ifeellikeameowster - ~Meowster~

🖤Hello everyone! Nice to meet you! 🤍My main fixations are Trolls, TMNT, Pokemon, MLP, DND, Sanders Sides, Homestuck, Doll Collecting and cartoons in general! 💜Meowster/Jess  🖤She/Fae/They 🤍25 💜Ace 🖤 DNI: Racist, Queerphobic, Pedophile, Proship ETC

520 posts

With Great Puns Comes Great Capability Of Messing With Others

With Great Puns Comes Great Capability of Messing with Others

Remus: Hey brother, I MOUSTACHE you a question.

Remus: * his moustache flies off and flies around like a disgusting flesh bat *

Roman: Yeaaahhh, Gross. And the answer is no.

Remus: * catches moustache and applies it back on * But I didn’t even-

Roman: Whatever it is, the answer is no.

Remus:  * getting desperate * I said I must AXE you a question! * pulls out a battle axe and chops it down onto Roman’s head *

Remus: Whoopsy!~ Guess you can’t answer if you’re dead. * shrugs * I’ll just go to Pop Lock and Drop it then.

Later on-

Roman: * walks by Patton with an axe sticking out of his head * Don’t even ask.

Patton: Don't you mean AXE? * giggles * But really, are you okay???

Roman: * groans dramatically and continues on his way *

Remus: * runs into the room after him wielding yet another axe * Big bone daddy! I must AXE-

Patton: Ohhh! * gets it then proceeds to cover his ears * Lalala, not listening!

Remus:  * frowns then exchanges the axe for a letter opener * Need an ear opener, then?

Patton: * still holding his hands over his ears * Lalala! Sorry I only listen to people who don’t use puns for eViL! Lala-

Patton: Wait, did you say ear opener? That’s not what that-

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More Posts from Ifeellikeameowster

5 years ago

I haven’t seen the movie in forever but this is amazing! It’s just so sweet and perfect? And Virgil totally rocks those outfits. Also love that you made Remus’ black stripes thicker while you made Roman’s white stripes thicker. Ahhh such a nice subtle costume design. 

Kats Sanders Sides Beetlejuice AU~
Kats Sanders Sides Beetlejuice AU~
Kats Sanders Sides Beetlejuice AU~
Kats Sanders Sides Beetlejuice AU~
Kats Sanders Sides Beetlejuice AU~
Kats Sanders Sides Beetlejuice AU~
Kats Sanders Sides Beetlejuice AU~
Kats Sanders Sides Beetlejuice AU~
Kats Sanders Sides Beetlejuice AU~
Kats Sanders Sides Beetlejuice AU~

Kat’s Sanders Sides Beetlejuice AU~

And so it is here and it’s come with a twist!! I decided to combine both the movie and the cartoon!

Remus is Evil!Betelgeuse, Roman is Good!Beetlejuice, Logan is Adam Maitland, Patton is Barbara Maitland, Thomas is Juno, Virgil is Lydia Deetz, Emile is Charles Deetz, Remy is Delia Deetz, and (even though I didn’t draw him) Deceit is Otho

The plot is pretty much exactly like the movie except that Roman wants a free ticket out of the Netherworld but he can only do that by at least getting engaged so he tries to get Virgil to agree to it, saying that they never even have to get married

Meanwhile, Logan and Patton are trying to get the Deetz’s out of their house while also dealing with Roman’s evil twin brother, Remus (who later tricks Virgil into agreeing to the free-ticket-out-marriage by disguising himself as Roman)

In the end they defeat Remus and it’s a happy ending for all, and Roman and Virgil are engaged and go on adventures in the Netherworld!

Reblogs Are Welcomed~ <3

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5 years ago

E.V.O.L Prologue - Love is Evol

Chapter Summary: We start our story several years prier to the main events, in a dream unlike any other that came before it. One that would forever shift young Virgil’s dreams from henceforth.

Warnings: Mentions of murder and nightmares.

Pairings: None as of yet. 

Word Count: 1k+

Chapter followed by Author’s Note then Tag List under the read more:

Yeah... yeah... yeah...

Pink lipstick stains, cigarette butts.

I lie in bed, I hate my guts.


Loss of consciousness.

The usual, in perchance to dream.

Except what greeted him instead of the usual cacophony of screaming, screeching, and shrilling was a melodic birdsong.

Chirps, caws and coos surrounded him, enveloping him in a soothing sensation. An unexpected break from the usual night terrors that tended to plague him.

He was in a garden. A massive one, by the looks of it. Or perhaps he himself was tiny. Hard to tell in dreams.

The boy went to take a step forward, only to find himself floundering a bit. A quick glance down confirmed that he did not currently sport his human legs. They were replaced by little bird talons, grasping upon the soft earth. Thus he began hopping back and forth, searching for something to clue him in on just what was happening in this particular peculiar dream.

He knew for sure it was in fact a dream. Unlike most children his age, he had always been more aware of matters of consciousness. It was normally attributed to being surrounded by so many mystical mysteries in his day by day basis. Either way, he was still as curious as a cat like the other kids. So he trudged onwards.

Onwards and upwards. Upwards and onwards. Passing a few bushes, some trees, and several vibrant spring flowers. The only break from all of the plant life would be the occasional shadow of a bird that would pass by overhead. Always slightly too far away to make out any specifics of form or shape. He continued on like that until finally he reached a clearing with a mighty fountain. There were three whole levels of glistening water and angelic adornments, most of which were majestic Swans, that seemed to call his name.

He found himself flying all the way to the top, without ever even thinking about flapping the wings he was previously unaware of. As if it was instinct. Something deeply biological. Or even supernatural. After all, that was the natural for him. Or at least for those around him.

Peering into the crystal clear water reaffirmed his suspicions that he was currently a bird. A Sparrow, if he remembered his Pops’ teachings correctly. Pops had always been the parent most into woodland critters and other such creatures of the sort. And they were as drawn to him as he was to them. Speaking of being entranced…

The boy felt an odd connection to this reflection, despite not being his actual one. Somehow it still seemed to fit him perfectly. Well, as much as a member of an entirely different species could that is. Still, he yearned for far more answers than just that. He turned away from the water’s gleaming surface in order to fully take in his surroundings for the first time.

It was, indeed, a massive garden. Though he was tiny, as most little songbirds tended to be, this was still the largest garden he had ever had the chance thus far to lay his eyes upon.

In his awe of the grandioseness of it all, he had almost missed the shadow of the bird fly over him. Much closer than any of the others had previously been. Almost tangible in its intangibleness. Instinct took over once more, and he took flight in pursuit of it.

 It only takes two lonely people,

To fuck love up and make it evil.

It only takes a drop of evil,

To fuck up two beautiful people.

They weaved through well-trimmed bushes, magnificent stone statues, and picturesque trees. The other bird was always so close and yet too far away at the same time. Would he ever catch up to them? Why did he even want to? What did they mean to him? Why were they weaving in and out of reach so much? Did they even notice him? Did they want to lose him on purpose? Or did he mean absolutely nothing to them?

Nothing. Was he nothing?

As his questions grew darker and the dread crawled into his heart, so too did the garden twist and distort. Now they dived past thorny bushes, crooked trees, and broken and decrepit statues. He knew with unwavering certainty that he had been led into a terrible part of the garden. A part where secrets were kept and the ugliness of humanity was shoved under a rug. Or underneath the pitch black, coal like soil in this case. 

If he were to dig here, with his small yet ever sharp talons, what would he find? What did he want to find? Did he even want to find anything at all?

Interrupting his downward spiral, the shadow finally turned backwards towards him in mid flight. Their eyes caught and the boy froze in place. Well, as much as a bird could while still remaining safely in the sky.

I look at you, you look at me.

Milk and roses, squeaky clean.

Well, you're the best I've ever seen,

And I'm your dying beauty queen.

It wasn’t a shadow at all. They were a Dove. One so beautiful he would be enchanted by them if it wasn’t for the shadow still hung over their face like a never ending veil. It seemed some of the mystery would always remain. He opened his beak to speak to them, to hopefully finally reach out to them, yet just as quickly as they had the first time they turned away and took off into the wind.

He stayed frozen. Rattled to his very core. He simply just floated there and watched as the Dove flew up into another fountain, this one almost entirely covered in heavily thorned vines and dark green ivy that held the faintest hint of a deep purple amongst its leaves, and perched on the black brimstone Swan statue at the top of it. 

His momentary fear slowly but surely metamorphosed into an unbidden anger as he took in the sight. The rejection. The dodging deceitfulness. The everything. He fluffed up his feathers and rose up in order to dive towards the Dove.

Only to be denied once more as the Dove easily dodged and flew back into the brighter, lovelier part of the garden. The boy cried out in lonely agony but did not let it deter him.

He followed once more, slower this time around. Carrying the weight of something he did not know of quite yet.

When he finally caught up once again, they were now at the largest fountain in the entire garden. At least thrice the size of the two that had come before it. And instead of the usual statue at the top, there was a gigantic swan. A live one. Ever so alive and ever so vibrant. They had soft pink and peach markings and beak replacing the usual oranges and yellows of most Swans. They took one loving glance towards the Dove he had spent so long chasing after before sweeping them up into their wings. Almost like a mother hen seeking to hide her chick from the dangers of the world.

L.O.V.E. L.O.V.E.

L.O.V.E. E.V.O.L.

L.O.V.E., do you love me?

L.O.V.E., love is evil.

Yet he couldn’t help the sneaking suspicion that this swan was a danger to the world. The peaceful aura of them and this entire garden both carried an undertone of unparalleled peril. One that choked him from afar and almost caused him to lose altitude. If he were to fall, he wondered if his body would hit the rocks and his blood would stain the purity of this lighter part of the garden. If that were to happen, perhaps they would shove him aside in the darker part of the garden and bury him under its jet black fountain.

Just as his breaths were shortening and the Swan was beginning to look his way he heard the strange song of a Mockingbird. The song was as soothing as a lullaby and as homely as a bedtime story. He felt three pairs of talons gently clasp onto him but he did nothing to fight them. Nor did he want to. They carried him away from the ever elusive Dove. Away from the overbearingly powerful Swan. Away from that garden and all it’s mysteries entirely.

They were now in a regular old forest. Untrimmed and wild. Perfectly and welcomingly flawed. The three birds landed in a large nest, covered in little trinkets and knick-knacks, obviously home made by the three of them. They placed him lovingly into the center and took a few steps back so that he could better observe his surroundings.

The Mockingbird was the first one he saw, them smiling at him as much as someone with a beak possibly could. Next he saw the other two, an Ibis perched on the thick branch beside them instead due to their somewhat larger size and a Falcon that tilted their head curiously at him. These three birds were strangers. Complete and total strangers to him. Yet he felt as if he had known them almost his entire life.

Then the kind Mockingbird leaned in to nuzzle their beaks together as everything went white.


A slap in the face type regaining of consciousness.

The usual, when one is suddenly awoken in the middle of the night.

“Oh gosh! Sorry kiddo, did I wake you?” A man leaned over him and his bed, a hand outstretched towards the dim lamp. As if he were about to turn it off.

“Pops?” Squeaked the little boy, voice hoarse.

“Ah, sorry!” He whispered, protectively wrapping the child tighter in his warm blankets, “I didn’t mean to wake you, we just heard you cry out and I wanted to make sure you weren’t having one of your nightmares again.”

“I don’t think it was a nightmare...I don’t really know what it was...”

“That’s okay, son. But remember we’re just down the hall if you need anything, okay?”

“Yes, papa.”

The man beamed as the proud father he was and finished his previous task of turning off the lamp. He shuffled softly back out the door, trying not to step on any creaky floorboards as he went. Before he was out the door entirely he leaned back to give one last hushed statement. “Try to get some more sleep. Love you.”

“Love you too.” The little boy whispered back, barely loud enough for his father to catch.

The eight year old wondered again, as he usually tended to, if he was being a burden. Had he disturbed his father’s rest? Had he disturbed the other two’s as well? He let out a resigned sigh and turned over to try and get more comfy. It would be at least a few hours until morning, maybe he could try for a more peaceful and a less eventful dream.

That had been eighteen years ago. And it was just the start of something much bigger than the little boy could have ever imagined. Not even in his wildest, most prophetic dreams. And prophetic they were.

A day in the dark, a murdered afternoon, yeah.

Oh baby, darling, how I'd love to become your suicide blonde.

To lie beside my Romeo, oh what a wicked way to go.

A/N: Hopefully it turned out okay. ^ ^ “” This marks the first official chapter of my first ever fanfic! How exciting yet also terrifying lol. If ya’ll have any questions about it or anything don’t hesitate to ask. Also!!! This fic is now dedicated to @accidental-sanders who has been kind enough to listen to all of my ramblings and musings for this AU and fic. I enjoy our conversations! ; 3

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5 years ago
Made/edited My New Header Myself So Heres A Transparent Cheshire And Virgil For Anyone Who Wants Them.
Made/edited My New Header Myself So Heres A Transparent Cheshire And Virgil For Anyone Who Wants Them.

Made/edited my new header myself so here’s a transparent Cheshire and Virgil for anyone who wants them.

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5 years ago

Okay but I did the opposite of this. Like one time I saw a worm on the sidewalk and I just turned to the group of crows on the other side and shouted out “Look birdies! Food!!!” And one them just swooped on over and snatched it up.

little girls who go around after it rains and pick up the worms off the sidewalk and throw them back in the dirt are the cornerstone of our society and we should all strive to have that level of compassion for each other and for the natural world

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