it is but a tiny fraction of your life.
Wanderer and Nahida, Interlude Chapter: Act III: Inversion of Genesis - As Though Morning Dew
We can see the similar themes of questioning what it means to be human, of recognizing and accepting imperfections as a part of their humanity for Albedo and Scaramouche.
How does Mona tie into all this? She isn't an artificial being. (As far as we know.)
Mona's Character Story 5 talks about similar themes, namely human hearts and the laws that (supposedly) govern them.
During her apprenticeship, Mona found that the subtle abstractions of her master's teachings could explain the laws that governed the existence of all things. Human hearts were guided by these laws, and if one had great enough powers of calculation, all the mysteries of the world could be understood. Mona once believed this to be true. But when she had to strike out on her own and live day-to-day, she found herself doubting. Not everyone lived wealthy and comfortable lives. Some neither had food nor warm clothes, living no differently from beggars. And it was just such an adventurer who, when meeting Mona while she was out looking for fruits and vegetables to fill her stomach, shared half their food with her. "Out here, we've gotta have each other's backs." This was not something inscribed on these so-called principles of the world. And many other such things she encountered on her journey — the honesty of a thief, a robber's change of heart, a coward's courage, the good deeds of a wicked person... Mona began to have some doubts, but she also felt like she finally had her feet on solid ground. When she was again alone with her thoughts under the stars, she marveled that her research had been so full of holes. Perhaps she would have to continue researching the world's principles for the rest of her life.
We see these same questions brought up by Wanderer at the start of his journey of repentance.
This story of the adventurer she meets is the same one that Mona references during her mirage in the Summer Odyssey event. She divined that if he continued adventuring, he would meet his death within two years. Despite this, the adventurer continued on. Mona believes him to be dead now, since fate is immutable and that encounter was over three years ago.
It's speculated that this adventurer is none other than Joserf, who gets lost on Dragonspine and does indeed meet his death. Except that during the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms events, Albedo uses a whopperflower to bring new life to "Joserf" and reunite "him" with his son, Joel.
In doing so, is Albedo rewriting fate?
Irminsul, Fate, and the Truth of the World
We know that Irminsul is tied to the fate and truth of Teyvat, and all three characters have ties to these themes.
Mona and Albedo are both apprentices/inheritors of knowledge of Hexenzirkel members: Barbeloth and Rhinedottir. The Hexenzirkel is known to embark on Irminsul explorations (which Albedo accompanied Gold on) and at least two members, Alice and Nicole, are implied to be immune or able to know when Irminsul tampering occurs.
Mona and Albedo share a common goal: to uncover the truth of this world. Albedo was tasked with this by Rhinedottir before her abrupt disappearance after discovering the Heart of Naberius, while it's currently unknown if Mona inherited this goal from Barbeloth or if it's her own.
Both are foreshadowed to incur a dark fate in their pursuit of the truth. In Mona's Collected Miscellany, Dainsleif says, "But beware, O young seeker. You must sacrifice your all to unravel the world's secrets," while Albedo is foreshadowed to lose control of his power or be susceptible to corruption and endanger Mondstadt.
As a student of the Vahumana Darshan, Wanderer studies the truth of history.
During his time as a Fatui Harbinger, Scaramouche was sent on missions to the Abyss by the Fatui, implied to be because of his ability to withstand and recovering from damage/attacks. We know that truly ancient Irminsul is located in the Abyss.
He is implied to be created from Irminsul and can navigate the memories stored within, as seen in Inversion of Genesis.
He tried to rewrite the past/fate by erasing himself from Irminsul but learns that fate cannot be changed. This is a line we hear often in game from none other that Astrologist Mona Megistus.
In the confrontation between Dottore and Nahida in the Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises, we learn that Irminsul hides the secret "truth" that "the sky and stars of Teyvat are fake".
This corroborates what Scaramouche said in Unreconciled Stars: that the stars, the sky are all a gigantic hoax. A lie.
Mona also corroborates what Scaramouche revealed: she said she was taught to talk about the false sky in her readings.
This means both the Fatui and the Hexenzirkel are aware of the false sky.
In Conclusion
Coincidentally (or perhaps not) all three were sent to Mondstadt.
Albedo was instructed by Rhinedottir to seek out Alice in Mondstadt and take up residence there.
Mona ends up in Mondstadt after being sent to retrieve something of Barbeloth's from Alice's successor (Klee) and when she accidentally reads her 50 year old diary, she feels forced to hide in the city lest she incur her master's wrath.
Scaramouche was chosen by Pierro to investigate the meteorites in Unreconciled Stars, and he speculates that the Jester not only knew what he would discover about the false sky, but that he wanted to frighten him with this information.
I believe all of this is building up the three of them meeting, whether as allies or rivals, in connection with the false sky/truth of the world plot. I feel there are too many connections between them for it not to be intentional.
Or it's all copium!
Additional tidbits that didn't fit in with the rest.
According to Mona and Klee's voicelines, Albedo and Mona are friends/colleagues and meet regularly for meals and to play with Klee.
In the Irodori Festival, Albedo paints Kuronushi of the Five Kasen based on Scaramouche's likeness, which was only revealed when Hydro was applied to the canvas. Similar to the concept of Hydromany, which divines truth in the reflection of water.
The forging technique passed down from the Raiden Shogun to the Raiden Gokaden incorporates astrology into its process.
Barbeloth, Mona's master, likes hats and helps pick them out for people. (Like Klee, and maybe Mona as well.) She would probably appreciate Wanderer's taste in hats.
about the three betrayals
None of the betrayals independently made Scara who he became, it was an evolution of things. None of these independently pushed Scara into making bad choices, and it feels a bit that fans either push the blame on Ei’s negligence or Dottore’s manipulation, as if either of these two had set the path for Scara on their own, while at the same time interpreting the third betrayal as a misunderstanding or an exaggeration (because what fault would a child have in his own death?) but it misses the point of the betrayals as a whole.
The ideas of inferiority influenced by being abandoned might have formed early, but they didn’t meaningfully influence Scara’s existence while he lived in Tatarasuna. Ei left him the golden feather so that if he wanted to, he could contact her, his creator, but he never did until Tatarasuna was in danger. He had no need to investigate the reason of his existence, so he never sought an audience with the shogun until it was necessary and only as a last resort (other villagers had tried to leave the island to ask for help already).
Niwa’s false betrayal didn’t make him snap either, he left the village to never return, but he immediately formed a new bond with another human. Being harmed by another person, especially one that Scara was made to believe had done intentionally, did not make him lose hope in humanity. Seeing his compassion and kindness for the child, it also didn’t turn him cynical or resentful.
Both of these things affected him very deeply, he longed for a heart to truly be a human and he only formed this new bond with a human he considered equal. But they did not shape who he became alone. It was the third betrayal, hence why the three of them are important to understand him.
It’s not that the child dying was a betrayal of its own, Scara didn’t even resent him, he even goes back to visit his grave. It’s the fact that even when humans don’t purposefully cause him pain, they still will hurt him. Any and all potential connection to the world he forges will eventually be severed by death. And this natural course of life is not available for him, he doesn’t belong to this world, doesn’t have a place in it.
If you remove the first or the second betrayal, which are largely seen as something that was done to him with intent, the third betrayal still stands. All three of them shaped him, not just the ones where he was hurt intentionally. And that’s the point, that he can’t escape the suffering of his existence.
The first betrayal was never what he assumed it to be, Ei didn’t abandon him for “being flawed”, she did it to not impose a will on him. She had her reasons for this, since she herself viewed herself as a tool with a purpose and understood right away the conflict of Scara’s nature (“he’s fragile both as a human or as a tool”). It was a decision influenced by her own world view and reasoning, and it had tangible consequences.
The second betrayal was a lie, Niwa didn’t betray him at all. Dottore deceived him, but Dottore doesn’t consider himself a human, he sees all living beings as test subjects, none of what he did was strictly personal to Scara. No human chose to harm him, that’s the explanation behind this betrayal, and it had tangible consequences.
The third betrayal revealed the nature of his own existence to him, there was no intentions behind it and it still had tangible consequences.
This is central belief in Buddhism, which Scara’s character is built around. Suffering exists in the world as a fact, it cannot be escaped, and this suffering exists in a chain of cause and consequence: Karma. All actions are preceded and followed in this chain by other actions, and trying to look for the original cause of pain is meaningless. So pain must be dealt with in other ways. Basically the “nothing matters” meme with a thumbs up.
Karma is also the impulse behind the action, not the action itself. So all actions are deliberately made by individuals who decided to act on that impulse. The mistakes and bad choices Scara made after these betrayals are his own to reflect on, they can’t be blamed in whoever participated in the making of that karma, but it is understood that they exist in a chain of events that triggered each other.

The fact that you were correct. RIP Cassiodor he was a real one
the previous post has been sponsored by the Furball Fortress of Mondstadt, and also this line from Fischl reminding us that a cat is going to show us around Remuria starting tomorrow

At this point im convinced that teyvat is just a fever dream Alice created out of boredom
when I played Caribert, I was pretty disappointed about the lack of impact Dain seemed to have on Kaeya, honestly. during Kaeya's hangout, he didn't mention the weird cryptic blond dude who just dropped family lore once, which I thought would have been pretty important?
but in truth, I think Dain actually had a HUGE impact on Kaeya.
we can all know that from Kaeya's personal lore and former events that Kaeya had very conflicted feelings over his duty to Khaenri'ah and his love for Mondstadt, even with his estranged relationship with Diluc (which now seems partly fixed?), but in the performance route of Kaeya's hangout, Kaeya makes his choice.
The story of Prince Qubad is a very, very thinly veiled metaphor for Khaenri'ah all throughout, and then we finally get to the end scene of the play:
Kaeya: When I departed my beloved home to fight in a foreign land, I did so to honor his (my father's) wishes and for my duty to our people. Kaeya: alas, is this fate's grand design… that I should spend the rest of my days in a foreign land, till I am laid to rest in a grave far from home? K: Must it be so…? K: my dear audience, I ask you this: do you believe in fate? if fate decreed that your life was to end in tragedy, what would you do? Traveler: I would challenge my fate, and rise above it. / I would bravely face my fate. K: then so must it be! I shall discard this intaglio, and rid myself of the shackles of fate. G: my dear prince, do you intend to betray your father, and abandon your heritage? K: fate means to send the machinations of war to every corner of the land, to fan the flames of conflict til they engulf the entire world…
K: fate would see my sword tainted with the blood of innocents, that the bright banner of my homeland might fly in every nation known to mankind. K: but I shall not bow to the will of fate. I am no pawn in heaven's plan. K: I, Kaeya Qubad, will spend the rest of my days in a foreign land, til I breathe my last in a place far from home. K: but I must walk this path, or freedom dies by my hand. goodbye, my tribe and kin. farewell, sweet land of my birth.
after a lifetime of questioning his role, Kaeya makes his choice for Mondstadt. and I think this happening after meeting Dain isn't a coincidence. (and no, not in a soulmate way or shipping way- this is Kaeya's moment of choice, not infatuation.)
after not only learning the history of his origins, Kaeya meets a Khaenri'ahn who... doesn't want to return Khaenri'ah to its glory days? who is more focused on helping others and minimizing damage than causing more for his own gain? who chose his path and has not budged since, even through loss?
Kaeya gets to see someone who is so Khaenri'ahn, so human at his core, someone who cares not for the fate and tragedy of their nation. Kaeya gets to meet someone from his homeland who tells him to leave it all behind, who tells him he should take the chance he has been given at his own life; who actively discourages the idea of Kaeya being a fated "prince" or being indebted to Khaenri'ah.
even though he never said it, I think meeting Dainsleif helped Kaeya choose his own path, which is all Dain ever truly asked of him, anyway.
good for Kaeya.
(i understand that i used "ship" tags but those are more for visibility and duo name than anything else. idm if you ship them, i just request that your tags do not turn my analysis post into a ship post, pls! :)
Fischl lore slideshow complete! I tried to organize everything in a way that makes sense... You might have to click for quality to read some of the smaller stuff. (also warning this is a longgg post)

If you read all the way to the end of this, thank you so much! I'd love to hear any theories anyone else has about why and how Fischl is Like That™
Who is this??? Help?

Been thinking about the hexenzirkel cutscene latley and this one little thing bothers me, at 13 secounds into the cutscene barbatos says

Then righ after that Alice says

To me it almost souns lkpike the hexenzirkel is avoiding something, it just feels fishy to me. The reason as to why they would only converge in those places, plus this diolouge feels disjointed and i belive that is for a reason, something did happen at the encounter, just because you never lie doesn't mean you dont puporsely leave out information
Interesting things to note about the nameless bard
Spoilers for the 4.8 event lore
Been thinking about how because Simulanka's Druin had the same name as teyvat's Druin they were tied to the same fate. Implying that names carry fate. If we then look over to the nameless bard, who is explicitly stated to be nameless, so here is the question does the nameless bard not have a fate?
Venti is more likely to be Phanes son than istaroths
It is said in venti's drip marketing that he is the prodigal son, the one in christantay that and I quote Kaeya has taken over my life, man — Friendly reminder that Venti is called the... (, this post here.
"The FUCKING prodigal son. Aka the christian parable in which a drunk son runs away from his family, spends all their money and eventually goes back and apologizes and IS TAKEN BACK IN BY THE PARENT."
Now while this isn't enough to disprove istaorth from being venti's parent I would like to point out venti's connection with death. Venti doesn't have connections to only time.
So we know venti has connection to shade as wind and time is both worshiped together. but doesn't have connection to time as he is associated with death as well. So I would like to propose that venti is Pahnes heir. As that would explain death and time connections.
To help build up this theory I would like to look towards the types of artifacts that we get. A feather of death, A flower of life, a goblet of space, a time measuring device and a crown. Which people have theorized to represent Phanes and the shades. With Phanes having authority over these aspects of Teyvat. If venti was the heir it would support him having connections with time and death
Thing to note. Barbatos the Goetia demon is said to when summon appear with Four kings and legions. Interesting. Looks to venti also having Four winds.
Anyways my biggest support to the theory that phanes is ventis parent is the elements that Anemo has reactions with and what is associated with them.
Hydro as we know has a strong association with life, with the primordial see, plus the healers.
Pyro seems to have a decent amount of death connected with them.
And elctro has had Istaroth visiting the nation of Inazuma twice, plus with a general theme of eternity, and time passing, not passing.
cant say much for cryo right now but what do all these elements have in common is that they can be swirled by ameno. I belive a simalar idea can be applied with venti using death and time. he is simply swirling the elements.
Something tells me the hydro gnosis is in the oratrice - that thing is suspicious
We're so coming back to Mondsdadt one way or another.
Venti is the only Archon who only had 1 story quest.
The relation of the wind spirit to times. One of the 4 forgotten gods.
While going through Venti's lines again I stumbled on this.

That third line? Hello??
Stress seems to make him worse at hiding things, not half-ass his poetry, so is this a threat or is it a reference to something that happened 500 years ago?
At this point 'take a shot every time you find something suspicious in the prologue' should be a drinking game.
Now that the Fontaine archon quest is done can we talk about how for a nation of justices that loves trials and the court we…don’t know much about their laws? I know more about Sumeru’s laws and what’ll get you arrested than Fontaine. Like okay “no naming a pet after Furina” sure? “Ketchup most only be a condiment”? Weird but okay like… In Sumeru we have the six sins, no tampering with matters of life and death, no delving beyond the universe things like that. That makes for SUCH interesting stories and character idea, a necromancer hiding from the Akademiya? That’d be SUCH a cool concept (so cool that’s an OC I’ve made) but I’m Fontaine if I want to make a criminal I can just…make them name a pet after Furina? Why is there such a lack of laws in crime in the nation of JUSTICE. I can’t even TALK to most NPCS in Meropide as like a “what did you do?” This is like my one main complaint about the nation as a whole if anyone knows any extra Fontaine specific laws please let me know